Log einer Hochzeit in Ultima Online
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G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Log einer Hochzeit in Ultima Online: Protokoll: Semana (Charakter des Scout Andreas Berger) -= UO (Re)Started at: [03:38:30 on 05.09.99] =- Welcome to Ultima Online! Reconnecting. Lauriana: lumaria UOAssist Version: 1.13.1 Full Version Enabled Semana (Baja) 03:39:58 09/05/99 Lauriana: [Bard of the Mists, MT] You see: Lauriana You see: Lohwesah Lauriana: Hello You play your hypnotic music, stopping the battle. Peacemaking changed now = 50.4 (+0.1) Semana: Be greeted! Semana: will there be aw edding here? Semana: right? Begrüßung, Dreier-Kommunikation Lauriana: Soon methinks Semana: great Lohwesah: bright blessings Semana: i have been waiting since 10 hours Anspielung auf real life Semana: for it Lauriana: Is it a big wedding? Semana: dunno Lauriana: lets go to lumaria Lauriana: there should be ppl here Semana: but as i am from Semana: europe Lohwesah: oh Lohwesah: very interesting Semana: i got time zones mixed up Semana: and now Lohwesah: indeed Lauriana: =) Semana: have been waiting Semana: here Semana: for all night Semana: :-( Semana: in 15 minutes Lauriana: lets go look at lumaria Semana: there should be maariige here You see: Senior Counselor Lady Danika Erscheinen des ersten Counselors Lauriana: It may be there.. Semana: aaaaaaah Lauriana: Hello Dankika Senior Counselor Lady Danika: Hi Ladies :) Lauriana: err Danika Semana: be greeted great one Lohwesah: lucky you :) You see: a grizzly bear You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) Der zweite Counselor Senior Counselor Lady Danika: Greetings again Semana ;) Lauriana: Yike Senior Counselor Sebratis: helo ladies Lauriana: Hey Se 237
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions You see: Counselor Darksheer Lauriana: WB Dark Semana: wow Semana: so many gms Lohwesah: my my Lauriana: they are concelors Semana: *heart flatters* Semana: upps Semana: yes Being perfectly rested, you shove Lauriana out of the way. Senior Counselor Lady Danika: *grins* Counselor Darksheer: im a counselor Semana: OM Beten am Schrein Semana: OM Lohwesah: it's the robes ;) Counselor Darksheer: those 2 are barneys :> Senior Counselor Sebratis: i'm a player Lauriana: thats Spirituality You see: Senior Counselor Lady Danika Counselor Darksheer: we heard that about you seb :> Lauriana: Sacrifice is Bah or something Senior Counselor Sebratis: hehe You see: foxglove flowers Semana: Om Semana: Om Semana: Om Lauriana: Om is for Spirituality Semana: You play poorly, and there is no effect. Semana: uuups Semana: aeh You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) Semana: Nox? Semana: long time You see: jane Semana: since i have played Semana: the Semana: Ulitmas Senior Counselor Lady Danika: hehe Being perfectly rested, you shove jane out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. jane: Are Ash or Dalak here yet? Erwähnung des Brautpaares Lauriana: not yet jane: Okee =] Counselor Darksheer: *poke poke* Senior Counselor Lady Danika: *pinch* Semana: aeh Counselor Darksheer: eep Semana: anyone of thee Semana: has something to dress for meß Semana: ? Senior Counselor Sebratis: look there is dodgy jane Semana: i forgot it Semana: in my corpse Senior Counselor Lady Danika: About time the seating arrived Semana: as i died here about 50times until i reached this place Semana: :-) jane: *looks over at dani* Lauriana: aww Counselor Darksheer: OW Counselor Darksheer: heheehe Semana: hehehe Semana: ups 238
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Lauriana: I havnt got one jane: hmmm kind of blocks the aisle Semana: *sivers* Semana: shivers Semana: hell Senior Counselor Lady Danika: Looks fine to me Semana: i am bad at typing Semana: today Semana: as it seems jane: drat one short You see: Sacrifice Semana: where may i sit? jane: Anywhere you like :) Senior Counselor Lady Danika: Where ever you like ;) Lauriana: Are you gettign married jane? Gespräch der Gäste untereinander Semana: thank thee jane: Nay, I'm here to help Ash and Dalak Semana: who is the bride? Lauriana: you look like the bride all in white jane: Ash is the bride, Dalak Dunedain is the groom jane: *smiles* jane: Just trying to be festive :) Lauriana: Ljosa, come sit Counselor Darksheer: and im the bouncer :> jane: And such a cute bouncer, too :) Counselor Darksheer: hey Counselor Darksheer: *blush* Being perfectly rested, you shove Counselor Darksheer out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. You are too fatigued to move. Senior Counselor Lady Danika: wow..Dark blushing? Counselor Darksheer: i am not cute Senior Counselor Lady Danika: *snaps pic* Counselor Darksheer: puppies are cute Semana: *giggles* Lohwesah: *giggle* Emoticons Senior Counselor Lady Danika: *pinches Dark's cheek* Senior Counselor Lady Danika: sooooooooo cute Counselor Darksheer: *blush* Lohwesah: better? Counselor Darksheer: shaddup Counselor Darksheer: lemmie alone you Senior Counselor Lady Danika: hehe Counselor Darksheer: or ill be mean Senior Counselor Lady Danika: As opposed to? jane: *looks at dark closely* Counselor Darksheer: cute Lauriana: umm jane: Nope, sorry, you're certifiably cute : jane: :) Semana: is it allowed to take some pictures? that might be puplished in an european mag? Lauriana: why is the bride and groom absent jane: Sure, you can take screenshots Counselor Darksheer: i dont mind jane: But try to stay out of the way :) Semana: thanks Semana: sure jane: They should be ehre soon, I hope jane: Spoke with them earlier today :) Semana: will this be a small marriage? Semana: not many guests? 239
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions jane: I don't know how many they invited Counselor Darksheer: *sighs* Semana: well its almost time and we have nearly more counselors than usual people =:-) Counselor Darksheer: *yawn* Senior Counselor Lady Danika: Are we keeping you awake? ;p Counselor Darksheer: i hate getting up at 5 am Counselor Darksheer: working early all this week Being perfectly rested, you shove Counselor Darksheer out of the way. Lauriana: uhoh Hawkwind: [Wandering Knight, S*S] You see: Hawkwind Semana: hey Legion of Night: [Bringer of Swords, ONE] You see: Legion of Night Counselor Darksheer: now i gotta gork another day Senior Counselor Lady Danika: ugh :( YOREN: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: YOREN KaliMa: [High Archer, S*S] You see: KaliMa You see: a grizzly bear Counselor Darksheer: i have to be at work at 5 am Dalak Dunedain: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: Dalak Dunedain der Bräutigam jane: Dalak Zephenia: [High Sorceress, S*S] You see: Zephenia weitere Gäste kommen GRANDPA: [High Wizard, S*S] You see: GRANDPA jane: I have rings for you Beginn der Zweierkommunikation Dalak-Jane : jane says I have rings for you Doppelpunkt bedeutet, daß etwas durch einen Dalak Dunedain: Aye Kommunikationskristall gesagt wurde, : Dalak Dunedain says Aye der ähnlich wie ein Mikrophon / Verstärker wirkt Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: Ash die Braut Dalak Dunedain: Great! : Dalak Dunedain says Great! jane: They screwed up the inscribed ones =[ : jane says They screwed up the inscribed ones =[ : Dalak Dunedain says hehe : Dalak Dunedain says hehe jane: I'm horribly sorry =[ : jane says I'm horribly sorry =[ : jane says I'm horribly sorry =[ Jazmine: [Nore Taure, NT] You see: Jazmine Dalak Dunedain: natch : Dalak Dunedain says natch : Dalak Dunedain says natch jane: So I'll have more for you soon : jane says So I'll have more for you soon Dalak Dunedain: hehe Dalak Dunedain: np You see: Jafy jane: I got 19 sets, and none were yours :( jane: Argh : jane says Argh Dalak Dunedain: we have back ups on us : Dalak Dunedain says we have back ups on us jane: So I'll give you some tourmaline rings? jane: Ahh, great Legion of Night: Nice outfi, Jazmine. Kompliment führt nicht zur Kommunikation 240
