Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -

Die Seite wird erstellt Anna-Lena Fink
Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
Placebowirkung                                             Effet placebo

Radiotherapie USZ                                          Radiothérapie

Fokus Psoriasis                                            Focus psoriasis

Vorprogramm                                                Pré-programme
93. Jahresversammlung                                      93ème Réunion Annuelle
der SGDV                                                   de la SSDV

 Dieses Heft wurde für die Fortbildung der Schweizer
 Dermatologen dank einer Hilfe der folgenden Firma

 Ce numéro à été réalisé grâce à une aide pour la forma-
 tion continue des dermatologues suisses de la firme:

                                                                               4 / 2011
Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
Die Erweiterung der
für die systemische und topische Behandlung


Z: Finasterid Filmtabletten à 1mg. I: Leichte bis mittelschwere androgenetische Alopezie bei Männern. D: 1 x 1 Tablette täglich während mind. 3 Monaten oder mehr. KI: Frauen, Kinder, Schwangerschaft, Alopezie
anderer Genese, Überempfindlichkeit gegen einen Inhaltsstoff. VM: Einfluss auf PSA-Wert, sehr seltene Fälle von Brustkrebs bekannt. Zerdrückte oder zerbrochene Tabletten sollen von Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter
nicht gehandhabt werden. IA: Substrat von CYP3A4, kein Hinweis auf klinisch relevante Interaktionen. UAW: Häufig: verminderte Libido, Erektionsstörung. SS/ST: Schwangerschaft: kontraindiziert; Stillzeit: nicht indiziert.
P: Filmtabletten, 28 und 98. Liste B. Weiterführende Informationen entnehmen Sie dem Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz. 1110

Z: Minoxidil 50mg/ml Lösung. I: Alopecia androgenetica bei Männern, bei Frauen auf ärztliche Verschreibung. D: Erw. >18 J.: Äusserlich 1ml (entspricht 10 Sprühstössen) 2x tgl. während mind. 4 Monaten auf die gesunde,
trockene Kopfhaut auftragen. Nicht auf andere Körperstellen auftragen. Max. 2ml/Tag. KI: Bekannte Überempfindlichkeit gegen einen Inhaltsstoff. VM: Vorsicht bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen, Arrhythmien, bei ver-
sehentlicher Einnahme, bei Anzeichen systemischer Wirkung durch erhöhte Resorption. Augen-und Schleimhautkontakt vermeiden, Spraydämpfe nicht einatmen. Nicht mit anderen Topika zusammen verwenden. Graues
Haar und Schwimmen in chemisch aufbereitetem Wasser (Veränderung Haarfarbe, Haarstruktur). Pat. 65J. IA: Antihypertonika, Arzneimittel gegen erektile Dysfunktion, Betablocker, andere Topika und Mittel,
welche die Hautresorption verstärken. UAW: Häufig: Ekzematische Rektionen, allergische Kontaktdermatitis, Haarausfall und Alopezie, Hypertrichose inkl. Wachstum von Gesichtshaaren bei Frauen, lokale Erytheme,
Pruritus, trockene, schuppende Haut. SS/ST: Keine kontrollierten Studien vorhanden, während der Schwangerschaft / Stillzeit nicht anwenden. P: Flasche à 50ml mit Sprühkopf und Aufsatz mit verlängerter Spitze. Liste C.
Weiterführende Informationen entnehmen Sie dem Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz. 0910/060111

Spirig Pharma AG, CH-4622 Egerkingen,                                                                                                 Innovation for skin and health
Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -

     RUBRIKEN DER DERMATOLOGICA HELVETICA                              4                 Journal Club
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                          Formation continue                          11                 SGDV - SSDV
                    Redaktionsbüro / Bureau éditorial
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                             Editeur en chef                          30                 News
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                             Editeur en chef adjointe                 31                 Quiz
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		                           Editeur associé

A.M. Skaria                  Redaktor Westschweiz
               		            Editeur député pour la Suisse

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                             Editeur député pour la Suisse

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                          Carine HERRERAS
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Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
Effect of Direct-to-Consumer Genomewide Pro-           Results: From a cohort of 3639 enrolled subjects,
                       filing to Assess Disease Risk                          2037 completed follow-up. Primary analyses
                                                                              showed no significant differences between base-
                       Bloss CS, Schork NJ, Topol EJ                          line and follow-up in anxiety symptoms (P = 0.80),
                       Scripps Translational Science Institute, La Jolla,     dietary fat intake (P = 0.89), or exercise behavior
                       USA                                                    (P = 0.61). Secondary analyses revealed that test-
                                                                              related distress was positively correlated with the
                       New England Journal of Medicine 2011, 346:6            average estimated lifetime risk among all the as-
                                                                              sessed conditions (β = 0.117, P
Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
Une source pure de soins doux

                                                              INNOVATION 2011

    Triple action
    • Pour les peaux à imperfections sévères
    • Soin de relais1
           Après des traitements dermatologiques contre l'acné
           En cas d’acné tardive
    • Prévention des cicatrices d'acné2

      Acide glycolique 6% • Rétinaldéhyde® 0,1%
                    Efectiose 0,1%

    Parfait pour vos patients :
    • Favorise l’élimination des imperfections
      (effet peeling)
    • Lisse la peau
    • Empêche la prolifération des bactéries
    • Apaise les inflammations de la peau

    1 Etude d’utilisation internationale 2011 (Suisse, 70 patients), résultats provisoires
    2 Phase III Etude clinique Pierre Fabre, 2009

                                                                                World Congress of
                                                                                Seoul 2011
Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
Autoimmune Skin Inflammation is Dependent              different anatomic locations. In addition, 1 im-
                       on Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Activation by           munosuppressed patient suffering from acquired
                       Nucleic Acids via TLR7 and TLR9                        EV harbored MCPyV DNA in 2 common warts. In
                                                                              contrast, 7 normal skin samples tested negative
                       Guiducci C, Tripodo C, Gong M, Sangaletti S, Colombo   for MCPyV DNA. Only 2 out of 24 carcinomas in
                       MP, Coffman RL, Barrat FJ                              situ (8.3%) and 2 out of 30 common warts (6.7%)
                       Dynavax Technologies Corporation, Berkeley USA         from immunocompetent individuals were positive
                                                                              for MCPyV DNA. Conclusions: The strong associa-
                       Journal of Experimental Medicine 2010, 207(13):        tion of EV-associated skin neoplasms with MCPyV
                       2931                                                   suggests a unique susceptibility of EV patients to
                                                                              infections with MCPyV. Both MCPyV and EV-HPV
                       Recognition of endogenous DNA and RNA by cells         may act as synergistic oncogenic cofactors in the
                       expressing TLR7 and TLR9 is an important contrib-      development of EV-associated skin neoplasms.
                       utor to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythe-
                       matosus and has been suggested to contribute to
                       cutaneous lupus and to a group of related inflam-
                       matory skin diseases termed interface dermatitis.
                       We have developed a mouse model of TLR7- and           The Relationship between Neurological Disease
                       TLR9-dependent skin inflammation using tape            and Bullous Pemphigoid: A Population-Based
                       stripping. In normal mice, this resulted in a rapid    Case–Control Study
                       but transient inflammatory cell infiltration accom-
                       panied by induction of type I IFN production by        Langan SM, Groves RW, West J
                       plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) and release of     King’s College, London, UK
                       extracellular traps and proinflammatory cytokines
                       by neutrophils. These responses were strongly          Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2011, 131:
                       reduced in MyD88-deficient mice and in mice            631-36
                       treated with a bifunctional inhibitor of TLR7 and
                       TLR9. In contrast, in lupus-prone (NZBxNZW)F1          Previous small studies and case reports have sug-
                       mice, tape stripping induced the development of        gested that neurological disorders may be associ-
                       chronic lesions characterized by a persistent type     ated with bullous pemphigoid (BP). The objective
                       I IFN gene signature and many clinical and histo-      of this study was to assess BP risk in patients with
                       logical features of cutaneous lupus. Depletion of      neurological diseases. Computerized medical re-
                       PDCs before injury prevented the development of        cords from the Health Improvement Network, a
                       skin lesions, whereas treatment with a bifunctional    large population-based UK general practice data-
                       TLR7/9 inhibitor before tape stripping or after the    base, were used to conduct a matched case–con-
                       initial lesion was established led to a significant    trol analysis. Conditional logistic regression was
                       reduction of the disease. These data suggest that      used to calculate odds ratios for specified neuro-
                       inhibitors of TLR7 and TLR9 signaling have poten-      logical disorders. Comparing cases (n=868) to con-
                       tial therapeutic application for the treatment of      trols (n=3,453), stroke was seen in 8 vs. 5%, odds
                       interface dermatitis.                                  ratio (OR) 1.8 (1.3–2.5); dementia in 7 vs. 2%, OR
                                                                              3.4 (2.4–4.8); Parkinson’s disease in 3 vs. 1%, OR 3.0
                                                                              (1.8–5.0); epilepsy in 2 vs. 1%, OR 1.7 (1.0–3.0); and
                                                                              multiple sclerosis in 1 vs 0.1% (OR 10.7 (2.8–40.2).
                                                                              Estimates were not altered greatly when diagno-
                       Detection of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Epi-          ses up to 3 years before BP were excluded, except
                       dermodysplasia-Verruciformis-Associated Skin           the association with epilepsy was no longer sig-
                       Neoplasms                                              nificant. Significant associations were only ob-
                                                                              served where neurological disease was diagnosed
                       Mertza KD, Schmida M, Burgerd B, Itind P, Palmedoe     before the onset of pemphigoid. Study findings,
                       G, Schärere L, Kutznere H, Fernández Figueras MT,
                                                                              except the association with epilepsy, were robust
                       Cribierg B, Pfaltza M, Kempfa W
                                                                              to sensitivity analysis. Strong associations were
                       University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
                                                                              observed between specific neurological diseases
                                                                              and the later development of BP, supporting pos-
                       Dermatology 2011, 222(1): 87-92
                                                                              sible causal associations. Mechanisms for disease
                                                                              occurrence based on these findings include im-
                       Background: Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
                                                                              mobility or age-related autoimmunity.
                       (EV) is a rare genodermatosis that is character-
                       ized by susceptibility to infection with specific

