Foreign Rights List Spring 2019 - beim Ueberreuter Verlag
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2 EDITORIAL We are shocked! We don‘t know, how this could Dear colleagues and friends, have happened: I am pleased to share with you the 2019 Spring Foreign The Bad Books have smuggled Rights List of our Imprints Annette Betz & Ueberreuter. themselves back again Our wonderful Excellence-award winner Katharina Grossmann-Hensel presents her new Picture Book on our list. "Grandmapa are the best!" . This time it is about grand- parents and their lovely relationship to their grandchil- dren told and illustrated in Katharina`s warmhearted and humorous style. Her previous books have been sold to nine countries. With “Manners for Beginners” we have an other import- ant topic after “Tidying-up for Beginners” and “Falling asleep for Beginners” in our great picture books series “….for Beginners”. Also please take a look on the artistic illustrations by Susanne Smajic in the musical picture book “Peter and the Wolf”. Among our Children´s Books do not miss the funny “Gang on the Roof”: Owl and Weasel take over the city. Be careful! With our "Midnight-school – The first hour of ghosting " it turns spooky. The gripping YA novel "Heartmaker" invites you to join the fascinating adventure of Leo, who is capable to bring mechanical hearts of dolls to life. Please browse through our list and take a look on our great new books. Let me know if you like to receive more information, PDFs or reading copies. And if you will be attending the upcoming Children`s Bookfair in Bologna, please visit us in Hall 30 | Stand E 2. I am looking forward to hearing from you! With warm wishes Julia Balogh Head of Foreign Rights
6 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 7 •• Funny and naughty animal characters: Raccoon, Owl and „Wildschweine!“, entfuhr es Wolle. „Was wol- „Ey, hier rüber!“, rief der Marder – das heißt, len die denn hier?“ die anderen sahen, wie sich seine Schnauze be- Weasel take over the city! Lulu schüttelte den Kopf. „Das sind keine wegte. Hören konnten sie nichts, denn genau Wildschweine“, sagte sie zittrig,„im Leben nicht.“ in diesem Augenblick fuhr wirklich und wahr- „Der D-d-d-d-donnerzug“, stammelte Knol- haftig der Donnerzug ein: Ein riesig langes Un- •• What happens at night when le, „das muss der Zug sein, von dem meine Ver- wandten erzählt haben!“ Er bibberte am ganzen getüm mit unzähligen, hell erleuchteten Wagen! humans sleep?! Körper und machte sich so klein er nur konnte. „Eeeeecki!“, schrie Wolle noch einmal, doch es kam keine Antwort. Nur das Getöse wurde lau- •• Action packed adventure and ter und lauter. Mit großen Augen schauten sie einander an. lively dialogue Dann drehte Lulu ihren Kopf zur Seite, wie nur Eulen es können, denn sie hatte eine Bewe- gung auf dem Bahnsteig wahrgenommen: Ecki stand hinter einem komischen roten Kasten, den sie vorher gar nicht bemerkt hatten. Er ru- derte mit den Armen, um die Freunde zu sich zu winken. 23 Der Marder war eine Unmenge Draht und Wäscheleine. dafür zuständig, das Baumate- „Lass sehen!“ Wolle studierte den Plan, rial zu besorgen: Kleine und große Räder, dann nickte er anerkennend. Speichen und Spulen und allerlei andere Ge- „Das ist es“, freute er sich. „Wenn wir das Seil rätschafte. Nacht für Nacht stöberte er in über dieses Abstandshalterdings hier laufen las- den Gärten und Hinterhöfen nach brauchbaren sen, kann der Korb nirgendwo hängenbleiben.“ Teilen. Der Waschbär baute alles nach Knolles Er zeigte auf das Blatt. „Und mit der Kurbel kön- Plan zusammen, und die Eule begleitete die nen wir die Höhe und das Tempo regulieren. Aktion als Kundschafterin. Pausenlos flog Guck doch mal, Ecki, Knolle hat alle sie zwischen Knolles Balkon und dem Probleme gelöst.