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions jane: I really apologize You see: Sir Seneca Sir Seneca: Hail all You see: Jafy Jazmine: Why thank you jane: :( Semana: indeed Dalak Dunedain: 'tis ok, these things happen Semana: ups You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) Semana: :-) : jane says Aye, but was frustrating =] GRANDPA: we are backwards Zephenia: That yours? jane: I'll return n a moment :) Zephenia: ?? : Zephenia says ?? : Ash says for Dal : Hawkwind says naugh jane: dang, burned out : Hawkwind says keep : Zephenia says Ok give to him now? Kita Talith: [Social Butterfly, Golden Knight] You see: Kita Talith : Heart says lol : Ash says nay : Hawkwind says we don't do that : an active crystal of communication with 889 charges and 3 links : Ash says had to me : YOREN says one tile to the right : Hawkwind says too rough Alex del Fuego: [Keeper of the Flame, Golden Knight] You see: Alex del Fuego : Ash says when he : Dalak Dunedain says ok : Hawkwind says at last minute : Ash says ask about the rings : Zephenia says ok : Ash says eek YOREN: move over one tile : YOREN says move over one tile : Kita Talith says those two seats look available ;) : Ash says iiii Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: Ash You feel it would take a few moments to secure your camp. Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) der Senior - Counselor kommt an SRC Felicia: *pinch* Counselor Darksheer: YOU Dalak Dunedain: When the lights go out, we start? : Dalak Dunedain says When the lights go out, we start? Kita Talith: *smiles* Ash: Hail : Ash says Hail Semana: .-) : Semana says .-) SRC Felicia: Hail =] Ash: :) : Ash says :) Kita Talith: *shall we sit over here, Alex?* SRC Felicia: Did Dalak tell you about the rings? 241
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions SRC Felicia: I'm horribly sorry Ash: nay : Ash says nay Senior Counselor Lady Danika: You're very cute when you yell ;) Dalak Dunedain: We have backups on us : Dalak Dunedain says We have backups on us Counselor Darksheer: ARRRRG!!!!! : Ash says aye : Ash says ;) Senior Counselor Lady Danika: *laughs* Dalak Dunedain: hehe : Dalak Dunedain says hehe Being perfectly rested, you shove Sir Seneca out of the way. Ash: k : Ash says k Ash: :) : Ash says :) SRC Felicia: I am really displeased SRC Felicia: =] SRC Felicia: Onto the ceremony =] Ash: tis ok : Ash says tis ok You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) Ash: aye Dalak Dunedain: aye Semana: *making pictures* SRC Felicia: Will anyone be giving you away? Ash: aye Dalak Dunedain: Let's get the road on the show Ash: Hawkwind : Ash says Hawkwind SRC Felicia: Ok, have you all read the ceremony and know how it's going to go? Ash: yes You see: a grizzly bear Dalak Dunedain: once upon a time SRC Felicia: Ok, then I won't bore you with details =] Dalak Dunedain: hehe Raven Starfire: [Commander, TOL] .Bestandsaufnahme der Gäste mit „Allnames“ You see: Lord Raven Starfire Taitum: [TOL] You see: Taitum SRC Felicia: *smiles* Nitram: [Guildmaster II, TOL] You see: Nitram Jimi Hendrix: [Guild Bowyer, S*S] You see: Jimi Hendrix Ash: *jitters* Derek: [The Great One, TOL] You see: Derek Morgana: [Guildmistress, TOL] You see: Morgana Ash: thank you so much Ash: :) SRC Felicia: Ok, I tried to get a GM to move the vase Derek: yoke shehe YOREN: hail jimi Dalak Dunedain: I may need to be prompted, esp if I feint SRC Felicia: But it was put there by a higher power =\ You see: cedar needles Ash: hehe SRC Felicia: so i will stand next to it Derek: barely mad it =] 242
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions SRC Felicia: and you can stand in front of me? SRC Felicia: if that sounds ok? Ash: humm Razor: (tame) Razor: (tame) You see: Razor Ash: how about You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) You see: a grizzly bear Ash: you standing Raven Starfire: razor stay Being perfectly rested, you shove Raven Starfire out of the way. Ash: back on the Ash: umm Dalak Dunedain: stand in the back if you will... Ash: thing SRC Felicia: so i don't screw it up? =] Senior Counselor Lady Danika: ;P Being perfectly rested, you shove Counselor Darksheer out of the way. Ash: hehe Ash: Hawk? : Morgana says Vas Rel Por Dalak Dunedain: sure Raven Starfire: LOL Nitram: hehe Erasmus: [Dragon Master, Golden Knight] You see: Erasmus Dalak Dunedain: go ahead You see: a grizzly bear : Erasmus says thanks You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) Dalak Dunedain: You look wonderful, M'Lady : Hawkwind says you here SRC Felicia: Ok Derek: ... Hawkwind: they ehre SRC Felicia: Can everyone here me? Soundcheck Kita Talith: hello :) SRC Felicia: hear =] SRC Felicia: Thanks Nitram :) Dalak Dunedain: no? Besprechung über den Ablauf des Einmarsches Dalak Dunedain: hehehe Dalak Dunedain: LOL YOREN: when torches? YOREN: k Dalak Dunedain: when dark, I hope GRANDPA: k Caramon Majere: [Life Bringer (GM), TA] You see: Caramon Majere Ash: Dal Arial Blossom: [Lead Rep, A0V] You see: Arial Blossom You see: Seer Thayer (invulnerable) Dane Alexander: [Flirt of Avalon, CoA] You see: Dane Alexander You see: Pasque Seer Thayer: Pardon me Ankunft des Seers Charger: (tame) Charger: (tame) You see: Charger Seer Thayer: Greetings Blade of Night: [The Guardian, ONE] 243
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions You see: Blade of Night Borfaux: [Wanderer, S*S] You see: Lord Borfaux Alicia: [Bringer of Music, ONE] You see: Alicia You see: a stone arch You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) Beginn der Hochzeit 4:07 am SRC Felicia: Welcome citizens of Britannia, we have gathered here to witness SRC Felicia: the Holy union of Ash and Dalak Dunedain in this blessed union. SRC Felicia: Who doth give Ash to be married to Dalak Dunedain? SRC Felicia: The marriage covenant has held a place of honor in every society, SRC Felicia: even in the most ancient times of Sosaria, and has remained sacred to this day. Vagrant: [Head Bartender, Boo] You see: Vagrant SRC Felicia: When the first man was created, God had sensed that man needed a companion Calvin: [I Don't Wear Pants, HAT] You see: Calvin Nachzügler You see: Crsyania Calvin: Rel Por – Teleport SRC Felicia: for eternity. God spoke and said, "It is not good for man to be alone, I shall You see: Crsyania SRC Felicia: fashion thee a companion." Woman was created to take her place next to man, SRC Felicia: to share a place with man for all eternity. The Sages of old have recorded SRC Felicia: how God came upon his decision and reasoned thus: : an inactive crystal of communication with 823 charges and 3 links SRC Felicia: Woman should not have been created from a bone of man's skull, SRC Felicia: so that she might not have rule over him. Nor should woman have been SRC Felicia: created from a bone