Fallberichte in der Misteltherapie - Paul G. Werthmann 12. September 2019, Zürich
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Fallberichte in der Misteltherapie Paul G. Werthmann 12. September 2019, Zürich Institut für Infektionsprävention und Krankenhaushygiene Institut für angewandte Erkenntnistheorie Uni-Zentrum für Naturheilkunde und medizinische Methodologie Universitätsklinikum Freiburg • Universität Freiburg An-Institut der Universität Witten/Herdecke Paul G. Werthmann 1/30
Übersicht über das Projekt Fallberichte in der Misteltherapie 111 aufgenommene Fälle 6 Fälle in Bearbeitung 93 Fälle nicht weiter ausgearbeitet 2 Fälle fortgeschritten Ø Relevanz zu gering Ø Dokumentation nicht 10 publizierte Fälle ausreichend Ø Diagnoseänderung bei Überprüfung Ø Wunsch des Patienten/ der Angehörigen Paul G. Werthmann 2/30
Suchstrategie nach besondere Fällen Kontakte der Studie „Qualitative Mistelstudie: Individuelle onkologische Misteltherapie durch speziell befähigte Ärzte“ Darstellungen auf Fortbildungen der GAÄD z.B. Onkologie-Tagung Kontakte auf Tagungen etc. Mail-Forum der GAÄD (forum-AM) Paul G. Werthmann 3/30
Wie erfolgt die Ausarbeitung? Gesichtete Patientenfälle Einverständnis zur Einsicht/Publikation Relevanzprüfung Validitätsprüfung Patientenfall für Fallbericht Paul G. Werthmann 5/30
Validitäts- und Relevanzprüfung Was ist das Besondere Wie an diesem Fall? besonders/relevant ist dieser Fall im Hinblick auf den Behandlergespräch aktuellen Lässt sich der Verlauf Wissensstand lückenlos nachvollziehen? Patientenakte Fachliteratur ? Lenz et al. JGLD. 2011; 20(4):389-396. Sind alle wichtigen Patientengespräch CARE-Leitlinie Daten vorhanden? Ist die Schilderung Wie wurde der Fall vom vollständig und Patienten erlebt? sinnvoll gegliedert? Stimmen die Befunde mit der Behandler/ Schilderung des Patienten Diagnostiker überein? Lassen sich die Befunde der Patientenakte belegen? Kommen neue Erkenntnisse seit der Erstbeurteilung hinzu? Wie werden die Originalbefunde nach dem Paul G. Werthmann heutigen Stand des Wissens beurteilt? 6/30
Validität von Fallberichten Markiert Mitosen. Zytoplasmatisch saures Gliafaser- Patientin mit Diagnose „Glioblastom“ mit HE MAP2 GFAP MiB-1 protein und fort- satztragend MAP2 einer Überlebenszeit von 6 Jahren unter exprimierende gliale Zellen mit hoher integrativer Therapie Timeline Patient with anaplastic oligodendroglioma Proliferationsrate. 1p/19q codeleted Case report Initial elaboration diagnosis and revision Tumor free of the Glioblastoma multiforme supratentorial, MGMT + survival: diagnose clinical course 66 months oligodendroglioma 1p/19q codeleted (till publication) 48 years Anaplastic CT-Scan PET-Scan no relapse year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 VAE ISC P S1 AVF 0,02 AVF 0,1 AVF 0,1 AVF 0,2 AVF 0,2 therapy HT TMZ RTx local hyperthermia of the left frontal head region local hyperthermia of the left frontal head region local hyperthermia of the left frontal head region MRI of the head region Paul G. Werthmann and 1 whole body hyperthermia and 2 whole body hyperthermia 7/30
Validität von Fallberichten Papilläres, Patientin mit Diagnose Adenokarzinom des Ovars, Überlebenszeit von 12 Jahren unter alleiniger seröses Adeno- karzinom des rechten Ovars Misteltherapie nach Operation 51-jährige Patientin, Diagnose Adenokarzinom des Ovars, Adnektomie und Netzresektion. Überraschend guter Verlauf bei primär schlechter Prognose bei postoperativ noch vorhandenen Tumoranteilen unter Misteltherapie ohne Chemotherapie mit einer Nachbeobachtungszeit von mehr als 12 Jahren. Histologische ... Heute würde man vermutlich einen serösen Borderlinetumor des Ovars Kontrolle mit invasiven und nicht-invasiven peritonealen Implants diagnostizieren. Differentialdiagnostisch könnte man noch über ein low grade seröses Adenokarzinom diskutieren. Ein high grade seröses Adenokarzinom liegt aber nicht vor. Paul G. Werthmann 8/30
Validität von Fallberichten Timeline of the patient with Hodgkin‘s lymphoma IIIb 71 years 78 years Patientin mit Diagnose M. Initial diagnose resolution of peripheral edema Hodgkin, enlarged nodes of all regions peripheral edema, dyspnea, Vollständige Remission Hodgkin’s lymphoma IIIb complete remission unrelated to cancer unter alleiniger cardiac death, first symptoms BSG 88mm/h no relapse Misteltherapie VAE treatment weeks -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // years hospital treatment: 7 weeks follow-up: 7 years Histologische Kontrolle Paul G. Werthmann 9/30
Publikationen Werthmann PG, Kempenich R, Lang-Avérous G, Kienle, Gunver S. Long-term Survival of a Patient With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Under 3.365 Adjunct Treatment With Viscum album Extracts – A Case Report. World J Gastroenterol. March 2019. doi:10.3748/wjg.v25.i12.0000 Werthmann PG, Kindermann L, Kienle GS. Chemoimmunotherapy in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report of a Long-Term 1.053 (2013 for Forsch Survivor Adjunctly Treated with Viscum album Extracts. Complementary Medicine Research. March 2019:1-4. doi:10.1159/000496866 KomplMed) Werthmann PG, Kempenich R, Kienle GS. Long-Term Tumor-Free Survival in a Patient with Stage IV Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Undergoing - High-Dose Chemotherapy and Viscum album Extract Treatment: A Case Report. The Permanente Journal. 2019;23. doi:10.7812/TPP/18-025 Werthmann PG, Inter P, Welsch T, et al. Long-term tumor-free survival in a metastatic pancreatic carcinoma patient with FOLFIRINOX/ Mitomycin, high-dose, fever inducing Viscum album extracts and subsequent R0 resection: A case report. Medicine. 2018;97(49):e13243. 1.804 doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000013243 Reynel M, Villegas Y, Kiene H, Werthmann PG, Kienle GS. Intralesional and subcutaneous application of Viscum album L. (European mistletoe) extract in cervical carcinoma in situ: A CARE compliant case report. Medicine. 2018;97(48):e13420. 1.804 doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000013420 Gutsch J, Werthmann PG, Rosenwald A, Kienle GS. Complete Remission and Long-term Survival of a Patient with a Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Under Extracts After Resistance to R-CHOP: A Case Report. Anticancer Research. 2018;38(9):5363-5369. 1.937 doi:10.21873/anticanres.12865 Werthmann PG, Huber R, Kienle GS. Durable clinical remission of a skull metastasis under intralesional Viscum album extract therapy: 2.471 Case report. Head & Neck. June 2018. doi:10.1002/hed.25320 Werthmann PG, Kindermann L, Kienle GS. A 21-year course of Merkel cell carcinoma with adjuvant Viscum album extract treatment: A case 2.084 report. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. April 2018. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2018.04.001 Werthmann PG, Saltzwedel G, Kienle GS. Minor regression and long-time survival (56 months) in a patient with malignant pleural mesothelioma under Viscum album and Helleborus niger extracts—a case report. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2017;3(2). 2.365 doi:10.21037/jtd.2017.11.56 Werthmann PG, Hintze A, Kienle GS. Complete remission and long-term survival of a patient with melanoma metastases treated with high- 1.804 dose fever-inducing Viscum album extract: A case report. Medicine. 2017;96(46):e8731. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000008731 Paul G. Werthmann 10/30
Tumorentitäten der Publikationen Lymphom Malignes Melanom Merkelzellkarzinom Nierenzellkarzinom Ovarialkarzinom Pankreaskarzinom (2 Fallberichte) Pleuramesotheliom Schädelmetastase Paul G. Werthmann 11/30
Ergebnisse der Publikationen Tumor- Langzeit- Lebensqualitäts- regression überleben verbesserung Lymphom Malignes Melanom Merkelzellkarzinom Nierenzellkarzinom Ovarialkarzinom Pankreaskarzinom (A) Pankreaskarzinom (B) Pleuramesotheliom Schädelmetastase Paul G. Werthmann 12/30
