EUropainfo 2/18 - EU Umweltbüro

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Das Magazin des EU-Umweltbüros

Österreich auf dem Weg in die
Chancen, Herausforderungen, Strategien, AkteurInnen
EUropainfo 2/18 - EU Umweltbüro

    Europäische Union

    Die Europäische Union und ihre Mitgliedstaaten                 Roadmap helps Finland's transition to a circular
    auf dem Weg in die Kreislaufwirtschaft                         economy
    Hugo-Maria Schally                             S. 4            Laura Järvinen and Samuli Laita                  S. 18

    Weniger Müll, mehr Wiederverwertung und
    Recycling: Das neue EU-Abfallrecht auf                         Österreich
    dem Weg in die Kreislaufwirtschaft
    Karin Kadenbach                                        S. 6    Zurück an den Anfang: Konsequente Kreis-
                                                                   laufführung fordert unser Wirtschaftsmodell
    Creating circular hubs in the EU                               heraus
    Arthur ten Wolde                                       S. 7    Willi Haas                                      S. 20

    Reuse moving out from the shadow of                            Kreislaufwirtschaft als Chance für neue
    recycling                                                      Geschäftsmodelle und ökointelligente
    Michal Len                                             S. 9    Produkte
                                                                   Rainer Pamminger                                S. 22
    A critical look at the EU circular economy
    policy debate                                                  Re-Use und Circular Economy:
    Carsten Wachholz                                       S. 11   Kreislaufwirtschaft ist mehr als nur
                                                                   optimiertes Recycling
                                                                   Matthias Neitsch                                S. 24
                                                                   Klimaschutz und Wirtschaftswachstum
    The world ist only 9 % circular – and what                     durch Kreislaufwirtschaft?
    Holland is doing about it                                      David Schönmayr                                 S. 26
    Harald Friedl                                          S. 12
                                                                   Wie Papier zur Nahrung für die Natur wird
    5 Steps to help you lead the systemic                          Ernst Gugler                                    S. 28
    circular change
    Ladeja Godina Košir                                    S. 14   Baustoffrecycling: Der Beitrag des Bausektors
                                                                   zur Kreislaufwirtschaft
    Collaboration is key to circular economy                       Thomas M. Kasper                              S. 30
    Iain Gulland                                           S. 16

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EUropainfo 2/18 - EU Umweltbüro

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser!

geht es um die Kreislaufwirtschaft, so kommt man im deutsch-          gezeigt, wie sie mit nationalen Roadmaps und Strategien die
sprachigen Raum gerne schnell auf die Recyclingquoten zu              Stakeholder mobilisieren und gezielt auf Stärken der nationalen
sprechen. Kein Wunder – denn Deutschland ist in Europa mit            Wirtschaft aufbauen, um den Wandel hin zur Kreislaufwirtschaft
einer Quote von 66 % Spitzenreiter beim Recycling, dicht gefolgt      einzuleiten. Dabei ist deutlich geworden: Das Denken in Kreis-
von Österreich mit 58 %. Kreislaufwirtschaft ist jedoch mehr          läufen und Kooperationen, der Aufbau der hierfür erforderlichen
als Recycling. Von der Rohstoffgewinnung über Produktdesign,          Fähigkeiten sowie Innovationen im Verhalten von Verbraucher-
Reparatur, Wiederverwendung, Wiederaufbereitung und Recyc-            Innen und bei HerstellerInnen erfordern gezieltes politisches
ling bis zur Verwertung ist es ein ganzheitliches Konzept, das        Engagement. Die Einbindung, Information und Aufklärung aller
entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette ansetzt und Verän-           AkteurInnen sowie die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Politik,
derungen erfordert, die auf eine Senkung des absoluten Res-           Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft werden wesentli-
sourcenverbrauchs abzielen. Ernstgemeinte Kreislaufführung            che Faktoren einer erfolgreichen Umgestaltung sein. Nur wenn
geht also deutlich weiter und erfordert über verbesserte Recy-        diese von allen Teilen der Gesellschaft mitgetragen wird, kön-
clingmaßnahmen hinaus, Investitionen in Produktdesign, neue           nen wir es schaffen, den Ressourcenverbrauch auf ein umwelt-
Geschäftsmodelle und verändertes VerbraucherInnenverhalten.           verträgliches Maß zu reduzieren.
Weitet man dementsprechend den Blick auf das Gesamtbild der
Kreislaufwirtschaft, schneidet Österreich deutlich schlechter ab.     Wie Engagement für die Kreislaufwirtschaft aussieht, zeigen wir
Magere 9 % der heute in der österreichischen Wirtschaft einge-        mit den Beiträgen dieser Ausgabe. Zu Wort kommen u. a. die
setzten Materialien sind zirkulär, d.h. sie wurden zuvor bereits      ReferentInnen der Veranstaltung „Österreich auf dem Weg in die
verwendet. Bis zur veritablen Kreislaufwirtschaft ist es in Öster-    Kreislaufwirtschaft“, die im Frühjahr 2018 in Wien stattfand und
reich daher noch ein weiter Weg.                                      den Auftakt für die „Circular Futures – Plattform Kreislaufwirt-
                                                                      schaft Österreich“ bildete.
Individuelle Verhaltensänderungen allein können die großen
strukturellen Weichenstellungen, die für den Übergang von der         Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Wegwerfgesellschaft zur Kreislaufwirtschaft erforderlich sind,
nicht herbeiführen. Das hat auch die Europäische Kommission           Mit freundlichen Grüßen
erkannt und Ende 2015 in einem ersten Schritt ein Kreislauf-
wirtschaftspaket mit insgesamt 54 Maßnahmen vorgelegt, die
den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Produkten und Materialien be-
treffen. Hierzu gehören u. a. Vorschriften zur Produktgestaltung,
zur verbesserten Kennzeichnung von Produkten oder zur Förde-          Julika Dittrich
rung der Wiederverwendung. Nun geht es darum, das Engage-             Stv. Leitung EU-Umweltbüro
ment der EU auch nach Österreich zu tragen und hier als Motor
für lokale Entwicklungen zu nutzen. Aus gutem Grund: Wer in
die Kreislaufwirtschaft investiert, investiert nicht nur in Umwelt-
und Klimaschutz, sondern auch in regionale Wertschöpfung und          „Circular Futures – Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich“
die eigene Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Mit Fokus auf Wartung, Repa-         Circular Futures ist ein Kooperationsprojekt des Umweltdach-
ratur, Wiederaufbereitung und Recycling bietet das Modell der         verbandes mit dem European Environmental Bureau in Brüssel
Kreislaufwirtschaft vor allem im Dienstleistungssektor großes         sowie den Organisationen RepaNet und VABÖ in Österreich. Ziel
Potenzial für die Schaffung regionaler Arbeitsplätze. Gleichzeitig    der Plattform ist der Aufbau einer lösungsorientierten Multi-
sinkt unsere Abhängigkeit von zunehmend teuren und oftmals            Stakeholder-„Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich“ als
schwankenden Rohstoffimporten durch das Halten wertvoller             Denkfabrik, Inkubator und Katalysator von Projekten und Initi-
Rohstoffe im Kreislauf.                                               ativen, die den Wandel hin zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft in Öster-
                                                                      reich beschleunigen.
Pioniere wie die Niederlande, Finnland und Schottland haben
das Potenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft früh erkannt. Im Mai zog
unser Nachbarstaat Slowenien nach und legte seine nationa-
le Roadmap für die Kreislaufwirtschaft vor. VertreterInnen die-
ser Staaten haben bei der Auftaktveranstaltung der Plattform
Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich im Frühjahr 2018 eindrucksvoll

