Die Seite wird erstellt Thorben-Hendrik Hartung
tation. These will be used to extract the reference
age rays in the water. The scanner is designed for
  laser with wavelength 532 nm is used, because of
 g the ground of a waterbody and available high ener
 ean point density of the obtained point cloud is abo
    Journal of Applied Hydrography    06/2020   HN 116

                                       und Lase

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Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
als wir im Kreis der Redaktion das Fokusthema für          Bei den Beiträgen, die sich damit beschäftigen,
diese Ausgabe festgelegt haben – nämlich »Fern-         die Gewässer aus der Luft zu erfassen, fällt auf, dass
erkundung und Laserbathymetrie« –, da dachten           sie Lösungen aufzeigen, wie die bisherige Daten-
wir (die sieben Redakteure), was den Terminus           lücke im Übergangsbereich zwischen Wasser und
Fernerkundung anbelangt, an unterschiedlichste          Land geschlossen werden kann. Damit hört die
Dinge. Das sollte sich aber erst im Nachhinein he-      Hydrographie nicht mehr auf, wo das Vermes-
rausstellen.                                            sungsboot nicht mehr weiterkommt, sondern die
   Für mich war Fernerkundung mehr oder we-             Gewässergrenzen werden nun auch mit erfasst.
niger alles, was von oben aus der Luft aus statt-          Außerdem im Heft: Die Fortsetzung eines Bei-
findet. Ich dachte an Satelliten, an Flugzeuge, an      trags aus der letzten Ausgabe zur Meeresspiegel-
Drohnen. Daher fand ich es nur folgerichtig, die        forschung (S. 60), ein Beitrag über das Wanderver-
Laserbathymetrie explizit zu nennen, um eine be-        halten von Munition im Meer (S. 72) sowie eine           Lars Schiller
sondere Fernerkundungsmethode hervorzuheben.            Vorstellung eines kostengünstigen Multi-Sensor-
   Kollegen dachten beim Stichwort Fernerkun-           Systems (S. 68).
dung zusätzlich – wenn nicht sogar zuvorderst –            Mit letztgenanntem Artikel wurde übrigens
auch an Schiffe und an ROVs, sie dachten an Echo-       Louis Makiello zum DHyG Student Excellence
lotung und an Unter-Wasser-Photogrammetrie.             Award nominiert. Der Beitrag eines weiteren Kan-
   Und in der Tat, die Vermessung mit einem Fä-         didaten für den Preis, mit dem die DHyG heraus-
cherecholot findet natürlich auch aus der Ferne         ragende Studienleistungen auszeichnet, erschien
statt; weder wird der Untersuchungsgegenstand           bereits in Ausgabe HN 114 (S. 18), darin vergleicht
betreten noch wird er berührt.                          Christian John Vietheer verschiedene Inertialmess-
   Das vorliegende Heft gibt Einblick in die Band-      systeme. Mit dem Preis ausgezeichnet wird in die-
breite der in der Hydrographie verwendeten Fern-        sem Jahr Hannes Nübel, der sich damit beschäftigt
erkundungsmethoden. Drei Beiträge beschäftigen          hat, wie sich Gewässertiefen aus multispektralen
sich mit Laserbathymetrie (S. 6, S. 32, S. 78), und     Luftbildern ableiten lassen (S. 32) – ein Thema, das
auch im Wissenschaftsgespräch dreht sich al-            allzu gut in dieses Heft passt.
les um grüne Laser und um den Übergang vom                 Insgesamt finden Sie in dieser Ausgabe 14 Bei-
Wasser zum Land (S. 52). In drei Beiträgen geht         träge, davon acht in englischer Sprache. Die bei-
es um Photogrammetrie, im ersten um die Erfas-          den ersten Fachbeiträge haben sogar Peer-Re-
sung des Uferstreifens (S. 16), im zweiten um die       view-Verfahren durchlaufen, die Patrick Westfeld
Untersuchung von Wracks (S. 23), im dritten um          als verantwortlicher Redakteur begleitet hat.
die Beurteilung von Hafeninfrastrukturen (S. 36).          »Die Communitys zueinander bringen«, dies ist
Zwei weitere Beiträge thematisieren, wie man aus        der Titel des Wissenschaftsgesprächs mit Gottfried
Satellitendaten die Gewässertiefen ableitet (S. 40,     Mandlburger. Und es ist auch das Bestreben der
S. 48). Und ein Kurzbeitrag zeigt die Möglichkeiten     Redaktion mit diesem Heft. Dass das in der Praxis
der Satellitenaltimetrie auf (S. 77).                   schon oft geschieht, zeigen manche Beiträge.

          Hydrographische Nachrichten                     Chefredakteur:
               HN 116 – Juni 2020                         Lars Schiller
                                                          E-Mail: lars.schiller@dhyg.de
            Journal of Applied Hydrography
     Offizielles Organ der Deutschen Hydrographischen     Peter Dugge, Dipl.-Ing.
                     Gesellschaft – DHyG                  Horst Hecht, Dipl.-Met.
                                                          Holger Klindt, Dipl.-Phys.
  Herausgeber:                                            Dr. Jens Schneider von Deimling
  Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft e. V.             Stefan Steinmetz, Dipl.-Ing.
  c/o Innomar Technologie GmbH                            Dr. Patrick Westfeld
  Schutower Ringstraße 4
  18069 Rostock                                           Hinweise für Autoren und Inserenten:
                                                          www.dhyg.de > Hydrographische Nachrichten >
  ISSN: 1866-9204		                       © 2020          Mediadaten und Hinweise

HN 116 — 06/2020                                                                                                                      3
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Fernerkundung und Laserbathymetrie
           Laser bathymetry
            6 A review of airborne laser bathymetry for mapping of inland and coastal waters
               A peer-reviewed paper by GOTTFRIED MANDLBURGER