Besonderheiten der Publikationen Lymphom Vollständige Remission nach Chemotherapie-Resistenz (R-CHOP) Malignes Melanom Vollständige Remission von Melanom-Metastasen Merkelzellkarzinom Langzeitüberleben von 21 Jahren unter chirurgischer Therapie und Misteltherapie Nierenzellkarzinom Vollständige Remission unter Immunochemotherapie und Misteltherapie Ovarialkarzinom Langzeitüberleben von 20 Jahren unter chirurgischer Therapie und Misteltherapie Pankreaskarzinom (A) Teilremission und Langzeitüberleben unter lokaler fieberinduzierender Misteltherapie Langzeitüberleben von 5 Jahren (63 Monaten) unter Bestrahlung, Chemotherapie, Pankreaskarzinom (B) Radiofrequenzablatioin und Misteltherapie Teilremission und Langzeitüberleben (56 Monate) unter Helleborus niger- und Pleuramesotheliom Misteltherapie Schädelmetastase Teilremission und Langzeitüberleben unter intratumoraler Misteltherapie Paul G. Werthmann 13/30
Zur Therapie Hersteller Wirtsbäume subcutan intravenös intraläsional Lymphom Helixor Pini x x Mali, Mali spez, Quercus, Malignes Melanom Iscador x x x Quercus F, Pini Merkelzellkarzinom Helixor Abietis x Nierenzellkarzinom Helixor Abietis x x Ovarialkarzinom Iscador Mali, Pini x Pankreaskarzinom (A) Abnoba, Iscucin Fraxini, Salicis x x Pankreaskarzinom (B) Iscador Quercus x Pleuramesotheliom Abnoba, Helixor, Iscador Pini, Fraxini x x Schädelmetastase Abnoba Fraxini x x Paul G. Werthmann 14/30
Fallberichte über Misteltherapie in der heutigen Medizin Laccourreye O, Werner A, Laccourreye L, Bonfils P. Benefits, pitfalls and risks of phytotherapy in clinical practice Paul G. Werthmann in otorhinolaryngology. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases. November 2016 15/30
ue to cancer in the head and neck induce apoptosis in oral cancer cells in vitro.62 Scutellariae diammine dichloride is an anticancer radix is one of the most widely used anticancer herbal cancer therapy but has serious side- medicines in several Asian countries induces apoptosis in mia. To reduce the adverse effect of chemo-resistant human tongue cancer cells.63 The dried root y gland function, some additional of Saussurea lappa Dance which has been traditionally used for o Chinese medical herbal extracts abdominal pain in Asia inhibits oral cancer cell proliferation ncus effusus and Paeonia suffruticosa nar cells Herbal medicine … Irani S from apoptosis. Hence, they Fallberichte über Misteltherapie via apoptosis pathway. 64 A previous study on adenoid cystic carcinoma indicated that intratumoral Journal of International high-dose Oral Health 2016; 8(10):989-994 tive drugs to prevent Received: 13th MayCis-platinum in der heutigen Medizin 2016 Accepted: 10th injections August 2016of ABNOBAviscum Quercus and ABNOBAviscum Conflicts of Interest: None FraxiniViscum album extracts which are endotoxin-free plant Source of Support: This research was supported only by Hamadan University of Medical Sciences Review Article extracts from European Viscum album extract could decrease Doi: 10.2047/jioh-08-10-09 current parotitis (JRP) is the second the size of tumor without any side effects such as fever, local Herbal us salivary glandMedicine disease and Oral Health: during swelling, and pain.65 Although low-dose adjunct A Review inflammation, ule is a Soussan preparation Irani1,2of an extract of VAE treatment has shown any side effect on head and neck traditional medicine, and completely cancer patients, cytotoxic effects of VAE have been observed th a significant reduction of average in head and neck SCC cell lines.66 Table 1 summarizes the Contributors: effect of herbal medicinetherapyin oraltohealth. treat different types of cancer such as metastatic 1 Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology, Dental bladder cancer in both lungs without chemotherapy or Research Center, Dental Faculty, Dental Research Center, radiotherapy.7 The metastatic and angiogenic potential of Table 1: The effect of herbal medicine Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran; in oral health. Anisi stellate fructus extract were examined in in vitro and 2 Dental Lecturer, caries Gingivitis Department of Pathology,and periodontitis School Oral diseasein vivo studies.Oral of Medicine, Griffith Thecancer results showed that it remarkably reduced obiomeUniversity, Gold Coast, Australia. the number of pulmonary metastatic colonies in mice and eolata Correspondence: Rhus coriaria L. Pomegranate extract (P. granatum) Jinlianqingre Effervescent Pterostilbene also suppressed in vivo tumor-induced angiogenesis through Dr. Irani EmodinS. Dental Faculty, Shahid Chamomile Fahmideh Street, Hamadan extract Reduning Vitis vinifera 65178-38741, Iran. Tel.: +98813-8354250, Fax: +98813-8354220. a reduction of pro-angiogenic factors in tumors.8 One of the and gall nut Rokumigan Baikal skullcap Insect tea Email: sousanirani@gmail.com traditional herbal medicines is Guibitang, which induces ts apoptotic death in colon cancer cells by regulating the unculifoliaHow to cite the article: Canavanine Oxitard Iranian orthodox black tea Irani S. Herbal medicine and oral health: A review. J Int Oral GingerHealth activities of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Furthermore, Scutellariae radix 2016;8(10):989-994. Guibitang Chamomilla tincture stimulates MAPKs and p53 signaling pathways that Saussurea lappa dance Abstract: Quercetin are required for cell growth and tumorigenesis.9 Interestingly, European Viscum album extract Medicinal plants have been used since ancient times for the Zeng Ye decoction stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth differentiate treatment of different diseases. Natural sources are one of the Malva sylvestrisinto L. functional hepatocyte-like cells by herbal medicine such important fields of research for preventing immunological as liquorice 10 Alcea digitata (Boiss) Alef or angelica extracts. complications. Using herbal medicine has decreased as the result Huangqi granule of the development of chemical drugs. This review aimed to study Oral health has a great impact on the general quality of life, herbal medicine regarding the oral cavity. English literature was and poor oral health has a great impact on chronic conditions searched with the terms “herbal medicine and oral cavity” in two and systemic diseases. In the oral cavity, herbal medicine has Paul G. Werthmann data bases of PubMed, and Google scholar Iraniamong S. Herbal Medicine and published Oral Health: A Review. Journal of International Oral Health. 2016;8(10):989. 11 studies 16/30
www.pancreatica.org Paul G. Werthmann 17/30
Fallberichte zur Misteltherapie von anderen Autoren Clinical Case Report Medicine ® Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions CASE REPORT BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-227652 on 31 March 2019. Downloaded from http://casereports.bmj.com/ on 2 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright. OPEN Hwang et al. Medicine (2019) 98:8 Medicine Prolonged stabilization of platinum-refractory Supportive mistletoe therapy in a patient with ovarian cancer in a single patient undergoing long-term Mistletoe extract treatment metastasised neuroblastoma Case report Woo Yeon Hwang, MD, Mi Hyun Kang, MD, Seul Ki Lee, MD, Ji Su Yeom, MD, Min Hyung Jung, MD, PhD ∗ Jens Kaestner,1 Dietrich Schlodder,2 Christfried Preussler,3 Bernd Gruhn1 Abstract Rationale: Advanced ovarian malignancies are associated with poor overall survival; thus, patients often turn to alternative 1 treatments, despite the controversy surrounding their use. Mistletoe extract has been commonly used as complementary medicine Klinik für Kinder- und SUMMARY autologous stem cell transplantation. This form of Downloaded from https://journals.lww.com/md-journal