PHILIPPE VErdELot - Profeti della Quinta - Madrigals for four voices - Primephonic

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PHILIPPE VErdELot - Profeti della Quinta - Madrigals for four voices - Primephonic
  Madrigals for four voices

    Profeti della Quinta
Philippe Verdelot
                                                                         Madrigals for four voices

                                                                          Profeti della Quinta
                                                                             Giovanna Baviera canto
                                                                               Doron Schleifer alto
                                                                              Jacob Lawrence tenor
                                                                                Elam Rotem bass
                                                                       Giovanna Baviera, Anna Danilevskaia,
                                                                Elizabeth Rumsey, Leonardo Bortolotto viol consort

                                                                                 Elam Rotem
                                                                                 musical direction
Doron Schleifer, Elam Rotem, Giovanna Baviera, Jacob Lawrence
                           (c 1480 - c.1530)

 1    Se l’ardor foss’ equale                                             2:49
 2    Se mai provasti donna                                               1:33
 3    Gloriar mi poss’io donne                                            2:16
 4    Igno soave                                                          1:59
 5    Io son tal volta (instrumental)                                     2:29
 6    Divini occhi sereni                                                 1:30
 7    Trist’ Amarilli mia                                                 3:21
 8    Ognor per voi sospiro                                               2:02
 9    Madonna, qual certezza                                              2:20
10    Madonna, per voi ardo                                               2:02
11    Se dimostrarvi a pieno (instrumental)                               2:42
12    Si lieta e grata morte                                              3:24
13    Deh, perche si veloce                                               2:28
14    Quando Amor i belli occhi a terra inchina                           1:55
15    Non vi fidate o simplicetti amanti                                  1:38
16    Con lagrime et sospir (instrumental)                                1:23
17    Fuggi, fuggi, cor mio!                                              1:42
18    Con suave parlar con dolce accento                                  2:08
19    Passer mai solitario in alcun tetto                                 2:55
20    Ben che’l misero cor (instrumental)                                 2:05
21    La bella man mi porse Madonna                                       2:00
22    Gran dolor di mia vita                                              2:13

