Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -

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Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Children’s Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand
Yearly Report 2020
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Unsere Zielsetzung
Die Unterstützung der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung unserer Kinder und Jugendlichen.
Dies setzen wir um und leben wir in Achtsamkeit und Wertschätzung der Lebenswerte
von Mensch, Tier und Natur.
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Liebe Freunde der Children’s Shelter Foundation River Farm

Wie in allen Ländern und sicherlich auch bei Ihnen Zuhause,
hat die Covid 19 Pandemie in den letzten Monaten auch das
Leben der Children’s Shelter Foundation verändert und
maßgeblich mitbestimmt.
Trotz der geringen Betroffenheit Thailands, die Regierung
spricht von weniger als 3.500 Erkrankungsfällen und 58
Toten, hat die Regierung weitreichende Maßnahmen
angeordnet. Desinfektion von allen Gebäuden durch die
Bezirke, Schließung der Schulen und Universitäten, Schließung von Einkaufszentren,
Restaurants und Hotels, teilweise Lock down mit Ausgangssperren, Verbote von
Gruppentreffen und Veranstaltungen, insbesondere für Ausländer ein Verbot öffentliche
Verkehrsmittel zu nutzen. Maskenpflicht und Desinfektionspflicht bestehen bis heute. Auch
das Einreiseverbot nach Thailand besteht bis auf wenige Ausnahmen bis heute und wird
vermutlich frühestens 2021 gelockert.

Viele Länder und Kontinente sind von der Pandemie weitaus stärker betroffen und so hoffe
ich inständig, dass Sie, Ihre Familien und Freunde gesund geblieben sind und nicht mit
allzu großen Problemen konfrontiert wurden und werden.
Ich möchte Ihnen an dieser Stelle von Herzen danken, dass uns auch in dieser für viele
Menschen wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeit Ihre Spenden erreicht haben.

Danken möchte ich auch unserem CSF Team, das mit viel Einsatz dafür gesorgt hat, dass die
Kinder und Jugendlichen der CSF gesund und emotional stark durch die anfangs sehr
beunruhigende und belastende Zeit gehen konnten. Ebenfalls möchte ich Sonja Neusser
dafür danken, dass sie in Deutschland „die Stellung gehalten hat“ und mit uns durch eine
Zeit vieler Veränderungen gegangen ist.
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Children’s Shelter Foundation RiverFarm

In der CSF haben wir von März 2020 bis Juli
2020 den Kinder- und Jugendbereich für
Besucher und Externe Lehrer komplett
geschlossen. Unsere Lehrer und Erzieher
blieben mit den Kindern in unseren
Wohnbereichen und durften nur aus
wichtigen Gründen und unter strengen
Auflagen die CSF verlassen.
Hygienemaßnahmen und das Tragen von
Masken ist in Thailand Pflicht und so brachten wir den Kindern spielerisch bei, was Corona
ist und wie wir uns am besten schützen können.
Da wir viel Land und offene Ess-, Koch- und Spielbereiche haben, hat uns diese Maßnahme
nicht allzu sehr beengt und da wir eine große Familie sind, fühlten wir uns auch nicht
komplett isoliert. Der Unterricht für alle Kinder wurde von unseren Lehrern und 3
freiwilligen Jugendlichen übernommen. Die Unterrichtspläne wurden teilweise online von
den Schulen geschickt, teilweise mussten wir uns selbst Unterrichtspläne erstellen.

Seit August 2020 sind Schulen und Universitäten wieder geöffnet und auch Plätze des
öffentlichen Lebens, wie Kaufhäuser, Restaurants, Firmen etc. sind wieder zugänglich,
allerdings unter strengen Auflagen.

Für die CSF bedeutete diese Öffnung neben der teilweisen Normalisierung des Alltags, dass
wir im September 2020 endlich mit unserem geplanten Bauvorhaben auf unserem Land
beginnen konnten.
9 Monate sind eingeplant, um 2 Kinderhäuser, 2 Häuser für Jugendliche und das
Hauptgebäude mit Aufenthaltsraum, Schule, Küche und Lagerräumen fertigzustellen.
Somit dürfen wir auf eine Eröffnung unseres neuen Wohn- und Lebensbereiches CSF
      Farm ca. im Juni 2021 hoffen.
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Ebenfalls neu gestaltet sich das weiterentwickelte und dadurch detailierte Konzept und die
zugehörigen Leitfäden der CSF RiverLand.
Alle Bereiche der CSF RiverLand fokussieren sich auf die Unterstützung der
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung der Kinder und Jugendlichen - umgesetzt und gelebt in
Achtsamkeit und Wertschätzung der Lebenswerte von Mensch, Tier und Natur.

