Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik

Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik
                  in Germany
                  in Germany

in Deutschland

                 in Deutschland
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik
Connecting Global Competence

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                                    OCTOBER 17–19, 2019, BEC, MUMBAI
                                    India’s Platform for Laser and Optical Technologies—
                                    Components, Systems and Applications
 © Fraunhofer HHI
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik


                     © Fraunhofer ILT
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik

    Table of Contents

                 Preface                                              Innovations in Growth Markets
                 Grußwort                                             Innovationen in Wachstumsmärkten

      Frau Anja Karliczek,                                18   Sebastian Rhode et al., Carl Zeiss Microscopy
      Member of the German Bundestag,                          GmbH
      Federal Minister of Education and Research               Advanced Segmentation for Research and Indus-
    		Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages                       try Applications using Machine-Learning
      Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung          22   Stephan Ritter, Jürgen Stuhler,
                                                               TOPTICA Photonics AG
                                                               Lasers in the Quantum World
                                                          26   Julia Baldauf et al., CiS Forschungsinstitut für
                                                               Mikrosensorik GmbH; Steffen Biermann,
                 Location Germany                              Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH
                 Standort Deutschland                          Fabrication and Packaging of Infrared
                                                               Emitting Devices
      8   Gerhard Hein, VDMA                              28   Simon Britten, Laserline GmbH
          Germany's Strengths as a Business Location           Blue Wavelength Meets High Power Diode
    10    Frank Schlie, BMBF                                   Lasers – Enabling Tool for Copper Prozessing
          Digital Change Driven by Photonics              30   Thomas Schopphoven, Andres Gasser,
          and Other Quantum Technologies                       Fraunhofer ILT; Gerhard Backes, RWTH Aachen
    12    Max Milbredt, Germany Trade and Invest               Environmentally Friendly Alternative to Hard
          International Investment in Germany’s                Chrome Plating and Thermal Spraying
          Photonics Industry                              32   Philipp Wagenblast, TRUMPF Laser- und System-
    14    Jörg Mayer, Spectaris                                technik GmbH
          Why the Photonics Manufacturing Industry will        The Importance of Photonics in Additive Manufac-
          Remain a Domestic Value Generator, Unlike the        turing
          Photovoltaics Industry                          34   Andreas Vogelpoth, Fraunhofer ILT;
                                                               Jochen Stollenwerk, RWTH Aachen
                                                               Additive Manufacturing: Laser Powder
                                                               Bed Fusion with VCSEL Heating
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik


36 Dirk Hauschild, LIMO GmbH                                    Innovations and Competencies
   Wafer-based Mass Production of High-precision                in Industry
   Glass Optics for Diode Laser Applications                    Innovationen und Kompetenzen
38 Thomas Knieling et al., Fraunhofer ISIT                      aus Unternehmen
   Optical MEMS-Scanner: Design,
   General Drives and Applications                   62   Berliner Glas KGaA Herbert Kubatz
40 Ole Peters, Menlo Systems GmbH; Datong Wu, Mu-         GmbH & Co.
   nich University of Applied Sciences               63   Dausinger + Giesen GmbH
   Investigating Ceramic Coatings with               64   Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG
   Terahertz Radiation                               65   Instrument Systems GmbH
42 Jim Zou, Mirko Lawin,                             66   Laserline GmbH
   ADVA Optical Networking SE                        67   LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH
   Optical Transceivers for                          68   Omicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
   5G Mobile X-haul Applications                     69   OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH
44 Ute Neugebauer et al., Leibniz IPHT               70   OWIS GmbH
   Photonic Solutions for Medicine and Environment   71   SENTECH Instruments GmbH
46 Joachim Reill, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors
		Optoelectonic Innovation Drives the Next
    Generation of Intelligent Vehicles
48 Ramona Eberhardt, Fraunhofer IOF                             Networks and Markets
		Freeform Optical Systems for Future Markets                   Netzwerke und Märkte
50 Steffen Reinl, JENOPTIK Optical Systems GmbH
   Integrable Solutions for the Growth Market of     74   German Society of Applies Optics – Deutsche
   ­Digital Laser Material Processing                     ­Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik e.V.
52 Jürgen Geffe, Vision & Control GmbH               76    THE GERMAN CAPITAL REGION excellence in pho-
		vicotar® Blue Vision Compact, Robust,                   tonics
    Lightweight – Telecentric Measurement Lenses     78   LASER World of PHOTONICS
    for the Blue Spectral Range                      80   Impressum

             Results and Services
             from Research Institutions
             Ergebnisse und Dienste
             von Einrichtungen der Forschung

56    Fraunhofer IOF
58    Fraunhofer ILT
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik

    Preface                                                                                        Anja Karliczek
                                                                                                   Federal Minister of
                                                                                                    and Research
                                                                                                    Bundesministerin für
                                                                                                    ­Bildung und Forschung

    Whether we think of bright summer evenings or candlelight         Photonics also provides essential assistance in industrial
    and fireside in winter, we associate light with pleasure and      production, for example when laser systems separate or
    warmth. But light can do so much more. We can concen-             join various components or when production processes
    trate it on a millionth of a millimetre. We are capable of high   are monitored. And one last example: Autonomous driving,
    technological feats, creating up to billions of megawatts.        which needs complex optical sensors. We already know
    And nothing moves faster than light.                              how they work in car parking assistants which beep when
                                                                      we move too near another car.
    Photonics helps us take advantage of these properties of
    light. Photonics is an important key technology that many         All this makes photonics an important sector which has cre-
    areas can no longer do without. Just think of medicine:           ated more than 130,000 jobs. At the same time, photonics
    Whether X-rays or computer tomography – imaging tech-             is a major driver of innovation for digital transformation.
    niques often provide the basis for precise diagnosis. And         Germany needs innovations which serve the people while
    minimal invasive surgery is only possible thanks to small         increasing prosperity and growth. This helps us remain
    cameras that serve as the surgeon's eyes inside the pa-           competitive on the international stage. Photonics makes a
    tient's body. Photonics "made in Germany" is used for this        substantial contribution to this, as the brochure "Photonics
    purpose. It helps to restore people's health.                     in Germany" impressively shows. Enjoy the read!

