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F O R E I G N R I G H T S C ATA LO G U E CHILDREN‘S BOOKS N E W T I T L E S B O LO G N A 2020 © Illustration Daniela Kulot
Everyone’s Gotta Pee! Even Cats, Dogs and Fleas! NEW 2+ Daniela Kulot Where Does a Flea Pee? Wie und wo geht der Flo aufs Klo? 22 pages, fully coloured 22 x 15,5 cm, cardboard € 9,95 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available When Tina’s gotta go, no problem: Mommy takes her to An important topic for young children, presented with the potty and then to her bath. But how does it work for humor and with brightly colored, sometimes surprising, animals? Where do fleas go when they’ve gotta pee? illustrations by Daniela Kulot. And cats? And dogs, and cows and little fish? Everyone does it in their own way – even if once in a while they do it in their pants! Born in 1966, Daniela Kulot already loved drawing and painting when she was still a kid. After studying graphic design and illustration at the Fachhochschule Augsburg she now works as a freelance painter, illustrator and writer, with numerous picture books to her credit, many of which have been translated.
The Diversity of Life The Baby Seal Ready in the Wadden Sea for New Adventures NEW NEW 6+ 4+ Ilka Sokolowski · Janine Czichy Bärbel Oftring Discovering Jana Walczyk the Wadden Sea The World of Seals Wildes Leben Der kleine Seehund im Watt und das Meer (AT) 64 pages, fully coloured 40 pages, fully coloured, 22 x 28 cm, hardcover 25 x 21,5 cm, hardcover € 16,00 € 14,00 Publication Date: January 2020 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available All rights available With a seemingly endless horizon, the rhythmic roar of With vivid and lifelike illustrations this nature book intro- It is spring and a tiny seal is born on a deserted sandbar in herring. The baby seal soon becomes an elegant swimmer breaking waves, fresh sea breezes and tangy salt air, it’s duces readers to the wide variety of Wadden Sea lifeforms the shallows. Shortly after its birth, it enters the water and and skillful hunter, ready for new adventures. no wonder that the Wadden Sea – part of the North Sea – and their respective habitats: the tiny North Sea shrimp, joins the other seals. Everything is so new and exciting! In the appendix, readers great and small can learn about is a UNESCO World Heritage Centre. On shore and under the swift Arctic tern, the nimble harbor seal, and countless It meets all the different sea creatures from the starfish where to watch seals, how to behave around them, and water, on the tidal wash, on the dunes and in the air, others. Many of these creatures can be spotted during a to the porpoise and learns how to dive and catch delicious what can be done to protect these precious animals. there is a teeming diversity of life everywhere. shore hike or while wading in the Wadden. The book tells where and how to look for them. Ilka Sokolowski was born in 1965 in Stadthagen. After Janine Czichy is from Jena, Germany. She studied Visual Bärbel Oftring born in 1962, studied biology and worked Jana Walczyk born in 1989 in Bramsche bei Osnabrück, receiving her Master’s degree in German, English, and Communication at the Bauhaus Universität in Weimar and as an editor in the garden and nature departments of a studied design and illustration at the Fachhochschule philosophy in Hannover, she worked for many years as is currently pursuing a masters degree in design and large publishing company. Today she works as a freelance Münster and earned her master’s degree at the HAW an editor for the magazine Spielen und Lernen and as illustration at the HAW Hamburg. Appetötlich, her first author and editor. As an author of over sixty books, she Hamburg. Since graduating she has worked as a freelance a contributor to the Treff-Jugendbücher, a club devoted to book, grew out of her bachelor’s thesis at HAW Hamburg. especially loves communicating astounding, interesting, illustrator for books and editorial. Look, A Snail! is her first sharing information about young adult books. Since 1998 and valuable information about nature and the environ- nonfiction children’s book. she has worked as a freelance author with a focus ment to children. Not accidentally, she is also an outdoor on children’s non-fiction. and experiential educator. Oftring published the volumes Wald and Wale und Haie in Gerstenberg’s series Lesen—Staunen— Wissen.