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Europäische Union

                                                                                                                                        Foto: © Jutta Nowack / PIXELIO
Die Europäische Union und ihre Mitglied-
staaten auf dem Weg in die Kreislauf-
                     Seit den frühen Tagen der Umweltpolitik besteht eine Spannung zwischen dem Schutz der Umwelt und dem
                     Anspruch auf Wachstum und Wohlstand. Dieses Spannungsverhältnis wurde schon 1987, fünf Jahre vor der
                     zweiten Weltumweltkonferenz 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, vom sogenannten „Brundtland Bericht“ in der Definition der
                     nachhaltigen Entwicklung klar ausgedrückt, welcher nachhaltige Entwicklung als eine Entwicklung beschreibt, die
                     die Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart befriedigt, ohne zu riskieren, dass künftige Generationen ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse
                     nicht befriedigen können.
                     Von Hugo-Maria Schally

Über lange Jahre konzentrierte sich die     der EU zu fördern, in der die Ressourcen      Der Aktionsplan zur Kreislaufwirtschaft
Umweltpolitik auf die Behebung der Folgen   nachhaltiger genutzt werden und ihr Wert      soll zu einer Abkehr von einem linearen
der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, ohne      länger im Wirtschaftskreislauf gehalten       Wirtschaftsmodell führen. Wir können
das Problem anzugehen, dass die derzei-     wird. Dieser Aktionsplan umfasst Gesetz-      uns nicht weiter auf einen ökonomischen
tigen Entwicklungsmuster die Belastungs-    gebungsvorschläge zur Revision der Euro-      Ansatz verlassen, welcher auf dem Prin-
grenzen der Erde weit überschreiten.        päischen Abfallgesetzgebung sowie eine        zip des „Nehmen, Herstellen, Verwenden,
                                            Liste von 54 Maßnahmen betreffend den         Wegwerfen“ beruht. Dies ist auch von
Um dieses Spannungsverhältnis                                                             einem wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkt her
zu lösen, suchte die internationale Der Aktionsplan zur Kreislaufwirtschaft               unsinnig. Der Übergang zu einer Kreislauf-
Gemeinschaft nach neuen volks- soll zu einer Abkehr von einem linearen                    wirtschaft wird die europäische Wettbe-
wirtschaftlichen Konzepten. Am 2. Wirtschaftsmodell führen.                               werbsfähigkeit stärken, weil Unternehmen
Dezember 2015 verabschiedete die                                                          weniger mit Ressourcenknappheit und
Europäische Kommission einen EU-                                                          Preisschwankungen bei Rohmaterialien
Aktionsplan, mit dem Ziel, den Übergang gesamten Lebenszyklus von Produkten               konfrontiert sein werden und auch zu-
zu einer kreislauforientierten Wirtschaft in und Materialien.                             sätzliche Anreize zur Entwicklung neuer

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Europäische Union
                                       Geschäftsmodelle, innovativer und ef-         sind. Solche Produkte sollten langlebig,    Maßnahmenpakete der Kommission allein
                                       fizienterer Produktionsmethoden sowie         leichter zu reparieren, zu zerlegen, wie-   erfolgen wird. Der Übergang braucht viel-
                                       nachhaltiger Konsummodelle entstehen.         derzuverwenden und ihr Material besser      mehr eine gemeinsame Anstrengung aller
                                                                                     zu recyceln sein.                           AkteurInnen in der Europäischen Union,
                                       Die Kreislaufwirtschaft ist ein Modell, das                                               einschließlich der Mitgliedstaaten, regio-
                                       sinnvoll für unsere Gesellschaft und Wirt-  KonsumentInnen sollen in die Lage
                                       schaft ist. Europa kann in einem globalen   versetzt werden, Kaufentscheidun- Die Abfallwirtschaft nimmt dabei eine
                                       Wettbewerb nur eine führende Position       gen auf der Basis klarer und unab- zentrale Rolle ein.
                                       einnehmen, wenn natürliche Ressourcen       hängiger Informationen zu treffen.
                                       auf intelligentere und nachhaltigere Wei-   Die Instrumente reichen vom EU-
                                       se genutzt und wiederverwendet werden.      Umweltzeichen über das öffentliche Be- naler und lokaler Behörden, Unternehmen
                                                                                        schaffungswesen, die Berechnung und NGOs.
                                       Die Kreislaufwirtschaft ist ein Modell, des Umweltfußabdrucks von Pro-
                                       das sinnvoll für unsere Gesellschaft und dukten und Organisationen und dem Die Europäische Kommission wird fünf
                                       Wirtschaft ist.                                  VerbraucherInnenschutz bis hin zu Jahre nach Annahme des Aktionsplans von
                                                                                        einem EU-Programm zur vorzeitigen 2015 einen umfassenden Bericht über sei-
                                                                                        Obsoleszenz.                       ne Umsetzung vorlegen. Dieser Bericht wird
                                       Dieser Ansatz wird auch dazu beitragen,                                             eine erste Bilanz über die Entwicklungen
                                       dass Europa weiterhin Marktführer für Die Abfallwirtschaft nimmt dabei eine seit 2015 ziehen und Grundlage für Über-
                                       grüne Technologien und Ansätze bleibt.      zentrale Rolle ein. Das Angebot und die legungen zu weiteren Maßnahmen für den
                                       Die Maßnahmen im Rahmen des Akti- Nachfrage nach Sekundärrohstoffen sollte Übergang zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft sein.
                                       onsplans zielen auf den gesamten Wirt- so entwickelt werden, dass sich die Stoff-
                                       schaftskreislauf von den Primär- und kreisläufe in der EU weitgehend schließen.
                                       Sekundärrohstoffen über die Konzeption, Die Maßnahmen umfassen auch Vorschlä-         Dr. Hugo-Maria Schally
                                       Produktion und Bereitstellung von Pro- ge für die Wirtschaftsbereiche, die als        Referatsleiter
                                       dukten und Dienstleistungen, dem Vertrieb wichtig für den Übergang zu einer Kreis-    Nachhaltige Produktion, Produkte
                                       und Verbrauch, der fachgerechten Entsor- laufwirtschaft angesehen werden, wie         und Konsum
                                       gung und Wiederverwendung von Material etwa die Bauwirtschaft, die Bioökonomie        Generaldirektion Umwelt
                                       bis hin zur Entstehung von Sekundärroh- sowie Rohstoffe. Zu Beginn des Jahres         Europäische Kommission
                                       stoffen, die wieder in den Kreislauf zu- 2018 hat die Kommission zum Kunststoff-      1160 Brüssel / BELGIEN
                                       rückgeführt werden.                         und Chemikalienbereich ein weiteres um-
                                                                                   fassendes Maßnahmenpaket vorgelegt.       E:
                                       Ein wesentlicher Teil des Plans ist die Un-                                 
                                       terstützung für die Entwicklung von Pro- Es liegt auf der Hand, dass der Übergang     partments/environment
                                       dukten, die „kreislaufwirtschaftstauglich“ zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft nicht durch
Foto: © Paul-Georg Meister / PIXELIO