		Source: Di Verdelotto / tutti li madrigali del primo et del secondo libro
		 a quatro voci (first edition 1540; 11th edition 1565)
gali di Verdelotto da cantare et sonare nel lauto,      mit der gleichen Musik vertont sind, handelt es sich   sich bei diesen Wendungen um eher subtile Stil-
                                                         1536. Die Einrichtung wurde von Adrian Willaert         bei Verdelots Madrigalen um sogenannte „durch-         mittel handelt, greift das Madrigal Con suave parlar
                                                         vorgenommen, einem Komponisten, der in Verde-           komponierte“ Werke; d.h. jeder Text erhält eine        (track 18) auf Techniken zurück, die etwas offen-
                      Philippe Verdelot                  lots Fußstapfen trat und selbst eine wichtige Figur     eigene, einzigartige musikalische Umsetzung. Dar-      sichtlichere Auswirkungen auf die nachfolgende
            Madrigale für vier Stimmen                   auf dem Gebiet des frühen Madrigals wurde. Die          über hinaus verwendet Verdelot – mal subtil, mal       Entwicklung des Madrigals hatten. Der Text be-
                                                         Schönheit dieser Musik und die attraktive Beset-        schockierend – unterschiedliche Stilmittel, durch      schreibt einen süßen Traum, in dem dem Protago-
                                                         zung fasziniert viele moderne Sänger*innen, die         die er von der Basis der homophonen Struktur ab-       nisten die Geliebte erscheint, dann aber plötzlich
                                                         diese Arrangements in ihre Programme miteinbe-          weicht, um den Text besser auszudrücken.               verschwindet. Die Vertonung beginnt mit einer tie-
Philippe Verdelot gilt als einer der wichtigsten         ziehen. Tatsächlich ist es wohl vor allem der Be-       Das Madrigal Madonna, qual certezza (track 9) ist      fen, homophonen Eröffnung im F-Modus, also dem
Komponisten und Entwickler des italienischen Ma-         liebtheit von Willaerts Intavolierungen zu verdan-      beispielsweise durchweg homophon mit der einzi-        Modus, der in der Renaissance gemeinhin als „süß“
drigals. Er wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 15.     ken, dass Verdelot heute bekannt ist. Die originale     gen Ausnahme des Wortes „consumar“ (verzehrt           und „weich“ gilt. Als das Erscheinen der Geliebten
Jahrhunderts in Frankreich geboren; die Umstände         vierstimmige Fassung dieser Madrigale wird jedoch       werden), das in seiner Kompositionsweise auf er-       das lyrische Ich in Wallung versetzt, gibt es schnel-
und das Datum seines Todes sind nicht bekannt –          von modernen Ausführenden für gewöhnlich ver-           staunliche Melismen in allen Stimmen zurückgreift.     le Synkopen, die einen sehr aufgewühlten Eindruck
wobei einige Wissenschaftler davon ausgehen, dass        nachlässigt. Wir freuen wir uns, in dieser Aufnahme     Durch diese Abweichung von der vorherrschenden         vermitteln. Als das lyrische Ich angesichts der gött-
er in den 1530er Jahren starb. Bereits in früher Ju-     ihre reiche Textur darstellen zu können, sei es mit     Textur verstärkt Verdelot die Wirkung dieses Wor-      lichen Erscheinung der Geliebten von sich in Flam-
gend verließ er Frankreich und verbrachte sein Be-       vier Sängern oder durch vier Gamben.                    tes und gibt ihm eine für das Stück zentrale Bedeu-    men spricht, endet die Synkopierung und der Ge-
rufsleben größtenteils in Italien. Seine ersten Pu-                                                              tung. Im Gegensatz dazu ist La bella man mi porse      brauch einfacher Homophonie kreiert einen starken
blikationen, die womöglich posthum veröffentlicht        Über ihre reine Schönheit hinaus legten Verde-          Madonna (track 21) abwechslungsreicher kompo-          Effekt. Nur das Wort infiammavo („ich brannte“)
wurden, erschienen 1533 und 1534: zwei Bücher            lots Madrigale die Grundlage für das Konzept der        niert, wobei die Stimmen für jede Strophe anders       birgt kleine Melismen. Als die Geliebte „wie Wind
mit vierstimmigen Madrigalen. Beide Sammlungen           Wortmalerei und mehr noch, für das italienische         gruppiert werden: drei Stimmen im Verbund, ge-         zerstreut“ wird, benutzt Verdelot Semiminimen in
erfuhren mehrfache Wiederauflagen und 1540               Madrigal als Genre. Die Idee hinter einem Ma-           genüber einer Stimme alleine oder zwei Gruppen à       Homophonie – also in schneller Deklamation – was
wurde ein Doppelband herausgegeben: Di Verdelot-         drigalsatz ist simpel: Ein Gedicht wird auf einem       zwei Stimmen etc. Zum Ende des Madrigals nutzt         einen raschen, sogar überraschenden Effekt nach
to / tutti li madrigali del primo et del secondo libro   „musikalischen Teller“ serviert, wodurch die im Text    Verdelot jedoch schlichte Homophonie, in welcher       sich zieht und den Wind nachahmt.
a quatro voci. Dieser Druck sollte einer der belieb-     ausgedrückten Emotionen noch verstärkt werden.          alle Stimmen gemeinsam singen – der Effekt ist         Ein weiterer sehr wichtiger Aspekt des Madriga-
testen Sammlungen seiner Zeit werden und wurde           Das einfachste „Servieren“ wäre dabei, einen Vers       eindrucksvoll und verleiht dieser letzten Aussage      lismus ist die Gegensätzlichkeit von „weich“ und
im Laufe der folgenden 25 Jahre elf Mal wiederauf-       in Harmonie zu rezitieren oder – musikalischer          des Madrigals großen Nachdruck. Hinzukommt,            „hart“ in der Musik. „Weiche“ Affekte wie z.B.
gelegt! Die Stücke der vorliegenden Aufnahme sind        ausgedrückt – mehrere Stimmen homophon singen           dass er beim Ausruf „O“ in „O che dolce morire“        „Süße“ und „Trauer“, werden in weichen Modi, In-
alle dieser Sammlung entnommen.                          zu lassen. Diese einfache Technik ist in Verdelots      („oh wie süß ist es, zu sterben“) zum ersten und       tervallen und Noten vertont; im Gegensatz dazu
                                                         vierstimmigen Madrigalen sehr verbreitet, doch ihr      einzigen Mal eine Brevis verwendet, den längsten       werden „harte“ Affekte wie „Grausamkeit“ oder
Drei Jahre nach seiner Erstveröffentlichung wurde        Ursprung liegt in früheren italienischen Vokalgen-      Notenwert in diesem Kontext. Dieses kleine Detail      „Härte“ mit harten modalen und intervallischen
Verdelots erstes Buch für Sologesang und Lauten-         res, beispielsweise in der frottola. Während letztere   macht diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem           Wendungen zum Ausdruck gebracht. Wenn bei-
begleitung arrangiert – Intavolatura de li madri-        jedoch eher liedartig sind und verschiedene Verse       und erzeugt ein Gefühl des Staunens. Während es        spielsweise Weinen oder Kummer beschrieben

