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In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft. Der neue MRT Vantage Titan 3T. FINAL PROGRAMME CONTENT Introductory Words SGR-SSR & SGNM-SSMN 5 Introductory Words SVMTRA-ASTRM 7 NEU Participating Societies 9 Congress Management 10 Scientific Committee 11 SGR-SSR Abstract Reviewers 12 SGR-SSR Poster Jury 12 General Information 14 Society Evening 19 General Assemblies 22 Poster Exhibition 23 Lunch Symposia 32 Hands-on Workshops 33 Industry Partners 35 List of Exhibitors 36 Exhibition Plan 38 Dignitaries of the SGR-SSR 40 Session Formats 44 Pianissimo-Technologie – leiser bei jeder Sequenz und Unter- Ultrasound Course 46 suchung dank bewährter Hardwarelösung. Mehr Freiraum für Anwender und Patienten bietet die 71-cm-Gantryöffnung. Die CONGRESS PROGRAMME SGR-SSR 49 4-Port-Multi-Phase-Transmission-Technik gehört zur Serienaus- Official Training and Continuing Education Course 71 stattung. Der Vantage Titan 3T verfügt außerdem über Toshibas Posters SGR-SSR 24 aktuellste Metallartefaktreduktions-Technik (mART+) und eine komplette Suite kontrastmittelloser Angiographietechniken: CONGRESS PROGRAMME SGNM-SSMN 79 Von dem Fresh-Blood-Imaging-Verfahren FBI für die peripheren Posters SGNM-SSMN 30 Gefäße bis zur neuesten Arterial-Spin-Labelling-Technik ASL zur dynamischen Darstellung der Hirngefäße garantiert der Vantage CONGRESS PROGRAMME SVMTRA-ASTRM 95 Titan 3T diagnostische Sicherheit. Posters SVMTRA-ASTRM 31 Vantage Titan 3T. In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft. Floor Plans 104 Plan Davos 106 www.toshiba-medical.ch 2 3
S R 16 NEW WELCOME CONGRESS APP EINLADUNG ZUM SCHWEIZERISCHEN RADIOLOGIEKONGRESS IN DAVOS ALL THE PROGRAMME IN YOUR POCKET! Sehr geehrte Damen und sehr geehrte Herren, Liebe Kolleginnen und liebe Kollegen, DOWNLOAD THE Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie dieses Jahr nach Davos zum Schwei- CONGRESS APP SCR’16 zerischen Kongress für Radiologie einladen zu dürfen. Die FOR FREE IN THE Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie (SGR-SSR), die APP STORE! Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin (SGNM-SSMN) und die Schweizerische Vereinigung für Medizinisch-Technische Radiologie (SVMTRA-ASTRM) haben für Sie ein interessantes Programm zusammengestellt. Ein thematischer Schwerpunkt ist die interdisziplinäre Eröffnungssitzung zur Bildgebung der Demenz. Eine weitere interdisziplinäre Sitzung befasst sich mit den akuten Thorax- Erkrankungen. Der offizielle Weiter- und Fortbildungskurs der SGR-SSR am Samstag hat die Erkrankungen des männlichen und des weiblichen Beckens zum Thema und befasst sich auch mit den Fortschritten auf dem Gebiet der Hybrid-Bildgebung. Verschiedene Symposien und Mittagsveranstaltungen unserer Industriepartner ergänzen das wissenschaftliche Programm. Sie geben uns Einblicke in die neuesten technischen Entwick- lungen. Ohne Unterstützung durch unsere Industriepartner wäre die Organisation des Kongresses in der heutigen Form nicht möglich. Besten Dank an unsere Partner für ihre wert- For Android and iPhone volle Unterstützung. Der Kongress bietet Ihnen auch die Gelegenheit, sich mit standespolitischen Entwicklungen auseinander zu setzen, sei dies in der Sitzung zur Einführung der klinischen Audits in der Schweiz oder zu Tariffragen. Am diesjährigen Schweizerischen Kongress für Radiologie finden Sie in den Bündner Bergen die nötige Ruhe, um sich neben dem offiziellen Kongressprogramm auch ein wenig vom anstrengenden Alltag zu erholen. Der Kongress ist eine gute Gelegenheit, alte Freunde zu treffen und neue zu finden. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gute Reise und einen lehrreichen und angenehmen Aufenthalt in Davos. Die Kongress-Präsidenten Dr. med. Tarzis Jung, MHA Dr. med. Stefan Kneifel Kongresspräsident SGR-SSR Kongresspräsident SGNM-SSMN 4 5
BIENVENUE HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN INVITATION AU CONGRÈS SUISSE DE RADIOLOGIE À DAVOS IN DAVOS Mesdames, Messieurs, Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, chères consœurs, chers confrères, Die SVMTRA freut sich, Sie im Frühling von Davos zur Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au Congrès Suisse de traditionellen Jahrestagung begrüssen zu dürfen, die in diesem Radiologie qui se tiendra cette année à Davos. La Société Jahr zusammen mit sieben Fachgesellschaften durchgeführt Suisse de Radiologie (SGR-SSR), la Société suisse de médecine wird. nucléaire (SGNM-SSMN) et l’Association suisse des techniciens Gegenüber den Vorjahren hat unser Verband den Anregungen en radiologie médicale (SVMTRA-ASTRM) vous ont concocté un und Beschlüssen unserer Mitglieder folgend erstmals einen programme interdisciplinaire extrêmement intéressant. Ausschuss eingerichtet, der unser Kongressprogramm Parmi les grands rendez-vous thématiques figure la session langfristig plant und es strategisch an die wechselnden plénière d’ouverture consacrée à l’imagerie des démences. Anforderungen an unser Fachgebiet und an unsere tägliche Une autre session interdisciplinaire ciblera les maladies aiguës Arbeit anpasst. Mit dem Programm der diesjährigen Tagung du thorax. haben wir erstmals versucht, diesen selbstgesteckten Zielen gerecht zu werden und wir möchten den Mitgliedern dieses Le samedi, le cours officiel de formation postgraduée et conti- Wissenschaftlichen Komitees der SVMTRA, Frau Isabelle nue de la SGR-SSR aura pour thème les maladies pelviennes Gremion, Frau Chistine Bruguier, Herr Ulrich Anker, Herr Eric chez l’homme et chez la femme, et abordera en outre les Fleury und Herr Sandro Scherz für die Arbeit danken, die im progrès réalisés dans le domaine de l’imagerie hybride. Programm ihren Niederschlag findet. En complément du programme scientifique, divers symposiums Bei der Planung war es uns wichtig, den Rahmen breit zu organisés par nos sponsors de l’industrie nous fourniront un spannen und gleichzeitig an Vorträgen der anderen beteiligten aperçu des derniers progrès technique. Sans le soutien de nos Gesellschaften teilzunehmen. So spannt sich das Programm sponsors, il nous serait impossible d’organiser le congrès sous von der gemeinsamen Eröffnungssitzung mit dem Thema sa forme actuelle sans augmenter les frais de participation. Un Demenz über Lunch Symposien und Nachmittagssitzungen zum grand merci à nos sponsors pour leur précieux soutien. Thema Teleradiologie über Qualitätskontrolle und politische Aspekte unseres Berufes bis hin zur Strahlentherapie und Le congrès vous offre également la possibilité de suivre de zum Einsatz unserer Fachkompetenz in Kriegsgebieten – zwei près les évolutions de la politique professionnelle, notamment Themen, die zum Abschluss wiederum zusammen in Plenary en assistant à la réunion sur l’introduction d’audits cliniques Sessions abgehandelt werden. en Suisse ou à celle sur les questions tarifaires. Wir hoffen, wir haben zusammen eine kreative und erfolgreiche En marge du programme officiel du Congrès Suisse de Radio- Kongresszeit in Davos und wir sind froh, wenn wir für die logie, vous pourrez cette année profiter du calme des Grisons zukünftigen Kongressplanungen wie auch zum Thema pour quelques instants de repos loin du stress quotidien. Le Fortbildung insgesamt auf Ihre Anregungen und/oder Kritik congrès est une bonne occasion de revoir d’anciennes connais- zurückgreifen können und werden in unserem oben genannten sances, et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Fachausschuss all Ihre Vorschläge gerne besprechen und Il ne nous reste plus qu’à vous souhaiter bon voyage, et un soweit möglich realisieren. séjour aussi agréable qu’instructif à Davos. Les présidents du Congrès Mrs. Michela Mordasini Kongresspräsidentin SVMTRA-ASTRM Dr méd. Tarzis Jung (MHA) Dr méd. Stefan Kneifel Président SGR-SSR Président SGNM-SSMN 6 7