A Fantastic Trip Down the Most Famous Rivers on Earth! NEW Südostasiens Reisversorger Irgendwo im Hochland von Tibet liegt die Quelle des Mekong. Die Geografen streiten sich nach wie vor, welcher der Quellflüsse eigentlich der richtige ist. Zu rau und unübersichtlich ist das Land in dieser Region. Deshalb gibt es auch keine Daten über die exakte Länge des Flusses. Zwischen 4350 und 4900 Kilometern schwanken die Angaben. Damit gehört er auf jeden Fall zu den zwölf längsten Flüssen der Erde. Solche Zahlen sind den meisten Bewoh- nern an seinen Ufern allerdings ziemlich egal, solange das Wasser regelmäßig aus den Bergen des Himalayas herabfließt. Sechs Länder durchquert der Mekong auf seinem Weg ins Südchinesische Meer: China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Kambodscha und Vietnam. Über weite Strecken markiert er die Grenze zwischen jeweils zwei von diesen Staaten. Riesenfische Anfangs ist er ein wilder Gebirgsfluss, der über Felsen und Stromschnellen wie Riesenbarbe, Mekong-Riesenwels und bergab rauscht. Später fließt er durch die Tiefebenen Südostasiens. Dort wird Süßwasserstachelrochen schwammen einst er immer träger und langsamer. Bei der kambodschanischen Hauptstadt in großen Schwärmen im Mekong. Sie waren Phnom Penh verliert er einen Teil seines Wassers, denn dort zweigt der Bassac ein wichtiges Nahrungsmittel der Bevölkerung. Leider sind alle drei Arten durch Über- ab, der sich als Nebenfluss seinen Weg zum Meer sucht. Doch dem Mekong fischung und Wasserverschmutzung vom bleibt noch genügend Wasser, um sich in seinem Delta in neun Hauptarme Aussterben bedroht. Doch noch immer ist und viele weitere kleine Nebenflüsse aufzuteilen. Die Menschen nennen ihn der Mekong einer der fisch- reichsten Flüsse der Welt. deshalb auch „Neun-Drachen-Fluss“. 8+ Reis dient als Grundnahrungsmittel für Volker Mehnert · Martin Haake mehr als die Hälfte der Weltbevöl- Rivers of the World kerung. Der größte Teil davon wird in Südostasien angebaut, und der Mekong spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle. Seine jährlichen Überschwemmungen während der Regenzeit Flüsse der Welt sorgen für die Bewässerung und Düngung der Felder. In der Trockenzeit wird das nötige Wasser über Kanäle abgezweigt. 40 pages, fully coloured Die Indochina-Kriege 27,7 x 37 cm, hardcover € 24,00 haben verheerende Zerstörungen bewirkt – vor allem in Laos, Kambodscha und Vietnam. Drei Jahrzehnte lang, zwischen 1946 und 1975, waren diese Länder Schauplatz blutiger Schlachten. Zuerst kämpften die Einheimischen gegen die französische Kolonialherrschaft. Die Niederlage der Franzosen führte 1954 zur Teilung Vietnams in Publication Date: June 2020 einen kommunistischen Norden und einen kapitalistischen Süden, die sich – unterstützt von China einerseits und den USA ande- Sold to USA rerseits – gegenseitig bekämpften, mit Schwimmende Märkte katastrophalen Folgen für große Teile der Region. (English world rights) gibt es auf vielen Abschnitten des Mekong. Die Menschen haben sich ihrer feuchten Umwelt perfekt angepasst. Sie leben in schwimmenden Häusern und schippern in Ruder- oder Motorbooten von Dorf zu Dorf. So transportieren sie auch Reis, Fische und Gemüse an zentrale Orte, wo sich die Boote zu schwimmenden Märkten versammeln. Which river is the world’s longest, the Nile or the Amazon? rivers from all five continents. It shows the rivers’ out- Is the Beautiful Blue Danube really blue? How did the standing features and their diverse flora and fauna, and untamed Colorado make its way through the rocky Grand highlights historical events and personalities associated Canyon? And what makes the Nile the lifeline of Egypt? with each waterway. There is much to discover – including astonishing facts and important dates– in this masterful Rivers have always had a special importance for humani- and stimulating assemblage of text and image. Der Tonle-Sap-Fluss wechselt zweimal im Jahr die Fließ- ty – whether as political or cultural boundary, trade route richtung. Führt der Mekong in der Regenzeit Hochwasser, drängen die anströmenden Wassermassen den Nebenfluss zurück und or religious symbol. This richly illustrated compendium, Features a four page gatefold: The Nile from the Pharaohs der Tonle Sap muss seinen Lauf umkehren. Auf diese Weise füllt er weiter nördlich das Becken des Tonle-Sap-Sees auf. Dieser größte created in a modern collage style, introduces 18 legendary until Today und fischreichste See in Südostasien wächst dann um das Vierfache an. Während der Trockenzeit geht‘s andersherum: Aus dem See fließt das Wasser wieder in den Mekong. Volker Mehnert, born in 1951 worked many years as a Martin Haake, born in 1964 in Oldenburg, has been freelance journalist, travel writer and sucessful author. working for over 15 years as a freelance illustrator for over He lived in Latin America, East Europe and the USA and 15 years. His international clients include The New York he has begun early to follow the steps of Alxeander von Times, The Wall Street Journal, Penguin Books, and Volkswa- Humboldt. gen. His illustrations have won countless awards. He is a two-time recipient of the German Art Directors Club’s silver medal. He lives with his family in Berlin.
