MAKE YOUR PROJECTS 3D Laser 3D Video-Mapping 3D Water Fountains Sound Systems Media Technology - HB-Laser
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MAKE YOUR PROJECTS 3D Laser 3D Video-Mapping UNIQUE 3D Water Fountains Sound Systems Media Technology
Content | Inhalt LASER 3D Laser Realization of an Event ...........................................................................................8-11 3D Video-Mapping 3D Water Fountains LightCube Series ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12-19 Sound Systems Projection Screens ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20-21 MAKE Media Technology Laser Mission ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Customized Housings ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 23 Laser Accessories ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24-25 Interactive Visions �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26-27 Laser YOUR Sound Systems ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28-29 OEM Products ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30-31 Software ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32-33 Hydro PROJECTS HYDRO 3D Hydro Matrix ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34-37 Projects Hydro Screens ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38-41 UNIQUE Water Fountains ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42-53 Become a Partner �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54-55 PROJECTS References Worlwide �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56-87 *All prices are exclusive the actual VAT / sales tax Fon: +49.(0) 71 71.104 692 - 0 | Fax: +49.(0) 71 71.104 692 - 200 Our dealer conditions are only applicable with our pricelist. We E-Mail: reserve the rights for all errors, Printing mistakes and technical VAT-Ust-Nr.: DE 146 726 060 changes. All of the logos and company names are trademarks Town of jurisdiction: Schwaebisch Gmuend or registered trademarks of the respective companies. Gerichtsstand: Amtsgericht Ulm | HRB. Nr.: 701745 Geschaeftsfuehrer: H.Bohlinger - Dipl.Ing. L.Bartl HB-Laserkomponenten GmbH Web: Heldenbergstrasse 26 D-73529 Schwaebisch Gmuend - GERMANY Copyright (C) 2020 HB-Laser - All rights reserved. | Content 1
Laser Hydro Excellent Ausgezeichnet There is hardly anything in the world that someone Es gibt kaum etwas auf dieser Welt, das nicht ir- HB-Laser has been awarded for their products, HB-Laser wurde unter anderem von der Internati- cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, gendjemand ein wenig schlechter machen und their laser shows and their technical developments onal Laser Display Association, Pangolin Systems, and the people who consider price alone are that etwas billiger verkaufen könnte. Die Menschen, die many times by the International Laser Display As- Coherent sowie von etlichen Verbänden und Verei- Projects person‘s lawful prey. sich am Preis orientieren, werden die gerechte Beu- sociation, by Pangolin Systems, by Coherent as nigungen für ihre Produkte, Lasershows und techni- te solcher Machenschaften. Es ist unklug, zu viel zu well as by different other industry associations sche Entwicklungen vielfach ausgezeichnet. Insge- It is unwise to pay too much, but it is also unwise to bezahlen, aber es ist noch schlechter, zu wenig zu with more than 30 national and international samt erhielt HB-Laser bereits über 30 nationale und pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a bezahlen. Wenn Sie zu viel bezahlen, verlieren Sie awards. internationale Auszeichnungen. little money, that is all. When you pay too little, you etwas Geld, das ist alles. Wenn Sie dagegen zu we- sometimes lose everything because the thing you nig bezahlen, verlieren Sie manchmal alles, da der Furthermore HB-Laser is audited and certified ac- Des Weiteren ist HB-Laser nach DIN ISO 2001:2015 bought is incapable of doing the thing you bought gekaufte Gegenstand die ihm zugedachte Aufga- cording to DIN ISO 2001 : 20015. geprüft und zertifiziert. it to do. be nicht erfüllen kann. The common law of business balance prohibits Das Gesetz der Wirtschaft verbietet es, für wenig paying a little and getting a lot … It can‘t be done. Geld viel zu erhalten … Nehmen Sie das niedrigste Angebot an, müssen Sie für das Risiko, das Sie ein- If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add gehen, etwas hinzurechnen. Und wenn Sie das tun, something for the risk you run. And if you do that you haben Sie auch genug Geld, um etwas Besseres zu will have enough to pay for something better. bezahlen. 2018 John Ruskin | Engl. Social Reformer (1819 – 1900) John Ruskin | Engl. Sozialreformer (1819 – 1900) BEST OF red dot German design award Brand 2018 Award 2018 2 HB-Laser Excellence in Laser and Media Technology 3
HB-Laser on Site HB-Laser vor Ort HB-Laser’s operational areas and services focus not Die Einsatzbereiche und Dienstleistungen von HB- only to its headquarters in Germany but extend to Laser konzentrieren sich bei Weitem nicht nur auf die locations all around the world. Firmenzentrale in Deutschland sondern erstrecken sich auf Einsatzorte rund um den Globus. Während At the location in Schwaebisch-Gmuend the de- am Standort Schwäbisch-Gmünd Entwicklung, Pro- partments for development, production, project duktion, Projektplanung, Konzeption, Schulung und planning, designing, training as well as the creative die Kreativabteilung untergebracht sind, kümmern department are housed. On site our teams take sich unsere Teams direkt vor Ort um die Umsetzung care of implementation and realization of projects. und Realisierung von Projekten. Dabei könnten die Sometimes the operational areas couldn’t be more Einsatzbereiche teilweise unterschiedlicher nicht different: wether indoors or outdoors, in areas with sein: ob in überdachten Bereichen oder im Freien, in extreme (weather) conditions, on buildings, un- Gegenden mit extremen (Wetter)Bedingungen, auf derwater, or in underground tunnels - HB-Laser has Gebäuden, unter Wasser oder in Stollen unter Tage many years of experience and competent, highly - HB-Laser kann auf seine langjährige Erfahrung so- Professional installation Underground qualified staff to implement projects so that cus- wie auf kompetente und hochqualifizierte Mitarbei- Professionelle Installation Unter Tage tomer’s expectations are exceeded. ter zurückgreifen, um Projekte so umzusetzen, dass die Erwartungen der Kunden übertroffen werden. In addition to the project implementation, techni- Neben der Projektrealisierung gehören auch techni- cal modifications, maintenance and service on site sche Modifikationen, Wartungs- und Servicearbeiten are also parts of the service spectrum of HB-Laser. vor Ort zum Dienstleistungsspektrum von HB-Laser. Laser Hydro Projects On buildings On & under water Auf Gebäuden Im & unter Wasser Who we are Wir sind HB-Laser is an important laser show company with Seit über 30 Jahren ist