                                                                      Anja Karliczek
                                                                      Member of the German Bundestag
                                                                      Federal Minister of Education and Research
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik


Egal ob wir an lange helle Sommerabende denken oder an               Auch in der industriellen Produktion leistet Photonik
gemütliche Stunden bei Kerzenlicht und Feuerschein im Win­       unerlässliche Hilfestellungen, wenn etwa Lasersysteme ver­
ter – Licht gilt uns als Quelle von Freude und Wärme. Licht      schiedene Teile trennen beziehungsweise zusammenfügen,
kann aber noch viel mehr. Wir können es auf den millionsten      oder wenn es um die Überwachung von Fertigungsprozessen
Teil eines Millimeters fokussieren. Wir können technologisch     geht. Und ein letztes Beispiel: autonomes Fahren, das eine
Höchstleistungen erzielen, bis zu Milliarden von Megawatt.       komplexe optische Sensorik benötigt. Wie sie wirkt, merken
Und nichts ist schneller als Licht.                              wir schon jetzt, wenn der Parkassistent laut piept, weil wir
                                                                 einem anderen Auto zu nahe gekommen sind.
    Mit Hilfe von Photonik nutzen wir diese Eigenschaften            All das macht Photonik zu einer bedeutenden Zukunfts­
von Licht. Sie ist eine wichtige Schlüsseltechnologie, die aus   branche. Mehr als 130.000 Menschen arbeiten in diesem
vielen Bereichen nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Nehmen wir          Bereich. Photonik ist gleichzeitig ein wichtiger Innovations­
nur die Medizin: Ob Röntgenaufnahmen oder Computerto­            motor für die Digitalisierung. Deutschland braucht solche
mographie, bildgebende Verfahren stehen oft am Anfang            Innovationen, die dem Menschen dienen und gleichzeitig
einer präzisen Diagnose. Und minimalinvasive Eingriffe sind      Wohlstand und Wachstum mehren. So bleiben wir interna­
nur deswegen machbar, weil es kleine Kameras gibt, die für       tional wettbewerbsfähig. Die Photonik leistet dazu einen
den Chirurgen zu Augen im Körperinneren werden. Photonik         wichtigen Beitrag. Die Broschüre „Photonics in Germany“
„made in Germany“ wird hierfür genutzt. So hilft sie, Men­       macht dies auf eindrucksvolle Weise deutlich. Ich wünsche
schen gesund zu machen.                                          allen Leserinnen und Lesern eine spannende Lektüre.

                                                                 Anja Karliczek
                                                                 Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
                                                                 Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik

© TOPTICA Photonics
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik
Photonics in Germany in Germany 2019 - Optische Technologien in Deutschland - Cluster Optik und Photonik


    Germany's Strengths
    as a Business Location

                                                                                        Gerhard Hein,
                                                                                          VDMA Laser
                                                                                   and Laser Systems
                                                                              for Material Processing,
                                                                                     Photonics Forum

    Germany is a leading hub for business and diversified re-        quirements of individual user industries, process robust-
    search. With its rational regulatory framework and system-       ness and high availability as well as integrated services.
    atic research funding that is oriented towards feasibility but   Industrial software and monitoring solutions are gaining in
    at the same time open to future-oriented foundations, it is      significance, specifically the visualisation of current condi-
    a guarantor of innovativity. Research funding is of particular   tions and the prediction of possible failures using trend and
    importance in Germany: in many cases it results from indus-      pattern recognition. The main challenges in the future will
    try-oriented agenda processes or is based on an holistic ap-     be the linking of additive manufacturing with the objectives
    proach and follow-up measures which cover all programme          of Industry 4.0, networking across all process steps and
    content and collaborative projects over time. Particular         the establishment of standard industrial processes in the
    importance is attached to the fact that the market-driven        area of "Additive Manufacturing" (AM).
    development concerns of industry are addressed, while the
    expertise of highly qualified institutes – especially with re-   Differentiated consideration of opportunities and
    gard to preliminary research – is taken fully into account.      demands now required
                                                                     This applies in rather general form to the set of principal
    The funding guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Education      goals. Of course, it could be left to the equipment manufac-
    and Research on "Line integration of additive manufactur-        turers themselves to overcome obstacles to further market
    ing processes" provide a striking illustration of Germany's      penetration that have not yet been removed. These are
    strengths in this area. From a technical point of view, the      not difficult to identify, but are actually relatively difficult
    main objective is to make the transition from potent proto-      to deal with:
    type and small series production to productive series pro-           In small series production as well as in the production
    duction under exacting industrial conditions. This involves      of complex individualised components, cost advantages
    a huge increase in deposition rates, for example through         can certainly be obtained from additive processes without
    innovative multi-beam systems for the powder bed-based           tools. Considerable added value can be generated through
    LMF (Laser Metal Fusion) process, as well as complete so-        lightweight construction, internal cooling ducts or facilitat-
    lutions involving sophisticated concepts for parts and pow-      ing undercut contours. In such cases, it may also be pos-
    der management in order to increase machine utilisation          sible to eliminate cost disadvantages that are currently
    rates. New generations of multilaser systems now permit          enjoyed by medium and large series production.
    the production of competitive series components. However,            Of particular interest are also hybrid machines – for
    industrial solutions must cover the entire process chain         example laser deposition welding systems – which allow
    and take into account intelligent digitalisation, specific re-   specific processing functions of a different kind to be car-
                                                                     ried out during the build-up phase. However, this requires
                                                                     "3D printing"-compliant design and new approaches in
                                                                     production planning.
                                                                         In the case of large components, on the other hand,
                                                                     the focus is on the necessary increase in the build-up
                                                                     rates, the comparatively high prices of the systems them-
                                                                     selves as well as the limited variety of (suitable) material
                                                                     powders available. Added to these are the requirements
                                                                     of automated powder feeding, powder handling, powder
                                                                     disposal, dust pollution in the environment due to "un-
                                                                     packing" of the parts, process chains for the removal of
    Constructor of a Titanium Impellor. © DMG-MORI                   supporting structures, non-destructive quality testing of