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wird, benutzt Verdelot häufig eine Es-Dur-Harmo-          ments und konnten daher diese zusätzliche Zeit          sagen, welche Entscheidungen Verdelot getroffen       ten im Großen und Ganzen nur mit männlichen
nie, die nach seinen Standards „weichste“ Klang-          nutzen, um uns der Vorbereitung dieses Programms        oder erwartet hätte. Gut denkbar ist, dass die un-    Sängern. Bei häuslichen Aufführungen nahmen
form. Dieser Kontrast zwischen dem Weichen und            zu widmen.                                              terschiedlichen Ausführenden dieser Stücke, die       jedoch auch Sängerinnen teil. Wir glauben, dass
dem Harten wurde von quasi allen folgenden Ma-                                                                    sich auf einige Jahrzehnte verteilen, unterschied-    die kommerziell so erfolgreichen Drucke von Ver-
drigalkomponisten, von Adrian Willaert bis Claudio        Neben den üblichen Fragen der Aufführungspra-           liche und vielfältige Lösungen gewählt haben. In      delots Madrigalen häufig in einem solchen Kon-
Monteverdi angewandt und übernommen, wobei                xis wie Textunterlegung und Verzierungen, liegt         unserer Umsetzung versuchten wir, bestimmten          text zum Einsatz kamen und dass die Besetzung
dieses System für letzteren eine richtungsweisende        eine besondere Schwierigkeit bei Verdelots Ma-          Richtlinien zu folgen, aber von der ersten Probe an   von einer Frauen- und dreier Männerstimmen ein
Vorbildfunktion hatte.                                    drigalen in der sogenannten musica ficta. Hier ist      bis hin zur Aufnahme änderte sich unsere Meinung      sehr wahrscheinliches häusliches Szenario wider-
                                                          nicht der Raum, dieses Gesamtkonzept im Detail          oft. Wir sind überzeugt, dass eine solche Mehrdeu-    spiegelt. Zusätzlich zur vokalen Darbietung stellten
Für diese Aufnahme verwendeten wir den letzten            zu erläutern, in aller Kürze lässt sich aber sagen,     tigkeit historisch gesehen fester Bestandteil der     wir uns auch häusliche Instrumentalaufführungen
Nachdruck (1565) jenes oben erwähnten Bandes, der         dass bei der musica ficta der Komponist die Ver-        Aufführung dieser Stücke war.                         vor und haben in dieser Aufnahme auch vier mit
die beiden vierstimmigen Madrigalbücher Verdelots         setzungszeichen (# oder b) nicht notiert und es                                                               einem Consort von Renaissance-Gamben gespielte
vereint. Wir benutzten diesen als einzige Quelle, so-     den Ausführenden überlässt, diese zu applizieren.       In den meisten musikalischen Institutionen des 16.    Madrigale eingeschlossen. Wir hoffen, mit dieser
wohl für die Stückauswahl wie auch für das eigentli-      In der Musik von Verdelot sind fast keine Vorzei-       Jahrhunderts waren nur männliche Sänger zuge-         Aufnahme nicht nur die Musik von Verdelot, die wir
che Notenmaterial, aus dem wir aufführten, probten        chen notiert, und während einige Alterationen           lassen und die höchste Stimme wurde von Knaben,       auf wunderbare Weise einzigartig finden, sondern
und aufnahmen. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen              eindeutig notwendig sind, stehen viele andere zur       Kastraten oder Countertenören gesungen. Deshalb       auch die Intimität und Freude bei der Aufführung
der Benutzung einer originalen Edition (bzw. origi-       Diskussion – entweder auf Grundlage der Musik-          arbeiten die Profeti della Quinta in ihren Projek-    dieser Madrigale vermitteln zu können.
nalgetreuer Reproduktionen ebendieser) und einer          theorie oder einfach des Geschmacks. Die oben
Ausgabe in moderner Partitur liegt darin, dass die        erwähnten Arrangements einiger dieser Madrigale                                                                                                      Elam Rotem
Originalausgaben in getrennten Stimmen vorliegen.         durch Willaert enthalten in ihrer Notationsweise
Das heißt, anstatt dass jeder Sänger aus einer Parti-     alle musica ficta-Vorzeichen. Es ist also verlockend,
tur vorträgt, in der ihm das Stück als Ganzes vorliegt,   diese Version zur „historisch korrekten Art“ zu kü-
sieht er nur die eigene Stimme. Dies erfordert eine       ren, nach der musica ficta in Verdelots Madrigalen
Reihe von Fähigkeiten und Wissen, die sich von übli-      angewandt werden sollte. Wenn die Sänger aber
chen chorischen Fertigkeiten unterscheiden. Darüber       mit getrennten Einzelstimmen arbeiten, hat jeder
hinaus verändert die Tatsache, dass im Original Takt-     auch nur die eigene Linie vor Augen – die Partitur
striche und damit auch Taktzahlen fehlen, die Art         kann nicht konsultiert werden. Deshalb sind die
und Weise zu proben gänzlich; alles in allem kann         Ergebnisse häufig verschieden, abhängig von der
man sagen, dass die Vorbereitung aus verschiedenen        Interpretation jedes Sängers. In vielen Fällen sind
Gründen einfach mehr Zeit beansprucht. Aufgrund           mehrere Ausführungsarten möglich, die alle gemäß
der ungewöhnlichen COVID-19-Situation hatten wir          der musikalischen Regeln der Zeit richtig sind und
während mehrerer Monate keine Konzertengage-              doch sehr verschieden klingen. Es ist unmöglich zu