“ Hauptquartier hin und her. Eben flatterte Lulu mit einem neuen Entwurf im Schnabel durch die Dachluke. „Ich glaube, jetzt hat er’s“, verkündete sie und ließ die Zeichnung von oben auf die Werkbank segeln, auf der schon haufenweise Metall- teile und Schrauben herumlagen, dazu The Gang on the Roof Andreas Hüging is a musician Anna-Lena Kühler studied com- At night, when humans sleep, animals take over the city. They boldly go for walks Andreas Hüging & Angelika through the streets, climb onto roofs and balconies and even take the under- Niestrath / Anna-Lena Kühler and composer, who has success- munications design in Wiesba- The Gang on the Roof fully published children’s books den with a focus on illustration. ground! Ralph the Raccoon and Lulu the Owl are the naughtiest and cheekiest an- since 2014. Angelika Niestrath She has worked on a free-lance imals of all. As they look through a dustbin behind a supermarket one night, they originally comes from the book basis for agents and publishers Rights sold to: Ukraine industry, and never wrote until in Germany and abroad since meet the Weasel Ecki. And he is very dangerous! Of course, the trio quickly become meeting Andreas. The couple graduating. close friends. They meet night after night in their comfortable rooftop escape from From 7 years and up rt s be te at lives and works in the county then on and come up hatch plans for their next great adventure. ru G fM e sab ell of Bentheim and in Berlin, ‘the hri sto 160 pages ©I ©C Gang’ is their second joint book. A terribly good read! Publication date: February 2019
8 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 9 •• A declaration of love for First Volume : libraries and all books that Rescuer of Lost Books - Mission Robin Hood are closed to our hearts •• Famous fairy tales turned upside down UEBERREUTER All rights available Rescuer of the lost Books- Mission Sleeping Beauty Rüdiger Bertram writes screen- Horst Hellmeier studied illustra- Mrs Goody-Smith’s secret library is quite something! Otto, Emma and Maya barely Rüdiger Bertram / Horst Hellmeier touched one of the books and landed in the fairy tale forest. It is everything but Rescuer of the lost Books – plays and has published a host tions in Hamburg and lives now Mission Sleepin Beauty of successful children’s books. in Vienna. fairy tale-like. Hansel and Gretel turn out to be mean bullies, Oscar is turned into a frog, and when the three finally make it back to their own world, sleeping beau- ty’s prince was hot on their heels and now refuses to go back…… All rights available ia A turbulent adventure. From 8 years and up uc nz iL Be D d io li na lau aro ©C ©K 192 pages Publication date: February 2019
10 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 11 •• School starts at midnight: a school story that is somehing An der Pforte blieb er stehen. Ihre Gitterstäbe different waren mit einem Nachtfalter aus Metall verziert. Für einen Moment überlegte Milan, ob er einfach an ihr vorbeigehen sollte. Doch in der Adresse stand •• Extraordinary motivation for »hinter«. Also griff er nach der Klinke und drückte sie herunter. Die Pforte war unverschlossen und reading through the many vibrant illustrations inside quietschte fürchterlich beim Öffnen. Milan trat hin durch – und erstarrte. Plötzlich erhob sich ein großes Haus mitten im Garten. Es hatte mehrere Stockwerke und ein Glocken türmchen auf dem Dach. Seine Fenster waren spitz •• Perfect for boys and girls bogenförmig und hell erleuchtet. »Das glaub’ ich jetzt nicht …«, murmelte Milan. amazed at monsters! Es war unmöglich, dass er diesen riesigen Kasten bislang übersehen hatte! Das Haus war einfach aus dem Nichts aufgetaucht – sobald Milan durch die schwarze Pforte getreten war. Mit klopfendem Herzen ging er rückwärts, wie der durch die Pforte. Das Haus verschwand, der Garten lag dunkel vor ihm. »Okaay …« Milan trat probeweise einen Schritt 6 7 eine dumpfe Stimme aus der Ritterrüstung. »Und 3. U nter Nachtwesen ich kann mich auseinandernehmen!« Tristan nahm seinen Helm ab. Darunter war nichts zu sehen. Kein Kopf – gar nichts. Er zog einen Panzerhandschuh »Ich heiße NebelNele«, begann das weiße Mädchen aus – wieder nichts. Er schien nur aus den Metall mit den waberigen Umrissen. »Ich bin ein Nebel teilen der Rüstung zu bestehen. Milan fielen fast die mädchen und kann durch die Nacht gleiten.« Sie Augen aus dem Kopf. schwebte einen halben Meter von ihrem Stuhl auf. »Wolfram von den Werwölfen«, knurrte der Junge »Ich bin Tristan, die wandelnde Rüstung«, sprach mit den buschigen Augenbrauen. »Ich kann das!« The midnight school- the first hour of ghosting Hendrik Lambertus lives with Alexandra Helm studied illustra- ‘Dear Milan, welcome to the school at the cemetery! Please bring something to Hendrik Lambertus / Alexandra write with and some food, which is acceptable for your species (live maggots and Helm his family in Bremen and is well tion in Offenbach, where she still The midnight school known for his fantasy literature. works as illustrator. worms are not indesirable in the school building). School at midnight on the dot‘. The first hour of ghosting “The Midnight school” is his Is this a joke? Why does Milan’s new school start in the dead of night? When he second book for children. punctually arrives at midnight at the cemetery it soon becomes clear why: his new All rights available school is a monster school and he is the only human out of vampires, ghosts, gouls From 8 years and up az i and spirits! How long will he remain undiscovered? i F a t a ny r iv ©F ©p The monster-cool school story! 160 Pages Publication date: January 2019