the additive components and finally the proof of faultless      controls were connected to various communication part-
reproducibility.                                                ners for demonstration purposes.
    The above production-related development require-
ments are acknowledged and are being addressed by               Project-oriented versus basic research
reducing diffusion barriers and through the development         There are currently signs of a reorientation in research
activities of plant, component and substrate manufacturers      policy, both at the national and European level, towards
or research by renowned institutes.                             addressing future opportunities in the overall field of "quan-
                                                                tum technologies". In view of the foreseeable directional
Location-specific research policy                               correction in favour of increased support for basic research,
The coordinating and supportive research policy in Ger-         backing should also be given to laser technology and pho-
many could not have yielded its current achievements if         tonics being seen as important integral components of
the Ministry of Research and project sponsorships did not       quantum technologies. Currently being intensively propa-
look beyond the immediate production technology. This is        gated in connection with quantum technologies are sensor
where the aforementioned enhancement through support            technology and highly sensitive imaging techniques, quan-
measures comes in: certification of additively manufac-         tum computing with a focus on simulating highly complex
tured components, establishment of standardised AM pro-         phenomena and overcoming the current limitations, as well
cesses, sustainable standards in the initial and further        as communication technology including associated encryp-
training of workers, production planners, designers and         tion aspects. Ongoing and planned activities are still very
university graduates in the form of additional qualifica-       much laboratory-based, and potential market readiness is
tions through specialised advanced courses. The research        unlikely to be reached within the next few years. Accord-
policy, industrial partners and sponsors of the highly ef-      ingly, the VDMA, specifically its Laser and Laser Systems
fective German institutes (for which the country is justly      Working Group and the Photonics Forum, advocate net-
envied worldwide) form a virtuous circle! Prime examples        working physical research with engineering and the enabler
here include "transverse" research topics in the context        function of important branches of photonics in the future.
of training requirements or standardization-related stud-       The challenges lie in coordinating the research disciplines
ies on the selection of reference components for the pur-       and creating transparency in terms of access to appropri-
pose of illuminating the entire chain. As far as standards      ate infrastructures. The effects chain will be complex and
are concerned, a certain conflict arises due to the fact        relatively costly, ranging from the equipment market for
that the application portfolio changes every six months         laboratory technology to application development.
or so, or receives notable additions. Difficulties also arise
in machine acceptance, where particular components are
of great importance and relevant guidelines exist. Highly
promising applications are held back because they are dif-
ficult - or impossible - to reconcile with these guidelines.
The definition of approval criteria for a constant stream of
new applications is problematic!

No genuine line integration without connectivity
Last but not least, with the increasing implementability
of additive processes in industrial process chains, the
eventual emergence of customer demands will have to
be met by "connectivity" as a prerequisite for Industry
4.0 concepts. Semantics and parameters will need to
                                                                Additive Manufacturing. © DMG-MORI
be standardised in order to implement a universal, glob-
ally accepted interface based on the OPCUA Companion
                                                                VDMA – German Engineering Federation
Specification that can reliably and seamlessly integrate        Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.
machines and plants into customer- and user-specific IT         Laser and Laser Systems for Material Processing
systems. The VDW association, which is responsible for          Photonics Forum
                                                                Corneliusstraße 4
the machine tool industry and whose project also feeds
                                                                60325 Frankfurt am Main
into relevant VDMA activities spanning several mechani-         Germany
cal engineering sectors, recently unveiled a "Universal
Machine Tool Interface" (umati) at the AMB trade fair in        Phone   +49 69 - 756081 - 43
                                                                Fax     +49 69 - 756081 - 11
Stuttgart in October 2018 and successfully exhibited it         Mail
on the stands of project partners. Different machines and       Web


     Digital Change Driven by Photonics
     and Other Quantum Technologies

     Photonics is an important key technology for Germany as a        Guiding principles of technological change are:
     location for innovation. It provides solutions for tomorrow's    • the combination of individual photonic technologies
     markets. Increasingly, photonics is driving digitization. Take      to form integrated photonic systems; photonic micro
     additive manufacturing, autonomous robots or vehicles               integration,
     – photonics provides an indispensable technology basis.          • digital optics for applications ranging from medicine
     This creates enormous opportunities for our companies.              to industry 4.0 – from image capture via sensor-based
     But the challenges are also immense: new competitors                data evaluation and storage to data and image process-
     are pushing their way into international markets. Classi-           ing for user needs (multimodal imaging, computational
     cal, discrete components are being replaced by highly in-           imaging, 3D vision) as well as
     tegrated photonic technologies; new production chains and        • technologies, integrated systems and standards for
     new business models are being created on the basis of               photonic-based human-machine interfaces (gesture
     photonic processes. It is necessary to shape this change,           control, gaze control, near-field displays, 3D displays).
     to optimally position the photonics industry for future tasks    These challenges imply much more than application devel-
     and growth markets, to join forces, to strengthen small and      opment. It is about providing a comprehensive technology
     medium-sized enterprises and to finance growth.                  base for future photonic system solutions - with enormous

     Additive Manufacturing using Laser Metal Fusion (LMF). Image: TRUMPF Gruppe


                                  MinR Dr.
                                  Frank Schlie,
                                  für Bildung
                                  und Forschung

                                                                                     sensor technology or secure commu-
                                                                                          The German Federal Ministry of Ed-
                                                                                     ucation and Research (BMBF) supports
                                                                                     collaborative research at the frontiers
                                                                                     of science and technology with closely
                                                                                     interlinked programs on photonics and
                                                                                     quantum technologies. The aim is to
                                                                                     establish and expand successful inno-
                                                                                     vation networks. We aim to be leaders
                                                                                     and partners for these future fields of
                                                                                     our industries.
                                                                                          The tasks in research and develop-
                                                                                     ment are immense, and the course is
First diode-pumped, intra-cavity frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (DPSS)               now being set in international competi-
made of LEGO® bricks, Image: Prof. Dr. Mirco Imlau.                                  tion - from basic research via systems
                                                                                     solutions in photonics and quantum
                                                                                     technologies to applications for in-
                                                                                     dustry and society. To be successful
                                                                                     here, we need science, research, in-
                                                                                     dustry and politics to work shoulder to
                                                                                     shoulder. Together, we must invest in
                                                                                     research and development. We need
                                                                                     to open our technologies as platforms
                                                                                     for inventors and makers. We will need
                                                                                     to attract the best minds and commit-
                                                                                     ted young talent - because innovation
                                                                                     is made by people.