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composer who followed in Verdelot’s footsteps and       homophonic texture in order to better express the       lover, there are fast syncopations, which create an
                                                        became himself an important figure in the field of      text. For example, the madrigal Madonna, qual           extremely agitated effect. When the narrator de-
                                                        early madrigals. The beauty of this music and the       certezza (track 9) is homophonic throughout, the        scribes himself as burning due to his lover’s divine
                       Philippe Verdelot                attractive setting have appealed to many modern         only exception being on the word consumar—to            appearance the syncopation stops, and again the
                Madrigals for four voices               singers, who have included these arrangements in        be consumed—which is composed using exciting            use of simple homophony creates a powerful effect.
                                                        their programs. In fact, it is probably only thanks     melismas in all the voices. Through this deviation      Only on the word “infiammavo” (“I burned”) are
                                                        to the popularity of Willaert’s intabulations that      from the predominant texture, Verdelot amplifies        there little melismas. When the lover is “dispersed
                                                        Verdelot is known today. However, the original,         this word and makes it central to the piece. In         like the wind” Verdelot uses homophony on semim-
Philippe Verdelot is considered to be one of the        four-voice settings of these madrigals are generally    contrast, the madrigal La bella man mi porse Ma-        inims—that is, rapid declamation—which creates a
most important composers and developers of the          neglected by modern performers. In this recording       donna (track 21), is composed with more variety,        swift and surprising effect, mimicking wind.
Italian madrigal genre. He was born in France in        we are happy to share their rich texture, be it with    the voices being grouped in different ways for each
the final decades of the 15th century and the cir-      four singers, or four viols.                            verse: a group of three voices against one voice,       Another very important aspect of madrigalism is
cumstances and date of his death are unknown,                                                                   two groups of two voices each, etc. However, at the     the dichotomy between “soft” and “hard” in music.
with some scholars theorising that he died in the       Verdelot’s madrigals, beyond their sheer beauty,        ending of the madrigal Verdelot again uses simple       “Soft” affects, such as “sweetness” or “sorrow”, are
1530s. He moved away from France early in his life      laid the foundation for the concept of word paint-      homophony in which all the voices sing together—        set to soft modes, intervals, and notes, as opposed
and spent most of his career in Italy. His first pub-   ing and moreover, for the Italian madrigal as           the effect is striking and makes this final statement   to “hard” affects, such as “cruelty” or “harshness”,
lications, which may well have been posthumous,         a genre. The idea behind a madrigal setting is a        of the madrigal very powerful. In addition, on the      which are set to hard modes, intervals etc. For ex-
appeared in 1533 and 1534: two books of four-part       simple one: serving a poem on a "plate" of mu-          exclamation word “O” in “O che dolce morire” (“oh       ample, when crying or grieving is concerned, Ver-
madrigals. Both collections were reprinted several      sic, thus amplifying the emotions expressed in the      sweet death”) he uses for the first and only time       delot often uses an E-flat harmony, which is the
times and in 1540 a volume combining them was           text. The most simple “serving” would be to recite      the note value of a breve, the longest note value in    “softest” he can go, according to his standards.
issued: Di Verdelotto / tutti li madrigali del primo    a verse in harmony or—in more musical terms—to          this context. This small detail makes this moment       This contrast between the soft and the hard was
et del secondo libro a quatro voci. This publication    have several voices singing homophonically. This        very special, creating a sense of wonder. While         adopted and augmented by practically all the sub-
became one of the most popular collections of the       simple technique is used throughout the four-           these are rather subtle means, the madrigal Con         sequent madrigal composers, from Adrian Willaert
period and was reprinted eleven times over the          voice madrigals of Verdelot, though it originates       suave parlar (track 18) uses techniques that had a      up to Claudio Monteverdi, for whom this system
course of twenty-five years! The pieces featured        in earlier Italian vocal genres such as the frottola.   more obvious impact on the subsequent develop-          was very much a fundamental guide.
in this recording are all taken from this collection.   However, while frottola settings are more song-like     ment of the madrigal genre. The text describes a
                                                        and have different verses set to the same music,        sweet dream where the lover of the protagonist          For this recording, we used the last reprint of the
Three years after its first publication, Verdelot’s     Verdelot’s madrigals are so-called “through-com-        appears but then suddenly vanishes. It starts with      volume mentioned above (1565) that combines Ver-
first book was arranged for solo voice and lute ac-     posed” pieces: that is, every line of text gets its     a very-low, homophonic statement in an F mode, a        delot’s two books of four-part madrigals. We used
companiment—Intavolatura de li madrigali di Ver-        own unique musical rendition. Beyond that, Ver-         mode which is considered to be “sweet” and “soft”       it as our single source, from which we chose the
delotto da cantare et sonare nel lauto, 1536. These     delot uses different means, sometimes subtle and        in Renaissance terms. When the protagonist’s            pieces, as well as the physical material from which
arrangements were made by Adrian Willaert, a            sometimes shocking, to deviate from his basic,          excitement is provoked by the appearance of the         we performed, rehearsed and recorded. The main