                       human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes. Among
                       polyomaviruses, the novel Merkel cell polyomavi-
                       rus (MCPyV) has been found in different epithelial           "Management by committee is never suc-
                       skin neoplasias. Objective: To examine whether
                       EV is associated with cutaneous MCPyV infection.
                                                                                    cessful and usually adds up to no manage-
                       Methods: We used MCPyV-specific PCR to study                 ment at all."
                       skin neoplasms of 6 congenital EV patients and
                       of 1 patient with acquired EV. Results: In all con-          Shelley, Walter B.
                       genital EV patients, MCPyV DNA was found in                  "Advanced Dermatologic Diagnosis"
                       carcinomas in situ, in invasive squamous cell car-           W.B. Saunders 1992
                       cinomas and in common warts. In 4 of these pa-
                       tients, the MCPyV-positive skin lesions were from

Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
Pump-Probe Imaging Differentiates Melanoma                     chitectural differences. We examined slices from
from Melanocytic Nevi                                          42 pigmented lesions and found that melanomas
                                                               had an increased eumelanin content compared
Matthews TE, Piletic IR, Selim MA, Simpson MJ, War-            to nonmalignant nevi. When used as a diagnostic
ren WS                                                         criterion, the ratio of eumelanin to pheomelanin
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA                    captured all investigated melanomas but ex-
                                                               cluded three-quarters of dysplastic nevi and all
Science Translational Medicine 2011, 3(71)                     benign dermal nevi. Additional evaluation of ar-
71ra15                                                         chitectural and cytological features revealed by
                                                               multiphoton imaging, including the maturation
Melanoma diagnosis is clinically challenging: the              of melanocytes, presence of pigmented mel-
accuracy of visual inspection by dermatologists                anocytes in the dermis, number and location of
is highly variable and heavily weighted toward                 melanocytic nests, and confluency of pigmented
false positives. Even the current gold standard                cells in the epidermis, further increased specific-
of biopsy results in varying diagnoses among                   ity, allowing rejection of more than half of the re-
pathologists. We have developed a multiphoton                  maining false-positive results. We then adapted
technique (based on pump-probe spectroscopy)                   this multiphoton imaging technique to hema-
that directly determines the microscopic distri-               toxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained slides. By adding
bution of eumelanin and pheomelanin in pig-                    melanin chemical contrast to H&E-stained slides,
mented lesions of human skin. Our initial results              pathologists will gain complementary informa-
showed a marked difference in the chemical vari-               tion to increase the ease and accuracy of mela-
ety of melanin between nonmalignant nevi and                   noma diagnosis.
melanoma, as well as a number of substantial ar-

                                                                                                                              J O U R N A L C LU B

Figure 1: Malignant melanoma compared with a benign nevus. (A) Malignant melanoma imaged at 0-fs interpulse delay,
showing melanin localized mainly to the basal layer at the edge of the lesion (arrow) and deep in the papillary dermis at
the center. (B) Increasing the interpulse distance to 300 fs showed that the center of the melanoma contained far more
eumelanin than the regions of normal tissue. (C) Fractional eumelanin content of the same melanoma. The arrow labels
the basal layer. (D) H&E-stained slice of the same melanoma, melanocytes in the dermis labeled with an arrow. (E) Mosaic
image of a benign nevus at 0-fs interpulse delay. Melanin was localized only to the basal layer of the epidermis (arrow).
(F) Increasing the interpulse delay to 300 fs showed that the nevus had little eumelanin content. (G) Fractional eumelanin
content image; this nevus was pheomelanic and uniformly pigmented. Arrows in (E) to (G) mark the base of the epider-
mis. (H) H&E-stained slice of the same nevus. Melanocytes were found in the dermis, which had no melanin pump-probe
signal (arrow), indicating that they have matured and are of little clinical concern. Scale bars, 100 μm. Arrowheads denote
the surface of the skin..

Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
A Randomized Comparison of Methods of Selecting           Objective: We sought to examine the preliminary ef-
                    Narrowband UV-B Starting Dose to Treat Chronic            ficacy and safety of ABT-874 for moderate to severe
                    Psoriasis                                                 psoriasis beyond 12 weeks.
                                                                              Methods: Patients with chronic plaque psoriasis who
                    Objectives: To compare narrowband UV-B (TL-01             responded to ABT-874 during the initial randomized,
                    lamp) phototherapy for psoriasis with individual          placebo-controlled, 12-week study phase were eli-
                    patient starting doses based on minimal erythemal         gible for a 36-week observation/retreatment phase.
                    dose (MED) determination vs a standard fixed start-       During the subsequent 60-week, open-label exten-
                    ing dose and to compare the efficacy of 70% of MED        sion phase, eligible patients were retreated with one
                    vs 50% of MED starting dose regimens.                     of two ABT-874 dosages. Efficacy was measured us-
                    Design: Single-center, randomized, double-blind,          ing Psoriasis Area and Severity Index and physician
                    clinical trial.                                           global assessment scores; safety was monitored by
                    Setting: Department of Dermatology, Ninewells Hos-        adverse events (AEs), laboratory parameters, and vi-
                    pital and Medical School, Dundee, Scotland.               tal signs.
                    Patients : A total of 210 adult patients (207 of skin     Results: During the observation/retreatment phase,
                    phototypes I to III) referred for narrowband UV-B to      130 of 180 patients were eligible for retreatment. Af-
                    treat chronic psoriasis. The study was designed to        ter 12-week retreatment with ABT-874, 55% to 94% of
                    have 90% power to detect a difference of 3 or more        retreated patients (n = 58) achieved a 75% or greater
                    treatments to clearance and/or minimal residual ac-       reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score.
                    tivity (MRA) between groups.                              Among patients receiving ABT-874 through the first
                    Interventions: Narrowband UV-B phototherapy was           48 weeks, there were no deaths and 4 patients with
                    given according to 3 standard regimens, differing         serious AEs; one patient discontinued because of an
                    only by starting dose selection method. The random-       AE. During the open-label extension (N = 105), there
                    ly allocated starting doses were (1) a fixed starting     were no deaths or serious infections, and 3 serious
                    dose, (2) 70% of individual MED, and (3) 50% of indi-     AEs.
                    vidual MED. All patients were MED tested to ensure        Limitations: Lack of placebo or active comparator
                    blinding and for safety reasons.                          groups limited statistical analysis in later study phas-
                    Main Outcome Measures : The number of treatments          es. Dosing differences existed between groups, and
                    to clearance and/or MRA of psoriasis was the primary      only week-12 responders were eligible for retreat-
                    efficacy outcome measure, with changes in Psoriasis       ment.
                    Area and Severity Index and Psoriasis Disability Index
                    scores as secondary measures. Adverse effects were        Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
FOCUS - Psoriasis