BIENVENUE À DAVOS PARTICIPATING SOCIETIES Chères consoeurs, chers confrères, SGR-SSR Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie / L’ASTRM se réjouit de vous accueillir en ce printemps à Davos Société Suisse de Radiologie pour notre traditionnel congrès annuel, que nous organisons cette année conjointement avec sept sociétés médicales. T. Jung, Zurich (Society and Congress President) H. Alkadhi, Zurich Conformément aux suggestions et décisions de nos membres, C. Becker, Geneva un changement a été introduit par rapport aux années C. H. Benoit, Zurich précédentes. En effet, notre association a mis en place un S. Duewell, Frauenfeld comité chargé de la planification au long cours de notre H. M. Hoogewoud, Fribourg programme de congrès, en l’adaptant de manière stratégique R. Kubik, Baden à l’évolution des exigences envers notre discipline et notre E. Merkle, Basel travail au quotidien. À travers le programme de conférences T. Roeren, Aarau de cette année, le comité scientifique de l’ASTRM s’est donc D. Weishaupt, Zurich efforcé de tenir ces objectifs, et nous tenons à remercier Mme U. Wolfensberger, Horgen Isabelle Gremion, Mme Chistine Bruguier, M. Ulrich Anker, M. Eric Fleury et M. Sandro Scherz pour le travail fourni. SGNM-SSMN Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin / Il était important pour nous d’élargir le champ thématique Société Suisse de Médecine Nucléaire et, parallèlement, de participer aux conférences des autres sociétés. Ainsi, notre programme débute par la session T. Krause, Bern (Society President) d’ouverture sur le thème de la démence, se poursuit durant S. Kneifel, Chur (Congress President) la pause déjeuner avec des lunch symposiums, et continue F. Forrer, St. Gallen dans l’après-midi avec des réunions sur des thèmes variés, L. Giovanella, Bellinzona dont: la téléradiologie, le contrôle de qualité et autres aspects P. Kaufmann, Zurich de politique professionnelle, ainsi que la radiothérapie et J. Prior, Lausanne l’utilisation de nos compétences en zones de guerre. Ces deux K. Strobel, Lucerne derniers thèmes seront repris durant les sessions plénières de D. Wild, Basel clôture. M. Wissmeyer, Geneva F. Wanner, Gümligen (SGNM-SSMN Office) Nous espérons que ce séjour à Davos en votre compagnie sera synonyme de succès et d’esprit créatif. Nous serions heureux SVMTRA-ASTRM de pouvoir compter sur vos suggestions et/ou critiques pour Schweizerische Vereinigung der Fachleute für l’organisation des prochains congrès, et pour l’amélioration medizinischtechnische Radiologie / de la formation continue en général. Notre comité scientifique Association Suisse des Techniciens en Radiologie se fera un plaisir d’examiner toutes vos propositions, et de les Médicale mettre en œuvre dans la mesure du possible. Y. Jaermann, Vevey (Society President) M. Mordasini, Bern (Congress President) I. Gremion-Hofstetter, Epalinges M. Hofmann-Stricker, Avry-sur-Matran Mrs. Michela Mordasini R. Latscha Brunner, Bottmingen Kongresspräsidentin SVMTRA-ASTRM E. Rezzonico, Magliaso M. Werner, Sursee (SVMTRA-ASTRM Office) 8 9
SGRRC-SSRCR Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Radiopharmazie / SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Radiopharmazeutische Chemie / Société Suisse de Radiopharmacie / SGR-SSR Chimie Radiopharmaceutique D. Weishaupt, Zurich (President) G. Andreisek, Zurich P. Koch, Zurich (President) M. Anooshiravani-Dumont, Geneva M. Becker, Geneva SSVIR J. Bremerich, Basel Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardio- K. O. Loevblad, Geneva vaskuläre und Interventionelle Radiologie / Ch. Pfirrmann, Zurich Société Suisse de Radiologie Cardiovasculaire P. A. Poletti, Geneva et Interventionnelle C. Reiner, Zurich S. Qanadli, Lausanne (President) S. D. Qanadli, Lausanne S. Schmidt, Lausanne SSER H. Thoeny, Bern Swiss Society of Emergency Radiology P. A. Poletti, Geneva (President) SGNM-SSMN S. Kneifel, Chur SSSR M. Wissmeyer, Geneva Swiss Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology SVMTRA-ASTRM Ch. Pfirrmann, Zurich (President) M. Mordasini, Bern U. Anker, Zurich SGPR-SSRP Ch. Bruguier, Lausanne Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische E. Fleury, Geneva Radiologie / I. Gremion, Epalinges Société Suisse de Radiologie Pédiatrique S. Scherz, Bern G. Eich, Aarau (President) CONGRESS MANAGEMENT Congress Management c/o Education Congress Research GmbH Wolfgang Duchek/Angelika Schwingshackl/Patricia Leeb Neutorgasse 9 1010 Vienna/Austria Email: info@radiologiekongress.ch P: +43 1 5350599 F: +43 1 5334064448 www.radiologiekongress.ch 10 11
CT Suite ABSTRACT REVIEWERS CT ExprèsTM SGR-SSR ABSTRACT REVIEWERS Spritzenloses G. Andreisek, Zurich M. Becker, Geneva Injektionssystem für J. Bremerich, Basel K. O. Loevblad, Geneva P. Poletti, Geneva CT-Untersuchungen C. Reiner, Zurich S. Schmidt, Lausanne Der spritzenlose Injektor CT H. Thoeny, Bern ExprèsTM vereint durch seine D. Weishaupt, Zurich innovative kontrastmittelinjektionsweise SGNM-SSMN ABSTRACT REVIEWERS Bedienfreundlichkeit, Patienten- F. Forrer, St. Gallen L. Giovanella, Bellinzona und Anwendersicherheit und P. Kaufmann, Zurich Anwendungsschnelligkeit. P. Koch, Zurich Dieser 3- Kanal-Kontrastmittel - T. Krause, Bern Injektor ermöglicht Injektionen S. Kneifel, Chur E. Nitzsche, Aarau direkt aus den J. Prior, Lausanne Kontrastmittelflaschen. Er ist mit O. Ratib, Geneva Einfache Handhabung allen gängigen R. Schibli, Villigen • Nach 30 Sekunden für den Kontrastmittelgrössen (von 50 ml K. Strobel, Lucerne nächsten Patienten bis 500 ml), sowie allen NaCl D. Wild, Basel betriebsbereit. Automatische Beuteln (bis zu 3 Liter) kompatibel. M. Wissmeyer, Geneva Verriegelung und Entlüftung des Patientenkanals • Dieselbe Bedienkonsole im Sicherheit • Luftdetektion Untersuchungsraum und am POSTER JURY Arbeitsplatz • Okklusionserkennung • Keine Kreuzkontamination SGR-SSR POSTER JURY • Video zur Bedienungsanleitung • Automatische Entlüftung der T. Dietrich, St. Gallen auf beiden Konsolen Schlauchsysteme R. Duran, Lausanne • Vereinfachte Programmierung T. Frauenfelder, Zurich • Keine heiklen Handgriffe. einer Zweitinjektion für einen V. Fretz, Winterthur Kein Auffüllen von Spritzen Patienten F. del Grande, Lugano (Kolben) A. von Hessling, Lucerne • Sauberes Arbeiten ohne • Patientenset für den A. Hirschmann, Basel Flüssigkeitsverlust vermindert Einmalgebrauch P. Knuesel, Chur ständiges Reinigen A. Kaim, Aarau • Flüssigkeitsstrom nur in eine • Digitale Benutzeroberfläche, T. de Perrot, Geneva Richtung möglich Touch Screen C. Reiner, Zurich E. Tenisch, Lausanne Vertrieb in der Schweiz durch: D. W. Tshering, Bern Bracco Suisse SA, Centro Galleria, 6928 Manno Phone: +41 91 611 53 10 - Fax: +41 91 611 53 11 ch@bracco.com 12 www.braccoimaging.com 13 0123 FDA cleared; 510(k) n° K062265