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difference between using an original edition (cop-       these settings as the “historically correct way” that   strumental performances and included four madri-      of Verdelot, which we find beautifully unique, we
ies thereof, naturally) and a modern score edition       musica ficta should be applied in Verdelot’s madri-     gals performed with a consort of Renaissance viols.   hope to also share the intimacy and joy of the per-
is that original editions are in separate parts—that     gals. However, when working from separate parts,        With this recording, apart from sharing the music     formance of these madrigals.
is, instead of each singer performing from a score       each singer has only their own line to work with—
where they see the piece in its entirety, they only      the full score cannot be consulted—thus the results                                                                                                  Elam Rotem
have their own part. This alone demands a set of         are often different according to the interpretation
skills and knowledge different from common choral        of each singer. In many cases, several options are
skills. Furthermore, due to the fact that there are no   possible: all are correct according to the musical
barlines, and thus no bar numbers, it completely         rules of the time, yet sound very different. It is
changes the way the music is rehearsed; generally        not possible to know what choices Verdelot would
speaking, for several reasons, the preparation sim-      have made or expected. It is entirely possible that
ply takes more time. Due to the unusual COVID-19         the various performers of these pieces, who were
situation we were left free of any concert engage-       spread across several decades, would have each
ments for many months and were therefore able to         chosen different and varied solutions. In our per-
take advantage of this extra time to devote our-         formance, we tried to follow certain guidelines,
selves to the preparation of this program.               but from the first rehearsal and up to the recording
                                                         sessions we often changed our minds. We believe
Apart from standard performance-practice issues          that such ambiguity was historically an inherent
such as text underlay and ornamentation, a partic-       part of the performance of these pieces.
ularly challenging aspect in Verdelot’s madrigals is
the so-called musica ficta. Naturally, this is not the   In most of the musical institutions of the sixteenth
place to explain this concept in detail, but in short,   century only male singers participated and the
musica ficta is when certain accidentals (sharps or      highest part was sung either by boys, castrati or
flats) are not notated by the composer and are to        countertenors. Thus, broadly speaking, the perfor-
be applied by the performers. In the music of Ver-       mances of Profeti della Quinta employ only male
delot almost no accidentals are notated, and while       singers. However, in domestic performances, fe-
some alterations are clearly necessary, many oth-        male singers took part. We believe that the com-
ers are open for discussion—either based on music        mercially-successful prints of Verdelot’s madri­gals
theory or simply taste. The aforementioned ar-           were often used in such contexts, and that this set-
rangements of some of these madrigals by Willaert        ting of one female and three male voices mirrors
include all the musica ficta accidentals, due to the     one highly-likely, domestic scenario. In addition to
nature of their notation. It is tempting then to treat   the vocal renditions, we also imagined domestic in-

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1   Se l'ardor foss’ equale                    If the ardour were equal
    Ben posto saria amor in donna tale         Love would be well-placed in such a lady
    Ma io peno per voi e voi godete            But I suffer for you and you enjoy
    Dell’aspra pena mia                        My harsh suffering.
    Et s’io ve’l dico voi non lo credete       And if I say it you do not believe it
    Né so quel che mi far per v’aggradire      Nor do I know what to do to please you,
    Non mi val ben servir con pura fede        I do not want to serve with pure loyalty
    Che l’alterezza vostra a nulla cede        For your pride succumbs to nothing.
    Ma vi vo’ dire la chiara mente mia         But I will speak my mind clearly:
    Se voi farete che l’amor sia equale        If you ensure that love is equal
    Dirò ch’amor sta ben in donna tale.        I will say that love is well-placed in such a lady.

2   Se mai provasti donna qual sia amore,      If, lady, you have ever felt what love is
    Se mai contrarie a voi sue faci furno,     If ever his brightness was pointed against you
    Se mille volt’al giorno                    If a thousand times a day
    Cangiasti voglie dentr’al vostro core      You changed wishes inside your heart
    Pietà del mio dolore,                      Pity my pain,
    Pietà di me, o chiara e diva stella        Pity me, o clear and divine star
    Che pietà sol regnar in donna bella.       For pity is known to reign in a beautiful woman.