by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3q7dCwSUxuLiwIDB5u4dHFNMAAqil+T/+3Ga1du6qZdFnk0QseUzDAA== on 02/28/2019 to treat patients with cancer for several decades, and has proven benefits in integrative oncology. Jugendmedizin, Friedrich- Therapies of complementary and alternative medicine therapy should always be administered in a paedi- Patient concerns: A 47-year-old woman with stage IVB ovarian cancer who underwent optimal surgical cytoreduction, but Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, whose disease persisted after adjuvant platinum-based combination chemotherapy and 2nd-line chemotherapy. (CAM) are used increasingly in paediatric oncology. atric oncology setting in controlled therapy-optimi- Germany sation trials. Hwang et al. Medicine (2019) 98:8 Diagnosis and interventions: The patient discontinued chemotherapy due to her septic condition and acute kidney injury Medicine 2 We present and discuss the influence of supportive Research and Development, accompanied by acute pyelonephritis, and opted for adjuvant treatment with mistletoe extract. mistletoe therapy on factors, such as quality of life, Alongside such vital standard therapies, comple- Helixor Heilmittel GmbH, Outcomes: The patient has achieved good health without progression of cancer or ascites over the 42 months since the 1st Rosenfeld, Germany physical ability Unexpected and performance, outcome (positive orandnegative) course of disease mentarydrug including adverse oncological reactionsprocedures are also adminis- diagnosis and 24 months since the last relapse. 3 based on the case of a female patient diagnosed at age tered in the treatment of childhood cancer. Among Medical Science, Helixor Lessions: Our case suggests that mistletoe extract can produce favorable outcomes in patients with platinum-refractory ovarian parents surveyed in a large population-based study, 18 with metastasised neuroblastoma, which responded BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-227652 on 31 March 2019. Downloaded from http://casereports.bmj.com/ on 2 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copy cancer. Heilmittel GmbH, Rosenfeld, Germany insufficiently to chemotherapy. which was conducted in cooperation with the Abbreviations: CAM = complementary and alternative medicine, CT = computed tomography, QOL = quality of life. German Childhood Cancer Registry and included Keywords: complementary and alternative medicine, helixor, mistletoe extract, ovarian cancer, platinum-refractory Correspondence to 1595 children with malignant tumours, 35% of Dr Christfried Preussler, respondents stated that their child’s course of treat- cpreussler@helixor.de BACKGROUND ment included complementary and alternative ther- 1. Introduction commonly used mistletoe product that we administered to our Neuroblastoma (NB) is a malignant disease that apies (CAM). Anthroposophic medicine, including patient. It is an aqueous cold extract made from white-berry Accepted 28 February 2019 develops in certain types of nerve tissue, such as the Ovarian cancer is widely known as the mostFigure lethal1.disease Plot ofamong CA 125 from initial diagnosis (March 2015) through recent date. Paclitaxel/Carboplatin chemotherapy from April 2015 through August 2015 and mistletoe therapy, was an option used by 26.7% of 2019 2019 mistletoe (Viscum album), which grows on various trees. The gynecological malignancies. Although many Pegylated treatment liposomal doxorubicin/Bevacizumab chemotherapy from October 2015 through August 2016. methods, sympathetic nerve trunk, adrenal medulla or other immunoprotective and tumor-inhibiting properties of mistletoe CAM users. In terms of effect on the disease, 63% including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal extract are attributable primarily to the glycoprotein lectin.[4] tissue in the sympathetic nervous system. With of the parents had a positive opinion of CAM.3 and targeted therapy, are well established, these therapies are less effective for advanced-stage disease, and recurrence remains an Mistletoe extracts have been shown anticancer effect reducing about 1.1 cases per 100 000 children, it is the most Medicinal products made from white-berry cancer cell viability in various in-vitro studies.[4] Mistletoe issue in patients with ovarian cancer due to the side effects and the treatments are used primarily to improve quality of life (QOL) frequent extracranial solid tumour of childhood. mistletoe (Viscum album L.) have been clinically risk of toxicity to normal cells.[1] Thus, adjuvant options for Because NB is an embryonal tumour, the median administered in cancer patients since 1917. The during conventional therapy, to increase tolerability to chemo- ovarian cancer treatment must be identified. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has been developed in the recent therapy, and to exert beneficial effects on tumor control and age of patients at diagnosis is approximately 2 years. products are registered in several European coun- survival.[5,6] Repeated intraperitoneal administration of mistletoe years and is gaining interest.[2] extract can reduce fluid accumulation in patients with malignant Less than 5 per cent of newly diagnosed children tries and number among the most frequently admin- Among CAM therapies, mistletoe extracts are the herbal ascites.[7] Here, we report the case of a patient with ovarian are over the age of 10.1 istered forms of CAM in oncological treatment.4 extracts applied most commonly to treat cancer.[3] Helixor is a cancer who developed progressive disease after conventional The initial symptoms of NB depend on the Both their biologically active substances (mistletoe 2nd-line chemotherapy, but achieved stable disease status after Editor: N/A. Figure 1. Plot of CA 125 from initial diagnosis (March 2015) 24 through recentofdate. months Paclitaxel/Carboplatin treatment chemotherapy with a mistletoe product from as April 2015 through August 2015 and an alternative tumour location and are often vague. They can lectin, viscotoxins, oligosaccharides and polysac- Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin/Bevacizumab chemotherapy from October 2015 through August 2016. The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. therapy. include visible or palpable swelling on the neck or charides, and polyphenols and flavonoids) and their Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyung Hee University Medical Center, abdomen, bone pain, weight loss and changes in pharmacological effects, such as apoptosis induc- Seoul, South Korea. ∗ Correspondence: Min Hyung Jung, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2. Case report the skin or around the eyes. Many diagnoses occur tion via the mitochondrial pathway, and immuno- Kyung Hee University Medical Center, Seoul 90034, South Korea A 47-year-old female patient who presented with painless unexpectedly during routine paediatric check-ups modulation and DNA protection in lymphocytes, (e-mail: webhospital@naver.com). abdominal distension over 2 months was referred to our or exams involving other concerns. are well documented (see5 for an overview). Copyright © 2019 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. institution for evaluation and treatment. She had no specific This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative medical history except for abdominal distension and dyspnea. The course of disease can vary widely among In a review of numerous clinical studies, 21 Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC- ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is The abdomen was distended with bulging flanks, dullness to individuals and depends largely on risk factors as prospective randomised trials that involved the properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially percussion, and a positive shifting dullness. Her serum CA 125 well as the level of tumour infiltration, patient age, administration of oncological mistletoe therapy without permission from the journal. level was 768 IU/mL (Fig. 1) and her C-reactive protein level was Medicine (2019) 98:8(e14536) elevated. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis and molecular genetic alterations (N-Myc amplifi- satisfied the strict criteria established by Cochrane.4 Received: 19 October 2018 / Received in final form: 17 January 2019 / revealed cancer peritonitis with peritoneal seeding around both cation) and chromosome 1 mutations (1 p deletion, In 14 out of 16 studies that examined quality of life, ovaries and the uterus, liver, and spleen, with omental cake Accepted: 23 January 2019 1 p imbalance or loss of heterozygosity of the 1 p mistletoe therapy was linked to a positive influence http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000014536 formation and ascites (Fig. 2A). Although CT did not reveal the chromosomal arm) in tumour cells. At the time of on quality of life and a better tolerance of chemo- 1 diagnosis, about one-half of all the patients present therapy. Moreover, a recent study also demon- with some form of metastasis, typically occurring in strated a significant impact of mistletoe therapy on the bone or bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver, skin survival of cancer patients.6 This result is supported and, less frequently, in the CNS or lung.2 by previous series of studies, though their method- Figure 2. Computed tomography (CT) images. (A) Initial computed tomography images showing cancer peritonitis with massive ascites and peritoneal seeding of unknown primary origin. (B) CT after conventional chemotherapy showing progression of peritoneal carcinomatosis associated with large amount of ascites with Standard treatment includes surgical removal ological quality is notably weaker.7 increased peritoneal nodularites. CT = computed tomography. © BMJ Publishing Group of the tumour elements, chemotherapy, and radi- All of the above trials involved the treatment of Limited 2019. Re-use ation and administration of metaiodobenzylguani- adult cancer patients. In paediatric settings, we can permitted under CC BY-NC. No 2 Figure 1 Treatment and course of dine (MIBG) the disease. HR, highwith a radioactive risk; MIBG, tracer for metaiodobenzylguanidine; NB, internal neuroblastoma; draw on decades PNET, primitive of experience in administering neuroectodermal commercial re-use. See rights tumour. targeted radiation therapy of the NB tumour. V. album L. to children in specialised anthropos- Hwang WY, Kang MH, Lee SK, Yeom JS, Jung MH. Prolonged and permissions. Published Kaestner J, Schlodder D, Preussler C, Gruhn B. Supportive MIBG is an organic compound that is structurally ophic hospitals during or after standard therapy.8 by BMJ. stabilization of platinum-refractory ovarian cancer in a single mistletoe therapy in a When related to norepinephrine. patient withtometastasised attached radio- There are also some individual case reports Figure 2. Computed tomography (CT) images. (A) Initial computed tomography images showing cancer peritonitis with massive ascites and peritoneal seeding of Topractice, up to 12.5 cite: Kaestner J, mg (0.25 mLactive Helixor A 50 mg). During this the scintiscan and the MRI showed new tumour growth in the patient unknown primary origin. (B) CT after conventional undergoing chemotherapy showing progressionlong-term Mistletoe of peritoneal carcinomatosis associated withextract large amount oftreatment: ascites with Case time, theD,patient Schlodder neuroblastoma. experienced Preussler C, iodine, a significant it can increase BMJ be usedCase in physical to lefttreat Reports. neuroendocrine proximal humerus, the2019;12(3):e227652. seconddetailing right rib, onimpressive developments in the course of the angulus infe- increased peritoneal nodularites. CT = computed tomography. report. Medicine. 2019;98(8):e14536. and subjective well-being. She tumours herasstamina well doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-227652 regained as to for nuclear accom- riormedicine and scapulae, and in molec- wing. Yet,9–11 the right iliacdisease. the Yet, there patient is still a lack of formal clinical did not et al. BMJ Case Rep plish everyday activities, and even sports, ular imaging. such as cycling, were report any pain or restrictions. Diagnostic imaging in March and 2019;12:e227652. trials on mistletoe therapy in paediatric cancer. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000014536 2 once again possible. The patient felt well and her symptoms had May 2013 showed an enlargement of the lesion in the left prox- doi:10.1136/bcr-2018- High-risk patients disappeared. She was able to complete her schooling in summer may additionally require Given the above imal humerus while the other tumour foci remained unchanged. situation, a prospective, multi- 227652 myeloablative high-doseinchemotherapy followed showed byelevatedcentre levels ofrandomised phase IV trial was conducted Paul G. Werthmann 2012 and start a university degree October 2012. programme in psychology Urine samples also HVA and VMA. On the basis of the patient’s good general the tumour markers 18/30
® Year Clinical Case Report Medicine 0 OPEN cM0, Initial excision 61 years pT1a, N0, > Surgical Diagnosis Complete remission and long-term survival of a left auricle, MCM of the patient with melanoma metastases treated with high-dose fever-inducing Viscum album extract Paul G. Werthmann A case report ∗ 1 Paul G. Werthmann, MDa, , Alexander Hintze, MDb, Gunver S. Kienle, MDa,c left lesion Abstract auricle excision 65 years > Surgical Introduction: Metastatic malignant cutaneous melanoma (MCM)—a highly immunogenic cancer—typically has a poor prognosis. Recurrent Timeline Viscum album extracts (VAEs) have strong immune-stimulating, apoptogenic, and cytotoxic effects. Case presentation: A 66-year-old MCM patient with newly diagnosed lymph node metastases opted for sole VAE treatment. VAEs were initially applied subcutaneously, and then later in exceptionally high, fever-inducing doses, both intravenously and intralesionally. The metastases shrunk over the following months, and after 2 years, all lesions had completely remitted (regional and hilar lymph nodes). The patient has been tumor free for 3.5 years at the time of publication (and for 5 years since initiation of 2 intensified VAE treatment). Besides fever and flu-like symptoms, no side effects occurred. Discussion: We presume that VAE triggered an increased release of tumor-associated antigens, enhanced immunologic recognition, and increased immune response against the tumor tissue and induced tumor remission. Abbreviations: AJCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer, BRAF = rapidly growing fibrosarcoma type B gene, FDG = Fludeoxyglucose (18F), MCM = malignant cutaneous melanoma, ML = mistletoe lectin, PET-CT = positron emission tomography– computed tomography, UICC = Union internationale contre le cancer, VAE = Viscum album extracts, VT = viscotoxin. Keywords: complete remission, fever, malignant cutaneous melanoma, Mistletoe, Viscum album extract 5 3 hilar left gland and metastases Editor: Satyabrata Pany. 1. Introduction Authorship: PGW, AH, and GSK contributed to the case report design. AH was Malignant cutaneous melanoma (MCM) is the sixth most the physician in charge and provided the patient’s information. PGW and AH common of all cancers and the deadliest of all skin cancers, with collected and provided the data. PGW was the principle author of the paper, had increasing incidence worldwide (incidence and mortality are 9.3– full access to all data, and is the guarantor. GSK supervised the case report and publication processes. 