The New Illustrated Reference Book by Thomas Müller, the Master of Nature Illustration!! NEW All rights available 6+ Thomas Müller The Wonderful World of Oak Trees Life Under The Leaves Die wunderbare Welt der Eiche Verborgenes Leben unterm Blätterdach 74 pages, fully coloured 24,5 x 33 cm, hardcover € 18,00 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available A mature oak tree is majestic, huge and full of life. Let’s know the often hidden life forms found here: from the see what we can find! From root to crown – everywhere tiniest beetle to imposing raptors like hawks, eagles and there are species that make the oak tree their home, kites. What all the oak tree residents have in common is or use it for shelter or a source of food. In this large that they rely on these great trees for their survival. format, carefully illustrated picture book we’ll get to Thomas Müller was born in Döbeln and studied at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig, where he still lives and works as a freelance illustrator. Until now he has completed over 30 children’s books.
The Wolf has Returned! NEW 6+ Bärbel Oftring · Theresa Schwietzer Tracking Wolves Wölfe 64 pages 20,5 x 30 cm, hardcover with flaps € 20,00 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available While this is cause for delight among many nature lovers, within the pack, and experience how the next generation it's cause for concern and fear for others. The wolf has of wolves leaves the pack and sets out on its own. Inside grown unfamiliar: this beautiful native animal was forced the large-format flaps there are attractive infographics and out of our forests for many years. How can we rethink our texts that explain facts about wolves' biology and how to relationship to wolves now that the number of wolf packs interact with them. in Germany and neighboring countries is increasing? • With 10 large flaps that open in all directions Following the belief that understanding is the way to • Contains many facts about the biology, life, and conquer fear, this atmospherically illustrated fact-based behavior of wolves, as well as maps that show Bärbel Oftring born in 1962, studied biology and worked Illustrator Theresa Schwietzer, born 1988 in Hamburg, book introduces the reader to the life of a family of wolves. its habitats in Germany and Europe. as an editor in the garden and nature departments of a studied Illustration and Graphic Design in Münster. She We trace the footsteps—or paw prints—of a young wolf, large publishing company. Today she works as a freelance now works as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer see how a wolf pack is initially formed, learn about life author and editor. As an author of over sixty books, she and lives in Hamburg. especially loves communicating astounding, interesting, and valuable information about nature and the environ- ment to children. Not accidentally, she is also an outdoor and experiential educator. Oftring published the volumes Wald and Wale und Haie in Gerstenberg’s series Lesen – Staunen – Wissen.
Creative and Fun: the New Coloring and Activity Book by Sabine Lohf NEW 4+ Sabine Lohf Spring, Spring, Here at Last! Komm doch, lieber Frühling 80 pages, fully coloured 22 x 29 cm, flexcover € 13,00 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available The snow is melting, the first crocuses are peeking out of Whether the activity is creating collages from the first the ground, and once again, butterflies are roaming the spring flowers, making a bouquet from tart tins and egg fields: it’s time to greet the spring! crates, or building a course for a friendly race of rabbits In this new activity book, creative artist Sabine Lohf has and hedgehogs, this book shows children how to savor collected games, songs and drawing tips to make spring the spring and stay active both indoors and out. even more enjoyable. (622 illustrations). Sabine Lohf Sabine Lohf loved to colour and do arts and crafts as a child. She studied painting, graphic arts, and photography in Berlin and was an editor and graphic designer at the magazine Spielen und Lernen for five years. She oversees theatre projects and other activities with children, was a lecturer at the Wunstorf School of Art and has worked for over twenty years as a freelance graphic designer, photographer, and illustrator for numerous magazines and publishers. She is internationally recognized for her arts and crafts books.