                    recorded.                                                 2011, 64(2): 263-74
                    Results: There were no significant differences in the
                    number of treatments to clearance and/or MRA              How stress gets under the skin: cortisol and stress
                    across all 3 groups or in the percentages achieving       reactivity in psoriasis
                    clearance in each group. More uncomfortable ery-
                    themas occurred in the 50% of MED starting dose           Background: Psychological stressors might contrib-
                    group (39%) than in the 70% of MED starting dose          ute to the severity of chronic inflammatory diseases
                    group (24%) or the fixed starting dose group (24%)        such as psoriasis by dysregulating hypothalamic–
                    (P = .07).                                                pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity.
                    Conclusions: The methods of determining the start-        Objectives: To evaluate the role of cortisol, a key com-
                    ing dose in this predominantly skin phototype I and       ponent of the HPA axis, in reaction to psychological
                    II population, treated 3 times weekly, with a 20% fol-    stress in patients with psoriasis.
                    lowed by 10% incremental reduction in dose, did not       Methods: Serum cortisol, clinical indicators of disease
                    significantly influence the effectiveness of treatment.   severity (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index) and self-
                    Had there been a clinically important difference in ef-   report measures of daily stressors were measured
                    ficacy, we would have expected to identify this. Thus,    monthly for 6 months in 62 patients with psoriasis.
                    basing starting dose on individual MED assessments        Results: In addition to the previous findings in this
                    may not influence the treatment’s efficacy in a skin      sample showing that peak levels of daily stressors
                    phototype I to III population, although it remains        predicted an increase in disease severity a month
                    important for patient safety. It remains possible that    later, the peak levels of daily stressors were also
                    in populations containing individuals with a broader      significantly associated with a lower cortisol level.
                    range of erythemal sensitivity, basing the starting       Moreover, patients who persistently experienced
                    dose on MED testing could have an important im-           higher levels of daily stressors had lower mean corti-
                    pact on treatment effectiveness.                          sol levels than patients who experienced lower levels
                                                                              of daily stressors.
                    Archives of Dermatology 2011, 147(2): 168-74              Conclusions: Results suggest that daily stressors in-
                                                                              fluence disease outcome in patients with psoriasis
                                                                              by affecting cortisol levels at moments of high stress.
                                                                              Furthermore, patients with persistently high levels of
                    Efficacy and Safety of ABT-874, a Monoclonal Anti-        stressors seem to have a specific psychophysiologi-
                    interleukin 12/23 Antibody, for the Treatment of          cal profile of lowered cortisol levels and may be par-
                    Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: 36-Week Observation/            ticularly vulnerable to the influence of stressors on
                    Retreatment and 60-Week Open-label Extension              their psoriasis.
                    Phases of a Randomized Phase II Trial
                                                                              British Journal of Dermatology 23011, 163(5): 986–
                    Background: ABT-874, an antieinterleukin-12 and -23       991
                    antibody, was previously shown to be significantly
                    more effective compared with placebo during a 12-
                    week phase II study of psoriasis. We report here safe-
                    ty and efficacy data of ABT-874 during subsequent
                    phases of this study.

Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -


* Protopic® ist indiziert zur Behandlung akuter Exazerbationen von mittelschwerer bis schwerer atopischer   Kinder ab 2 Jahren und Jugendliche: 2x täglich eine dünne Schicht Salbe 0.03% auf die Hautläsionen
Dermatitis als „Second-Line“-Therapie, falls die herkömmliche Behandlung nicht genügend wirksam ist         auftragen. Die Behandlung ist auf die Hautläsionen zu beschränken. Eine kontinuierliche
oder Nebenwirkungen auftreten.                                                                              Langzeitanwendung sollte vermieden werden. KI: Patienten mit bekannter Überempfindlichkeit
                                                                                                            auf Tacrolimus oder auf einen der Hilfsstoffe der Salbe. VM: Protopic®-Salbe ist an Kindern unter
Referenzen: 1. Rustin, M. H.: The safety of tacrolimus ointment for the treatment of atopic dermatitis:     2 Jahren nicht geprüft worden. Übermässige UV-Exposition (UVA- oder UVB-Strahlen) der
a review. Br J Dermatol, 2007; 157(5): 861-873. 2. Reitamo, S. et al.: A 4-year follow-up study of atopic   behandelten Hautpartien, z.B. Sonne oder Solarium, ist während der ganzen Behandlungsdauer
dermatitis therapy with 0.1% tacrolimus ointment in children and adult patients. Br J Dermatol,             zu vermeiden. Geeignete Sonnenschutzmassnahmen sind vom Arzt zu empfehlen. Gleichzeitig
2008; 159(4): 942-951. 3. Paller, A.S. et al.: Tacrolimus ointment is more effective than pimecrolimus      mit Protopic® können Emollienzien angewendet werden, wobei zwischen den Applikationen der
cream with a similar safety profile in the treatment of atopic dermatitis: results from 3 randomized,       beiden Präparate auf derselben Hautpartie mindestens 2 Stunden liegen sollten. Schwangerschaft,
comparative studies. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005; 52(5): 810-822. 4. Kyllönen, H. et al.: Effects of 1-year     Stillzeit: Während der Schwangerschaft darf Protopic® nicht verwendet werden, es sei denn, dies
intermittent treatment with topical tacrolimus monotherapy on skin collagen synthesis in patients           ist unbedingt erforderlich. Obschon die systemische Resorption von Tacrolimus bei Applikation
with atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol, 2004; 150(6): 1174-1181. 5. Reitamo, S. et al.: Tacrolimus           der Salbe beschränkt ist, empfiehlt es sich, während der Behandlung mit Protopic® nicht zu stillen.
ointment does not affect collagen synthesis: results of a single-center randomized trial. J Invest          UW: Hautreizungen an der Applikationsstelle: Hautbrennen, Pruritus, Wärmegefühl, Hautrötung,
Dermatol, 1998; 111(3): 396-398.                                                                            Schmerz, Reizung, Ausschlag, Follikulitis, Parästhesien und Dysästhesien. Andere: Herpesvirus-

                                                                                                            Infektionen, Herpes simplex, Akne, Alkoholunverträglichkeit. IA: Da Tacrolimus nicht durch die
Gekürzte Fachinformation von Protopic®: Z: Protopic®-Salbe 0.03% und 0.1% enthalten:                        Haut metabolisiert wird, besteht kein Risiko einer perkutanen Interaktion, die den Metabolismus
0.3 mg/g bzw. 1 mg/g Tacrolimus, Excip. ad unguentum. I: Behandlung akuter Exazerbationen                   von Tacrolimus beeinträchtigen könnte. P: Salbe 0.1% 10 g, 30 g und 60 g, Salbe 0.03% 10 g, 30 g
von mittelschwerer bis schwerer atopischer Dermatitis als „Second-Line“-Therapie, falls die                 und 60 g. Liste B, kassenpflichtig. Vor der Verschreibung konsultieren Sie bitte das Arzneimittel-
herkömmliche Behandlung nicht genügend wirksam ist oder Nebenwirkungen auftreten. D:                        Kompendium der Schweiz®. Zulassungsinhaberin Astellas Pharma AG, Grindelstrasse 6, 8304
Erwachsene: 2x täglich eine dünne Schicht Salbe 0.03% oder 0.1% auf die Hautläsionen auftragen.             Wallisellen. Stand der Information: März 2006
Dermatologica Helvetica 4 / 2011 - Effet placebo -
Critical Appraisal of Quality of Clinical Practice         Nail Psoriasis Successfully Treated with Intralesion-
        Guidelines for Treatment of Psoriasis Vulgaris,            al Methotrexate: Case Report
                                                                   Psoriasis is a common, chronic disease which affects
        Numerous international clinical guidelines for man-        nearly 3% of the population. The lifetime incidence
        agement of psoriasis have recently been published.         of nail involvement increases up to 80–90% for psori-
        We evaluated the quality of guidelines published be-       atic patients. Nail psoriasis is considered a significant
        tween 2006 and December 2009 using the Appraisal           social problem. Many topical agents have been used
        of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) in-          for psoriatic nails with various side effects and some
        strument. Eight guidelines from five separate work-        benefits; management is currently inconclusive.
        ing groups fulfilled inclusion criteria and were evalu-    Methotrexate (MTX) is a folic acid analog, which irre-
        ated. Four used the standards established by the           versibly binds to dehydrofolate reductase and blocks
        AGREE instrument in the process of development             deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis. It is considered a
        of their guidelines. Each of the guidelines uniformly      potential treatment option for rapidly growing cells
        received high domain scores (i.e., >90%) for scope         and has an anti-inflammatory effect through inhibi-
        and purpose (range of 94–100%), and clarity and            tion of the polyamine pathway in autoimmune dis-
        presentation (range of 92–100%). Nevertheless, each        eases. Intralesional MTX has been used successfully
        of the eight guidelines had important shortcomings         for various indications. We present a case success-
        (item scores 2/4, in which 4 indicates strongly agree      fully treated with low-dose intralesional MTX with no
        and 1 indicates strongly disagree that specific items      observed side effects in a 26-year-old female psori-
        have been adequately addressed) in at least one item       atic patient suffering from nail dystrophy. In contrast,
        including: stakeholder involvement (by lack of pilot-      conventional topical and systemic therapies have
        ing and inadequate determination of patient views),        various side effects, which limit their use. We con-
        development rigor (inadequate procedure for updat-         clude that intralesional MTX injection seems to be a
        ing), applicability (by lack of discussion on organiza-    safe and effective treatment option for nail psoriasis;
        tional barriers), and editorial independence (from         however, large controlled studies are needed.
        funding body). Despite the use of predefined stan-
        dards in their development, important deficiencies         Dermatology 2011, 222(1): 5-7
        exist in the most recent clinical treatment guidelines
        for psoriasis.

        Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2010, 130:            Gene from a Psoriasis Susceptibility Locus Primes
        2389–2395                                                  the Skin for Inflammation

                                                                   Psoriasis is a common complex genetic disease
                                                                   characterized by hyperplasia and inflammation
        Resolved Psoriasis Lesions Retain Expression of a          in the skin; however, the relative contributions of
        Subset of Disease-Related Genes                            epidermal cells and the immune system to disease
                                                                   pathogenesis remain unclear. Linkage studies have
        Psoriasis is a complex inflammatory disease that usu-      defined a psoriasis susceptibility locus (PSORS4) on
        ally heals without visible scarring. Histological evalu-   1q21, the epidermal differentiation complex, which
        ation often suggests complete resolution, but rever-       includes genes for small S100 calcium-binding pro-
        sal of genomic disease-associated alterations has          teins. These proteins are involved in extracellular and
        not yet been defined. Gene expression profiling was        intracellular signaling during epithelial host defense,
        used to determine the extent to which the psoriasis        linking innate and adaptive immunity. Inflammation-
        genes were reversed after 3 months of etanercept           prone psoriatic skin constitutively expresses elevated
        treatment in patients who responded to treatment.          concentrations of S100A7 (psoriasin) and S100A15
        We reviewed the histology, leukocyte counts, and           (koebnerisin) in the epidermis. Here, we report
        PCR data for inflammatory genes, to compare recov-         that genetically modified mice expressing elevated
        ery of these parameters and the genomic studies.           amounts of doxycycline-regulated mS100a7a15 in
        Many cellular markers do return close to nonlesional       skin keratinocytes demonstrated an exaggerated
        levels, although five inflammatory genes did not           inflammatory response when challenged by exog-
        improve by >75% (IL-12p35, MX1, IL-22, IL-17, and          enous stimuli such as abrasion (Koebner phenom-
        IFNγ). Psoriasis-related genes with




                                   93 Réunion Annuelle de la Société Suisse

                                       de Dermatologie et Vénéréologie
                  31 Août - 3 Septembre 2011, Genève, Starling Geneva Hotel & Conference Center

                                   93. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen
                                  Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie
                  31. August - 3. September 2011, Genf, Starling Geneva Hotel & Conference Center

              La réunion annuelle 2011 aura un niveau international et se présentera sous forme d’un joint-venture
              avec l’ International Society of Dermatopathology (ISDP) – deux congrès – un sujet et comme vous
              allez le découvrir dans le programme scientifique, des conférences plenières d’une renommée mon-
              diale pour tous les participants du congrès.
              L’ organisation d’un tel congrès demande quelques compromis et c’est pourquoi le site du congrès
              est présenté seulement en anglais. Il va de soi que le congrès lui-même sera mené dans les langues
              nationales comme d’habitude.
              Mais il y a aussi du nouveau:

                * Jeudi, 1er septembre 2011, des Lunch Sessions – (une nouveauté en Suisse) auront lieu avant les
                  workshops de la SSDV
                * l’inscription se fera en ligne sur En plus vous y trouverez tous
                  les renseignements nécessaires.

              Merci de votre inscription!

              Die Jahresversammlung wird auf internationalem Niveau in Form eines Jointventures mit der International
              Society of Dermatopathology (ISDP) stattfinden, zwei Kongresse – ein Thema und wie Sie dem Programm
              entnehmen können, einige gemeinsame Plenum von internationaler Grösse für alle Teilnehmer.
              Die Organisation eines Kongresses von solcher Grösse fordert einige wenige Kompromisse und so ist zum
              Beispiel die Webseite nur auf Englisch gehalten, der Anlass wird jedoch wie üblich in den Landessprachen
              Weiter bietet ein solcher Anlass aber auch Raum für Neues:

                * am Donnerstag, 1. September 2011, finden im Vorfeld zu den SGDV-Workshops von 12h30 –14h00 zum
              ersten Mal in der Schweiz Lunch Sessions statt (mehr dazu im Programm)

                * Einfache und praktische Online-Registrierung auf Auf dieser Kongress-
              homepage finden Sie auch alle weiteren nötigen Informationen zur Jahresversammlung.

              Besten Dank für Ihre Anmeldung!

                                                  New Frontiers in Dermatology
              Mercredi 31 août - Mittwoch 31. August 2011

              12.00 - 19.00                  Enregistrement - Anmeldung
              15.00 - 17.00                  Séances de la commission des directeurs de cliniques SSDV
              		                             Klinikdirektorenkommissionssitzung SGDV
              17.00 - 22.00                  Séance du Comité SSDV
              		                             Vorstandssitzung SGDV

              Jeudi 1 septembre - Donnerstag 1. September 2011

              07.30 - 19.30                  Enregistrement - Anmeldung - Poster mounting
              08.30 - 10.00                  Comité élargi de la SSDV
              		                             erw. Vorstandssitzung SGDV
              10.00 - 10.30                  Pause Café - Poster - Kaffeepause
              10.30 - 12.30                  Swiss Dermatology Network for Targeted Therapies (SDNTT) Meeting
              12.30 - 13.30                  Swiss Group of Dermatopathology (SGDP) Meeting
              12.30 - 13.30                  Comité - Vorstand Dermarena
              12.30 - 14.00                  Déjeuner/Poster - Mittagessen/Poster
Z: 1 g Pruri-med Lipolotion enthält: Ureum 50 mg, polidocanolum 600 30 mg. I: Hauterkrankungen mit trockener und/oder juckender Haut wie z.B. atopische Dermatitis und
                                                           Pruritus senilis. D: 2-3 mal täglich auftragen. UW: auf entzündeter Haut gelegentlich Brennen, Rötung. P: 200 ml* + 500 ml*. Liste D. Z: 1 g Pruri-med enthält: Polidocanolum 600
                                                           50 mg, disodium undecylenamido MEA-sulfosuccinate 30 mg. I: Therapieunterstützende, antipruriginöse Hautreinigung bei atopischer Dermatitis, Urtikaria, Pruritus senilis oder
                                                           sine materia. D: wie flüssige Seife anwenden. P: 150 ml* + 500 ml*. Liste D. Ausführliche Informationen siehe Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz. Permamed AG, CH-4106
                                                           Therwil, Tel. 061 725 20 20, Fax 061 725 20 40, e-mail:,, Pru/ins/D/12-10

                                                                         200 ml (SL)

s Pruritus senilis
s Atopische Dermatitis

s 200 ml + 500 ml kassenpflichtig
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   und juckende Haut

                                    Pruri-med Lipolotion
                                                                        auch 500 ml
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Die Oase für sehr trockene

                                                                                                                                 s 5% Ureum

                                                                                                                                 s 40% Lipide

                                                                       kassenpflichtig (SL)
                                                                                                                                 s 3% Polidocanol 600
12.30 - 14.00		                  Lunch sessions: "All You Want to Know About"
              		                        Discussion de thèmes au déjeuner avec des experts /
              		                        Themendiskussionen bei Lunch mit Experten
              			                              S. Fraitag (France) - Pediatric Dermatology
              			                              J. André (Belgium) - Nail Diseases
              			                              R. Cerio (UK) - Aggressive Skin Cancer
              			                              D. Metze (Germany) - Disorders of Cornification
              			                              L. Requena (Spain) - Adverse Reactions to Injectable Fillers
              14.00 - 15.30             Workshops Partie - TeiI I
              			                              Skincare (SGEDS)
              15.30 - 16.00             Pause Café - Poster - Kaffeepause
              16.00 - 17.30             Workshops Partie - TeiI II
              			                              Clinical Skills
              17.30 - 18.00             Pléniaire - Plenum III (SSDV / ISDP)
              ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION		       Bruce Smoller (USA) - The Impact of Clinical Photos on Diagnosis
              			                              in Inflammatory Skin Diseases and Melanocytic Lesions
              18.00 - 18.30             Pléniaire - Plenum IV (SSDV / ISDP)
              ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION		       Phillip McKee (USA) - The Role of Clinicopathological Correlation
              			                              in Dermatopathology
              18.30 - 19.00             Cérémonie d’ouverture - Eröffnungszeremonie
              		                        Exposition - Ausstellung
              19.00 - 20.00             Apéro - Apéro
              		                        Exposition - Ausstellung
              20.00 - 23.00             Comité - Vorstands - Presidents - Speakers Dinner