10.2 and 1.2–2.0 per 100,000 people, respectively). MCM has a 4 fair prognosis in local disease (20-year survival of 75%) but a biopsy Funding/support: This case report was prepared following the CARE Guidelines. 66 years and hilar dismal prognosis in metastatic disease (5-year survival of 5– Informed consent was received from the patient for the publication of the report metastases Lymph node Lymph node 19%). Risk factors are male gender, light skin (non-Hispanic confirmed by left parotid parotid gland and accompanying images. The patient read the submission version of the report and confirmed its content. whites), increased ultraviolet (UV) index (intense, intermittent The authors declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to sun exposure; tanning beds), and immunosuppression. Complete the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: IFAEMM has received Stays in IAM hospital surgical excision is the standard of care for early melanoma restricted research grants, honoraria, and travel expenses from Weleda, Abnoba, treatment and can cure minimally invasive and in situ lesions. and Helixor. None of them had any influence on the design, conduction, analysis, Excision of lymph nodes and systemic adjuvant immunotherapy and publication of the study. AH declared no conflict of interest. a is recommended for locally advanced disease. Metastatic disease Institute for Applied Epistemology and Medical Methodology (IFAEMM) at the 5 University of Witten/Herdecke, Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany, b Klinik Arlesheim, is treated with surgical metastasectomy, immunotherapy, Arlesheim, Switzerland, c Center for Complementary Medicine, Institute for targeted therapies, and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy is Environmental Health Sciences and Hospital Infection Control, Medical Center – restricted to patients whose disease cannot be controlled with University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. immunotherapy or targeted agents.[1] ∗ Metastasis decreasing left parotid Correspondence: Paul G. Werthmann, Institute for Applied Epistemology and MCM shows a high immunogenicity and has played a key role gland stable, Medical Methodology at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Zechenweg 6, D- in the development of tumor immunology. Of particular interest 79111 Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany (e-mail: paul.werthmann@ifaemm.de). is the unusually high rate of spontaneous regression of primary Copyright © 2017 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. lesions (3.7–15% but without impacting survival); a fair rate of This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build spontaneous remission of metastatic disease (about 0.23% with a upon the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as the author is credited positive impact on survival); regression of MCM after infections 6 6 and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. or immunologic active treatments; and lymphocyte infiltration in Medicine (2017) 96:46(e8731) regressed lesions and depigmentation of the site of regression.[2] Enlarged timeline on therapy and diagnostic intervention hilar metastasis No brain Received: 1 June 2017 / Received in final form: 12 October 2017 / Accepted: 13 Furthermore, an increased number of infections and episodes of metastases October 2017 high fever, as well as previous history of certain vaccinations, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000008731 are correlated with a reduced risk of developing MCM.[3,4] 1 Subcutaneous VAE therapy Intravenous VAE therapy Intralesional VAE therapy 7 remission, Metastasis decreasing hilar metastasis parotid gland in 8 treated with high-dose fever-inducing Viscum album extract: A case report. Medicine. November 2017;96(46):e8731. Werthmann PG, Hintze A, Kienle GS. Complete remission and long-term survival of a patient with melanoma metastases Remission unter alleiniger Misteltherapie PET-Scan 9 Metastasis left no suspect FDG parotid gland and hilar metastasis in uptake at follow-up complete remission, VAE: Viscum album extract FDG: 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Patientin mit Melanom-Metastasen und vollständiger 10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging MCM: Malignant cutaneous melanoma IAM: Integrative Anthroposophic Medicine 19/30 72 years
excision Patientin mit Melanom-Metastasen Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Timeline Enlarged timeline on therapy and fever response 39.5 response (°C) 39.4 39.0 Fever 38.8 38.5 38.0 37.5 37.6 200 200 Viscum album Qu F (mg) Intralesional 150 150 100 80 50 40 0 Iscador M 200 200 200 200 Intravenous VAE Iscador Qu 200 200 100 200 Iscador M Spez 100 200 (mg) 200 Viscum album Qu F 200 200 200 200 200 120 160 280 Iscador P 200 200 120 300 100 200 200 200 200 200 ® 150 Medicine 120 82.5 600 500 500 400 120 300 135 165 800 150 120 15 45 600 39 105 60 200 75 90 1000 1300 1600 2000 2000 2000 2000 1400 1400 1200 1400 240 200 600 Subcutan. Iscador P 60 mg s.c. 3x per week VAE 6 7 Fever response: the highest body temperature during every treatment and follow-up period is indicated. Intravenous-VAE: VAE was administered in a 500 mL normal saline solution and infused slowly over a period of 3 hours (infusion speed 2.7mL/Min). Werthmann PG, Hintze A, Kienle GS. Complete remission and long-term survival of a patient with melanoma metastases Paul G. Werthmann treated with high-dose fever-inducing Viscum album extract: A case report. Medicine. November 2017;96(46):e8731. 20/30
Patientin mit Melanom-Metastasen 39,5 39 mean lowest temperature 38,5 Temperature (°C) 38 highest temperature 37,5 37 ® Medicine 36,5 intravenous infusion of VAE 36 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Time (minutes) Werthmann PG, Hintze A, Kienle GS. Complete remission and long-term survival of a patient with melanoma metastases Paul G. Werthmann treated with high-dose fever-inducing Viscum album extract: A case report. Medicine. November 2017;96(46):e8731. 21/30
® e (10.5 ase, no natural e, is in of this herapy (range eport Medicine OPEN used. withThe e remission and long-term survival of a Paul G. Werthmann a rectal/vaginal ith melanoma metastases treated with patient also e fever-inducing Viscum album extract temperature ort suffered ∗ n, MDa, , Alexander Hintze, MDb, Gunver S. Kienle, MDa,c 3 suffered a cranial base fracture. probe. astatic malignant cutaneous melanoma (MCM)—a highly immunogenic cancer—typically has a poor prognosis. cts (VAEs) have strong immune-stimulating, apoptogenic, and cytotoxic effects. magnesium, the patient took fish oil capsules. n: A 66-year-old MCM patient with newly diagnosed lymph node metastases opted for sole VAE treatment. pplied subcutaneously, and then later in exceptionally high, fever-inducing doses, both intravenously and 3. Antecedent and concomitant therapies etastases shrunk over the following months, and after 2 years, all lesions had completely remitted (regional es). The patient has been tumor free for 3.5 years at the time of publication (and for 5 years since initiation of ment). Besides fever and flu-like symptoms, no side effects occurred. he 3 years after recurrence of the tumor and the 2 years of intensified VAE therapy. presume that VAE triggered an increased release of tumor-associated antigens, enhanced immunologic life events from her early childhood.[29] In addition to nutritional provided by her health insurance, where she worked on negative supplements containing sodium, calcium, potassium, and The patient participated in seminars on mental healing, conization. Forty-three years before diagnosis with MCM, she initial diagnosis of MCM, the patient had been diagnosed with from advanced osteochondrosis medicine.