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Europäische Union

Weniger Müll, mehr Wiederverwertung
und Recycling: Das neue EU-Abfallrecht
auf dem Weg in die Kreislaufwirtschaft
                     Plastikabfälle in den Ozeanen, Verschwendung genießbarer Lebensmittel, übergehende Mülldeponien: Die Bilder sind
                     bekannt, die Gegenmaßnahmen in den letzten Jahren aber nur langsam vorangekommen. Das Konzept der Kreislauf-
                     wirtschaft als eine Priorität der EU versucht, den linearen Wirtschaftskreislauf von Produzieren-Konsumieren-Entsorgen zu
                     durchbrechen. Vier Gesetzesvorschläge zur Abfallbewirtschaftung wurden nun von Rat und EU-Parlament verabschiedet.
                     Sie bilden die Grundlage für einen nachhaltigeren Wirtschaftskreislauf.
                     Von Karin Kadenbach

Durch kluges Management in Produkti-          ein Erfolg. Durch einheitliche Definitionen rativen und finanziellen Beitrag abringen.
on und Entsorgung kann aus Abfall eine        und Berechnungsmethoden werden die          Es muss generell klar sein, dass wir mit
wertvolle Ressource werden. Das ist ein       Anstrengungen europaweit vergleichbar.      diesen Regeln erst einen Teil des Weges zu
Grundgedanke der Kreislaufwirtschaft,         Nahrungsmittelabfälle und Abfallentsor-     einem wirklich nachhaltigen Wirtschafts-
die die EU-Kommission schon vor einigen       gung ins Meer müssen bis 2030 halbiert      kreislauf geschafft haben. Zu Recht haben
Jahren zur politischen Priorität erhoben      werden und die für das Ökosystem be-        viele NGO-VertreterInnen auf die bisher
hat. Seitdem wurden, thematisch über-         sonders schädliche Deponielagerung wird     viel zu laschen Anstrengungen im Bereich
greifend, schon viele Aktionspläne, För-      bis 2035 immer weiter zurückgedrängt.       der Lebensmittelverschwendung hinge-
derungen und neue Gesetze mit dem Ziel        65 % der Haushaltsabfälle und 75 % des      wiesen. Ein anderer Bereich ist durch die
verabschiedet, Müll zu vermeiden, entste-                                                       im Januar von der EU-Kommission
henden Müll wiederzuverwerten, zu recy-       Es muss generell klar sein, dass wir mit im Rahmen des Kreislaufwirtschafts-
celn oder als Energiequelle zu nutzen. Und    diesen Regeln erst einen Teil des We- pakets vorgelegte Plastikstrategie
erst den letzten Teil – so verträglich wie    ges zu einem wirklich nachhaltigen Wirt- in den Fokus gerückt. Die Verwen-
möglich – wirklich zu entsorgen.              schaftskreislauf geschafft haben.                 dung von Einweg- und Mikroplastik
                                                                                                muss ein Ende haben. Plastik muss
Im April 2018 stimmte das Europäische                                                           ökologisch verträglicher und wieder-
Parlament nun nach fast zweieinhalb           Verpackungsmülls müssen bis 2030 für verwendbar werden. Das hilft unserer Ge-
Jahren Verhandlungen über eine Einigung       Wiederverwendung oder Recycling aufbe- sundheit und unserer Umwelt, wenn man
mit dem Rat ab. Das Paket zur Abfallbe-       reitet werden, während die finanzielle Ver- beispielsweise bedenkt, dass 50 % des
wirtschaftung ist notwendiger denn je:        antwortung der Hersteller bei der sachge- Mülls in unseren Meeren Einwegplastik ist.
Noch nie wurde so viel Abfall produziert      mäßen Entsorgung ihrer Produkte weiter
wie heute. Damit werden Rohstoffe, die        geklärt wird.                               Europa ergreift mit den neuen Regeln
ohnehin immer knapper und teurer wer-                                                     zur Kreislaufwirtschaft die Chance, Vor-
den, verschwendet. Die Auswirkungen           Bei entsprechender Umsetzung hilft das reiter für ökologisches Produktdesign,
auf Klima und Umwelt sind katastrophal.       Abfallpaket unseren Bemühungen im Um- recyclingfähige Verpackungen und we-
Viele Menschen denken in ihrer privaten       welt- und Klimaschutz und hat das Poten- niger Abfall zu werden. In anderen Be-
Lebensführung bereits um, konsumieren         zial, sich zum echten Wirtschaftsmotor zu reichen besteht weiterhin dringender
bewusst nachhaltig und versuchen, über-       entwickeln.                                 Handlungsbedarf. Der Weg zum nach-
mäßigen Abfall zu vermeiden, indem Altes                                                  haltigen Wirtschaftskreislauf wird lang.
beispielsweise wiederverwertet wird. Die      Die Kommission rechnet für das gesam-
Politik muss hier nachziehen.                 te Kreislaufwirtschaftspaket mit über
                                              170.000 neuen Arbeitsplätzen bis 2035,        Karin Kadenbach
Die im April vom Parlament angenomme-         während hunderte Tonnen CO2 eingespart        Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments
nen Vorschläge definieren in erster Linie     werden können. Gleichzeitig werden sich       Fraktion der Progressiven Allianz der Sozial-
neue Grenzwerte für die EU-Mitgliedstaa-      die notwendigen Anstrengungen und In-         demokraten
ten. Die Verhandlungen waren schwierig,       vestitionen sehr unterschiedlich auf die      1047 Brüssel / BELGIEN
so wurde zum Beispiel beim Recyceln           Mitgliedstaaten verteilen. Einige haben
der Haushaltsabfälle und der Plastikver-      ihre Ziele schon so gut wie erreicht, an-     E:
packungen um jedes Prozent auf oder ab        deren wird die volle Umsetzung der neuen
lange gerungen. Am Ende ist die Reform        Regeln aber auch einen großen administ-