Photonics is a key enabler for Quantum Technologies, Image: Universität Stuttgart,
5. Physikalisches Institut, Wolfram Scheible
                                                                                     MinR. Dr. Frank Schlie
                                                                                     Bundesministerium für Bildung
significance for flexible production, medical and environ-                           und Forschung
mental technology and for networked infrastructures.                                 Referat 515
    At the same time, photonics lays the ground for com-                             Heinemannstrasse 2
                                                                                     53175 Bonn
pletely new fields of technology with enormous dynamics in                           Germany
the global competition in innovation. Today, photonic-based                          Phone +49 228 - 9957 - 3259
processes enable quantum technologies for ultra-precise                              Mail


     International Investment
     in Germany’s Photonics Industry

     The photonics industry plays a central role in the devel-      the fields of sales marketing, support or distribution. No
     opment of a number of German economic sectors in the           projects adding value to the products locally were record-
     coming years; being driven by strong German companies,         ed in the last five years.
     internationally renowned R&D institutes and generous               Germany is attractive as a location in the light sources
     government support.                                            business but with much less manufacturing activity than
          But just how attractive is Germany’s photonic sec-        in the last report. Both displays and light sources are
     tor for international investors? In which fields are foreign   largely destined for consumer markets. It can be seen
     companies investing in in Germany? Are foreign direct          that most of the FDI projects were primarily attracted to
     investment (FDI) projects being carried out in areas where     the large German consumer market, as opposed to estab-
     the domestic industry has existing strengths? And how          lishing projects to serve world markets from a manufac-
     have the results changed compared to my last report?           turing base in Germany. 38% of all light source projects
                                                                    were sales, marketing and support acitivites from East
          Compared with the last report 2 years ago, photovol-      Asian companies tapping into the European and German
     taics have significantly lost ground. This is because the      markets.
     temporary boom in investment caused by the German                  There is a clear trend towards FDI projects from China
     feed-in tariff law is waning after 2012. A rapid drop in       into Germany in recent years. In the photonics sector of
     prices – caused by international competition – has caused      measurement & automated vision most of the projects
     investment in this segment to stall in recent times. Some-     originated in classic industrialized countries. The US and
     what surprisingly, light sources takes the top spot. Mea-      Japan play the major roles in this category. This implies
     surement & automated vision shows up in second place           that the so-called triade of the US, Japan and Western
     after hitting spot number 5 two years ago. Let’s examine       Europe (Germany in particular) are still ahead of the com-
     these two categories in more detail.                           petition from emerging markets in this field.
          FDI projects in the field of displays were almost en-         Production technology as well as medical technology
     tirely carried out by Asian companies and exclusively in       and life sciences have seen relatively few international
                                                                                               investment projects compared
                                                                                               to the levels of domestic produc-
                                                                                               tion. Possible reasons include
                                                                                               barriers to entry such as rigid
                                                                                               regulations (e.g. in life scienc-
                                                                                               es) or specific strengths of the
                                                                                               German industry making these
                                                                                               segments unattractive to new
                                                                                                   Measurement & automated
                                                                                               vision has received a significant-
                                                                                               ly higher share of FDI projects
                                                                                               compared to the last report. This
                                                                                               fact could hint at the big trend
                                                                                               of Industry 4.0 impacting inter-
     Source: GTAI analysis based on FDI markets, November 2018                                 national interest and investment


                                    Max Milbredt,
                                    Manager Investor Consulting
                                    Electronics & Microtechnology
                                    Germany Trade and Invest

                                                                    ics sector can trigger the interest and commitment of
                                                                    international investors.
                                                                         To return to the initial questions, it is clear from ex-
                                                                    amples like these that Germany’s photonics sector is at-
                                                                    tractive to international investors. The German consumer
                                                                    market for lighting and the sector of measurement & au-
                                                                    tomated vision – possibly due to the rise of Industry 4.0
                                                                    - are especially attractive for foreign investors. Germany’s
                                                                    inherent strengths in medical technologies & life sciences
                                                                    and production technology mean the country still has the
                                                                    potential to attract foreign investment to its manufactur-
                                                                    ing sector. Germany Trade & Invest actively approaches
                                                                    international companies to encourage investment in all
Source: Photonics Industry Report
                                                                    of these segments of the photonics industry in Germany.

                                                                    About Germany Trade & Invest
                                                                    Germany Trade & Invest provides free consulting services
                                                                    to photonics companies looking to invest in the country.
                                                                    We consult on all matters concerning the market: from tax
                                                                    and legal issues and investment funding through to site
                                                                    identification. Germany Trade & Invest is funded by the
                                                                    Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

                                                                    *   The Financial Times fDi Markets foreign direct investment
                                                                        database was used to derive the data for this article.
                                                                        The sector definitions are based on those used in the
                                                                        Photonics Industry Report 2013 (jointly published by the
                                                                        German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and
                                                                        the SPECTARIS, VDMA, and ZVEI German trade associati-
Source: GTAI analysis based on FDI markets, November 2018               ons).146 FDI projects were identified for the six-year peri-
                                                                        od from January 2011 to December 2015.
into Germany in this field. The share of projects has risen
to 19% from 8% just two years ago.
                                                                    Max Milbredt
    One particularly interesting example of an invest-              Manager Electronics & Microtechnology
ment in photonics technologies in the period examined               Germany Trade and Invest
was Samsung’s investment in Novaled in 2013. Novaled,               Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft
                                                                    und Standortmarketing mbH
based in the eastern German city of Dresden, is a manu-
                                                                    Friedrichstraße 60
facturer of OLED materials. These materials are used in             10117 Berlin
novel applications such as OLED televisions and OLED                Germany
lighting. The investment was one of Germany’s most suc-             Phone +49 30 - 200 099 - 408
                                                                    Fax     +49 30 - 200 099 - 111
cessful venture capital exits to date, and a prime example          Mail
of how new technologies developed in Germany’s photon-              Web


     Why the Photonics Manufacturing Industry
     will Remain a Domestic Value Generator,
     Unlike the Photovoltaics Industry