12 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 13 •• With funny characters •• Intellegent criminal story Freitag, 26. April Heute war es endlich soweit, heute kam der Anruf vom Gartenverein »Die krummen Gurken«! •• With many cheeky illustra- tions Paps hat freitags immer früher aus, Mam arbeitet am Freitag gar nicht und ich? Ich hab Ferien, drum sind wir gleich ins Auto gesprungen und hingedüst. Ich hab Mam und Paps selten so aufgekratzt erlebt. •• A Garden-Whodunnit Also, eigentlich sind sie immer ein bisschen zu laut und zu schrill und zu anstrengend, aber heute war es schon besonders heftig. Sie haben die ganze Fahrt über Blu- men- und Gemüsenamen geschrien und gekreischt wie die Kinder. Vooooll peinlich! hab schon so eine Ahnung, wer von uns zum Unkraut- Sitz mal mit Leuten im Auto, die auch an einer roten beauftragten bestimmt wird. Denn immer, wenn’s eklig Ampel in einer Tour Sachen wie »Koooohlrabi« rufen. oder sonst irgendwie unangenehm wird, fängt Paps mit Bei offenen Fenstern. seinem Rücken an, und Mam mit ihren Fingernägeln. Egal, ob das deine Eltern sind, in dem Moment möch- Auf dem Parkplatz hat uns Herr Dürr, der dicke Chef test du die lieber nicht kennen. der Gärtner, erwartet, um uns unseren Garten zu zeigen. Zum Glück ist es gar nicht so weit zum Gartenverein, »Moin Loide! Na, schon ganz hibbelich?«, hat er ge- in Zukunft können wir da locker mit dem Fahrrad hin- sagt, denn er ist nicht von hier. Das hört man gleich. fahren. Aber wenn die dann auf dem Fahrrad jedes Mal Das Gartenvergeben geht hier bei den »Krummen genauso peinlich sind, geh ich lieber gleich zu Fuß. Gurken« ganz genau der Reihe nach, und wenn man Allein. Pech hat, kriegt man ein total verwildertes Brennnessel- Natürlich freue ich mich auch auf den Garten, aber ich paradies mit oller Hütte gleich neben der Straße. 8 9 Da sitz ich jetzt auf einem Gammelsofa schön in der Jetzt aber nichts wie raus aus der Hütte! Klemme zwischen Mia draußen und den beiden Mülltü- »Hab deine Nachricht aus dem Auto gekriegt und bin tentornados Mam und Paps drinnen, da kommt die Ret- gleich hergezischt. Meine Eltern sind hier ja manchmal tung: »Haha! Erwischt!«, höre ich, und dann quiet- im Gartenlokal, da kenn ich natürlich den Herrn Dünn, schende Fahrradbremsen und Reifen auf Kies. Floh! Das der ist mir über den Weg geröchelt und ich hab ihn gleich ist Floh! Mein bester Freund Floh mit seiner bekloppten nach den ‚Neuen‘ gefragt und: Tadaaa, hier bin ich!«, »Superheld stellt Superschurken«-Stimme. Also eigent- sprudelt er los, nachdem er sein Rad in unseren Flieder- lich heißt er ja Florian, aber weil er immer wie unter busch fallen lassen hat. Da könnte er ja wohl ein biss- Strom steht, nennt ihn jeder Floh, obwohl er eher groß chen besser aufpassen, schließlich ist das jetzt unser und rundlich ist. Aber das macht ja nichts, Flöhe sind ja Fliederbusch, denk ich mir, aber er wirft mit leuchten- auch eher kugelig, auch wenn Flöhe keine krachbunten den Augen einen Blick über unseren neuen Garten und Klamotten tragen. meint: »Der ist ja riesig, das wird toll!« Irgendwie ist Floh natürlich genau wie meine Eltern, Und ich sag, weil sich das so gehört: »Mia, das ist Floh, sozusagen von allem zu viel, aber das ist wohl bei mir Floh, das ist Mia, die Nachbarin.« einfach so mein Schicksal. Sie gibt ihm etwas schüchtern die Hand und Floh klatscht ihr seine andere Riesenflosse auf die Schulter. »Na super«, sagt er, »dann kennst Du dich hier ja noch Floh Nele besser aus als ich, das wird ein Mordsspaß!« Mia »Mords…spaß, ja …«, stammelt Mia etwas abwesend und lässt meinen Totenkopfblock, den ich immer noch in meiner Hand festkralle, nicht aus den Augen. Floh hat Mia gleich wieder vergessen und stürmt im Garten herum: »Hey, der Abstand zwischen den Bäu- men hier reicht locker für eine Hängematte, und in den großen da hinten passt ja ein Superbaumhaus rein!