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2 Interim Report 01-09/2019 Lenzing Group
Geschäftsentwicklung Management Report 01-09/2019 der Segmente Segment global economy 1 recorded only subdued growth in the firstZellstoff The Fasern Revenue decreased by 5.6 percent in the third quarter of 2019 and three quarters of the year, among other things due to trade amounted to EUR 529.4 mn. EBITDA (earnings before interest, Die weitere tensionsOptimierung between the der USA Produktionsabläufe and China. The risk mitof dem Ziel derBrexitDer Bereich a no-deal Zellstoff & Holz tax, depreciation versorgt die Faserproduktions- and amortization) declined by 10.6 stand- percent to Kapazitätsausweitung and growing geopolitical sowie der Bau vonled tensions neuen Produktions- to additional linien Inorte der uncertainty. EURLenzing 85.7 mn Gruppe and EBIT mit hochwertigem (earnings before Faserzellstoff interest and und be- tax) fell by stellten its neben Worlddem AusbauOutlook, Economic der Marktpräsenz in Asien und the International der Tür-Fundtreibt22.2 Monetary an den percent Standorten to EUR Lenzing 47.9 mn.und EBTPaskov (earnings eigene beforeFa tax) serzell- dropped kei den Kern der projected Aktivitäten a decline im Geschäftsjahr in global growth from2017 dar. Die in 3.6 percent 2018 tostoffwerke. gute by 13.6Damit werden percent to rund EUR 56 49.3Prozent mn and des Zellstoffbe- net profit darfes was down Nachfrage 3 percent nachinLENZING™ 2019, the lowest Fasernlevelführte zu 2008/2009. since einer sehr hohen A growthder Lenzing 15 percent Gruppe to EUR abgedeckt. 36.1 mn. Der Rest wird auf Basis langfristi- Auslastung rate of der3.4 Zellstoff- percent isund Faserproduktion. forecast for 2020. ger Verträge zugekauft. Faserzellstoff ist der wichtigste Rohstoff für die Erzeugung Revenue of thevon Cellulosefasern first three quarters aus Lenzing declined undbywird 1.1 aus percent Holz The trade conflict between the USA and China led to uncertaintydem year-on-year nachwachsenden to EUR Rohstoff 1.62 bn, Holz gewonnen. which was primarily attributable to and significantly reduced demand, with simultaneous oversupply, the falling standard viscose prices. Based on a further product mix Angebot und Nachfrage throughout the textile amvaluemitteleuropäischen chain, resulting Holzmarkt rund atIn den in underutilization beiden Zellstoffwerken optimization and higher prices der Lenzing Gruppe for specialty wurden fibers, 2017 in the decrease um diefiberbeiden Zellstoff-Produktionsstandorte producers’ plants, spinning plants and Lenzing their(Ös- ter- downstream insgesamt revenue rund was560.000 Tonnen largely offset. TheFaserzellstoff share of specialtyproduziert, fibers inrundrevenue reich)customers. und PaskovTherefore, (Tschechien) therewaren is 2017 durch klimatische, substantial pressure onöko- all fiber300.000 rose Tonnen from 44.1 davonpercentin Lenzing und rund 260.000 in the comparative periodTon- of thenenprevious in logische types und geopolitische in the global fiberFaktoren markets 2stark. The beeinflusst. polyesterPaskov. Ein langer prices for cotton, yearDer to Spotmarktpreis 49.8 percent. More für Faserzellstoff favorable currency stieg im Vor- jahres- relations also had a und kalter Winter sorgte and standard viscose zu Beginn dropped, desinJahres 2017 für einen part significantly, er- thevergleich while leicht positive an. Imon impact Durchschnitt the revenue2017 lag der Marktpreis im Be- development. höhten Bedarf prices for an Buchenbrennholz. wood-based specialty Das nach fibers wieup. held vor geltende Ex- richtsjahr bei USD 898/Tonne nach USD 888/Tonne im Geschäfts- portverbot von Rundholz in der Ukraine schränkte die Verfügbar- jahr 2016. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and keit am AfterHolzmarkt the cotton zusätzlich marketein. recovered slightly in the first quarter of amortization) recorded a decline by 8.1 percent to EUR 266.9 mn 2019, prices fell again in the second quarter as another high-yieldDer 2016 beschlossene during the same period,Ausbau der Produktionskapazitäten leading to a lower EBITDAanmargin bei- of Die Preise harvest fürisNadelholz expected blieben aufgrund anhaltender for the 2019/2020 season. In the Prob-thirdlemequarter,den Produktionsstandorten 16.5 percent comparedsowie die Modernisierung with 17.8 percent in the first derthree Anlagenquarters mit