GENERAL INFORMATION INDUSTRY EXHIBITION A technical exhibition with the most current and innovative technologies, products and services will take place during the CONGRESS DATES congress. Market leader companies will present their spectrum Thursday, May 19–Saturday, May 21, 2016 of products of modern imaging. OPENING HOURS REGISTRATION Opening hours of industry exibition Wednesday, May 18, 2016 14:00-18:00 Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:00-18:00 Thursday, May 19, 2016 08:00-18:00 Friday, May 20, 2016 09:00-18:00 Friday, May 20, 2016 07:30-18:00 Saturday, May 21, 2016 09:00-14:00 Saturday, May 21, 2016 07:30-14:30 REGISTRATION FEES CONGRESS VENUE SGR-SSR CONGRESS Davos Congress SGR-SSR Members Non-members Talstrasse 41 | 7270 Davos P: +41 (0) 81 41521 65 | F: +41 (0) 81 415 21 69 Congress 3 Days http://www.davoscongress.ch/ until 12.04.2016 CHF 170.00 CHF 400.00 info@davoscongress.ch 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 220.00 CHF 450.00 from 18.05.2016 CHF 270.00 CHF 500.00 ONLINE REGISTRATION Residents The online registration will be opened until May 17, 2016. until 12.04.2016 CHF 70.00 CHF 200.00 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 120.00 CHF 250.00 ONSITE PAYMENT from 18.05.2016 CHF 170.00 CHF 300.00 Onsite payment can only be made by credit card (Visa or CHF/ Students MasterCard) or in cash (Swiss Francs). Please understand that until 12.04.2016 CHF 50.00 no other payment facilities like cheques, etc. will be accepted. 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 70.00 from 18.05.2016 CHF 90.00 ONSITE OFFICE In case of any questions, kindly consult the registration desk. SGNM-SSMN CONGRESS Staff members will be happy to assist you. SGNM-SSMN/SGRRC Members Non-members CONGRESS LANGUAGES Congress 3 Days The congress languages are English, German and French. until 12.04.2016 CHF 170.00 CHF 400.00 Please note that all presentation slides have to be in English. 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 220.00 CHF 450.00 In general, no translation will be provided. from 18.05.2016 CHF 270.00 CHF 500.00 Residents BADGES until 12.04.2016 CHF 70.00 CHF 200.00 You are kindly asked to keep your badge visible on the congress 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 120.00 CHF 250.00 grounds at all time. Congress badges will be sent in advance from 18.05.2016 CHF 170.00 CHF 300.00 to the pre-registered participants. In the event of loss, a new badge can be purchased at the registration desk for CHF 20.00. Students until 12.04.2016 CHF 50.00 CONGRESS APP 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 70.00 You can find the entire programme including all sessions, from 18.05.2016 CHF 90.00 abstracts, exhibition and general information in the Congress App. The app “SCR’16” can be downloaded for free for android and iPhone. 14 15
SVMTRA-ASTRM CONGRESS EVALUATION Please note that SGR-SSR Plenary Sessions will be evaluated. SVMTRA-ASTRM Members Non-members Evaluation sheets will be distributed at the beginning of the Congress 3 Days session and shall be returned after the session by putting it until 12.04.2016 CHF 150.00 CHF 350.00 in the respective box. The evaluation is not necessary for 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 200.00 CHF 400.00 collecting CME credits. from 18.05.2016 CHF 250.00 CHF 450.00 Congress 1 Day CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE until 12.04.2016 CHF 50.00 CHF 250.00 The certificate of attendance/CME accreditation can be viewed 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 100.00 CHF 300.00 and printed after the congress upon entering your MyUserArea from 18.05.2016 CHF 150.00 CHF 350.00 at the website (www.radiologiekongress.ch). To enter your MyUserArea, please use your personal username Students 3 Days and password. until 12.04.2016 CHF 50.00 CHF 70.00 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 70.00 CHF 90.00 CANCELLATION POLICY from 18.05.2016 CHF 90.00 CHF 110.00 The cancellation of registration must be sent in written form Students 1 Day to the Congress Management Office. Contact us by email to until 12.04.2016 CHF 30.00 CHF 50.00 registration@radiologiekongress.ch. 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 50.00 CHF 70.00 Until April 10, 2016: refund of 50% from 18.05.2016 CHF 70.00 CHF 90.00 After April 10, 2016: no refund EXHIBITION ONLY CME CREDITS 3 Days Continuing Medical Education (CME) is a programme of until 12.04.2016 CHF 300.00 educational activities to guarantee the maintenance 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 350.00 and upgrading of knowledge, skills and competence following from 18.05.2016 CHF 400.00 completion of postgraduate training. CME Credits that are collected at the SCR are recognised by most national CME- SGR-SSR authorities in Europe. OFFICIAL TRAINING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE COURS OFFICIEL DE FORMATION POSTGRADUÉE ET CME CREDITS SGR-SSR CONTINUE The educational and scientific programme on May 19, 2016 is OFFICIAL TRAINING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE accredited with 8 CME points (Category 1). The educational and (included in the Registration Fees «SGR-SSR 3 Days») scientific programme on May 20, 2016, is accredited with 8 CME SGR-SSR/SGNM-SSMN Members Non-members points (Category 1). The official training and continuing until 12.04.2016 CHF 50.00 CHF 150.00 education course of the SGR-SSR on May 21, 2016, is accredited 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 100.00 CHF 200.00 with 8 CME points (Category 1). from 18.05.2016 CHF 150.00 CHF 250.00 CME CREDITS SGNM-SSMN Residents The educational and scientific programme from May 19 to until 12.04.2016 CHF 30.00 CHF 75.00 May 21, 2016, is accredited with 20 CME points. 13.04.2016–17.05.2016 CHF 80.00 CHF 125.00 from 18.05.2016 CHF 130.00 CHF 175.00 CME CREDITS SVMTRA-ASTRM Course Fee The educational and scientific programme of May 19, 2016, is The course fee applies only to participants who want to accredited with 6 CME points. The educational and scientific register just for the course and do not want to participate at programme of May 20, 2016, is accredited with 6 CME points. the SGR-SSR congress. Also participants of the SGNM-SSMN and SVMTRA-ASTRM congress can attend the training and education course by paying the respective fee. 16 17
