Die Seite wird erstellt Saskia Baier

Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)                                                                          Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)

Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)
                                ALMAN_MEMES2.0:                                                                                         SABINE HUTTEL:
                                WILLKOMMEN BEI DEN ALMANS                                                                               DAS RUSSISCHE RÄTSEL
                                Der Hype-Instagram-Account mit über 500.000 Followern
                                erzählt mit lustigen Memes aus dem Leben von Alman-Achim                                                Ein berührender Roman über Eltern und Kinder und die
                                und Alman-Anette und nimmt dabei deutsche Klischees                                                     Gespenster der eigenen Familiengeschichte.
                                augenzwinkernd aufs Korn. Nun gibt es die beiden endlich in
                                Romanform - für alle Renate Bergmann-Fans                                                               Liane Herbst, Bibliothekarin, 58, unternimmt eine Reise nach
                                Anette will es noch einmal wissen. Die Kinder sind aus dem Haus                                         Russland um sich auf die Spuren ihres Vaters zu begeben, der dort
                                und in ihrem Teilzeitjob findet sie nicht die nötige Erfüllung. Anette                                  vier Jahre in Kriegsgefangenschaft verbrachte und dessen Trauma
                                will mehr, sie will das Bürgermeisteramt. Ihrem Göttergatten Achim                                      und sein Schweigen darüber Lianes Kindheit und Jugend geprägt
                                und Sohn Andi behagen die kommunalpolitischen Ambitionen                                                haben.
                                jedoch gar nicht, fürchten sie doch um ihre bequeme Ruhe.                                               Mit Hilfe eines Freundes, der in Moskau lebt, macht sie sich in der
                                Anette sieht sich einer Reihe Hürden ausgesetzt –im Gemeinderat                                         sterbenden Bergbau-Stadt Djegtjarsk auf die Suche. Die Reise wird
                                wie im privaten Umfeld–, stürzt sich jedoch voller Elan in den                                          in mehrfacher Hinsicht zum Abenteuer. Die für Liane
                                Wahlkampf. Unterstützung erfährt sie dabei von Biggi, Nachbarin                                         undurchschaubaren       Kontrollmechanismen     der     russischen
                                und beste Freundin, und ihren, naja, mäßigen Fähigkeiten im Flyer-                                      Bürokratie behindern ihre Nachforschungen, alle Versuche an die
                                Entwerfen. Doch als wäre das nicht schon genug für ihre Nerven,                                         Akten des Vaters zu kommen scheitern an Korruption und absurd-
                                taucht plötzlich ein Gegenkandidat auf: Sebastian Wotzke, frisch                                        kafkaesker Behördenstruktur.
                                vom Studium in sein Heimatdorf zurückgekehrt. Dass der schnittige                                       Aber Liane hat sich nicht vergeblich auf den Weg gemacht. Sie
                                Sebastian mit selbstgebackenem Apfelkuchen von Haustür zu                                               gewinnt etwas Kostbares: überraschende Einsichten und ein tiefes
                        2020    Haustür zieht, hat Anette gerade noch gefehlt. Als sie kurz davor ist,   Projekt Bärbel Brands   2020   Verständnis für die Eltern und einen neuen Blick auf das eigene
                                hinzuschmeißen, schnappt sie im Haarstudio Komm Hair pikante                                            Erwachsenwerden während der 68er Jahre.
Michael Meller Agency           Informationen über ihren Konkurrenten auf, die alles verändern…          Michael Meller Agency          Sabine Huttel arbeitete als Lehrerin in Hamburg und Nordrhein-
                                Hinter Alman_Memes2.0 verbergen sich Marius Notter und Sina                                             Westfalen. Seit 2012 lebt sie in Berlin. Wenn sie nicht schreibt, spielt
                                Scherzant. Seit April 2019 betreiben die beiden den Instagram-           ca. 230 S.                     sie Violine und Viola in einem Orchester. Mit Miku Sophie Kühmel
Exposé und Leseprobe            Account, wenn sie nicht grade in ihrer Berliner Wohnung am Fenster                                      und Sebastian Guhr gehörte sie zu den Finalisten des
                                stehen und sich notieren, wie häufig ihre Nachbarn den Müll falsch       MS verfügbar                   Blogbusterpreises 2018.
                                trennen oder Stachelbeerbaiser-Torte mit Schlagsahne essen

                                CHRISTINA ELLIS:                                                                                        JONER STORESANG:
                                FOR YOU #1: DYING FOR YOU                                                                               PERFECT WORLD
                                Verrat unter der heißen Sonne Kaliforniens – der Auftakt zu
                                einer New Adult-Trilogie um drei charismatische Brüder                                                  Ein Audible Original-Thriller
                                Nach dem Leukämie-Tod ihres Bruders darf die ebenfalls kranke                                           Public-Image-Consultant Eva Bellheim führt ihr perfektes Leben:
                                Amy Darren, 21, ihr Elternhaus kaum verlassen. Amy will aber                                            Erfolgreich im Job als Beraterin des Oberbürgermeisters von
                                unbedingt ein Tattoo haben, als Zeichen einer zumindest kleinen                                         Duisburg, zwei Kinder, liebender Ehemann. Bis dieser plötzlich mit
                                Rebellion gegen die Krankheit. Als sie sich heimlich davonstiehlt,                                      einer anderen Frau verschwunden sein soll. Eva zweifelt. Das würde
                                trifft sie Nathan Ambrose, Mathe-Student und kalifornischer                                             Daniel ihr niemals antun. Doch die Suche nach ihm befördert seine
                                Sunnyboy. Es knistert zwischen ihnen und Amy spürt für einen                                            zweite Identität ans Tageslicht und führt Eva ins Herz einer Welt aus
                                Moment, was es heißt, ein ganz normales Leben zu führen. Doch                                           Verrat und Brutalität, Korruption und Gewalt. Eine Welt in der sie
                                ihr Zustand verschlechtert sich und sie muss erneut ins                                                 und ihre Familie auf der Todesliste eines skrupellosen, russischen
                                Krankenhaus. Nathan gibt nicht auf: per Go-Pro nimmt er Amy mit                                         Oligarchen stehen und Eva niemandem mehr vertrauen kann.
                                auf wilde Motorradfahrten, macht einen Live-Stream in seine
                                Vorlesung und verwandelt ihr Krankenhauszimmer in eine                                                  Das Essener Arbeiterkind Joner Storesang (*1969) hielt sich im
                                Strandbar. Aber Amy muss einsehen, dass eine Beziehung kaum                                             und nach dem Germanistikstudium mit diversen Jobs über Wasser,
                                möglich ist, zu unterschiedlich sind ihre Welten. Schweren Herzens                                      bis er das Glück hatte, rund fünfzehn Jahre als Drehbuchautor
                                trennt sie sich von Nathan. Doch dann konfrontiert er sie mit einem                                     Erfahrung sammeln zu dürfen. Vor dem Schreiben stöbert er sich
                        2020    schrecklichen Verdacht, der ihre Liebe und alles, was sie noch hat,                                     gern in den Werken englischer und amerikanischer Autoren warm.
                                zu zerstören droht…                                                                                     Anschließend hört er die Lieblingsmusik seiner Charaktere, bevor er
Michael Meller Agency
                                Christina Ellis ist das Pseudonym einer veröffentlichen Autorin in       Michael Meller Agency          diese abrupt abschaltet und in die Stille schreibt. Er lebt in
ca. 350 S.                      der Frauenunterhaltung. Dying For You ist ihr Debüt im NA-Bereich.                                      Saarbrücken.
                                                                                                         ca. 370 S.
                                #2: LYING FOR YOU
Exposé und Leseprobe (120 S.)
                                #3: FIGHTING FOR YOU                                                     MS verfügbar