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Europäische Union
Foto: © Ruth Rudolph / PIXELIO

                                 Creating circular hubs in the EU
                                 The European Commission is delivering on the Circular Economy Package. Now comes the time for ambitious implemen-
                                 tation and preparations for new policies after the 2019 elections. To increase member state support for measures with a
                                 real impact, creating circular hubs across Europe is an excellent next step.
                                 By Arthur ten Wolde

                                 Creating a circular economy has risen fast      improvement of the economy. It is about   ly green SMEs, is the lack of a powerful
                                 on the EU political agenda over the past        creating jobs and revenues while contri-  demand. A second major barrier is the
                                 five years.1 A growing number of organi-        buting to the wellbeing of the planet and lack of transparency throughout the value
                                 zations are committed to the realization        its people.                               chain. For SMEs, lack of access to finance
                                 of a circular economy. Creating “circular                                                 is a further obstacle. As a member of the
                                 hubs”, i.e. multi-stakeholder initiatives ai-   Measures to overcome the barriers         European Circular Economy Stakeholder
                                 med at accelerating the transition to a cir-    Pioneering companies need the govern- Platform (“ECESP”), Ecopreneur asks for
                                 cular economy by providing support for the      ment to help them overcome structural the creation of circular hubs across Euro-
                                 implementation of circular models at the        barriers., the European pe, training on integrating circularity into
                                 local, regional and national levels, is emer-   Federation of Sustainable Business, advo- procurement, economic incentives for pro-
                                 ging as a key step in making this happen.       cates ambitious implementation of circu- ducers and consumers favoring circular
                                                                                                                                 products and services, and minimum
                                 Circular stands for much more than recy-        Pioneering companies need the govern- requirements for circular design for
                                 cling. It involves circular measures all the    ment to help them overcome structural all end products.2
                                 way from design, procurement and manu-          barriers.
                                 facturing, to delivery, use and recovery. It                                                           The European Parliament and Com-
                                 also assumes the use of renewable energy        lar economy policies to achieve systemic         mission have been fighting for a strong
                                 and an overall contribution to sustainabi-      change at the EU level and in the member         Circular Economy Package. Indeed, it is
                                 lity. The term "circular economy" proves        states. The biggest obstacle faced by the        built on circular procurement, financial in-
                                 very appealing because it involves the          companies in their membership, most-             centives and regulation. The Commission

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Europäische Union
has also proposed to open up the VAT di- is now asking the EU to foster the
rective, which would allow member states creation of “circular hubs” throughout Eu-                 About
to give circular incentives to consumers. rope; these will serve to use all relevant
However, there are not yet any strong existing European Commission structures                       European Sustainable Business Federation Eco-
measures in place, and few in preparation. in an aligned approach to engage stake-         (aisbl) sets a course toward sustain-
For instance, there is still no large                                                               able economic policies at the European level.
EU training program for local and Only with the support of stakeholders can                aims to open solidified structures
national governments or for compa- ambitious implementation to initiate the                         and bring matters of sustainability to European
nies on how to integrate circularity system's change to a circular economy be                       policy makers. Under the roof of,
into procurement. Public authorities accomplished.                                                  more than 2500 businesses are represented –
alone represent around 14 % of the                                                                  mostly SMEs – that strive to offer sustainable
EU’s gross domestic product. The-                                                                   products and services. Through,
re has also been no program initiated to holders in circularity at all levels. For in-              the seven member associations strengthen the
formulate and implement strong minimum stance, training people of Europe Enter-                     voice of sustainable business in Brussels. The
requirements for improved extended pro- prise Network and DG Regio on explaining                    advocacy work for a circular economy is led by
ducer responsibility (EPR) schemes that the benefits of the circular economy. Only                  the Dutch member organization MVO Nederland
include ecodesign criteria. This is impor- with the support of all stakeholders can                 (CSR Netherlands).
tant, given that purchasing behavior is to ambitious implementation to initiate the
a large extent determined by price. The system’s change to a circular economy be
Commission is also reluctant to extend accomplished. The launch of the Circular
the Ecodesign Directive to minimum re- Futures Platform in Austria therefore co-                    Arthur ten Wolde
quirements for resource-inefficient end mes at an excellent time. A first step to                   Circular Economy Expert
products. Finally, we still have to hear from engage businesses and local communities      and MVO Nederland /
our SME member companies to what ex- could be to launch a Green Deal for Circu-                     De Groene Zaak
tent access to finance is being improved lar Procurement. This proved an excellent                  3511 MH Utrecht / THE NETHERLANDS
by EU measures.                               start in the Netherlands as well as Belgi-
                                              um.                                                   E:
Creating circular hubs to break the sta-                                                  
lemate                                                                                              project-a
So far, member states have watered down                                                   
all proposals that have potential for real
impact. To break the stalemate, Ecopre-

  This article is partly based on ´Governments as drivers for a circular economy´. Ten Wolde, Waste and Resource Management Volume 00 Issue WR0,
  Pages 1–2, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Paper 1600017, ICE Publishing 07/09/2016

                                                                                                                                                       Foto: © Ariane Sept / PIXELIO

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Europäische Union

                                                                                                                                                  Photo: © Ateliere Fara Frontiere
Reuse moving out from the shadow of
As Europe gives its final approval on updates to European waste law, there is real hope for action and debate in favour
of reuse and repair, not just recycling. Governments must seize this opportunity to help bring change to our “throwaway”
society and recognise that reuse can be a powerful vehicle for social good, inclusion and well-being.
By Michal Len