« Ich möchte ihm gerade sagen, dass ich nicht weiß, 10 11 Tim Whats going on in the Bed of Flowers? Christoph Schöne, born 1967 in Tessa Rath, born in 1978, is wor- Tim and his friends are hitting the garden settlement. And there it is, the first Christoph Schöne / Tessa Rath curiosity: What does this list of skulls mean, they have found in the allotment gar- What is going on in the Bed of Munich, he learned florist and king as an illustrator since 2015. Flowers? is now author, illustrator and den hut? Why there are dorsal vertebra buried in the ground? And what happened A Garden-Whodunnit cartoonist. to the popular Tulipwilly? One thing is clear: the four friends have to get to the »Whats going on in the Bed of bottom of it. Only the hardest will survive in a garden All rights available Flowers" is his second novel for n an rm children. Who would have thought, that its so exciting and funny in a garden settlement? From 9 years and up te es W a t r a r iv a nd ©p ©S 160 Pages Publication date: March 2019
14 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 15 •• Have the courage to be exact- ly who you are! •• Gives a clear view of the spe- cial things in everyday life »11 qualifies as the number of fools and crazy •• Funny and philosophical at the same time people. This is because most people live in the world of ten! In every piece of advice you will find 10 top tips for a healthy diet and not eleven. The people of the world of ten don’t like it when people think above ten. One step further. But people like you and I, we do exactly that. We are Eleven-Children. Who- ever’s an eleven child, will remain one their who- le life long. It doesn’t matter whether they are eleven or eighty eight.« Penny Maroux and the Secret of the 11 Oliver Schlick was born in 1964 Penny Maroux thinks about the strangest of things: is the rushing of the wind Oliver Schlick through the trees a language that we don’t understand? Do flowers feel the same Penny Maroux and the Secret of in Neuwied, Rheine. After his the 11 graduation and civilian service, every day, or are geraniums annoyed on a Monday and over-confident on a Friday? he studied social work in Düssel- Questions have been piling up since her eleventh birthday, and she sees the num- eldor f dorf. When he is not writing, he All rights available ber 11 all the time! Penny comes across her first answers in the bric-a-brac shop of üss collects snow globes and tin toys From 10 years and up ,D and listens excessively to The the old Horatio Ping. She finds out who the eleven-children are, why some people VA NE di Cure. would rather think for themselves than conform, and begins to think about the o st u Publication date: March 2019 oto ©F power of thoughts. … This book is a godsend! It stirringly and humorously encourages you not be main- stream.
16 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 17 •• Weird humour, for fans of Lemony Snicket and Di- ckens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ •• Wonderfully detailed and slightly obscure characters Since word got around that a free-lance genie took up residence in the little town, clients have been in and out of her doors. Especially adults! Chil- dren are normally not as foolish to flog a part of their soul away for one single wish. Children are the most intelligent people, says the genie often, and I agree with her. On the other hand, today I thought: as you can see, there are exceptions. Quirky humour, for fans of Lemony Snicket and Di- ckens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. Lily Faramay’s Office of Wishes Jutta Ehmke, born in 1967, writes The powerful Genie Lily often says ‘only fools get involved with Jutta Ehmke fantasy novels for children, genies’. She has seen a lot in her 237 years of being a genie. Howe- Lily Faramay`s Office of Wishes youth and adults. Two of her ver, a 13 year old boy who suddenly appears on her radar and wishes stories have been nominated All rights available his uncle away is something else…from the very start he doesn’t let for fantasy literature prises. The author comes from Lower Saxony himself be put off. She finally offers the boy a deal: Rupert should be From 10 years and up her butler for a week. If he still not discouraged after that week, she r where she stills lives and works. de 192 Pages en will grant him his wish. But what does Lily always say? Never trust a St s n ne o ha ©J genie... Publication Date: February 2019 A magical story of another kind!