              Vendredi 2 septembre - Freitag 2. September 2011

              07.30 - 19.30             Enregistrement - Anmeldung
              08.15 - 08.30             Bienvenue - Willkommen: G. Kaya
              08.30 - 09.00             Plenary Lecture I
              			                              Bernard Cribier (France): Multiple Facial Papules: From Pimples to
              			                              Cancer Prone Diseases
              09.00 - 09.30             Communications libres - Freie Mittelungen I (ZH/BE/BS)
              09.00 - 17.00             Nurse meeting
              09.30 - 10.00             Plenary Lecture II
              			                              Jean-Hilaire Saurat (Switzerland): Drug-Induced Acne
              10.00 - 10.30             Présentation des cas - Fall Vorstellungen I (LU/BE/SG)
              10.30 - 11.00             Pause Café - Poster - Kaffeepause
              11.00 - 11.30             Plenary Lecture III
              			                              Martin C. Mihm (USA): Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations:
              			                              An Overview, Diagnosis and Treatment
              11.30 - 12.00             Communications libres - Freie Mittelungen II (ZHT/AG/SG)
              12.00 - 12.30             Présentation des cas - Fall Vorstellungen II (AG/BS/BEL)
              12.30 - 14.00             Déjeuner/Poster - Mittagessen/Poster
              		                        Satellites symposiums - Sateliten Symposien
              14.00 - 15.00             Ackerman lecture (SSDV / ISDP)
              ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION         Rolf Heuer (CERN - Switzerland) - The Large Hadron Collider:
              			                              Shedding Light on the Dark Universe
              15.00 - 16.00             Test Yourself - Dermatopathology Quiz (SSDV / ISDP)
              ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION		       Rino Cerio (UK) - Omar Sangüeza (USA)
              16.00 - 16.30             Pause Café - Poster - Kaffeepause
              16.30 - 17.30             Séminaire politique - Berufspolitisches Seminar

              17.30 - 19.00             SSDV Assemblée Générale - SGDV Generalversammlung
              20.00 - 23.00             Congress Dinner

              Samedi 3 septembre - Samstag 3. September 2011

              07.30 - 14.30 Enregistrement - Anmeldung
              08.00 - 08.30 Plenary Lecture IV
              			                 Rachael Clark (USA): Skin Resident T Cells in Health and Disease
              08.30 - 09.00 Présentation des cas - Fall Vorstellungen III (ZHT)
Z: 1 g Squa-med enthält: Pyrithionum zincicum 15 mg, disodium undecylenamido MEA-sulfosuccinate 20 mg. I: Seborrhoische Dermatitis, Pityriasis simplex capitis, Psoriasis
des behaarten Kopfes. D: 1–2 mal wöchentlich Squa-med auf gut angefeuchtete Haare einreiben, spülen, Squa-med nochmals einmassieren, 3–5 Minuten einwirken lassen
und gründlich spülen. VM: nicht in die Augen bringen. P: 150 ml*. Liste D. Ausführliche Informationen siehe Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz.
Permamed AG, CH-4106 Therwil, Tel. 061 725 20 20, Fax 061 725 20 40, E-Mail:,                                      SM/Ins/D/01-10

                                                                                                                                                                            Seborrhoische Dermatitis
09.00 - 09.30 Plenary Lecture V
              			                 Thomas Kupper (USA): Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma and T Cell
              09.30 - 10.10 Communications libres - Freie Mittelungen III (GE/LS/LU/BEL)
              10.10 - 10.40 Présentation des cas - Fall Vorstellungen IV (LS)
              10.40 - 11.00 Pause Café - Poster - Kaffeepause
              11.00 - 11.30 Présentation des cas - Fall Vorstellungen V (ZH)
              11.30 - 12.00 Plenary Lecture VI
              			                 Andrew Carlson (USA): Cutaneous Vasculitis Update: New Entities,
              			                 Changing Paradigms
              12:00 - 12:30 Présentation des cas - Fall Vorstellungen VI (GE)
              12:30 - 13:00 Plenary Lecture VII
              		            Raymond Barnhill (France): Mechanisms of melanoma metastasis:
              		            A Historical Critique and New Observations
              13.00 		      Conclusions - Schlussfolgerung

                                             New Frontiers in Dermatology
              Version anglaise - Englische Version

              Wednesday 31st August 2011

              12.00 - 19.00               Registration
              15.00 - 17.00               Department Directors’ Meeting
              17.00 - 22.00               SSDV Committee Meeting

              Thursday 1st September 2011

              07.30 - 19.30             Registration and Poster mounting
              08.30 - 10.00             SSDV Enlarged Committee Meeting
              10.00 - 10.30             Coffee Break - Exhibition - Poster Session
              10.30 - 12.30             Swiss Dermatology Network for Targeting Therapies (SDNTT) Meeting
              12.30 - 13.30             Swiss Group of Dermatopathology (SGDP) Meeting
              12.30 - 13.30             Dermarena Meeting
              12.30 - 14.00             Lunch - Poster Session
              		                        Lunch Sessions: "All You Want to Know About"
              			                             S. Fraitag (France) - Pediatric Dermatology
              			                             J. André (Belgium) - Nail Diseases
              			                             R. Cerio (UK) - Aggressive Skin Cancer
              			                             D. Metze (Germany) - Disorders of Cornification
              			                             L. Requena (Spain) - Adverse Reactions to Injectable Fillers
              14.00 - 15.30             Workshops I
              			                             Skin Care
              15.30 - 16.00             Coffee Break - Exhibition - Poster Session
              16.00 - 17.30             Workshops II
              			                             Surgical Dermatology
              			                             Pediatric Dermatology
              			                             Clinical Skills
              17.30 - 18.00

                                        Plenary Lecture III (SSDV / ISDP)
              ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION		      Bruce Smoller (USA) - The Impact of Clinical Photos on Diagnosis
              			                             in Inflammatory Skin Diseases and Melanocytic Lesions
              18.00 - 18.30             Plenary Lecture IV (SSDV / ISDP)
              ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION		      Phillip McKee (USA) - The Role of Clinicopathological Correlation
              			                             in Dermatopathology
              18.30 - 19.00             Opening Ceremony
              19.00 - 20.00             Welcome Reception
              20.00 - 23.00             President’s Dinner

Friday 2nd September 2011

07.30 - 19.30                Registration
08.15 - 08.30                Welcome and Introduction: G. Kaya

08.30 - 09.00             Plenary Lecture I
			                              Bernard Cribier (France): Multiple Facial Papules: From Pimples to
			                              Cancer Prone Diseases
09.00 - 09.30             Free Communications I (ZH/BE/BS)
09.00 - 17.00             Nurse Meeting
09.30 - 10.00             Plenary Lecture II
			                              Jean-Hilaire Saurat (Switzerland): Drug-Induced Acne
10.00 - 10.30             Case Presentations I (LU/BE/SG)
10.30 - 11.00             Coffee Break - Exhibition - Poster Session
11.00 - 11.30             Plenary Lecture III
			                              Martin C. Mihm (USA): Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations:
			                              An Overview, Diagnosis and Treatment
11.30 - 12.00             Free Communications II (ZHT/AG/SG)
12.00 - 12.30             Case Presentations II (AG/BS/BEL)
12.30 - 14.00             Lunch - Satellite Symposia - Exhibition - Poster Session
 14.00 - 15.00            Ackerman Lecture (SSDV / ISDP)
ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION         Rolf Heuer (CERN - Switzerland) - The Large Hadron Collider:
			                              Shedding Light on the Dark Universe
15.00 - 16.00             Test Yourself - Dermatopathology Quiz (SSDV / ISDP)
ISDP/SSDV COMMON SESSION		       Rino Cerio (UK) - Omar Sangüeza (USA)
16.00 - 16.30             Coffee Break - Exhibition - Poster Session
16.30 - 17.30             Political Seminar
17.30 - 19.00             SSDV General Assembly
20.00 - 23.00             Congress Dinner

Saturday 3rd September 2011

07.30 - 13.00 Registration
08.00 - 08.30 Plenary Lecture IV
			                 Rachael Clark (USA): Skin Resident T Cells in Health and Disease
08.30 - 09.00 Case Presentations III (ZHT)
09.00 - 09.30 Plenary Lecture V
			                 Thomas Kupper (USA): Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma and T Cell
09.30 - 10.10 Free Communications III (GE/LS/LU/BEL)
10.10 - 10.40 Case Presentations IV (LS)
10.40 - 11.00 Coffee Break - Exhibition - Poster Session
11.00 - 11.30 Case Presentations V (ZH)
11.30 - 12.00 Plenary Lecture VI
			                 Andrew Carlson (USA): Cutaneous Vasculitis Update: New Entities,
			                 Changing Paradigms
12:00 - 12:30 Case Presentations VI (GE)
12:30 - 13:00 Plenary Lecture VII
			                 Raymond Barnhill (France): Mechanisms of Melanoma Metastasis:
			                 A Historical Critique and New Observations
13.00 		      Concluding Remarks: G. Kaya

                01.09.2011 - Partie 1/Teil 1: 14.00-15.30 & Partie 2/Teil 2: 16.00-17.30
                       Salle St. Moritz     Salle Pontresina       Salle Nendaz          Salle Zinal
                            (100)                  (60)                 (80)                (40)
                                                                                                         SGDV - SSDV