           UAS photogrammetry I
           16 Coastal cliff monitoring using UAS photogrammetry and TLS
              A peer-reviewed paper by THOMAS P. KERSTEN, MAREN LINDSTAEDT and KLAUS MECHELKE

           Underwater photogrammetry
           23 Fusing ROV-based photogrammetric underwater imagery with multibeam soundings
              for reconstructing wrecks in turbid waters

           DHyG Student Excellence Award I
           32 Bathymetry from multispectral aerial images via convolutional neural networks
              An article by HANNES NÜBEL

           UAV-Photogrammetrie II
           36 Drohnengestützte Erfassung von maritimen Infrastrukturen
              Ein Beitrag von DAVID HEUSKIN und FRANK LEHMANN

           Satellite-derived bathymetry
            40 Satellite-derived bathymetry in practice
               An article by MARINA NIEDERJASPER

           Remote sensing
            48 Hydrographic remote sensing made in Germany
               An article by KNUT HARTMANN and THOMAS HEEGE

           52 »Die Communitys zueinander bringen«
               GOTTFRIED MANDLBURGER im Interview

           60 Retrospektive der Meeresspiegel­forschung in Deutschland
              Teil 2: Deutsche Ostseeküste
              Ein Beitrag von JESSICA KELLN und JÜRGEN JENSEN

           DHyG Student Excellence Award II
           68 Using a ROS-based low-cost system for bathymetric surveys
              An article by LOUIS MAKIELLO

           UXO movements
           72 Potential UXO seabed migration in the German Bight
              An article by CHRIS JENKINS and SONIA PAPILI

            77 Lokal optimierte Nutzung der Satellitenaltimetrie zur Erfassung des Meeresspiegels

            78 Erprobung des neuartigen Single-Photon-LiDAR-Messsystems Leica SPL100

            80 Objekterkennung im Untergrund
               Ein Beitrag von GUILLAUME JOUVE und LIONEL FAURE

HN 116 — 06/2020                                                                                                         5
Laser bathymetry                                                                                                      DOI: 10.23784/HN116-01

A review of airborne laser bathymetry
for mapping of inland and coastal waters
A peer-reviewed paper by GOTTFRIED MANDLBURGER

Airborne laser bathymetry (ALB), an active remote sensing technique for capturing
the depth and topography of shallow inland and coastal waters, is continuously evolv-
ing due to technological progress concerning sensors, platforms and data processing
methods. So-called deep bathy systems with low spatial resolution but high depth
penetration of up to 60 m coexist with topo-bathymetric sensors featuring small laser
footprints of around 50 cm, high measurement point density of more than 20 points/m2
but limited depth penetration of about 1.5 Secchi depths. While conventional ALB sen-
sors are typically mounted on manned aircraft and operated from flying altitudes of
around 500 m, sensor miniaturisation enabled the integration of compact bathymetric
laser scanners on agile unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) operated from 50 to 150 m
altitude for flexible acquisition of smaller water bodies like clear gravel-bed rivers.
This in turn, initiated new applications like roughness estimation, mapping of ben-
thic habitats, and monitoring of coastal and fluvial morpho-dynamics in high spatial
and temporal resolution. Furthermore, new data processing approaches proved to
enhance both accuracy and depth penetration via strict geometric modelling and so-
phisticated waveform processing. The paper reviews the current trends in airborne
laser bathymetry and highlights the potential and restriction of this optical technique.

                                  bathymetric LiDAR | green laser | laser scanning | ALB sensors | ALB platforms
                                  bathymtrisches LiDAR | grüner Laser | Laserscanning | ALB-Sensoren | ALB-Plattformen

                                  Die luftgestützte Laserbathymetrie (ALB) ist eine aktive Fernerkundungstechnik, mit der sich die Tiefe und
                                  Topographie von flachen Binnen- und Küstengewässern erfassen lässt und die sich aufgrund des technolo-
                                  gischen Fortschritts bei Sensoren, Plattformen und Datenverarbeitungsmethoden ständig weiterentwickelt.
                                  Neben sogenannten Tiefwassersystemen mit geringer räumlicher Auflösung, aber hoher Eindringtiefe von
                                  bis zu 60 m gibt es topo-bathymetrische Sensoren, die kleine Footprints von etwa 50 cm und eine hohe
                                  Messpunktdichte von mehr als 20 Punkten/m² aufweisen, aber nur eine begrenzte Eindringtiefe von etwa 1,5
                                  Secchi-Tiefen. Während herkömmliche ALB-Sensoren typischerweise auf bemannten Flugzeugen montiert
                                  sind und aus Flughöhen von etwa 500 m betrieben werden, ermöglichte Sensorminiaturisierung die Integra-
                                  tion kompakter bathymetrischer Laserscanner auf agilen unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen (UAV), wodurch klei-
                                  nere Wasserkörper wie klare Flüsse mit Kieselbett aus einer Flughöhe von 50 bis 150 m flexibel erfasst werden
                                  können. Dies wiederum ermöglichte neue Anwendungen wie die Schätzung der Rauigkeit, die Kartierung
                                  benthischer Lebensräume und die Überwachung der Morphodynamik von Küstengewässern und Flusssys-
                                  temen in hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung. Darüber hinaus verbesserten neue Datenverarbeitungs-
                                  ansätze durch strenge geometrische Modellierung und hochentwickelte Wellenformverarbeitung sowohl die
                                  Genauigkeit als auch die Eindringtiefe. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die aktuellen Trends in der luft-
                                  gestützten Laserbathymetrie und zeigt das Potenzial und die Einschränkungen dieser optischen Technik auf.