SOCIETY EVENING On Friday night, the society event will take place at the SCR DINNER traditional Schatzalp offering you a great view over Davos. & PARTY Once again this year, there will be a seated dinner followed by a casual party night for everyone. WITH ANNA DON‘T Dinner and Party Ticket: CHF 120.00 (incl. menu and drinks ROSSINELLI MISS! during dinner) Party Ticket only: CHF 40.00 (incl. 2 free drinks) Evening event tickets can be ordered online and picked up at the registration desk. They may also be purchased onsite at FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016 – SCHATZALP DAVOS the registration desk upon availability. This year, the SCR organises once again a dinner party! It will be held at the Schatzalp Davos – a unique location, HOTEL RESERVATION which offers a wonderful setting up in the mountains with In cooperation with Davos Congress, the SCR offers reduced an amazing view over the city of Davos! hotels fees during the congress. Hotels of all categories participate and offer the cheapest prices if booking over the The society evening starts with an elegant dinner followed official booking link. For more information, please visit by a casual party night. During the party, Anna Rossinelli will www.radiologiekongress.ch. be live in concert and heat up to a great mood. The beats of the party are provided by DJ Janosch, well known from our last OFFICIAL PARTNER HOTEL society evening in Basel. For the first time, the SCR has a partner hotel: the Interconti- Details: nental Davos. Enjoy the different restaurants, wellness and spa Location: Schatzalp Davos for only CHF 180 per night incl. breakfast. For more informa- Date: Friday, May 20, 2016 tion, please visit the congress website. Dinner: from 19:15 on Party: from 21:45 on ONLINE ABSTRACT BOOK All abstracts of the SGR-SSR, SGNM-SSMN and SVMTRA-ASTRM Tickets are limited and sold on a first-come, are published in the Online Abstract Book 2016. first-served basis. So don’t miss your chance You can find the Online Abstract Book on our homepage and book your ticket! We are looking forward www.radiologiekongress.ch. to an unforgettable evening! SPEAKING TIME SGR-SSR FOR SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS Prices: Kindly observe your presentation time (6 minutes talk and Dinner and Party 2 minutes discussion). Exceeding the time limit will not be Individual ticket CHF 120.00 accepted and the chairpersons are requested to stop presen- Table 10 pax CHF 1’300.00 tations in such cases. Party only CHF 40.00 MEDIA CENTRE (incl. 2 free drinks) The media centre is located close to the entrance of the congress centre. Trained staff will be available to assist you with the equipment. Speakers are reminded to check in at the media centre at least two hours prior to their scheduled session. Please note that the media centre should not be used to prepare your entire presentation and that due to the large number of speakers the workstations are only available for minor editing. Opening hours Thursday, 19.05.2016 09:30-18:00 Friday, 20.05.2016 07:00-18:00 Saturday, 21.05.2016 07:00-14:30 18 19
FUTURE MEETING DESK The Future Meeting Desk offers you an overview of future meetings in the field of radiology and related disciplines, from all over the world. Feel free to contribute flyers and posters to promote your own meetings and courses. SOCIAL MEDIA The Swiss Congress of Radiology is now present on popular social media channels. Follow us on Facebook: Swiss Congress of Radiology Twitter: SCR 2016 Linkedin: Swiss Congress of Radiology MOBILE PHONES AND TABLETS Please do not forget to switch your mobile phone or tablet into silent mode before entering the lecture room. WIFI Free WIFI is available at the Congress Centre Davos. SAFETY The safety of all congress delegates and participants is of utmost importance to the Swiss Congress of Radiology. Security measures and precautions at the venue have been tightened to ensure maximum security for all attendees. Badges must be worn visibly on the congress grounds at all times. The Swiss Congress of Radiology reserves the right for staff to check participants’ identification upon admission to and/or inside the congress venue. Participants may at any time be requested to present adequate proof of identity in the form of a passport, driver’s license, national or military identifica- tion or student ID. Documents for the proof of identity must include a photograph and signature. DISCLAIMER/LIABILITY The Swiss Congress of Radiology cannot accept any liability for the acts of the suppliers to this meeting or the attendees’ safety while travelling to or from the congress. All participants and accompanying persons are strongly advised to carry adequate travel and health insurance, as the Swiss Congress of Radiology cannot accept liability for accidents or injuries that may occur. The Swiss Congress of Radiology is not liable for personal injury and loss or damage of private property. 20 21
GENERAL ASSEMBLIES OF POSTER EXHIBITION PARTICIPATING SOCIETIES The Poster Exhibition takes place in the rear area of the AND OTHER MEETINGS entrance level (Parkgeschoss) of the Congress Centre Davos. POSTER WALKING TOUR THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 There are two prizes for scientific posters (summa cum laude; SGRRC-SSRCR magna cum laude) and one prize for the best educational 14:00-15:00 General Assembly Room Flüela poster. The evaluation of the posters by the poster jury will take place during the Poster Walking Tour. The prizes will be SSER awarded based on the decision of the poster jury. 15:45-16:45 General Assembly Room Flüela The Poster Walking Tour takes place on Thursday evening, May 19, 2016 from 16:45 to 17:30. At this time, at least one of FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016 the authors must be present for discussion in order to SVMTRA-ASTRM be eligible for the poster award. If none of the authors is 08:30-10:00 Delegate Assembly Room Davos 1/3 present, the poster will not be considered for the award. Industry Meeting You can find our Online Abstract Book already on our website 08:30-09:15 Room Flüela www.radiologiekongress.ch or on our app. PICS POSTER AWARDING 13:00-14:25 Closed Meeting Room Sertig Presentation of Poster Awards takes place during the General Assembly of the SGR-SSR on Friday, May 20, 2016. Working Group Cardiac Imaging 13:30-14.30 General Assembly Room Flüela SSVIR Join our 14:30-15:30 General Assembly Room Schwarzhorn Private Radiologists POSTER 14:30-15:30 Meeting Room Sertig WALKING SGNM-SSMN TOUR 15:00-16:30 General Assembly Room Dischma with Cocktails! SGR-SSR 16:30-17:45 General Assembly Room Davos I COME AND JOIN US AT THE POSTER WALKING TOUR! GRAB A GLASS AND JOIN OUR WALK SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 THROUGH THE POSTER WALLS! SSSR 09:00-09:45 General Assembly Room Flüela 22 23
POSTERS SGR-SSR PO12 The Role of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreato- graphy in the Investigation of Choledocholithiasis D. Pathmajothy 1, S. Batra1, M. Owen2; 1London/UK, PO01 OHVIRA Syndrome- Clinical and Radiological Correlation 2 Pembrokeshire/UK across the Ages K. Lai, E. S. M. Hamouda, M. V. Fortier; Singapore/SG PO13 Prostatic Fiducial Marker Placement and Recto- prostatic Separation by Hydrogel Injection under Echo PO02 Gadoxetic Acid (Primovist) – Enhanced MR Imaging for Graphic Guidance: The Trans Perineal Pathway Characterization of Focal Liver Lesions Developed on T. de Perrot, M. Scheffler, T. Zilli, J.-P. Vallee; Geneva/CH Healthy Liver L. Paulatto1, G. Brancatelli2, M. Dioguardi-Burgio2, PO14 Computed Tomographic Perfusion Imaging for M. Lagadec3, R. Breguet1, C. Hansen1, S. Terraz 1, Monitoring of Transarterial Chemoembolization C. D. Becker 1, V. Vilgrain4, M. Ronot3; 1Geneva/CH, Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2 Palermo/IT, 3Paris/FR, 4Clichy/FR H. P. H. P. Marquez Masquiaran, H. Alkadhi, M. Fischer; Zurich/CH PO03 Pelvic Congestion Syndrome B. Freiwald, R. Omidi, R. A. Kubik-Huch, C. L. Zollikofer; PO15 Assessment of Cytoreduction after Radiofrequency Baden/CH Ablation of Unrespectable Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Correlation between Variation of ca 19.9 and Dimension PO04 Errors in Abdominal Doppler Sonography of Necrosis at CT. L. Trachsel, N. Kotalawala, M. Roux, R. A. Meuli, M. Pregarz, P. Tinazzi Martini, R. de Robertis, R. Girelli, J.