HB-Laser ein etabliertes Un- more than 30 years of experience in show produc- ternehmen in der Showlaser-Branche. In dieser Zeit tion, laser installations, multi media projects and wurde eine Vielzahl an Showproduktionen, Laserins- show laser light manufacturing. tallationen und Multimedia-Projekten durchgeführt. Die von HB-Laser gefertigten Showlaser-Systeme sind Product innovation and product quality as well as weltweit im Einsatz und beweisen dabei hohe Lang- the high professional planning, designing and im- lebigkeit. Produktinnovationen genauso wie eine plementing of any kind of multi media show appli- sehr hohe Produktqualität zeichnen die Laser-Ferti- cation made HB-Laser a worldwide known brand in gung von HB-Laser aus. Hochprofessionelle Projekt- show laser industry. planung, ansprechendes Design und die Installation einer Vielzahl von Multimedia Projekten machten Professionalism and quality of work generating HB-Laser zu einer weltweit bekannten Marke in der long term partnerships all around the world as well Showlaser-Branche. Viele nationale und internatio- as the strong support by affiliates within the com- nale Auszeichnungen untermauern die Professiona- Indoor Outdoor pany group allow HB-Laser to react on customer lität und Qualität der Leistungen von HB-Laser. Lang- Innen Außen demand worldwide in the short term. fristige Partnerschaften auf der ganzen Welt sowie der starke Support und Rückhalt durch die Firmen- gruppe ermöglichen einen schnellen, unkomplizier- ten und kurzfristigen Kundenservice weltweit. 4 On site and who we are On site and who we are 5
Individually Customized Developed Sound Systems Components Development & Show Laser Systems Repair Services Quality- Rental Service Turn Key Multimedia management Musical Fountains & Multimedia & Installations certified according to Water Screens Laser Shows DIN ISO 2001: 2015 Laser Interactive Industrial Lasers Video Systems IVS Hydro Competences Kompetenzen HB-Laser offers a wide range of products and ser- HB-Laser bietet ein breites Spektrum an Produkten vices to provide comprehensive solutions to our und Leistungen, um Kunden umfassende Lösungen customers. Besides DPSS, diode and OPSL laser sys- anbieten zu können. Neben DPSS-, Dioden- und Projects tems, event services are also part of it. Each event is OPSL-Lasersystemen, gehört deshalb auch der individual, dynamic and emotionally designed and Event-Service dazu, über den die Veranstaltung – realized - independent of the size. unabhängig von der Größe – individuell, dynamisch und emotional konzipiert und durchgeführt wird. Service & Support Service & Support For the multimedia sector reactive projection sys- Für den Multimedia-Sektor können reaktive Projek- tems can be offered as well as interactive and cus- tionssysteme sowie interaktive und projektspezifi- HB-Laser is specialized to offer customers a wide HB-Laser hat sich darauf spezialisiert, Kunden eine tomized solutions. As impressive part hydro screens sche Lösungen angeboten werden. Hinzu kommen range of products and services for the show, event große Bandbreite an Produkten und Dienstleistun- can be used to integrate the element water into the beispielsweise auch Hydroscreens, um das Element and entertainment industry. gen für den Show-, Event- und Entertainmentbe- show. Wasser eindrucksvoll in die Show einbinden zu kön- reich anbieten zu können. nen. Software- und Soundlösungen runden das Software and sound solutions round off the product Sortiment ab. Industrie- und B2B-Kunden können This includes: Hierzu zählen: portfolio. At HB-Laser industrial and B2B customers bei HB-Laser auf ein umfangreiches Angebot an » Laser systems » Lasersysteme have the possibility to find a comprehensive range Industrielasern, Komponenten und OEM-Produkten » Multimedia technology » Multimediatechnik of industrial laser systems, components and OEM zurückgreifen. » Research and development » Forschung und Entwicklung products. » Laser service and refill » Laserservice und Befüllung » Customer training » Kundenschulungen » Laser safety training » Laserschutzschulungen » Installations » Installationen » Rental services » Mietservice » Event planning » Eventplanung » Event services » Eventservice » Project planning » Projektplanung » Turnkey solutions » Schlüsselfertige Lösungen Laser Systems | Water Technics | Multimedia | Sound | Software | Event Service » Show production » Showproduktion OEM Products | Industrial Lasers | Components | Service » Second-hand lasers » Gebrauchtlaser 6 Competences Service & Support 7
Realization of an Event Eventrealisierung HB-Laser has an in-house creative team of design- HB-Laser hat ein eigenes Kreativteam bestehend ers, technicians and engineers realising individual aus Designern, Technikern und Ingenieuren, das and memorable events according to customer’s nach Kundenwusch individuelle und unvergessli- wishes. che Events realisiert. Realization of an Event We offer turnkey solutions starting with an idea and Wir bieten umfassende Komplettlösungen, begin- the resulting conception, planning, production and nend mit einer Idee, über die Konzeption, Planung, implementation. The final event is a perfect harmo- Produktion bis hin zur Implementierung. Das fertige Eventrealisierung ny of technology and emotions. Event überzeugt aus einer perfekten Harmonie von Technik und Emotionen. Own multimedia studios offer on 400 sqm all pos- sibilities to realise customer’s wishes. In these studios Eigene, insgesamt 400m2 große Multimedia-Stu- laser, light, water, fire, video, fog, and sound systems dios, ermöglichen es uns, Kundenwünsche maß- are always available. Thus an easy and cost effec- geschneidert umzusetzen. Laser-, Licht-, Wasser-, tive production is given. Feuer-, Video-, Nebel- und Tontechnik stehen in den Studios jederzeit zur Verfügung, wodurch eine In addition to conception and production HB-Laser schnelle und kostengünstige Produktion realisiert offers further services, such as transport, customs werden kann. clearance, set up and personal attendance on the site. Neben Konzeption und Produktion bietet HB-Laser Laser weitere Dienstleistungen wie Transport, Verzollung, Aufbau und Betreuung, welche das Angebot ab- runden. Hydro Projects www.hb-laser.comde 8 Realization of an Event Realization 3D HydroMatrix of an Event 9