Author                            1 Introduction                                           column. Additional reflections from the air-water-
Dr. Gottfried Mandlburger is a    Airborne laser bathymetry (ALB), also referred           interface are used to reconstruct the 3D-shape of
Senior Researcher at TU Wien,     to as airborne laser hydrography (ALH), is a tech-       the water surface. Exact knowledge of the height
Department of Geodesy and         nique for measuring the depths of relatively shal-       and tilt of the water surface is a precondition to
Geoinformation.                   low coastal and inland water bodies with a pulsed        correct the raw measurement due to refraction ef-
                                  scanning laser from the air (Guenther et al. 2000).      fects at the air-water-interface (Westfeld et al. 2017;
gottfried.mandlburger@­           The employed lasers are operating in the visible         Birkebak et al. 2018; Richter et al., 2018).
               geo.tuwien.ac.at   green domain of the electromagnetic spectrum               The measurable depth of this active remote
                                  (λ = 532 nm) and the depths are determined by            sensing technique mainly depends on the opti-
                                  measuring the round trip time of short laser pulses      cal properties of the water body (i.e. turbidity).
                                  reflected from the bottom of the water body after        State-of-the-art bathymetric sensors can meas-
                                  traveling through the atmosphere and the water           ure depths in the range of 1 to 3 times the Secchi

6                                                                                                              Hydrographische Nachrichten
Peer-reviewed paper                                                                                                Laser bathymetry

depth (SD), corresponding to 20 to 60 m for clear         propagation speed reduces. Both beam deflec-
coastal waters with a diffuse attenuation coef-           tion and change of signal propagation velocity are
ficient of k < 0.1 (Guenther 1985; Mobley 1994). In       described by Snell’s law:
addition to depth and bottom topography, ALB
allows the estimation of turbidity by analysing             			      sin αair   c     n
                                                                              = air = water
the full waveform (FWF) of the backscattered la-            			    sin αwater  cwater  nair
ser pulses (Abdallah et al. 2012; Richter et al. 2017;
Zhao et al. 2018). It is noted that in this context the   With:    nair = c0/cair ≈ 1.0
term full waveform denotes the temporal record             			     nwater = c0/cwater ≈ 1.33
of the received laser signal amplitude (Wagner
2010) rather than the shape of water waves.               To ensure eye safe operation, green laser beams
   Whereas traditional hydrographic mapping               are generally broader compared to infrared (IR) la-
via sonar (sound navigation and ranging) yields           sers used for topographic application. Typical laser
a higher penetration depth (>100 m), ALB is well          beam divergences range from 1 to 7 mrad result-
suited for capturing the shallow near shore area          ing in a diameter of the illuminated footprint area
(Guenther et al. 2000) as well as unnavigable and         at the water surface of 50 to 350 cm for a nominal
ecologically sensitive areas with restricted access       flying altitude of 500 m. Further non-linear beam
(Pfennigbauer et al. 2011). This article provides a       spreading takes place in the water column caused
compact airborne laser bathymetry review and is           by volume scattering at floating and suspended
structured as follows: Section 2 introduces the ba-       particles (cf. hyperbolic underwater light cone,
sic principles of ALB. Section 3 discusses available      Fig. 1). Signal attenuation in water is exponential
sensor and platform concepts and section 4 lists          as a result of scattering and absorption and leads
potential applications. The article concludes with        to asymmetric shapes of the received echo wave-
a summary and remarks on current trends in sec-           form (Tulldahl and Steinvall 2004; Abdallah et al.
tion 5.                                                   2012). Typical water waveforms show a first peak
                                                          from the water surface, followed by an asymmetric
2 Basics of airborne laser bathymetry                     descent in the water column and a weak response
The principles of ALB are summarised in Pfeifer,          from the water bottom. Next to the receiver sensi-
Mandlburger and Glira (2015) and in Philpot (2019).       tivity, the maximum penetration capability of any
Fig. 1 shows a conceptual drawing of the meas-            ALB system is limited by the water optical prop-
urement process. A short laser pulse in the green         erties, i.e., turbidity, which is described either by
domain of the spectrum (λ = 532 nm) is emitted            the diffuse attenuation coefficient k or the Secchi
from the scanner mounted on an aerial platform            depth SD (Guenther 1985; Guenther et al. 2000).
(aircraft, helicopter, UAV, etc.), travels through the       The attenuation coefficient k appears as the ex-
atmosphere and hits the water surface, where a            ponent in the water column term of the laser-radar-
part of the signal is scattered back. The remaining       equation (Tulldahl and Steinvall 1999; Abdallah et
part propagates through the water column with             al. 2012; Pfeifer, Mandlburger and Glira 2015) and,
reduced propagation speed, is reflected from the          thus, influences the asymmetric signal decay in the
water bottom, and a small portion of the emitted          received echo waveform. Turbid water conditions
laser power reaches the sensor’s receiver after the       (k = 1) lead to a steeper signal decay compared
return trip. Based on the time-of-flight principle        to clear water (k = 0.1). SD is an empirical turbidity
ranges are derived from the round trip time, i.e.,        measure. It denotes the distance, where the black
the time span between pulse emission and ar-              and white quadrants of a 20 cm or 30 cm check-
rival of the backscattered echo pulse. In ALB, the        erboard disk lowered into the water can no longer
complete waveform of the backscattered signal is          be distinguished. k and SD are approximately re-
digitised with high temporal resolution (typically        lated by SD ≈ 1.6/k (ISO 2019). The most powerful
0.5 ns). Pulse detection is achieved by analysing         bathymetric laser scanners feature a depth perfor-
the full echo waveform either online in the instru-       mance of approximately 3 SD. Thus, ALB is restricted
ment (Pfennigbauer et al. 2014) or in post process-       to depths less than 60 m in very clear water condi-
ing (Allouis et al. 2010; Abady et al. 2014; Schwarz et   tions with SD = 20 m (k = 0.08). Such ideal condi-
al. 2019). Surface and bottom detection is exempli-       tions apply to certain coastal waters (e.g., Caribbean
fied in the sketch of the received echo waveform          Sea) and calm sea state. In contrast, unfavourable
in Fig. 1 as two gray Gaussian curves.                    environmental conditions (wind, thunderstorms,
   ALB is a multimedia measurement technique              snow melt, etc.) entail higher suspended sediment
with the laser pulses travelling in air and water.        concentration (SSC), which reduces the measurable
The two media are characterised by their refrac-          depth to less than 10 m.
tive indices nair and nwater describing the relative         Precise knowledge of the 3D shape of the wa-
signal propagation speed in vacuum (c0) and the           ter surface is a prerequisite for applying refraction
respective media (cair, cwater). At the air-water-        and run-time correction of the raw laser measure-
interface the laser beam gets deflected and the           ments which, in turn, is a precondition for obtain-