3   Gloriar mi poss'io donne                   I can pride myself, ladies,
    d’haver un sì leggiadr’e fid’amante        Of having such a graceful and loyal lover
    Ch’invidiar mi dovete tutte quante.        That you must all by envious of me.
    Per sangu’illustre per virtù per arme      For his illustrious heritage, virtue and skill in arms
    Fedel constante mansueto e accorto         Constant and faithful, gentle and careful
    Sí che s’io l’amo veramente parme          So that if I love him truly it would seem
    Ch’altrimente faccend’harei gran torto     That if I did otherwise I would wrong him much
    Et come sol’il porto                       And as I carry only him
    Scolpito nel mio core                      Sculpted in my heart
    Prego humilment’amore                      I humbly pray love
    Ch’accresch’in lui d’amarmi un tal desio   That there grow in him a desire to love me such
    Che com’son tutta sua sia tutto mio.       That as I am all his, he be all mine.
4    Igno soave                                  Gentle flame                                           Cacciat’in mezz’i campi scalz’e scinta         Chased into the middle of fields, barefoot and
     Ove'l mio foco allento                      in which I soften my ardour                            Povera sol con le castagn’amate                undressed, Poor save for the beloved chestnuts,
     Ascolta in cortesia                         Listen kindly as I tell you                            Ch’i pomi ond’ Athalant’anchor fu vinta        Rather than have the apples that conquered
     Qual e la pena mia                          What my suffering is.                                  Ti spoglian duramente libertade                Atalanta strip you of your freedom;
     Io ben ti veggio adorn’in sì bell’arte      I see you embellished in such a beautiful manner       E’l tuo soccorso non è pur chi chiami.         For those whom you call for help are not your succour.
     Che mai formò natura in altra parte         That nature never created anywhere else
     Ascolto l’armonia                           I listen to the harmony                            8   Ognor per voi sospiro                          I always sigh for you
     Delle fresch’acqu’all’ombra                 Of the fresh waters in the shadows                     donna poich’io non oso a discoprire            lady, for I do not dare to reveal
     E il mio armento                            And to my flock                                        mia fè e’l mio martire                         my loyalty and my suffering,
     Sovente miro attento                        I often look, watchfully                               e so che voi scorgete                          and I know that you glimpse
     Ma s’io scorgessi di mia donna’l viso       But if I should catch sight of my lady’s face          ben mille volt’il giorno il mio dolore         a thousand times a day my pain,
     Saresti al mondo equal al paradiso.         You would be on earth equal to paradise.               ma pur così volete                             but you want it thus,
                                                                                                        che consumando vada io a poco a poco           that I gradually consume myself
6    Divini occhi sereni,                        Divine and serene eyes,                                tacendo, amando in amoroso foco.               keeping quiet, loving in an amorous fire.
     Occhi sempre di gratia e d’amor pieni,      Eyes always full of grace and love,
     Perdonimi gli altri occhi, vostro sol’è’l   May the other eyes forgive me, your sun alone is   9   Madonna, qual certezza                         My lady, what certainty
     splendore                                   the splendour,                                         Haver’ si puo maggior’ del mio gran foco       May one have which is greater than my great fire,
     Et se questa parola par che tocchi,         And if it seems that these words offend                Che veder’ consumarmi a poco a poco?           Than seeing me being consumed slowly?
     Al sol il ver’ honore,                      The sun’s true honour,                                 Haimè, non conoscete                           Ay me, you do not know
     Faccia egli chiaro a noi,                   May he shine for us,                                   Che per mirarvi fiso                           That in order to look straight at you
     Giorno la notte, come fate voi.             Make daylight at night, as you do.                     Sono col pensiero da me tanto diviso           I am in my mind so divided from myself
                                                                                                        Che transformar mi sento in quel che sete?     That I feel myself being transformed into you?
7    Trist’ Amarilli mia: dunqu’è pur vero       Poor Amaryllis, it is thus true indeed                 Lasso, non v’accorgete                         Alas, you do not notice
     Che di Titiro tuo sì stranamente            that the flock of your Tityrus                         Che poscia che io fui preso al vostro laccio   That since I was ensnared in your bonds
     Vada la gregg’ errand’ ed ei dolente        wanders away so strangely, and that he sadly           Arrosso, impalidischo, ardo, et agghiaccio?    I flush, I become pale, I burn and I freeze?
     Lasc’il bel Tebro e Vaticano altero.        leaves the beautiful Tiber and mighty Vatican.         Dunque, se cio vedete                          Thus, if you see this
     Oimè ch’io veggio dentro nel pensiero       Alas, in my thoughts I see                             Madonna, qual certezza                         My lady, what certainty
     Le frond’a terra spars’onde sovente         The leaves strewn on the ground where often            Haver’ si può maggior’ del mia gran foco       May one have which is greater than my great fire,
     S’udian Pastori all’ombra dolcemente        One could hear shepherds in the shade                  Che veder’ consumarmi a poco a poco?           Than seeing me being consumed slowly?
     Di te cantar il che mai più non spero       Singing sweetly about you, which I can no longer
     Ben saria meglio haver da te la fame        hope for It would be better to have you hunger

16                                                                                                                                                                                                        17
10 Madonna, per voi ardo                     My lady, I burn for you                                 E quel che vi contenta                             Is what satisfies you
   Et voi non me’l credete                   And you do not believe me                               E pietà veggio nei begli occhi spenta              And I see pity extinguished in those lovely eyes
   Perche non pia quanto bella sete          For you are not as kind as you are beautiful,           Onde solev’uscir gia pietà fore                    From which pity once radiated
   Ogn’hora miro e guardo                    I constantly look to see                                Tal che dentr’e di fuore                           So that inside and out
   Se tanta crudeltà cangiar volete.         If you want to change such cruelty.                     Me vi mostrate graciosa e pia                      You show yourself gracious and kind to me
   Donna, non v’accorgete                    Lady, do you not notice                                 E pur sete crudel madonna mia.                     But are cruel, my lady.
   Che per voi moro e ardo                   That I die and burn for you
   Et per mirar vostra beltà infinita        And in order to admire your infinite beauty        14 Quando Amor i belli occhi a terra inchina,           When Love inclines her lovely eyes to earth
   Et voi sola servir bramo la vita.         And to serve you alone, I desire life.                E i vaghi spirti in un sospiro accoglie              and with his hand gathers her wandering breath
                                                                                                   Con le sue mani, et poi in voce gli scioglie         in a sigh, then looses it in a voice,
12 Si lieta e grata morte                    Such glad and welcome death                           Chiara, soave, angelica, divina,                     clear, gentle, angelic and divine,
   Da gli occhi di madonna al cor mi viene   comes to my heart from my lady’s eyes,                Sento far del mio cor dolce rapina                   I feel my heart sweetly stolen away,
   Che dolce me’l morir dolce le pene        that dying is sweet to me, sweet are the pains.       Et sì dentro cangiar penseri et voglie ch’io dico:   and my thoughts and wishes changed within,
   Perche qual hor la miro                   For whenever I look at her                            “Hor fien di me l’ultime spoglie                     so that I say: “These are the last spoils of me if
   Volgers’in si benigno e lieto giro        Turning in such a kind and lovely gesture             Se ‘l ciel si honesta morte mi destina.”             heaven intends me for so happy a death.”
   Subito per dolcezza il cor si more.       Immediately the heart dies of sweetness.
   La lingua muta tace,                      My tongue is silent, mute                          15 Non vi fidate o simplicetti amanti                   Do not trust, o naive lovers,
   Ogni spirito giace                        Every spirit lies                                     Di lusinghe d’amore                                  amorous flattery,
   Attento per sentire                       Attentive to perceive                                 Perche’l tempo in brev’hore                          Because time in brief hours
   Un si dolce morire                        Such a sweet dying.                                   I dolci risi muta in gravi pianti                    Transforms sweet laughter in grave tears
   Ma tanto del morir gioisce’l core         But the heart rejoices so much from the dying         Fuggite’l suo furore                                 Flee its fury
   Che poi non sento noia                    That I then do not feel pain,                         Prima che’l nodo sia legato forte                    Before the knot is strongly tied.
   Anci la morte si convert’in gioia         Rather, death transforms into joy.                    Che troppo è grav’errore                             For it is too serious a mistake
   Dunque se la mia donna e di tal sorte     Therefore, if my lady is of the kind                  Servir ad un signore                                 To serve a master
   Che sentir fammi morte s gradita          That can make death feel so welcome                   Che da in premio sospir, tormenti e morte.           Who rewards with sighs, torments and death.
   Che saria poi s’ ella me desse vita.      What would it be like, if she gave me life?
                                                                                                17 Fuggi, fuggi, cor mio!                               Flee, flee, my heart!
13 Deh, perche si veloce                     Ah, why so rapidly                                    L’ingrato e crud’Amore!                              Ungrateful and cruel Love!
   Passò madonn’al cor quel dolce sguardo    Did my lady pierce my heart with that sweet look      Che troppo è grande errore,                          As it is too great an error
   E ve’n piacer che me consumo et ardo.     Wherein with pleasure I am consumed and burn.         Farsi un cieco fanciul sì alto iddio.                for a blind youth to make himself so great a god.
   Hor veggio che’l mio ardore               Now I see that my ardour