of man's foot, so that he might not have rule over her. SRC Felicia: Woman was created from a bone taken from the rib of man, so that man SRC Felicia: and woman would live side by side, together as one, for all eternity, SRC Felicia: travelling the pilgrimage of life together. Sharing love, commitment, SRC Felicia: knowledge, and caring for each other. This ancient covenant of marriage SRC Felicia: encourages the couple to love and be loving, throughout the lifetime SRC Felicia: of their bond to each other, and show their compassion for each other SRC Felicia: and share their daily lives. You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) SRC Felicia: Dalak, repeat after me thy vows... You see: Senior Counselor Lady Danika SRC Felicia: As we join together as one soul... Dalak Dunedain: As we join together as one soul... : Dalak Dunedain says As we join together as one soul... Verstärkt durch drei : Dalak Dunedain says As we join together as one soul... Communication-Crystals : Dalak Dunedain says As we join together as one soul... SRC Felicia: Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so Dalak Dunedain: Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so : Dalak Dunedain says Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so : Dalak Dunedain says Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so : Dalak Dunedain says Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so SRC Felicia: Thy beliefs will become my beliefs Dalak Dunedain: Thy beliefs will become my beliefs : Dalak Dunedain says Thy beliefs will become my beliefs : Dalak Dunedain says Thy beliefs will become my beliefs : Dalak Dunedain says Thy beliefs will become my beliefs SRC Felicia: And thy people will become family to me. Dalak Dunedain: And thy people will become family to me : Dalak Dunedain says And thy people will become family to me : Dalak Dunedain says And thy people will become family to me : Dalak Dunedain says And thy people will become family to me SRC Felicia: I will honor thee and love thee Dalak Dunedain: I will honor thee and love thee : Dalak Dunedain says I will honor thee and love thee 244
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions : Dalak Dunedain says I will honor thee and love thee : Dalak Dunedain says I will honor thee and love thee SRC Felicia: My spoken word is my bond to thine heart Dalak Dunedain: My spoken word is my bond to thine heart : Dalak Dunedain says My spoken word is my bond to thine heart : Dalak Dunedain says My spoken word is my bond to thine heart : Dalak Dunedain says My spoken word is my bond to thine heart SRC Felicia: If thou were to die, my heart would die as well Dalak Dunedain: If thou were to die, my heart would die as well : Dalak Dunedain says If thou were to die, my heart would die as well : Dalak Dunedain says If thou were to die, my heart would die as well : Dalak Dunedain says If thou were to die, my heart would die as well You see: Counselor Majestic der letzte Conselor You see: Counselor Majestic You see: Counselor Majestic SRC Felicia: Until leaving this world in death, will we part. Dalak Dunedain: Until leaving this world in death, will we part. : Dalak Dunedain says Until leaving this world in death, will we part. : Dalak Dunedain says Until leaving this world in death, will we part. : Dalak Dunedain says Until leaving this world in death, will we part. You see: a grizzly bear Semana: *crying* You see: Counselor Majestic You see: Counselor Majestic SRC Felicia: Ash, repeat after me thy vows... You see: Senior Counselor Sebratis (invulnerable) SRC Felicia: As we join together as one soul... Tiamat: [Grand Dragon, MDC] You see: Tiamat Ash: As we join together as one soul : Ash says As we join together as one soul : Ash says As we join together as one soul : Ash says As we join together as one soul Dalak Dunedain: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: Dalak Dunedain SRC Felicia: Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so Ash: Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so : Ash says Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so : Ash says Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so : Ash says Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so SRC Felicia: Thy beliefs will become my beliefs Ash: Thy beliefs will become my beliefs : Ash says Thy beliefs will become my beliefs : Ash says Thy beliefs will become my beliefs : Ash says Thy beliefs will become my beliefs SRC Felicia: And thy people will become family to me. Ash: And thy people will become family to me : Ash says And thy people will become family to me : Ash says And thy people will become family to me : Ash says And thy people will become family to me SRC Felicia: I will honor thee and love thee You see: Counselor Majestic You see: Counselor Majestic Ash: I will honor thee and love thee : Ash says I will honor thee and love thee : Ash says I will honor thee and love thee : Ash says I will honor thee and love thee SRC Felicia: My spoken word is my bond to thine heart Ash: My spoken word is my bond to thine heart : Ash says My spoken word is my bond to thine heart : Ash says My spoken word is my bond to thine heart : Ash says My spoken word is my bond to thine heart 245
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions SRC Felicia: If thou were to die, my heart would die as well Ash: If thou were to die, my heart would die as well : Ash says If thou were to die, my heart would die as well : Ash says If thou were to die, my heart would die as well : Ash says If thou were to die, my heart would die as well You see: a grizzly bear SRC Felicia: Until leaving this world in death, will we part. Ash: Until leaving this world in death, will we part. : Ash says Until leaving this world in death, will we part. : Ash says Until leaving this world in death, will we part. : Ash says Until leaving this world in death, will we part. SRC Felicia: Dalak, dost thou take Ash to be your wife, to have and to hold in love SRC Felicia: honor, and tenderness? Dost thou promise to love, cherish, and honor her, SRC Felicia: as long as you both shall live, according to this Holy union and SRC Felicia: the sacred covenant of marriage? Dalak Dunedain: I do : Dalak Dunedain says I do : Dalak Dunedain says I do : Dalak Dunedain says I do SRC Felicia: Ash, dost thou take Dalak to be your husband, to have and to hold in love, SRC Felicia: honor, and tenderness? Dost thou promise to love, cherish, and honor him, SRC Felicia: as long as you both shall live, according to this Holy union and SRC Felicia: the sacred covenant of marriage? Ash: I do : Ash says I do : Ash says I do : Ash says I do SRC Felicia: Dalak, what symbol of thy love and commitment dost thou bring? Dalak Dunedain: A ring : Dalak Dunedain says A ring : Dalak Dunedain says A ring : Dalak Dunedain says A ring SRC Felicia: Dalak, repeat after me thy vows... SRC Felicia: This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee. Dalak Dunedain: This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee : Dalak Dunedain says This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee : Dalak Dunedain says This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee : Dalak Dunedain says This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee SRC Felicia: Ash, what symbol of thy love and commitment dost thou bring? Ash: a Ring : Ash says a