HN 116 — 06/2020                                                                                                                 7
Laser bathymetry

                   ing precise water depths and underwater topog-                      green laser returns only. In the latter case, sophis-
                   raphy (Thomas and Guenther 1990; Guenther et al.                    ticated waveform modelling (Schwarz et al. 2019)
                   2000). When using green laser radiation only, water                 or spatial aggregation (Mandlburger, Pfennig-
                   surface returns always constitute a mixture of re-                  bauer and Pfeifer 2013) are necessary to minimise
                   flections from the surface and sub-surface volume                   systematic water surface underestimation. Surface
                   backscattering (Guenther 1986; Guenther et al.                      model simplification, however, limits the achiev-
                   2000). This typically leads to water level underes-                 able depth accuracy and leads to systematic errors
                   timation (Mandlburger 2017). Thus, traditional ALB                  (Westfeld et al. 2017; Richter et al. 2018).
                   systems use an additional non-water penetrating                        Apart from these bathymetry specific and pulse
                   IR laser, synchronously and collinearly emitted with                related tasks (surface and bottom echo detection,
                   the green laser to capture the shape of the water                   refraction and run time correction, etc.), 3D point
                   surface. Today, most instruments abdicate the use                   cloud generation is identical to the topographic
                   of a co-aligned IR laser and either use a separate IR               case. In a process referred to as direct georeferenc-
                   scanner as depicted in Fig. 1 or entirely drop the IR               ing, scanner measurements (range, scan angle) are
                   channel and estimate the water surface from the                     combined with position and attitude information

                                                       Transmitted                                              Transmitted
                                                                                                                Laser Signal                                     Refraction index
                                                       Laser Signal
                                                                                    waveform PT(t) [DN]
                    waveform PT(t) [DN]

                                                                                                                                                                 nair ... Air
                                                                                                                                                                 nwater ... Water

                                                                                                                                                                 Speed of light
                                                                              20°                                                                                c0 ... Vacuum
                                                                                                                                                                 cair ... Air
                                                                                                                                                                 cwater ... Water
                                                   0      3     time [ns]                            0                                 1    time [ns]

                                                       Received                                                                            Received Echo Signal
                                                       Echo Signal
                                                                                                            Echo waveform PR(t) [DN]
                        Echo waveform PR(t) [DN]

                                                                   water                                                                                        water surface
                                                                   surface                                                                                        water body

                                                         4260     time [ns]                                                                      4260           4270 time [ns]
                                                                                                                                           air          water
                                                                                                          nair = c0 / cair
                                      FAC E
                        WAT E R S U R

                                                                                                          nwater = c0 / cwater
                                                                                                                                                                                           Figure adapted from Pfeifer, Mandlburger and Glira (2015)

                                                                                                                                                                   © GEO :: TU Vien
                      B OT TO M O F WAT E R B O DY

                   Fig. 1: Conceptual drawing of the principle of airborne laser bathymetry

8                                                                                                                                                 Hydrographische Nachrichten
Laser bathymetry