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                    info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                   1                                                                                                         2
Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)                                                                                             Upmarket Fiction

                                                                                                       Upmarket Fiction
                               NINA WIELANDER:                                                                                          VIRGINIA FEITO:
                               WER WIRD DENN GLEICH AN LIEBE DENKEN                                                                     MRS MARCH
                               Ein warmherziges RomCom-Debüt für alle LeserInnen von                                                    George March’s latest novel is a smash hit. None could be
                               Sophie Kinsella und Petra Hülsmann – Lachtränen garantiert                                               prouder than Mrs. March, his dutiful wife, who revels in his
                                                                                                                                        accolades and relishes the lifestyle and status his success
                               Trix, mäßig erfolgreiche Fotografin aus London, pleite und am Ende,                                      brings.
                               braucht dringend eine Lösung, um dem Gerichtsvollzieher zu
                               entgehen. Sich einen reichen Mann angeln, wie ihre Freundin                                              A creature of routine and decorum, Mrs. March lives an exquisitely
                               Patricia vorschlägt? So richtig ernstnehmen will sie den Vorschlag                                       controlled existence on the Upper East Side. Every morning begins
                               nicht, denn natürlich glaubt sie an die wahre Liebe. Aber warum                                          the same way, with a visit to her favourite patisserie to buy a loaf of
                               nicht das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen verbinden? Als sich ihr                                           olive bread, but her latest trip proves to be her last when she suffers
                               die Gelegenheit in Form einer Stelle als „Allrounderin“ auf Schloss                                      an indignity from which she may never recover: an assumption by
                               Chatham bietet, packt sie die Gelegenheit beim Schopf – nur um                                           the shopkeeper that the protagonist in George Marsh’s new book –
                               dann herauszufinden, dass es um das Schloss gar nicht so gut                                             a pathetic prostitute, more a figure of derision than desire – is based
                               bestellt ist, wie es anfangs schien und Lord Colin doch sehr unter                                       on Mrs. March.
                               der Fuchtel seiner durchtriebenen Mutter steht.                                                          One casual remark robs Mrs. March not only of her beloved olive
                               Aber dann ist da noch Rob, seines Zeichens mürrischer, aber                                              bread but of the belief that she knew everything about her husband
                               attraktiver Denkmalschutzexperte und somit das Chaos komplett.                                           – and herself – sending her on an increasingly paranoid journey, one
                               Trix legt los - und wie: Verwicklungen, Romantik, Happy End – alles                              2020    that starts within the pages of a book but may very well uncover both
                        2020   inklusive, garniert mit einer guten Prise Humor. Was will man mehr?                                      a killer and the long-buried secrets of Mrs. March’s past.
                                                                                                       Neon Literary
Michael Meller Agency          Nina Wielander, geboren 1988, lebt mit ihrer Familie in Tirol und ist                                    A razor-sharp exploration of the fragility of identity and the
                               seit über sieben Jahren für die Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit       309 pp.                          smothering weight of expectations, Mrs. March heralds the arrival of
340 Seiten                     einer Tourismusorganisation verantwortlich. Wer wird denn gleich                                         a wicked and wonderful new voice.
                               an Liebe denken ist ihr Debütroman.                                     MS available
MS verfügbar                                                                                                                            Virginia Feito, unlike Mrs. March, lives in Madrid.

                                                                                                                                        GENKI FERGUSON:
                                                                                                                                        SATELLITE LOVE
                                                                                                                                        Set in 1999 Japan, the novel tells the story of a lonely teenager
                                                                                                                                        who falls in love with a satellite that is called down to Earth.
                                                                                                                                        Anna Obata is a biracial teenager living in economically depressed
                                                                                                                                        Southern Japan just before the millennium. Left to fend for herself
                                                                                                                                        (and to look after her increasingly senile Grandfather) Anna copes
                                                                                                                                        with her devastating loneliness by calling upon her strongest inner
                                                                                                                                        resource: imagination.
                                                                                                                                        This is the story of a girl who falls in love with a satellite, yes – but it
                                                                                                                                        is also the story of how the human mind attempts to repair itself, no
                                                                                                                                        matter the cost, no matter the odds.
                                                                                                                                        Told in alternating perspectives by Anna, the satellite, and several
                                                                                                                                        others, Satellite Love is exquisitely strange and refreshingly
                                                                                                                                        Genki Ferguson was born in New Brunswick, Canada to a family of
                                                                                                                                        authors (his father is author Will Ferguson), and grew up reading
                                                                                                       McClelland & Stewart     04/20   Murakami. He spent much of his childhood in the subtropical island
                                                                                                                                        of Kyushu, Japan, where his mother’s family still resides. Fluent in
                                                                                                       The Friedrich Agency             Japanese and capable of making a decent sushi roll, Genki was also
                                                                                                                                        the recipient of the 2017 Helen Pitt Award for visual arts and is
                                                                                                                                        finishing a degree in Film Production.
                                                                                                       MS available April ‘20

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                               Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                   info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                 3                                                                                                               4
Upmarket Fiction                                                                                          Commercial Fiction

                                                                                                            Commercial Fiction
                               VALERIE MARTIN:                                                                                                TEA COOPER:
                               I GIVE IT TO YOU                                                                                               THE GIRL IN THE PAINTING
                               American novelist Jan Vidor arrives at Villa Chiara in Tuscany intent                                          Mathematical savant Jane Piper is determined to solve the
                               on learning Italian, touring the hill towns, and casting about for a                                           mystery of her benefactress’s breakdown when she chances
                               subject for her next book. In their first meeting, her aristocratic                                            upon The Girl in the Painting.
                               landlord Beatrice Salviati Doyle makes a passing remark about                                                  Maitland 1913. Miss Elizabeth Quinn is something of an institution
                               violent events at the villa during World War II, and Jan finds herself                                         in Maitland Town. For longer than anyone could remember she and
                               wanting to know more. Further conversations reveal Beatrice to be                                              her brother, businessman Michael, have lived in the impressive two-
                               a woman with a knack for telling stories about the past. Routinely,                                            storey stone house next to the church. When she is discovered
                               and then vehemently, Jan takes notes. Soon she is investigating                                                cowering in the corner of the exhibition gallery at the Technical
                               leads like a detective, documenting the decline of a once powerful                                             College the entire town knows something strange has come to pass.
                               family through the vicissitudes of two wars and three generations.                                             Was it the prehistoric remains or perhaps the taxidermy exhibition
                               As Jan reconstructs the past, Beatrice is absorbed in securing the                                             that had reduced the whaleboned encased pillar of society to a
                               future of the family estate. What neither of them knows is that behind                                         quivering mess? Or is there something odd about a striking painting
                               the bucolic scrim of daily life at the villa, a plot is being hatched that                                     on loan from the National Gallery?
                               will deal the final death blow to the Salviati patrimony.                                                      Mathematical savant Jane Piper is determined to find out. Deposited
                               For Jan, her friend’s family history is an irresistible account of class                                       on the doorstep of the local orphanage as a baby, she owes her life
                               struggle; it’s a story she wants to tell. It doesn’t occur to her that                                         and education to the Quinns’ philanthropic ventures and Elizabeth
                               Beatrice regrets having told it, or that she might consider Jan’s                                              has no one else to turn to.
Nan A. Talese          08/20                                                                                Harlequin Fiction         01/20   As the past and the present converge, Elizabeth’s grip on reality
                               version a betrayal of trust. Isn’t stealing other people’s lives the
                               business of a novelist? Jan has no illusions about the answer to this                                          loosens. Can Jane, with her logical brain and penchant for puzzles,
The Friedrich Agency                                                                                        HarperCollins Australia           unravel Elizabeth’s story before it is too late?
                               question. It’s yes. It’s always yes.
304 pp.                        Valerie Martin is the author of twelve novels, including Trespass,                                             Tea Cooper is an established Australian author of contemporary
                                                                                                            352 pp.                           and historical fiction. She is the bestselling author of The Horse
                               Mary Reilly and four collections of short fiction.
MS available                                                                                                                                  Thief, The Cedar Cutter, The Currency Lass, The Naturalist’s
                                                                                                            MS available                      Daughter and The Woman in the Green Dress.