Ring : Ash says a Ring : Ash says a Ring SRC Felicia: Ash, repeat after me thy vows... SRC Felicia: This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee. Atrius: [The Mage Tower, MT] You see: Atrius Ash: This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee : Ash says This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee : Ash says This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee : Ash says This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee SRC Felicia: Ash and Dalak Dunedain, the citizens have now heard thy vows to each other. SRC Felicia: Let no one put assunder this Holy union of heart and soul. May Lord British SRC Felicia: bless this marriage and watch over thee. Go now, revel in the power SRC Felicia: of being a couple, trust and rely upon each other. SRC Felicia: By the powers committed to me and by the laws of Britannia... SRC Felicia: I now declare that Ash and Dalak Dunedain have joined as one, SRC Felicia: as husband and wife. SRC Felicia: Dalak, you may now kiss your bride. Die Vermählung Atrius: *clap clap clap* Borfaux: WAHOO Jubel der Anwesenden Semana: Hurray!!!!!! 246
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Dalak Dunedain: *kiss* Ash: *kiss* Ash: *kiss* Ash: *kiss* Dalak Dunedain: *kiss* Dalak Dunedain: *kiss* Ash: *kiss* Ash: *kiss* Dalak Dunedain: *kiss* Seer Thayer: Huzzah! You see: a lap harp : KaliMa says :) : KaliMa says :) : KaliMa says :) Ash: whew Hawkwind: Vas Uus Sanct - Arch Protection Zaubersprüche mit grafischen Atrius: Vas An Nox - Arch Cure Effekten sollen ein Feuerwerk abgeben Blade of Night: Hhhhooooorraaahhh!!! YOREN: For Honor, Glory, and S*S SRC Felicia: Congratulations!!!! Legion of Night: Horrah! Musicianship changed now = 51.7 (+0.5) Jimi Hendrix: Aye ! Derek: *claps* Ash: Thank you Borfaux: Vas Uus Sanct - Arch Protection Semana: Hail the Couple!!!!!! : Lord Raven Starfire says I did. : Lord Raven Starfire says I did. : Lord Raven Starfire says I did. Dalak Dunedain: Aye! : Morgana says a ring? : Morgana says hehe SRC Felicia: It was a pleasure to marry two such as yourselves =] Borfaux: humm Zephenia: :) : Morgana says we throwing coins? Ash: *smiles* Borfaux: Vas Uus Sanct - Arch Protection : Caramon Majere says where's the mic? hehe Dalak Dunedain: Let's party Dalak Dunedain: ! Seer Thayer: *shoves Atrius* Atrius: 'ello Thayer. Atrius: *oof* Seer Thayer: Greetings : Lord Raven Starfire says Its a temp I think. Alicia: [Bringer of Music, ONE] You see: Alicia weitere Bestandsaufnahme für das Logfile [Wanderer, S*S] Lord Borfaux Dalak Dunedain: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: Dalak Dunedain Jimi Hendrix: [Guild Bowyer, S*S] You see: Jimi Hendrix Atrius: [The Mage Tower, MT] You see: Atrius You see: Seer Thayer (invulnerable) Razor: (tame) Razor: (tame) You see: Razor You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) 247
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) Borfaux: [Wanderer, S*S] You see: Lord Borfaux Ash: ack You see: a grizzly bear Being perfectly rested, you shove Lauriana out of the way. Ash: thank even Arial Blossom: [Lead Rep, A0V] You see: Arial Blossom You are too fatigued to move. You are too fatigued to move. Dalak Dunedain: Thankee, M'Lord : Crsyania says Huzzah! : Crsyania says Huzzah! : Crsyania says Huzzah! Caramon Majere: Time to give the groom an ebolt....hehe SRC Felicia: That was lovely =] Goober: (tame) Goober: (tame) You see: Goober Borfaux: goober stay Semana: Hurra Semana: Congratulations Beglückwünschungskommuniktion, in Folge Brautpaarzentriert Ash: thank you Lauriana: oh, thanks! Semana: thank thee : Morgana says hehe : Morgana says hehe : Morgana says hehe Semana: Good luck to thee Borfaux: you look lovely Ash Zephenia: Excuse me : Zephenia says Excuse me : Zephenia says Excuse me : Zephenia says Excuse me Ash: :) Ash: thx Container holds 6 items Dalak Dunedain: Dane! Container holds 6 items : Zephenia says Can you come here a sec : Zephenia says Can you come here a sec : Zephenia says Can you come here a sec You see: a recall rune for The Green Dragon Tavern Dane Alexander: *grins* Dalak Dunedain: here Dalak Dunedain: fer you Dane Alexander: Whats this? Sir Seneca: MeLady and MeLord, I wish to Ash: Sen!! : Zephenia says This torch is stuck in my hands : Zephenia says This torch is stuck in my hands : Zephenia says This torch is stuck in my hands Being perfectly rested, you shove GRANDPA out of the way. Ash: *hugs* Sir Seneca: congratulate thee SRC Felicia: Oh no =o Dalak Dunedain: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: Dalak Dunedain Calvin: a follow : Calvin says a follow : Calvin says a follow 248
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions : Calvin says a follow Dane Alexander: *grins* Ash: :) Ash: thx Sir Seneca: on thy fine choice Zephenia: :( : Zephenia says :( : Zephenia says :( : Zephenia says :( Dalak Dunedain: Jimi! Caramon Majere: Look at YOREN...Doesn;t he look so lady-like in that pink? hehe Dane Alexander: Thank thee SRC Felicia: Do you have a disarm macro set? Sir Seneca: :) Dalak Dunedain: Wake up Ash: *blush* Zephenia: No : Zephenia says No : Zephenia says No : Zephenia says No Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: Ash YOREN: aye Dane Alexander: Congrats my friend Semana: Long live Dalak! Long live Ash!!!!!!!!!! Ash: :) Sir Seneca: I would like to present thee with a little gift Jimi Hendrix: heeh Alex del Fuego: *chuckles* Zephenia: Says I cannot pick it up : Zephenia says Says I cannot pick it up : Zephenia says Says I cannot pick it up : Zephenia says Says I cannot pick it up Sir Seneca: but I guess this will be better given Atrius: Congratulations, sir. : Heart says coucounselor hire : Heart says coucounselor hire : Heart says coucounselor hire Sir Seneca: a little later : Sir Seneca says a little later : Sir Seneca says a little later Borfaux: greetings : Lord Borfaux says greetings : Lord Borfaux says greetings Dalak Dunedain: !hehe : Dalak Dunedain says !hehe : Dalak Dunedain says !hehe Atrius: *blinks* Being perfectly rested, you shove Dalak Dunedain out of the way. : Hawkwind says OK THE RECEPTION IS AT THE GREED DRAGON TAVERN Hinweis auf die Kneipe : Hawkwind says OK THE RECEPTION IS AT THE GREED DRAGON TAVERNin der das Bankett stattfindet : Hawkwind says OK THE RECEPTION IS AT THE GREED DRAGON TAVERN : Kita Talith says lovely ceremony! Ash: now.. there is aye SRC Felicia: what happens if you double click on it? Atrius: What's this? : Alicia says Hmm : Tiamat says Greetings m'lady : Hawkwind says Green : Hawkwind says Green : Hawkwind says Green Semana: Long live Dalak! Long live Ash!!!!!!!!!! 249