Competences Service & Support Media technology, consulting, conception & development We convert your event, your project, your building or your venue HB-Laser offers a wide range of products and ser- HB-Laser specializes in offering to it`s customers a to a real experience. vices to provide comprehensive solutions to our wide range of products and services for the show, customers. Besides DPSS, diode and OPSL laser sys- event and entertainment industry. This includes: Customized laser solutions tems, event services are also part of the solution. Top quality lasers with well thought-out concepts, Each event is individual, dynamic and emotionally » Project planning and design tailored to the respective requirement. designed and realized - independent of the size. » Turnkey solutions For fixed installations, lasershows and rental. » Show production Fountains and water screen technique in perfection For the multimedia sector reactive projection sys- » Laser systems From miniaturized animated 3D water sculptures, tems can be offered as well as interactive and » Multimedia technology to outdoor musical fountains and HydroScreens. customized solutions. Impressive fountains can in- » Research and development Turnkey solutions for in and outdoor in fresh or salt water. tegrate the element of water into the show. Soft- » Customer training ware and sound solutions round off the product » Laser safety training portfolio. Industrial and B2B customers have the » Manufacturing and installation Qualitymanagement certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015 possibility with HB-Laser to find a comprehensive » Rental and event services range of industrial laser systems, components and » Musical Fountains OEM products. Experts in Laser For 30 Years Professional LightCube Multimedia Installations Show Laser Systems your Worldwide Laser & Water Products Professional Partner Showlaser & Event Services Turn Key Multimedia Installations Hydro Interactive Video Projects Systems IVS Musical Fountains & Water Screens Awarded with Customized Certified Quality: Sound Systems 35 national and DIN ISO 9001:2015 international awards Coherent, Jenoptik, for products, installations Rental Service Multimedia & Laser Shows Pangolin and shows. Industrial Lasers Individually Developed Components red dot German design Brand award 2018 Award 2018 2018 Development & Repair Services BEST OF BEST OF Laser Systems | Water Technics | Multimedia | Sound | Software | Event Service OEM Products | Industrial Lasers | Components | Service | 10 LightCube Serie LightCube Serie 11
LightCube Series LightCube Unsiversal 841 The RGB white light show lasers are A compact show laser series in a robust, equipped with Pure Diode Technology, dust and weatherproof IP 53 housing. De- offering superior beam characteristics, Laser veloped and manufactured in Germany modulation and linear color transition. it is a perfect match for high-quality show Fast Apollo Max scanners allow scanning laser applications, in- and outdoor. angles up to 80° and scanning speeds up to 45kpps @ 8° (optional up to 60kpps » air-cooled @ 8°). The HB-FB-4 controller is equipped » dust- and weatherproof housing with a colored display and controls all op- provides maintenance-free systems tions, such as color balance, geometric Hydro » extremely quiet operation makes corrections and safety settings. It offers this series a must have for museums, standalone operation with time switch, theatres and planetariums ILDA in/through and LAN connection. *Optionally a DMX control is available. Projects 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 F laser source Pure Diode F m 18 6 0m mm 43 m S ING 3 08m laser class 4 OU I N G R H US OO HO ILDA, LAN, SD, Opt. TD OR op. modes O U IN DO DMX E Apollo Max 45kpps@8° E scanners ILDA | Optional: Apollo CT 60kpps@8° ILDA power supply 90-265V AC 50-60Hz D power cons. 120W D scan angle max 80° 128mm outdoor housing IP63, accessories Key Interlock Power Cable, Manual C C output power beam Red: Green: Blue: dimensions net specs typical guaranteed 638 nm 520 nm 450 nm (full angle) (L/H/W) weight B LC-Universal 308/128/ B 3,5 W 2,6 W 550 mW 800 mW 1400 mW < 0,8 mrad 7 kg 841 RGB 3 186 mm LC-Universal 308/128/ 5,5 W 5,0 W 800 mW 1600 mW 2800 mW < 0,8 mrad 7 kg 841 RGB 5 186 mm LC-Universal 308/128/ Datum Name 7,5 W 6,8 W 1000 mW 2000 mW 3200 mW < 0,8 mrad 7 kg Gezeichnet 21.03.2017 h_bohlinger A 841 RGB 7 186 mm A Kontrolliert Norm 841 gesamt_3d Ansicht 1 A2 Status Änderungen Datum Name 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 LightCube Serie LightCube Serie 13
LightCube Universal Skybeam LightCube Professional 860 MKII A compact show laser series in a robust, dust and The LightCube Sky Beam Lasersystem are equipped A compact show laser series in a robust and metric corrections and safety settings. It of- weatherproof IP 53 housing. Developed and manu- with Pure Diode Technology, offering superior beam dustproof housing. Developed and manu- fers standalone operation with time switch, factured in Germany it is a perfect match for high- characteristics. The HB-FB-4 controller is equipped factured in Germany it is a perfect match ILDA in/through and LAN connection. Laser quality sky beam applications. with a colored display and controls all options, such for high-quality show laser applications. as color balance, geometric corrections and safe- *Optionally DMX operation and an integrated » dust- and weatherproof housing provides ty settings. It offers standalone operation with time » Unique Shock-Absorbing-Technology GB switch for easy connect through of the LAN maintenance-free systems switch, ILDA in/through and LAN connection. minimalizes influences caused by signal available. 8 7 6 5 8 4 7 3 6 2 5 1 4 3 2 1 F F F F » extremely quiet operation makes this series a must vibrations, shocks or bumps. It prevents have for museums, theatres and planetariums *Optionally a DMX control is available. damages/misalignment of the optical E E E E parts. (great for touring and rental) Hydro » processor-controlled, active temperature 189,00 D D regulation ensures a long lifetime even if D D 189,00 the system is continuously operated 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C C » dust proof housing provides mainte- 33 1,0 C 0 1 ,0 0 C 26 ,00 33 396 1,0 F F 0 18 6 nance-free systems B B mm 30 mm G 4 308m m laser source Pure Diode SIN » extremely quiet operation makes this B B Projects H O U S IN G laser source A Pure Diode Gezeichnet Kontrolliert Datum 29.03.2018 Name h_bohlinger A R U laser class 4 series a must have for museums, thea- Norm OO HO 860 mk 2 14 W Gehäuse 1A2 TD OR Status Änderungen Datum Name 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O U IN DO laser class 4 Datum Name tres and planetariums Gezeichnet 29.03.2018 h_bohlinger A A ILDA, LAN, SD, Kontrolliert Norm 860 M2 8 Watt Gehäuse-21A2 op. modes Status Änderungen Datum Name Opt. DMX 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E E op. modes ILDA, LAN, SD, Opt. DMX Apollo Max 45kpps@8° The RGB white light show lasers are equipped Apollo Max 45kpps@8° ILDA scanners ILDA | Optional: Apollo with Pure Diode Technology, offering supe- scanners Optional: Apollo CT 60kpps@8° CT 60kpps@8° ILDA rior beam characteristics, modulation and ILDA power supply 90-265V AC 50-60Hz linear color transition. Fast Apollo Max scan- power supply 90-265V AC 50-60Hz D D power cons. 120W ners allow scanning angles up to 80° and power cons. LC 4-8, 250W, LC 14-17, 500W outdoor housing IP63, scanning speeds up to 45kpps @ 8° (optional 128mm accessories Key Interlock