                               AMY McDAID:                                                                                                    ANNA KALING:
                               FAKE BABY                                                                                                      NOT OK, CUPID
                                                                                                                                              Love doesn't always follow the rules...
                               Nine Days. One City. Three Oddballs.
                                                                                                                                              Ally Rivers has three jobs, a disastrous dating record, and her gran
                               Stephen’s dead father is threatening to destroy the world. If Stephen
                                                                                                                                              won't stop talking about sex with eighty-year-old Melvin. Now her
                               commits the ultimate sacrifice and throws himself into the harbour,
                                                                                                                                              best friend Sam confesses his whole family think they're engaged.
                               he will save humanity. The last thing he needs is a Jehovah’s
                                                                                                                                              The longest relationship she's ever been in is fabricated, and her
                               Witness masquerading as a school boy and an admission to a
                                                                                                                                              intended is gay. Playing Sam's besotted lover at a family party, Ally
                               mental health facility.
                                                                                                                                              discovers the hot gardener she's been flirting with is Sam's dad,
                               Jaanvi steals a life-like doll called James and cares for him as if he
                                                                                                                                              Marcus. She even sucks at fake relationships. But Marcus is on to
                               were her dead child. Her husband demands she return him. But she
                                                                                                                                              them and embroils Ally in another scheme - encouraging Sam to
                               and James have already bonded, and it’s nobody’s business how
                                                                                                                                              come out.
                               she decides to grieve.
                                                                                                                                              Scheming is not Ally's forte and, worse, she and Marcus are falling
                               Lucas, pharmacist and all-round nice guy, is having one of the worst
                                                                                                                                              for each other. After years in an unhappy marriage, he's not letting
                               weeks of his life. His employees forgot his birthday, his mother’s
                                                                                                                                              Ally go without a fight, but she's torn between the best friend she'll
                               gone manic, and now his favourite customer is in hospital because
                                                                                                                                              ever have and the only man she's ever been in love with. Either
                               of a medication error he made. Can he make things right? Or is life
                                                                                                                                              choice will leave two broken hearts, and Gran will still have a more
                               all downhill after forty?
                                                                                                                                              successful love life than her...
                               Amy McDaid has a Master of Creative Writing and a Bachelor’s
Penguin New Zealand    04/20   degree in English and History from the University of Auckland. The           Headline Eternal          02/20   Anna Kaling writes mostly British contemporary romances featuring
                               first draft of Fake Baby was awarded the Sir James Wallace Prize:                                              lots of tea, rain, and passive-aggressive queuing. By day she writes
Penguin RH Australia           New Zealand’s richest prize for a creative writing student. She works        BookEnds Literary                 about concrete erections for a construction firm, and by night
                               part-time as a Newborn Intensive Care Nurse and has work                                                       she...well, never mind. She's working towards being an old cat lady
304 pp.                        published in The Spinoff and Auckland University’s Three Lamps               352 pp.                           and is a big fan of sharks, bad horror movies, and the Loch Ness
                               Journal. Her short story ‘Kowhai’ was shortlisted for the Katherine                                            Monster.
MS available                   Mansfield Short Story Novice Award in 2008.                                  MS available

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                    Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                        info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                      5                                                                                                          6
Commercial Fiction                                                                                          Commercial Fiction

                                  VANESSA McCAUSLAND:                                                                                         KRISTEN O’NEAL:
                                  THE LOST SUMMERS OF DRIFTWOOD                                                                               LYCANTHROPY AND OTHER CHRONIC ILLNESSES
                                                                                                                                              A smart and witty debut young adult novel with a paranormal
                                  Is it more dangerous to forget … or to remember? A compelling
                                                                                                                                              twist about two college-aged internet friends who become IRL
                                  drama about broken dreams, first love and the mystery of a lost
                                                                                                                                              BFFs as they bond over pop culture and chronic illness – one
                                  sister, for all fans of Hannah Richell and Kate Morton.
                                                                                                                                              has Lyme and the other is a werewolf!
                                  Phoebe’s life has fallen apart and there’s only one place left to go.
                                  Alone and adrift after a failed marriage proposal, she flees Sydney                                         Priya worked hard to get into Stanford to pursue her dream of
                                                                                                                                              becoming a doctor, but during her freshman year she starts to feel
                                  to her family’s abandoned holiday cottage.
                                                                                                                                              achy and foggy - and soon she can't get out of bed. A diagnosis of
                                  On the slow-moving river Phoebe is confronted with the legacy of
                                                                                                                                              chronic Lyme disease forces her to put her future on hold and return
                                  her older sister’s suicide, a year before. Why did Karin leave a note
                                                                                                                                              home to her loving but overbearing family.
                                  written in flowers and walk into the water?
                                                                                                                                              Thank goodness she has @bigforkhands, aka Brigid, her online BFF
                                  Phoebe’s childhood love, Jez, has moved back to the beautiful old
                                                                                                                                              who joins her in creating "oof ouch my bones," a chronic illness
                                  house, Driftwood, one jetty down. He’s married now and the home
                                                                                                                                              support group of smart and funny teens who exchange tips on
                                  has become a refuge for an unlikely little community.
                                                                                                                                              dealing with brain fog in between rapid-fire pop culture references.
                                  As the river begins to give up its secrets, Phoebe finds herself
                                                                                                                                              Everyone knows everyone else's diagnosis, but Brigid remains
                                  caught up in old feelings and new mysteries.
                                                                                                                                              noticeably mum on hers.
                                  The Lost Summers of Driftwood is a story of lost loves, rekindled
                                                                                                                                              Then Brigid disappears one day, and Priya decides to steal the
                                  passions, tragedy and betrayal set against the backdrop of an idyllic
                                                                                                                                              family car and take a road trip to Brigid in Pennsylvania. Priya arrives
                          01/20   south coast town.                                                                                   2020    to find a terrifying, dog-like creature has destroyed Brigid's house.
HarperCollins Australia           Vanessa McCausland has worked as an entertainment and fashion                                               The weird part? She's pretty sure that creature is a werewolf – and
                                  reporter as well as working for the Daily Telegraph and has written        Quirk Books                      she's pretty sure that werewolf is Brigid…
352 pp.                           articles for Mamamia. The Lost Summers of Driftwood is her second
                                  novel. Her first, Star Attraction, was published under her previous                                         Kristen O'Neal is a freelance writer who has written for sites like
                                                                                                             330 pp.
MS available                      name, Vanessa Stubbs, in 2013.                                                                              Buzzfeed Reader, LitHub, and Electric Literature. She writes about
                                                                                                                                              culture (especially in film and television), and the ways the Internet
                                                                                                             MS available                     can be weird, wonderful, and human. LAOCI is her debut novel.