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Dalak Dunedain: a present : KaliMa says Morgana the reception is at the green dragon Tavern : KaliMa says Morgana the reception is at the green dragon Tavern : KaliMa says Morgana the reception is at the green dragon Tavern : Alex del Fuego says Yeah Heart: :) : Heart says :) : Hawkwind says the is Sir Seneca: I wish you : Alex del Fuego says Quite Ash: a party I have to set up Sir Seneca: two all the best GRANDPA: haha : Alicia says I think I bought my gown at the same place as someone else : Nitram says Tiamat! : Taitum says Hello Tiamat. die Partygäste begrüßen einander Atrius: Bah, that's alright. Ash: come!! : Zephenia says Goes out : Morgana says greetings Tiamat Sir Seneca: aye, I shall : Sir Seneca says aye, I shall : Sir Seneca says aye, I shall Ash: :) : Ash says :) : Ash says :) : Nitram says long time no see : Nitram says long time no see : Nitram says long time no see Container holds 6 items : Tiamat says Hail friends Hawkwind: Runes there fomr one of trhe wedding party : Hawkwind says Runes there fomr one of trhe wedding party : Hawkwind says Runes there fomr one of trhe wedding party : KaliMa says there will be ways to ge there : KaliMa says there will be ways to ge there Ash: good : Ash says good : Ash says good : Taitum says Tis nice to see you again. : Zephenia says Yes : Tiamat says Indeed Vagrant: Thayer : Vagrant says Thayer : Lohwesah says my thanks Jimi Hendrix: Kal Ort Por - Recall Ash: get with Dal : Tiamat says And thee : Alex del Fuego says Congradulations sir Caramon Majere: Oooh...Look at GP...PK target....hehe Seer Thayer: Yes? Sir Seneca: Alright Being perfectly rested, you shove Dane Alexander out of the way. : Tiamat says Hail H Semana: Thank thee! : Nitram says didn't think the MDC was still around... : Nitram says didn't think the MDC was still around... Ash: hehe You see: a grizzly bear Vagrant: I remembered what i wanted top ask you Dalak Dunedain: Thankee, my friend : Lohwesah says that was very nice 250
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions YOREN: :) : Alex del Fuego says And this? Borfaux: hehe : Lord Borfaux says hehe : Nitram says havne't seen teh clan in a long time Seer Thayer: What's that? : Seer Thayer says What's that? : Seer Thayer says What's that? Dalak Dunedain: a present : Dalak Dunedain says a present : Dalak Dunedain says a present : Kita Talith says how nice! : Kita Talith says how nice! : Tiamat says Ah, just in hibernation : Tiamat says Ah, just in hibernation : Tiamat says Ah, just in hibernation : Lauriana says Very nioce wedding : Lauriana says Very nioce wedding Alex del Fuego: *nods* Ash: Kali.. to the inn : Ash says Kali.. to the inn : Ash says Kali.. to the inn : Alex del Fuego says Very : Alex del Fuego says Very : Alex del Fuego says Very : Alicia says Let us go My dear : Alicia says Let us go My dear : Caramon Majere says ? : Caramon Majere says ? Semana: Long live the couple!!!!! : Semana says Long live the couple!!!!! : Semana says Long live the couple!!!!! : Morgana says nice to see them around again : Morgana says nice to see them around again Vagrant: CAn you make my shield and kat blue? Borfaux: ack okay brb : Nitram says good to see you again : Nitram says good to see you again Borfaux: Kal Ort Por - Recall : Lord Borfaux says Kal Ort Por : Lord Borfaux says Kal Ort Por : Lord Borfaux says Kal Ort Por : Tiamat says The Dragons have awoke : Tiamat says The Dragons have awoke : Tiamat says The Dragons have awoke : Heart says and out of uniform : Heart says and out of uniform : Heart says and out of uniform : Heart says :) : Heart says :) : Heart says :) Container holds 6 items Vagrant: Katana GRANDPA: from the wedding party : Nitram says aye? : Nitram says aye? : Tiamat says Heh : Tiamat says Heh You see: a recall rune for The Green Dragon Tavern : Blade of Night says Har har : Blade of Night says Har har : Tiamat says Just you H 251
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions : Tiamat says Just you H Ash: Kal Ort Por - Recall Vagrant: *hopes* : Alex del Fuego says I guess that answers my next question : Taitum says They have a crwl every tuesday Seer Thayer: I'm not much of a craftsman Crsyania: oooh Crsyania: thank you Sir Seneca: MeLord Legion of Night: Hey Jazmine: when I figure out Seer Thayer: I'd only ruin them if I tried Tiamat: Congtats friend Sir Seneca: my best wishes Alex del Fuego: Hail there Dalak Dunedain: Seneca! Tiamat: Er Sir Seneca: to thee and thy Sir Seneca: lady Vagrant: Really? Borfaux: [Wanderer, S*S] You see: Lord Borfaux Vagrant: Aww Sir Seneca: I wish that Tiamat: Congratulations Dal Sir Seneca: the sun may always Sir Seneca: shine bright upon GRANDPA: :) Sir Seneca: the two of thee Seer Thayer: *frowns* Seer Thayer: Sorry Arial Blossom: *hic* Legion of Night: *hic* Vagrant: Np Crsyania: Alex! Borfaux: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Dalak Dunedain: Bless you, M'Lord! Arial Blossom: *hic* Legion of Night: *hic* Vagrant: Can you try on my kat Kita Talith: Hello Hawkwind :) Nitram: Kal Ort Por - Recall GRANDPA: how about a gate Tiamat: Cya nit Sir Seneca: I have a little present for thee Seer Thayer: *shakes head* Vagrant: I wouldnt mind if it broke Kita Talith: that was a lovely ceremony... Borfaux: tavern GRANDPA: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Calvin: who? Sir Seneca: I want to give thee later Vagrant: Ok] Being perfectly rested, you shove Heart out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. Borfaux: transport Seer Thayer: I won't even try Kita Talith: yes! good to see you too! You are too fatigued to move. Dalak Dunedain: For I know that ye hath come far out of time and space to be here Seer Thayer: I know I'd ruin it Tiamat: Indeed 252
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Sir Seneca: :) Blade of Night: Come on lads! Borfaux: [Wanderer, S*S] You see: Lord Borfaux weitere Bestandsaufnahme Arial Blossom: [Lead Rep, A0V] You see: Arial Blossom You see: Seer Thayer (invulnerable) Atrius: [The Mage Tower, MT] You see: Atrius Dalak Dunedain: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: Dalak Dunedain You see: Counselor Majestic Tiamat: [Grand Dragon, MDC] You see: Tiamat Vagrant: [Head Bartender, Boo] You see: Vagrant Blade of Night: [The Guardian, ONE] You see: Blade of Night You see: Pasque Caramon Majere: [Life Bringer (GM), TA] You see: Caramon Majere Erasmus: [Dragon Master, Golden Knight] You see: Erasmus Morgana: [Guildmistress, TOL] You see: Morgana Derek: [The Great One, TOL] You see: Derek Taitum: [TOL] You see: Taitum Raven Starfire: [Commander, TOL] You see: Lord Raven Starfire Alex del Fuego: [Keeper of the Flame, Golden Knight] You see: Alex del Fuego Kita Talith: [Social Butterfly, Golden Knight] You see: Kita Talith You see: Sir Seneca GRANDPA: [High Wizard, S*S] You see: GRANDPA KaliMa: [High Archer, S*S] You see: KaliMa YOREN: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: YOREN You see: Zneb Heart: [Red Dragon Mage, MDC] You see: Heart Hawkwind: [Wandering Knight, S*S] You see: Hawkwind You see: Counselor Darksheer You see: Lohwesah Lauriana: [Bard of the Mists, MT] You see: Lauriana Sir Seneca: aye Blade of Night: Let's get drunk! Sir Seneca: But I did not want YOREN: :) Sir Seneca: to miss Arial Blossom: *hic* Seer Thayer: Excuse me.. Sir Seneca: your wedding Alicia: *places her hand on Blade's shoulder* You see: Lohwesah Sir Seneca: and documented 253