Power up to 90kpps @ 8°). The HB-FB-4 controller, is scan angle max 80° Cable, Manual equipped with a colored display and con- Key Interlock Power Cable, accessories C C trols all options such as color balance, geo- Manual output power beam Red: Green: Blue: dimensions net output power beam specs Red: Green: Blue: dimensions net typical guaranteed 638 nm 520 nm 450 nm (full angle) (L/H/W) weight specs typical guaranteed 638 nm 520 nm 450 nm (full angle) (L/H/W) weight LC-Universal B 308/128/ B LC-860 Mark 261/189/ SkyBeam 8,0 W 6,5 W 0 0 8000mW ~ 0,4 mrad 7 kg 3,5 W 3,0 W 700 mW 1000 mW 1800 mW ~0,8 mrad 11 kg 186 mm II RGB 4 331 mm blue LC-Universal LC-860 Mark 261/189/ 308/128/ 5,7 W 5,0 W 900 mW 1600 mW 3200 mW ~0,8 mrad 11 kg SkyBeam 4,0 W 3,5 W 0 4000 mW 0 ~ 0,4 mrad 7 kg II RGB 6 331 mm 186 mm green LC-860 Mark 261/189/ Datum Name 21.03.2017 h_bohlinger 7,8 W 7,5 W 1800 mW 2000 mW 4000 mW ~0,8 mrad 12 kg Gezeichnet A A Kontrolliert LC-Universal 308/128/ II RGB 8 331 mm Norm 4,0 W 3,3 W 4000 mW 0 0 ~ 0,4 mrad 7841 kggesamt_3d Ansicht 1 SkyBeam red 186 mm A2 LC-860 Mark 396/189/ 13,7 W 12,5 W 3300 mW 4000 mW 6400 mW ~1 mrad 17 kg Status Änderungen Datum Name 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LC-Universal II RGB 14 331 mm 308/128/ SkyBeam 12.0 W 10,0 W 0 4000 mW 8000mW ~ 0,4 mrad 7 kg LC-860 Mark 396/189/ 186 mm 16,4 W 14,5 W 4400 mW 4000 mW 8000 mW ~1 mrad 17 kg green/blue II RGB 17 331 mm 14 LightCube Serie LightCube Serie 15
D F E LightCube Professional 863 MKII LightCube Professional 851 IP68 1 45kpps @ 8° (optional up to 60kpps @ 8°). A compact show laser series in a robust and Achievements up to 300W RGB and Low Water and Weatherproof 8 7 6 * Optionally an integrated HB-FB-4 controller 5 4 3 2 1 dustproof housing. Developed and manu- Divergence Executions with OPSL or fiber LC 851 IP 68 - a compact show laser series F with standalone operation with time switch, F Laser factured in Germany it is a perfect match laser technology are available on request. in a weather- and waterproof aluminium ILDA in/through and LAN connection is avail- for high-quality show laser applications. housing. Developed and manufactured 345,00 394,00 able. DMX control is also available. 2 With integrated HB-FB4 controller are all in Germany it is a perfect match for high- E 394,00 E LightCube Professional series is manufac- connection options integrated. SD card quality show laser applications in aggres- 182,00 415,00 326,68 tured individually and can be adapted to player, TCP / IP, ILDA, DMX allows easy im- sive and damp environments. (Perma- customer requirements. plementation in multimedia environments. nent installations in baths, caves, mines D D 326,68 and musical fountains) Hydro 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 182,00 3 F F C C » processor-controlled, active temperature laser source Pure Diode regulation ensures a long lifetime even if laser source Pure Diode the system is continuously operated laser class 4 B B E E » the housing is waterproof rated IP 68, laser class 4 ILDA, LAN, SD, 4 op. modes with integrated heating, which makes Projects Opt. DMX op. modes ILDA, LAN, SD, Opt. DMX Datum Name the systems maintenance-free also Gezeichnet 04.04.2018 h_bohlinger A A Kontrolliert Norm D D Apollo Infinity Apollo Max 45kpps@8° ILDA1 852 Gehäuse 14 Watt 253,00 scanners A2 under challenging weather conditions Status Änderungen Datum Name 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 60kpps@8° ILDA scanners Optional: Apollo CT 60kpps@8° ILDA power supply 90-230V AC 50-60Hz C C The RGB white light show lasers are power supply 90-265V AC 50-60Hz power cons. LC 24-37 750W max. equipped with Pure Diode Technology, 5 power cons. LC 4-8, 250W, LC 14-17, 500W scan angle max 80° offering superior beam characteristics, 345,00 modulation and linear color transition. Fast scan angle max 80° 45 6,0 0 Key Interlock Power 0 2,0 38 B B accessories Cable, Manual Apollo Max scanners allow scanning an- Key Interlock Power Cable, gles up to 80° and scanning speeds up to accessories Manual 6 Datum Name Gezeichnet 29.03.2018 h_bohlinger output power beam 415,00 A A Kontrolliert Norm Baugruppe1 1 Red: Green: Blue: dimensions specs net weight A2 Status Änderungen Datum Name 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 output power beam typical guaranteed 638 nm 520 nm 450 nm (full angle) (L/H/W) Red: Green: Blue: dimensions net specs typical guaranteed 638 nm 520 nm 450 nm (full angle) (L/H/W) weight LC-851 290/155/ 3,5 W 3,0 W 700 mW 1000 mW 1800 mW ~0,8 mrad ~19kg LC-863 Mark 5000 12800 456/253/ RGB 4 250 mm 23,8 W 19,5 W 6000 mW ~1 mrad 19 kg 7 II RGB 24 mW mW 382 mm LC-851 290/155/ 5,7 W 5,0 W 900 mW 1600 mW 3200 mW ~0,8 mrad ~19kg LC-863 Mark 6000 16000 456/253/ RGB 6 250 mm 30,0 W 24,0 W 8000 mW ~1 mrad 20 kg II RGB 30 mW mW 382 mm LC 851 290/155/ LC-863 Mark 10000 16000 456/253/ 7,8 W 7,5 W 1800 mW 2000 mW 4000 mW ~0,8 mrad ~19kg 34,0 W 27,5 W 8000 mW ~1 mrad 22 kg RGB 8 250 mm II RGB 35 mW mW 382 mm LC-860 Mark 12000 16000 456/253/ LC-852 415/182/ 8 36,0 W 29,5 W 8000 mW ~1 mrad 27 kg 13,7 W 12,5 W 3300 mW 4000 mW 6400 mW ~1 mrad ~29kg II RGB 37 mW mW 382 mm RGB 14 345 mm LC-852 415/182/ D F E 16,4 W 14,5 W 4400 mW 4000 mW 8000 mW ~1 mrad ~29kg Unsere LightCube Professional 863 MKII sind auf Anfrage mit bis zu 100 W erhältlich. RGB 17 345 mm On request our LightCube Professional 863 MKII is also available with up to 100 W. LC-852 415/182/ 26,5 W 24 W 5500mW 7000mW 14000mW ~1,1 mrad ~29kg RGB 27 345 mm 16 LightCube Serie LightCube Serie 17
HB-Laser LightCube Lens 360° HB-Laser LightCube 863 OPSL High End HB-Laser Show Laser Systems Specifications: Specifications: HB-Laser has manufactured show laser light projec- Laser » 360° projection lens » Shock-Absorbing Technology tion systems for over 30 years. No matter how large » projection radially around the center system preventing misalignment or complex a project is - HB-Laser has the suitable » usable with different show laser systems » intelligent dynamic zone product for it. with up to 20W power safety- setting at back side » vertical scan angle: ca. 90° » up to 30W RGB laser system with great Waterproof lasers are available as well as lasers es- » horizontal scan angle: 360° white balance pecially tuned for advanced graphics capability. » scan speed up to 90kpps » OPSL technology Power ranges from around 1W RGB to more than Hydro » CT-6215 scanners with Apollo drivers 150W - or even more! Eigenschaften: » color balancing, size, flip, rotate and offset » 360° Projektionslinse directly adjustable at the device In comparison to others HB-Laser is able to build » radiale Projektion um das Center-System up customized show lasers and/or according to » einsetzbar mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften: project-specific requirements. Thus it is possible to Showlasersystemen mit bis zu 20 Watt Leistung » Shock-Absorbing-Technologie create an optimal