Schädlingen the decline was undslightly Sturmereignissen weaker, but still im weiteren noticeable. Verlauf des im Volumen von EURyear. of the previous 100 Mio. EBITlaufen (earningsplanmäßig. before interest and tax) fell by Jahres auf niedrigem Niveau. Der starke Käferbefall führte wie 19.3 percent to EUR 153.5 mn. The EBIT margin dropped to im Jahr 2016 insbesondere Although the polyesterim marketNordosten Tschechiens had a strong start todazu, the yeardass2019,Biobasierte Materialien 9.5 percent (from 11.6 percent in the comparative period). Forstbetriebe demand has mehrdropped Holz alssignificantly im Nachhaltshiebsatz since the geplant Chineseschlä-New Year EBT (earnings before tax) was down 14.6 percent to EUR 151.9 mn gern and mussten und hohe fell short Mengen an Fichtenholz of expectations. As raw material auf denprices Marktdeclined, ka- Die Märkte and net für biobasierte profit decreased Materialien entwickelten by 15.6 percent sichto EURim Vorjahr 112.9 mn. men.prices Hinzu continued kamen in Süddeutschland, to drop in the course Österreich und Tschechien of the year. günstig. Die Produktion Earnings per share fell vonby Xylose stieg weiter 12.8 percent to EUR an.4.41. Bei Essigsäure mehrere Millionen Festmeter Schadholz als Folge des Sturmtiefs führten Mengensteigerungen zu Ertragsverbesserun- gen, bei Fur- „Herwart“ Having aufstarted den Markt. at a DaslevelLaubholz-Angebot of 13,560 CNY/ton, war im prices forfural Gross theGegen- sorgte einecashAngebotsverknappung flow in the first three in China quartersfür einen of 2019 starken rose by satz dazu geringer standard als imcontinued viscose Vorjahr, weil toaufgrund decrease desinhohen due to newPreisanstieg 2019 Zwangs- 8.5 percent und damit compared zu einer deutlichen to the first threeErtrags- steigerung. quarters of the previous anfalles bei Nadelholz capacities and a wenigerdecline Laubholz in demand, geschla- andgen wurde. to amounted year and amounted to EUR 242.5 mn. This increase was above all Zudem beeinflusste 11,100 CNY/ton ein Projekt in June. der stabilizing After ungarischen Re- gierung briefly, zur prices recorded Die von dueder Lenzing Gruppe to non-cash effects ininihrer Bioraffinerie net profit for thehergestell- period. Cash ten flow Unterstützung von bedürftigen another significant drop Menschen and reached mit Bu-a new historic low ofbiobasierten chen-Brennholz Materialien from operating Essigsäure, activities declinedFurfural by 30.8 undpercent Magnesium- to EUR Lig- 171 mn den Markt. 10,500 CNY/ton in September. nosulfonat duringwurden the same im period. Geschäftsjahr Free cash 2017flowvomwasUS-downamerikanischen 84.6 percent to Landwirtschaftsministerium EUR 11.4 mn due to continued (USDA)high mitinvesting dem Biobased activities.Product Für das The Werk pricesinforLenzing wood-based erforderten specialty diese developed positivelyLabel ausgezeichnet. Diese Zertifizierung ist ein weiterer offiziel- Marktverzerrungen fibers eine in Verschiebung the first three des Einkaufsvolumens quarters. The declineininRichtung demand for textile fibersler Nachweis Westeuro- dafür, dass die CAPEX (investments in genannten Erzeugnis- intangible assets and se der Lenzing property, plant and pa. Die Versorgung in general, mit Buchenholz coupled konnte dadurch with the significant sichergestellt price difference to otherGruppe zu 100 Prozent equipment) dropped ausbyder 8.3natürlichen percent tound EUR nachwachsenden 159.7 mn during the und das fiberWinterlager types, put ausreichend gefüllt werden. a strain on Lenzing’s partners Diealong Preisethe fürvalueRessource Holz period. reporting gewonnen Thiswerden. decline is primarily attributable to the Buchenholz chain for wurden hauptsächlich specialty fibers. Lenzingaufgrund willlangfristiger continue to Verträge specifically com-pletion of the expansion project in Heiligenkreuz in 2018 and auf konstant support niedrigem its value chainNiveau gehalten. Durch das Überangebot partners. Energie the ongoing planning for major projects in Brazil and Thailand, an Fichtenholz verfügte auch das zweite Zellstoffwerk der Lenzing which will only have an effect on the investment volume in the GruppeTheinLenzing Paskov Groupüber eincontinued gut gefülltes Lagerbusiness its solid für den Winter developmentund inDie Einkaufsstrategie coming quarters.für die Hauptkostenträger Strom und Erdgas die günstigen