        14.00          Skincare (SGEDS)     Transplantation                             Andrologie
                                                                   (nicht best.)
        15.30          Skincare (SGEDS)     Transplantation                             Andrologie
                                                                   (nicht best.)
        16.00         Dermatochirurgie                         Dermatopädiatrie        Clinical Skills
                                           logie (nicht best.)
        17.30         Dermatochirurgie                          Dermatopädiatrie       Clinical Skills
                                            logie (nicht best
Wednesday, 31
                                                  Wednesday, 31 August
                                                                August 2011
                                                                       2011                                                             Thursday, 11 September
                                                                                                                                        Thursday,    September 2011
        07:00 -- 07:30
        07:00    07:30
        07:30 -- 08:00
        07:30    08:00                                                                                                       Registration and
                                                                                                                             Registration and Poster
                                                                                                                                              Poster Mounting
                                                                                                                                                     Mounting (07:30
                                                                                                                                                              (07:30 -- 19:30)

        08:00 -- 08:15
        08:00    08:15

        08:15 -- 08:30
        08:15    08:30

        08:30 -- 08:45
        08:30    08:45                                                                                                                                               Welcome and
                                                                                                                                                                     Welcome and Introduction

                                                                                                                                                                     Historical aspects
                                                                                                                                                                     Historical aspects of
                                                                                                                                                                                        of Swiss
        08:45 -- 09:00
        08:45    09:00

                                                                                                             SSDV Enlarged
                                                                                                             SSDV  Enlarged Committee
                                                                                                                            Committee Meeting
                                                                                                                                         Meeting //
                                                                                                                 Comité Elargi
                                                                                                                 Comité  Elargi de
                                                                                                                                de la
                                                                                                                                    la SSDV
                                                                                                                                       SSDV //                           Plenary Lecture
                                                                                                                                                                         Plenary  Lecture II
        09:00 -- 09:30
        09:00    09:30                                                                                          erw. Vorstandssitzung
                                                                                                                erw. Vorstandssitzung SGDV
                                                                                                                                        SGDV                      Molecular dermatopathology
                                                                                                                                                                  Molecular dermatopathology and
                                                                                                                                                                      new genes
                                                                                                                                                                      new  genes in
                                                                                                                                                                                  in melanoma

        09:30 -- 10:00
        09:30    10:00                                                                                                                                                 Free Communications
                                                                                                                                                                       Free Communications II

                                                                                                                                                  Coffee Break
                                                                                                                                                  Coffee Break
        10:00 -- 10:30
        10:00    10:30                                                                                                                             Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                 Poster Session
                                                                                                                                                 Poster Session

        10:30 -- 10:45
        10:30    10:45

        10:45 -- 11:00
        10:45    11:00                                                                                                                                            Frontiers in
                                                                                                                                                                  Frontiers  in New
                                                                                                                                                                                New Diagnostic
                                                                                                                                                                                    Diagnostic Tools
                                                                                                                                                                            Adnexal tumors
                                                                                                                                                                            Adnexal  tumors
                                                                                                                                                                      Pediatric dermatopathology
                                                                                                                                                                      Pediatric dermatopathology
        11:00 -- 11:15
        11:00    11:15                                                                                                                                              Innate and
                                                                                                                                                                   Innate  and adaptive
                                                                                                                                                                                adaptive immunity
                                                                                                                                                                                          immunity in

        11:15 -- 11:30
        11:15    11:30
                                                                                                           Swiss Dermatology
                                                                                                           Swiss  Dermatology Network
                                                                                                                              Network for
                                                                                                                                        for Targeting
                                                                                                         Therapies (SDNTT)
                                                                                                         Therapies (SDNTT) Meeting
                                                                                                                            Meeting // Séance
                                                                                                                                       Séance SDNTT
                                                                                                                                                SDNTT //
                                                                                                                       Sitzung SDNTT
                                                                                                                       Sitzung SDNTT

        11:30 -- 12:00
        11:30    12:00                                                                                                                                                Free Communications
                                                                                                                                                                      Free Communications IIII

                                                                                                                                                                     Plenary Lecture
                                                                                                                                                                     Plenary  Lecture IIII
        12:00 -- 12:30
        12:00    12:30                             Registration (12:00
                                                   Registration (12:00 -- 19:00)
                                                                          19:00)                                                                              Melanoma stem
                                                                                                                                                              Melanoma  stem cells:
                                                                                                                                                                              cells: Not
                                                                                                                                                                                     Not rare
                                                                                                                                                                                           rare but

                                                                                                             Swiss Group
                                                                                                            Swiss  Group of
        12:30 -- 13:00
        12:30    13:00
                                                                                                                                     Dermarena Meeting
                                                                                                                                     Dermarena   Meeting //
                                                                                                           (SGDP) Meeting
                                                                                                           (SGDP)   Meeting //
                                                                                                                                     Séance Dermarena
                                                                                                                                     Séance   Dermarena //
                                                                                                            Séance SGDP
                                                                                                            Séance   SGDP //
                                                                                                                                      Sitzung Dermarena
                                                                                                                                      Sitzung Dermarena
                                                                                                             Sitzung SGDP
                                                                                                             Sitzung SGDP
        13:00 -- 13:30
        13:00    13:30

                                                                                                                                                                           Poster Session
                                                                                                                                                                           Poster Session
        13:30 -- 13:45
        13:30    13:45
                                                                                                                         Lunch Sessions:
                                                                                                                         Lunch   Sessions:
                                                                                                                  “All you
                                                                                                                 “All  you want
                                                                                                                           want toto know
                                                                                                                                     know about”
                                                                      Self-assessment Course
                                                                      Self-assessment  Course -- Slide
                                                                                                 Slide                Pediatric dermatology
                                                                                                                     Pediatric   dermatology
                                                                              Viewing Group
                                                                              Viewing Group II                             Nail diseases
                                                                                                                          Nail  diseases
                                                                                                                     Aggressive skin
                                                                                                                    Aggressive     skin cancer
        13:45 -- 14:00
        13:45    14:00                                                                                              Disorders of
                                                                                                                   Disorders    of cornification
                                                                                                              Adverse reactions
                                                                                                              Adverse   reactions to
                                                                                                                                   to injectable
                                                                                                                                       injectable fillers

        14:00 -- 14:30
        14:00    14:30                                                                                                      Workshops II
                                                                                                                             Skin care
                                                                                                                             Skin   care
                                                                                                                      Trichology // Trichologie
                                                                                                                      Trichology    Trichologie                    Clinico-pathologic Conference:
                                                                                                                                                                   Clinico-pathologic Conference:
        14:30 -- 15:00
        14:30    15:00                                                                                                    Transplantation
                                                                                                                          Transplantation                                Puzzling diagnoses
                                                                                                                                                                         Puzzling diagnoses
                                                                                                                      Andrology // Andrologie
                                                                                                                      Andrology     Andrologie
        15:00 -- 15:30
        15:00    15:30

                                                                                                                                                  Coffee Break
                                                                                                                                                  Coffee Break
        15:30 -- 16:00
        15:30    16:00   SSDV Department
                         SSDV    Department Directors’
                                                 Directors’ Meeting
                                                            Meeting                                                                                Exhibition
                                              //                                                                                                 Poster Session
                                                                                                                                                 Poster Session
                             Séances de
                            Séances    de la
                                           la Commission
                                              Commission des des
                                                                      Self-assessment Course
                                                                      Self-assessment  Course -- Slide
                             Directeurs de
                            Directeurs  de Cliniques
                                             Cliniques SSDV
                                                         SSDV //
                                                                              Viewing Group
                                                                             Viewing  Group IIII
        16:00 -- 16:30
        16:00    16:30    Klinikdirektorenkommissionssitzung
                          Klinikdirektorenkommissionssitzung                                                                                                          Frontiers in
                                                                                                                                                                      Frontiers  in Special
                                                                                                                                                                                    Special Sites
                                          SGDV                                                                           Workshops IIII
                                                                                                                         Workshops                                          Oral diseases
                                                                                                                                                                            Oral  diseases
                                                                                                           Surgical dermatology
                                                                                                           Surgical  dermatology // Dermatochirurgie
                                                                                                                                     Dermatochirurgie                Longitudinal melanonychia
                                                                                                                                                                     Longitudinal   melanonychia
        16:30 -- 16:45
        16:30    16:45                                                                                     Dermatoallergology // Dermatoallergologie
                                                                                                           Dermatoallergology     Dermatoallergologie                 Genital soft
                                                                                                                                                                     Genital  soft tissue
                                                                                                                                                                                    tissue tumors
                                                                                                           Pediatric dermatology
                                                                                                           Pediatric dermatology // Dermatopédiatrie
        16:45 -- 17:00
        16:45    17:00
                                                                                                                         Clinical skills
                                                                                                                         Clinical  skills