                                  ALEXANDRA OLIVA:
                                  REMEMBER THIS                                                                                               BRONWYN SELL:
                                  A page-turning story of survival, but also a commentary on how
                                  we grow and reinvent ourselves in this overly connected,                                                    A clever, heartfelt romantic comedy about a charming family
                                  digital age.                                                                                                who live in the most romantic place on earth but can’t catch a
                                  A woman whose name shouldn’t be Linda lives in a city she can’t                                             break when it comes to love. For fans of Marian Keyes and
                                  stand, her every movement tracked by her father, a reluctant but                                            Mhairi McFarlane.
                                  duty-bound protector who was horrified to learn of her existence 14                                         When a romantically challenged family gather for their first wedding
                                  years earlier, when Linda emerged from the woods as a feral child.                                          in decades, Amy ‘stuck in the friend zone’ Lowery realises that her
                                  She’d been raised in total isolation by her brilliant but dangerously                                       single tango-dancing mum and besotted groom-to-be dad have
                                  unhinged mother, who birthed her in a grief-ridden attempt to                                               hotter love lives than she does. But when she locks eyes with an
                                  replace her deceased firstborn daughter. The internet obsessed                                              alluring stranger, The Pull in her chest is undeniable. And the look
                                  over Linda’s sudden appearance, labeling her #CloneGirl. The                                                in Josh Brennan’s eyes definitely says ‘more than friends’ – but not
                                  misnomer haunts Linda still, and as an adult, she struggles to                                              in the way she hopes.
                                  interact with people and strives to lead a quiet life.                                                      Loner Josh is ecstatic to meet his witty stepsister-to-be. No way will
                                  And then a new neighbor moves in and changes everything. For the                                            he admit to an inconvenient attraction to his insta-sister – not even
                                  first time, Linda sees the potential of true friendship, and through her                                    to himself.
                                  neighbor is drawn into the escapism of virtual reality. But just as                                         Island resident nice guy Harry is absolutely not going to fall for smart
                                  she’s easing into a new sense of belonging, Linda is kidnapped and                                          and sexy jilted bride Sophia, who is locked in the honeymoon villa
                                  taken to a remote location where she will ultimately be forced to                                           trying to kickstart Operation Get Your Life Together.
Ballantine                03/21
                                  confront the truth of her traumatic past.                                  Harlequin Fiction        03/20   Throw in some sharp-witted siblings, a bevy of naval officers and a
                                  Remember This is a wrenching portrait of parental grief, a daring                                           meddlesome gran determined to see at least one of her
Friedrich Agency                                                                                                                              descendants happily wed, and the scene is set for a perfect storm
                                  proposal on how memory functions, and an examination of whom               HarperCollinsAustralia
                                  we trust with our own histories.                                                                            that will leave no heart unscathed …
360 pp.                           Alexandra Oliva is the author of the novel The Last One, which is                                           Bronwyn Sell is many things – novelist, journalist, travel writer,
                                                                                                             512 pp.
                                  currently in development for TV. She has a BA in history from Yale                                          bestselling non-fiction author, yogi, theatre nerd, soccer mum, wife,
MS available                      University and an MFA from The New School. She lives in the                                                 lover of wines, etc., etc.. Her journalism and travel writing have won
                                  Pacific Northwest with her family.                                         MS available                     national awards in her native New Zealand.
                          Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                    Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                   info@melleragency.com                                                                                        info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                       7                                                                                                           8
Commercial Fiction                                                                                              Thriller & Crime

                                                                                                       Thriller & Crime
                            HEATHER WEBBER:                                                                                             ALEX FINLAY:
                            SOUTH OF THE BUTTONWOOD TREE                                                                                EVERY LAST FEAR
                            A captivating blend of magical realism, heartwarming romance,                                               Matt Pine learns the terrible news: his parents and younger siblings,
                            and small-town Southern charm.                                                                              on vacation in Mexico, have been found dead in their rental home.
                                                                                                                                        It’s a horrible blow to Matt, who is already trying to cope with life in
                            Blue Bishop has a knack for finding lost things. While growing up in                                        the shadow of his older brother’s infamy: seven years ago, Danny
                            charming small-town Buttonwood, Alabama, she’s happened across                                              Pine was convicted of the murder of a teenage girl in their small
                            lost wallets, jewelry, pets, her wandering neighbour, and sometimes,                                        Nebraska town, and he’s been in prison ever since. Recently, his
                            trouble. No one is more surprised than Blue, however, when she                                              case was profiled in a blockbuster documentary that swayed public
                            comes across an abandoned newborn baby in the woods, just south                                             opinion toward his innocence, but Matt has never believed in
                            of a very special buttonwood tree.                                                                          Danny’s innocence himself. Now, as the deaths in Mexico appear
                            Sarah Grace Landreneau Fulton is at a crossroads. She has always                                            increasingly suspicious and connected to Danny’s prosecution, Matt
                            tried so hard to do the right thing, but her own mother would disown                                        must finally unearth the truth behind the crime that sent his brother
                            her if she ever learned half of Sarah Grace’s secrets.                                                      to prison, and doing so leads him to a shocking conspiracy.
                            The unexpected discovery of the newborn baby girl will alter Blue’s                                         Told through multiple points-of-view and alternating between past
                            and Sarah Grace’s lives forever. Both women must fight for what                                             and present, Every Last Fear is not only a page-turning intrigue, it’s
                            they truly want in life and for who they love. In doing so, they uncover                                    also a poignant story about a family managing heartbreak and
                            long-held secrets that reveal exactly who they really are – and what                                        tragedy, and living through a fame they never wanted to have.
Forge Books         07/20   they’re willing to sacrifice in the name of family.                        Minotaur (2 Book-Deal)   02/21
                                                                                                                                        Alex Finlay is the pseudonym of an author who lives in Washington,
BookEnds Literary           Heather Webber grew up in a suburb of Boston. She is an Agatha             Aaron Priest Agency              D.C. born in Opelika, Alabama, Alex spent his formative years
                            Award-nominated author. Her works include the Lucy Valentine                                                traversing the globe, from a tropical island in the Pacific to a small
336 pp.                     novels and the Nina Quinn mysteries, among other books. She lives                                           village in the UK to a remote region in the Far East. But it was on a
                                                                                                       368 pp.
                            in Ohio with her high school sweetheart and their three children.                                           vacation in Tulum, Mexico that Alex was inspired to write Every Last
MS available                                                                                                                            Fear.
                                                                                                       MS available

                                                                                                                                        JURIS JURJEVICS:
                                                                                                                                        PLAY THE RED QUEEN
                                                                                                                                        The posthumous masterwork by critically acclaimed author,
                                                                                                                                        publisher, and Viet Nam veteran Juris Jurjevics — the story of
                                                                                                                                        two American GI cops caught in the corrupt cauldron of a
                                                                                                                                        Vietnamese civil war stoked red hot by revolution.

                                                                                                                                        Viet Nam, 1963. A female Viet Cong assassin is trawling the
                                                                                                                                        boulevards of Saigon, catching US Army officers off-guard with a
                                                                                                                                        single pistol shot, then riding off on the back of a scooter. Although
                                                                                                                                        the US military is not officially in combat, sixteen thousand American
                                                                                                                                        servicemen are stationed in Viet Nam “advising” the military and
                                                                                                                                        government. Among them are Ellsworth Miser and Clovis Robeson,
                                                                                                                                        two army investigators who have been tasked with tracking down
                                                                                                                                        the daring killer.
                                                                                                                                        Set in the besieged capital of a new nation on the eve of the coup
                                                                                                                                        that would bring down the Diem regime and launch the Americans
                                                                                                                                        into the Viet Nam War, Play the Red Queen is Juris Jurjevics’s
                                                                                                                                        capstone contribution to a lifelong literary legacy: a tour-de-force
                                                                                                                                        mystery-cumsocial history, breathtakingly atmospheric and
                                                                                                                                02/20   heartbreakingly alive with the laws and lawlessness of war.
                                                                                                       Soho Press                       Juris Jurjevics was born in Latvia and grew up in Displaced
                                                                                                                                        Persons camps in Germany before emigrating to the US. He wrote
                                                                                                       360 pp.                          two other novels, Red Flags and The Trudeau Vector, which was
                                                                                                                                        published in ten other countries. Publisher and co-founder of Soho
                                                                                                       MS available                     Press, Jurjevics worked for decades in the book industry.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                               Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                   info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                 9                                                                                                         10
Thriller & Crime                                                                                            Thriller & Crime