-Y. Meuwly; Lausanne/CH A. Giardino, F. Scopelliti, M. D’onofrio; Verona/IT PO05 Pre-operative Imaging Evaluation of Pancreatic PO16 Brain Imaging Findings in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Tumours: What the Surgeons want to know before S. Kok, S. Kumar; Singapore/SG resection M. Pregarz, R. de Robertis, M. D’onofrio, P. Pederzoli, PO17 Neuroimaging of Acute and Chronic Unilateral and P. Tinazzi Martini; Verona/IT Bilateral Thalamic Lesions C. Tuttle, J. Boto, A. M. Korchi, V. Zhekova, K.-O. Lovblad, PO06 PI-RADS Version 2.0: Practical Guide for Adequate M. I. Vargas; Geneva/CH Analysis and Reporting of Prostate MRI Examinations M. Roux, M. Hauser, M. Valerio, R. A. Meuli, J.-Y. Meuwly; PO18 A case of superficial siderosis and overview of the Lausanne/CH literature. R. Marasco, G. Iussich, J. Heinkel; Locarno/CH PO07 PI-RADS Version 2.0: How accurate are you for a proper Communication? PO19 Key imaging findings regarding some tumour of the M. Hauser, M. Roux, M. Valerio, R. A. Meuli, J.-Y. Meuwly; Nasal Cavity Lausanne/CH S. Durante, V. Dunet, R. A. Meuli, P. Hagmann; Lausanne/CH PO08 Role of Diffusion MRI in Evaluating Liver Fibrosis C. Ozturker 1, E. Karagoz2, K. Kara3, G. Sonmez3, H. Mutlu3; PO20 Cerebral infections and Immunodepression outside 1 Canakkale/TR, 2Van/TR, 3Istanbul/TR of HIV J. Forget, P. Maeder, P. Hagmann, R. A. Meuli; PO09 Pelvic Artefacts in Material Decomposition Images from Lausanne/CH Dual Energy CT: A Phantom and Patient Study. S. Winklhofer 1, J. Lambert 2, Y. Sun2, J. Wang2, B. Yeh2; PO21 3D Quantification of Basal Ganglia Susceptibility in 1 Zurich/CH, 2San Francisco/US Elderly Subjects: A Validation V. Dunet1, J. Deverdun2, C. Charroud2, E. Le Bars2, PO10 Accessory Spleen versus Lymph Node: Added Value F. Molino2, C. Geny2, N. Menjot de Champfleur2; of Lodine Quantification with Dual-Energy Computed 1 Lausanne/CH, 2Montpellier/FR Tomography S. Winklhofer 1, W.-C. Lin2, J. Lambert 2, B. Yeh2; 1Zurich/CH, PO22 Estimation of the Effect of Stenosis on Carotid and 2 San Francisco/US Intracranial Blood flow using Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Angiography PO11 Diagnostic Performance of Late-phase Contrast A. Sobieh1, A. Hackbart 2, T.-K. Hauser 1, U. Klose1; enhanced MRI of the Liver for the Distinction of 1 Tuebingen/DE, 2Stuttgart/DE Haemangiomas Versus Metastases using Gadoteridol or Gadoxetate Disodium O. Mühlebach1, C. A. Binkert1, J. Froehlich2, O. Kolokythas1; 1 Winterthur/CH, 2Zurich/CH 24 25
PO23 Quantitative Evaluation of Lateral Pterygoid Muscles PO34 Acute complications after lung transplantation: in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders by Radiologic-pathologic correlation Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI. C. I. Habre, A.-L. Hachulla, J. Gariani, S. Martin, L. Lucker, S. Ngamsom, S. Nakamura, J. Sakamoto, S. Kotaki, F. Lador, J.-C. Pache, C. D. Becker, P. Gasche, X. Montet; T. Kurabayashi; Tokyo/JP Geneva/CH PO24 Contrast enhancement in multiple sclerosis is PO35 Systemic Air Embolism During Transthoracic Biopsies: dependent on the MR sequence used in vitro and in vivo Risk Factors and Preventive Measures results R. Rehwald, J. Petersen, M. C. Freund, E. Schönherr, F. J. Ahlhelm1, D. U. Müller-Pfister 1, S. Ulmer2, M. Haslauer, A. E. Grams, A. Loizides, B. Glodny; J. M. Fröhlich2, R. A. Kubik-Huch1, M. Klarhoefer3, Innsbruck/AT M. Steinhauser 2, P. D. P. Sandor 1; 1Baden/CH, 2Zurich/CH, 3 Basel/CH PO36 Influence of model based iterative reconstruction algorithm on image quality of multiplane reformations PO25 More precise placement of external ventricular in reduced dose chest CT drainages by combining CT-planning and Angel- H. Barras1, V. Dunet1, A.-L. Hachulla2, C. Beigelman1; guidance 1 Lausanne/CH, 2Geneva/CH F. A. Burn, M. Baumann, C. E. Eisenring, J. Beck, A. Raabe, M. Oertel; Bern/CH PO37 Dual Energy CT Pulmonary Angiography with 15 ml Contrast Media – A Propensity score-matched study PO26 Imaging of Intracranial Tumours – First experiences with A. Meier, K. Higashigaito, K. Martini, M. Wurnig, B. Seifert, GRASP Sequence at 1.5 T and 3.0 T D. Keller Lang, T. T. Frauenfelder, H. Alkadhi; Zurich/CH A. Bink, C. Stippich; Basel/CH PO38 Service management in a radiological department with PO27 Effect of Splenomegaly on Resistive İndex Values of the service blueprint model Extrinsically Compressed Left Kidney M. Maurer; Bern/CH K. Yalçin-Şafak, A. Akça; İstanbul/TR PO39 Does a Dose Monitoring Software in Computed PO28 Triple Rule-Out CT in the Emergency Department Tomography increase technologists’ dose awareness? Patient – Should we just do it? C. Heilmaier, N. Zuber, B. Bruijns, D. Weishaupt; Zurich/CH F. Morsbach, K. Higashigaito, D. Benz, R. M. M. Hinzpeter, H. Alkadhi; Zurich/CH PO40 The diagnosis “iodine allergy” is a risk factor for adverse events under clinical routine conditions PO29 Intentional Assisted Recanalization of challenging I. Böhm, P. Silva Hasembank Keller, K. Nairz, chronic total occlusions using a high frequency J. T. Heverhagen; Bern/CH vibrational device S. D. Hajdu, C. Sotiriadis, A.-M. Jouannic, F. Glauser, PO41 Swiss Survey on Imaging Algorithms in Polytrauma S. D. Qanadli; Lausanne/CH Patients R. M. M. Hinzpeter 1, T. Böhm2, D. T. Boll3, C. Constantin4, PO30 Cardiac findings on routine non-gated Computed F. Del Grande5, M. D. M. V. Fretz6, S. Leschka7, T. Ohletz8, Tomography in comparison with cardiac MRI D. Ott9, S. Schmidt10, T. Treumann11, P.-A. Poletti12, M. Cristallo Lacalamita1, M. A. Scardapane2, H. Alkadhi1; 1Zurich/CH, 2Chur/CH, 3Basel/CH, 4Sion/CH, P. Q. R. Santini1, G. Angelelli2, R. Wyttenbach1; 5 Lugano/CH, 6Winterthur/CH, 7St. Gallen/CH, 8Aarau/CH, 1 Bellinzona/CH, 2Bari/IT 9 Bern/CH, 10Lausanne/CH, 11Lucerne/CH, 12Geneva/CH PO31 Triple rule out CT in patients with Acute Chest Pain: PO42 Vascular Closure Devices: When, how and which one? Watch out the Myocardium L. Crivelli, P. Douek, S. D. Hajdu, C. Sotiriadis, F. Doenz, K. Higashigaito, F. Morsbach, D. Benz, R. M. M. Hinzpeter, S. D. Qanadli; Lausanne/CH S. Baumüller, H. Alkadhi; Zurich/CH PO43 Endovascular treatment of glomus tumours PO32 Triage CT (Triple rule out): The plenty and the pearls S. R. Stojanović, P. D. D. Stojanov, M. S. D. S. Ristić; Niš/RS G. Bodendörfer 1, J. Burnand1, H. Bänziger 1, T. Wantz2, Y. Agrebi1; 1Riaz/CH, 2Magnedens/CH PO44 Radiological Diagnostic Imaging Diabetic Angiopathy S. R. Stojanović, P. D. D. Stojanov, M. S. D. S. Ristić; Niš/RS PO33 The most common idiopathic interstitial pneumonias: What the radiologist should know. PO45 Clinical signs, imaging findings and endovascular P. Douek, L. Crivelli, S. Grosfilley, S. D. Hajdu, R. Lazor, treatment of Arteria-Ureteral Fistulas I. Letovanec, C. Beigelman; Lausanne/CH L. Steinert, M. Randazzo, R. Pfiffner, T. Pfammatte; Zurich/CH 26 27