from a navigation device consisting of a global                     per pulse basis (Wozencraft and Lillycrop 2003;
navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver and an                  Fuchs and Tuell 2010). Other sensors use disjoint
inertial measurement unit (Vosselman and Maas                       infrared and green lasers (cf. Fig. 1), resulting in
2010; Shan and Toth 2018).                                          precise reconstructions of static water surfaces
                                                                    from the non-water penetrating infrared channel.
3 Sensors and platforms                                             Many of today’s instruments, however, use green
ALB systems can be categorised into deep                            lasers only to detect both water surface and bot-
bathymetric, topo-bathymetric, and multi-purpose                    tom (Pfennigbauer et al. 2011; Wright et al. 2016).
sensors. The aim of deep bathymetric scanners is                    This poses challenges for water surface modelling,
maximising depth penetration for mapping coastal                    as laser echoes from the water surface constitute a
waters. These systems utilise relatively long and                   mixture of specular reflections from the air-water
broad laser pulses (pulse duration: 7 ns, beam di-                  interface and sub-surface volume backscattering,
vergence: 7 mrad), high pulse energy (7 mJ), and a                  which demands sophisticated data processing for
low measurement rate (3 to 10 kHz) entailing large                  obtaining precise water surface models (Thomas
laser footprints and low point density. Capturing                   and Guenther 1990; Birkebak et al. 2018; Mandl-
smaller inland waters, in turn, requires higher spatial             burger et al. 2013; Schwarz et al. 2019).
resolution. Therefore, state-of-the-art topo-bathy-                    Another possibility for categorising ALB sensors
metric sensors use short and narrow laser beams                     is the carrier platform. While deep bathymetric
(pulse duration: 1 to 2 ns, beam divergence: 0.7 to                 systems are typically bulky with a weight of 50 to
2 mrad) and higher pulse repetition rates of up to                  100 kg and require larger aircraft, topo-bathymetric
500 kHz resulting in laser footprint diameters of 0.5               systems are more compact in size and weight and
to 1 m and a point density of around 20 points/m².                  can be integrated in light aircraft and helicopters.
Topo-bathymetric scanners, however, only feature                    Ongoing sensor miniaturisation currently leads to
a maximum penetration of around 1.5 SD. In the re-                  the development of lightweight bathymetric laser
cent years, multi-spectral and single photon LiDAR                  scanners (5 to 15 kg) suitable for integration in gy-
scanners were introduced in the market. The prior                   rocopters, helicopters and even unmanned aerial
enable the derivation of vegetation indices featur-                 vehicles (UAV).
ing both infrared and green laser wavelengths (Fer-                    Table 1 summarises the key parameters of differ-
nandez-Diaz et al. 2016) and the latter is primarily                ent deep bathymetric and topo-bathymetric sen-
used for large scale topographic mapping (Degnan                    sors. The reported pulse energy, pulse duration,
2016), but both also feature bathymetric capabili-                  beam divergence and depth penetration values
ties. Single photon technology is also used by the                  always refer to the bathymetric channels. If more
LiDAR instrument aboard the ICESat-2 satellite (Par-                than one green laser channel is available (Hawk-
rish et al. 2019).                                                  Eye 4X, CZMIL Nova, EAARL-B), the values refer to
   Apart from depth penetration, ALB systems                        the deep water channel. Although deep and shal-
differ with reference to the utilised laser wave-                   low water channels both use the same laser wave-
lengths. As stated before, traditional ALB systems                  length (λ = 532 nm), the higher penetration depth
utilise coaxial infrared and green laser beams for                  of the deep water channels is generally achieved
water surface and water bottom detection on a                       by using higher pulse energy, longer pulse dura-

                                LADS HD         HawkEye 4X       CZMIL Nova     VQ-880-GII      Chiroptera 4X      EAARL-B
                                              deep bathymetric                                 topo-bathymetric
Weight [kg]                        n/s              ~170             290            65                n/s              n/s
Dimensions [cm]                    n/s               n/s         89 × 60 × 90   52 × 52 × 69     ~67 × 53 × 75         n/s
Laser channels [nm]                532          532/532/1064     532/532/1064    532/1064          532/1064         532/532
Camera                        RGB + hypersp         RGBI       RGB + hypersp       RGB               RGBI             –––
Measurement rate [kHz]             3.0           40/140/500        10/70/80       700/279          140/500           15–30
Pulse energy [mJ]                   7                 3               4             n/s               0.1           0.4/0.13
Pulse duration [ns]                 ~7                2               3             1.5                4               1.3
Field of view [°]                  n/s               40              40             40                40               44
Beam divergence [mrad]              7                 7               7            0.7–2              ~3                1
Nominal flying altitude [m]     365–900           400–600         400–1000       600–700           400–600            300
Laser footprint [cm]            270–630           280–420          280–700        40–280           120–180             30
Scan pattern                    rectilinear       elliptical       circular       circular         elliptical     elliptical arc
Depth performance [SD]             3.0               3.0             3.0            1.5               1.7              2.5