                                     Auf Nachhaltigkeit, Klarheit, Anfassbarkeit,
                                     Überprüfbarkeit und Weiterentwicklung wird in allen
                                     Bereichen Wert gelegt. Daraus ergeben sich klare
                                     Richtlinien mit viel Platz zur Kreativität für den Alltag
                                     der Kinder und Jugendlichen in der CSF, für die
                                     Mitarbeiter und für Projekte.

                       Insbesondere ist auch ein Leitfaden für den pädagogischen und
                       psychologischen Ansatz im Umgang mit Kindern und Jugendlichen
                       ausgearbeitet worden, der sich, soweit in Thailand möglich, Ansätzen
                       aus der Heilpädagogik anschließt. Die Begleitung der Kinder im
                       Alltag, als auch die Begleitung und ein abgestimmtes Vorgehen im
                       Umgang mit neuen Kindern, Kindern mit Auffälligkeiten,
                       Erkrankungen oder Traumen, bietet den Rahmen für größtmögliche
                       individuelle Unterstützung.

Auch Leitfäden zum Bio-Anbau auf unserer Farm, zur Vorgehensweise bei neuen Projekten
in der CSF und detaillierte Stellenbeschreibungen, um Stellen bestmöglich zu besetzen und
die Mitarbeiter adäquat zu fördern, sind ausgearbeitet worden und werden bereits ein- und

So wurden z.B. die neuen Bauten der CSF unter verschiedenen ökologischen Aspekten und
sozial kulturellen Gesichtspunkten geplant.
(Ressourcenorientiertes und energiesparendes Bauen, ökologisch abbaubare und vor Ort
erwerbbare Materialen, durch eingeschossene Stützpfeiler keine Verdichtung des Bodens,
Wasseraufbereitungsanlage, Einfluss Raumhöhe, Cross-Wind und Bepflanzung zur Kühlung
der Räume ohne Klimaanlage, Einfluss kindgerechtes Bauen aus der Waldorfpädagogik uvm.)
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Herzlich danken möchte ich in diesem Zusammenhang
Regina Röhnelt, die mit mir gemeinsam seit über einem
Jahr an der Weiterentwicklung des Konzepts und der
Ausarbeitung der Leitfäden arbeitet. Ihr Fachwissen als
Heilpädagogin, ihr unermüdlicher Elan, ihr äußerst
detailliertes Arbeiten und nicht zuletzt ihr Herzblut für
die Kinder der CSF haben wesentlich dazu beigetragen,
dass sich die CSF konzeptionell und strukturell
weiterentwickeln konnte.

                                   Soweit es die Regulationen um Covid 19 zulassen, wird
                                   Regina im kommenden Jahr insbesondere die
                                   pädagogische Weiterbildung der Erzieher vor Ort
                                   unterstützen als auch die Zusammenarbeit mit unserer
                                   Psychologin ausbauen, um einen „East meets West“
                                   Ansatz der Psychologie in der CSF voranzubringen.

Last but not least, stelle ich Ihnen gerne Holger Blaschek
vor, der momentan bereits auf seinen gepackten Koffern
in Deutschland sitzt und sobald es Covid 19 zulässt,
gemeinsam mit seiner Familie nach Thailand umziehen
wird, um die Position des Direktors der Children’s Shelter
Foundation RiverFarm einzunehmen.

Holger arbeitet bereits seit 2019 als Volontär bei der
Children’s Shelter Foundation und hat maßgeblich zum
gelungenen Umzug der CSF und zur Planung der neuen
Gebäude beigetragen. Im vergangenen Jahr hat er sich in
die wichtigsten Bereiche der CSF einarbeiten können und
wertvolle Erfahrungen gesammelt. Dabei hat er wohl sein
Herz an Thailand und die CSF Familie verloren.