                                 KYLE PERRY:                                                                                                ANDREW SHAFFER:
                                 THE BLUFFS                                                                                                 SECRET SANTA
                                                                                                                                            A Horror for the Holidays Novel. The Office meets The Shining
                                 When a school group of teenage girls go missing in the wilderness                                          in this horror-comedy about a holiday gift exchange gone
                                 of Tasmania’s Great Western Tiers, the local people are                                                    wrong, set at a publishing house in the 80s.
                                 immediately on alert. It’s not that long ago that a number of young
                                 girls were killed in the area, and local legends regarding ‘the hungry                                     After half a decade editing some of the biggest names in horror,
                                 man’ still haunt locals to this day.                                                                       Lussi Meyer joins prestigious Blackwood-Patterson to kickstart their
                                 Authorities can determine only that a teacher was knocked                                                  new horror imprint. Her new co-workers seem less than thrilled. Ever
                                 unconscious. The father of missing student Jasmine (and the town’s                                         since the illustrious Xavier Blackwood died and his party-boy son
                                 local drug dealer), instantly becomes a prime suspect, but Inspector                                       took over, things have been changing around the office.
                                 Con Badenhorst has more than one reason to trust him.                                                      When Lussi receives a creepy gnome doll as part of the company's
                                 When the body of one of the girls is found at the bottom of a cliff,                                       annual holiday gift exchange, it verifies what she's long suspected:
                                 suspicion turns to a wild animal – but could it be that this particular                                    her co-workers think she's a joke. No one there takes her seriously,
                                 group of adolescent girls aren’t as innocent as they seem?                                                 even if she's the one whose books are keeping the company afloat.
                                                                                                                                            What happens after the doll's arrival is no joke. With no explanation,
                                 Kyle Perry is a youth worker and drug and alcohol counsellor who                                           Lussi's co-workers begin to drop like flies. A heart attack here; a food
                                 has worked extensively in high schools, youth shelters and rehabs.                                         poisoning there. One of her authors and closest friends, the fabulous
                                 Kyle himself has been lost in the Tasmanian mountains twice, and                                           but underrated Fabien Nightingale, sees the tell-tale signs of
Michael Joseph           08/20   once used ripped pages of a journal stuck on branches in order to                                  2020    supernatural forces at play, stemming from the gnome sitting quietly
                                 find his way out. Kyle holds a Bachelor of Counselling (Coaching),                                         on Lussi's shelf. The only question is...does Lussi want to stop it
Penguin RH Australia                                                                                       Quirk Books                      from working its magic?
                                 and lives in Tasmania’s North West.
368 pp.                                                                                                    330 pp.                          Andrew Shaffer is the New York Times best-selling author of more
MS available April ‘20                                                                                                                      than a dozen books, including the national best seller Hope Never
                                                                                                           MS available                     Dies: An Obama Biden Mystery.

                                                                                                                                            BENJAMIN STEVENSON:
                                 ERINA REDDAN:
                                                                                                                                            EITHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT
                                 THE SERPENT’S SKIN
                                                                                                                                            An electrifying thriller with a mind-bending premise: one
                                 It’s a cold and wintery night in 1968 and ten-year-old JJ’s mother                                         million viewers witness a popular TV presenter commit suicide
                                 isn’t home. The cows are milked, the pigs fed, and her dad won’t                                           live on air – yet his own brother is convinced it was murder.
                                 answer any questions.
                                 The four children survive as best they can in a cloud of their father’s                                    At 9.01 pm, TV presenter Sam Midford delivers the monologue for
                                 lies and clear misery, dealing with their mother’s absence in their                                        his popular current affairs show Mr Midnight. He seems nervous and
                                 own ways. But it’s always been JJ’s job to cause trouble, and her                                          the crew are convinced he’s about to propose to his girlfriend live on
                                 sleuthing wreaks havoc in their tight-knit community.                                                      air. Instead, he pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the head.
                                 Fourteen years on, JJ has a new life, a loving partner and a good                                          Sam’s grief-stricken brother Harry is convinced his brother was
                                 job, but she finds herself being pulled back in to the unsolved                                            murdered. But how can that be, when one million viewers witnessed
                                 mystery of her childhood. While pretending to have made peace with                                         Sam himself pull the trigger? Harry turns to Jack Quick, a disgraced
                                 her father’s dishonesty, she organises a final farewell for her mother                                     crime podcast producer recently released from prison for
                                 so they can all put the past behind them. Will the tragic truth finally                                    withholding evidence on a previous case. Harry knows Jack is
                                 set them all free?                                                                                         desperate for money so will take on the case, despite all the
                                 The Serpent’s Skin is a gripping, literary crime novel about male                                          evidence to the contrary.
                                 power and the secrets that can haunt a family. Most of all, it’s about                                     And Jack is sceptical – until, when studying the tapes of the final
                                 the many ways we prove our love.                                                                           show, he catches sight of the words on the teleprompter reflected
                         06/20                                                                             Michael Joseph           09/20   on the screen behind Sam. Did someone talk Sam into killing himself
                                 Erina Reddan is a writer, a strategist, a public speaker and author.                                       through the autocue?
Pantera Press                    She is currently undertaking a PhD in Creative Writing (La Trobe          Penguin RH Australia             What secret did Sam have that would be enough to compel him to
                                 University). She is the Executive Director of a media messaging                                            take his own life, and in such a public way? And how is this linked
350 pp.                          business and has lectured in international politics at The University                                      with the suicide of Sam’s childhood sweetheart 20 years earlier?
                                                                                                           336 pp.
                                 of Melbourne, tutored in creative writing at La Trobe University and
                                                                                                                                            Benjamin Stevenson is an award-winning stand-up comedian and
MS available                     taught at Writers Victoria.                                               MS available April ‘20           author. He currently works at Curtis Brown Australia.

                          Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                  Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                   info@melleragency.com                                                                                      info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                   11                                                                                                          12
Thriller & Crime                                                                           Deutsche Autoren (Sachbuch)

