Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair

Die Seite wird erstellt Maximilian Reimer
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
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          Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and
               Computational Scientists at ETH

               March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
Grusswort der Rektorin                                                                      A digital [MindPhair], what is that?
Ein Studium der Mathematik oder der                                                         Last year, the [MindPhair] sadly had            To participate, you only have to
Physik ist eine solide Basis für einen                                                      to be cancelled only a few days befo-           book the date! Every VMP-student
weiten Fächer von Berufsmöglichkei-                                                         re its scheduled date, much to the di-          will receive an invite via a magic link
ten. Mathematikerinnen und Mathe-                                                           sappointment of all involved. And this          a week prior to the event. By simply
matiker arbeiten als Forscherinnen und                                                      March, the Corona-situation does not            clicking on this link, a Hopin-account
als Lehrer an Hochschulen, Fachhoch-                                                        look entirely different, but we did not         will be created for you, with which
schulen und Mittelschulen. Man trifft                                                       let that stop us from organizing a ter-         you can join the event on
sie in Versicherungen, immer mehr                                                           rific event, following the only path that       Once you joined the [MindPhair]
in Banken und in der Industrie, in der                                                      was left: holding it online.                    event, you can decide freely whether
Software-Entwicklung, bei der Planung                                                                                                       you just want to roam the expo and
und Optimierung von Betriebsabläu-                                                          So this year, we will have a virtual fair,      visit the different booths, or join more
fen oder als Statistiker in öffentlichen                                                    using the platform Hopin. It will allow         specific talks different companies are
Ämtern. Beide Typen von Absolven-                                                           you to browse the booths of different           going to give, each lasting roughly
tinnen und Absolventen engagieren                                                           companies and chat with their repre-            45 min. If you are very motivated, you
sich mit Modellierung von komplexen                                                         sentatives, just like it used to be. All you    could also check out our workshops
Zusammenhängen. Physikerinnen und                                                           need is a computer, internet connecti-          below, and see whether you seriously
Physiker sind nach dem Studium oft         ermöglichen, findet regelmässig die              on, and a bit of courage. Because note:         consider signing up for one!
in der Forschung in industriellen oder     MindPhair statt. Sie ist sowohl für die          Representatives cannot lure you in
staatlichen Laboratorien tätig. Sie ha-    ETH-Studierenden als auch für die an             conversation anymore as you walk by...
ben so unterschiedliche Aufgaben wie       unseren Absolventinnen und Absol-                You will have to start talking to them!
etwa die Untersuchung von Prozessen        venten interessierten Unternehmen
in der Atmosphäre, die Erforschung         und Bildungsinstitutionen eine aus-
neuer Materialien, die Entwicklung von     gezeichnete      Kontakt-Drehscheibe.
Techniken im Bereich atomarer Dimen-       Für beide Seiten ist die persönliche
sionen oder die Anwendung energie-         Begegnung von zentraler Bedeutung.
reicher Strahlen in der Medizin. Weil      Die MindPhair bietet dafür einen aus-
Physikerinnen und Physiker typischer-      gezeichneten Rahmen mit einer Fülle
weise dort arbeiten, wo vorerst Fragen     von Informations- und Austauschmög-
gestellt, Erfahrungen gesammelt und        lichkeiten.
Methoden entwickelt werden müssen,
sind ihre Fähigkeiten auch in vielen an-   Ich wünsche den Firmenvertreterinnen
deren Berufsfeldern sehr geschätzt.        und -vertretern sowie den Studieren-
                                           den an der MindPhair 2021 viele zu-
Um den Studierenden der Mathematik         kunftsweisende und lohnende Kontak-
und Physik für den Berufseinstieg die      te!
                                                                                         Preview of the reception page of the [MindPhair] event. On the left you can see the tabs for
besten Optionen aufzuzeigen und um
                                           Sarah Springman                               the different modules of [MindPhair]. The actual fair containing the company booths can be
ihnen eine fundierte Entscheidung zu
                                           Rektorin der ETH Zürich                       found under „Messe/Fair“.

                                                                                     3                                                                                                 4
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
Vorwort des Präsi-
Table Of Contents                                                                                                                                     Vorwort des Präsidenten
Vorwort des Präsidenten .............................................................................................. 6;                             Liebe Besucher,
Talks ..................................................................................................................................... 7;
Workshops ......................................................................................................................... 19;               Ich freue mich sehr darüber, Sie auch
Axpo .................................................................................................................................... 23;         dieses Jahr zu einer neuen Ausgabe
D One .................................................................................................................................. 25;          der [MindPhair] begrüssen zu dürfen.
Confinale ............................................................................................................................ 27;            Dass diese nun schon das achte Mal
PwC ...................................................................................................................................... 29;        stattfindet, ist keine Selbstverständ-
SIG Susquehanna ............................................................................................................ 31;                      lichkeit. Nachdem wir letztes Jahr die
IMC ....................................................................................................................................... 33;       [MindPhair] aufgrund der Pandemie
die Mobiliar ....................................................................................................................... 35;              sehr kurzfristig absagen mussten, ha-
UBS ....................................................................................................................................... 37;       ben wir dieses Jahr umgesattelt, und       zu bieten, die sich freuen, euch mehr
ELCA ..................................................................................................................................... 39;        sind nun stolz, euch die [MindPhair] in    über ihre Berufsfelder zu erzählen.
McKinsey & Company ................................................................................................... 41;                            digitaler Form präsentieren zu können.
QuantumBlack ................................................................................................................. 43;                    Zwangsläufig wird diese einen anderen      Auch finden parallel zur Messe eine
Flow Traders ...................................................................................................................... 45;               Charakter haben als die live-Messen        Vielzahl von Talks und Workshops statt,
SBB CFF FFS ....................................................................................................................... 47;               der letzten Jahre, doch hat das neue       bei denen ihr aktuelle Themen ver-
G Research ......................................................................................................................... 49;              Format auch seine Vorteile. Wir sind       tiefen und auch selbst Hand anlegen
Hamilton Medical ........................................................................................................... 51;                      überzeugt, dass die [MindPhair] auch       könnt. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglich-
Allianz .................................................................................................................................. 53;        dieses Jahr eine ausgezeichnete Gele-      keit, uns vom [MindPhair]-Team eure
XOVIS ................................................................................................................................... 55;         genheit sein wird, sich über mögliche      CVs zukommen zu lassen, die wir dann
ESA ....................................................................................................................................... 57;       Zukunftsperspektiven zu informieren        an Firmen eurer Interessensgruppe
Mettler Toledo .................................................................................................................. 59;                 und erste Kontakte mit Vertretern von      weiterleiten, um euch direkt in Kontakt
Oepfelbaum ...................................................................................................................... 61;                 Firmen aus der Wirtschaft zu knüpfen.      zu bringen.
Vontobel ............................................................................................................................. 63;
                                                                                                                                                      So vielfältig wie die zukünftigen Aufga-   Ich bedanke mich bei allen, die mitge-
Sensirion ............................................................................................................................ 65;
                                                                                                                                                      ben von Mathematikerinnen und Phy-         holfen habe, diese nicht-triviale [Mind-
Zurich Instruments ......................................................................................................... 67;
                                                                                                                                                      sikern ist auch die Zusammensetzung        Phair] Realität werden zu lassen, und
MeteoSwiss ....................................................................................................................... 69;
                                                                                                                                                      der 26 Unternehmen, die wir dieses         wünsche euch allen viel Spass und viel
Qnami .................................................................................................................................. 71;
                                                                                                                                                      Jahr an der [MindPhair] begrüssen dür-     Erfolg bei der Suche nach einer Anstel-
Polariton ............................................................................................................................. 73;
                                                                                                                                                      fen. Wie bereits zur Tradition geworden    lung, einem Praktikum, oder einfach
Impressium ....................................................................................................................... 75
                                                                                                                                                      ist, haben wir von Grossbanken über        nur neuen Kontakten und interessan-
                                                                                                                                                      Beratungsfirmen zu grossen High-Tech       ten Begegnungen!
                                                                                                                                                      Unternehmen und kleinen aber feinen
                                                                                                                                                      Start-ups eine breite Palette an Firmen    Manuel