Als die CSF eine Besetzung der Direktorenstelle plante, zögerte er nicht lange mit seiner
Da Holger hervorragende Voraussetzungen für die Besetzung der Direktorenstelle mitbringt,
freue ich mich sehr, ihn und seine Familie schon bald offiziell in der Children’s Shelter
Foundation RiverFarm willkommen zu heißen.

Nun wünsche ich Ihnen und Ihren Familien alles Gute
und viel Spaß beim Lesen des weiteren Berichts aus Thailand

                                                    Ulrike Meister
                                                    Präsidentin CSF Thailand
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
OVERVIEW of Yearly Report 2019
*Children’s Shelter Foundation 2018-2019
- CSF current Status
- CSF New children
- Congratulations University graduates
- CSF Projects
- CSF education excursion and Visit children home
- Yearly festival and Ceremonies
- CSF Volunteers
* About CSF staff
- Pee Jarm: General Manager
- Teacher Ling: Psychologist
- Teacher Nung: Teacher of Kindergarten and Elementary school children
- Teacher Kung: Teacher of the children
- Pee Bao: Care taker of Non Formal and University Students
- Pee Ai: Maintenance
- Ning: Nurse
- Pee Bundit: maintenance and farming / 3 further farmers
- Pee Pah: Cooking and CSF area
Current Status at Children’s Shelter Foundation
In 2019, CSF provides Home and Education for 38 Children and youngsters.
6 Youngster: At home in CSF School
18 Students: Grade 1-9 Formal School
6 Students: Grade 7-12 Non-Formal School
4 Students: University and 3 Vocational Collage
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
New Children at Children’s Shelter Foundation 2019

        WIN                         PON                        PRAE

Students who advanced on Formal Education
Congratulation to:
Ariya -15 years old, advanced from Secondary School Grade 9 and start Vocational Collage of
Tourism Program
Wayu -18 years old, advanced from Secondary School Grade 9 and start Vocational Collage of
Hotel management Program
Kanyawee – 19 years old, advanced from Secondary School Grade 9 and start Non-Formal
Education Suapeesua Village

       ARIYA                          WAYU                        KANYAWEE
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Our Current University Student       Our Current Vocational Collage student

Garfile, Chiangmai                   Ariya, Dhawan, Wayu

Our Current Formal School student

Our Current Non- Formal School student
Children's Shelter Foundation RiverFarm Thailand Yearly Report 2020 -
Congratulation to our Graduates
   Lufy and Geaw – graduated from university in 2019

   First Year of School – Grade 1 Formal Education “Wat Pakoi Tai”

Wit – 8 years old (Luhu Hill tribe boy)         Prae – 7 years old (Burmese Karen Hill tribe
Wit comes from a poor family, when his
parents separated, Wit was taken care of by     Her family is poor and in order to support
his Grandmother along with four other           the family her father works in construction
children, but his Grandmother couldn’t          and must cross the Thai border to do so.
cover the expenses and he moved in with us      This leaves the mother to take care of 3
at CSF. He is sweet, smart, but a little shy.   children alone at home in the mountain
Wit is excited about his school enrolment       village. Prae couldn’t speak Thai when she
and happy making new friends. He loves to       first came to us to the foundation, she was
learn Thai and has an interest in               thinner, and her body was smaller than
mathematics, when he grows up Wit want          children of the same age. It was difficult
to be a football player.                        time for her, but our team gave her love, in
                                                a family centred environment, she got
                                                healthy and over time she learned to speak
                                                Thai language. She is a very good but shy
                                                girl, interested in learning new things, she
                                                likes her story books read to her and
                                                dreams of going to school and play with her
                                                new friends, she is determined to study.
Our Project at the Foundation

Hygienic and Health care project
On Saturdays, Nurse Kru Ning visits CSF,
explaining how they can take care of
themselves and is informing them about new
diseases that are rampant in Thailand and
around the world. She examines the children
and offers aftercare for children who have a
health problem. She is at the children's
disposal if they need to talk to someone in
private about body changes, hormonal changes
or emotions and general anxiety.

Art and Dancing therapy Project
For one month every year, Global Art Project
from USA come and visit the CSF for the last 7
years. This year, they taught the children how
to paint on an umbrella and make a flower hair
band. Our girls also learned Classic Dance and
Modern dance such as jazz and ballet to
present on Mother’s Day at the foundation.