                                                                                                        Deutsche Autoren (Sachbuch)
                                                                                                                                       JOHN-STEWART GORDON:
                           KEVIN SULLIVAN:
                                                                                                                                       DAS   GUTE   LEBEN  IM                      ZEITALTER          DER
                           THE FIGURE IN THE PHOTOGRAPH
                           1898. Juan Camerón’s father is killed while working as a                                                    Wir erleben derzeit eine Umbruchphase in nie dagewesenem
                           photographer amidst the chaos of war in Cuba, but his last                                                  Ausmaß: Während in Europa einerseits die längste Friedensperiode
                           pictures reveal a sinister truth to his final moments…                                                      in der Geschichte herrscht, sind wir weltweit mit kriegerischen
                                                                                                                                       Konflikten, Fanatismus, Terrorismus, Fake News und Populismus
                           Juan travels to Scotland to grieve with family and immerses himself                                         konfrontiert. Wir profitieren von den Vorzügen der Industrialisierung,
                           in the study of photography. When he invents a device that                                                  Technisierung und Digitalisierung unserer Lebenswelt und haben
                           inadvertently solves a crime, local law enforcement recruit him to                                          gleichzeitig „gelernt“, die Nachteile wie Umweltverschmutzung,
                           help stop a brutal serial killer plaguing the streets of Glasgow.                                           Arbeitslosigkeit und den Verlust von Autonomie auszublenden.
                           First in an exciting two-book deal set in the gritty streets of early 20th                                  Diese Umbruchphase führt zu einem „Verlorensein“, einer
                           century Glasgow: Perfect for fans of Ambrose Parry, Peter Ackroyd                                           Orientierungslosigkeit. Hinzu kommt das alltägliche unmoralische
                           and Laura Carlin                                                                                            Verhalten vieler Menschen.
                                                                                                                                       John-Stewart Gordon sieht in diesen und ähnlichen Phänomenen
                           Kevin Sullivan was born in Glasgow. His career in journalism has                                            eine zunehmende Gefährdung des sozialen Miteinanders von
                           placed him in the frontline of defining historical moments in living                                        Menschen und ganzen Gesellschaften. Der Autor hilft dem Leser
                           memory, from documenting events at Tiananmen Square to                                                      nicht nur die derzeitige Lage sozial-politisch einzuordnen und
                           covering the siege of Dubrovnik and the war in Bosnia and                                                   angemessen zu verstehen, sondern auch eine philosophische
                           Herzegovina. His work has taken him to Singapore, Sri Lanka,                                         2020
                   04/20                                                                                                               Perspektive einzunehmen. Das Buch soll als ein moralischer
                           Japan, the Western Balkans, and Spain. He lives in Sarajevo.                 Michael Meller Agency          Kompass dienen und eine konkrete Hilfestellung geben, ein gutes
Allison & Busby                                                                                                                        und moralisches Leben zu führen.
                                                                                                                                       John-Stewart Gordon studierte Philosophie und Geschichte und
352 pp.
                                                                                                                                       wurde in Philosophie von Julian Nida-Rümelin promoviert. Er war
                                                                                                                                       Professor an der Universität zu Köln, bevor er nach zahlreichen
MS available
                                                                                                        Exposé und Leseprobe (50 S.)   internationalen Forschungsaufenthalten (u.a. in Oxford) als
                                                                                                                                       Professor für Philosophie an die Vytautas Magnus Universität in
                                                                                                                                       Kaunas, Litauen wechselte.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                               Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                   info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                13                                                                                                      14
Non-Fiction                                                                                                 Non-Fiction

                                 JOHN BAKER, NICK PLACE:                                                                                     KEITH BRADFORD:
                                 STALIN’S WINE CELLAR                                                                                        TRAVEL HACKS
                                 Stolen from the Czar, hidden from the Nazis and found by a                                                  Find the best travel deals, skip the lines, pack like a pro, and
                                 Sydney wine merchant. A dangerous story of life, death, and                                                 enjoy the easiest trip of your life with this definitive guide to
                                 (very expensive) broken bottles.                                                                            making your next getaway smoother than ever.
                                 In the late 1990s, John Baker was known as a purveyor of quality                                            Traveling is full of exciting new experiences and discoveries – but it
                                 rare and old wines. He was the perfect person to approach with a                                            can also be expensive, disorganized, and stressful if you don’t know
                                 mysterious wine list. The list was discovered to be a catalogue of                                          the insider tricks to make it simpler. Travel Hacks includes hundreds
                                 the wine collection of Nicholas II. The wine had become property of                                         of expert guidelines, hacks, and DIYs for staying relaxed while you
                                 the state after the Russian Revolution and was discretely removed                                           plan, book, pack, and travel to your next destination.
                                 to a remote Georgian winery amid concerns about the advancing                                               Including more than 600 handy tips for everything from how to score
                                 Nazi army. Half a century later, the wine was rumoured to be hidden                                         discounts on transportation to packing efficiently and avoiding lines,
                                 underground and off any known map.                                                                          delays, and crowds, Travel Hacks will make every aspect of your
                                 John and his second-in-command, Kevin Hopko embarked on an                                                  travel experience hassle-free. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler
                                 audacious, and potentially dangerous journey to Georgia to discover                                         or about to embark on you first trip, this is the all-inclusive guide to
                                 if the wines actually existed and if the collection could be bought and                                     the stress-free vacation of your dreams.
                                 transported to a major London auction house.
                                 Stalin’s Wine Cellar is a wild, sometimes rough ride in the glamorous                                       Keith Bradford is the sole owner and webmaster of Bradford Media,
Viking Australia         08/20                                                                                                       06/20
                                 world of high-end wine, from Sydney to Tbilisi Georgia, via Paris,                                          which publishes 1000 Life Hacks, Yup That Exists, and many other
                                 Bordeaux, and New York. A multi-milliondollar cellar and a                                                  blogs/sites. Since its launch at the beginning of 2013, Bradford
Penguin RH Australia                                                                                       Adams Media
                                 breathtaking wine collection is the elusive treasure. The cast of                                           Media has gained a collective readership of more than 200,000, and
                                 characters includes Stalin, Hitler, Czar Nicholas II and a motley                                           continues to grow each and every day. He’s the author of Life Hacks,
320 pp.                                                                                                    240 pp.
                                 bunch of Georgian businessmen, in the early days of Russian                                                 College Hacks, and Holiday Hacks. Keith lives in Aurora, Canada,
                                 business development that led to the world of Putin and oligarchs.        MS available Spring ‘20           and loves hockey, making music, and reading comic books.
MS available April ‘20

                                 LESLEY M. BLUME:                                                                                            BEC BROWN:
                                 FALLOUT                                                                                                     YOU’VE GOT THIS
                                 New York Times bestselling author Lesley M.M. Blume reveals                                                 A career hack for clever and creative Gen Zs, Millennials and
                                 how a courageous reporter uncovered one of greatest and                                                     start-ups.
                                 deadliest cover-ups of the 20th century – the true effects of the                                           With the practical, achievable steps in this book you can build your
                                 atom bomb – potentially saving millions of lives.                                                           dream career in the creative industries. You’ve Got This is a career
                                 In the days following the atomic bombings the Japanese                                                      (and life) guide, for the thousands of young women who want to
                                 surrendered unconditionally. Even before the surrender, the US had                                          learn the secrets to flourishing in any career in creative industries
                                 begun a secret propaganda campaign to celebrate these weapons                                               like entertainment, media, marketing, advertising, PR, design,
                                 as the ultimate peacekeepers – hiding the true extent and nature of                                         fashion or the arts. Full of practical advice and savvy tips, this book
                                 their devastation. The cover-up intensified as Americans closed the                                         will help women earn great money and have a job they love, without
                                 atomic cities to Allied reporters, preventing information from leaking.                                     it sucking the life out of them. It’s designed and formatted to appeal
                                 The cover-up worked – until New Yorker journalist John Hersey got                                           to 16–30-year-olds who like to receive their information in bite-sized
                                 into Hiroshima and reported the truth to the world.                                                         pieces. And with a diverse range of women included in the
                                 When the magazine published “Hiroshima” in August, 1946, it                                                 illustrations, women of all ethnicities, shapes and sizes will see
                                 became an instant global sensation, and since 1945, no nuclear                                              themselves in its pages.
                                 weapons have ever been deployed in war in part because Hersey                                               Penned by Bec Brown, self-made PR success and founder of The
                                 alerted the world. This knowledge has remained among the greatest                                           Comms Department, and beautifully illustrated by Inga Campbell,
                                 deterrents to using them since the end of World War II.                   Penguin Australia         09/20   former Deputy Art Director of Cosmopolitan and Art Director for
Houghton Mifflin         08/20
                                 Fallout is an engrossing detective story, as well as an important                                           Grazia.
Friedrich Agency                 piece of hidden history that shows how one heroic scoop saved –           Penguin RH Australia              Bec Brown has been working as a professional communicator for
                                 and can still save – the world.                                                                             20 years, beginning as a vocalist and vocal coach, then re-training
200 pp.                                                                                                    168 pp.                           to become a PR professional. Bec’s communications experience
                                 Lesley Blume is the New York Times-bestselling author of
                                                                                                                                             includes half a decade as Senior National Publicity and Promotions
                                 Everybody Behaves Badly and an award-winning journalist,
MS available                                                                                               Sample available / MS April ‘20   Manager for the world’s largest record company, Universal Music.
                                 reporter, and cultural historian.