                                                                                                                                                  5                                                                                         6
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
Talks                                                                            Talks

             UBS                                                                              Bank Vontobel
             Title         Engineering is Mandatory, the
                                                                                              Title         How is AI Changing Finance?
                           Rest Comes Naturally
                           Stefan Arn (UBS, Head of Technology for Glo-                       Speaker       Francois Rüf, ETH alumnus, PhD Physics
                           bal Wealth Management Switzerland & Inter-                                       Are you curious to hear more about how AI is
                           national)                                                          Description
                                                                                                            currently changing the financial world?
             Description   Engineering is mandatory, the rest comes na-
                           turally                                                                          Join us for this talk with Francois Rüf, ETH
                                                                                                            Alumn and Head of Data, AI and Machine Le-
                           Before joining UBS, I founded my own soft-                                       arning at Vontobel, who will share his view on
                           ware company. Before that, I completed an                                        the topic and some real life examples.
                           apprenticeship as a chemist and graduated
                           with a Master‘s degree in computer science                                       In addition, Alice Thesling, ETH Alumna and
                           from ETH Zurich. Today, I‘m leading a techno-                                    Trainee Data Science and Data Engineering,
                           logy organization with over 5000 employees                                       will share insights of her experience during
                           and a yearly budget in the high three-digit                                      her Trainee program at Vontobel.
                           million range. In this session, I will give you
                           some personal insights into the exciting com-                                    Learn how we tackle the biggest problems
                           bination of banking and technology.                                              in finance with a highly skilled, international
29.03.2021                                                                                                  and diverse AI and data team. Get some in-
                                                                                                            sights how it feels like to work in a team that
     11:00                 Sprache: Je nach Publikum entweder Englisch
                                                                                                            challenges the status quo!
                           oder Deutsch
                                                                                                            Vontobel is s a globally operating investment
                                                                                                            player in Zurich. We specialize in wealth ma-
                                                                                                            nagement, active asset management and
                                                                                                            investment solutions. Next to Data Science
                                                                                                            and Data Engineering positions, we also offer
                                                                                                            various tech-focused roles within our Trainee
                                                                                 29.03.2021                 Program. At the end of the talk, our Trainee
                                                                                                            Program Manager Aline Biggel will be sharing
                                                                                      13:00                 a 5 min overview.

                                                                             7                                                                                8
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
Talks                                                                        Talks

             Hamilton Medical                                                             Polariton

             Title         Digitalizing Medical Devices                                                 The Golden Link – Micrometer-Scale Plas-
                                                                                          Title         monics for Optical Communications
             Speaker       Christian Hefti
                                                                                          Speaker       Claudia Hössbacher
             Description   Introduction to Hamilton / Hamilton Medical
                           (5-10 min.)                                                    Description   Our world is filling with digital devices and
                                                                                                        modern lifestyle allows people to exchange
                           Walkthrough – How connectivity has been                                      more and more data via the Internet. Pola-
                           introduced to Hamilton Medical Ventilators                                   riton‘s objective is to overcome the current
                           (25-30 min.) We‘ll be showing the newly in-                                  interconnect bottleneck by a new way to
                           troduced connectivity products and recap                                     impart information using micrometer-scale
                           some milestones of the development of the                                    plasmonics, which allows a higher volume of
                           connectivity solution for Hamilton Medical.                                  information flow by supporting a wider spec-
                                                                                                        trum of frequencies. Natural applications are
29.03.2021                 Questions (5-15 min.)                                                        in next-generation optical communication
     14:00                                                                                              links as well as sensing. In this talk, we will
                                                                                                        dive deeply into the technology, discuss pro-
                                                                             29.03.2021                 gress and challenges and how to turn techno-
                                                                                  15:00                 logy into a viable product.

                                                                         9                                                                                10
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
Talks                                                                             Talks

              Qnami                                                                            Axpo
              Title         Quantum Sensors in the Industry                                                  Sustainable, Innovative and Reliable: A virtu-
                                                                                                             al journey through the origination business
              Speaker       Marcelo González
                                                                                               Speaker       Vlatka Komaric
              Description   Quantum Technologies are gaining traction
                            as they present newer and better solution                          Description   Have you ever wondered how the energy
                            to current applications, one of the many                                         supply of a wind farm ends up where the
                            reasons why there is an immense amount                                           consumers need it? How is it possible for an
                            of funding that surrounds them. Quantum                                          energy-intensive industry company in the
                            sensing is at the core of these quantum                                          UK, for example, to choose renewable energy
                            technologies, yet some people are una-                                           sources and have it delivered from Norway?
                            ware of their advantages, where can they                                         Vlatka Komaric, Head Quantitative Risk Ma-
                            be found and how do they work. Qnami, a                                          nagement at Axpo, will introduce you to the
                            Swiss innovative start-up, is trying to bring                                    world of Axpo‘s tailor-made energy products
                            all of this to the world and make quantum                                        in 39 markets, power purchasing agreements
                            easy. If you are looking to learn how a
                                                                                  29.03.2021                 (PPA) and the process of origination during
                            substitutional nitrogen embedded around                    17:00                 her talk from 17:00-17:45 on March 29th.
                            carbon atoms can serve as a quantum
                            sensor and how this can help in various
29.03.2021                  industries, do not hesitate and join this talk
     16:00                  and maybe even our quantum wave.