18 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 19 •• Funny story with an extra- ordinary private detective: brechen. Die eine oder andere Truhe befand sich ja auch noch in seiner Schatzkammer. Wieso sonst hatte ihm das seinem Ordnungssinn nicht allzu weit her. »Habt Ihr je- manden im Verdacht, dem Ihr die Tat zutrauen würdet?« a simple troll Volk den Beinamen ›der Unersättliche‹ gegeben? »Wurde »Nein«, jammerte er und schüttelte erneut den Kopf. denn außerdem noch etwas gestohlen?«, hakte ich nach. Diesmal etwas heftiger. Der König überlegte. »Ich bin nicht sicher«, klagte er. So langsam fragte ich mich, ob er den Apfel nicht ein- »Oder habt Ihr vielleicht sogar jemanden bei der Tat beobachtet?« •• A strong, sympathetic, not princess-like at all princess fach nur verschusselt hatte. Wenn er nicht einmal wuss- »Nein, verdammt! Kannst du nicht einfach mit deiner te, ob sonst noch etwas gestohlen worden war, war es mit Suche loslegen?« »Erst müsst Ihr mir noch ein paar Fragen beantwor- ten«, sagte ich und sah demonstrativ in mein Notizbuch, •• A persiflage of famous fai- in dem ich mir außer dem Namen des Königs und dem Wort ›Reichsapfel‹ noch das Wort ›Feind‹ notiert hatte. ry tale characters »Habt Ihr vielleicht irgendwelche Feinde, die für so eine Tat in Frage kämen.« »Natürlich hab ich Feinde, Dummkopf!«, brauste König Leopold auf. »Ein König hat jede Menge Feinde!« •• Packed with funny word »Ok, ok«, sagte ich und hob beschwichtigend die Pran- ken. »Dann ziehe ich hiermit die Frage zurück.« Gewis- senhaft strich ich besagtes Wort zweimal durch und setz- te ein Ausrufezeichen. »Dann bräuchte ich jetzt eine Liste aller Personen, die Zutritt zu Eurem Schloss haben.« play and comical situati- Das Gesicht des Königs lief blau an. Er schnappte nach Luft, wie ein Fisch auf dem Trockenen. ons »Also gut«, beeilte ich mich. »Keine Liste, in Ordnung. 17 Plötzlich schob sich ein blonder Lockenschopf über den 3. Kapitel Brunnenrand. »Hallo? Hallo, wer ist denn da unten?«, er- tönte eine helle Stimme über mir. Das war meine Chance! »Hallo«, rief ich und bemüh- Eiskalt schlug das Wasser über meinem Kopf zusammen, te mich, das trollige Knurren in meiner Stimme zu un- flutete meine Ohren und füllte meine große Klappe. Ich terdrücken. »Hallo?! Kannst du mir ein Seil herunterlas- hustete und spuckte und für ein paar Schrecksekunden sen?« musste ich an meinen letzten Fall denken. Damals ging »Wer ist denn da?«, fragte der Lockenschopf noch ein- es um einen vermissten Wolf, den ich kurz darauf in ei- mal. nem Brunnen gefunden hatte. Er hatte sich den Magen – woran auch immer – verdorben und war beim Versuch zu trinken in den Brunnen gestürzt. Zum Glück überlebte er das Ganze. Wölfe sind ja heutzutage selten geworden und das kleine Mädchen, dem der Wolf gehörte, hatte sich sehr über seine Rückkehr gefreut. Zum Dank hat- te es mir seine dämliche rote Mütze geschenkt. Ich weiß heute noch nicht, was ich damit anfangen soll. »Hallo!«, schrie ich und rappelte mich triefend hoch. »HAAAALLLLOOOOO!« Ein paar Steine lösten sich aus dem Mauerwerk und zerbröckelten auf meinem Schädel, auf dem der Irokese wie ein nasser Lappen hing. Natürlich hörte mich nie- mand. Blind tastete ich die glitschig-feuchten Wände ab. An einer weiteren Kletterpartie war ich definitiv nicht in- The Adventures of Sprötze teressiert. and Flitze 34 All rights available A Troll for all Occasions Antje Leser lives with her family Thomas Hussung is a freelance The clumsy troll Holunder Trotz, an officially recognised detective by the depart- Antje Leser / Thomas Hussung in Bonn and writes Children´s illustrator and he also illustrated ment of police, has so far solved many cases successfully. For example, when the Holunder Trotz Books. the successful “Little Bad Book” devil with the three golden hairs fell in love with a magnificent head of hair that A Troll for all Occasions came down from a tower window, and the owner of the hair, a girl, needed saving. All rights available You can rely on Holunder Trotz. But when he reports to the palace because of a crime, the articulate princess Eugenie is hot on his heels. And she has her own From 10 years and up wr r se iro motives… … Le tte M la rlo ue Publication Date: March 2019 ha an ©C ©M A smart fairy tale thriller with a troll-like charm!