Einstiegspreise the third quarter aus demthe of 2019 although Vorjahr konn- ten significantly lower prices forbasiert in der Lenzing Gruppe auf Spotmarktpreisen. Die Strom- fortge- schrieben standard viscose were tangible. The disciplined implementation ofpreiseTotal werden. verzeichneten 2017 eine by assets increased deutliche Trendumkehr 6.5 percent und legten with in comparison the sCore TEN strategy and the focus on specialty fibers oncegerechnet Decemberüber das 31, Jahr 2018 2017and um amounted knapp 30 Prozentto EURzu,2.8 nachdem bn as at Im Berichtsjahr again haderfolgte zudemimpact a positive eine Auditierung on the revenue der beiden andForst-earningssie zuvor fünf Jahre September 30, hintereinander 2019. Adjustedgesunken waren. Die equity remains Kälte- at unchanged zertifizierungssysteme devel-opment and the Foresteffect Stewardship caused by the Council® historically low priceswelleEUR (FSC®) in Europa 1.6 bn;hatte insbesondere the adjusted equityzuratio Jahresbeginn decreasedstarkefrom 59 Preis- percent und Programme for standard for the Endorsement viscose was considerably of Forest reduced. CertificationTM erhöhungen to 55.5 zur Folge. percent Gleichzeitig during standen the reporting in Frankreich period. mehrere Net financial debt, at (PEFCTM) an den Standorten Lenzing und Paskov. Beiden wur- Kraftwerke EUR 372.1 nur mneingeschränkt as at September zur Verfügung. 30, 2019Generell exceeded waren die of the figure de bestätigt, dass zusätzlich zu den strengen Forstgesetzen in den Energiemärkte December im 31, Berichtsjahr 2018 of EURvon 219.4steigenden mn due toPreisen the high geprägt. investment Lieferländern sämtliche eingesetzte Holzmengen aus PEFCTM- Auchvolume die Öl- und and Kohlepreise the related verzeichneten nach meh- but financing requirements, rerenisJah- still at a und FSC®-zertifizierten 1 oderOutlook, Source: IMF, World Economic -kontrollierten Quellen stammt. Um- October 2019 ren mit niedrigen solid Preisen wieder level. Trading workingdeutliche capital Anstiege. rose by Trotz guter to 6.7 percent strittene 2 Holzquellen Sources: konnten International sicher Committee Cotton Advisory ausgeschlossen Cotton Outlook, Verfügbarkeit werden. (ICAC), IMF, EUR 474.4 vonmnFlüssig-Erdgas in the re-porting schlug sich perioddie mainly Preisentwicklung due to higher CCF Group (China Chemical Fibers and Textiles Consulting), Food and Agriculture von Erdöl auch an den europäischen Gasmärk- inventories (especially raw materials and supplies). ten durch. The Auch ratio of Organization (FAO) Bioraffinerie hier lag das Plus trading bei mehr working als 30 capital to Prozent. annualized Group revenue rose from 3 Interim Report 01-09/2019 Lenzing Group Interim Report 01-09/2019 Lenzing Group 1
20.6 percent at December 31, 2018 to 22.4 percent at September 30, 2019. In the first three quarters of 2019, investment activities in the Lenzing Group focused on the expansion of the share of specialty fibers in line with the sCore TEN strategy. Lenzing puts the focus on stable and profitable growth as well as an improvement of the ecological footprint of the textile and nonwovens industries by expanding the production of specialty fibers. The decision to build a state-of-the-art lyocell plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons in Prachinburi (Thailand) is the next logical step to achieve this goal. In the third quarter, Lenzing chose Wood Plc as a partner for detailed engineering, purchasing and construction management and supervision; the related Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management contract (EPCM) was signed on August 15. In addition, the conversion of the production capacities from standard viscose to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded specialty viscose fibers was also continued during the reporting period. Increasing the self-supply with dissolving wood pulp is another key element of the sCore TEN strategy. Lenzing and the Brazilian company Duratex continue to advance the plannings and preparations for the construction of a 450,000 ton dissolving wood pulp plant in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil). The basic engineering, site grading and the appli-cations for required permits are proceeding according to plan. In addition, the expansion and modernization of the pulp plant in Lenzing were completed in the third