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Sir Seneca: every single Alicia: Blade Sir Seneca: word that was spoken Pasque: *smiles* Hawkwind: runes and gates available Blade of Night: What ye be poking at me fer? Alicia: You are not going to get intocixated this eve Dalak Dunedain: Blees you for coming! Sir Seneca: I will send it to you Atrius: Where is that to? Dane Alexander: Kal Ort Por - Recall [Flirt of Avalon, CoA] Dane Alexander (frozen) Sir Seneca: when I assembled it all GRANDPA: tavern Atrius: *blinks* Dalak Dunedain: hehe Erasmus: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Atrius: Ah, could 'ye open another? Borfaux: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Moongates zu der Kneipe werden geöffnet GRANDPA: wish another Alex del Fuego: Ready then? YOREN: hail bor Being perfectly rested, you shove Dane Alexander out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. Sir Seneca: (70 photos) GRANDPA: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Borfaux: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Dalak Dunedain: It means a lot to me and Ash that you are here Semana: i got even more Atrius: Thank 'ye. YOREN: you get package? Semana: pictures Borfaux: ? Sir Seneca: and it means a lot to me and Serena to see Semana: !!!!!! Sir Seneca: that Ash has found Sir Seneca: her king of hearts Tiamat: Rel Por - Teleport Remember, no matter where you go, there you are. Sir Seneca: :) Caramon Majere: damned lag Erasmus: Guess no one likes my gates.. Dalak Dunedain: hehe Lauriana: [Bard of the Mists, MT] You see: Lauriana Tiamat: [Grand Dragon, MDC] You see: Tiamat Sir Seneca: are the gates Sir Seneca: to the place Sir Seneca: the party Sir Seneca: is to be held? Tiamat: *taps shoulder* Caramon Majere: Hail Dal Erasmus: Yes. Dalak Dunedain: I hope you can come to the reception for awhile? Zephenia: [High Sorceress, S*S] You see: Zephenia Erasmus: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Borfaux: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Hier steigt der Protokollant durch das Gate Heart: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel und betritt die Kneipe ( Festbankett ) Sir Seneca: aye, I am most eager to do so 254
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Erasmus: Vas Rel Por - Gate Travel Zephenia: [High Sorceress, S*S] You see: Zephenia Tiamat: *hugs* Legion of Night: *hic* You see: Counselor Majestic Atrius: [The Mage Tower, MT] You see: Atrius Dane Alexander: [Flirt of Avalon, CoA] You see: Dane Alexander You see: Crsyania Calvin: [I Don't Wear Pants, HAT] You see: Calvin Huberty: [Brother Initiate, OC] You see: Huberty You see: Winthrop (invulnerable) You see: Emo (invulnerable) Vagrant: [Head Bartender, Boo] You see: Vagrant Legion of Night: [Bringer of Swords, ONE] You see: Legion of Night Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: Ash KaliMa: [High Archer, S*S] You see: KaliMa Jimi Hendrix: [Guild Bowyer, S*S] You see: Jimi Hendrix Jazmine: [Nore Taure, NT] You see: Jazmine You see: Vaughn (invulnerable) You see: Counselor Darksheer Charger: (tame) Charger: (tame) You see: Charger Bettycrocker: (tame) Bettycrocker: (tame) You see: Bettycrocker Arial Blossom: [Lead Rep, A0V] You see: Arial Blossom Blade of Night: [The Guardian, ONE] You see: Blade of Night Raven Starfire: [Commander, TOL] You see: Lord Raven Starfire Legion of Night: *hic* Morgana: [Guildmistress, TOL] You see: Morgana Taitum: [TOL] You see: Taitum You see: Zneb Heart: [Red Dragon Mage, MDC] You see: Heart You see: Thurston You see: az Kita Talith: [Social Butterfly, Golden Knight] You see: Kita Talith Derek: [The Great One, TOL] You see: Derek Morgana: hey TAit YOREN: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: YOREN Erasmus: [Dragon Master, Golden Knight] You see: Erasmus 255
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions az Raven Starfire: all taverns are the same Being perfectly rested, you shove Heart out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. Alex del Fuego: [Keeper of the Flame, Golden Knight] You see: Alex del Fuego Raven Starfire: *shrugs* You are too fatigued to move. You are too fatigued to move. You are too fatigued to move. Raven Starfire: go from the right Alex del Fuego: In Lor - Night Sight YOREN: hail jimi Kita Talith: :) Jimi Hendrix: hail Kita Talith: hullo Erasmus Jimi Hendrix: =) Ash: I love those!! Arial Blossom: *hic* Betrunkene : Calvin shakes the cup and spills the dice. The dice come to a stop showing a 6 and a 2 for a total of 8. Würfelspiel Erasmus: Hello thre You see: Sir Seneca Dane Alexander: Yours is quite the sight to behold as well Jazmine: Where's Alicia? Musicianship changed now = 51.8 (+0.6) Derek: WINE! Being perfectly rested, you shove Taitum out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. Raven Starfire: I should put him somewhere, yes? Blade of Night: She is coming Legion of Night: *hic* Arial Blossom: *hic* Arial Blossom: *hic* Razor: (tame) Razor: (tame) You see: Razor Jimi Hendrix: =) Semana: rather small Semana: for a big Semana: party Vagrant: *hic* Semana: whould thee move a bit Vagrant: You look beutiful morgana Semana: dear counselor Jimi Hendrix: sure was =) Semana: thank thee Vagrant: *hic* Jimi Hendrix: i like it much =) Being perfectly rested, you shove Arial Blossom out of the way. You see: a wooden door Vagrant: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Derek: ......oh yeah Hawkwind: [Wandering Knight, S*S] You see: Hawkwind Legion of Night: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Crsyania: Hawk! Semana: are these seats reserved? Crsyania: *hic* Arial Blossom: *hic* 256
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Semana:
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Semana: sorry Blade of Night: *hic* Ash: food along wall Ash: :) Ash: thanks Blade of Night: *hic* Alicia: Why do I have one of the brides presents? Dane Alexander: well a bit You see: Pasque Blade of Night: *hic* Dane Alexander: just havent seen ye Ash: dk YOREN: was a splended ceremony Kita Talith: Awww... why? Vagrant: *hic* Semana: indeed Crsyania: *hic* Alicia: Excuse me Alicia: I think htis is yours Ash: ? Crsyania: *hic* Legion of Night: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Semana: one of the best Semana: i have seen KaliMa: food here? Alicia: Oh Semana: oh Alicia: Maybe not Ash: yes Ash: please Semana: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Semana: i am already drubnk YOREN: for you m'lady YOREN: ahhh Legion of Night: *hic* Semana: :-) YOREN: hehe Semana: but ok What do you want to use this wine on? Ash: ack Legion of Night: *hic* YOREN: never have to much on such a day Semana: great year Legion of Night: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Semana: true Legion of Night: *hic* Semana: hehehe Semana: SInging Legion of Night: *hic* YOREN: :) Semana: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Legion of Night: Pig! einige Spieler gieren nach dem Buffet Legion of Night: Bacon! Crsyania: *hic* Dane Alexander: Ye still there? Kita Talith: *nods* Semana: hands back 258
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Crsyania: please dont say that about Calvin Crsyania: *hic* Legion of Night: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Semana: wait Pasque: Hi Kita Vagrant: xPlasue Semana: until is served Arial Blossom: *hic* Crsyania: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Semana: :-) Legion of Night: Cake1 Calvin: heh? Arial Blossom: *hic* Semana: hehehe Calvin: I am lost Legion of Night: Phh You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) Crsyania: sorry about the robe Arial Blossom: *hic* Legion of Night: *hic* Legion of Night: Jeeze Calvin: which way to the party? Semana: you big hungry boy Legion of Night: I wil bring you some more Crsyania: *hic* Crsyania: right here Semana: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Legion of Night: I live next door Arial Blossom: *hic* Crsyania: *hic* Semana: *hic* Legion of Night: *hic* Crsyania: At the tavern Tiamat: [Grand Dragon, MDC] You see: Tiamat Calvin: hmmmm Semana: You feel sober. Vagrant: *hic* Vagrant: Crsyania Arial Blossom: *hic* SRC Felicia: Hail Atrius =] Being perfectly rested, you shove Vagrant out of the way. Morgana: Tia Crsyania: yes? Vagrant: If you dont mind me saying Tiamat: Yes? Tiamat: *smile* Vagrant: You look beutiful Morgana: is the MDC back in full swing? Morgana: *smiles* Vagrant: =] Crsyania: *blushes* Tiamat: heh Crsyania: *hic* Crsyania: Why thank you You see: Seer Thayer (invulnerable) Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving bow.* 259