[28] No other cancer-specific medical treatments were individualized therapy concept of integrative anthroposophic intervertebralis, goiter, and migraine. Fourteen years before the In this case, high-dose VAE therapy was used within an carcinoma in situ of the cervix, which was treated with laser reased immune response against the tumor tissue and induced tumor remission. JCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer, BRAF = rapidly growing fibrosarcoma type B gene, FDG = F), MCM = malignant cutaneous melanoma, ML = mistletoe lectin, PET-CT = positron emission tomography– hy, UICC = Union internationale contre le cancer, VAE = Viscum album extracts, VT = viscotoxin. ete remission, fever, malignant cutaneous melanoma, Mistletoe, Viscum album extract 4. Patient’s view 1. Introduction GSK contributed to the case report design. AH was Malignant cutaneous melanoma (MCM) is the sixth most provided the patient’s information. PGW and AH common of all cancers and the deadliest of all skin cancers, with data. PGW was the principle author of the paper, had increasing incidence worldwide (incidence and mortality are 9.3– s the guarantor. GSK supervised the case report and 10.2 and 1.2–2.0 per 100,000 people, respectively). MCM has a Patientenperspektive report was prepared following the CARE Guidelines. fair prognosis in local disease (20-year survival of 75%) but a dismal prognosis in metastatic disease (5-year survival of 5– ived from the patient for the publication of the report The patient read the submission version of the report 19%). Risk factors are male gender, light skin (non-Hispanic whites), increased ultraviolet (UV) index (intense, intermittent llowing potential conflicts of interest with respect to sun exposure; tanning beds), and immunosuppression. Complete d/or publication of this article: IFAEMM has received surgical excision is the standard of care for early melanoma onoraria, and travel expenses from Weleda, Abnoba, treatment and can cure minimally invasive and in situ lesions. ad any influence on the design, conduction, analysis, Figure 2. Course of body temperature during 10 sample treatments with intravenous infusions of VAE in the day clinic. Temperature was continuously recorded before further therapy was continued. During this time, I University Hospital that it would most likely be a month found out about intensive Mistletoe Therapy and the hospital confidence in myself and that I could contribute to my own Following the diagnosis of the metastases, I was told at the offering Anthroposophic Medicine. I learnt that I could have Excision of lymph nodes and systemic adjuvant immunotherapy . AH declared no conflict of interest. is recommended for locally advanced disease. Metastatic disease mology and Medical Methodology (IFAEMM) at the e, Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany, b Klinik Arlesheim, is treated with surgical metastasectomy, immunotherapy, nter for Complementary Medicine, Institute for targeted therapies, and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy is es and Hospital Infection Control, Medical Center – restricted to patients whose disease cannot be controlled with urg, Germany. Patientin mit Melanom-Metastasen immunotherapy or targeted agents.[1] Werthmann, Institute for Applied Epistemology and MCM shows a high immunogenicity and has played a key role University of Witten/Herdecke, Zechenweg 6, D- in the development of tumor immunology. Of particular interest rmany (e-mail: paul.werthmann@ifaemm.de). is the unusually high rate of spontaneous regression of primary r(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. lesions (3.7–15% but without impacting survival); a fair rate of le distributed under the Creative Commons Werthmann P, Hintze A, Kienle GS. Vollständige Metastasenremission und Langzeitüberleben bei einer Melanompatientin unter se 4.0, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build spontaneous remission of metastatic disease (about 0.23% with a mercial purposes, as long as the author is credited positive impact on survival); regression of MCM after infections hochdosierter, fieberinduzierender Viscum-album-Extrakt-Therapie. Der Merkurstab. 2019;72(1):36-42. doi:10.14271/DMS-21048-DE tragen, weil ich mich in der Behandlung sicher fühlte.“ icensed under the identical terms. or immunologic active treatments; and lymphocyte infiltration in ich die intensivierte Misteltherapie und das Spital mit die teils schmerzhaften Injektionen konnte ich gut ver- den und gehen – auch wenn es Ärzte gab, die mich über- die weitere Therapie geplant würde. In dieser Zeit lernte Unispital gesagt, dass ich einen Monat Zeit hätte, bevor „Nach der Diagnose der Metastasen wurde mir im te dankbar zu sein für alles, was in mir gesund war. Das beitragen konnte. Ich bemerkte, dass es mein eigenes Selbstvertrauen haben und zu meinem Heilungsprozess Anthroposophischer Medizin kennen. Ich lernte, dass ich Engagement brauchte um gesund zu werden, und lern- therapie mit hohem Fieber und Nebenwirkungen sowie zeugen wollten, diesen Weg nicht zu gehen. Die Mistel- konnte ich auch einen eigenen Weg in der Therapie fin- das zu entlarven, was an innerer Sabotage in mir lebt. So Bewusstsein für meine Biografie zu entwickeln und all Engagement für meine Gesundheit beinhaltete auch, ein 1) regressed lesions and depigmentation of the site of regression.[2] ceived in final form: 12 October 2017 / Accepted: 13 Furthermore, an increased number of infections and episodes of 22/30 high fever, as well as previous history of certain vaccinations, [3,4]
RFA USG World Journal of Year scan Gastroenterology imaging WJ G ultrasound Submit a Manuscript: https://www.f6publishing.com World J Gastroenterol 2019 March 28; 25(12): 1524-1530 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i12.1524 ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online) cystic lesion of Epigastric pain, the pancreas in Ultrasonography CASE REPORT Magnetic resonance -1 Computed tomography Radiofrequency ablation Long-term survival of a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer under adjunct treatment with Viscum album extracts: A case report Paul G Werthmann, Robert Kempenich, Gerlinde Lang-Avérous, Gunver S Kienle Paul G. Werthmann of the tail of Cystic lesion the pancreas ORCID number: Paul G Werthmann Paul G Werthmann, Gunver S Kienle, Department of Methodology, Institute for Applied (0000-0002-1808-7787); Robert Epistemology and Medical Methodology (IFAEMM), Freiburg 79111, Germany Kempenich (0000-0002-4499-0267); Gerlinde Lang-Avérous Paul G Werthmann, Gunver S Kienle, Center for Complementary Medicine, Institute for (0000-0002-4151-5567); Gunver S Environmental Health Sciences and Hospital Infection Control, Medical Center - University of Kienle (0000-0001-9498-5944). Freiburg, Freiburg 79106, Germany lesions Author contributions: Werthmann Robert Kempenich, Private Praxis, General Practitioner with Specialization in Oncology, Multiple PG, Kempenich R, Lang-Av rous Strasbourg F-67000, France pancreatic G and Kienle GS contributed to the case report design. Kempenich R Gerlinde Lang-Avérous, Department of Pathology, Hôpital de Hautepierre, University Hospital procedures was the physician in charge who of Strasbourg, Strasbourg F-67000, France Therapeutic provided the patient’s information. Endo- Body weight Lang-Av rous G provided the Corresponding author: Paul G Werthmann, MD, Academic Research, Department of histologic images and confirmed papillary Methodology, Institute for Applied Epistemology and Medical Methodology (IFAEMM), the diagnosis and contributed the mucinous neoplasm details about the histologic Zechenweg 6, Freiburg 79111, Germany. paul.werthmann@ifaemm.de Intraductal diagnosis. Werthmann PG and Telephone: +49-15771984421 sonography: Kempenich R collected and USG provided the data. Werthmann