                                                                             11                                                                               12
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
           TalksTalks                                                                           Talks

               Confinale                                                                        D|ONE
               Title         IT Consulting: Entwickle smarte Al-
                             gorithmen als Physiker/Ingenieur                                   Title         How to Find the Nut in the Haystack.
                                                                                                              An AI-supported Product Solu-
               Speaker       Herr Roland Staub/CEO&Partner                                                    tion Advisor for Fasteners.
               Description   Smarte Algorithmen sollen die spezifischen
                             Wünsche und Bedürfnisse jedes einzelnen                            Speaker       Philipp Thomann
                             Kunden berücksichtigen und die passenden
                             Finanzprodukte auswählen. Dabei wecken                             Description   Phones, coffee machines, cars, and airplanes
                             Anlageideen für nachhaltige Produkte und                                         - it’s all about screws, nuts, and bolts! What is
                             innovative Technologien die Emotionen                                            the best fastening element for your brilliant
                             einer bestimmten Kundengruppe. In der                                            new product among the hundred thousands
                             Applikation erfolgt der Zuordnungsprozess                                        of products, each with different qualities,
                             mittels komplexer Algorithmen. Die resultie-                                     application domains, and specifications?
                             rende Anlageempfehlung wird individuell                                          Together with the experts at one of the
                             über den passenden digitalen Kanal kommu-                                        market leaders in fastening we created a
                             niziert.                                                                         data- and AI-driven “Product Solution Advi-
                             Gerne zeigen wir auf, wie wir für diese An-                                      sor” based on information in text documents
                             forderungen eine innovative Lösung entwi-                                        combined with structured data as well as
                             ckeln.                                                                           expert knowledge.
                                                                                                              We will present the journey we took to-
                                                                                                              gether: NLP machine learning models, the
                                                                                                              integration into a search platform, the exten-
30.03.20201                                                                      30.03.20201                  sion with a graph-based ontology, the design
                                                                                                              of the UI and the roll-out.
       11:00                                                                            13:00

                                                                            13                                                                                    14
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
             Talks                                                                              Talks

                Meteo Swiss                                                                      Allianz Suisse
                              Insight Into the Numerical We-                                                      How a Mathematician survived
                Title                                                                            Title
                              ather Prediction at MeteoSwiss                                                      in Insurance (even happily)

                              Xavier Lapillonne (Teamleader Numerical Pre-                       Speaker          Dr. Christian Graf, Senior Actuary
                Speaker       diction, computing)
                                                                                                 Description      Insurance offers a variety of job opportuni-
                Description   Accurate and timely delivery of weather fo-                                         ties for students with analytical skills. A ma-
                              recast are essential for many human activi-                                         thematician who - with some mixed feelings
                              ties. MeteoSwiss, the Swiss national weather                                        - changed from doing research in knot theory
                              service, is among other responsible for de-                                         to being a non-life pricing actuary at Allianz
                              veloping and running a so called numerical                                          Suisse explains his work and why it was the
                              weather prediction system. In this talk we                                          right choice.
                              present the different aspects from collecting             15:00
                              observations to the model developments re-
                              quired to produce such numerical forecast.
                              We also discuss the High Performance Com-
                              puting component of such a time critical ap-
                              plication and show how Graphical Processing
                              Units (GPUs) are used at MeteoSwiss. Finally
                              we provide an overview of the production line
     14:00                    including Post-processing aspects.

                                                                              15                                                                                    16
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
Talks                                                                             Talks

              SBB CFF FFS                                                                      SIG Susquehanna
                            Get Switzerland Moving: Your future per-                           Title         Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance
                            spectives in the Swiss railway industry.
                                                                                               Speaker       Thomas Caye
                            Dr. Ambra Toletti, IT Business analyst
              Speaker       Reto Ramseier, Trainee, as well as Joel Goelff                     Description   Financial markets are ever-evolving struc-
                            and Julie Brunner                                                                tures, always changing, and bringing new
                                                                                                             challenges, but fortunately, the arsenal of
              Description   Have you ever wondered how algorithms                                            techniques and methods at the disposition
                            can contribute in shaping the Swiss railway                                      of the data analyst is growing too. Leveraging
                            system? Find out what your daily business                                        these techniques to find profitable patterns
                            at Switzerland‘s largest travel and transport                                    in enormous amount of data, and adapting
                                                                                                             them into production algorithms, are some
                            company as a computer scientist, physicist or                                    of the tasks that make the life of a quantita-
                            mathematician might look like. Join our talk                                     tive researcher exciting. Join us to learn more
                            and get exclusive insights into our exciting                                     about how state-of-the-art research enters
                                                                                  30.03.2021                 the day-to-day world.
                            graduate programmes, meaningful tasks in
                            innovative projects and the fascinating work


                                                                             17                                                                                18
Job Fair for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computational Scientists at ETH March 30th 2021, 10:00-18:00 - MindPhair
NLPeasy: Harnessing the Power of Unstructured Data                                             IMC Trading Event
Description: Knowledge in most organisations is often only available as unstructured           We‘ll challenge you with an assignment that will help you see how your skills ap-
text in E-Mails, CRM entries, wiki articles etc. Harnessing this knowledge and making          ply to financial markets. Together with two of our traders/developers, you‘ll develop
it available to the users that need it most is a challenging problem. Advances in ma-          a trading strategy and test it on real-world data - a perfect opportunity to better
chine learning and, in particular, NLP open new possibilities for doing intelligent and        understand the complexities in designing trading algorithms, and what it‘s like to
efficient knowledge management. In this 2-hour hands-on tutorial we will present               do this at IMC. We will build our prototype in Python, so please be prepared. If you
how to use our open source software NLPeasy: quickly setup Pandas-based pipe-                  have no experience with Python then MATLAB will work as well. We‘ll also use the
lines, enhanced with ML-Methods and pre-trained models (e.g. word embeddings,                  opportunity to give you more information about trading and technology at IMC.
sentiment analysis). The results can then be saved in Elasticsearch, and Kibana das-           And also give you a chance to ask all your questions about our business, life at IMC
hboards can be automatically generated to explore the texts and results. You will              and more. We hope you‘re as excited to meet us (virtually) as we are to meet you!
set up a simple yet powerful NLP pipeline and ingest texts into Elasticsearch. Then            Prerequisites: Python or MATLAB, internet access
you will explore generated Kibana Dashboards for visualisation and adapt these.
Prerequisites: Jupyter, Pandas, internet accesse

       Time and date                26.03, 10:00-12:00 am                                               Time and date               31.03, 10:00-12:00 am
       Speakers                     Phillip Thomann, Jacqueline Stählen                                 Speakers                    TBA
       Maximum participants         No limit                                                            Maximum participants        15
       Registration                                             Registration      

                                                                                          19                                                                                           20
FlowTraders: Trading Game and ETF Lecture
During our interactive workshop, you will gain more insight into the world of trading
provided by a Trader and Recruiter. This is your chance to ask all of your questions
and to find out what a day in the life of a trader is like. Our Trader will provide a mini
lecture on ETFs and will share information about our core-business with you. You will
also learn about our company culture, cutting edge technology and how you can
become a trader yourself! ​At the end of the in-house day, we will play a trading game.
The trading game is an exciting opportunity to compete with your fellow students
and see if you may have what it takes to become a trader. Your mathematical and
analytical skills will be put to the test. We will end the workshop with an interactive
Q&A session.