Nearly 1/3 of all goods we discard still         instead seek to learn from targets being         recognition of the potential for the circular
have reuse potential, and estimates show         implemented in Spain, France and Belgi-          economy to support social inclusion sim-
that at least 5 times as many jobs can           um.                                              ply cannot be ignored.
be created in the collection and re-use
of goods than in recycling an equivalent         To make reuse mainstream, Europe needs                 Experience shows that reuse and re-
amount.1                                         to have a cohesive policy across the                   pair can provide significant employ-
                                                 board, beyond environmental and indus-                 ment opportunities for those most at
Over the coming years, the revised EU            trial strategies.                                      risk of exclusion, such as the long-
Waste Framework Directive, a key part of                                                                term unemployed and workers from
the European Commission’s Circular Eco-                                                                 other vulnerable backgrounds. Many
nomy Package, will require governments           RREUSE has estimated that if every EU            of these enterprises have been working in
to look more closely at measuring reuse          member state was to prepare just 1% of           the reuse sector for decades, contributing
and do more to give a new lease of life to       municipal waste for reuse, this could coll-      to a circular economy in practice, and are
products which would otherwise be pre-           ectively support around 200,000 jobs.2           front-runners in their field. By recognising
maturely recycled, buried or burned.             Spain, for example, has set such a target        the environmental and social value these
                                                 to be achieved by 2022.3                         organisations create for their communi-
As part of new producer responsibility ru-                                                        ties, local and national governments can
les, greater pressure will be put on produ-      But acting on waste law alone is not all         make a significant difference by collabo-
cers to provide information to consumers         that is needed to achieve a truly circular       rating and supporting the role of social
about reuse and repair options for their         economy. To make reuse mainstream, Eu-           enterprises in a circular economy.
unwanted products, not just on where to          rope needs to have a cohesive policy ac-
recycle them. While more ambition should         ross the board, beyond environmental and         The Flemish region of Belgium is mana-
have been shown, quantitative targets for        industrial strategies. The idea of a circular    ging to employ over 5,000 people in the
waste prevention and preparing for reuse         economy must also become entrenched in           social economy re-use sector, backed by a
remain on the table. Nevertheless, mem-          regional development, finance, innovation        quantitative re-use target which currently
ber states should not wait for the EU, but       and employment policies. This is where           stands at 7 kg of reused goods per capita.

EUropainfo 2/18 - EU Umweltbüro
Europäische Union
The majority of these workers are at risk of     While much more needs to be done, it is                  in EU GDP by 2030, pumping an additional
social exclusion and are being given skills      good to see EU member states at least star-              180 billion EURO into the European econo-
and training to be ready for the open labour     ting to support this vision. Let’s reuse more            my and creating as many as 900,000 jobs.
market. Estimates from Flanders also show        and throw less.
a 12,000 EUR net return to government and
society for the reintegration of one unem-       The new legislative provisions will provide               Michal Len
ployed worker through placement within           a strong incentive for individuals to partici-            Director
such a social enterprise.4                       pate pro-actively in the clean energy transi-             RREUSE
                                                 tion as "prosumers", generating their own                 1050 Brussels / BELGIUM
The social value of such organisations ac-       renewable energy and even contributing
tive on the open market must be better re-       any excess into the grid. According to our                E:
cognised and supported, both at the local        estimates, achieving all 2030 energy and        
and national level.                              climate targets could unlock a 1 % increase

  RREUSE (2015) Briefing on job creation potential in the re-use sector, available under
  RREUSE news 28.04.2016:
  SST (2015) Sociale tewerkstelling in synergie met de reguliere economie, available

                                                                                     Graphics: © RREUSE

                                                                                                                                       Graphics: © RREUSE

Europäische Union

                                                                                                                                              Foto: © Rainer Sturm / PIXELIO
A critical look at the EU circular economy
policy debate
Everybody seems to agree with the overarching goal of the “transition to a more circular economy, where the
value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the ge-
neration of waste minimised” as stated in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan from December 2015.1 But the
devil lies in the interpretation of how this generic principle translates into the realities of a global market economy
and into adequate policy frameworks for different sectors, companies or categories of products and services.
By Carsten Wachholz

Politicians struggle to define what circula-     the furniture and textiles industries, have
                                                                                          ting resource-saving jobs is also attracti-
rity means and how to resolve important          started seriously considering both the op-
                                                                                          ve for the promotion of societal welfare.
trade-offs when promoting aspects such           portunities and barriers for their business
                                                                                          However, increasing resource efficiency
as durability and reparability, recyclability,   in a more circular economy.              does not equate to reducing our overcon-
phasing out of hazardous substances, or                                                   sumption of natural resources in absolute
increased market uptake of reuse and se-         The Circular Economy Package is the terms, nor does it address the impact
condary raw materials.                           first serious attempt to align products and of the continued extraction and use
                                                 waste related policies at the EU level.       of primary raw materials on the en-
Nonetheless, the Circular Economy Pa-                                                          vironment.
ckage is the first serious attempt to align
products and waste related policies at           What makes the circular economic narra-         Promoting greater circularity of today’s
EU level. Existing instruments such as           tive so compelling to policy-makers, busi-      production and consumption in Europe
mandatory Ecodesign requirements for             nesses and green NGOs is its promise to         alone will probably not be sufficient to
energy-related products, Green Public            deliver both economic and environmental         substitute the primary raw materials and
Procurement and Ecolabelling criteria are        benefits, as the same or even more eco-         to significantly reduce our environmental
being investigated for use in promoting          nomic output could be generated with less       footprint to an extent that allows mankind
the transition towards greater circularity of    input of natural resources. Cutting costs       to stay within planetary boundaries.2 Ana-
goods and services. Associations, e.g. for       on both materials and waste while boos-         lysis of the global material flows shows

that currently for only 9 % of the global         that effectively reduce the overall input of
economy’s inputs, the material loop is            resources into our economy and aim at                Short Biography
closed and that current strategies reco-          utilizing the growing stock of items that
vering its output are limited.3 Unfortunate-      have already been produced, instead of               Carsten Wachholz works as Senior Policy Of-
ly, mainstream politicians continue discus-       only managing fast-cycling material flows            ficer in Brussels and advocates for the EU to
sing the circular economy as an add-on to         such as packaging. Therefore, adequate               match its rhetoric on promoting a circular econo-
green the existing economic model, grasp          policies must be put in place to ensure that         my, sustainable consumption and production, as
environmental benefits, create jobs and           efficiency is combined with sufficiency so           well as on Ecodesign. He writes on behalf of the
capture economic value, in addition to a          that circular economy practices will finally         European Environmental Bureau (EEB) based in
still primarily linear production and con-        replace primary production, and limit the            Brussels, a network of more than 140 environ-
sumption system.                                  risks of the above-mentioned rebound ef-             mental NGOs across Europe. In this article, he ex-
                                                  fects, for example by:                               plores the evolution and practical implementation
Many companies who already invest in                                                                   of circular economy policies at EU level.
circular economy strategies prefer explo-         • establishing intelligent circularity crite-
ring business model options that carefully          ria and eco-design standards in rele-
avoid the risk of cannibalising profits from        vant policy frameworks that encourage            • shifting taxation from labour towards con-
their core operations and that still depend         companies to progress beyond the legal             sumption of primary resources and rela-
on ever-increasing global sales figures.            minimum;                                           ted environmental impacts to compen-
Other companies might see the circular                                                                 sate for circular economy price effects.
economy as a viable opportunity to con-           • promoting secondary materials, com-
tinuously prosper in already saturated              ponents and products that can compete
markets, such as in Europe, while conti-            with primary alternatives in quality, price        Carsten Wachholz
nuing to pursue aggressive growth targets           or target market,                                  Senior Policy Officer
in emerging economies and developing                                                                   European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
countries.                                        • avoiding waste of valuable natural re-             1000 Brussels / BELGIUM
                                                    sources through the sound integration of
To sum it up, the biggest challenge that we         the bioeconomy sectors into the circular           E:
face in the EU circular economy debate to-          economy policy framework, and            
day is to design and implement strategies
  European Commission (2015): Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the circular economy
  Raworth, Kate (2017). Doughnut economics: Seven ways to think like a 21st-century economist.
 The Circularity Gap Report:

The world is only 9 % circular – and what
Holland ist doing about it
                        With over 90% of the raw materials used globally not being cycled back into the economy, our planet is left with
                        a massive strain on its natural resources and climate that urgently needs to be relieved.
                        By Harald Friedl

The linear economy has, in every sense,           of the world, at certain times. It has done        tradition of the linear economy lies a toxic
gotten us to where we are today. In the de-       so, however, at a high cost. Damage con-           cocktail of negative consequences, ran-
cades, and even centuries, since the boom         tinues to be inflicted upon the planet and         ging from social inequality, to depletion of
of the Industrial Revolution, it has deli-        many of the people on it, with neither the         natural resources, environmental pollution
vered tremendous living standards, wealth         gain nor pain distributed equally. Deeply          and worsening of the effects of climate
and comfort to some people, in some parts         embedded within the ‘take-make-waste’              change.

Our world economy is only 9.1 % circu-          roadmap to balance social, environmentalThe Dutch economy is innovative, open
lar, leaving a massive ‘Circularity Gap’        and economic targets. The analysis show-and resource-poor – just like the Austrian
This alarming statistic was the main output                                             economy. Therefore, Austria can take ins-
                                                ed that the circular economy could create
of the first Circularity Gap Report (www.       54,000 new jobs and 7 billion EUR of ad-piration from the failures and successes which provides the       ded value to the Dutch economy. In 2013,of the Dutch circular economy ambition.
first framework to measure and monitor                                                  Central to its success so far has been the
                                                with clear political support, 50 concrete
progress towards a circular economy in                                                  commitment to innovate and implement
                                                pilot projects were started within the ini-
order to bridge the gap, year by year. The                                              the circular economy through multi-sta-
                                                tiative of the Green Deal, which had esta-
report presents an overview of the flow of      blished the Netherlands as a Hotspot forkeholder approaches. These approaches
resources that are used to fulfill key socie-   a Circular Economy. These projects were work well with the Dutch “polder model,”
tal needs, such as housing, mobility and        widely supported by the government, ci- which is comparable to the Austrian ap-
nutrition. It also presents the leaks in the                                                 proach of “social partnership” (“Sozi-
system, showing what happens to resour-      The Dutch economy is innovative, open alpartnerschaft”). Another key aspect
ces after their use in the economy.          and resource-poor – just like the Austrian of this transition is that not only have
                                             economy.                                        the environmentalists been supportive,
An action agenda empowering people                                                           but the Government and the business
for good                                      ties, nonprofits and think tanks.         community have also shown the power of
To measure economic sustainability only                                                 circular economy models to deliver on the
from an environmental perspective is to Prime Minister Rutte extended his sup- triple bottom line: positive outcomes for
miss the point and misunderstand the port, and in 2016 the national roadmap people, planet and profit.
purpose. By definition, managing an eco- "A circular economy in the Netherlands by
nomy is the art of “how we run our global 2050" was launched. It outlines transition I hope that we as Circle Economy can play
household”. An economy should be desig- paths in five main categories of the Dutch an engaged role in Austria’s circular eco-
ned to support the needs of the household economy: biomass and food, construction, nomy transition and work together to learn
members, provide stability, keep societies plastics, manufacturing and consumer what works best for the Austrian context,
together and keep the household going products. The presentation of the reports in order to make this concept a reality.
for future generations. In short, any suc- discussing how to achieve the targets per
cessful economic model must not merely sector, which was held in The Hague in
manage the natural resources it uses re- early 2018, was attended by one thousand         Harald Friedl
sponsibly, but also meet the needs of the people and showed again the broad sup-          CEO
society it serves – it is a matter of people port circular economy currently has in the   Circle Economy
and planet together. The circular econo- Netherlands. In 2016, another important          1092 AD Amsterdam / THE NETHERLANDS
my is therefore an action agenda which puzzle piece was added when the "City
delivers measurable impact for climate Deal" was signed by Amsterdam and 8                E:
change mitigation and resource efficiency, other major Dutch cities, demonstrating
but also for growth and jobs.                 their commitment to pursue the transi-
                                              tion towards a circular economy in order
The Dutch path towards a circular economy to re-shape the way people live and work
The two most innovative economies of together in modern city contexts.                    Short Biography
Europe, the Netherlands and Finland, have
started to put circular economy approa- Topic of the future                               Harald Friedl is the Austrian CEO of the Dutch
ches into reality. In the Netherlands, this Today, the topic of the circular economy      award winning social enterprise Circle Economy
decision was made in 2011, making the is becoming more and more mainstream:               operating globally from its base in Amsterdam.
Dutch – along with Finland, Scotland and it has been introduced into schools (but is      Before this, Harald was Managing Director of a
Slovenia – the frontrunner in championing not yet included in school curricula) and       renewable energy company in Southeast Asia.
this transition. The journey started with an inspires the creative sector to engage in    Follow him on Twitter @friedlh
important analysis by a local think tank effective storytelling. We as Circle Economy
highlighting the transition as an oppor- have begun to calculate the amount of jobs
tunity for jobs and growth, as well as a that the circular economy can provide?


5 Steps to help you lead the systemic
circular change
Circular change based on a circular economy, empowered by
circular culture.