                          Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                  Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                   info@melleragency.com                                                                                      info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                   15                                                                                                           16
Non-Fiction                                                                                          Non-Fiction

                               CHARLOTTE DENNETT:                                                                                    MARC HARTZMAN:
                               THE CRASH OF FLIGHT 3804. (formerly PIPELINE                                                          THE BIG BOOK OF MARS
                                                                                                                                     An entertaining, well researched, and fully illustrated pop
                               A Lost Spy, a Daughter’s Quest, and the Deadly Politics of the                                        history of Earthlings' long relationship with Mars and our hopes
                               Great Game for Oil                                                                                    for the future.
                               While unraveling the mystery of her father's death, an investigative                                  Mars has been a source of fascination and speculation ever since
                               journalist reveals the truth behind an era of endless wars in the                                     the Ancient Sumerians observed its blood-red hue and named it for
                               Middle East by following the pipelines. In 1947, Daniel Dennett,                                      their god of war and plague. But it wasn't until 1877, when "canals"
                               America’s first master spy in the Middle East, was dispatched to                                      were observed on the surface of the Red Planet, suggesting the
                               Saudi Arabia. It would be his last assignment. On the way, a plane                                    presence of water, that scientists, novelists and filmmakers became
                               carrying him to Ethiopia went down, killing everyone on board.                                        obsessed with the question of whether there's life on Mars. In The
                               In The Crash of Flight 3804, Charlotte Dennett digs into her father’s                                 War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells suggested that we wouldn't need to
                               work, which pitted him against America’s wartime allies—the British,                                  make contact with Martians – they'd come for us – while, many years
                               the French, and the Russians—in a covert battle for geopolitical and                                  later, Nikola Tesla claimed that he did make contact.
                               economic influence in the Middle East.                                                                Since then, Mars has fully invaded pop culture. It has its own day of
                               Through vivid storytelling, extensive research, and deep analysis of                                  the week, a candy bar, and iconic Looney Tunes character. It has
                               region-defining maps, she reveals how feverish competition among                                      been the subject of iconic novels and movies, from Ray Bradbury's
                               intelligence networks, military, and Big Oil interests have fueled                                    The Martian Chronicles to Mars Attacks! And it has sparked a space-
                       04/20   indiscriminate attacks and targeted killings that continue to this day.                       07/20   race feud between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, who both hope to
                                                                                                                                     send a manned mission to Mars in the near future.
                               Charlotte Dennett is a former Middle East reporter and an
Chelsea Green Publishing       investigative journalist and attorney. She is the coauthor of Thy Will    Quirk Books                 Marc Hartzman is "one of America's leading connoisseurs of the
                               Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon, an exposé of Nelson                                              bizarre" (ABCNews.com) and has written books about sideshow
368 pp.                        Rockefeller and evangelism in the age of oil. Charlotte Dennett's         304 pp.                     performers, Oliver Cromwell's head, weird things on eBay, and
                               brother, Daniel C. Dennett III, famed cognitive scientist, has                                        unorthodox messages from God. He lives in New Rochelle with his
MS available                   contributed the foreword.                                                 Sample available            wife Liz and their two beautiful Earthling girls.

                               MATTHEW FRASER:                                                                                       STEFAN HUNT:
                               IN TRUTH. A HISTORY OF LIES                                                                           WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE
                                                                                                                                     The moment you realise that you’re not the only one with these
                               From ancient Rome to the current Internet age, this sweeping
                                                                                                                                     fears, that you’re not alone, is the moment it all changes.
                               history of ideas explores how different epochs wrestled with
                               the issue of truth and lies.                                                                          10 out of 10 people reading this will die.
                               From the ancient Greeks and Romans to the modern era, how have                                        Stefan Hunt was a successful film director, travelling around the
                               people determined what is true? How have those with power and                                         world capturing beautiful stories and making new friends, a life one
                               influence sought to control the narrative? Are we living in a post-                                   can only dream about. Then, at the age of 27, he became riddled
                               truth era, or is that notion simply the latest attempt to control the                                 with an anxiety which left him paralysed with fear and questioning
                               narrative?                                                                                            his purpose. On the advice of a friend he decided to put pen to paper
                               The relationship between truth and power is the key theme. The                                        in search of relief, and out tumbled the five words which began a
                               author focuses on notable people and events, from Julius Caesar                                       poem that led to his major epiphany: We’re All Going to Die. Far
                               and Adolf Hitler to Procopius and Savonarola. He notes distinct                                       from being a morbid thought, Hunt felt reassurance and inspiration
                               parallels in history to current events. During the English Civil War                                  when he accidently stumbled across life’s only guarantee.
                               and the Enlightenment, pamphleteering coupled with the new power                                      Written and illustrated by Hunt, We’re All Going to Die takes on the
                               of the printing press challenged the status quo, as online and social                                 immense task of exploring the meaning of life in the form of a Dr
                               media does in our time.                                                                               Seuss-esque book for adults. Pairing eloquent prose with whimsical
                               And "fake news" was already being used by German chancellor Otto                                      illustrations, this picture book follows a conversation between fear
                               von Bismarck. The author concludes optimistically. The                    Lost the Plot       03/20   and death asking you to look at the ‘what ifs’, the ‘why nots’ and the
Prometheus             04/20   determination to arrive at the truth, despite the manipulations of the                                ‘oh wells’ that might flash before your eyes if Death were to pay you
                               powerful, bodes well for the future of democracy.                         Pantera Press               a visit. The result is a simple message: Fear Less and Live More.
BookEnds Literary
                               Matthew Fraser is a professor of communications and international                                     Stefan Hunt is a writer and filmmaker collaborating with the biggest
                               politics at the American University of Paris. He is the author of         72 pp.                      global brands. His most ambitious creative project to date is We’re
464 pp.
                               Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom, Work and World; and Free-for-                                        All Going to Die, which also consisted of short-film and multimedia
MS available                   All.                                                                      MS available                art festival in Sydney.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                 Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                     info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                 17                                                                                                    18
Non-Fiction                                                                                             Non-Fiction