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Vagrant: *hic* Semana: who? Tiamat: Depends on what that means Crsyania: I'm a bit tipsy Tiamat: heh Vagrant: Aye Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a bow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* GRANDPA: [High Wizard, S*S] You see: GRANDPA Tiamat: Im I here for good? Zephenia: [High Sorceress, S*S] You see: Zephenia Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving bow.* Tiamat: Indeed Borfaux: [Wanderer, S*S] You see: Lord Borfaux Arial Blossom: *hic* Morgana: we used to be allied with you Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a bow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* Seer Thayer: *looks at the stairs* Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving bow.* Tiamat: Just a handfull of members now though Crsyania: Greetings Thayer Crsyania: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Morgana: would be nice to be that way again Semana: hehe Seer Thayer: Greetings Tiamat: Indeed Vagrant: *hic* Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a bow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* Morgana: we now have 40 Semana: you have to enter Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving bow.* Tiamat: Excellent Semana: from the right Seer Thayer: Thank you Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a bow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* Semana: see Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving bow.* Vagrant: *hic* Being perfectly rested, you shove GRANDPA out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. Morgana: we will have to talk sometime Semana: I can't reach that. Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a bow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* Tiamat: I have taken a fancy to one btw. Atrius: 'ello there Thayer. Derek: good anyway Raven Starfire: Hi Thayer. Atrius: *grins* Calvin: horsie! Derek: ...sorry Seer Thayer: Greetings again Atrius SRC Felicia: Nay, not just yet SRC Felicia: But I have a new assistant Huberty: Oh, well, we'll have to work on that. GRANDPA: *hug* SRC Felicia: and we're hoping to work up a new ceremony as an option Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* SRC Felicia: *smiles* 260
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Being perfectly rested, you shove Calvin out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. You are too fatigued to move. az You are too fatigued to move. Huberty: The monks of the Ordo Cuius have been working on a script of our own. You see: az Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Musicianship changed now = 51.9 (+0.7) Hank Woodsmith: [Nore Taure, NT] You see: Lord Hank Woodsmith Vagrant: *hic* Derek: ....... SRC Felicia: Oh! That's wonderful Tiamat: Heh Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Alicia: Heh.. Morgana: we are having a wedding next Thursday Beginn der Zweierkommunikation über Morgana: oops Morgana: Friday bevorstehende Hochzeit (Morgana und Tiamat) Lightning: (tame) Lightning: (tame) You see: Lightning Jimi Hendrix: =) Tiamat: Ah, excellent Blade of Night: You make good bows lad! Morgana: she will be in it Blade of Night: I use them! Blade of Night: :^) Tiamat: message me if you would Alicia: Aye Jimi Hendrix: why thanks milord! Tiamat: I'll see if I can attend Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Blade of Night: Keep up your work hehe Alicia: *smiles and nods to Jimi* Vagrant: *hic* Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Tiamat: Hail Jaz Goober: (tame) You see: Goober Jimi Hendrix: that I shall=) Jazmine: HI JImi Blade of Night: Jazmine! Hank Woodsmith: Hello Jaz Tiamat: er Sem Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Blade of Night: You build good houses Jimi Hendrix: hail! Blade of Night: :^P Jimi Hendrix: =) Jazmine: Hiya hank Alicia: Madam Jazmine! Hank Woodsmith: *waits patiently* Tiamat: Too slow on the keys tonight Vagrant: *hic* Tiamat: heh Alicia: You look marvelous this evening Heart: [Red Dragon Mage, MDC] You see: Heart 261
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Blade of Night: Why is this horse attacking me? Erasmus: *Erasmus starts to tame Goober.* Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Morgana: add me to your list? Hank Woodsmith: How are ye? Jazmine: Blade Morgana: 5467955 Jazmine: I am doing goo Jazmine: you? Erasmus: Tab out of war mode. Erasmus: *Erasmus starts to tame Goober.* Tiamat: my journal isnt working Erasmus: Here Goober. What instrument shall you play? Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving bow.* Hank Woodsmith: No sign of Stiletto? Jazmine: what happnend to legion? Semana: You attempt to calm everyone, but fail. Tiamat: mind addimg me Morgana: 5467955 Austausch von ICQ Nummern (Morgana, Tiamat) Morgana: okie Tiamat: 10911497 Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a bow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* Erasmus: Goober follow me Jimi Hendrix: *hic* Alicia: Distasteful Jazmine: WE can't both be on at the same time Vagrant: *hic* Ash: hum Tiamat: Hail H Legion of Night: [Bringer of Swords, ONE] You see: Legion of Night Legion of Night: *hic* Night: (tame) Night: (tame) You see: Night Semana: wow Semana: cookies YOREN: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: YOREN Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: Ash Semana: shalt i help thee carring? Legion of Night: I got more Legion of Night: But Legion of Night: Well Heart: [Red Dragon Mage, MDC] You see: Heart Hawkwind: [Wandering Knight, S*S] You see: Hawkwind Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: Ash You see: Vaughn (invulnerable) Charger: (tame) Charger: (tame) You see: Charger Derek: [The Great One, TOL] You see: Derek Morgana: [Guildmistress, TOL] You see: Morgana You see: Counselor Majestic Calvin: [I Don't Wear Pants, HAT] 262
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions You see: Calvin Taitum: [TOL] You see: Taitum Tiamat: [Grand Dragon, MDC] You see: Tiamat Legion of Night: This will be enough [Head Bartender, Boo] Vagrant Crsyania Emo (invulnerable) Erasmus: In Vas Mani - Greater Heal Legion of Night: No thanks Legion of Night: But Borfaux: [Wanderer, S*S] You see: Lord Borfaux Bestandsaufnahme fürs Protokoll Semana: seens oyu are storng enought Derek: [The Great One, TOL] You see: Derek Morgana: [Guildmistress, TOL] You see: Morgana Jimi Hendrix: [Guild Bowyer, S*S] You see: Jimi Hendrix Ash: [Lady Cavalier, S*S] You see: Ash You see: Counselor Majestic Taitum: [TOL] You see: Taitum Tiamat: [Grand Dragon, MDC] You see: Tiamat Calvin: [I Don't Wear Pants, HAT] You see: Calvin Vagrant: [Head Bartender, Boo] You see: Vagrant You see: Crsyania You see: Emo (invulnerable) Legion of Night: They are for everyone? Bettycrocker: (tame) Bettycrocker: (tame) You see: Bettycrocker Jimi Hendrix: [Guild Bowyer, S*S] You see: Jimi Hendrix Legion of Night: Would you like anytihng? Calvin: [I Don't Wear Pants, HAT] You see: Calvin Vagrant: [Head Bartender, Boo] You see: Vagrant You see: Crsyania You see: Emo (invulnerable) [Ranger Elder, S*S] YOREN Borfaux: excuse for a pet Semana: i love cookies Erasmus: Goober transfer Semana: :-) Legion of Night: *hic* Legion of Night: Then take these Borfaux: oh hhee Semana: wow Semana: thee are Borfaux: thanks Erasmuss Legion of Night: Enjoy Semana: the most geneorus 263