         Time and date                  30.03, 13:00am
         Speakers                       TBA
         Maximum participants           50

                                                                                             21   22

             Company Description                           climate-friendly energy supply for its
             Axpo is Switzerland‘s largest producer of     customers in Switzerland. Today, Axpo
             renewable energy and an international         ranks among the leading energy traders
             leader in energy trading and the com-         worldwide. The business of tailor-made
             mercialisation of solar and wind power.       energy solutions for customers opens up
             5000 employees combine experience             a world of opportunity for Axpo. Do you
             and expertise with a passion for innova-      want to shape the future of the energy
             tion. In over 30 countries in Europe, Asia    sector? Join the Axpo Group!
             and the USA, Axpo develops innovative
             energy solutions based on state-of-the-       Philosophy
             art technologies for its customers. In        Reliability, sustainability and innovati-
             this way, we open up perspectives and         on. These values have shaped Axpo‘s
             generate new impulses for a life full of
             energy. Today we are setting the course
             for tomorrow‘s electricity supply: as the
                                                           over 100-year history. We continue to
                                                           live them today in order to move the
                                                           company forward together. As a reliable
                                                                                                           Full of energy
                                                                                                           into the future
             largest producer of renewable energies        partner, Axpo has earned trust and cre-
             in Switzerland, we are making sustain-        dibility. Environmental, economic and
             able investments in the technologies of       social sustainability is deeply rooted in
             the future. Our focus is on hydropower,       our business activities. Innovation and
             wind and biomass at optimal locations.        pioneering spirit are anchored in Axpo‘s
             On its way into this future, Axpo is thus     DNA and the daily search for even better
             securing a consistently sustainable and       solutions is our passion.


             Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD

             Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD

             Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD

                                                                                                           As the largest Swiss producer of renewable energies and an inter-
                                         Internship   Internship                                           national leader in energy trading and the marketing of solar and
              Direct Employment                                      Traineeprogram   Master Thesis
                                         ~6 Month     ~12 Month                                            wind power, we offer students, doctoral candidates and university
                                                                                                           graduates the best conditions for a challenging and varied start
                                                                                                           to their careers.
D One

             Company Description
             D ONE is one of the leading Swiss com-
                                                           We are building D ONE as a world-class
                                                                                                               WE                                                         How
                                                                                                                                                                                to fi

             panies for data, machine learning and         company. Our ambition: to be a talent he-                                                                                  nd
             artificial intelligence with national and     aven and a leading voice in data-driven                                                                                hay the nu
                                                                                                                                                                                       s      t
                                                                                                                                                                               12.0 tack. in the
             international customers and a team of 40      value creation.We define success by our                                                                                  3. 1
             experts for data driven value creation.       client’s success. To pursue this goal, we                                                                            HG

             D ONE designs and implements pro-             combine our success-critical competen-

             jects which create value from data, acts      cies:
             as guide on the journey to a data driven
                                                           •       intellectual agility
             enterprise, and helps companies to shape
             processes, organizational structure, and      •       understanding client’s needs
             company culture, leveraging the hands-on

                                                           •       clever and creative team play
             know how along the entire value chain.
                                                           •       getting the job done
             D ONE was founded 2005 by Simon Hef-                                                              Our work, data-driven value creation, requires bright minds. Getting to the
             ti, Hans Peter Gränicher and Netcetera        •       to deliver outstanding results with         bottom of things, thinking out of the box, and using the power of the question
                                                                   high business value. Presented in a         are key disciplines which we seek and you have.
             AG and actively invests in start-ups in the           comprehensible form, achieved in an
                                                                   easy-to-do-business-with way.               We bet that you will love the high signal / low noise environment, smooth admin-
             area of data. D ONE is Microsoft partner
                                                                                                               istration, and absence of politics that D ONE offers.
             with focus data & artificial intelligence.
                                                                                                               If you strive for challenging work, an inspiring team and excellent career
             Contact for application                                                                           perspectives: call us (Hans Peter Gränicher, +41 79 457 28 74).

                                                                                                                                                       Talk:                                    NLPeasy
                                                                                                                                                                                             Harnessin -
                                                                                                                                              How to find the nut                                      g the
                                                                                                                                                                                           Unstructu r of
                                                                                                                                               in the haystack                                      red Data
             Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                                                                     30.03.2021                                 26.03.20
                                                                                                                                                  13:00 - 13:45                              10:00 - 1 1
             Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD

             Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD

                                         Internship   Internship
              Direct Employment                                          Traineeprogram   Master Thesis
                                         ~6 Month     ~12 Month

                                                                                                                                      DATA DRIVEN VALUE CREATION
                                                                                                               DATA SCIENCE & ANALYTICS | DATA MANAGEMENT           | VISUALIZATION & DATA EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                D ONE AG, Sihlfeldstrasse 58, 8003 Zürich,

             Company Description                           of services extends from the consul-
             New technologies, new regulatory re-          ting and conception phase, through
             quirements and new forms of customer          the analysis and design phase, to actual
             behaviour are constantly presenting           development, implementation and IT
             banks with new challenges in digitizing       maintenance.
             their processes. As an IT consulting and

             software development company spe-             Philosophy
             cializing in the banking sector, we offer     We take full responsibility for what we do
             our customers the appropriate solutions.      and do things the proper way. Reliability
             Our focus is on tax, compliance, wealth       and transparency towards our custo-
             management and credit transactions.           mers distinguish us from others. We pro-
             We either develop new functionali-            mote the strengths of each individual

             ties in the existing core banking sys-        employee. We only achieve top results as
                                                                                                            We are a dynamic company with more than ••0 employees.
             tem or integrate our own applications         a team. Company events connect us and            For our Business Analysis division in Geneva/Zurich/Düsseldorf we are looking for a

             or those developed by third parties.          are fun.
             With our consulting and development
                                                                                                            IT Consultant / Business Analyst
             teams, we cover the entire process over
             the course of an IT project. The range                                                         You can expect varied and challenging tasks from our internationally
                                                                                                            operating customers. Your interdisciplinary IT and business knowledge
                                                                                                            will be expanded.
             Contact for application
                                                                                                            YOUR SKILLS & EXPERIENCES                                                 OUR OFFER