initial situation for every project. Projects » Vertikaler Scanwinkel: ca. 90° verhindert Dejustage » horizontaler Scanwinkel: 360° » intelligente dynamische Zonen-Safety- » Scangeschwindigkeit bis zu 90kpps Einstellmöglichkeit auf der Geräterückseite » bis zu 30W RGB Lasersystem mit sehr guter Weißbalance HB-Laser Showlasersysteme » OPSL-Technologie Seit über 30 Jahren fertigt HB-Laser bereits Showla- » CT-6215 Scanner mit Apollo-Treibern sersysteme. Egal wie groß oder komplex ein Projekt » Einstellung der Farbbalance, Größe, Drehung, ist – HB-Laser hat das geeignete Produkt dafür. Offset und Spiegeln direkt am Gerät möglich Wasserdichte Laser sind genauso verfügbar wie speziell für Grafikprojektionen optimierte Systeme. Leistungen von 1W RGB bis über 150W RGB oder so- gar darüber sind kein Problem. Im Unterschied zu anderen Anbietern ist HB-Laser in der Lage, Showlaser nach Wünschen der Kunden bzw. nach projektspeziefischen Anforderungen aufzubauen. Dadurch kann eine optimale Aus- gangssituation für das jeweilige Projekt geschaffen werden. 18 LightCube Serie LightCube Serie 19
Projection Screens Projektionsleinwände Projection Screens For projections with lasers, lights or videos HB-Laser offers motorized screens made of foils or gauze. In a breathtaking matter, dynamic front or rear pro- jections of laser light can be created, only depend- ing on your demand; in combination with slide- or video projection astounding multivision effects are possible. The screens have a fast tube motor with Laser 2 m per second to enable an exact and silent run. Details for the different materials and lengths on re- quest. Projektionsleinwände Hydro Für Projektionen mit Lasern, Licht oder Video führt HB-Laser motorgetriebene Leinwände aus Projekti- onsfolie oder Gaze. Je nach Anwendungsfall kön- nen in atemberaubender Weise dynamische Auf- oder Rückprojektionen aus Laserlicht geschaffen und in Kombination mit herkömmlichen Projekti- Projects onsmitteln erstaunliche Multivisionseffekte realisiert werden. Angetrieben werden die Leinwände von einem Schnellläufermotor (mit 2m in der Sekunde), der einen schnellen und lautlosen Antrieb erlaubt. Details für die verschiedenen Materialien und Län- gen erhalten Sie auf Anfrage. 20 Projection Screens Projection Screens 21
Climate and weather protection in perfection HB-laser offers customized solutions for every en- Laser vironment. Mostly the technology has to be in- tegrated as invisible as possible into the project. Standard air conditioning units cannot offer this. PR Laser Mission Therefore HB-laser develops and builds individual The PR Laser-Mission system is an exciting laser ob- The system consists of the system controller LM-C1, solutions according to customer requirements. stacle game with bright laser light barriers. the laser light barriers with mounts, an industrial Due to our decades of experience we are able When the laser beams are interrupted by the player, compact PC and the control and display software. to realize condensation-free air conditioning Hydro a sound effect indicates the fault. The faults and the The acoustic effects and the complexity factor can housings even in the most confined spaces. From elapsed time is recorded by the system and will be be easily changed by the operator. simple rain protection to IP68 housings for under- used to benchmark the performance of the player An official sample approval certificate from the water use, aggressive environments in mines or according to required time and penalty points. German TÜV is available. extreme temperature ranges from -50°C to +60°C. After successful completion of the game the player is lauded by applause. By comparing the required “Go Green“ with PR Laser-Mission Projects time and penalty points, multible players can com- Klima- und Wetterschutz in Perfection pete in a „Battle“. HB-laser bietet kundenspezifische Lösungen für Das system besteht aus dem system-controller jede Umgebung. Meist muß die Technik so unsicht- LM-C1, den Laserlichtschranken mit Haltern, einem bar wie möglich in das Projekt integriert werden. PR Laser Mission Industrie Kompakt-PC und der Steuer- und Anzeige- Standardklimageräte können dies nicht bieten. Das PR Laser-Mission System ist ein software. Die akustischen Effekte und der Deshalb entwickelt und baut HB-Laser individuelle spannendes Laser-Hindernisspiel mit Laserlicht- Schwierigkeitsgrad des Spiels können vom Betreiber Lösungen nach Kundenwunsch. schranken. Beim Unterbrechen der Laserstrahlen einfach geändert werden. Durch unsere jahrzentelange Erfahrung können wir ertönt ein Sound-Effekt, der dem Spieler den Fehler Ein TÜV-Mustergutachten ist vorhanden. kondensatfreie Klimagehäuse auch auf engstem anzeigt. Die Fehler und die verstrichene Zeit werden Raum realisieren. Vom einfachen Regenschutz bis vom System gezählt und dienen, nach Ende des “Go Green“ mit PR Laser-Mission hin zum IP68-Gehäuse für den Unterwassereinsatz, Spiels, zur Bewertung des Spielers nach Zeit und agressive Umgebungen in Bergwerken oder extre- Fehlerpunkten. Bei erfolgreicher Beendigung des me Temperaturbereiche von -50°C bis +60°C. Spiels wird der Spieler mit Applaus verabschiedet. Durch Vergleich der benötigten Zeit und der Fehler- punkte können sich mehrere Spieler in einem „Battle“ messen. 22 Laser Mission Customized Housings 23
Vulcan Industrial Lasers HB-Laser offers a huge variety of industrial laser systems including accessories. All components are available Vulcan Line Lasers as single pieces. OEM products and custom specific Vulcan Linienlaser developments are available on request. Laser Accessories Possible processings of: » Textile & Leather » Aircraft, Vehicle CPS CAD positioning & Mould Projection Systems » Wood Constructions » Stone, Glass & » Labeling CPS CAD Laserzubehör Ceramics » Measurement Projectionssysteme » Rubber, Tyres & image processing Plastics » Medicine » Metal techniques » Paper Mountings Halterungen Vulcan Industrielaser HB-Laser bietet ein breites Spektrum an Industriela- sersystemen inklusive Zubehör an. Alle Komponent- en sind auch einzeln erhältlich. OEM-Produkte und Laser kundenspezifische Entwicklungen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich. Laser Mirrors, Filter, Scan- ners, Polarisation Cubes Mögliche Einsatzbereiche: Laserspiegel, Filter, Scan- » Textil -und » Papierherstellung ner, Polarisationswürfel Lederbearbeitung » Flugzeug-, » Holzbearbeitung Fahrzeug- & Hydro » Stein, Glas & Formbau Keramik » Beschriftung Outdoor & Indoor » Gummi, Reifen & » Messtechnik Mirror Mounts Kunststoff » Medizintechnik Spiegelhalterungen » Metallbearbeitung für Innen- und Außenbereiche Projects Optomechanic The HB-Laser team of engineers, experienced for ye- ars, develops CAD supported optical and mecha- Fine-adjustable nical systems. These are together with the in-house Mirror Mounts CNC production assuring facts for highest precision Spiegelhalterungen, and sturdiness. Regardless of which HB-Lasers’ stan- feinjustierbar dard products, a customized components assembly or units made to customers specification – Quality and life span rank first. In-house tool design and con- struction make quick and low-cost solutions possible Linear Laser Collimator even for the most eccentric special design. Linear Laserkollimator Optomechanik Ein Team von HB-Laser eigenen Ingenieuren mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung entwickelt CAD-ge- OEM Fibre Optic Sets stützt optische und mechanische Systeme. Zusam- men mit der hauseigenen CNC-Fertigung ist dies OEM Sets zur Glas- ein Garant für höchste Präzision und Robustheit. faserübertragung Egal ob HB-Laser-Serienprodukte, kundenspezi- fische Baugruppen oder Sonderanfertigungen – Qualität und Langlebigkeit stehen immer an erster 360° Scanning Optics Stelle.Der eigene Werkzeug- und Gerätebau er- möglicht schnelle und kostengünstige Lösungen für 360° Scanneroptiken die ausgefallensten Sonderanfertigungen. 24 Laser Accessories Laser Accessories 25