     A German view on the nature of high-tech photonics

     Germany is seen as a leader in various technologies,             2018. Although it harboured great hopes at the start, the
     strong in innovation and academics but weak in exploiting        large-scale German PV industry experienced a short life-
     its leadership in large-scale market uptakes. Take televi-       cycle, basically in a time lapse compared to the lifecycles
     sion technology, mobile phones or semiconductors. In none        of other industries.
     of these segments Germany transferred its innovative ca-
     pacity into sustainable big business.                            Why photonics is different
          Is there reason to assume that the photonics industry       The industrial application of light – photonics – that
     could face a similar fate? In the search for a plausible         emerged around the same time as PV, has so far been
     prognosis, it helps to look at an industry that not only has a   spared from similar developments. Or is it merely experi-
     similar name, but also operates with similar technologies:       encing similar progress in slow motion? Are global competi-
     Photovoltaics (PV).                                              tion, increasing price pressure, and market concentration
          Considerable market uptake was not seen before the          also endangering this industry?
     late 1990s. Fuelled by the societal desire to introduce              Let us first look at what photonics constitutes. Photon-
     measures for climate protection and non-nuclear energy           ics is not a singular technology, but instead serves as an
     supplies, government support was introduced, which guar-         umbrella term for a series of different optical technolo-
     anteed a fixed payment for every injected kilowatt hour.         gies such as the light sources lasers/LED/OLED, imaging
     Hence, the demand rose significantly. By the mid-2000s,          optics, fibre optics, optical sensors, displays, and – here
     capacities for manufacturing PV modules emerged close to         we are again – solar cells. All these technologies trigger
     where the demand was, meaning mainly in Germany. But             great leverage effects in their application areas. They con-
     the industry was too slow in adapting its capacities and         tribute to the value of the end product or service, either by
     development efforts to the growing global demand. In this        enabling/enhancing the productivity of the manufacturing
     seller’s market, many producers were lulled into a false         process, or by providing/enhancing functionality in the end
     sense of security. The Chinese government recognised the         device. Example: to produce optical and electronic prod-
     potential of the rising number of guaranteed markets and         ucts, prognoses indicate that nearly 80% of revenues will
     a trend towards national energy transitions. In its 12th         depend on photonics in 2020 as analysts say.
     Five-Year Plan from 2011, it named PV as a key technol-              The steady development and growth of these appli-
     ogy and thereby laid the foundation for massive domestic         cations is forcing photonics itself to conduct intensive
     growth in manufacturing. For years, this industry’s produc-      research and development activities. Not least because
     tion far exceeded domes-
     tic demand, as a result
     of which the excess was
     distributed at low prices
     to markets that yielded
     stable returns. Europe-
     ans could not withstand
     this price pressure. Af-
     ter a transition period
     with punitive tariffs on
     Chinese imports, even
     the last major German
     manufacturer was forced
     to throw in the towel in


                            Jörg Mayer
                            Managing Director

                                                                                  driving. Lasers for material processing
                                                                                  or optical storage are also delivering
                                                                                  favourable growth prognoses.
                                                                                        German Photonics must prove that
                                                                                  it can master the growth. Other coun-
                                                                                  tries can scale up much more rapidly,
                                                                                  as the example of PV has shown. The
                                                                                  first area to consider is the availability
                                                                                  of specialists and academics, which
                                                                                  could otherwise be the greatest inhib-
                                                                                  iting factor to the upswing. The German
                                                                                  university system is reacting quickly,
                                                                                  partly driven by the federal structure in
of this can photonics be described as a key enabling          Germany which seeks to generate locational advantages
technology.                                                   through specific research and cluster programmes. Today,
    In Germany, photonics has recently steered onto an        about 20 university locations offer a degree in the field of
impressive road to success. After generating turnover of      lasers and optics. Although the PV industry produced an-
€31 billion in 2016, this value is expected to rise by more   nual revenue of €14 billion (2011) at its peak, comparable
than 22% to €38 billion by the end of 2018. In the same       numbers are considerably lower.
period, the number of employees in Germany is anticipated         However, a dense education landscape is not the only
to grow to nearly 140,000 - an increase of 13%.               benefit. Development partnerships are a major advan-
    When observing the product segments that deliver both
a high production volume in Germany and high growth rates
at the same time, optical components and parts, analysis
and measuring technology, production technology, as well
as medical technology stand out. Since these segments
hold a strong German position in the global market with a
consistent share of more than 15% of the global produc-
tion, photonics is maximising its value contribution to the
domestic value chain.

Is the German position sustainable?
China is catching up. While Japan and Europe have re-
corded a slightly declining share of the worldwide produc-
tion volume, China managed to reach nearly 30% of the
global production market share, following an upward trend.
However, it is expected that the overall global market will
increase from €530 billion (2017) to €800 billion by 2022.
Therefore, everyone will profit.
 This development is driven by certain expanding markets.
These include automotive applications with optical compo-
nents, such as displays or LiDAR lasers for autonomous


                                                                                                          And this brings us
                                                                                                      back to the beginning:
                                                                                                      PV was too late in rec-
                                                                                                      ognising itself as more
                                                                                                      of a commodity product.
                                                                                                      The Asians recognised
                                                                                                      this earlier and invest-
                                                                                                      ed in comprehensive
                                                                                                      production capacities
                                                                                                      that were often based
                                                                                                      on German plant engi-
                                                                                                      neering and required a
                                                                                                      relatively low number of
                                                                                                      highly qualified employ-
                                                                                                      ees. In addition, PV is
                                                                                                      used in few fields that
                                                                                                      purely deal with power
                                                                                                      generation. Research
                                                                                                      was able to focus on
                                                                                                      increasing its efficiency.
     tage, since complex optoelectronic and optomechanical        Combined with achieving lowest unit costs, this resulted in
     systems generally require a close-knit network of R&D        a nearly irreversible competitive advantage.
     and supplier companies, favoured by spatial proximity.            It is not foreseeable that many photonics technologies
     Respective networks are supported by associations such       will turn into commodity products like PV did. Specialised
     as SPECTARIS, which represent the interests of the pho-      applications for medical or measuring technology will con-
     tonics industry as well as various customer industries       tinue to be driven by the technological advances of their
     such as medical and laboratory technology.                   components and the successful collaboration of research
          The German photonics industry knows: it can com-        institutes, manufacturers, and users. This outlook fuels
     pete in areas that deal with complex solutions or high-      the hope that photonics as a key enabling technology will
     precision products, in which a high customising or en-       continue to have a home advantage for some time to come.
     gineering effort is needed, and in those which focus
     on individual production or small batches. These fields
     particularly require engineers and qualified specialists
     such as precision opticians and mechatronics engineers.
     Germany has them!
          But as soon as it comes to higher production amounts
     and more standardised products that have a greater fault
     tolerance, German companies struggle to keep up. Light       SPECTARIS German Industry Association for Medical Tech-
     technology, light, and sensors in car manufacturing, opti-   nology, Optical Technologies, Analytical, Biological, Labora-
                                                                  tory, and Ophthalmic Devices
     cal sensors in the consumer area, e. g., for smartphones,    Jörg Mayer
     live off high volumes. Here, other locational factors such   Managing Director
     as higher labour costs and bureaucratic hurdles prove        Werderscher Markt 15
                                                                  10117 Berlin
     to be disadvantageous. A high degree of automation on
     par with Industry 4.0 may offer a solution, but one which    Phone +49 30 - 41 40 21 - 12
     Asian manufacturers are also increasingly turning to due     Mail
     to a lack of specialists.                                    Web


in Growth
Markets                              in Wachstums-

                                              © Laserline


     Advanced Segmentation for Research and Industry
     Applications using Machine Learning
     Dr. Sebastian Rhode, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Munich Germany
     Dr. Roger Barnett, Carl Zeiss Microscopy Limited, Cambridge UK
     Dr. Alisa Stratulat, Carl Zeiss Microscopy Limited, Cambridge UK
     Dr. Matthew Andrew, Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy, Inc., Pleasanton USA