An Exciting Day at the World Fair! NEW 8+ Thilo Krapp The lights of Paris Émile at the World Fair Die Lichter von Paris Émile auf der Weltausstellung 40 pages 33 x 27 cm, hardcover € 20,00 January 2020 All rights available Émile just wanted to enjoy a nice day at the World Fair quickly and find out what's happened in the Electricity with his mother and visit his father in the Electricity Pavilion. Pavilion that provides the power supply for the massive In this fact-based children's book the reader follows Émile fairgrounds. But then they get separated in the crowd and through the Paris Exhibition of 1900. Meticulous and Émile has to make his way to his father alone. Thus begins detailed illustrations paint a picture of a world in which the an adventurous odyssey through the famous Parisian Eiffel Tower is just 10 years old, zeppelins are a recent dis- exhibition with its miraculous inventions and majestic covery, and it's a revolutionary sensation to see buildings structures. Along the way, Émile makes some unexpected illuminated with light bulbs. An exciting journey into the friends and even takes a thrilling ride in the sky. When the past! lights suddenly go out across the Fair, Émile has to think Thilo Krapp Author and Illustrator Thilo Krapp was born in Herdecke and studied communication design with a concentration in illustration. The 19th Century, with its variety of events and styles, has always fascinated him, and inspired him to produce a graphic novel based on H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds. He lives with his husband in Berlin.
Ta-da! Presenting . . . the Smallest of All! NEW 5+ Kristina Dunker · Julie Völk The Curtain Rises for Flip! Vorhang auf für Flip! 144 pages, with coloured illustrations 16,5 x 23,2 cm, hardcover € 15,00 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available Flip and Toothy the Crocodile can hardly sleep. Tomorrow Flip and Toothy have to decide whether to go ahead on the tiny puppets will go on stage in front of real children! their own without her. Curses!! What should they do? Grandmother thinks they’re not ready yet, and Flip is afraid he’ll forget his lines! Even the drive to school is an adven- A warmhearted, expressive and pun-filled read-alone book, ture. Then, just before the show, the puppeteer gets sick. vividly illustrated by Julie Völk. Kristina Dunker, born 1973 in Dortmund, studied art hi- Julie Völk, born in 1985 in Vienna, grew up in rural Lower story and archaeology and works as a freelance journalist. Saxony. As a girl, she drew fashionable princesses, then She published her first book at age 18. Since then she has ater orphans and especially designed houses for them. produced and won awards for several children’s books . Völk studied illustration at the HAW in Hamburg. Her The Curtain Rises for Flip is her first book for Gerstenberg. celebrated debut together with author Kim Fupz Aakeson, The Lion Girl, was awarded with the Serafina and Troisdorfer Picture Book prizes in 2015. The artist lives with her family in Austria.
Parents are so Annoying! Just like Magic, Here Comes Mr. Flowers! NEW NEW 8+ 8+ Silke Lambeck · KarstenTeich Gerda Raidt Mr. Flowers- Lemonade in Volume 1 the Cherry Tree Herr Röslein Limonade im Band 1 Kirschbaum 128 pages, 144 pages, with black-and-white illustrations with black-and-white illustrations 16 x 21,5 cm, hardcover 14 x 18,5 cm, hardcover € 13,00 € 13,00 Publication Date: January 2020 Publication Date: January 2020 Sold to France, Koera, Spain, All rights available Catalonia, Russia and Turkey Max is kind of a recluse – instead of going outdoors he’d gined. Building the treehouse sets in motion a whole Ever since Mo moved to the new city with his family, things bakes awesome cookies, knows where to find tucked-away rather hang out in his room and listen to audiobooks. It’s chain of events that blows the townspeople – and Max’s have been pretty messed up at home and at school. Then umbrellas, tames tigers at the zoo – and can make the the same when they go to their cabin, even though they parents – away, and leaves Max with skinned knees and Mo meets Mr. Flowers in the apartment stairway. Right most unbelievable things come true . . . have a zip line and trampoline. His parents give it one last a true friend. away Mo senses something different about the friendly This charming story is told with compassion and good try to get him outside – they’ll help him build a treehouse. A warm, amusing and nimbly paced summertime story older man with the gray ponytail. It turns out that he humor, and will warm the hearts of children – of all ages! Then something happens that Max would never have ima- for outdoorsy types and bookworms alike! Gerda Raidt, born 1975 in Berlin, studied graphic design and took a scholarship in Leipzig, where she now works as a freelance author/illustrator. Lemonade in the Cherry Tree is her first children’s storybook. Silke Lambeck grew up in Berlin. She studied German The author and illustrator Karsten Teich was born in 1967 Studies and Theater Studies and ultimately became a in Hannoversch Münden. After earning an arts degree at journalist. For over ten years, she has written books for the Kunsthochschule Kassel, he worked for a number of children and adults such as Herr Röslein, which got rave magazines and daily newspapers and wrote and designed reviews from both readers and critics. She lives with her very successful children’s books. Today he lives with his family in Berlin, which remains her favorite city. family in Berlin.