Interactive Visions Interactive Visions is a reactive projection system that makes visual advertising more dynamic and exciting. It also can be used as central control sta- tion for video, sound and lighting. An Interactive Interactive Visions Visions projection reactsto the presence of people in its vicinity – their movements affecting the projec- tion in visually intruiging ways. Thus Interactive Visi- ons encourages playful communication between members of the public & the projected messages or content. Interactive Visions also enhances interac- Interaktive Visionen tion and communication amongst passers-by. As a powerful creative instrument Interactive Visions can be applied to floors, walls, table tops and even onto ceilings. The content can be desined according to customer specifications. Interaktive Visionen Interactive Visions ist ein reaktives Projektionssys- tem, das Bilder und Filme dynamischer und inte- ressanter erscheinen lässt und auch als zentrale Laser Steuereinheit für Video-, Sound- und Beleuchtung fungieren kann. Interactive Visions reagiert auf die Gegenwart von Menschen auf verblüffende Art und Weise. Durch die Bewegung der Besucher wer- den auf den projizierten Bildern oder Filmen visuel- le Effekte ausgelöst. Die Effekte dynamisieren die Projektion und steigern die Aufmerksamkeit der Be- Hydro sucher. Der Besucher erkennt sich als Auslöser der Effekte und beginnt mit der Projektion zu interagie- ren. So entsteht auf ganz natürliche Weise eine in- tensive Verbindung zwischen den Besuchern, Gäs- ten oder Kunden und den auf Interactive Visions dargestellten Inhalten. Interactive Visions kann auf Projects den Boden, an Wände, auf Tische oder an die De- cke projiziert werden und die Inhalte können nach kundenspezifischen Vorgaben erstellt und/oder an- gepasst werden. C A BO T TS CH AFT H TS T TE IN BO BO C XT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT TS CHAF BO TS CH T TE BO TS AF TI O BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT B TS T BO SCHAFT BO TSCH FT TEX I BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOT T BO TSCHA TEXT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHAFTT BO SCHAFT TEXT FT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHA BOT SCHAFT BOTSCHAFT BOT T TEXT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHAFT BOTSCHAF TEXT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHAF BOTSCHAFT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHAF BOTSCHAFT TEXT BOTSCHAF BOTSCHAFT TEXT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHAFT BOTSCHAFT BOTSCHAFT TEXT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHAFT BOTSCHAFT TEXT INHALT CONTENT BOTSCHAF BOTSCHAF TEXT I BOTS T CHAFT TEXT I BOT T BOTSC 26 Interactive Visions Interactive Visions 27
Sound Systems PR Electronic has one of the most rigorous quality standards for developing and producing speaker systems. Together with the most advanced techno- Sound Systems logy PR Electronic speaker systems meets the high demands for one of the best products to reproduce any kind of sounds in best sound quality. PR Electronic is manufacturer of advanced speaker systems with the aim to use only the best compo- nents, materials and latest construction methods to Soundsysteme reach „simply“ reinforcing the original sounds. System 4-H | PR Systems Due to this the PR engineers are developing sound systems, electronics and speaker cabinets not for special shades of sound – but to reproduce all audio sources in a perfect way. The only difference for the Sound floor speakers should be the site-specific acoustic chal- lenge anywhere in the world. Soundfloor This results in speaker systems which are optimized in sound quality for musicians, contractings, cinemas, Laser installations and touring applications. Further goals of PR Electronic speaker systems are the small size, the low weight as well as the availability of weather- LA2081-HND proof systems and the possibility to offer all products in customized colors hence they can be integrated Line Array seamlessly into the installation environment. Hydro Soundsysteme PR Electronic hat eines der strengsten Qualitäts- standards zur Entwicklung und Produktion von Laut- sprechersystemen. Zusammen mit einem Vorsprung High-end housings in der Technik erfüllen PR Electronic Lautsprecher- Projects Hochwertige Gehäuse systeme den hohen Anspruch an die Reproduk- tion von beliebigem Musikmaterial in optimaler Klangqualität. Als Hersteller von fortschrittlichen Lautsprechersys- temen hat PR Electronic es sich zur Aufgabe ge- macht, durch Verwendung erstklassiger Materiali- en, Komponenten und Konstruktionsverfahren ein „einfaches“ Ziel zu erreichen: Die Verstärkung des Originalsounds. Deshalb entwickeln die Konstrukteure bei PR Elect- ronic Lautsprecher nicht für spezielle Musikrichtun- gen, sondern für die perfekte Reproduktion aller Audioquellen. Der einzige Konstruktionsunterschied liegt in der Auslegung auf schallraumspezifische Gegebenheiten, die weltweit anzutreffen sind. Das resultiert in Systemen für Musiker, ELA-Beschallun- gen, Kinos, Installationen und PA-Touring-Anwen- dungen. Weitere Vorteile von PR Electronic Lauter- sprechersystemen sind die kleinen Systemgrößen, das geringe Gewicht sowie die Verfügbarkeit wet- terfester Systeme und die Möglichkeit, alle Produk- te kundenspezifisch farblich anzupassen, damit Sie sich nahtlos in die Installationsumgebung einfügen. 28 Sound Systems Sound Systems 29