        17:00 -- 17:30
        17:00    17:30                                                                                                                                                Free Communications
                                                                                                                                                                      Free Communications III
                                                                             Welcome Aperitif
                                                                             Welcome Aperitif
                                                                                                                                        Plenary Lecture
                                                                                                                                        Plenary  Lecture III
                                                                                                                                                          III (ISDP)
        17:30 -- 18:00
        17:30    18:00                                                                                       The impact
                                                                                                             The  impact of
                                                                                                                         of clinical
                                                                                                                            clinical photos
                                                                                                                                     photos on
                                                                                                                                            on diagnosis
                                                                                                                                               diagnosis inin inflammatory
                                                                                                                                                               inflammatory skin
                                                                                                                                                                            skin diseases
                                                                                                                                                                                 diseases and
                                                                                                                                            melanocytic lesions
                                                                                                                                           melanocytic   lesions
                              SSDV Committee
                              SSDV   Committee Meeting
                                                Meeting //
                               Séance du
                              Séance   du Comité
                                          Comité SSDV
                                                 SSDV //                    Get Together
                                                                            Get Together Party
                                                                                         Party                                           Plenary Lecture
                                                                                                                                        Plenary  Lecture IV
                                                                                                                                                          IV (ISDP)
        18:00 -- 18:30
        18:00    18:30
                                Vorstandssitzung SGDV
                                Vorstandssitzung SGDV                         (ISDP Board)
                                                                              (ISDP  Board)                          The role
                                                                                                                     The role of
                                                                                                                              of clinicopathological
                                                                                                                                 clinicopathological correlation
                                                                                                                                                     correlation in
                                                                                                                                                                  in dermatopathology

        18:30 -- 19:00
        18:30    19:00                                                                                                                        Opening Ceremony
                                                                                                                                              Opening Ceremony
        19:00 -- 19:30
        19:00    19:30
                                                                                                                                              Welcome Reception
                                                                                                                                              Welcome Reception
        19:30 -- 20:00
        19:30    20:00
        20:00 -- 20:30
        20:00    20:30
        20:30 -- 21:00
        20:30    21:00
        21:00 -- 21:30
        21:00    21:30                                                                                                                         President's Dinner
                                                                                                                                               President's Dinner
        21:30 -- 22:00
        21:30    22:00
        22:00 -- 23:00
        22:00    23:00

Friday, 2 September 2011                                                                              Saturday, 3 September 2011

                               Registration (07:30 - 19:30)                                                                            Registration (07:30 - 13:00)
                                         Friday, 22 September
                                         Friday,    September 2011
                                                              2011                                                                             Saturday, 33 September
                                                                                                                                               Saturday,    September 2011
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Social Events and other
                                                                                                             Plenary / Pléniaire / Plenum IV
                   Welcome and Introduction   / (07:30
                                     Registration (07:30 -- 19:30)
                                                            19:30)                                          Skin resident T cells in health and
                                                                                                                                            Registration (07:30
                                                                                                                                            Registration (07:30 -- 13:00)
                   Bienvenue et Introduction /                                                                           disease                                                                                   SSDV Sessions
                   Begrüssung und Einführung                                                                                                                                                                          Social Events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Social  Events and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and other
                                                                                                                     Plenary // Pléniaire
                                                                                                                     Plenary                 PlenumSelf
                                                                                                                                Pléniaire // Plenum    IV Assessment Session II (Cases
                             Welcome and
                             Welcome     and Introduction
                                               Introduction //                                                     Skin resident
                                                                                                                   Skin resident TT cells
                                                                                                                                     cells in
                                                                                                                                            in health
                                                                                                                                               health and
                                                                                                                                                      and        11 - 20)                                           ISDP Sessions
                  Plenary / Bienvenue
                              Pléniaire / Plenum
                              Bienvenue             I
                                          et Introduction
                                          et  Introduction //                                                                     disease
                                                                                                                                  disease                                                                                 SSDV Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SSDV  Sessions
                                                                                                           Case Presentations / Cas   Cliniques /
              Multiple facialBegrüssung
                               papules:  From
                             Begrüssung undundpimples
                                                 Einführung                                                         Fallbesprechungen III                         Self Assessment
                                                                                                                                                                  Self Assessment Session
                                                                                                                                                                                   Session IIII (Cases
                    to cancer prone diseases                                                                                                                                                                    ISDP / SSDV Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                              11 -- 20)
                                                                                                                                                                              11    20)                                   ISDP Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ISDP Sessions
                          Plenary // Pléniaire
                         Plenary      Pléniaire // Plenum
                                                   Plenum II      Free Communications IV                          Case Presentations
                                                                                                                 Case   Presentations // Cas Cas Cliniques
                                                                                                                                                    Cliniques //
                     Multiple facial
                     Multiple   facial papules:
                                       papules: From
                                                  From pimples
                                                                                                                          Fallbesprechungen III
                                                                                                                          Fallbesprechungen           III           Plenary Lecture VI
                            to  cancer
                                cancer   prone
                    Free Communications /       diseases
                                               diseases                                                      Plenary / Pléniaire / Plenum V                                                                            ISDP // SSDV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ISDP    SSDV Sessions
                                                                                                                                                           Clinicopathological aspects of drug
                Communications Libres / Freie                                                              Cutaneous T cell lymphoma and T
                                                                           Free  Communications
                                                                                 Communications        IV
                                                                                                      IV                                                   eruptions with special emphasis on
                        Mitteilungen I                                                                               cell trafficking
                                                                                                                                                                             Plenary Lecture
                                                                                                                                                                             Plenary   Lecture VIVI
                              Free Communications
                              Free  Communications //                                                                 Plenary // Pléniaire
                                                                                                                     Plenary      Pléniaire // Plenum
                                                                                                                                                Plenum V    V
                                                                                                                                                                    Clinicopathological aspects
                                                                                                                                                                    Clinicopathological    aspects of of drug
                        Communications Libres
                        Communications        Libres // Freie
                                                        Freie                                                      Cutaneous TT cell
                                                                                                                   Cutaneous        cell lymphoma
                                                                                                                                          lymphoma and    and TT
                                                                                                                                                                    eruptions with
                                                                                                                                                                   eruptions   with special
                                                                                                                                                                                     special emphasis
                                                                                                                                                                                              emphasis on  on
                                    Mitteilungen II
                                   Mitteilungen                                                                                 cell trafficking
                                                                                                                 Free Communications  trafficking
                 Plenary / Pléniaire / Plenum II                                                                                                                  Frontiers in Infectious
                                                                  Frontiers in New Entities                  Communications Libres / Freie
                      Drug-induced acne                                                                                                                             Dermatopathology
                                                                Organ transplant recipients                          Mitteilungen III                            Tropical and subtropical
                                                           Follicular pathway to squamous cell
                                                                                                                          Free Communications
                                                                                                                          Free   Communications                     dermatopathology
                         Plenary // Pléniaire
                         Plenary     Pléniaire // Plenum
                                                   Plenum IIII            carcinoma                                                                                        Frontiers in
                                                                                                                                                                           Frontiers  in Infectious
                                                                           Frontiers in
                                                                           Frontiers   in New
                                                                                          New Entities
                                                                                                Entities             Communications
                                                                                                                     Communications         Libres
                                                                                                                                            Libres   // Freie
                                                                                                                                                        Freie       Oncogenic viruses
                                 Drug-induced acne
                                 Drug-induced    acne          Cutaneous lymphoma update                                                                                     Dermatopathology
              Case Presentations / Cas Cliniques /                        Organ transplant
                                                                          Organ   transplant recipients
                                                                                               recipients                      Mitteilungen
                                                                                                          Case PresentationsMitteilungen
                                                                                                                                / Cas Cliniques  III /
                                                                                                                                                III            Molecular techniques in the
                                                                                                                                                                          Tropical and
                                                                                                                                                                          Tropical  and subtropical
                     Fallbesprechungen I                             Follicular pathway
                                                                     Follicular pathway to to squamous
                                                                                              squamous cell cell Fallbesprechungen IV                       diagnosis of cutaneous infections
                                                                                                                                                                             Oncogenic viruses
                                                                                                                                                                             Oncogenic     viruses
                                                                        Cutaneous lymphoma
                                                                        Cutaneous     lymphoma update
                     Case Presentations
                     Case   Presentations // Cas
                                               Cas Cliniques
                                                     Cliniques //                                                 Case Presentations
                                                                                                                 Case   Presentations // Cas Cas Cliniques
                                                                                                                                                    Cliniques //        Molecular techniques
                                                                                                                                                                        Molecular   techniques in  in the
                                                   Coffee Break                                                                                Coffee Break          diagnosis of
                                                                                                                                                                    diagnosis   of cutaneous
                                                                                                                                                                                   cutaneous infections
                                Fallbesprechungen II
                                Fallbesprechungen                                                                         Fallbesprechungen IV
                                                                                                                          Fallbesprechungen          IV
                                                    Exhibition                                                                                    Exhibition
                                                Poster Session                                                                               Poster Session
                                                           Coffee Break
                                                          Coffee    Break                                                                               Coffee Break
                                                                                                                                                        Coffee   Break
                                                             Exhibition                                                                                   Exhibition
                Plenary / Pléniaire / Plenum III
                                                         Poster Session
                                                         Poster    Session                                                                             Poster Session
                                                                                                                                                       Poster   Session
                 Hemangiomas and vascular                        Frontiers in Investigative               Case Presentations / Cas Cliniques /
                 malformations: An overview,                         Dermatopathology                             Fallbesprechungen V
                   diagnosis and treatment                New molecular targets in skin aging
                         Plenary // Pléniaire
                         Plenary    Pléniaire // Plenum
                                                 Plenum III
                                                         Dermatopathology at the cutting edge
                          Hemangiomas and
                          Hemangiomas      and vascular
                                                  vascular                 Frontiers in
                                                                           Frontiers  in Investigative
                                                                                          Investigative            Case Presentations
                                                                                                                  Case   Presentations // CasCas Cliniques
                                                                                                                                                   Cliniques /Free
                                                                                                                                                              /     Communications V
                                                           of investigative molecular genetics
                          malformations: An
                          malformations:    An overview,
                                                 overview,                    Dermatopathology
                                                                              Dermatopathology                              Fallbesprechungen V
                                                                                                                           Fallbesprechungen        V
                                                        The cutaneous vascular system: a new
                            diagnosis   and
                    Free Communications /     treatment
                                             treatment               New
                                                                    New    molecular
                                                                           molecular   targets
                                                                                      targets     in
                                                                                                 in  skin
                                                                                                     skin aging
                                                                                                              Plenary / Pléniaire / Plenum VI
                                                                     therapeutic target
                Communications Libres / Freie                       Dermatopathology at
                                                                   Dermatopathology        at the
                                                                                               the cutting
                                                                                                    cutting edge
                                                                                                            Cutaneous vasculitis update: New                           Free Communications
                                                                                                                                                                      Free  Communications V
                         Mitteilungen II                             of investigative
                                                                     of  investigative molecular
                                                                                        molecular genetics
                                                                                                      geneticsentities, changing paradigms
                                                                  The cutaneous
                                                                  The   cutaneous vascular
                                                                                     vascular system:
                                                                                                 system: aa new
                             Free Communications
                            Free   Communications //                           therapeutic target
                                                                              therapeutic      target                 Plenary
                                                                                                                      Plenary   // Pléniaire
                                                                                                                                   Pléniaire // Plenum
                                                                                                                                                Plenum   VI
                         Communications Libres
                         Communications      Libres // Freie
                                                       Freie                                                         Cutaneous vasculitis
                                                                                                                    Cutaneous      vasculitis update:
                                                                                                                                               update: New
                                  Mitteilungen IIII
                                  Mitteilungen                       Plenary Lecture V                                  entities, changing
                                                                                                                       entities,   changing paradigms
              Case Presentations / Cas Cliniques /                                                        Case Presentations / Cas Cliniques /
                                                              Interface dermatitis: The broad
                     Fallbesprechungen III                                                                        Fallbesprechungen VI
                                                          spectrum of the histological pattern
                                                                                 Plenary Lecture
                                                                                 Plenary   Lecture VV                                                Self Assessment    Session III (Cases
   Meeting /             Case Presentations
                         Case Presentations // Cas
                                               Cas Cliniques
                                                   Cliniques //                                                   Case Presentations
                                                                                                                  Case   Presentations // Cas
                                                                                                                                           Cas Cliniques
                                                                                                                                                 Cliniques //
                                                                          Interface dermatitis:
                                                                         Interface  dermatitis: The
                                                                                                 The broad
                                                                                                       broad                                                         21 - 30)
e Infirmières                   Fallbesprechungen III
                               Fallbesprechungen    III                                                                   Fallbesprechungen
                                                                                                             Plenary / Pléniaire / Plenum VII VI  VI
                                                                       spectrum of
                                                                       spectrum   of the
                                                                                      the histological
                                                                                          histological pattern
 legefach                                                                                                       Mechanisms of melanoma
  ruppe                                                                                                   metastasis: A historical critique and                Self Assessment
                                                                                                                                                              Self  Assessment Session
                                                                                                                                                                                  Session III
                                                                                                                                                                                           III (Cases
    Nurse Meeting
    Nurse    Meeting //                                                                                            new observations                                           21 -- 30)
                                                                                                                                                                              21    30)
   Séance Infirmières
   Séance    Infirmières                                                                                             Plenary // Pléniaire
                                                                                                                     Plenary    Pléniaire // Plenum
                                                                                                                                             Plenum VII
      // Pflegefach
         Pflegefach                                                                                                     Mechanisms of
                                                                                                                        Mechanisms     of melanoma
         Gruppe                                                                                                    metastasis: A
                                                                                                                  metastasis:    A historical
                                                                                                                                   historical critique
                                                                                                                                              critique and
                                                                                                          Concluding Remarks new/ observations
                                                                                                                            new    Conclusions /
                                                                                                                                   observations               Concluding Remarks
                        Satellite Symposia
                                                             ISDP Executive Committee Meeting
                            Exhibition                                                                              Concluding Remarks
                                                                                                                    Concluding Remarks // Conclusions
                                                                                                                                          Conclusions //
                                                                                                                                                                           Concluding Remarks
                                                                                                                                                                           Concluding Remarks
                         Poster Session                                                                                      Schlussfolgerung
                                 Satellite Symposia
                                 Satellite Symposia
                                                                       ISDP Executive
                                                                      ISDP  Executive Committee
                                                                                      Committee Meeting
                                   Poster Session
                                   Poster  Session