PO46 A comparative study between the clinical outcome PO57 Osteophytes of the of the Fovea capitis femoris – of ultrasound guided injection vs. palpation guided A finding in asymptomatic volunteers injection for carpal tunnel syndrome patients S. Bensler, C. A. Agten, C. W. Pfirrmann, R. Sutter; A. Sobieh, A. Tohami, A. Omar, A. Gad; Ismailia/EG Zurich/CH PO47 Possibilities in supraaortic Viabahn prosthesis, PO58 Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis: Intra- and Inter-reader a technical note Agreement for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Parameters D. Graf, L. Hechelhammer, J. Weber; St.Gallen/CH S. Winklhofer 1, U. Held1, J. Burgstaller 1, T. Finkenstaedt1, N. Bolog2, N. H. Ulrich1, J. Steurer 1, G. Andreisek1, PO48 “Virtual autopsy” of living trauma victims: The role of F. Del Grande3; 1Zurich/CH, 2Bucharest/RO, 3Lugano/CH forensic radiology in clinical medico-legal expertise P. Baumann, J.-B. Zerlauth, P. Mangin, S. Grabherr; PO59 Value of Tomosynthesis for lesion evaluation in Lausanne/CH osteoarthritic hands using the OARSI score K. Martini, A. Becker, R. Guggenberger, G. Andreisek, PO49 Task-based evaluation of image quality with a wide- T. T. Frauenfelder; Zurich/CH volume CT scanner using both helical and axial acquisition modes PO60 Metal artefact suppression at 3T MRI: Comparison of D. Racine, J. Ott, F. Becce, D. Rotzinger, F. R. Verdun; MAVRIC-SL with conventional Fast Spin Echo sequences Lausanne/CH in patients with hip joint arthroplasty Metal artefact suppression at 3T MRI: Comparison of MAVRIC-SL with PO50 Evaluation of image performance of a novel 3D X-ray conventional Fast Spin Echo sequences system with a 3D image quality phantom and M. Kretzschmar 1, L. Nardo2, M. Han2, G. Joseph2, comparison with standard CT U. Heilmeier 2, R. Krug2, T. Link2; 1Basel/CH, R. M. Benz 1, M. Garcia1, F. Amsler2, B. Stieltjes1, 2 San Francisco/US A. Hirschmann1; 1Basel/CH, 2Biel-Benken/CH PO61 Central osteophytes develop in cartilage with abnormal PO51 Top 5 lumbosacral spine pain clinical diagnoses: structure and composition: Data from the OAI cohort. Evidence-based interventional management. M. Kretzschmar 1, U. Heilmeier 2, C. McCulloch2, M. Nevitt 2, H. Brat1, T. Bouziane2, D. Fournier 1; 1Sion/CH, 2Tournai/BE T. Link2; 1Basel/CH, 2San Francisco/US PO52 Top 5 craniocervical pain clinical diagnoses: PO62 Iterative reconstruction (IR) in MDCT: Which type Evidence-based interventional management. ensures diagnostic image quality when considerably H. Brat1, T. Bouziane2, D. Fournier 1; 1Sion/CH, 2Tournai/BE reducing the doses delivered to young oncological PO53 The added value of dynamic contrast enhanced patients? magnetic resonance imaging in the follow-up of soft B. Pauchard, K. Higashigaito, A. Lamri, R. A. Meuli, tissue malignant tumours. A pictorial Essay H. Alkadhi, F. R. Verdun, S. Schmidt; Lausanne/CH E. Astrinakis, A. Neroladaki, I. Bagetakos, C. D. Becker, PO63 Multimodality imaging of paediatric tumours and S. Boudabbous; Geneva/CH tumour-like conditions of the maxillofacial skeleton PO54 Value of fat-suppressed fluid-sensitive MRI sequences S. S. Stefanelli, L. Merlini, A.-L. Rougemont, A. Ailianou, for the detection and characterization of Modic I P. Scolozzi, A. Terzic, M. Becker; Geneva/CH end-plate changes of the lumbar spine PO64 Ovarian cancer staging and treatment planning: How T. Finkenstaedt1, F. Del Grande2, N. Bolog3, N. H. Ulrich4, can the radiologist help the multidisciplinary team? S. Tok4, O. Kolokythas4, J. Steurer 1, G. Andreisek1, A. M. Kalovidouri, M. Picarra, I. Bagetakos, D. A. Djema, S. Winklhofer 1; 1Zurich/CH, 2Lugano/CH, 3Bucharest/RO, C. D. Becker, X. Montet, P. Petignat, D. Botsikas; 4 Winterthur/CH Geneva/CH PO55 Nontraumatic Incidental Findings in Patients PO65 Gynaecologic emergencies in the spotlight: What undergoing Whole-Body Computed Tomography at radiologists need to know Initial Emergency Admission M. W. Wagner 1, T. Bosemani2, T. Huisman2, E. Krozcek1, G. Wieners2, I. Steffen2, T. Lindner2, R. A. Kubik-Huch3; 1Zurich/CH, 2Baltimore/US, 3Baden/CH F. Streitparth2, B. Hamm2, M. Maurer3; 1Göttingen/DE, 2 Berlin/DE, 3Bern/CH PO66 Haematometrocolpos: Aetiologies and differential diagnoses; What radiologists should know PO56 İncidence and clinical importance of extra spinal M. W. Wagner 1, T. Bosemani2, T. A. Huisman2, findings at lumbar spine CT: A retrospective study of R. A. Kubik-Huch3; 1Zurich/CH, 2Baltimore/US, 3Baden/CH 810 patients K. Yalçin-Şafak, Ö. Elibol, A. Akça; İstanbul/TR 28 29
POSTERS SGNM-SSMN POSTERS SVMTRA-ASTRM PO67 Standardization of Image Quality Assessment in PET PO76 La simulation comme outil dans l’interprofessionnalité and SPECT. pour les TRM G. Di Domenicantonio1, S. Gnesin2, T. V. M. Lima3; O. Sautier, L. Franco; Lausanne/CH 1 Geneva/CH, 2Lausanne/CH, 3Aarau/CH PO77 Nuklearmedizinische Nierenuntersuchungen PO68 Major discrepancies between official quality control S. Lukic; Chur/CH methods of the radiopharmaceutical preparation of Nanocoll PO78 Image guided radiation therapy of liver using a new M. Straub, J. Caputo, M. Leresche, J. Delage; Lausanne/CH contrast agent K. Sprengers, L.-V. Tran, S. Ding, M.-C. Vozenin, B. Petit; PO69 The role of Fluorodeoxyglucose–Positron-Emission Lausanne/CH Tomography in the staging and follow-up of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) PO79 Image guided radiation therapy of lung using new M. Jreige1, N. Mechleb2, T. Ibrahim2, M. Haddad2, contrast agent F. Chehadeh2, A. Tfayli2, M. Haidar2; 1Lausanne/CH, L.-V. Tran, K. Sprengers, S. Ding, M.-C. Vozenin, B. Petit; 2 Beirut/LB Lausanne/CH PO70 Pilot study of head and neck tumours angiogenesis PO80 Ex-Vivo MRI: The role of the radiographer in the imaging αvβ3 integrin’s with Ga-68 NODAGA-RGD in multidisciplinary reasearch – Prelimiary results comparison to F-18-FDG PET/CT. E. Maturana, S. Decker; Thônex/CH S. Durante1, P. Mitsakis1, A. Pomoni1, V. Dunet1, M. Nicod Lalonde1, J. Delage1, J. Prior 1, N. Schäfer2; 1 Lausanne/CH, 2Zurich/CH PO71 Evaluation of spleen uptake of Ga-68-NODAGA- arginine-glycine–aspartic acid (RGD) peptide in positron emission tomographic (PET) imaging M. Jreige1, P. N. Schaefer 1, P. Mitsakis1, J. Delage1, M. Straub1, C. Soares Sobral1, M. Pappon1, A. A. van der Gucht 2, J. Prior 1; 1Lausanne/CH, 2Strasbourg/FR PO72 Cardiac computed tomography angiography and positron emission tomography myocardial perfusion hybrid imaging in complex coronary artery anomalies – Case series C. Gräni, D. Benz, B. Hirt Moch, F. Mikulicic, J. Vontobel, A. P. Pazhenkottil, O. Gaemperli, P. A. Kaufmann, R. Buechel; Zurich/CH PO73 How-to: Split-bolus protocol for optimal CT contrast in post-radioiodine SPECT/CT scans in thyroid cancer patients M. K. Werner, M. de Bloeme, S. Metzger, G. Giovacchini, D. Weishaupt, A. Haldemann; Zurich/CH PO74 Bone and muscular viability assessment before amputation: usefulness of bone scan and 99mTc sestamibi dual-phase scintigraphy. S. Durante, M.-H. Perez, D. Longchamp, A. de Buys Roessingh, S. Di Bernardo, O. El Ezzi, A. Boubaker; Lausanne/CH PO75 Branchial Cleft Cysts – Diagnostic Pitfalls T. Baumann, J. Lieb, M. Kretzschmar, J. Jakscha, D. Wild; Basel/CH 30 31