OEM Products Analog and digital systems for measurement and control for high-speed and precision tools are prior- ranking in HB-Laser’s development center. OEM Products Ares Diode Drivers Whether customized diode driver units for medical engineering, scanning systems in the industrial sec- tor or modules for multimedia and illumination. HB- Laser’s development and production always meet highest expectations to the limit of what is techni- cally possible. OEM-Produkte The in-house production enables highest flexibility and reliability. All components are available as sin- gle pieces. OEM products and customerspecific de- Apollo CT-6210 velopments are possible at any time. 60k scanning system OEM Produkte Analoge und digitale Steuerungs- und Regelungs- technik für höchste Geschwindigkeit und Präzision sind die Hauptschwerpunkte im Entwicklungszent- Laser rum von HB-Laser. Ob kundenspezifische Diodentreiber für die Medi- Universal Media Controller zintechnik, Scanningsysteme für den Industriebe- RS232 & Analog Merger reich oder Module für den Multimedia- und Licht- bereich. Entwickelt und gefertigt wird bei HB-Laser immer nach höchsten Ansprüchen und dem tech- Hydro nisch Realisierbaren. Die hauseigene Fertigung ermöglicht höchste Flexibilität und Zuverlässigkeit. Alle Komponenten sind auch einzeln erhältlich. OEM-Produkte und kundenspezifische Entwicklungen sind jederzeit Projects OEM Laser up to 1000W möglich. green 0,2 mrad Apollo Infinity superfast 3 & 6mm 80K Scanning Apollo CT-6215HP 3 & 6mm 30 OEM Products OEM Products 31
Large scale for Fountainsystems Programming The Showdesign Suite The Syncronorm Depence Software is a powerful multi- media control and visualization system for creating pro- fessional shows for the industry. Depence comes with an Softwares we unique 3D visualization system which can simulate foun- tains, laser, video and lighting all in real-time accuracy. The Depence system allows to you design your shows and demonstrate to your clients with efficient and professional results. With one click, your whole project can be export- ed to one of our supported hardware devices recommend for 3D Hydromatrix Laser The MADRIX Software is the ultimate control tool for LED lighting. Use pixel mapping at its best in 2D or 3D. MADRIX is a software, and so much more. It is a tool for generative Hydro content and premier LED lighting controller since 2005. It is a quality piece of engineering made in Germany. It makes stunning LED lighting designs possible. Projects HB-FB-4 BreakOutBox for Lasersystems is a network interface that is available with Pangolin Quick- show or Pangolin BEYOND. With the HB-FB-4 BreakOutBox, it is no longer necessary to connect the computer to the show laser via an ILDA interface. Control is done via network with 8 7 6 5 4 Quickshow 3 or BEYOND, 2 by DMX 1 or in stand-alone mode. F Features of the HB-FB-4 BreakOutBox: F » control via Ethernet cable with integrated GB-Switch mm for looping through signal can be used with any ILDA- 23 2 compliant show laser system E » automatic mode via SD card, E standalone operation with time switch » color display » DMX control D » supports scan speeds up to 120kpps D » 6-color channel support » improved laser output by interpolation 12 2m » dual ILDA out m C » project settings C » network settings » color settings m 74m » image corrections » security settings B B 32 33 Datum Name Programming Softwares we recommend Programming Softwares we recommend Gezeichnet 21.03.2017 h_bohlinger A A Kontrolliert Norm
3D HydroMatrix Let us impress you with our worldwide exclusive and unique novelty 3D Designed for : Fountain System – the 3D HydroMatrix. Water, light, motion and shape shopping malls in perfect miniaturized harmony, flexible and scalable design plat- » hotel lobbies form, designed for high-quality, exclusive attractions. » casinos » amusement parks Made in Germany | Patent pending: 10 2016 106 227.8 » leisure baths » wellness oasis » airports » etc. Laser uct Unique i n n i n g Prod 3D HydroMatrix opens up new design possibili- w ix Award -HydroMatr ties which have never been seen before. For the D 2018 3 ward 2018 first time pixel accurate videos and pictures can Hydro sign a 2018 8 re d dot de EIS BEST OF ovation 201 018 be combined with a third dimension, by using the » IE P R In n n t 2 height of a water fountain. The minimal pitch be- STR ard me » INDU n Brand Aw rd Entertain a a tween the LED water fountain nozzles allows the re- » Germ n Brand Aw a alization of any 3D surface out of water. » Germ Projects Emotional Water and light, combined as animated 3D sculp- tures. Geometrical figures, numbers or letters as well animated 3D logos or flights through fantastic 3D landscapes made from water and light offer bor- derless options, as well as new, never seen before, interactive possibilities. Smart It is possible to realize any individual design through the flexible configuration with a single or inline ar- rangement; for example, as an star or as an area covering matrix. Reliable Using 24V low voltage and only highest quality ma- terials, safe and durable operation is guaranteed, even under challenging, sophisticated environ- mental conditions. 3D HydroMatrix includes all components necessary for operation. | 34 3D HydroMatrix 3D HydroMatrix 35
3D HydroMatrix HD 250 mm x 500 mm x 100 mm (L x W x H) 50 LED pixel RGBW ( 900 LED) 50 independent controllable fountain from 1cm up to 1,5m height pixel & fountain pitch 50mm DMX RDM incl. auto adressing 1 x 1m HD | 40 modules HD 3D HydroMatrix SD 500 mm x 450 mm x 100 mm (L x W x H) 25 LED pixel RGBW ( 225 LED) Laser 25 independent controllable fountain from 1cm up to 1,5m height pixel & fountain pitch 100mm DMX RDM incl. auto adressing Hydro 1 x 1m SD | 20 modules SD 3D HydroMatrix HD | Single Module 500 mm x 50 mm x 100 mm (L x W x H) Projects 10 LED pixel RGBW ( 90 LED ) 10 independent controllable fountain from 1cm up to 1,5m height pixel & fountain pitch 50mm DMX RDM incl. auto adressing 10 single modules HD 3D HydroMatrix Setup Examples Single module in row-configuration flexible configurable and expandable Single module in star configuration flexible configurable and expandable 0,5 x 3,5m HD | 70 modules HD 3D HydroMatrix Accessoires Powersupply, Cableset, Connectors 36 3D HydroMatrix 3D HydroMatrix 37
HydroScreens NEPTUN & POSEIDON HydroScreens Among projection screens made of fabrics or foils, water screens become more and more popular in the event industry. Wear-resistance because of barely exsisting technical structures are the most important advantages of these systems. The NEPTUN HydroShield is bases on a fountain and Laser is normally used at outdoor events. Under high pres- sure water runs through nozzles mounted in water basins. The NEPTUN HydroShield creates a semicircle water wall of up to 20 m hight and 50 m width. It is easy to assemble as it can be directly connected to a Hydro hydrand or a water pump. The water flow of these systems is up to 3500 l/min at a pressure of 16 bar. NEPTUN & POSEIDON HydroScreens Neben herkömmlichen Projektionsflächen aus Stoff Projects oder Folie werden Projektionsflächen aus Was- ser in der Veranstaltungstechnik immer beliebter. Verschleiß aufgrund praktisch nicht vorhandener mechanischer Beanspruchung sowie die kaum sichtbaren technischen Strukturen sind die über- zeugendsten Vorteile solcher Systeme. Die Wasserwand wird beim NEPTUN HydroShield nach dem Fontänenprinzip erzeugt und ist zumeist dem Einsatz im Freien vorbehalten. Hier wird das Wasser mit hohem Druck durch Düsen gepreßt. Das NEPTUN HydroShield bildet eine halbkreisförmi- ge Wasserwand von bis zu ca. 20 m Höhe und 50 m Breite. Ein schneller Auf- und Abbau und eine leich- te Handhabung werden durch einfaches Anschlie- ßen an einen Hydranten oder eine Tauchpumpe gewährleistet. Der Wasserdurchsatz bei diesem Sys- tem beträgt bis zu ca. 3500 l/min bei einem Druck von 16 bar. 38 Hydro Screens Hydro Screens 39