Organic Farm project
Our Farmers, teacher and children are planting
herbs, vegetables, fruits for harvested to use in
our kitchen to cook our food with. The Garden
is kept in order to maintain the natural beauty
of the foundation. The youngsters learn how to
maintain the nursery and learn about how to
grow our local vegetables, seasonal organic
vegetables. If we have vegetables or fruit left
over, we either sell or share with people in our
Bakery Project
On the weekends, teachers and the students
bake many delicious foods. They learn how to
bake bread, pizza, cookies, cupcakes and many
Thai deserts. This is an activity that allows
children to learn how to measure food and how
to use ingredients. The children love this very
much and it provides professional training and
skills for children for their future.

Hydroponic Vegetable Project
 Hydroponics is an activity outside the classroom that
draws the attention of pupils. Everyone has learned to
measure the PH value of water, to take nutrient
measurements for plants, to observe the colour of
vegetables and to take care of root development. The
pupils help to grow and care for vegetables, so each
child learns what kind of vegetables grow and when
they are ready for harvest, so that they can have good,
fresh and healthy food every day.

Compost and EM Project
(Effective Microorganisms)
The children recycle and compost every day and
learned to separate and reuse the skin from fruit,
vegetables and dried leaves. This project helps
the children understand the importance of being
environmentally friendly for the benefit of a
greener generation. To start preparing the
compost, they learned how to combine herbs,
fresh plants and seeds and how to achieve
natural fermentation to obtain substances that
are beneficial to plant growth. Some varieties can be sprayed on the plant to prevent
diseases and pests on the vegetables. The children know that this is safe for humans and
the environment and that nature is not polluted with chemicals.
Yearly Festival and Ceremonies
In 2019 we had a great time with the children, and we celebrated many festivals and
ceremonies with the CSF family.
We all learn together in all activities, including religious activities, local activities and
national traditions. When our children are grown up, they will be able to live happily with
the community and conduct themselves correctly anywhere in Thailand.

  New Year                           Songkran                    Buddhist Lent Day

 Loy kratong                     Graduation ceremony for                    Christmas
                                 students graduating from
Education excursion and school holiday 2019- Sightseeing around Chiangmai and
visit the children family.

CSF offers outdoor activities that provide new experiences to students, like visiting the
museum, Aquarium, Night Safari, National Park, Waterfall and waterpark. It was a fun
time and we created many great memories.
In 2019 we took the children on a trip to their home in Chiang Rai and visited the Akha
and Lahu tribes. The children stayed for 10 days and spent time with their relatives and
families. They got to know their home country, the local language and culture and enjoyed
the contact to their parents. The teacher passed on the updated information for each child
to their families to help them understand that their health and lifestyle will be maintained
in CSF. The CSF staff informed the parents about the children's development and in return
our teachers were able to observe and learn about the children's background and daily
life to better support the children.
Volunteer 2019

Elisa Nicolosi – March to July 2019
My name is Elisa Nicolosi. I am 22 years old and from Switzerland.
I am studying social work and made, for my studies, a five months
work experience in the Children’s Shelter Foundation.
The Children and the team took me from the very first minute
into their world and into this big, great family. The Kids are
wonderful and the Foundation, felt like a little peaceful paradise.
I was teaching English and I had the possibility to do different
activities together with the Kids. Things like swimming, drawing,
sewing and various handicrafts with the Kids. We made lots of
trips and different other activities.
The time I spent in the CSF really was beautiful. It takes me hart
to leave. I will keep everyone deep in my heart and for sure, I will come back!