                                                                                                             _ Above-avarage university degree (Bachelor/Master/PhD)                   _ Introductory training in your future area of responsibility
                                                                                                               in physics, computer science, mathematics, industrial engineering         (initial training in Zurich approx. 1 month)
                                                                                                               or comparable subjects                                                  _ Opportunity to take over management tasks in project teams
             Degrees                                                                                         _ IT affinity - practical knowledge of relational databases (Oracle)      _ Attractive compensation and social benefits as well as
                                                                                                               and programming experience (PL/SQL) are advantageous                      continuing education opportunities
                                                                                                             _ Flexibility, resilience and enjoyment of project work
             Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                   _ Your are strong in analyzing and interested in a continuous training
                                                                                                             _ Good knowledge of German is an advantage, good knowledge of
             Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                     English is necessary

             Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                  YOUR MAIN TASKS                                                           CONTACT
                                                                                                            _ Collaboration in a team of specialists for the implementation           We are looking forward to receive your complete application via e-mail:
                                                                                                              of the Avaloq Banking System in selected specialist areas
                                                      Internship                                            _ Development of innovative front-end solutions for banks       
              Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram    Master Thesis        _ Design and parameterization of different business models
                                                      ~12 Month
                                                                                                              according to the needs of our costumers
                                                                                                            _ Writing business or technical specifications
                                                                                                            _ Training of the users


             Company Description                           Philosophy
             At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in      Everyone’s career path is unique. That’s
             society and solve important problems.         why PwC offers countless personal and
             We create value for both our people and       professional development opportunities
             clients in assurance, advisory and tax        that fit with your aspirations, supporting
             services with over 3,300 employees and        you to grow your own way – so you can


             partners in 14 locations in Switzerland       become everything you want to be and
             and one in the Principality of Liechten-      more.
                                                                                                            the possible
             Do you want to make an impact and sha-
             pe the future of a leading professional

             services firm? Are you passionate and
             ready to embrace change? Then you’ve
             got what it takes to reimagine the pos-

             Contact for application
             Apply via
             If you have any questions, please reach out to our recruit-
             ment team:, 058 792 22 22
                                                                                                               Are you passionate and ready
                                                                                                               to shape the future?

                                                                                                               Then you’ve got what it takes to
                                                                                                               reimagine the possible.
             Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD
                                                                                                               Apply now at

             Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD

              Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                                      ~12 Month
                                                                                                               © 2020 PwC. All rights reserved. “PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, which is a member firm of
                                                                                                               PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.

SIG Susquehanna

          Company Description                           Philosophy
          SIG is a global quantitative trading firm
                                                        SIG’s Quantitative Analyst Programme
          founded with an entrepreneurial mind-         is a unique opportunity for PhD gradu-
          set and a rigorous analytical approach        ates, straight from academia to work
          to decision making. We commit our             in an industry setting and develop the
                                                        skills needed to build a successful career
          own capital to trade financial products
                                                        as a Quantitative Research Analyst. As a
          around the world. Building virtually all      quant at SIG, you will gain insight into
          of our own trading technology from            the world of quantitative trading, while
          scratch, we are leaders and innovators        working on research projects across a
                                                        range of topics, like machine learning,
          in high performance, low latency tra-
                                                        anomaly detection, and many probabi-             THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYST PROGRAMME
          ding. Our traders, quants, developers,        lity puzzles found in pricing and trading.
          and systems engineers work side by side                                                        You will be exposed to hands-on practical projects from the beginning
          to develop and implement our trading                                                           of the programme. You will also be assigned to a trading desk to directly
                                                                                                         support the research, development, and monitoring of trading strategies.
          strategies. Each individual brings their
                                                                                                         This programme is targeted to PhD students and Master students with
          unique expertise every day to help us
                                                                                                         research experience.
          make optimal decisions in the global fi-

          nancial markets.
                                                                                                         DURING THE PROGRAMME, YOU WILL:
                                                                                                           *    Receive structured training on Python and programming in a
                                                                                                                collaborative production environment
          Contact for application
          APPLY NOW:                                                              *    Establish meaningful relations among financial products
                                                                                                                through statistical analysis and mathematical modelling
                                                                                                           *    Generate, test, and challenge hypotheses to create or
                                                                                                                improve complex trading strategies
                                                                                                           *    Work closely with traders to monitor and to improve upon
          Degrees                                                                                               existing strategies and to identify new areas of research
          Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                    *    Collaborate with software developers to build trading
                                                                                                                solutions that execute large-scale strategies independent of
          Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                         human interaction

          Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                    *    Receive one-to-one mentorship with a senior member of the
                                                                                                                Quant team
                                                                                                           *    Gain exposure to large-scale computing resources and other
                                                   Internship                                                   leading-edge technology
           Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                                   ~12 Month
                                                                                                           *    Attend trading classes to explore the wide range of products
                                                                                                                traded by SIG

                                                                                                    31                                                                   LEARN MORE: SIG.COM/QUANT

          Company Description                           Philosophy
          IMC is a leading global market maker,         IMC was founded in 1989 by two traders
          using algorithmic trading and advanced        working on the floor of the Amsterdam
          technology to buy and sell securities on
                                                        Equity Options Exchange. While today’s
          multiple trading venues worldwide. We
          provide liquidity to the financial mar-       industry is highly automated, back then
          kets, driving efficiencies for buyers and     trading was executed on the exchange
          sellers. We operate globally from offices     floor by traders manually calculating
          in Europe, the US and Asia Pacific. Our
                                                        the price to buy or sell. IMC was among
          employees work closely together in mul-

                                                                                                         START DISCOVERING
          tidisciplinary teams, making our success      the first to spot the importance of tech-
          possible. At IMC, technology is not a de-     nology and innovation in the evolution
          partment, it is at the heart of everything    of market making and invested early,
          we do. Our technologists push the limits
                                                        helping shape the future of trading.That
          of possibility, and then look beyond. In

          our fast-paced environment, short feed-       entrepreneurial spirit and innovative cul-
          back loops mean projects worked on in         ture still drives IMC, which stands for In-
          the morning can enter production the          ternational Marketmaker’s Combination.
          next day. Although our traders come
          from many backgrounds they all have

                                                        In 30 years we’ve grown internationally,
          one thing in common: they are at their
          best solving complex problems. Their          trading primarily on the basis of data
          insight into global events, market shifts     and algorithms, and using our execution
          and pricing ensure we are trading in the      platform to provide liquidity to financial
          right place, at the right time.               markets globally.