LUNCH SYMPOSIA 12:00-12:30 Regadenoson: Drug Discovery and Devel- opment of a Selective Coronary Vasodilator THURSDAY, MAY 19, 12:15-13:15 ROOM DAVOS I for Use as a Pharmacological Stress Agent for Radionuclide Lunch Symposium organised by Bayer (Schweiz) AG Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Joint Session SGR-SSR & SVMTRA-ASTRM B. Blackburn, London/GB by Solumedics Clinical Relevance of Gadolinium Deposition in Brain Tissue 12:30-13:00 Moderator: V. Runge, Bern/CH Arrival of Clinical Cardiac PET with Rb-82 in Switzerland 12:15-12:45 J. Prior, Lausanne/CH What We Know From Clinical Research by Advanced Accelerator Applications Suisse S.A A. Bink, Basel/CH and Medeo 12:45-13:15 Gadolinium Deposits Preclinical Perspective H. Pietsch, Berlin/DE SATURDAY, MAY 21, 12:00-13:00 ROOM DAVOS I Interactive Lunch Symposium organised FRIDAY, MAY 20, 12:00-13:00 ROOM DAVOS I by Raymed Imaging AG and Samsung Lunch Symposium organised by Fasmed Interactive Course on Pelvic Imaging (Umbrella Organisation of Swiss Medical Technology) Moderator: G. Andreisek, Zurich/CH Joint Session SGR-SSR & SVMTRA-ASTRM 12:00-12:30 eHealth and its Impact on Radiology Diagnosis of Ovarian Masses: Pattern Recognition Approach Moderator: Ch. Pfirrmann, Zurich/CH S.H. Kim, Seoul/KO 12:00-12:20 12:30-13:00 Isn’t Medical Imaging Just Perfect Interactive Introduction into Prostate imaging for Big Data? H. Thoeny, Bern/CH E. Merkle, Basel/CH 12:20-12:40 ITs time: Turning Big Data into Big Insights M. Dahlweid, Chicago/US HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS 12:40-13:00 THURSDAY, MAY 19, 13:15-13:45 ROOM STUDIO The Swiss eHealth Strategy: Does it change Radiology? Hands-on Workshop organised Ch. Bensch, Zurich/CH by Mint Medical Strukturiere Befunderhebung zum Tumour-Staging und zur FRIDAY, MAY 20, 12:00-13:00 ROOM DISCHMA onkologischen Therapiebeurteilung A. Wyss, Thun/CH Lunch Symposium organised by Solumedics, Medeo and Advanced Accelerator Applications Suisse S.A SGNM-SSMN FRIDAY, MAY 20, 10:45-11:45 ROOM STUDIO Cardiac PET and New Pharmacological Stress Testing Hands-on Workshop Moderator: Ph. Kaufmann, Zurich/CH organised by GE Healthcare Invenia ABUS – 3D Automatischer Brust-Ultraschall: Eine Innovation für dichtes Brustgewebe T. Frauenfelder, Zurich/CH 32 33
JOIN OUR STUDY ABOUT VITAMIN D INSUFFIENCY! INDUSTRY PARTNERS The Swiss Congress of Radiology would like to thank our industry partners for their highly appreciated support! RADIOLOGISTS DO IN THE DARK – HOW IS YOUR VITAMIN D? Vitamin D is an important vitamin in the metabolism of the human body. During the winter months 26% of Swiss people DIAMOND SPONSOR have a vitamin D insufficiency and 62% a vitamin D deficiency. BAYER (SCHWEIZ) AG Radiologists are confronted with the prejudice that they work all day in dark rooms with no sunlight exposure and should therefore be at a high risk for low vitamin D levels. At the occasion of the Swiss Congress of Radiology 2016 a research group from the Balgrist will conduct a study to assess the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency among GOLD SPONSORS the Swiss radiology population and will compare it to the reported prevalence in Switzerland. RAYMED IMAGING AG AND SAMSUNG We invite radiologists and GET A FREE affiliated professionals to VITAMIN D TEST participate in the study DURING THE during the meeting. We SCR 2016! offer a free vitamin D test to all participants! Partic- ipants will have to provide a venous blood sample (taken at the congress venue) to measure vitamin D levels and fill out a short questionnaire. Please visit us at our booth in the exhibition hall MAIN SPONSOR for more information. We are looking forward to seeing you and BRACCO SA answering your questions. MAIN SPONSOR GE HEALTHCARE 34 35
LIST OF EXHIBITORS . . NR NR Y Y N N H H PA PA OT OT M M TY TY BO BO CO CO CI CI PARKGESCHOSS (UPPER LEVEL) TALSTRASSENGESCHOSS (LOWER LEVEL) P 1A Mecco Medical GmbH Zug T1 Carestream Gland P 1B Solumedics GmbH Zofingen T2 Cook Switzerland AG Lucerne P2 Eizo AG Wädenswil ZH T3 Scanflex/Sirad Le Locle P3 Meditrend SA Grancia T4 Admedics AG Zuchwil P 4A Eurebis AG Hombrechtikon T5 Zentrum für Radiopharmazie/USZ Zurich P 4B Advanced Accelerator Applications Geneva T6 SMD MedicalTrade GmbH Salenstein P5 Mallinckrodt Schweiz AG Cham T7 Guerbet AG Zurich P6 Medicor AG Cham T8 Bayer (Schweiz) AG Zurich P6 Medicor Medical Supplies GmbH Cham T 9A MediData Root P6 VISUS IT Solutions Zurich T 9B Vascular Medical GmbH Schaffhausen P7 BARD Medica SA Zurich T 10A Menges Medizintechnik Schweiz AG Appenzell P8 EDL Berre L’Etang T 10B Medtronic (Schweiz) AG Münchenbuchsee P9 Cordis, a Cardinal Health Company Zug T 11 Raymed Imaging Cham P 10 Mint Medical Heidelberg/DE T 12 Bracco Suisse SA Manno P 11A Agfa HealthCare AG Dübendorf T 13 Telemis Neuchâtel P 11B SVMTRA-ASTRM Sursee T 14 Swissray Medical AT Hochdorf P 12 1a medical ag Winterthur T 15 Sanofi-Aventis (Schweiz) AG, Baar P 13A BTG Surrey Sanofi Genzyme P 13B SWAN Isotopen AG Bern T 16 European Society of Radiology Vienna/AT P 14 Surgical Device GmbH Cham P 15 TeraRecon Frankfurt am Main/DE P 16 Alliance Medical GmbH Castrop-Rauxel P 17 Boston Scientific AG Solothurn P 18 Terumo Spreitenbach P 19 Pearltec AG Schlieren P 20A Teleflex Medical GmbH Belp P 20B Biotronik Schweiz AG Baar P 21 Canon (Schweiz) AG Wallisellen P 22 THP Medical Products Vienna/AT P 23 Fujifilm (Switzerland) AG Dielsdorf P 24 GE Healthcare AG Glattbrugg P 25 Leuag AG Alpnach Dorf P 26 Abbott Vascular Baar 36 37
DIGNITARIES OF THE SWISS HONORARY CORRESPONDING MEMBER PROF. S.H. KIM, SEOUL/KO SOCIETY OF RADIOLOGY Seung Hyup Kim, MD, PhD, is currently Profes- sor of Radiology and Urology at Seoul National (SGR-SSR) University College of Medicine, Korea. SCHINZ MEDALLIST Dr. Kim received his MD in 1979, his master PROF. BERND HAMM, BERLIN/DE degree in 1982 and his PhD in 1988 at Seoul Bernd Karl-Heinz Dieter Hamm, Prof. M.D. is National University (SNU). He completed his internship and full professor of radiology and Chairman of residency at the Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) and the Department of Radiology Charité Berlin became a board-certified radiologist in 1983. After military (Campus Charitè Mitte, Campus Virchow service, he became an instructor in radiology at the SNU, spent Klinikum and Campus Benjamin Franklin), in 1 year as visiting radiologist at the Hospital of the University of Germany. He is currently the 1st Vice President Pennsylvania and advanced through the academic standings of the European Society of Radiology. by becoming a professor of radiology, a professor of urology and Associate Dean of SNU. Dr. Kim served as the Chair of the Prof. Hamm received his MD degree in 1977 at the Freie Department of Radiology for 2 years and as Vice-President of Universität Berlin. He completed his residency at the Institute the SNUH for 3 years. of Pathology, the Department of Radiotherapy and the Department of Radiology of the Freie Universität Berlin. In 1989, Dr. Kim was the secretary general of the 11th Congress of the he became a board-certified radiologist. He was appointed as World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology a senior staff physician at the Department of Radiology before (WFUMB), held in Seoul in 2006. Dr. Kim was one of the key he habilitated in 1989 in the field of radiology. From 1989-1993, members in upgrading the Korean Society of Ultrasound in he worked as Associate Professor of Radiology at the Freie Medicine and Biology (KSUM) and transforming the KSUM Universität Berlin. In 1994 Prof. B. Hamm