                                      Ackerman Lecture (ISDP)
                     The Large Hadron Collider: Shedding Light on the Dark Universe

                                                Ackerman Lecture
                                               Ackerman    Lecture (ISDP)
                              The Large
                              The Large Hadron
                                        Hadron Collider:
                                               Collider: Shedding
                                                         Shedding Light
                                                                  Light on
                                                                        on the
                                                                            the Dark
                                                                                Dark Universe

                                Test Yourself - Dermatopathology Quiz (ISDP)

                                          Test Yourself
                                          Test Yourself -- Dermatopathology
                                                           Dermatopathology Quiz
                                                                            Quiz (ISDP)
                                                  Coffee Break
                                                  Poster Session
                                                             Coffee Break
                                                            Coffee  Break
                       Political Seminar /                  Poster
                                                           Poster  Session
                                                           Self Assessment Session I            (Cases
                      Séminaire Politique /
                    Berufspolitisches Seminar
                                                                           1 - 10)                                                                                                       PROGRAM Overview
                             Political Seminar
                             Political Seminar //
                                                              Self Assessment
                                                              Self   Assessment Session
                                                                                    Session II       (Cases
                            Séminaire Politique
                           Séminaire    Politique //
                                                                                 11 -- 10)
                                             SeminarFrontiers in Paradoxal or Provocative
                         Berufspolitisches Seminar
                         Berufspolitisches                                                                                          XXXII Symposium de l’International Society of Dermatopathology

                  SSDV General Assembly /
                                                      Is keratoacanthoma a squamous cell                                                         93ème Réunion Annuelle de la Société Suisse
                                                     carcinoma? Cutaneous neural tumors
               SSDV Assemblée Générale / SGDV
                                                               Frontiers in
                                                               Frontiers   in Paradoxal
                                                                              Paradoxal or
                                                            with mixed differentiation
                                                                                            or Provocative
                                                                                                                                                      de Dermatologie et Vénéréologie
                                                                                                                                31 Août - 3 Septembre 2011, Genève, Starling Geneva Hotel & Conference Center
                                                                Trichoblastic tumors
                                                                Is keratoacanthoma
                                                               Is  keratoacanthoma aa squamous
                                                                                           squamous cellcell
                         SSDV General
                         SSDV   General Assembly
                                         Assembly //           carcinoma? Cutaneous
                                                              carcinoma?      Cutaneous neural
                                                                                             neural tumors
                     SSDV Assemblée
                     SSDV  Assemblée Générale
                                        Générale // SGDV
                                                     SGDV              with mixed
                                                                      with   mixed differentiation
                           Generalversammlung                ISDP General      Assemblytumors
                                                                         Trichoblastic    tumors
                                                                                                                                     XXXII Symposium des International Society of Dermatopathology
                                                                              ISDP General
                                                                             ISDP  General Assembly
                                                                                           Assembly                                              93. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen
                                                 Congress Dinner                                                                                Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie
                                                                                                                                31. August - 3. September 2011, Genf, Starling Geneva Hotel & Conference Center
                                                           Congress Dinner
                                                           Congress Dinner

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