                      By Ladeja Godina Košir

We are the people we have been wai-            out more than 650 million EUR from the          rethinking of values, and to a new mindset.
ting for                                       Horizon 2020 programme and 5.5 billion          Circular culture is emerging.
The world’s population is growing and re-      EUR from the Cohesion Fund2. Each of
source use is increasing. We, as human         us plays an important role in this circular     STEP 4: NETWORKING – Circular Econo-
beings, would like to survive. Beyond that,    transition – let’s talk about it!               my as our common denominator
we want to live a quality life. It is appa-                                                    Slovenia is already recognised as the
rent that the existing model of production     STEP 2: INSPIRATION – Circular                  bridge between European countries
and consumption doesn’t work. As Albert        Economy as a priority of the highest            strategizing to move towards a Circular
Einstein once said, ”We cannot solve our       authorities                                     Economy(such as the Netherlands, Finland
problems with the same thinking we used        The ambition of Slovenia is to become a         and Denmark) and Central Eastern Europe,
when we created them." It’s time to use        “Green reference country in digital Eu-         and as a leader of the circular transition.
the principles of the circular economy to      rope”. What does this mean in practice?         The international platform Circular Change
rethink our business models and welfare        Digitalisation should be used to enable the     is playing a significant role in this process.
society. Our current linear approach, in       transition from linear to circular – in busi-   In collaboration with The Ellen MacArthur
which we extract raw materials, produ-         nesses, in education, in local communities,     Foundation, The World Economic Forum,
ce, consume and then throw away, shall         and on the national and international le-       The European Circular Economy Stake-
be replaced with a new circular economic       vels. Without a top-down approach led by        holders Platform, Circle Economy, SITRA,
model, an economy in which we keep             the government, existing good practices         Circular Economy Club, Circular Valley and
products and materials in circulation, uti-    cannot get all the support and the appro-       many other international circular frontrun-
lizing their value for as long as possible.    priate regulatory framework necessary           ners, the “testing playground” for circular
We must identify the drivers and pressures     to raise their impact. The Prime Minister       solutions is growing, offering Slovenian
causing the primary problems and address       should be the first voice of the national       circular pioneers opportunities to scale up
them appropriately. This requires a com-       “circular movement”.                            their ideas, projects and businesses.
plete paradigm shift. It is on us to make
change happen.                                 STEP 3: COLLABORATION – Circular                STEP 5: IMPLEMENTATION – Circular
                                               Economy as our shared goal                      Economy in action
STEP 1: AWARNESS – Circular Economy            Mapping existing circular activities and        Due to the complexity and scale of exis-
as an opportunity                              projects, encouraging various interests         ting global challenges, a space is needed
No one wants to change. Our first challen-     and considerations to be shared and mo-         that allows actors responsible for envi-
ge – how to make people aware of the be-       derating the dialogue among stakehol-           ronmental governance mechanisms to
nefits of a circular economy? The Circular     ders are all actions that make bottom-up        be able to consider and experiment with
Economy Package was first presented by         activities visible and linked with the top-     both new forms of collaboration, and more
the European Commission in June 2014           down approach. It is of great importance        “systemic” approaches. Multi-stakeholder
and, after undergoing revisions, finally ad-   to break the silence – on the government        cooperation, more agile governance (in-
opted in December 2015. The Commission         side, as well as the business side. Encou-      cluding cities, states and provinces), the
estimates that with this package busines-      raging innovation and co-creation, the de-      use of new technologies, and increased
ses can save up to 600 billion EUR and         velopment of new value chains, exchange         accountability and transparency are ne-
that more than 580,000 new jobs can be         of knowledge, sharing of “failures” and         cessary. In Slovenia, the circular economy
created1. For this purpose, the EU is giving   exploration of new models will lead to the      is included in all key strategic documents


                                                                                                                                                 Activities led by
                                          WHAT                   WHO               HOW                   Activities led by sLOVEniaa
                                                                                                                                                 CIRCULAR CHANGE
                                                                                                         NGOs and The Ministry of the Envi- Opening public events, working with
                                                                                                         ronment and Spatial Planning       media, contacting decision makers in
                                                                                   Public events                                            Slovenia, learning from the Nether-
                                     1    AWARNESS               Frontrunners      and media             YEAR 1                             lands, launching the platform at the
                                                                                                                                            1st Circular Change Conference

                                                                                                         Dr. Janez Potocnik, the former EU-      Organising Dr. Potocnik's presentation
                                                                                                         Commissioner for the Environment        to the Prime Minister and the govern-
                                                                                                         who introduced the first CE Package     ment, working with different associa-
                                                                                   Dialogue with         in 2014, and Miro Cerar, Prime Minis-   tions (Am Cham Slovenia, Managers
                                     2    INSPIRATION            Authorities       the government        ter of the Republic of Slovenia         Association, Chamber of Commerce,
                                                                                                         YEAR 1

                                                                                                         Partnership for green economy in the Mapping existing practices and con-
                                                                 Platforms /       Mapping of best       cabinet of the Prime Minister        necting different stakeholders, pub-
                                     3    COLLABORATION                                                                                       lishing case studies, establishing an
                                                                 Networks          practices
                                                                                                         YEAR 2                               international network

                                                                                                         Membership in the CE100-Ellen           2nd Circular Change Conference –
                                                                                                         MacArthur Foundation, the World         Collaboration with WEF, The Circulars,
                                                                                                         Economic Forum and the Platform for     Central European Convention, SITRA,
                                     4    NETWORKING
                                                                 Various       International             Accelerating the Circular Economy       Circle Economy and the Club of Rome,
                                                                 stake-holders engagement                                                        membership in the European Circular
                                                                                                         YEAR 2                                  Economy Stakeholder Platform, inter-
Source: Circular Change, 2018

                                                                                                                                                 national speaking opportunities, etc.

                                                                                                         Vision 2050, Development Strategy Development of national roadmap,
                                                                                                         2030, Smart Specialisation, National process engaged 3,000 contributors.
                                                                                   National              Circular Economy Roadmap
                                     5    IMPLEMENTATION         Government                                                                   Official launch of National Circular
                                                                                                         YEAR 3                               Economy Roadmap on 11 May 2018 at
                                                                                                                                              3rd Circular Change Conference.

                                that envision the development of the nati-
                                on; in the Smart Specialisation Program-                                        Circular Economy Roadmap of Slovenia
                                me, as well as in Vision 2050 and the
                                Development Strategy 2030, which try to                                      The Circular Economy Roadmap of Slovenia was officially laun-
                                address the question of how to ensure                                        ched at the 3rd Circular Change Conference in May 2018. The
                                a high quality of life for everyone. Circu-                                  national Roadmap is based on collaboration and co-creation.
                                lar Change together with a consortium of                                     We must take into account the economic, environmental and
                                co-authors was tasked with designing the                                     social dimensions of the circular transition, and focus also on
                                Circular Economy Roadmap of Slovenia.                  technological and social innovation, the role of circular design and digital & blockchain
                                This document outlines the pathway to                  technologies. By doing so, three key aspects of transitioning to a circular economy
                                transitioning to a circular economy, and               are recognised: systemic change, business model transformation and the cultural di-
                                has already engaged around 3,000 diffe-                mension. These three aspects are definitively intertwined. The Circular Triangle is a
                                rent stakeholders.                                     model used as a guideline while creating the Roadmap. So far, four circular systems
                                                                                       are recognised that can boost the circular transformation in Slovenia: food, wood,
                                Circular leaders dare to share.                        transportation and manufacturing.
                                Express your interest, share your dreams,
                                collaborate and co-create with top circular            The Roadmap towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia can be downloaded at
                                                                                       Source: Gm – Circular Change, 2017