Improving the World” – Really!!? From Hamburg to New York: A Time Travel Adventure Story NEW NEW 12+ 10+ Stepha Quitterer Cornelia Franz A Beginner’s Guide to How I Saved Improving the World Einstein’s Life Weltverbessern Wie ich Einstein für Anfänger das Leben rettete 288 pages 192 pages, with vignettes 14 x 22 cm, hardcover 14 x 21,5 cm, hardcover € 16,00 € 14,00 Publication Date: January 2020 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available All rights available Mina’s school announces an essay competition: A a class that even the school psychologist avoids. What’s It’s shortly before midnight on February 28, 2020, and arrives in New York, a fire will break out, killing and inju- Beginner’s Guide to Improving the World. Really!? First more, she has to deal with toxic classmates, a failed ro- Emily is on board the Queen Mary 2, sailing toward New ring many on board. They must prevent this catastrophe! prize – a trip to Tallinn, Estonia – goes to the class with the mance, boring teachers and her parents’ split-up. York. Tomorrow is her 12th birthday and the ocean Somehow they have to find a way to travel back in time. most enthusiasm for the subject. That leaves Mina cold After a rough start, what follows is a total surprise, not just crossing is her birthday present. If there’s anyone that can help, it’s Albert Einstein. at first. But then her grandma goes into a nursing home for Mina . . . ! Suddenly, she finds herself in an entirely new place and and all of a sudden it’s clear where a person could have a This bold and pitch-perfect debut novel by Stephanie time -- on board a refugee ship in the year 1913! A suspenseful adventure story that looks back in time to clear impact on someone’s daily life. So Mina organizes a Quitterer sets off ideas like fireworks. It’s a rousing, high- The same happens to Lorenzo and Malik, who have made 1913, when many German citizens left everything behind nursing home visiting service – not an easy assignment for spirited tale of idealism and inter-generational friendship. this trip before. They relate the news that after the ship to start a new life in a foreign land. Stepha Quitterer was born 1982 in Lower Bavaria and wor- Author Cornelia Franz, born 1956 in Hamburg, pursued Illustrator Petra Baan, born 1977 in the Netherlands, ked with street kids in Rio de Janeiro before. She studied German and American studies. After a bookstore appren- studied in Utrecht. She is a professional illustrator, politics in Berlin and Kairo. In Munich she studied stage ticeship she worked in publishing for many years , then graphic designer and printmaker for book and magazine direction and worked as direction assistant at the German in 1993 began writing travel guides, novels, and books for publishers. She lives in Berlin with her daughter. Theater in Berlin. Since 2015 she lives with her daughter as children and young readers. How I Saved Einstein’s Life is a freelance author in Berlin. A Beginner’s Guide to Improving her first book for Gerstenberg. the World is her first youth novel.
From Spring to Night, All Titles in One Volume! NEW 2+ Rotraut Susanne Berner Day and Night at Wimmlingen Wimmlingen bei Tag und Nacht 80 pages, fully coloured, 22 x 28 cm, cardboard, € 20,00 Publication Date: January 2020 All rights available The New big Wimmel-Bind-Up: from Spring to Night, all titles in one volume! For the first time the wonderful illustrated Wimmel-Books by Rotraut Susanne Berner are combined in a big omnibus edition. Follow the the characters of Wimmlingen through the whole year and into the night. Award-winning Rotraut Susanne Berner’s reputation as an illustrator has long spread beyond the German-speaking countries. She illustrates and designs books, often creating the story as well. She has drawn pictures for children’s books and for novels, as well as designing countless covers. The Hans-Christian-Andersen Award and the Deutscher Jugenliteratur Preis fot her oeuver were yust most importan ones.
We control translation rights for all titles offered in this catalogue. We will be pleased to send you samples and also English Translation on request. Please address your inquiries to: Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Mrs Ulrike Bastong Rathausstraße 18-20 D-31134 Hildesheim (Germany) © privat T +49 (0)5121/106-464 F +49 (0)5121/106-499 Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Mrs Tamara Flussfisch Rathausstraße 18-20 D-31134 Hildesheim (Germany) T +49 (0)5121/106-458 F +49 (0)5121/106-499 © privat
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