18                                                                                                                                                                                                           19
Conosci il tempo perso                        Know and understand the wasted time                           la notte affanno, e ‘l ciel seren m’è fosco,   my nights troubled, the clear sky dark for me,
     Per una finta fé colma d’inganni!             for a false faith, so heaped with deceits!                    et duro campo di battaglia il letto.           and my bed a harsh battlefield.
     Esci di servitù, esci d’affanni!              Leave this servitude, leave these worries!                    Il sonno è veramente, qual uom dice,           Sleep, as men say, is truly allied to death,
     Non istar più, sommerso                       Stay no more, drowning                                        parente de la morte, e ‘l cor sottragge        and the heart derives from it sweet thought
     in gelosia, sospetti, sdegn’e pianti!         in jealousy, suspicions, resentments, and tears!              a quel dolce penser che ‘n vita il tene.       that keeps it still alive.
     Che’l fin de ciechi amanti                    Because the fate of blind lovers
     È in van pentirsi e finir in dolore,          is in vain to repent, and to end in grief,                    Solo al mondo paese almo, felice,              In all the world only you happy, kindly land,
     Per esser troppo errore                       for it is too much an error                                   verdi rive fiorite, ombrose piagge,            green flowering river-banks, cool shadows,
     Farsi un cieco fanciul sì alto iddio.         for a blind youth to make himself so great a god.             voi possedete, et io piango, il mio bene.      possess the good I weep for.

18 Con soave parlar con dolce accento              With soft words and sweet tones                           21 La bella man mi porse Madonna,                  My lady held her beautiful hand out to me
   Dormend’a me chiamavo                           While sleeping, I called                                     Per dar fin al longo pianto                     In order to end my long cry
   La bella donna mia anzi’l mio core              My beautiful lady: indeed, my heart called her               E consolarmi al quanto                          And to console me somewhat.
   La qual in un momento                           Who, for a moment                                            Ond’immensa dolcezz’al cor mi nacque            When immense sweetness appeared in my heart
   Lieta m’appars’in compagnia d’amore             Appeared to me, merry and accompanied by love.               Cosi al stringer mi piacque                     So pleased I was at the holding.
   Ond’io tutto contento                           At which I, full of joy                                      Ma se non ch’ella saggia che s’accorse          But she, wisely noticing,
   Del suo divin’aspetto m’infiammavo              At her divine appearance began to burn.                      A se trasse pian’ piano                         Drew back slowly
   Ma lei del van’ardore                           But she quickly noticed the vain ardour                      La bell’ e bianca mano                          That beautiful white hand.
   Presto s’accorse et sparse com’un vento         And was dispersed like the wind.                             Era gia quasi l’alma sul partire                My soul was about to depart
   All’hor dall’alto sonno mi svegliavo            Then, I awoke from high sleep                                O che dolce morire.                             O how sweet it is to die.
   Et vinto dal dolore                             And, overcome with grief
   D’haverla pers’a seguitarla intento             Of having lost her, I hurriedly prepared                  22 Gran dolor di mia vita                          Great suffering of my life,
   Veloce m’ordinavo                               to chase after her.                                          Quella che mi vedea negli occh’il core          She who saw in my eyes my heart
   Ma l’impresa lasciai visto’l mio errore.        But I abandoned that endeavour, having seen my mistake.      Et nella fronte la fede scolpita                And faithfulness sculpted on my brow
                                                                                                                Fatt’ha da noi partita                          Has left us.
19 Passer mai solitario in alcun tetto             No sparrow on a roof, or beast in a wood                     Sì che biastemm’et ne disprezz’amore            So that I curse and despise love
   non fu quant’io, né fera in alcun bosco,        was ever as lonely, since I cannot see                       Et dico invid’amor e dispietato                 And say “Envious Love, who are pitiless
   Ch’i’ non veggio ‘l bel viso, et non conosco    her lovely face, and recognise no other sun,                 Ad un felice stato                              To one in a happy state,
   Altro sol, né quest’occhi ànn’altro obiecto.    nor do my eyes seek any other object.                        Tu non perdesti mai l’antich’usanza             You never lost your ancient habit
                                                                                                                Privar l’huom nel più bel della speranza.       Of denying man of hope in his happiest hour
     Lagrimar sempre è ‘l mio sommo diletto,       The height of my delight is always to weep,
     il rider doglia, il cibo assentio et tòsco,   laughter is grief, wormwood and gall my food,