quarter. Lenzing will use blockchain technology to support its TENCEL™ branded fiber business, ensuring complete transparency and traceability for brands and consumers of its fibers in the finished garment. In the second quarter Lenzing announced a cooperation with the platform of the technology company TextileGenesis™ to accomplish this ambition; in the third quarter, Lenzing presented its first pilot project at the Hong Kong Fashion Summit. The TENCEL™ brand’s visibility was further increased through co-branding during the reporting period. The digital marketing concept “Where to buy” was introduced on the product website in the first quarter of 2019. Based on this concept, products made from TENCEL™ fibers can be presented and linked in the online shops of more than 110 partners, including brands like H&M, Levi’s, Allbirds, Victoria Secret, Esprit, Pottery Barn and Asos. Lenzing invests more than EUR 100 mn in energy-saving measures, the conversion to renewable energies and in new technologies, thus strengthening its position as a front runner in climate protection both in the production industry and in particular also in the fiber industry. In the second quarter Lenzing announced its ambitious climate strategy. The goal is to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050. An important milestone on the way to becoming climate-neutral is set for the year 2030. By then Lenzing has committed to reduce emissions per ton of fibers and pulp by 50 percent compared with 2017. 2 Interim 4 Interim ReportReport 01-09/2019 01-09/2019 Lenzing Lenzing GroupGroup
Outlook The International Monetary Fund expects a slowdown of global economic growth to 3 percent in 2019, mainly driven by increasing protectionist tendencies and growing geopolitical tensions. The currency environment in the regions relevant to Lenzing will remain volatile. Global fiber demand has weakened. Trade conflicts have caused nervousness and declining demand throughout the textile value chain. According to preliminary calculations, cotton inventory levels will continue to increase in the 2019/20 season because a good harvest is expected. The price levels for cotton and polyester are expected to remain subdued. Capacity expansions for standard viscose, coupled with sluggish demand due to the trade conflicts, caused higher pressure on prices, which fell to a new historic low in the third quarter of 2019. In specialty fibers, the Lenzing Group expects a comparatively positive development of its business. Driven by the challenging situation in standard viscose and low paper pulp prices, prices for dissolving wood pulp remain on a comparatively low level. Caustic soda prices in Asia have already declined significantly over the past months; this development is now also noticeable in Europe. The very challenging and volatile market environment in general, paired with erratic developments in the trade disputes between the major economic blocks plus the high level of uncertainty in the textile value chain, significantly impacts earnings visibility. Based on the above mentioned economic environment, the Lenzing Group expects the result for 2019 to be slightly below the level of 2018. Above developments reassure the Lenzing Group in its chosen strategy sCore TEN. Lenzing is very well positioned in this market environment and will continue to focus growth with specialty fibers. Lenzing, October 31, 2019 Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft The Management Board Stefan Doboczky Robert van de Kerkhof Thomas Obendrauf Heiko Arnold Chief Executive Officer Chief Commercial Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Technology Officer Chairman of the Member of the Member of the Member of the Management Board Management Board Management Board Management Board 5 Interim Report 01-09/2019 Lenzing Group Interim Report 01-09/2019 Lenzing Group 3
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10 Interim Report 01-09/2019 Lenzing Group Imprint Copyright and published by Graphic design: Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft ElectricArts Werbeagentur GmbH 4860 Lenzing, Austria Text pages: Produced in-house using FIRE.sys Edited by: Filip Miermans, Daniel Winkelmeier Photographs by: (Corporate Communications & Investor Relations, Lenzing AG) Peter Muller/Cultura/Getty Images
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