was appointed as full annual congress into an international one by adopting English Professor of Radiology at the Charité, Humboldt University as a congress language with the slogan ‘KSUM Open’. Since Berlin. In 2006 Prof. Hamm was elected as professor and 2001, he contributed to the Asian Federation of Societies chaiman of the merged radiology departments Charité, Campus for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (AFSUMB) as council Mitte and Campus Virchow Kliniken. In 2010 the Radiology member, treasurer, secretary, president, and currently he Department of the Benjamin Franklin was also merged. is the Immediate Past-President of AFSUMB. In WFUMB, he is contributing as councillor, vice-president, and member of Prof. Hamm has been very active in the scientific field. He various committees. Currently he is the Secretary of WFUMB. has authored 605 original papers, 93 reviewed articles and editorials as well as 11 books. He has held over 500 lectures, Prof. Kim’s main subspecialty is genitourinary imaging and including refresher courses at the RSNA and the ECR. intervention and he has authored 368 scientific publications. Prof. Hamm has extensive leadership experience, not only In recognition of his scientific work in the field of due to his professional appointments but also due to his genitourinary imaging and intervention as well as his wide-ranging, active involvement in national and international dedication to building closer ties between radiology in South societies. During his career, he served as President of the Korea and Switzerland, Professor S.H. Kim will receive the German Society of Radiology and as President of ESUR. In 2015, Honorary Corresponding Membership of the Swiss Society of Prof. Hamm was President of the ECR and in March 2016, he was Radiology at SCR’16. elected as first Vice President of ESR. Prof. Hamm also has a longstanding relationship with the Swiss Society of Radiology. In 2009, Prof Hamm was elected as SGR- SSR Honorary Corresponding Member. In recognition of his major contributions to scientific research and teaching as well as his cooperation and exchange with radiology in Switzerland, Prof. Bernd Hamm will be awarded the Schinz Medal of the Swiss Society of Radiology at SCR’16. In addition, Prof. Hamm will hold the Schinz Lecture entitled ”The Prostate: Small Organ - Big Challenges and Chances for Radiology”. 40 41
HONORARY MEMBER SGR-SSR HONORARY MEMBER SGR-SSR DR. HANS NEUENSCHWANDER, PHD, BERN/CH PD DR. MED. STEFAN DUEWELL, FRAUENFELD/CH Dr. Hans Neuenschwander, PhD is currently PD Dr. Stefan Duewell is Chairman of the working as chief medical physicist at the Department of Radiology of the Spital Thurgau Department of Radiation Oncology at the AG and director of the Institute of Radiology Lindenhof Hospital in Bern. and Nuclear Medicine of the Kantonsspital Frauenfeld. In addition, he currently serves Dr. Hans Neuenschwander was born in as Chief Medical Officer at the Kantonsspital Oberdiessbach, State of Bern, Switzerland, in 1957. He followed Frauenfeld. He is member of the managing board of the Spital his studies in physics, mathematics and astronomy at the Thurgau AG. University of Bern. In 1983, he obtained his master’s degree in experimental physics with a thesis on solar cosmic rays. PD Dr. Stefan Duewell graduated from Medical School at From 1983-1986, Dr. Neuenschwander was research assistant University of Zurich in 1986. He started his professional in the Cosmic Ray Group of the Space Research Division at career as research fellow for MR imaging at the MR-Centre of the University of Bern. From 1986-1989, he did his PhD at the University Hospital Zurich. Thereafter, he followed the the Division of Medical Radiation Physics, University of Bern radiology residency programme of the University Hospital of (promotion with a thesis on Monte Carlo treatment planning Zurich. After his board certification in radiology and nuclear for electron beams in radiotherapy). medicine, he worked as junior staff member at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology of the University Hospital Zurich before From 1989-1990, he worked as medical physicist at the Radio- he left for a research fellowship at the NIH in Bethesda/ME. Oncology Department of the Kantonspital in Lucerne. In After his return, he completed his habilitation at the Medical 1991, Dr. Neuenschwander got his Swiss Board Certification Faculty of the University of Zurich. In the following years, in medical radiation physics and was the first winner of the served as senior staff before he started his current position. Varian prize for radiation therapy, awarded by the Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical Physics. From 1990-1995, PD Dr. Stefan Duewell is a member of several international he was medical physicist at the Division of Medical Radiation professional societies and a fellow of CIRSE. His scientific Physics, University of Bern, interrupted 1992-1993 by a post-doc focus is MR imaging in general, cardiovascular radiology and stay as a research associate at the Department of Medical musculoskeletal radiology. He organised several teaching Physics, University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Centre, courses - in particular in MR imaging and radioprotection. Madison, USA. Since 1995, he has been working as medical In his teaching activities, PD Dr. Duewell focuses not only on physicist at the Department of Radiation Oncology at the radiologists but also on physicians from other disciplines. Lindenhof hospital in Bern, with a current position as chief Since 2012, he also serves as President of the Thurgauischen medical physicist and department deputy chair. Ärzteverein Werthbühlia. From 1997 to 2012, Dr. Neuenschwander was member of Throughout his career, PD Dr. Stefan Duewell has been actively the Examination Board Committee of the Swiss Society of engaged in the Swiss Society Radiology. Since 2002, he has Radiology. In this position he was responsible for Physics but been a member of the executive board of the SSR-SSR and he also made important contributions to other topics like between 2012-2014, he was SGR-SSR president. radioprotection and biostatistics. In addition, The focus of his activities within the SGR-SSR is post-graduate Dr. Neuenschwander was responsible for the analysis and and continuous medical education in radiology. As secretary statistics of examination results (1st part of the board of the board examination committee from 2001-2012, he examination). initiated digitalisation and professionalization of the board In recognition of his outstanding work and longstanding examination. Currently, he is in charge of the division for commitment for the Board Examination Committee of the post-graduate and continuing medical education within the Swiss Society of Radiology, Dr. Hans Neuenschwander will be SGR-SSR. awarded with the Honorary Membership at SCR’16. In recognition for this commitment to the Swiss Society of Radiology, his dedication to post-graduate and continuous medical education and his achievements for improvements of the board examination, PD Dr. Stefan Duewell will be awarded with the Honorary Membership of the Swiss Society of Radiology. 42 43
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