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Legion of Night: *hic* Hawkwind: [Wandering Knight, S*S] You see: Hawkwind Semana: evil murderer Semana: i know Legion of Night: Thank you Semana: smile You eat the food, but are still extremely hungry. Legion of Night: :^) Legion of Night: *hic* Semana: and thee are a good cook Semana: too Borfaux: [Wanderer, S*S] You see: Lord Borfaux Hawkwind: Hi Ash: there is more food inside Hank Woodsmith: [Nore Taure, NT] You see: Lord Hank Woodsmith You see: Seer Thayer (invulnerable) You see: SRC Felicia (invulnerable) Morgana: [Guildmistress, TOL] You see: Morgana Being perfectly rested, you shove Blade of Night out of the way. Arial Blossom: [Lead Rep, A0V] You see: Arial Blossom Raven Starfire: [Commander, TOL] You see: Lord Raven Starfire Atrius: [The Mage Tower, MT] You see: Atrius Huberty: [Brother Initiate, OC] You see: Huberty You see: Winthrop (invulnerable) Jimi Hendrix: [Guild Bowyer, S*S] You see: Jimi Hendrix You are too fatigued to move. You are too fatigued to move. You are too fatigued to move. Tiamat: Ash Ash: I just cant get it out Legion of Night: Hey Blade of Night: I see you have met my brother Jazmine: hey Ash: oooo Legion of Night: *hic* Tiamat: *hugs* Ash: Tia Legion of Night: Juist met her Ash: *hugs* Jazmine: could I have a drink please Semana: thee are a team? Legion of Night: Blade Legion of Night: *hic* Tiamat: *kisses cheek* Legion of Night: *hic* Ash: Thank you for coming Tiamat: Congratulations m'lady Legion of Night: Aye, brothers Blade of Night: Hmm? :^) Ash: !! Blade of Night: Yes Ash: :) Blade of Night: Brothers 264
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions YOREN: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: YOREN Legion of Night: *hic* Semana: oh Heart: i need togo buy here Blade of Night: He's a good man Blade of Night: *pat* Heart: you two Legion of Night: You wan't any food? Ash: :) Legion of Night: Ahh Semana: sure Legion of Night: Yeah Tiamat: Dancing later? Semana: and he is a good cook too Ash: aye Ash: ? Blade of Night: Yes Legion of Night: You are kinder thann I am though Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving bow.* Semana: *giggles* Alicia: Brother Legion you rascal Dalak Dunedain: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: Dalak Dunedain Blade of Night: He's good at everything he does Ash: no Heart! Tiamat: I'll need a dance with the bride if I can stay that long Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a bow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* Ash: ok Ash: ;) Semana: lerts see about that Dalak Dunedain: What? Blade of Night: I sense he is embarassed Ash: Heart thank you Dalak Dunedain: A party?!?! Ash: but please Semana: hehehe YOREN: dal Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrix starts carving heavy crossbow.* Caramon Majere: [Life Bringer (GM), TA] You see: Caramon Majere Alicia: *takes Richard's arm in hers* Legion of Night: *hic* Blade of Night: A party for you! YOREN: dal? Blade of Night: :^)( Dalak Dunedain: LOL! Legion of Night: *hic* GRANDPA: [High Wizard, S*S] You see: GRANDPA Ash: not going to take no Ash: huh? Dalak Dunedain: Aye! You see: Sir Seneca YOREN: come her for a sec Blade of Night: Go have a drink! Heart: I'll put it on the ground :) Jimi Hendrix: *Jimi Hendrixcarves a heavy crossbow crafted by Jimi Hendrix.* Ash: Thank you Blade of Night: :^P Legion of Night: A muffin, Jaz? Alicia: May you and your new ladywife have a fine evening 265
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Alicia: *laughs* Heart: your welcoe Blade of Night: *laughs* Jazmine: why thank you Blade of Night: Come Legion of Night: *hic* Ash: hehe What do you want to use this wine on? Blade of Night: Let us feast Heart: wecome Ash: *hugs* Jazmine: I"d like that drink now Blade of Night: Upon Semana: *hic* Legion of Night: *hic* Blade of Night: The mortals Blade of Night: I mean,.... Ash: now I cant move! Blade of Night: The food Alicia: Mmm Ash: LOL Alicia: Ooh Blade of Night: The morsels Blade of Night: Yes... You see: 14 cuts of ribs Blade of Night: *laughs* Alicia: *laughs* Legion of Night: Whooh ooo Alicia: Drat Razor: (tame) Razor: (tame) You see: Razor Legion of Night: Drunker than ever! Heart: Opps gotta go!! Heart: Kal Ort Por - Recall Ash: oh dear GRANDPA: *big HUG* Ash: hehe Ash: *BIG HUG* Semana: *hic* Ash: :) GRANDPA: congrats Semana: *hic* Caramon Majere: where's Bor at? hehe Ash: Thanks GP GRANDPA: about time Jazmine: *hic* GRANDPA: hehe Ash: hehe Jazmine: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* : [locked down] You see: a wooden bench Ash: aye you might be right Hawkwind: Or what? You see: a wooden door Being perfectly rested, you shove Crsyania out of the way. You are too fatigued to move. Semana: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Pasque: don't worry you still spell better than me Erasmus: Been sending lots of mental messages, 266
G.Götzenbrucker: Integrationspotantiale Neuer Technologien am Beispiel von Multi User Dimensions Legion of Night: *hic* Raven Starfire: Oo goodie Borfaux: they stood outside of brit Pasque: *smiles* Legion of Night: *hic* Semana: *hic* Borfaux: the lizardman said bah Borfaux: humand Semana: You feel sober. Vagrant: *hic* Drag the mailbag to another player to give them your greeting card. Borfaux: humans Derek: *looks at Tait to see if she is lookin* Legion of Night: *hic* You have given your greeting card to someone. Borfaux: they invade my swamp Borfaux: and kill my clan Dalak Dunedain: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: Dalak Dunedain YOREN: [Ranger Elder, S*S] You see: YOREN Borfaux: lets get them Vagrant: *hic* Borfaux: the orc says GRANDPA: Kal Ort Por - Recall Hank Woodsmith: Kal Ort Por - Recall Vagrant: *hic* Raven Starfire: then mighty raven came and smashed them all? Borfaux: they invaded our fort Legion of Night: *hic* Vagrant: *hic* Seer Thayer: *rubs temples* SRC Felicia: This is quite a lovely tavern, I've never been here before =] Borfaux: but we kill them Dane Alexander: [Flirt of Avalon, CoA] You see: Dane Alexander Kita Talith: [Social Butterfly, Golden Knight] You see: Kita Talith Borfaux: the orge lord says Vagrant: U dunno Borfaux: yeah well Vagrant: *hic* Borfaux: we kill SRC Felicia: *passes Thayer a glass of wine* Vagrant: how do you? Borfaux: all Legion of Night: *hic* Borfaux: kills the orc Tiamat: Kita! Vagrant: *hic* Borfaux: and lizardman Derek: Tait? Tiamat: Greetings M'lady Kita Talith: Hello Tiamat! :) Borfaux: and continues into Vagrant: Hehe Borfaux: bit Borfaux: brit Being perfectly rested, you shove Borfaux out of the way. Borfaux: to kill humans You are too fatigued to move. SRC Felicia: Aye! I'm quite impressed! 267
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