Table 1: Key parameters of deep bathymetric and topo-bathymtric laser scanners

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Laser bathymetry

                                BDF-1         ASTRALite         RAMSS         VQ-840-G       includes all possible error factors like positioning,
                                                                                             orientation, boresight alignment, ranging, as well
Weight [kg]                       5.3             5.0              14              12
                                                                                             as uncertainties related to water surface and water
Dimensions [cm]               45 × 18 × 14    27 × 23 × 19   ~42 × 37 × 760   36 × 29 × 20   column (Eren et al. 2019).
Camera                           RGB              –––             RGB            RGB            Table 2 summarises the key parameters of the
Measurement rate [kHz]             4               20             25            50–200       latest generation of compact bathymetric laser
Pulse duration [ns]               1.2             n/s             5.1             1.5        scanners which also allow integration on UAVs.
Field of view [°]                 n/s              30             45              40
                                                                                             These small and lightweight sensors are oper-
                                                                                             ated from 20 to 150 m resulting in smaller laser
Beam divergence [mrad]            n/s              12             n/s             1–6
                                                                                             footprints in the dm-range. The generally high
Flying altitude [m]               20               20             325           50–150       measurement rate of 20 to 200 kHz entails a point
Laser footprint [cm]              3.5              24             n/s            5–90        density of more than 50 points/m² which opens
Scan mechanism               no scanning       rectilinear    pushbroom        elliptical    new possibilities for small object detection and
Depth performance [SD]            1.5              1.5            3.0             2.0        roughness estimation (Mandlburger et al. 2020).
                                                                                             The depth measurement performance is on par or
Table 2: Key parameters of bathymetric UAV-laser sensors                                     even better compared to topo-bathymetric sen-
                                                                                             sors operated from manned platforms. In addition,
                                                                                             the mobilisation costs are lower and the use of
                                  tion and a larger beam divergence. ­Table 1 clear-         agile airborne platforms make these instruments
                                  ly shows that the deep water systems provide a             especially well-suited for capturing medium sized
                                  maximum penetration depth of around 3 SD                   rivers when integrated on UAV platforms but also
                                  but feature a large laser footprint diameter in the        for capturing coastal areas when integrated on
                                  range of 3 to 7 m and a moderate measurement               light aircraft.
                                  rate of 3 to 40 kHz resulting in point densities of           Fig. 2 shows selected ALB scanners featuring in-
                                  ≤2 points/m². The topo-bathymetric scanners and            struments with deep water channels (a, b), topo-
                                  the shallow water channels of deep bathymetric             bathymetric sensors designed for manned aircraft
                                  scanners, in turn, are optimised for high resolution       (a, b, c, d) and compact topo-bathymetric sensors
                                  mapping. They feature smaller footprint diameters          designed for UAV-integration (e, f). Except f, all in-
                                  in the m-range, higher measurement rates of up             struments feature digital cameras in addition to
                                  to 700 kHz resulting in a water bottom point den-          the LiDAR sensors and therefore fall into the cat-
                                  sity of around 20 points/m² at the price of limited        egory of hybrid mapping sensors.
                                  depth penetration capability (1.5 SD). Most of the
                                  sensors are equipped with RGB cameras for the              4 Applications
                                  prime purpose of photo documentation. Some                 The applications of ALB are manifold and constant-
                                  instruments, however, also integrate high-resolu-          ly increasing as the available sensors are getting
                                  tion metric cameras (e.g. PhaseOne IXU, RDC30)             more versatile on the one side and more compact
                                  allowing bathymetric mapping also from con-                on the other side. In the following, some exemplary
                                  currently captured images via multimedia stereo            applications and related publications are listed.
                                  photogrammetry (Westaway, Lane and Hicks 2001;              • Underwater object detection: The first applica-
                                  Maas 2015; Mandlburger 2019) or spectrally based              tion of bathymetric LiDAR was underwater ob-
                                  depth estimation (Lyzenga, Malinas and Tanis                  ject detection for military purposes (Sorenson,
                                  2006; Legleiter, Dar and Rick 2009).                          Honey and Payne 1966). More recent civil ap-
                                     Deep water channels generally use high energy              plication in the maritime domain include object
                                  laser pulses which require powerful laser sources             detection for maintaining harbour security, safe
                                  on the one hand and longer pulse durations on                 navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles,
                                  the other hand. The latter has an implication con-            and safety of the littoral zone (Matteoli et al.
                                  cerning the minimum detectable depth, as sur-                 2015). In any case, the detection of small objects
                                  face and bottom echoes conflate to a single peak              requires sophisticated full waveform analysis
                                  in the received waveform. For this reason, topo-              (Tulldahl and Steinvall 1999). While ALB sensors
                                  bathymetric scanners dedicated to shallow water               operated from manned platforms feature foot-
                                  mapping generally use very short laser pulses of              print diameters in the m-range, detection and
                                  around 1 ns. This is especially important for green-          reconstruction of boulder-size objects became
                                  only instruments. Concerning vertical accuracy,               feasible with the introduction of UAV-borne
                                  all LiDAR instruments listed in Table 1 meet the              laser bathymetry (Mandlburger et al. 2020).
                                  required accuracy standards formulated by the In-           • 3D-mapping of submerged topography:
                                  ternational Hydrographic Organization (IHO 2008).             This is the main application of ALB. Hickman
                                  The standard defines different levels of accuracy             and Hogg (1969) were the first to confirm
                                  demand (orders), among which the special order                the general feasibility to perform laser-based
                                  is the most rigorous requiring a total vertical un-           near-shore hydrography. Since then, ALB was
                                  certainty (TVU) of better than 30 cm. This measure            increasingly used for nautical charting in shal-

10                                                                                                              Hydrographische Nachrichten
Laser bathymetry

       (a)                                                           (b)                                          (c)

       (d)                                                                          (e)                                          (f)

Fig. 2: Examples of airborne laser bathymetry sensors. (a) Chiroptera 4X and HawkEye 4X, (b) CZMIL (Coastal Zone Mapping and Imaging Lidar), (c) VQ-880-GII,
(d) Titan Multispectral Lidar, (e) VQ-840-G, (f) ASTRALite edgeLidar

  low water coastal and harbour environments                        reflectance and detection, classification, and
  with a focus on maximising depth penetration                      modelling of benthic habitats (Wedding et al.
  (Guenther and Goodman 1978; Guenther et                           2008; Aitken et al. 2010; Mandlburger et al. 2015;
  al. 2000; Wozencraft and Lillycrop 2003; Song                     Parrish et al. 2016; Wilson et al. 2019). Another
  et al. 2015). Most recently, even space-borne                     important aspect in this context is river restau-
  instruments like ICESat-2 proved its suitability                  ration (Kinzel, Legleiter and Nelson 2013; Miller
  for near-shore bathymetric mapping (Parrish                       and Addy 2019).
  et al. 2019). For mapping smaller inland water                  • Coastal and fluvial geomorphology: ALB is
  bodies, the higher spatial resolution offered                     increasingly used in geomorphology studies
  by topo-bathymetric LiDAR sensors operated                        both for understanding the impact of long-
  from manned and unmanned platforms is                             term processes as well as short-term fluctua-
  required (Mitchell, Thayer and Hayman 2010;                       tions caused by hydropeaking (Fink et al. 2005;
  Pfennigbauer et al. 2011; Doneus et al. 2013;                     Fink and Andrews 2009; Hauer and Pulg 2018;
  Kinzel, Legleiter and Nelson 2013; Fernandez-                     Juárez et al. 2019). It is also gaining importance
  Diaz et al. 2014; Legleiter et al. 2016; Steinbacher              as the prime basis for all kinds of hydrodynamic-
  et al. 2016; Kasvi et al. 2019; Mader et al. 2019;                numerical models and flow related applications
  Mitchell 2019). Today, the progress in chart-                     (McKean et al. 2014; Mandlburger et al. 2015;
  ing of submerged topography via ALB profits                       Kinzel and Legleiter 2019; Tonina et al. 2019).
  from systematic integration into regional and                   • Turbidity estimation: The main factor limiting
  national mapping programs (Wessels et al. 2015;                   depth penetration in ALB is turbidity. Beyond
  Christiansen 2016; Danielson et al. 2016; Ellmer                  that, water turbidity itself is an important factor
  2016; Witmer et al. 2016).                                        as a proxy for water quality. Regular monitor-
• Ecology: Environmental applications of ALB are                    ing is, e.g., requested by the European Water
  strongly promoted by trans-national initiatives                   Frame Directive (European Commission 2000).
  and frameworks all over the world, but espe-                      An increasing body of literature documents the
  cially in Europe (European Commission 1992,                       feasibility of ALB-derived turbidity estimation
  2000, 2007). This applies to the coastal zone as                  based on sophisticated full waveform analysis
  well as to inland lakes and running waters. Ap-                   (Steinbacher et al. 2016; Richter et al. 2017; Zhao
  plications concentrate on estimation of seafloor                  et al. 2018; Launeau et al. 2019).