20 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 21 •• From the Spiegel- Bestseller-Author Three Questions Mina Teichert •• The destiny of a special to Mina Teichert horse and a strong friend- ship 1. What does ‘freedom’ mean for you? 3. The protagonist of this book flings herself •• About having courage head first into an adventure to save Gyp- sy. Why is it important to tell stories that to stand up for the right Freedom is everything. Not many are truly encourage movement? things free. We people quickly create prisons made out of conventions and that which is seen as the norm. Because we don’t get 2. Where does your out of our comfort zones fascination for the enough and let things so-called ‘Gypsy Hor- happen, even though we ses’ come from? know that they are wrong. It would be nice, if we would all risk more to I love gypsy cobs becau- do the right thing again. se of their characters. Even if it means taking They are the best the risky and rocky road. family ponies and can even be played with from when they are little. In addition, I find them visually spectacular. The colourful fur patterns and the cool pompoms on their feet- as if they were wearing winter boots. My own mare even has a really cute lady moustache in the winter. Apart from that, the stories of the travelling folk fascinate me in general. With all the freedom, dance, song and colours, A Summer to Steal Horses one can forget that most don’t move around willingly. A lot of it is a story of prejudices and expulsion. Mina Teichert was born in 1978 The 13 year old Klara is out of words: the old scrap merchant in the village wants Mina Teichert A Summer to Steal Horses nt in Bremen and initially worked to give the chipper and healthy Irish-Cob-Mare, Gypsy, to the butcher. She quickly reatMome as a photographer, until she comes up with a courageous plan with her best friend Marie. On a dark and foggy found writing. She lives together All rights available night they tie up the mare in front of her old carriage and clothe the horse with Yo u r G with her husband and her fifteen year old daughter in Lower accessories. Their destination is a horse sanctuary a hundred kilometres away in From 10 years and up ck, the Netherlands. A horse road trip begins! bro Saxony. en Publication Date: March 2019 os R a ss a ne A book about a summer, in which everything seems possible! ©V .
22 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 23 We apologise, we don’t know how this could happen. The bad books are back! Magnus Myst / Jörg Hartmann •• Interactive adventure fun with tricky Magnus Myst / Jörg Hartmann Magnus Myst / Jörg Hartmann The Bad Book The forbidden Bad Book The Baddest Book Ever riddles Rights sold to: Poland Rights sold to: Poland All rights available •• Independent from one another to read From 11 years and up From 11 years and up From 11 years and up 160 pages 160 pages 160 pages
24 CHILDREN´S BOOKS CHILDREN´S BOOKS 25 Hey, you – book-worm! You don’t think that I’m bad? Then just you wait, my big brothers are coming soon… I smuggled them secretly into the programme again, this time even with colour and a fabulous layout. The publishers is annoyed, as it isn’t shiny, like I said it would be- haha! With scary greetings! The number 1 for boys with a phobia of books! •• Rights of Vol. 1 sold to: Colombia (Panamericana), Czech Magnus Myst / Thomas Hussung Little Bad Book 1 & 2 Republic (Mladá Fronta), Denmark (Flachs, +Vol. 2), France (Flammarion Jeunesse), Italy (Il Castoro), Japan (Kin-no- From 8 years and up Hoshi sha), Poland (Prószýnski Media), Portugal (Grupo 128 pages »Unbelievable! My son, who is 8 Leya), Romania (Didactica), Russia (Eksmo Publishing, and a non-reader by all means, +Vol.2) lies on his bed and reads and reads and reads. « •• A unique concept- the book encourages readers (Parents`Voice) to accomplices •• Spiegel-Bestseller – More than 100,000 copies of the series sold
Ueberreuter Young Adult Books