                                 ZARA MCDONALD, MICHELLE ANDREWS:                                                                       KATE NELSON:
                                 THE SPACE BETWEEN                                                                                      I QUIT PLASTICS
                                 Relatable ruminations on the mess, the madness and the magic                                           An inspiring but practical guide to reducing your footprint by
                                 of life in the limbo of not-quite adulthood, from the creators of                                      taking you on a journey to reduce your use of plastics.
                                 the hit podcast Shameless, hailed by the New York Times as a
                                 ‘great pop culture discussion [that] taps into bigger themes                                           An inspiring and practical journey to quitting plastic. Kate Nelson has
                                 that hide beneath’.                                                                                    been disposable plastic free for a decade. She started small by
                                                                                                                                        stopping her use of plastic bags and water bottles, refusing straws
                                 There’s this weird gap in life that’s often fuelled by cheap tacos and                                 and using a reusable cup for her coffee. But as she became aware
                                 even cheaper tequila and doesn’t make any sense whatsoever –                                           of just how much plastic she encountered in her day-to-day life
                                 also known as your twenties. It’s a specific limbo we all have the joy                                 without realising, she knew she had to do more. It has taken years,
                                 of going through between being a teenager and being a Proper                                           but the journey has been humbling and full of learning.
                                 Adult, and though it’s wildly confusing, often lonely, sometimes                                       I Quit Plastic is an inspiring and practical guide to reducing your use
                                 infuriating and frequently daunting, there’s also a whole lot of magic                                 of plastics, wherever you may be on the journey. Complete with an
                                 to be found in the chaos. It’s a time when we’re finding our voices,                                   8-week phase-out program, and full of recipes and tips to help you
                                 making up our minds, growing into (and out of) relationships and                                       cook, shop, wear, clean and live plastic-free, Kate Nelson shows you
                                 starting to fulfil our big ambitions (or simply working out what they                                  how to reduce your waste and live more simply and sustainably.
                                 are). Described by The Guardian as ‘the voice of two generations’,                                     With over 60 recipes that cover cooking, beauty, hygiene, and
                                 Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald, creators of the award-                                             cleaning, Kate Nelson shares how making small changes within your
                                 winning pop culture podcast Shameless, are two of the many               Lost the Plot         04/20   own life you can help have a lasting, global impact.
Viking                   09/20   twenty-something women trying to make sense of it all.
                                                                                                          Pantera Press                 Kate Nelson started her journey in 2008 when she volunteered at
Penguin RH Australia             Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald are Melbourne-based
                                                                                                                                        Jean Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society. Since then she has
                                 journalists and broadcasters, aged 24 and 25. They met working as
                                                                                                          240 pp.                       lobbied government, pitched to corporates, spoken at schools all
272 pp.                          writers for Mamamia, and in March 2018 launched Australia’s top
                                                                                                                                        over the world, and founded an education and advocacy not-for-
                                 pop-culture podcast, Shameless (over 4 million downloads!), ‘for
MS available April ‘20                                                                                    MS available                  profit called ‘Save the Mermaids’ to spread the word.
                                 smart women who like dumb stuff’.

                                 KATY MCEWEN:                                                                                           J. W. OCKER:
                                 OLDIES’ GUIDE TO THE MILLENNIAL WORLD                                                                  CURSED OBJECTS
                                                                                                                                        An illustrated compendium that reveals the true stories behind
                                 Millennials teach Baby Boomers a thing or two in this clever
                                                                                                                                        the most infamous, creepy, and bizarre real-life cursed objects
                                 (and accurate) guide to the Millennial world.
                                                                                                                                        throughout history.
                                 Ever felt like you’re completely out of touch with the evolving world?
                                                                                                                                        They're lurking in museums, graveyards, and private homes around
                                 Unable to tell your ‘Lots of Love’ from your ‘Laugh Out Loud’? Are
                                                                                                                                        the world. Their stories have inspired countless horror movies,
                                 you in a complete daze when it comes to streaming, swiping left,
                                                                                                                                        reality TV shows, campfire tales, books, and even chain emails.
                                 LGBTQAI+ and cryptocurrency?
                                                                                                                                        They're cursed objects, and in order to unleash a wave of
                                 This is the book for you.
                                                                                                                                        misfortune, all they need... is you.
                                 All these things the millennial generation take for granted are now
                                                                                                                                        Whether you believe in curses or not, the often tragic and always
                                 within your reach thanks to the helpful guide to the banter of the
                                                                                                                                        bizarre stories behind these objects will fascinate you. Many of them
                                 modern age.
                                                                                                                                        have intersected with some of the most notable events and people
                                 Katy McEwen is a baby boomer surrounded by millennials. She                                            in history. But beyond Hollywood and beyond the hysteria, author J.
                                 grew up in the UK and has spent her life around books, including                                       W. Ocker suggests that cursed objects are simply objects which
                                 working in a bookshop and various publishing companies before                                          have been witness to great human tragedy, and thereafter operate
                                 moving to Australia.Married with three millennial children she is                                      as mechanisms for remembering and retelling those stories. Cursed
                                 constantly trying to understand, she decided that there were more                                      Objects will be equally appealing to true believers as well as history
Lost the Plot            03/20                                                                                                  09/20
                                 than likely others who might like to be let into those secrets too, so                                 buffs, horror fans, and anyone who loves a good spine-tingling tale.
Pantera Press                    put together the Oldies’ Guide to the Millennial World (with some        Quirk Books
                                                                                                                                        J. W. (Jason) Ocker is an Edgar Award winning travel writer,
                                 help from her kids and workmates!).
250 pp.                                                                                                   272 pp.                       novelist, and blogger. His book Poe-Land: The Hallowed Haunts of
                                                                                                                                        Edgar Allan Poe was nominated for an Anthony Award and won the
MS available                                                                                              MS available Summer ‘20       2015 Edgar Award for Best Critical/Biography.

                          Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                 Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                   info@melleragency.com                                                                                     info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                   19                                                                                                     20

                                  TORI PRESS:                                                                                     Ansprechpartner
                                  I AM DEFINITELY, PROBABLY ENOUGH (I THINK)
                                  Begin your journey to self-love with inspiring messages of                                      Michael Meller
                                  hope as well as actionable moments from Instagram artist Tori                                   Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                                                                                                                  Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  Life is a journey. And even though everyone’s journey is different                              m.meller@melleragency.com
                                  and unique, we all share one thing that binds us together—our
                                  search for self-acceptance and self-love. Half the time, we feel like
                                  we have no idea what we’re doing—and that’s okay. It’s something
                                  that author and Instagram artist Tori Press knows all too well. In I                            Regina Seitz
                                  Am Definitely, Probably Enough (I Think), Press uses the power of                               Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                  image to tackle the major themes in her life that keep her from loving                          Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  herself—questions about self-worth, fluctuating self-esteem,                                    r.seitz@melleragency.com
                                  anxiety, depression, external pressures from society, body image,
                                  and so on. She may not have all the answers, but she’s trying, and
                                  half the time that’s all that really matters. Practicing self-love takes
                                  patience, devotion, and a little bit of heart. Now you can be inspired                          Leonie Schöbel
                                  by the honest advice and understanding Press provides to help you                               Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                          05/20   continue, or even start, your own journey to self-love.                                         Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
Adams Media                       Tori Press is a mother, entrepreneur, yogi, science enthusiast,                                 l.schoebel@melleragency.com
                                  neurotic human person, and an artist who is still getting used to
162 pp.                           calling herself an artist. She draws about what it's like to be a human
                                  being and to help cultivate more mindfulness, joy, gratitude, and                               Cristina Bernardi
MS available Spring ‘20           self-acceptance.
                                                                                                                                  Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                                                                                                                  Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  JESS SCULLY:
                                  GLIMPSES OF UTOPIA
                                  Optimism in Action Around the World.                                                            Franziska Hoffmann
                                  Optimism isn’t naive. It is possible to imagine a future worth fighting                         Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                  for, and there are places where people are already living and                                   Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  creating it. Jess Scully takes us on a journey to uncover the people                            f.hoffmann@melleragency.com
                                  shaping a world you might actually want to live in. Because until we
                                  can see these these glimpses of hope, how can we try to work
                                  towards them?
                                  Gathering information from around the globe, she explores areas                                 Niclas Schmoll
                                  where there is clear hope for the future - including the design of                              Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                  future cities, how work practices will adapt, how we’ll cope with                               Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  disasters and how we can work together to harness technological
                                  developments to achieve a better world.                                                         n.schmoll@melleragency.com
                                  This book is a call for optimism, not in spite of, but because of the
                                  scale of the challenges arrayed before us: humans are rising up to
                                  confront that challenge with creativity, resilience and community.
                                  These people aren’t working to save the world, because the world
                                  as it is, isn’t worth saving. They’re building a new world that’s
                                  designed from the outset to be fair and sustainable, and with our
                                  help, they can succeed.
Pantera Press
                                  Jess Scully is the Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney, a public art
278 pp.                           curator, festival director and media producer who uses creativity and
                                  the arts to engage communities. She was the founding director of
MS available Summer ‘20           Vivid Ideas, Australia’s largest creative industries event.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                 Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                     info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                     21                                                                                  22
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