          Contact for application                                                                                                                                                                                            WE ARE
          Degrees                                                                                        ABOUT IMC
                                                                                                         IMC is a trading firm with technology at its heart.    Start discovering a dynamic new world. Where you’ll
          Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              Since 1989, we’ve embraced the power of technology     learn just how far you can go and how fast you can
                                                                                                         to rapidly advance our trading models. Pioneers        get there. Get ready to be challenged beyond your
          Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              in the industry, technology is now the lifeblood of    expectations. You’ll have the highest levels of freedom
                                                                                                         how we operate. Whether it’s the markets, data,        and responsibility. A chance to put your intellect to
          Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              software or hardware, we’re constantly pushing         the test while indulging your love for patterns and

                                                                                                         ourselves and our technology further. We’re            data, mathematical riddles, and working in the space
                                                                                                         constantly challenging, adapting and redesigning       between the abstract and reality. It’s an exciting, fast,
                                                                                                         to create world-class solutions that can outsmart      highly complex and fun place to kickstart your career

                                                                                                         the best Traders and Developers in the world.          and watch it take off like you never thought possible.
                                      Internship   Internship
           Direct Employment                                      Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                      ~6 Month     ~12 Month                                                                                               Discover IMC for a 360 tour and interactive content

die Mobiliar
                                                                                                          «Wie meine Datenanalysen helfen,
                                                                                                          unsere Kundinnen und Kunden
                                                                                                          richtig zu verstehen?»
            Company Description                           Philosophy

            Die Mobiliar ist mit ihren Rund 5700          Wir halten, was wir versprechen. Wir
            Mitarbeitenden die persönlichste Versi-       sind die persönlichste Versicherung der
            cherung der Schweiz: Wir sind dort, wo        Schweiz - wir handeln menschlich, nah
            unsere Kunden sind - und da, wenn es          und verantwortungsvoll. Unsere Kunden
            darauf ankommt. Als genossenschaftlich        leben ihr Leben vertrauensvoll. Wenn
            verankertes Unternehmen mit Direktions-       etwas passiert, sind wir da und helfen
            standorten in Bern, Nyon und Zürich en-       rasch und unkompliziert. Wir alle sind                   Mara Trübner
                                                                                                                   Data Scientist, Bern
            gagieren wir uns für unsere Kunden, die       Botschafter der Mobiliar und lösen dieses
            Gesellschaft und die Schweiz. So sind wir     Versprechen ein. Jeden Tag. Bei allem,
            ein sicherer Wert im Schweizer Alltag und     was wir tun.
            gestalten die Zukunft aktiv mit. Seit 1826,
            heute und morgen - was immer kommt.

            Contact for application



            Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD

            Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD

            Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD

                                        Internship   Internship
             Direct Employment                                      Traineeprogram   Master Thesis
                                        ~6 Month     ~12 Month


          Company Description                           Philosophy
          We operate through four business divisi-      How do we achieve our vision and exe-
          ons: Global Wealth Management, Perso-         cute our strategy? By living our three
          nal & Corporate Banking, Asset Ma-        keys to success. Our Pillars, Principles
          nagement and the Investment Bank. Our         and Behaviors epitomize the best of our
          global reach and the breadth of our ex-       heritage. They determine how we work
          pertise are major assets that set us apart    with our stakeholders and each other,
          from our competitors. We see these            how we recruit, and how we make deci-
          partnerships as key to our growth, both       sions. We‘ll only be as good as our desire
          within and between business divisions.        and agility to respond to change. From
          All of our business divisions work closely    gaining new experiences in different
          with our Group Functions teams, making        roles to acquiring fresh knowledge and

          sure that we continue our presence as a       skills – we never stop growing and lear-
          global market leader.                         ning because life never stops teaching.
                                                        We evolve with market changes and
                                                        client needs, do more than we thought

                                                                                                         Figuring out
                                                        possible, and open new doors to the fu-
                                                        ture – for ourselves, our clients, and our
          Contact for application

                                                                                                         your future?

          Degrees                                                                                        Let’s shape it together
          Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              We don’t just look at what you’re studying. (Really, we don’t.) But your
                                                                                                         attitude does matter. You’re ready to start a professional career with
          Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              a leading global business. Ready to be challenged and to work with others.

          Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              It doesn’t matter if you like things fast-moving or measured. If you like
                                                                                                         reading people or plotting charts. Deliberating or making decisions.
                                                                                                         Or some or all these things. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know yet.
                                      Internship   Internship
           Direct Employment                                      Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                      ~6 Month     ~12 Month                                             We can help you find out.

                                                                                                         © UBS 2020. All rights reserved.


             Company Description                           richten sich nach Deinen Bedürfnissen
             Mit mehr als 1.300 Mitarbeitern sind          und Skills. Bei der ELCA setzen wir auf
             wir eines der grössten, unabhängigen
             Schweizer Unternehmen im Bereich
                                                           gesunde Werte und in unseren Projek-
                                                           ten lassen wir uns von unserem Leitsatz
                                                                                                           Wir suchen clevere Köpfe.
             Softwareentwicklung, Systemintegrati-
             on und Business Consulting. Seit 1968
                                                           inspirieren: We make it work! Werte und
                                                           in unseren Projekten lassen wir uns von         Immer.

             verfolgen wir vor allem eine Aufgabe:         unserem Leitsatz inspirieren: We make it
             wir wollen die IT-Welt ein bisschen ein-      work!
             facher machen. Durch komfortable Lö-
             sungen für komplexe Aufgaben. Durch           Philosophy
             Zuverlässigkeit und Engagement. Durch         We make it work!
             Präzision und Kundenorientierung. Wir

             zeichnen uns aus durch unseren Mix
             aus Seniorität und Talent in den Pro-
             jekt-Teams., welcher die Förderung und
             Weiterentwicklung von jungen Absol-
             venten ermöglicht und vereinfacht. Die
             Karrieremöglichkeiten sind vielfältig und

             Contact for application


             Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD

              Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram   Master Thesis
                                                      ~12 Month

McKinsey &

             Company Description                           Philosophy
             Meet McKinsey Switzerland! McKinsey           When working as a consultant at McKin-
             blends analytics, design, and enginee-        sey, you’ll collaborate with teams to ap-
             ring thinking with our powerful, 90-year      ply technical knowledge, analytics and
             global network. As a global manage-           engineering thinking in our client work.
             ment consulting firm, we help our cli-        As a problem-solving and teaming cul-
                                                                                                           Student opportunities

                                                                                                           Digital-tech careers

             ents make significant and lasting im-         ture, everyone is a full-fledged McKinsey
             provements to their performance and           member, and every voice is heard from
             realize their most important goals. We        day one. You are provided with introduc-
             meet our clients anywhere they are in         tory and advanced trainings as well as          Best team. Best work. At your best.
             their journey to become more data-dri-        formal and informal mentors to help you
             ven, providing everything from specific       learn and grow. Only here, can you build

                                                                                                           McKinsey blends analytics, design, and engineering thinking
             expertise on discrete issues to holistic      a product from scratch one day, and ma-         with our powerful global network.
             transformations and implementations.          nage a large-scale tech team abroad the
             Our two offices in Switzerland are loca-
             ted in Zurich and Geneva.