28 Y O U N G A D U LT Y O U N G A D U LT 29 •• Gripping from the first page »Within a few years •• Fascinating and adventu- Akram El-Bahay rous, seasoned with a bit of the Middle East has become one of the most important authors •• A parable about war and of German fantasy books.« the corruption of people Kai Meyer Henriette and the Dreamthief All rights available Heartmaker Akram El-Bahay has been When Leo begins an apprenticeship to become a toymaker, he soon proves himself Akram El-Bahay The Guardians of the Words working as a journalist for many to be a rare talent. He is capable of bringing the mechanical hearts of the machi- Heartmaker All rights available years. His books have a fantastic nes to life. The dark witch, who always needs new soldiers for her wars, hears of and mysterious atmosphere All rights available this. Leo should work for her. Although, instead of granting her this wish, Leo together with middle eastern motifs. joins the resistance. With Silvermouth, his masterpiece, he seeks to end the rule From 12 years and up of the dark witch. He doesn’t foresee which opponent he will have to face… 384 pages el ib Re ul ia A gripping, colourful fantasy adventure from the master of fairytales Akram ©J El-Bahay! Publication Date: March 2019
30 YJOUUGNEGN DABDUUCLT H Y O U N G A D U LT 31 •• Characters similar to Aga- tha Christie •• Charming narrative tone, idyllic village, a sweet love story- and an unexplaina- ble crime •• Cosy Crime for young peo- »In retrospective of all that has happened ple before, on and during the five hundred year festival of Ashford-on-Sea, I think it is best that I start with the Friday afternoon before the big festival. Had I only gues- sed which role my Chocolate strawberry mousse tart would have played, I never would have put it on my to do list.…« A Corpse for Tea Alexandra Fischer-Hunold The population of Ashford-on-Sea turn to Amy’s great aunt Clarissa when they su- Alexandra Fischer-Hunold Alexandra Fischer-Hunold stu- spect a crime. As she is smart like Miss Marple, the solution is found in a snap in A Corpse for Tea died German and English litera- her tearoom. And alongside that scones and cucumber sandwiches can be found. ture and worked for a publishing All rights available Amy has more important things occupying her then gossip: baking, her terrier house before she began to write herself. Her books have been Percy and the talented Finn… From 12 years and up translated into many languages. When someone is found dead at the village festival, Amy’s homemade cake is put le 288 pages op pe e ict ur under suspicion and Finn, out of all people, behaves suspiciously. the hour has ©p arrived for Amy to open her eyes and ears wide and step into the shoes of her Aunt Publication date: February Clarissa to find this murderer… this great aunt and her niece are an entrancing 2019 investigator duo! Miss Marple yesterday, today her niece!
32 Y O U N G A D U LT Y O U N G A D U LT 33 Excited •• An extremely important to- pic that is not spoken about Testreaders enough: fear of exams and de- pression among young people •• A book that brings hope: ill- » Ava Reed has achieved something brilliant with this nesses change lives- but one book. In calm, unagitated and sensitive way she makes can learn to deal with them her reads aware about topics such as depression and anxiety, and at the same time makes me, as an affected •• More thann 40.000 copies of person, feel understood like I never have been before!« her previous two books sold Ina’s Little Bakery / Blogger »Emotional, quiet, but still somehow very loud. The book is different, it is more important, truthful and intense- it not only touches the heart, but also the soul. A story, that doesn’t let one go. A very big love of mine.« Ivy Booknerd / Blogger » In my eyes, Ava Reed has a very special talent. Her writing is wonderfully poetic and fascinating. She writes so well about the topic of depression that even I, who The Silence of my Words has never experienced it, could picture it and unders- All rights available tand Leni. This book gives courage and hope for ALL. « Lovin Books / Blogger Everything. Nothing. And a lot inbetween. Ava Reed lives in Frankfurt am Leni is a normal, happy girl who is full of dreams. Until one moment changes Ava Reed Main, where she has recently everything and throws her off balance. It begins with overthinking and leads to Everything. Nothing. completed her studies as a nausea, panic attacks, fear of fear. All of this happens suddenly and leads to a dia- And a lot inbetween. school teacher. She writes books gnosis that threatens Leni to break down. She knows she needs help, but she loses and has her own literary blog. All rights available ( hope day by day. Nothing seems to work, neither therapy nor medication. This is till she meets Matti, who has a completely different load to carry, and whom she From 12 years and up We fly when we are falling accompanies on a journey that she doesn’t want to go on… All rights available r iv at 320 pages ©p In every darkness there is a light. You just need to find it. Publication date: February A book that brings hope! 2019