     Introduction                                                     The Concept of Actionable Information
     Segmentation is the division of images into defined regions      The main task for a system or software platform in this case
     for subsequent categorisation and analysis. It becomes           is the ability to extract information from images that can be
     a key task whenever quantitative information is to be ex-        used to create real value for the user. Figure 1 i­llustrates
     tracted from microscopic images, and this step lays the          this in the general sense.
     foundation for subsequent image analysis steps. Since the             The value drivers for this can be the need for automa-
     development of the first digital cameras, researchers and        tion, time savings, increased robustness or the need to be
     manufactures face the challenge of extracting quantitative,      able to segment structures or objects of interest at all, if
     actionable information from the acquired images to further       this cannot be done by conventional means. Machine learn-
     their research and improve their processes. This task is         ing can provide a way of solving the segmentation problem,
     crucial but turns out to be one of the most challenging          to obtain this actionable information.
     stages in the whole microscopy workflow. But, almost ev-
     ery other subsequent workflow depends on the ability to          Machine Learning – Choice of technologies
     transform the image data into rich digital models containing     The field of machine learning is developing rapidly and
     segmented data.                                                  therefore it is critical to choose a technology stack that is
                                                                      scalable and extendable. ZEISS ZEN Intellesis uses estab-
     The Challenge                                                    lished and proven open-source machine-learning libraries
     Despite segmentation being the core of quantitative im-          like TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn. This ensures transparency
     age analysis, segmentation is often difficult and cumber-        and allows the software to benefit easily from new devel-
     some. There is no one segmentation method for all prob-          opments in that field. The system architecture of ZEISS
     lems and therefore the user must deal with various tools         ZEN Intellesis highlights the fact that the software uses a
     and techniques to segment
     images from many differ-
     ent applications. Standard
     segmentation techniques
     involve defining regions
     based on thresholding their
     greyscale value or their co-
     lour. Segmenting by colour/
     greyscale value alone is
     frequently challenging as
     regions may have similar
     colour and brightness and
     only be differentiable based
     on their texture, shape or
     their appearance under a
     particular contrast or imag-
     ing mode. The key aspect is
     that the user must be able
     to obtain actionable infor-
     mation from their images Figure 1: The general concept of Actionable Information – Use Image Analysis and Machine-Learning
     in some way.                  to guide the next acquisition steps in automated workflows or for the final image analysis


cross-platform segmentation backend written in Python, in
combination with the ZEISS ZEN microscopy software. Such
Client-Server architectures allow re-use of the segmentation
algorithms inside other platforms like the cloud-and-dock-
er container based image and data processing platform,
­APEER. This was developed as a ZEISS initiative in parallel
 with Intellesis.
     Both libraries are implemented in Python and are there-
fore platform-independent, which allows the user to deploy        Figure 2: ZEISS ZEN Intellesis training interface - identification of
the segmentation algorithms not only on desktop machines          individual nanoparticles. Image acquired using a ZEISS FE-SEM.
 running on Microsoft Windows but also inside the APEER
 cloud processing platform. A simple APEER workflow below              To “train” the system a specific feature vector is cre-
 can use the exact same segmentation service as the Intel-        ated for each labelled pixels. The profile (feature vector)
 lesis software module.                                           for each pixel that has a certain number of properties,
                                                                  generated from several intensity, texture and edge filters
APEER – microscopy workflows simplified                           or by extracting the features from the layers of a pre-trained
through easy to use modules                                       network.
APEER provides a digital common platform to overcome                   A “forest of random decision trees” approach is then
this challenge, such that microscopy users can build and          used to create a classifier, using these feature vectors,
combine pre-defined packages into unique workflows that           which best recovers the provided training labels.
can be shared with peers, to accelerate research and in-               An interactive and intuitive user interface is used to
novation. As stated above, this includes automatic image          generate the training regions. This is done by ‘painting’ the
segmentation by machine learning but can include almost           different classes or features of interest onto the image, as
any type of image analysis or data processing possible –          shown in Figure 2. After each segmentation operation, the
e.g. particle size/shape determination, area counting etc.        user updates the labelling. This improves the segmentation
    In industrial environment, researchers could benefit          results that the machine learning has produced, and gives
from APEER automatically performing routine tasks for im-         it additional labelled regions to generate an updated clas-
proved efficiency, gaining flexibility in building pre-defined    sifier. This process (including labelling of multiple image
modules and saving time by using workflows targeted for
specific jobs.

Machine Learning – a solution to the segmenta-
tion problem
ZEISS ZEN Intellesis is a module for the ZEISS ZEN soft-
ware platform. It is a data-agnostic guided machine learn-
ing system, which can be used alone or in conjunction with
other software platforms.
    The general workflow of segmenting an image using
this tool typically starts with labelling and training a model.   Figure 3: Integration of machine-learning segmentation results in
The user defines such a model, and then ‘trains’ the model        the ZEN measurement framework and the Image Analysis Wizard
                                                                  to transform the segmentation results directly into actionable
by labelling regions on an image, set of images or part of a      information. The results can be visualized or exported for further
larger, multidimensional data set (2D or 3D).                     downstream processing steps.