Wafer 4 months
                                             I would like to express my special thanks of
                                             gratitude to the Children’s Shelter
                                             Foundation who gave me the opportunity to
                                             do this valuable project on the topic
                                             “Behavior changes of diaspora children” and
                                             also helped and advised me in doing a lot of
                                             tasks in the Research. Moreover, I would love
                                             to thank all the participants whether the
                                             Children’s Shelter Foundation (CSF) children,
                                           the staff and the psychologist who have
worked together. I came to know, learn, experience and understand about so many new
things and what I had never realize and know before, I am really thankful to them.
Susanne – 5 weeks on April – May 2019
My name is Suzanne Rey. I am a Kindergarden teacher from
Switzerland. I was born in Thailand and I lived my first 11
years in Thailand, India and Singapore. So going to Thailand
is for me like coming home and the Children’s Shelter
Foundation turned out to be like a Thai family to me.In April
2019 I spent five weeks as a volunteer at CSF. It was a
fantastic time with a lot of wonderful experiences. I got to
know the children and the staff quite well as I spent the
whole day with them. Although the children’s school holiday,
they had a daily program learning Thai and English, different
handicrafts, cooking, cleaning their room and washing their
clothes. Each week we made a trip with the children out to the nature, having some fun.
Unforgettable was to visit the cinema, seeing the film „Dumbo „with all the children. For
some of them it was the first cinema experience in their lives. Because it was so hot, the
children were allowed to go swimming with the teachers several times a week.I think the
children at CSF have a wonderful place to grow up, with most caring adults and a lot of
other children to whom they feel like brothers and sisters. They are like a big family, and
since my good and lovely time there, I feel like part of it.
I really miss you all and hope to turn back more than once!
Love, Suzanne

We at the Children’s Shelter Foundation recognize that we are
a big family whose primary responsibility is the nature and
protection of children. For the full and harmonious
development of their personality, children should grow up in a
good environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, love and
understanding. CSF are excited to continue growing and
developing on the base for the children benefit of happy life and
to promote children’s safety and wellbeing and provide
working skills for the youngsters. I am Jarm the General
Manager of Children’s Shelter Foundation in Thailand. I have 13
years of experience working as a part of the CSF Family.

Managing – Together with Mae Ulli I am responsible for searching and hiring the best
staff and volunteers to support the children and existing staff. Planning and training the
new staff, assigning roles and giving them advise on the approach to work that matches
with the position and education for the children in the Foundation. I ensure that our staff
understand the purpose of the Foundation and develop their ability to provide a safe
place and create a family feeling for the children.

                                               School & University – This year, we have a
                                               good, regular coordination with schools
                                               and universities. We added another 1
                                               school near the Foundation and vocational
                                               schools because they are suitable for the
                                               potential and ability of children according
                                               to age. Our children are happy to study. Our
                                               teachers at the Foundation check the
                                               school schedules to know important dates
                                               such as exams and days off from school. We
                                               support the children and make sure
                                               everyone is taking a full, appropriate
                                               course and when they go off for internships
                                               and we verify on how they are progressing.

                                               Cooperation with the other organizations –
                                               We are cooperating with two universities
                                               (Chiangmai University Thailand Faculty of
                                               Social Sciences and Bern University
                                               Switzerland Faculty of Social Sciences) to
                                               provide support and send the Students in
                                               the final academic year to come to practice
                                               and gain experience at the Foundation for
around 3-5 months. We have many
                                                groups around the world. We work with
                                                Global Art Project from America,
                                                UWCSEA from Singapore and NGOs for
                                                children trafficking. We also joined with
                                                activities in our community more often
                                                this year, because we also want to give
                                                back, such as work at the temple to
                                                support the monks, help with various
                                                campaigns walks in the village, mosquito
                                                prevention; and wearing a mask to
                                                reduce exposure to dust pollution in the

                         Nutrition and Hygiene – Since this year we have introduced a
                         new system for the physical and mental well-being of all
                         children, because we have employed a nurse, a psychologist and
                         a kindergarten teacher, all of whom have a high level of
                         experience in maintaining healthy development, hygienic
                         handling of food and consumption of nutritious food. As a team,
                         we decide together and analyse what treatment will be given or
                         whether the child should be referred to a doctor for further
                         treatment. The CSF team teaches the children to maintain a high
                         standard of cleanliness and to organise their own room so that it
                         looks nice and clean.

Farming Project – We focus on health and the
environment and want to teach the children to take
care about what they eat. This year we focused on
our organic farm. Beginning on learning how to
plant, seeds, care for the plants and harvest for
cooking.     Making       bio-fermented    Effective
Microorganisms (EM) solution to nourish soil and
trees and making fermented water without
chemicals to repel insects. Children are happy to
see the vegetables, herbs and fruits grow and know
that they have grown and maintained them. They
learn from professional farmers, correct practices
throughout and follow the produce of the farm to
their plate at the table.
Staff at CSF 2019
Teacher Kung