34 Y O U N G A D U LT Y O U N G A D U LT 35 •• A romantic adventure in Canada’s breathtaking coastal landscape. More than A HALF MILLION books by Christopher Ross sold! All rights available The Night of the Wales Christopher Ross writes romantic Vancouver, 1932: When the 17 year old Caroline sees a white whale for the first Christopher Ross adventures with tension and time, she doesn’t consider how much her life will soon change. She flees from her The Night of the Wales emotion. With bestsellers such insistent admirer and her tyrannical mother and follows the call of the whales as the „Alaska Wilderness“-se- All rights available on the legendary Queen Charlotte Islands. On the mist surrounded islands on the ries, he has become a well- known writer. west coast of Canada she stumbles across a dark secret, which will show her the From 12 years and up All rights available way to a new future. She also learns about the art of falling in love… rt 256 pages t ye alf E Ein romantisches Abenteuer voll Spannung und Poesie in der atemberaubenden ©R Landschaft Kanadas! Pubkication date: March 2019
36 Y O U N G A D U LT Y O U N G A D U LT 37 •• What happens when you reach for the stars and you actually touch them? •• Poweful and authentic narration •• For fans of John Green When we reach for the stars Kathleen Weise, Kathleen Weise, 2039: The start of the first human mission to Mars is just around the corner- the Kathleen Weise born in 1978, studied in the father of the 17 year old Libby was chosen for it. On a protected NASA place on a When we reach for the stars Institute for German literature in beach, all of the families have a last holiday together. Libby is torn between the Leipzig, and works as an author All rights available pain of saying goodbye and anger, as her dad is leaving the family for his dream. and an editor. From 14 years and up But she wants to reach for the stars too: Libby has an offer from a music label in wa ro her pocket. The only condition for it is having to move to Seattle. Can she inflict a 224 pages na ch s Ku n na further change on her family, just so she can live out her dreams? ©A Publication date: March 2019 Kathleen Weise highly emotively and powerfully tells in this novel what it really costs to live the dream.
Backlist Children‘s Books
40 BACKLIST BACKLIST 41 Non Fiction for First Readers Our successful series Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) Thomas Brezina Thomas Brezina Thomas Brezina Thomas Brezina Fire! Vulcanos, Dragons Galopp! Let`s go into the Nature! Through Rivers, Wild! From Tiger Open the Gate! Look inside All my Monsters (Vol. 1) All my Monsters (Vol. 2) All my Monsters (Vol. 3) All my Monsters (Vol. 4) and other Fire-eaters World of Horses Deserts, Rainforests to Kangaroo Castles and Palaces Rights sold to: China, Czech Rights sold to: China, Czech Rights sold to: China, Tur- Rights sold to: China Rights sold to: China Rights sold to: China Rights sold to: China Rights sold to: China Rights sold to: China Republic, Romania, Turkey, Republic, Turkey, Vietnam key, Vietnam Vietnam Thomas Brezina Thomas Brezina Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) Kathrin Köller (Hrsg.) All my Monsters (Vol. 5) All my Monstery (Vol. 6) Full Speed! With Bikes, Paddles Flying: About fast Birds and En Point! From Ballett to Hip-Hop All rights available All rights available and Motors great Aircrafts Rights sold to: China Rights sold to: China Rights sold to: China Andrea Schütze Andrea Schütze Andrea Schütze Andrea Schütze Molli Minipony (Vol. 1) Molli Minipony (Vol. 2) Molli Minipony (Vol. 3) Molli Minipony (Vol. 4) Rights sold to: Hungary, Rights sold to: Hungary All rights available All rights available Romania UEBERREUTER Andrea Jacobi Andrea Jacobi Andrea Jacobi Chestnut Avenue 8 (Vol. 1) Chestnut Avenue 8 (Vol. 2) Chestnut 8 (Vol. 3) Anna`s Secret Sophie and Mr. November Zohra`s Trip All Rights availabe All rights available All rights available
Illustration: Thomas Hussung aus Antje Leser | Sprötze und Flitze – Zwei Zumbolde für alle Fälle ISBN 978-3-7641-5132-4 Please visit our Stand at Bologna Bookfair 2019: Hall 30 I E2 U E B E R R E U T E R V E R L AG GM B H Head of Foreign Rights Julia Balogh Prinzenstraße 85 D, 10969 Berlin | Deutschland Tel. +49 (30) 652 16 23 - 25 Tel. +49 (30) 652 16 23 - 10, Fax - 66 Website: Facebook: YouTube:
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