PG was the principle author of the paper, had full access to all data, Abstract 0 and is the guarantor. Kienle GS BACKGROUND supervised the report and the 90 kg Advanced pancreatic cancer (aPC) has a poor prognosis with limited survival 2013 publication process. All authors Surgical excision read and confirmed the final benefit from current standard treatment. Viscum album extracts (VAE) are used by version of this article. many cancer patients, showing immune-stimulating effects, improved quality of Initial M0 R1 cancer life, and a survival benefit in patients with aPC. pT3 pN1 Supported by Stiftung Integrative 60 years Diagnosis Advanced pancreatic Medizin Stuttgart, Germany. CASE SUMMAR A 59-year-old architect developed epigastric pain. A cystic lesion of the pancreas Informed consent statement: Informed consent was received of 45-mm diameter was detected. In a follow-up magnetic resonance imaging, from the patient for the publication about one year later, multiple lesions were seen in the corpus and the tail of the 59.4 Gy of the report and accompanying pancreas; CA-19-9 was elevated to 58.5 U/mL. A distal pancreatectomy with images. The patient read the splenectomy was performed, and a tumor of 7 cm 5 cm 3.5 cm was excised. submission version of the report Histologic investigation showed an intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm- and confirmed its content. associated invasive adenocarcinoma with invasion of the lymph vessels, Conflict-of-interest statement: The perineural invasion, and positive nodes (2/27); surgical margins showed tumor authors have declared no conflicts cells, and the tumor was classified as pT3 N1 M0 R1. The patient was treated with of interest. radiation of the tumor bed and capecitabine/oxaliplatin followed by gemcitabine and FOLFIRINO . Seven months after surgery, a liver metastasis was detected Hepatic CARE Checklist (2016) statement: and treatment with FOLFIRINO was started. Four months after detection of the metastasis This case report was prepared Segment VIII following the CARE Guideline. metastasis, the patient opted for additional treatment with VAE. Another month later, the metastasis was treated with radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Eight Open-Access: This article is an months later, the hepatic lesion recurred and was again treated with RFA. The CAPOX GEMC 8xFOLFIRINOX WJG https://www.wjgnet.com 1524 March 28, 2019 Volume 25 Issue 12 78 kg 1 RFA of hepatic metastasis No change 1st Radiofrequency ablation of the hepatic metastasis Segment VIII metastasis the hepatic No relapse, scar tissue of lesion RFA hepatic Relapsed 2nd Radiofrequency 2 ablation of the hepatic metastasis Segment VIII 90 kg IscadorⓇ Q 10-20 mg 3x/week IscadorⓇ Q 40 mg 3x/week 3 39 months without relapse adjunct treatment with Viscum album extracts: A case report. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2019;25(12):1524-1530. 4 63 months since initial diagnosis Werthmann PG, Kempenich R, Lang-Avérous G, Kienle GS. Long-term survival of a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer under IscadorⓇ Q 40 mg + IscadorⓇ P 10-20mg 3x/week Langzeit-Überleben (5 Jahre) eines Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom unter begleitender Misteltherapie 5 his job 65 years 23/30 90 kg working full-time in good state of health,
Langzeit-Überleben (5 Jahre) eines Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom unter begleitender Misteltherapie Primarius World J Gastroenterol 2019 March 28; 25(12): 1524-1530 ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online) Gastroenterology Rezidiv der Lebermetastase World Journal of Submit a Manuscript: https://www.f6publishing.com Figure 2 Patient’s tumor, haematoxylin and eosin stain. A: 100; B: 200; C :( 400) invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma; WJ G DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i12.1524 D and E: ( 100) perineural invasion. Werthmann PG, Kempenich R, Lang-Avérous G, Kienle GS. Long-term survival of a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer under Paul G. Werthmann adjunct treatment with Viscum album extracts: A case report. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2019;25(12):1524-1530. 24/30
dition.[5] ® Months Clinical Case Report Medicine months -7 OPEN thmann et al. Medicine (2018) 97:49 ower methodological quality.[12] Cholestasis of unknown cause, DHC-draining CA 19-9 (U/mL) Complete remission and long-term survival of a no tumor suspect lesion seen in endosonography -6 patient with melanoma metastases treated with -5 high-dose fever-inducing Viscum album extract h standard treatment and added hyperthermia and VAE We present a case of a young patient with advanced PC, treated ameters, and exhibited positive weight gain effects.[10,11] monstrated better outcomes for several quality of life ents, a survival benefit of 2.1 months (hazard ratio = 0.49; ly available, and are used as supportive therapy in patients es, for intralesional or intravenous application) are commer- E preparations (typically for subcutaneous use, or in some ., transforming growth factor b and matrix-metalloprotei- s result is in line with previous investigations, though these are up, which received best supportive care only, the VAE group creatic cancer treated with VAE. Compared to the control .0001) was documented in cases of inoperable advanced re rarely, pseudo allergic reactions, VAE are safe, even when tletoe lectins (ML), viscotoxins, oligo- and polysaccharids, d in higher dosages.[9] In a phase III randomized trial with 220 rythema at the injection site, fever, flu-like symptoms, and h cancer.[9] Besides a more common range of side effects such iogenesis.[6–8] Pharmacologically active compounds include es), reduction of cell migration, and interference with tumor uction, immune stimulation, downregulation of cancer genes neoplastic properties including cytotoxic effects, apoptosis city, it is restricted to younger patients with favorable overall onoids, and triterpene acids.[8] Different injectable forms of opean mistletoe (Viscum album L.)—possess a variety of iscum album extracts (VAE)—aqueous extracts made from 2 Paul G. Werthmann cular ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma) before treatment (obj.-magn. 10!). A case report -4 ∗ Paul G. Werthmann, MDa, , Alexander Hintze, MDb, Gunver S. Kienle, MDa,c -3 Abstract Stent removed Introduction: Metastatic malignant cutaneous 62,2 melanoma (MCM)—a highly immunogenic cancer—typically has a poor prognosis. 2. Case presentation apoptogenic, Viscum album extracts (VAEs) have strong immune-stimulating,Restenting after and another effects. cytotoxic cholangitis -2 Case presentation: A 66-year-old MCM patient with newly Adenomadiagnosed lymph Papilla of thenode metastases Vateri opted for sole VAE treatment. VAEs were initially applied subcutaneously, and then later in exceptionally high, fever-inducing doses, both intravenously and intralesionally. The metastases shrunk over the following months, and after 2 years, all lesions had completely remitted (regional -1 and hilar lymph nodes). The patient has been tumor free for 3.5Diagnostic time of publication (and for 5 years since initiation of years at thelaparotomy: intensified VAE treatment). Besides fever and flu-like symptoms, no side effects occurred. Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas with is presented in accordance to the CARE guideline.