is 26 years old and graduated from Payap University with
a degree in Psychology. She is Karen Hill Tribe in
Chiangmai. Teacher Kung, herself a Foundation child from
2005 – 2016. Teacher Kung worked for 1.5 years at the
Foundation in Chiangmai. She worked in a social welfare
organization that supported the Hill Tribe children which
previously had family abuse problems. She understands
the situation of the children in the foundation very well
and lovingly supports their mental health and self-
confidence. The children love her very much because she
is very friendly and a good person who listens to them. In
our foundation, teacher Kung teaches our children life skills, education and social welfare.
She takes care of the daily routine of the children in the morning waking up the children
for school, hygiene and helps them to clean the bedroom. We focus on the importance of
the children's education and ensure that they all have access to quality education. For the
children who attend grades 4 to 9 at "Thadue Community School" and the children who
study at "Chaingmai Vocational Collage", teacher Kung helps to check their homework
and makes sure that they do all the work to the best of their ability. Teacher Kung
conducts small group sessions to encourage students who need additional Thai,
mathematics and English lessons.
Nign Nurse

Since 2019, Ning has been working with all children at the
foundation. Ning comes to CSF every week and supports
their physical health. She teaches them many important
health lessons, such as healthy eating, helping the children
to maintain physical cleanliness, and procedures and
education about the various diseases that occur during the
season to protect themselves and be safe and strong.
Every week she is a counsellor for health problems for all
children, including health checks such as vision, blood
pressure, dental check-ups, eye examinations and ear
examinations. She monitors the children's health status
and reports the results to the teacher so that the teachers
are always informed if they need additional medical
treatment such as prescription drugs or special therapy in
hospital. Ning informs the teacher about the children's
important medical needs, such as necessary vaccinations.
She also encourages healthy activities through games,
creating a hypothetical situation for the children and
teaching the older children how to help young children in
various emergency situations.
Kru Nueng is 32 years old.

She has been with us for 2 years; we were all happy to be
together and take care of each other. Teacher Nung takes
care of the children aged 3-8 years. She teaches them
many important life and educational skills. Almost all
children who come to us speak their own local languages.
Teacher Nung teaches them the Thai language, reading,
writing and speaking, but most importantly the manners
of Thai culture and respect for each other.

Teacher Nung takes care of the children's important
medical and vaccination needs, she accompanies the
children to the hospital or to the treatment clinic. Teacher
Nung supports the young children of CSF by helping them
to maintain sound habits and good hygiene.
Every day she takes care of our children, she takes care of
their clothes and cleanliness before going to school. When
the children come back from school, she takes care of their
homework, clothes and common activities, such as sports,
she encourages the children to report problems at school,
because sometimes the young children need help to
understand how to best solve their problem and to make
them understand the situation better.

She is happy to see the children's development, to make
them happier and to have a safe place to stay at CSF.
She is very proud of them.
Teacher Ling
Teacher Ling is 29 years old and graduated with a
Bachelor of Science, Clinical Psychology from Chiang
Mai University and received her License to be a
practicing psychologist. Before coming to work at
CSF, She had previous experience working at
ChiangMai provincial court and Sanpatong hospital.
Currently, she has been working at CSF for 10
months. Teacher Ling helps to take care of children in
the following psychological aspects.

1. Find and collect information about children.
Obtained from observation, interviews and records
of relevant professionals. To summarize the results of
the operation and send to relevant parties.

2. Assess the mental, emotional, social, and
intellectual development of children and provide
assistance. By participating in various activities with
children and observed their behavior.

3. Coordinate with a psychiatric team by sending
children who are prone to psychological, social and
developmental disorders for psychiatric treatment,
such as psychological tests, medical treatment and

4. Coordinate with the team in the foundation to
know the guidelines for taking care of children with
special needs.

5. Counseling to children with emotional, social,
intellectual and other problems.

6. Promote child mental health in the foundation by
organizing activities to provide psychological
knowledge such as self-awareness, Emotional
awareness, Anger management, Brain and learning
and about Mind Mapping, etc
Teacher Bao

                        He is 35 years old and graduated from Payap University. He
                        oversees the education and training of Enterprise Agriculture.
                        He provides support and assistance in every area for the
                        children, especially for older children. Most of them study in
                        non-formal schools and universities.

                         HEAD OF THE YOUNGSTERS: The aim is to support the
                         personal development of the young adults He gives advice on
                         various matters of daily life, at school but also with personal
                         problems. He works out the problems together with the young
people and conveys togetherness. With the help of external organisations and offsite
training we acquire our knowledge to successfully plant and grow mushrooms,
vegetables and fruits on our farm. On some evenings he plays football, volleyball or
general sports with the young people.