                                                                                                                                        Photo: © Zero Waste Scotland
Collaboration is key to circular economy
                       The circular economy is gaining momentum across the globe, with many European countries recognised as
                       circular economy ‘early adopters’ now leading nations on sustainable living and working. The European Commis-
                       sion has set out an ambitious vision with its circular economy package – but there is also trailblazing work going
                       on at nation-level.
                       By Iain Gulland

With circular economy benefits estimated resources, supporting businesses to de-              the same time reducing the impact of eco-
at €1.6trillion a year by 2030 for Europe velop circular economy business models,             nomic activity on the natural environment,
alone – not to mention the potential to and creating new markets for quality re-              supporting Scottish Government and EU
reduce carbon emissions by millions                                                           policies. This funding also allows Zero
of tonnes a year – the scale of op- In Scotland, the circular economoy is right               Waste Scotland to operate a dedicated
portunity to transform the way we do at the heart of policy, embedded in the                  Circular Economy Business Support Ser-
business by moving towards a more Scottish Government's Economic Strat-                       vice and £ 18 million Circular Economy In-
circular economy is huge.              egy and Manufacturing Action Plan.                     vestment Fund to help Scottish small and
                                                                                              medium-sized businesses make innovati-
In Scotland, the circular economy is right      manufactured goods.                           ve circular economy ideas a reality.
at the heart of policy, embedded in the
Scottish Government’s Economic Strategy         Funded by the European Regional Deve-         Since it was established in 2016 – to-
and Manufacturing Action Plan. A dedica-        lopment Fund (ERDF) and the Scottish          gether with earlier business support
ted circular economy strategy, "Making          Government, Zero Waste Scotland leads         dating back a further two years – the
Things Last", outlines key areas to grow        on delivery of the £ 73 million Resource      Circular Economy Business Support Ser-
in order to accelerate circular economy         Efficient Circular Economy Accelerator        vice has worked with over 60 businesses
progress. These include driving up rates of     Programme, which aims to improve the          across Scotland. Meanwhile, we have
re-use, fully utilising Scotland’s biological   economic performance of SMEs while at         approved investment worth £ 4.2 million

                               from the Circular Economy Investment         and regions work, which aims to identify     However it’s true that actions speak louder
                               Fund to date.                                circular economy growth opportunities at     than words, and we at Zero Waste Scot-
                                                                                                                         land are inviting circular economy experts,
                               To see the impact of such support Collaboration is key to the circular econ-              investors and decision-makers from Euro-
                               on Scotland’s economic landscape, omy, and the more nations invested the                  pe and across the world to exchange ex-
                               one only has to look at examples. greater the opportunities available.                    pert information and share experiences at
                               Glasgow-based EGG Lighting offers                                                         Circular Economy Hotspot Scotland.
                               the latest LED lighting technology to
                               a broad spectrum of business customers, local and regional level. Our ‘Circle Scan’       The international trade show will be held
                               including the Scottish Prison Service, Ho- of Glasgow identified huge opportunity         in November, showcasing Scotland’s stra-
                               liday Inn hotels and housing associations. for businesses to embed circular econo-        tegic and practical leadership on the circu-
                               Supported by Zero Waste Scotland’s Cir- my principles and collaborate to make             lar economy. Registration is available now
                               cular Economy Business Support Service, the most of resources – with the city’s £         at
                               EGG operates as a leasing model – de- 330million manufacturing sector identified
                               signing the lighting specification to suit as that with the greatest opportunity.         Collaboration is key to the circular eco-
                               customer needs, then supplying, installing                                                nomy, and the more nations invested the
                               and maintaining the system and negating Following Glasgow’s continuing success,           greater the opportunities available. We
                               the need for individual businesses to ‘own’ our circular economy cities and regions       look forward to exchanging expertise at
                               their lighting.                              work is now being rolled out to Edinburgh,   the forthcoming Circular Economy Hotspot
                                                                            Tayside and North-east Scotland – with       Scotland; it is by working across borders
                               In a major development move for their over £ 300million of opportunity identified         and sharing ideas that a truly circular eco-
                               enterprise model, EGG Lighting is current- in the North-east alone.                       nomy can be achieved.
                               ly negotiating a trial with a major Scottish
                               logistics firm, with grant support from In Scotland we’re always eager to shout
                               Zero Waste Scotland facilitate this. Should about our successes – and it was uplif-        Iain Gulland
                               the trial be successful it’s expected that ting to see our circular economy progress       Chief Executive
                               leasing light will be rolled out across the recognised on the global stage with an         Zero Waste Scotland
                               company’s built estate.                      international Circulars Award for Circular    FK8 1QZ Stirling / SCOTLAND
                                                                            Economy Governments, Cities and Regi-
                               EGG is a fantastic legacy example of Zero ons in 2017.                                     E:
                               Waste Scotland’s circular economy cities                                         
Foto: © / NiseniN


                                                                                                                                               Foto: © The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
Roadmap helps Finland's transition to
a circular economy
                     Finland aims to be a pioneer in the circular economy. In 2016, Finland adopted the world’s first
                     national circular economy roadmap “Leading the cycle – Finnish road map to a circular economy
                     2016-2025”. The roadmap outlines the first steps required for a systemic change in the economy.
                     By Laura Järvinen and Samuli Laita

Wealth largely continues to be based on The process matters – what was the                     digm that includes and affects all sectors.
using natural resources, and on making development of the roadmap all about?                   The objective of drawing up a roadmap was
short-lived or even disposable products The road map was developed in an open                  to create a shared mindset for promoting
and selling as many of them as possible. In process with broad stakeholder engage-             the circular economy among all stakehol-
Finland, we believe that in the future, the ment. As an independent party, not funded          ders, and to determine the most effective
competitiveness of our economy and our by the central government or businesses,                means to bring about a systemic change
well-being should no longer                                                                    in the economy. In the creation of circular
                                   Finland aims to be a pioneer in the circular
be based on overconsumption                                                                    economy solutions, neutral encounters, di-
of natural resources. To seize                                                                 alogue and cooperation between different
the benefits of a circular eco-                                                                parties in society – businesses, politicians,
nomy, the Finnish government                                                                   scientists and organisations – were per-
set a strategic target in 2015 to become a the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra was the           ceived as key.
frontrunner in the circular economy, and in main organiser. It was clear from the very
2016 adopted a national circular economy beginning that for the circular economy to            How did the process work?
roadmap. The outcome is a solid plan with succeed, we would need a shared under-               The encounters of the different parties in
an ambitious vision, concrete projects and standing of the circular economy as a new,          society culminated in three round table
clear responsibilities.                       holistic and cross-cutting economic para-        discussions, in which the current state

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