             Contact for application
             Apply via


             Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD

              Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram   Master Thesis
                                                      ~12 Month


             Company Description                           Philosophy
             We bring together the brightest data          Impact: Performance is at the centre of
             scientists, engineers and designers to        everything we do. Inspired by sport, we
             tackle problems facing the world’s most       know that the smallest edge can make
             influential organisations. QuantumBlack       the biggest difference. Our multidiscip-
             teams work in multi-disciplinary en-          linary team will help clients achieve that

             vironments harnessing data to provide         edge. Data is the lifeblood of any mo-
             real-world impact. Our projects range         dern organsation, and trust is the cur-
             from helping pharmaceutical companies         rency of our engagements with clients.
             bring lifesaving drugs to market quicker      We strive to maintain the highest levels
             to optimising a Formula1 car’s perfor-        of data handling, governance and infor-
             mance. At QuantumBlack you have the           mation security with our clients. Nothing
             best of both worlds; all the benefits of      is more important to us. The real power
             being part of one of the top manage-          of analytics is embedding them into the
             ment consultancies globally plus the          operating model of an organisation. Our
             autonomy to thrive in a fast growth tech      advanced analytics capabilities com-
             culture. We’re different and we’re proud      bined with McKinsey’s deep domain ex-
             of it.                                        pertise and change management expe-
                                                           rience equip us with a powerful lens to
              Contact for application                      evaluate and improve every facet of an


             Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD

              Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                                      ~12 Month

Flow Traders

          Company Description                            asset classes such as bonds, FX, crypto-
          Flow Traders is a principal trading firm       currencies and similar financial products.       DO YOU THRIVE ON
          founded in 2004. We are a leading global       On top of that, we provide liquidity to
          technology-enabled liquidity provider,         institutional counterparties off-exchan-
          specialized in Exchange Traded Products        ge across all regions! Flow Traders stays        YOUR COMPETITION?
          (ETPs). Flow Traders is at the intersection    ahead of the competition by focusing
          of finance, cutting-edge technology and        on technology and niche competencies
                                                         in markets where every second counts.            GRADUATE TRADER & TRADING INTERN
          scientific research. We are able to grow
          our organization further, thereby ensu-        This requires access to the best informa-
          ring that our trading desks in Europe,         tion and the ability to respond instantly.       We are looking for talented individuals with excellent mathematical and
                                                                                                          analytical skills combined with an interest in global financial markets.
          the Americas and Asia provide liquidity        To achieve this, our team of software de-        Our Traders manage and optimize our daily positions, formulate innova-
          across all major exchanges, globally, 24       velopers works in partnership with expe-         tive trading strategies whilst also developing tools.

          hours a day. Financial markets have ra-        rienced traders to identify and execute
                                                                                                          As a Summer Intern you will learn about our trading strategies, trading
          pidly shifted from trading in the pit to al-   tomorrow‘s strategies, making Flow a             system and experience life as a Trader at Flow.

          gorithmic trading, and our business mo-        daily pioneer in professional trading.We
          del has made us an entrepreneurial and         look forward to working with you!
                                                                                                          GRADUATE SOFTWARE DEVELOPER PROGRAM

          competitive firm in the FinTech space. We
          use our principal technology platform to       Philosophy
                                                                                                          We prepared the Graduate Software Development program for ambitious graduates
          quote bid and ask prices in thousands of       Team effort.                                     who like to be challenged every day. During the program, you will work in sprints and
          ETP listings. We are also active in other                                                       participate in stand-up meetings; at the same time, you will work together with your
                                                                                                          fellow graduate software engineers, and experience working with different Flow
          Contact for application                                                                         Traders development teams.

          Degrees                                                                                         EVENTS
          Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD
                                                                                                          We are also hosting several online events for you to get more familiar with
          Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                               Flow Traders! You can check them out at our events page on our website.

          Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD

                                      Internship   Internship                                             Reach out to us at:                                                                     Flow Traders is an international
                                                                                                                                                                                                  leading principal trading firm.
           Direct Employment                                       Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                      ~6 Month     ~12 Month


             Company Description                           chen anzubieten. Dank dieser Vielfalt
             In keinem anderen Land Europas wird           sind die unterschiedlichsten Laufbah-
             häufiger Bahn gefahren als in der             nen möglich, die wir durch Aus- und
             Schweiz. Mehr als eine Million Menschen       Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten       sowie
             nutzen jeden Tag die SBB. Rund 33 000         gezielte Weiterentwicklung und Förde-
             Mitarbeitende sorgen rund um die Uhr          rung unterstützen. Engagierte und akti-
             für einen sicheren sowie pünktlichen          ve Mitarbeitende sind für unseren Erfolg
             Bahnbetrieb und stellen dabei die Kun-        entscheidend, deshalb gestalten wir
             dinnen und Kunden in den Mittelpunkt          moderne Anstellungsbedingungen und
             ihrer Anstrengungen. Damit ist die SBB        fördern zeitgemässe Arbeitsformen.
             nicht nur die grösste Reise- und Trans-
             portfirma der Schweiz, sondern auch           Philosophy

             eine der grössten Schweizer Arbeitge-         «Du hast viel in dich investiert. Mach was
             berinnen. Der umfassende Dienstleis-          Grosses. Beweg die Schweiz mit uns.»
             tungsauftrag der SBB ermöglicht es uns,
             eine vielseitige Auswahl an spannenden
             Berufen in allen Unternehmensberei-

             Contact for application
                                                                                                            Du hast viel in

                                                                                                            dich ­investiert.­­
             Degrees                                                                                        Mach­was­Grosses.

             Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              Beweg die Schweiz mit uns in einem
                                                                                                            von über 150 Berufen.
             Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD
             Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD

                                         Internship   Internship
              Direct Employment                                      Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                         ~6 Month     ~12 Month

G Research

           Company Description                           Philosophy
           We are a leading quantitative research        We offer a dynamic, flexible and highly
           and technology firm. We hire the brigh-       stimulating culture where world-bea-
           test minds in the world to tackle some of     ting ideas are cultivated and rewarded.
           the biggest questions in finance. We pair     We are proud to employ some of the
           this expertise with machine learning,         best people in their field and are keen to
           big data, and some of the most advan-         nurture their talent in a supportive wor-

                                                                                                          CREATE TODAY.
           ced technology available to predict mo-       king environment.
           vements in financial markets.

                                                                                                          PREDICT TOMORROW.

           Contact for application
                                                                                                                                                     K E E P IN TOUC H
                                                                                                          IMAGINE DISCOVERING SOMETHING UNDISCOVERED.


                                                                                                          G-Research is Europe’s leading quantitative finance
           Degrees                                                                                        research firm. We hire the brightest minds in the world to         
                                                                                                          tackle some of the biggest questions in finance. We pair
           Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD
                                                                                                          this expertise with machine learning, big data, and some          
                                                                                                          of the most advanced technology available to predict
           Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                              movements in financial markets.
                                                                                                                                                                                           AP P LY TODAY
           Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD                                                                                                                                    Visit our website to see all of our live
                                                                                                          We work on a very mature prediction problem. Finding the 1% of
                                                                                                                                                                                     vacancies and to submit an
                                                                                                          difference, working at the very cutting edge of developments, is

                                       Internship   Internship                                            the place where success happens. We are, in effect, incentivised to
            Direct Employment                                      Traineeprogram    Master Thesis        explore the state-of-the-art.                                    
                                       ~6 Month     ~12 Month

                                                                                                          We have exceptional internships and permanent roles for PhD, Post
                                                                                                          Doc and Masters candidates interested in quantitative research.