Our organic farm should enable us to use the yield
of the harvest for the foundation. The aim is to
enable us to become independent and use healthy
pesticide-free vegetables and fruit for our own
consumption in the Foundation. He researched
information about organic farming with the young
people, he did research to preserve the knowledge
by organising training visits to various places,
including composting, production of Effective
Microorganisms (EM), production of fungal

He will teach the children about agriculture so that
they can grow vegetables, fruits and herbs that can
be harvested and eaten every day. Every day he
and the young people will observe the
development of vegetables and food and learn how diseases can be eliminated with
biological methods. No chemicals are used on our farm as he is responsible for the whole
landscape of the foundation.
Pi Ai
                                Pi Ai has been part of the CSF for 8 years. He helped with
                                the management of the public utilities in the foundation.
                                This included the electrical system, the water supply
                                system, the WIFI system and the repair of broken or
                                damaged items.
                                Pi Ai teaches the young students in maintenance and
                                skills to repair things that are necessary for their future
                                and ensures the safety of our children in the facility. This
                                is a future competence and offers the children a career
                                and knowledge for the future.
He also helped with other tasks, such as bringing the children to school. He teaches older
children how to calculate their weekly grocery shopping so that the food is adequate for
everyone and contains nutrients, and he teaches the children how to make papaya salad,
which is their favourite food. This helps to make the Foundation to feel like a real home
for everyone.

During the long holidays, he helped the children
repair simple appliances by making simple
gadgets such as a bed lamp, a playground and
repairing bicycles. During the holidays, the
Foundation is planning to take the children on an
excursion where he helped to drive the children to
places such as botanical gardens, zoos, water
parks and others, to ensure the safety of the
children during the excursion, to share his
knowledge of the places we visited and to answer
questions from the children.

Pi Ai is very fond of sports and can do a variety of
sports, he encourages the children of the
foundation to exercise. He teaches the children to
swim. And he teaches them to practice other
Children's Shelter Foundation
284 Soi Thong Kao, 32 Rural Road                                 Financial Statement
7096 Mo.2 Baan Pa Khoi Tai
Sun Phi Suea A.Muang                                                YEAR 2019
50180 Chiang Mai Thailand

   THB                Euro                 USD                                                                                                     %
               WK: 1 E = 34,76 THB ER: 1 USD = 31,3 THB
6.511.639,17         187.331,39               209.377,46         1 Donation complete
6.514.514,20                                                     2 Payment complete

1.581.892,00                                                     3 Salary                                                                         24,43

                                                                 4 Direct for Children/Food/Hygienic/Presents/Pillows/Medicine/Cloth for free
 996.113,75                                                                                                                                       15,93
                                                                 5 School/University/Uniforms/Books/Fees/ Monthly students/ School
 588.344,00                                                                                                                                       9,09

   70.056,53                                                     6 Repairs and Maintenance incl. Materials and Equipment and Workmen              1,08

 277.579,00                                                      7 Smaller Investments, new Machines, Fan, Lights, Tables, Trees, Beds, Printer   4,29
 101.598,96                                                      8 Car / Gasoline / Motorbikes / Repair of vehicles and machines                  1,57
                                                                 9 Beverage: Kitchen, Cleaning Materials, Paper, Office, Stationary/Gas
   58.480,00                                                                                                                                      0,90
                                                                 Kitchen/ Garden: seeds…
                                                                 10 Government fees, Social Insurance, Area Protection Insurance, Certificates
 165.416,00                                                                                                                                       2,55
                                                                 for NGO’s, Financial Office, Yearly Statement
 199.385,96                                                   11 Electricity and Water                                                            3,08
                                                              12 Activities Children, Holidays, Celebrations, Teacher for Performance
  102.922,00                                                                                                                                      0,97
                                                              + Covid expenses – they are not shown in percent
  466.729,00                                                  13 big Investments like Houses, Cars, Areas etc.                                     7,21
1.905.997,00                                                  14 Rent for Container, Setting of the Area to start building process, Others        29,44
 Brought with from 2019: 11.836,25 THB / Brought forward to 2020: 8.961,22 THB
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