HN 116 — 06/2020                                                                                                                                               11
Laser bathymetry

                   • Risk assessment and disaster management:                         of 1.5 SD. Turbidity is the main parameter limiting
                     Driven by climate change, the increased                          depth penetration. In very clear waters, deep wa-
                     occurrence of extreme weather phenom-                            ter systems can reach a maximum depth of around
                     ena (thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, etc.)                    60 m. Thus, ALB is restricted to shallow water areas
                     require up-to-date data of pre and post states                   but constitutes an alternative to sonar hydrogra-
                     of coastal and alluvial areas, both above and                    phy in the very shallow zone, where shipborne ac-
                     below the water table. While it is clear that this               quisition is both dangerous and less efficient. ALB
                     requirement can only be fulfilled by combining                   and sonar should, therefore, rather be considered
                     all sorts of acquisition techniques, ALB plays an                complementary than competing bathymetric
                     important role in this context (Zhang et al. 2005;               mapping techniques.
                     Robertson 2007; Parrish et al. 2016; Eisemann et                    Ongoing sensor and platform miniaturisa-
                     al. 2019).                                                       tion has just recently enabled integration of
                                                                                      bathymetric LiDAR on UAV platforms. The agility
                   5 Summary and outlook                                              of UAVs together with the higher spatial resolu-
                   In this article, the basics and potential applications             tion in the dm-range enable new applications
                   of airborne laser bathymetry were reviewed. This                   of ALB like roughness characterisation as well as
                   active, optical, multimedia remote sensing tech-                   detection and 3D reconstruction of small sub-
                   nique uses short laser pulses in the green domain                  merged features and objects. This expands the
                   of the spectrum to estimate the depth of relatively                potential field of use of ALB which today include
                   clear and shallow coastal and inland water bod-                    bathymetric mapping of coastal and inland wa-
                   ies via round trip time measurement. One of the                    ters, detection of submerged objects, coastal
                   core steps for processing bathymetric LiDAR data                   and fluvial geomorphology, ecology including
                   is refraction and run-time correction of the raw la-               aquatic habitat modelling and river restauration,
                   ser signals, as the laser beam is subject to beam                  flood risk assessment, disaster management, and
                   deflection at the air-water-interface and the laser                the like.
                   pulses travel with reduced propagation speed in                       The recent generation of hybrid sensors com-
                   water. Precise modelling of the water surface and                  prising bathymetric laser scanners and multispec-
                   bottom as well as characterisation of the water                    tral cameras furthermore enables joint processing
                   column properties require understanding of the                     of data from active and passive sources. Thus, the
                   complex interaction of laser radiation with the                    originally distinct fields of laser bathymetry, mul-
                   medium water and are enabled by elaborate full                     timedia photogrammetry, and spectrally based
                   waveform analysis.                                                 depth estimation are currently coalescing. While
                      Today, ALB sensors are operated from manned                     image-based techniques for deriving bathymetry
                   and unmanned platforms. State-of-the-art scan-                     are limited to the visual depth (i.e., 1 SD), lasers
                   ners provide a deep as well as a shallow water                     provide a higher depth penetration, but inher-
                   channel. Whereas the prior is optimised for maxi-                  ent physical limits also apply to ALB due to light
                   mum depth penetration of up to 3 SD with limited                   attenuation in water. Thus, today’s challenges for
                   spatial resolution, the latter features high spatial               maintaining and improving the complex and sen-
                   resolution with typical laser footprint diameters                  sitive shallow and deep water ecosystem require
                   of around 50 cm and a laser pulse density of up                    intensified collaboration of experts in the field of
                   to 20 points/m² with limited depth penetration                     sonar hydrography and LiDAR bathymetry. //

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                      ings SPIE, DOI: 10.1117/12.2052994                                    DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2008.01.025
                   Philpot, William (2019): Airborne Laser Hydrography II. Coer-         Wessels, Martin; Flavio Anselmetti et al. (2015): Bathymetry of
                      nell, DOI: 10.7298/jxm9-g971                                          Lake Constance – A high-resolution survey in a large, deep

14                                                                                                               Hydrographische Nachrichten
Gaps M5: Ready-to-use Unterwasser-                                                                                                          Laser bathymetry