Laser Poseidon HydroScreen Poseidon HydroPixel Features Besides the Neptun HydroShield the Neptun Hydro- This product is a special solution of a HydroScreen » 0.8m segments, flexible Hydro Screens are a great feature to use water as a pro- not made for projections, but allowing to display scalable in length jection surface. With a big variety of options regard- texts or graphics. » 120 nozzles per meter ing the number of rows of nozzles and therefore the » Display of texts, graphics, figures total number of nozzles (1-3 rows, each equipped Features Equipped with 120 single nozzles per meter incred- » Individually controllable valves with 110 nozzles/meter) the screen can perfectly » Curved or straight screens available ibly looking figures can be displayed in mid-air fall- be adapted for your application even in regards to » Customized lengths perfectly ing from above. Projects the material. Available as straight screens or even matching your requirements as curved screens this product is flexible scalable » 110 to 330 nozzles per meter for sharp The whole solution is flexible scalable in length by to any length and is a perfect match for multi-me- video and laser projections combining various 0.8m long segments to the size dia projects including video or laser projections. » DMX controllable required. This amazing product will create a nearly invisible » Made from aluminum, V2A stainless screen that will astonish the audience. Different ver- steel, or V4A stainless steel for Any of the single valves can be controlled individ- sions of this unique product are available as well challenging environments ually to create surreal effects that will be an eye- and thus it will fit into any application you can im- catcher, no matter where it will be installed. agine. Combining water and light for projection surfaces is a great way to set new standards, espe- cially if there is not enough water depth for using a Poseidon Neptun HydroShield. Submersible Pump 1500 Available Options Poseidon Product Shape Nozzles Feed Unit 1500 Poseidon HydoScreen straight 110/220/330 Aluminium or curved straight Poseidon HydroScreen V2A 110/220/330 or curved straight Poseidon HydroScreen V4A 110/220/330 or curved 40 Hydro Screens Hydro Screens 41
Water Fountains Laser Neptune AquaShutter Hydro Neptune AquaShutter is an amazing solution for high rising, fast shooting, spectacular synchronized water effects. Due to its 9 single nozzles, combined with a maxi- mum height of 25m and the possibility to adjust Projects each nozzle by +/- 20°, spectacular water effects can be programmed. With its superior switching time of 0.25 seconds, fast water shots are possible, as well as a constant water stream with an impact that has never been there. Without using a common valve, but a razor sharp stainless steel blade, HB-Laser set a new standard for switching times, which was before only known Features from small jumping jets. » 9 pieces 14 mm clear stream nozzles, including water distribution In combination with Neptun Move Stream, Move (2x inlet, 9x outlet) Stream 3D and Vario Stream fountains, sophisticat- » Equipped with a frequency controller ed water show setups can be achieved. Due to the unit for smooth adaption of the height large variability of spraying heights a huge number from 0 to maximum of different water pictures can be realized! » Super fast switching time of only 0.25 seconds » HB Motion Control – 150% overload Available Options: for 60 sec, 5 programmable digital Maximum Pump and 2 analog inputs Product » DMX controllable, Height Power Neptune AquaShutter 9-15 15 m 9,0 kW permanent position controlling » Sea water resistant Neptune AquaShutter 9-25 25 m 15,0 kW » Maximum spraying height of up to 20 m 42 3D HydroMatrix 3D Water Fountains 43
Laser Neptune Octopus Neptune Rotojet | Rotojet 3D This special nozzle system is based on the principle The Neptune Rotojet is a fascinating, rotating jet Hydro of the most beautiful water figures – Perfect symme- combination with 5 nozzles. With the possibility of try. Equipped with 10 individual nozzles, arranged in varying the speed from 0-200 rpm in combination 2 circles with each 5 nozzles, astonishing and fasci- with its numerous nozzles, amazingly looking pirou- nating water sculptures can be realized. ettes can be created. Each nozzle can be moved and positioned perfect- By varying the height and the speed of rotation a Projects ly due to servomotors, which allow a pivoting range wide range of unique and special effects can be of 60 degrees at a maximum speed of 0.9 seconds, programmed. producing incredible dynamic effects. In combination with the optional RGBW LED lights, In combination with RGBW LED lights and a maxi- colored water pirouettes will be a reason for breath- mum height of 25 m and more, the Neptun Octupus Features taking moments, when watching the Musical and is a fantastic add on for any fountain setup, not al- » 10 nozzles split in 2 circles Dancing Fountain show. ready having such a unique highlight, producing a of each 5 nozzles Features variety of breathtaking effects. » Equipped with a frequency controller Adaptable water pillar heights from 0 m up to 15 m » 5 pieces 17 mm clear stream nozzles unit for smooth adaption of the make this solution a fantastic and flexible product, » Equipped with a frequency controller height from 0 to maximum adding a special value for any water or fountain unit for smooth adaption of the height Available Options: » Pivoting range of 60° with ultra fast show in the world. from 0 to maximum Maximum Pump speed of 0.9 seconds » 0-200 rpm, super fast rotating base Product » HB Motion Control – 150% overload » HB Motion Control – 150% overload Height Power Neptune Octopus 10-14 14 m 2x 7,5 kW for 60 sec, 5 programmable digital Available Options: for 60 sec, 5 programmable digital and 2 analog inputs Maximum Pump and 2 analog inputs Neptune Octopus 10-20 20 m 2x 11,0 kW Product » DMX controllable, Height Power » DMX controllable, permanent Neptune Octopus 10-25 25 m 2x 15,0 kW permanent position controlling position controlling Neptune RotoJet 5-9 9m 4,0 kW » Sea water resistant » Sea water resistant Neptune RotoJet 5-15 15 m 7,5 kW » Maximum spraying height » Maximum spraying height of up to 20m of up to 25 m Neptune Rotojet 3D 5-9 9m 4,0 kW Neptune RotoJet 3D 5-15 15 m 7,5 kW 44 3D Water Fountains 3D Water Fountains 45
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