[13] 0 Initial Discussion: We presume that VAE triggered an increased release of tumor-associated antigens, enhanced immunologic 28 years liver metastases cT4, cN1, cM1 diagnose recognition, and increased immune response against the tumor tissue and induced tumor remission. re 1. (A) Liver metastasis of an adenocarcinoma with immunophenotype ([B] CK 7 pos.; [C] S100P pos.; [D] CK 20 neg.) of a primary in the upper GI-tract (in 50 mg, a 1-hour infusion of leucovorin 400 mg, a bolus of medical treatments such as hyperthermia (locoregional deep of 1000 mg). This was supported with additional integrative fluorouracil 500 mg, and a subsequent 24-hour continuous infusion FOLFOX/Mitomycin (administered as an intravenous bolus of of the palliative treatment plan, the patient was commenced on a whereas carcinoembryonic antigen was in the normal range. As part first chemotherapy cycle (2 treatments with an interval of 7 days) of of cytokeratin-7 and S100-protein, but no cytokeratin-20 staining pleomorphism, multiple atypical mitoses, and a strong expression investigation of the liver metastasis biopsy showed a moderately laparotomy, which surprisingly revealed an adenocarcinoma of the tumor markers. Six months later, the patient underwent explorative likely resulting from ampullary adenoma without elevation of He was initially diagnosed with obstruction of the bile duct, most leading to response to treatment and long-term survival. The case differentiated ductal adenocarcinoma, displaying moderate nuclear with no family history of cancer, presented with painless jaundice. mitomycin C 5 mg, followed by a 30-minutes infusion of oxaliplatin (see Fig. 1). Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 was elevated to 895.5 U/mL, segment VIII) (cT4, cN1, cM1: UICC stage IV). Histologic segment II/III, 18 ! 12 mm in segment V, and 5 mm diameter in pancreatic head (56 ! 40 mm), and liver metastases (26 ! 20 mm in Medicine A lean, nonsmoking, 28-year old Caucasian marketing manager, = rapidly growing Abbreviations: AJCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer, BRAFPancreatic head tumor 56x40mm, fibrosarcoma B gene, typeliver FDG metast. = Seg. 1 Fludeoxyglucose (18F), MCM = malignant cutaneous melanoma, ML = mistletoe lectin, PET-CT II/III (26x20 = positron mm), V (18x12 mm)emission and VIIItomography– (5 mm) computed tomography, UICC = Union internationale contre le cancer, VAE = Viscum album extracts, VT = viscotoxin. 895,5 2 Keywords: complete remission, fever, malignant cutaneous melanoma, Mistletoe, Viscum album extract Regression of liver metast. (seg. II/III 273,3 3 13 mm, V 12x10mm, VIII 6 mm) Intratumoral VAE, fever response of 39.9°C 4 Subcutaneous VAE 42,5 1. Introduction Editor: Satyabrata Pany. FOLFOX/Mitomycin Authorship: PGW, AH, and GSK contributed to the case report design. AH was MalignantLivercutaneous metastasesmelanoma not (MCM) is the sixth most 5 the physician in charge and provided the patient’s information. 14,9 PGW and AH of all cancers commondetectable and the deadliest of all skin cancers, with collected and provided the data. PGW was the principle author of the paper, had 12,4 anymore increasing incidence worldwide (incidence and mortality are 9.3– full access to all data, and is the guarantor. GSK supervised the case report and 10.2 and 1.2–2.0 per 100,000 people, respectively). MCM has a 6 FOLFIRINOX/Mitomycin publication processes. Funding/support: This case report was prepared following the CARE Guidelines. Pancreatico-duodenectomy fair prognosis in local disease (20-year survival of 75%) but a dismal with atypical in metastatic prognosisliver resectiondisease (5-year survival of 5– Informed consent was received from the patient for the publication of the report 19%). Risk factors are male gender, light skin (non-Hispanic 7 and accompanying images. The patient read the submission version of the report and confirmed its content. whites),Hospital increasedstay ultraviolet (UV) index (intense, intermittent The authors declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to sun exposure; tanning beds), and immunosuppression. Complete 8 the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: IFAEMM has received surgical excision is the standard of care for early melanoma restricted research grants, honoraria, and travel expenses from Weleda, Abnoba, treatment and can cure minimally invasive and in situ lesions. and Helixor. None of them had any influence on the design, conduction, analysis, Excision of lymph nodes and systemic adjuvant immunotherapy and publication of the study. AH declared no conflict of interest. 9 a is recommended for locally advanced disease. Metastatic disease Institute for Applied Epistemology and Medical Methodology (IFAEMM) at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany, b Klinik Arlesheim, is treated with surgical metastasectomy, immunotherapy, Arlesheim, Switzerland, c Center for Complementary Medicine, Institute for targeted therapies, and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy is 10 Environmental Health Sciences and Hospital Infection Control, Medical Center – restricted to patients whose disease cannot be controlled with University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. immunotherapy or targeted agents.[1] ∗ Correspondence: Paul G. Werthmann, Institute for Applied Epistemology and MCM shows a high immunogenicity and has played a key role 11 Medical Methodology at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Zechenweg 6, D- in the development of tumor immunology. Of particular interest 79111 Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany (e-mail: paul.werthmann@ifaemm.de). is the unusually high rate of spontaneous regression of primary Copyright © 2017 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. lesions (3.7–15% but without impacting survival); a fair rate of 12 This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build spontaneous remission of metastatic disease (about 0.23% with a upon the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as the author is credited positive impact on survival); regression of MCM after infections and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. or immunologic active treatments; and lymphocyte infiltration in 13 Medicine (2017) 96:46(e8731) regressed lesions and depigmentation of the site of regression.[2] Received: 1 June 2017 / Received in final form: 12 October 2017 / Accepted: 13 Furthermore, an increased number of infections and episodes of October 2017 14 high fever, as well as previous history of certain vaccinations, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000008731 are correlated with a reduced risk of developing MCM.[3,4] Mistelherapie No relapse 1 15 Werthmann PG, Inter P, Welsch T, et al. Long-term tumor-free survival in a metastatic pancreatic carcinomaFigure 16 Tumor free survival: 33 months high-dose, fever inducing Viscum album extracts and subsequent R0 resection: A case report. Medicine. patient Time from initial diagnose: 49 months metastasis with necrosis, 17 Working full-time without limitations 18 Werthmann et al. Medicine (2018) 97:49 // 20 24 2018;97(49):e13243. 19,5 Patient mit Pankreaskarzinom mit 28 40,6 66,3 46,5 with FOLFIRINOX/Mitomycin, 32 130,9 Relapse: CA-19-9: 291.4 U/ml, tumor cells in the pancreatic tail 291,4 293,9 FOLFIRINOX/Mitomycin 148,6 356,8 36 221 Resizierbarkeit und Langzeitüberleben nach 86,1 66,6 62 40 83,2 Complete resection of the 60 remaining pancreas magnification of A (obj. magn. 40!). (C) Micrometastasis to a regional peripancreatic lymph node (Obj.-magn. 10!). (D) Complete 44 48 in good 25/30 32 years, condition (14): (A) pancreatic tissue with dense fibrosis and single groups of residual tumor/carcinoma cells (HE, obj.-magn. 20!). (B) Residual tumor cells, high tumor regression of a liv fibrosis and no residual cancer cells (HE, obj.-magn, 1!). (E) Resorptive inflammatory reaction with histiocytes, multinucleated histiocyt Medicin 4. Pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy specimen and liver metastasis after neoadjuvant treatment showing major histopathological respons
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