     data sets) can be repeated as many times as needed to                  and ZEISS ZEN Core image acquisition and image analysis
     generate satisfactory results.                                         platforms. It can be fully integrated into these existing and
          Furthermore, it is possible to link such a trained model          established solutions.
     directly to a ZEISS ZEN Image Analysis Setting. This is a
     measurement pipeline, which includes a mandatory segmen-               Application Examples
     tation step to create objects. The actual feature measure-             Since ZEISS ZEN Intellesis is a generic tool for image seg-
     ment is the done on the segmented object level; measuring              mentation it can be applied to many different applications
     object-specific parameters like size distribution, shape etc.          and research fields.
          The software supports even 6D datasets, like tiled im-
     ages with multiple-channels and Z-stacks taken over time.              Molecular Genetics –
     When segmenting these or any other large data sets the                 Drosophila Brain Sections
     built-in data manager will automatically “chunk” the data              One of the biggest possible issues with electron micro-
     into digestible pieces for the machine-learning algorithm,             scope images intended for segmentation is the level of
     and automatically distribute computation power depending               noise. Noise makes classical segmentation extremely chal-
     on the available resources.                                            lenging, because thresholding alone does not provide accu-
                                                                            rate results. Figure 4 shows an electron microscope image
     Conclusions                                                            of a section of the calyx region of a 30-day-old Drosophila.
     Image segmentation is an important step for industrial re-             The goal of the experiment was to identify the different
     searchers, materials scientists and technicians who want               structural components of the sample.
     to extract meaningful information from their 2D or 3D mi-                  Five different groups of features have been classi-
     crographs. They can enhance their research, improve pro-               fied: vesicles were identified in white, membranes in blue,
     ductivity of routine tasks and increase their accuracy. Even           mitochondria in red, cytoplasm in yellow and intercellular
     though both classical threshold-based methods and ma-                  space in green. After image segmentation utilizing ZEISS
     chine learning algorithms exist, using them effectively and            ZEN Intellesis all five components can be distinguished
     accurately often requires image segmentation expertise.                and quantified, despite the relative high noise and small
     The lack of automated image segmentation can result in                 grey-scale differences within the image. The approach of
     operator-biased analysis as well as many hours of manual               ZEISS ZEN Intellesis to consider a large number of different
     investigation. In fast moving industrial environments, a ro-           features for the segmentation – e.g. texture and neighbour-
     bust image segmentation platform that provides repeatabil-             hood (rather than just greyscale differences as for classical
     ity and accuracy of results while saving time, is essential.           thresholding approaches) ensures a more accurate result.
          ZEISS ZEN Intellesis brings all these advantages to
     organisations and individuals working on industrial materi-            Determination of size distribution of nanoparticles
     als and it is fully integrated into the ZEISS ZEN software             Nanoparticles research plays a very important role in nu-
     platform. From performing grain size analysis on metals or             merous industrial applications such as pharmaceuticals,
     ceramics, size distribution of nanoparticles in agglomer-              biomedical applications, coatings, inks and pigments,
     ates, layer and phase analysis of materials, to porosity               energy materials and filtration. To engineer nanoparticles
     and exporting 3D real structures for physics simulations,              with unique properties, improve synthesis methods and
     ZEISS ZEN Intellesis works efficiently on all image formats            innovate new products, the chemistry, size and shape of
     (both colour and greyscale) and provides a seamless image              individual nanoparticles must be determined. Even though
     segmentation. ZEISS ZEN Intellesis is not a standalone ap-             there are bulk analytical techniques (such as sieving or
     plication, but is an optional module for the ZEISS ZEN Blue            laser scattering) to determine particle size distribution

     Figure 4: Calyx region of a Drosophila brain. Left: EM image showing mitochondria, synapses and presynaptic vesicles. Middle: Subset of
     left image showing segmented areas for mitochondria (red), membranes (blue), cytoplasm (yellow), intercellular space (green) and vesi-
     cles (white), segmented with ZEISS ZEN Intellesis. Right: Overlay of second image and raw data. Images courtesy of Max Planck Institute
     for Molecular Genetics, Berlin.


                                                                                                        from its neighbours. For light
                                                                                                        micrographs, this is facilitated
                                                                                                        by appropriate etching – either
                                                                                                        to highlight the grain boundary
                                                                                                        (typical in steels and nickel al-
                                                                                                        loys) or by colouring each grain
                                                                                                        differently from its neighbour
                                                                                                        (e.g. some aluminium alloys).
                                                                                                        Once individual grains have
                                                                                                        been identified, measuring
                                                                                                        their size/shape distribution
                                                                                                        is trivial.
Figure 5: Workflow of nanoparticles size distribution analysis: (left) Image of nanoparticles ac-
                                                                                                             Figure 6 shows examples
quired at 2kV in a ZEISS FE-SEM using the InLens detector, then segmented using ZEISS ZEN Intel-        of grain boundary detection
lesis. (right) Particle area distribution of individually segmented nanoparticles.                      in metals and ceramics using
                                                                                                        light and field emission scan-
(though these methods may be limited by particle size and/                 ning electron microscopy. The metal (Alloy 600) was pol-
or composition), automated analysis of individual nanopar-                 ished and then electro-etched. The grain boundaries are
ticles in agglomerates still remains a challenge.                          clearly visible, as are the twinning lines within the grains.
     Figure 5 shows a section of an example automated                      However, the twinning lines are lighter than the grain
workflow used to separate individual nanoparticles in ag-                  boundaries, and grain boundary detection was straight-
glomerates and to determine their particle area distribu-                  forward using machine learning. The zirconia sample was
tion using machine-learning, integrated into the ZEISS ZEN                 more challenging – it was examined in the a­ s-received (un-
measurement framework. As shown above, ZEISS ZEN In-                       polished and un-coated) condition in a ZEISS Sigma 300
tellesis was successfully used to identify three different                 FE-SEM using secondary electron imaging at 1kV. The grain
classes: nanoparticles, boundary between nanoparticles                     boundaries are visible, but there are significant variations
and background. To further separate individual nanopar-                    in contrast across the sample, as well as several pores.
ticles and determine the size distribution further binary                  Using machine learning in ZEISS ZEN Intellesis, it was
processing steps were applied and the resulting data table                 possible to directly segment grain boundaries to permit
was visualized an open-source python package (https://                     determination of grain size/shape, while simultaneously and displayed inside the ZEISS ZEN soft-                  detecting and measuring pore size/shape/distribution.
ware. The complete workflow was automated using the
built-in python scripting in ZEISS ZEN.

Grain size determination of metals and ceramics
The properties of most engineering alloys and ceramics
                                                                          ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions
are strongly affected by the grain size and morphology.                   Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
Various standards exist for measurement of grain size                     Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
                                                                          07745 Jena
by light microscopy or by other methods including elec-
tron back-scatter diffraction. There is a fundamental fac-                Phone: +49 1803336 - 334
tor common to all methods – differentiation of one grain                  Mail:

Figure 6: (left) Nickel Alloy 600 after metallographic preparation and electro etching. Brightfield imaging on a ZEISS Axio Imager Z2.m.
(half left) ZEISS ZEN Intellesis segmentation of this image, showing grains in red and grain boundaries in green. (half right) Zirconia in the
as-received condition, secondary electron imaging at 1kV at 30Pa in a ZEISS Sigma 300 VP. (right) ZEISS ZEN Intellesis segmentation of
this image, showing grains in blue, grain boundaries in red, pores in green.