  lake. ZfV – Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und                (ALB) survey data into NOAA’s processing workflow. NOAA,
   Nach          Jahren           kontinuierlicher basierend auf der FOG Technologie                                           – vor allem, wenn rundum (360°)
  Landmanagement, DOI: 10.12902/zfv-0079-2015                             DOI: 0.7289/V5/TM-NOS-CS-36
   Innovationsarbeit und erfolgreichen                             von iXblue        integriert, mit dem                       mehrere Fahrzeuge gleichzeitig zu
Westaway,  Richardist
   Einsätzen         M.;Gaps
                         Stuart N.ein
                                          D. Murray Hicks (2001):Schiffsbewegungen
                                                                        Wozencraft, Jennifer M.; (Kurs,
                                                                                                  W. Jeff Lillycrop
                                                                                                              Roll (2003):
                                                                                                                      & SHOALS        air-
                                                                                                                               verfolgen      sind. Das Gaps-M5 eignet
  Remote   sensing of clear-water, shallow, gravel-bed riversPitch) borne
   Unterwasser-Navigationssystem                                                 coastal mapping:
                                                                           kompensiert               Past, present,
                                                                                                  werden.            and future.
                                                                                                                   Das         sichJournal
                                                                                                                                      für alle Ortungsaufgaben, von
  using           das keine Photogrammetric
         digital photogrammetry.        Kalibrierung        Engi- kompaktere
                                                                          of CoastalGaps-M5         ist Issue,
                                                                                      Research, Special   wie38,seinpp. 207–215der Verfolgung eines Tauchers,
  neering  and RemoteVom      Taucher
                          Sensing,  67 (11), pp.Tracking
                                                 1271–1281         größerer
                                                                        Wright,Bruder        kalibrierfrei
                                                                                C. Wayne; Christine  Kranenburg   und          Positionierung
                                                                                                                    et al. (2016): Depth             von geschleppten
   über Work-Class
Westfeld, Patrick; Hans-GerdROV-Vermessungen                              calibration and validation of the experimental Systemen,
                                Maas et al. (2017): Analysis and somit Ready-to-Use.                                           advanced         Objekten am Meeres-
   und AUV-Missionen
  correction                               im Flach-
               of ocean wave pattern induced        systematic co-        airborne research Lidar, EAARL-B. Journal of Coastal grund Re- und zur Überwachung von
   wasser       bis    hin    zur     dynamischen
  ordinate errors in airborne LiDAR bathymetry. ISPRS Journal      Bei extremen      Störgeräuschen
                                                                          search, DOI: 10.2112/si76-002         bietet         ROV/AUV.
   Positionsbestimmung von DP3-
  of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1016/j.
                                                                   es eine     Genauigkeit von mehr
                                                                        Zhang, Keqi; Dean Whitman et al. (2005): Quantification of
   Schiffen sind mehr als 300 Systeme als 0,5% Slant range, bis zu einer                                                       Gaps-M5 lässt sich für die dyna-
  isprsjprs.2017.04.008                                                   beach changes caused by hurricane Floyd along Florida’s
   weltweit im Einsatz.                                            Reichweite von 995m und unterliegt                          mische Positionierung als akus-
Wilson, Nicholas; Christopher E. Parrish et al. (2019): Mapping
   Entwickelt für den Einsatz unter keinenAtlantic                                 coast using airborne laser surveys. Journal of
                                                                           Exportbeschränkungen.                               tischer Transceiver mit einem ein-
   extremen relative reflectance
                     Bedingungen  and assessingund  coralmit
                                                          reef mor-       Coastal Research, DOI: 10.2112/02057.1               zigen Beacon im USBL-Modus und
                   EAARL-B topobathymetricgewähr- Lidar waveforms.      Zhao, Xinglei;Form
                                                                   Einzigartige        Jianhu Zhao
                                                                                                       al. (2018): Remote sensing     of sus-
                                                                                                                               3+ Beacons        im LBL-Mode nutzen.
   leistet andGaps
  Estuaries                  eine
                  Coasts, DOI:           Genauigkeit
                                10.1007/s12237-019-00652-9         Leistung
                                                                          pended sediment concentrations based on the          Die   relative Position wird berechnet
   von Joshua
Witmer,    mehr        als 0,1%
                 D., Gretchen  ImahoriSlant
                                         et al. (2016): IntegrationDie
                                                    range.               Form         der of airborne
                                                                          decomposition        Gaps-Produkte
                                                                                                        LiDAR bathymetry.und    Remoteüber gängige DP-Protokolle
  of U.S. Army Corpsdes    großenairborne
                        of Engineers    Erfolges  Lidar des
                                                         bathymetrywurde Sensing,
                                                                            bei der        M5 Variante bei-
                                                                                    DOI: 10.3390/rs10020247                    ausgegeben.
  Gaps, hat iXblue mit dem Gaps-M5                        behalten, lediglich die Sensorbeine
  ein neues, handliches konkur-                           sind kürzer. Die 3D-Antenne mit                         Abschließend ist das Gaps-M5
  renzloses Mini USBL System ent-                         4 Hydrophonen hat unterschied-                          ein praktisches, portables, frei
  wickelt, damit mehr Nutzer aus                          liche Beinlängen, um die hori-                          exportierbares und preiswerteres
  anderen Bereichen iXblue USBL                           zontalen Ortungsleistungen zu                           Unterwasser-Navigationssystem. 
  einsetzen können.                                       verstärken. Beim Gaps-M5 ist keine
                                                          Ausrichtung der Antenne erfor-                          Weitere Infos unter: www.ixblue.com,
  Exportfreies omnidirektionales                          derlich, die Akustik bietet maxi-                       Kontakt:hamburg@ixblue.com,
  USBL– von der Oberfläche bis in                         male Öffnung und ermöglicht eine                        Tel: +49 40 30706470
  mittlere Gewässertiefen                                 Rundumabdeckung von bis zu 200°.
  In dem kleinen Bruder des bekannten                     Das Gerät ist im Flachwasser und
  Gaps (jetzt Gaps-M7) ist ein AHRS,                      bei horizontaler Ortung leistungsstark

       Klein und stark.


                                                                                      Gaps M5
                                                                                      Exportfreies omni-
                                                                                      direktionales - Unterwasser-
                                                                                      navigationssystem –
                                                                                      von der Oberfläche bis in
                                                                                      mittlere Gewässertiefen
                                                                                      (995 m) einsetzbar.

                                                                                                                                        Booth #E100
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