Hamilton Medical

             Company Description                            professionals, from engineers to export
             Hamilton Medical is a dynamic, interna-        specialists, from production workers to
             tionally successful medical device com-        regulatory affairs specialists, and from
             pany headquartered in Bonaduz, Swit-           project leaders to product managers.
             zerland. At Hamilton Medical, we live
             for ventilation technology. Technology         Philosophy
             that helps caregivers improve the lives        «We drive innovation to improve peop-
             of their critically ill patients. We believe   le’s lives.»
             that innovation is essential to meet the
             demands of critical care.                      Please see:
             To strengthen our multinational team,
                                                                                                           Revolutionizing Critical Care Ventilation
             we are looking for motivated people in
             all areas of the company: from software                                                       Hamilton Medical is a dynamic, internationally successful medical device
             developers to medical or healthcare                                                           company headquartered in Bonaduz, Switzerland.

                                                                                                           At Hamilton Medical, we live for ventilation technology. Technology that
                                                                                                           helps caregivers improve the lives of their critically ill patients. We believe
             Contact for application
                                                                                                           that innovation is essential to meet the demands of critical care.
             Please see

                                                                                                           To strengthen our multinational team, we are looking for motivated
                                                                                                           people in all areas of the company: from software developers to medical
                                                                                                           or healthcare professionals, from engineers to export specialists, from
                                                                                                           production workers to regulatory affairs specialists, and from project
             Degrees                                                                                       leaders to product managers.

             Math.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD
                                                                                                           We are looking forward to your contribution. You can find open
             Phys.      BSc.      MSc.     PhD
                                                                                                           positions on
             Com. Sc.   BSc.      MSc.     PhD

                                         Internship   Internship
              Direct Employment                                      Traineeprogram   Master Thesis
                                         ~6 Month     ~12 Month


            Company Description
                                                         dass das möglich ist. Unsere 3600 Kol-

            Die Allianz wurde vor über 125 Jahren in
            München gegründet und ist heute eine der     leginnen und Kollegen erhalten nicht nur
            weltweit stärksten Finanzgesellschaften.     die Möglichkeit, bei uns ihren ganz eige-
            Versicherung und Vorsorgeschutz sind         nen Karriereweg zu gehen. Sie profitieren
            unser Kerngeschäft. Seit 2002 ist die Al-    auch von einer Vielzahl an Sonder- und
            lianz auch in der Schweiz vertreten - mit    Zusatzleistungen wie flexiblen Arbeitszei-
            Hauptsitz in Wallisellen und an 130 wei-     ten, Sportangeboten, Erfolgsbeteiligun-
            teren Standorten. Wir sind auf der Suche     gen und Mitarbeiterprogrammen.
            nach Mitarbeitenden, die den Mut haben,
            den Status quo zu challengen, die Verän-     Philosophy
            derungen bewirken und sich dafür einset-     Mut heisst machen
            zen wollen, unsere Spitzenposition in der
            Versicherungswelt zu stärken. Als Arbeit-

                                                                                                          FÜR ALLE,
            geberin schaffen wir dieVoraussetzungen,

            Contact for application
                                                                                                          DIesICH TRAUeN...
                                                                                                          ... ihre Zukunft in die eigene Hand
                                                                                                          zu nehmen. Die Allianz Suisse eröffnet
                                                                                                          dir tolle Zukunftsperspektiven.
            Degrees                                                                                       Hier ist dein Zuhause.
            Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

            Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

            Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                 Traineeprogram    Master Thesis        Traust du dich ? Dann pack deine Chance!
                                                     ~12 Month


             Company Description                           Philosophy
             Xovis – Rethinking People Flow                Our work is reliable, scientifically sound
                                                           and conducted using the latest techno-
             Wir sind internationale Marktführerin         logy.
             für intelligente Lösungen im Bereich Be-
             sucherströme und meistern Herausfor-
             derungen in den Bereichen Flughäfen,
             Einzelhandel, Öffentlicher Verkehr und                                                          ZUSAMMEN MIT
             Gebäudetechnik. Unsere Denkweise                                                                DEM UNTERNEHMEN
                                                                                                             WACHSEN IST DAS
             und Erfahrung machen Xovis zu einer
                                                                                                             BESTE WAS EINEM
                                                                                                                                               Vom dreiköpfigen
             lernenden Organisation und genau die-
                                                                                                             AMBITIONIERTEN                    Start-up zum globalen
             se Eigenschaft lässt uns die Dinge anders
             machen - auf die Xovis-Art.
                                                                                                             MITARBEITENDEN                    Trendsetter in weniger
                                                                                                             PASSIEREN KANN.                   als 10 Jahren!
                                                                                                             BEI XOVIS ERHALTE
                                                                                                             ICH DIESE AUSSER-                 Wir sind eine Schweizer Firma mit eige-
                                                                                                             GEWÖHNLICHE                       ner Hard- und Softwarelösung für die
                                                                                                             MÖGLICHKEIT.                      präzise, Datenschutzkonforme Zählung
                                                                                                            - TEAM LEAD IN DER ENTWICKLUNG -   von Personen und der Optimierung von
             Contact for application                                                                                                           Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten unserer ein-
                                                                                     zigartigen 3D Technologie sind vielfältig.
                                                                                                                                               Sie ist beispielsweise an Flughäfen, Bahn-
                                                                                                                                               höfen, Shopping Malls, Boutiquen, Sport-
                                                                                                                                               anlässen oder auf Kreuzfahrtschiffen im

             Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                                                     Xovis bietet Platz für ehrgeizige und krea-
             Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD                                                                                                     tive Mitarbeitende. Unser Team bildet das
                                                                                                                                               Fundament unseres grossen Erfolges.
             Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD
                                                                                                                                               Xovis wächst weiter!

                                                                                                                                               Für unseren Standort in Zollikofen
              Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram    Master Thesis                                           (bei Bern), suchen wir Unterstützung!
                                                      ~12 Month


             Company Description                           Philosophy
             ESA is an international organisation with     The European Space Agency (ESA) is Eu-
             22 Member States. By coordinating the         rope’s gateway to space. Its mission is to
             financial and intellectual resources of its   shape the development of Europe’s spa-
             members, it can undertake programmes          ce capability and ensure that investment
             and activities far beyond the scope of        in space continues to deliver benefits to
             any single European country.                  the citizens of Europe and the world.

             Contact for application


             Math.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Phys.      BSc.   MSc.    PhD

             Com. Sc.   BSc.   MSc.    PhD

              Direct Employment Internship ~6 Month                  Traineeprogram    Master Thesis
                                                      ~12 Month

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