     Lasers in the Quantum World

     When quantum theories were first formulated a century ago,               Their enthusiasm is shared by governments and companies
     who would have guessed how much technological develop-                   investing heavily in “quantum 2.0”. The amazing gist: The
     ments originating from quantum physics shape the way we                  most fragile properties of quantum systems, often perceived
     live and interact today. Whether we work on a computer, use              as counterintuitive or even spooky, are actually the source of
     our mobile phones, or get a diagnosis based on magnetic                  radically new technologies. While the resulting applications
     resonance imaging: the understanding of quantum mechan-                  are novel, the tools to enable quantum technologies are
     ics is the basis for all these technologies. In photonics, the           not. Already Newton acknowledged what is at the heart of
     laser and light-emitting diodes are prime examples, with a               modern science and technology: “If I have seen further it is
     current market of more than 12 billion USD for lasers alone.             by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” This is particularly
     Now, there are new quantum technologies on the horizon,                  true for quantum technologies. As an example, the laser,
     with applications so exciting that researchers and science               a product of the first quantum revolution, is an enabling
     writers alike are proclaiming a second quantum revolution.               technology for quantum technologies. Its application is by

     Figure 1: The most striking non-classical properties of quantum systems like single atoms or ions are the basis of radically
     new technologies. © Ezume Images –


                      Dr. Stephan Ritter                                                                        Dr. Jürgen Stuhler
            Application Specialist Quan-                                                                        Senior Director
           tum Technologies at TOPTICA                                                                          Quantum Technologies
                           Photonics AG                                                                         at TOPTICA Photonics AG

Figure 2: With a large line-up of tunable diode lasers and convenient digital control, TOPTICA Photonics provides a custom solution for
­basically all quantum technologies requiring lasers.

no means limited to purely optical quantum technologies.                 nents in many quantum computers, quantum sensors and
Lasers are rather found in the majority of quantum setups. In            optical clocks. In essence, the incredible control over all
fact, the laser company TOPTICA Photonics AG, which has its              degrees of freedom of the light emanating from a laser, often
origins in laser cooling and spectroscopy of atomic species,             at the quantum limit, is a prime tool to initialize, manipu-
is now the major provider of laser systems for all areas of              late and read out other quantum systems. Every property
quantum technologies: quantum communication, quantum                     of a laser, i.e. its wavelength, linewidth, power, polarization,
computing, quantum simulation and quantum sensing.                       temporal and spatial beam profile is an important control
     Most obviously, light sources are at the heart of quantum           parameter in quantum technologies.
networks, because photons are the natural carriers of quan-                  The list of quantum systems employed in or proposed
tum states over large distances. They enable applications                for quantum technologies is no less varied than the list of
like quantum key distribution and the future interconnection             quantum applications. This may seem immature compared
of quantum computers. But laser are also essential compo-                to e.g. the one-species-does-it-all approach of silicon-based


     Figure 3: Each quantum system requires lasers with a specific combination of wavelengths and power levels. The broad wavelength cover-
     age from 190 nm to 4 µm provided by TOPTICA’s tunable diode lasers combined with reliable and convenient operation therefore enables
     many spectacular applications of quantum technologies.

     classical computer technolo-
     gies. It reflects, however, the
     intrinsic interconnections of
     individual atomic properties
     like their energy-level structure
     and the variety of applications.
     Researchers take advantage
     of the full diversity provided
     by nature by employing many
     different elements of the pe-
     riodic table, not only in their
     neutral form, but also as ions,
     in molecules and embedded in
     solids. These natural quantum
     systems are complemented
     by artificial atoms and other
     nanostructures like quantum
     dots. The resonance frequen-
                                          Figure 4: Narrow-linewidth lasers are key for applications like optical clocks. By locking to a high-
     cies of all mentioned systems
                                          finesse optical cavity, the linewidth of external cavity diode lasers can be reduced to the 1 Hz level.
     cover a great part of the elec-      The graph shows the optical beat signal between two independent, cavity-stabilized TOPTICA diode
     tromagnetic spectrum such            lasers at 1162 nm.


that lasers at basically all wavelengths are needed (see             reliability, compactness, low power consumption, low cost
Figs. 2 and 3).                                                      of ownership and remote control are among the many fea-
     This colorfulness in its most literal sense is comple-          tures that are essential. Diode lasers meet many of these
mented by very well defined transition frequencies in each in-       requirements.
dividual species. This makes atoms and ions with extremely                The United Nations proclaimed 2015 the International
narrow transitions ideal frequency standards. When these             Year of Light, celebrating the importance of light and light-
transitions are interrogated with lasers in optical clocks, the      based technologies. Quantum technologies are adding an-
linewidth of the laser often defines the quality of the clock        other chapter to the great book of light-based enlighten-
(see Fig. 4). Frequency combs, like TOP-
TICA’s DFC CORE, are used to compare
different optical clocks. At this extreme
level of accuracy, control of the environ-
ment plays an important role. As an ex-
ample, light at a so called “magic wave-
length” has to be used to trap neutral
atoms. Only at this wavelength, the dis-
turbance of the clock transition caused
by the optical trap is small enough for
the targeted accuracy.
     Optical traps are only one example
of how laser light is used to manipulate
the motion of atoms. It can also be em-
ployed to cool atoms as far as to the ab-
solute ground state. This often requires
a lot of power while maintaining full con-
trol over the spectral properties. High
                                              Figure 5: Compact and robust laser solutions are crucial for many quantum technologies.
powers are also required when scaling TOPTICA combines four field-proven narrow-linewidth tunable diode lasers in one com-
quantum computers based on trapped pact 19-inch subrack. Digital laser controllers enable remote control of the laser modules
ions, where each ion carrying a single and deep integration with the application’s control software, e.g. using a Python software
quantum bit has to be addressed indi- development kit.
vidually. Obviously, these approaches are
also very demanding with respect to the pointing and other           ments. It will be interesting to see how small lasers will
spatial properties of the employed beams.                            remain the giants on whose shoulders future quantum tech-
     The lasers’ polarization is another control knob that is        nologies can reliably rest.
used to discriminate even between spectrally degenerate
transitions using selection rules. The polarization of a single
photon is also a natural degree of freedom for the encoding          Dr. Stephan Ritter
of a quantum bit in quantum communication. But the tim-
ing, frequency or even orbital angular momentum of single            Dr. Jürgen Stuhler
photons can likewise be used, each with their specific ad-           Mail
vantages and disadvantages. Even the phase and amplitude
                                                                     TOPTICA Photonics AG
of pulses of light are employed in quantum communication.            Lochhamer Schlag 19
     Besides the application-determined and physics-driven           82166 Graefelfing
demand for control of all laser parameters, there are many           Germany
                                                                     Phone +49 89 - 85837-0
technological challenges to be met by light sources for quan-        Fax     +49 89 - 85837-200
tum technologies. Mode-hop-free tuning, large tuning ranges,         Web
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