20                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
Auf das Repertoire des 16. und frühen 17. Jahrhun-     York. Im November 2017 gestaltete das Ensemble       Focusing on repertoire from the 16th and early         The ensemble has recorded two CDs with music
derts spezialisiert, hat sich das Ensemble Profeti     die Uraufführung von Monteverdis Oper L’Orfeo in     17th centuries, ensemble Profeti della Quinta          by Salomone Rossi, which were warmly received
della Quinta zum Ziel gesetzt, für ein heutiges        Israel.                                              aims to create vivid and expressive performances       by public and critics alike. Further recordings are
Publikum lebhafte und ausdrucksstarke Aufführun-       Das Ensemble nahm bislang zwei CDs mit Musik         for audiences today while, at the same time,           dedicated to music by Luzzasco Luzzaschi, Orlando
gen zu schaffen. Insbesondere wird dies durch den      des frühbarocken jüdisch-italienischen Komponi-      considering period performance practices.              di Lasso, the Carlo G Manuscript (Diapason d’Or)
Einbezug der Aufführungspraxis der jeweiligen Zeit     sten Salomone Rossis auf, die bei Publikum und       The ensemble was founded in the Galilee region of      and a collection of selected madrigals (Amor,
erreicht.                                              Kritik gleichermaßen auf ein positives Echo stie-    Israel by the bass singer and harpsichordist Elam      Fortuna et Morte). The ensemble has premiered
Das Ensemble wurde in Galiläa, Israel, von Elam        ßen. Weitere Aufnahmen sind Orlando di Lassos        Rotem, and is based in Basel, Switzerland, where its   and recorded two large-scale works composed
Rotem gegründet. Es ist derzeitig in Basel, Schweiz,   Bußpsalmen, Motetten und Madrigalen von Luz-         members undertook further studies of early music       especially for it by Elam Rotem: the biblical drama
ansässig, wo seine Mitglieder weiterführende Stu-      zasco Luzzaschi, das Manuskript des Carlo G (Dia-    at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. In 2011 the        Joseph and his Brethren and the motet collection
dien an der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis absolvier-     pason d’Or) und eine Sammlung ausgewählter Ma-       ensemble won the York Early Music Young Artists        Quia amore langueo. Profeti della Quinta are also
ten. 2011 gewann das Ensemble Profeti della Quin-      drigale (Amor, Fortuna et Morte). Außerdem haben     Competition, and has since performed in Europe,        featured in the documentary film Hebreo: The
ta den York Early Music Young Artists Competition      die Profeti della Quinta zwei Werke uraufgeführt     North-America, Israel, China and Japan. It gave        Search for Salomone Rossi by Joseph Rochlitz,
und hat seitdem Konzertreisen in Europa, Norda-        und aufgenommen, die Elam Rotem eigens für           concerts in prominent festivals and venues such        filmed in Mantua, Italy.
merika, Japan, China und Israel unternommen. Das       das Ensemble komponierte: Rappresentatione di        as Oude Muziek Festival Utrecht, Beethovenfest
Ensemble trat bei prestigeträchtigen Festivals und     Giuseppe e i suoi fratelli und Quia amore langueo.   Bonn, London Festival of Baroque Music, the
Spielstätten auf, wie z.B. beim Oude Muziek Festi-     Darüber hinaus werden die Profeti della Quinta im    Metropolitan Museum of Art in New-York and               
val Utrecht, dem Beethovenfest Bonn, dem London        Dokumentationsflim Hebreo: The Search for Salo-      the Shanghai concert hall. In November 2017 the
Festival of Baroque Music, der Shanghai concert        mone Rossi von Joseph Rochlitz präsentiert, der im   ensemble was the first to perform Monteverdi’s
hall und dem Metropolitan Museum of Art in New         italienischen Mantua gedreht wurde.                  opera L’Orfeo in Israel.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23
PC 10422

                               Coproduction with SRF2 Kultur

                      Executive producer SRF 2 Kultur: Valerio Benz
                   Executive producer: Michael Sawall (note 1 music)
    Recording: 30 June–2 July & 19–20 July 2020, Studio Waldenburg (Switzerland)
                             Recording producer: Karel Valter
                               Digital editing: Elam Rotem
                            Booklet editor: Joachim Berenbold
 Translations: Tabea Schwartz (German, essay), A.S. Kline (English, sung texts, Tr. 14, 19)
                            Artist photos: Sharon Prushansky
Cover picture: “Mary with the Child and Singing Angels” (detail), Sandro Botticelli (c 1477)
                 Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany
                    + © 2021 note 1 music gmbh, Heidelberg, Germany
                          CD manufactured in The Netherlands
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