MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing

Die Seite wird erstellt Aaron Schmidt
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
                               INFORMATION 2020

                                   Europe’s largest
                                   sailing magazine
Foto: © YACHT/Rick Tomlinson

                                                      PRICE LIST No. 66
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
SUMMARY                                                                                                                2

YACHT PRINT                                                 YACHT DIGITAL
The magazine                                           3    YACHT incl. YACHT classic App                              12

Readership                                             4    YACHT App Flexslider                                       13

Publication schedule                                   5    Display ads                                                14

Dimensions / Rates                                          Video advertising                                          15
Editorial section                                      6
                                                            Newsletter                                                 16
Special rate YACHT market                              7
                                                            Content Marketing
Ad specials                                            8    Sponsored News                                             17

DK-brand-combination                                   9    Advertorial                                                18

YACHT classic                                         10    Online Specials
                                                            Insurance channel                                          19
XXL- special WOHNEN AM WASSER                         11

                                                                                     for instant
SPECIFICATIONS                                                                      information

Standard Terms and Conditions : The current terms and conditions are available at
Any changes to the price list can be found at:

MEDIA SALES                                     DELIUS KLASING VERLAG                  EDITORIAL OFFICE
Our contact persons can be found at             Siekerwall 21                          Editor in Chief Jochen Rieker                           33602 Bielefeld, Germany     
kontakt-wassersport                             telephone +49 521 559 0                ABC-Str. 21
                                                                                       20354 Hamburg, Germany
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
THE MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Y A C H T 19 — 2 0 19                           YACHT-TEST • ELAN IMPRESSION 45.1                                                     85

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ALLES ZUM TOURENSEGELN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2019) gepasst, auch wenn sie gegenüber den
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wettbewerberinnen (Bavaria C45, Hanse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              458, Beneteau Oceanis 46.1) etwa einen hal-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ben Meter kürzer ist. Leider aber hat es die
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              brandneue Slowenin damals nicht zum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Gruppentest nach Neustadt geschafft. Für
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              den Einzeltest steht der YACHT nun das ers-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              te neue Schiff zur Verfügung, ausgestattet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mit dem optional erhältlichen Rollmast und
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              einfachen Fahrtensegeln aus Dacron.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Die Testbedingungen in der Bucht von
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Piran an der Adria sind mit rund 10 Knoten
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              konstanter Thermik geradezu ideal. Bei dem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              leichten Wind profitiert die Impression 45.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              insbesondere von ihrer mächtigen Genua.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ober- und Unterwanten stehen bei ihr in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nen, direkt am Kajütaufbau, was eine Vor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              segelüberlappung von bis zu 135 Prozent er-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Diese Riggkonfiguration ist generell rar
                                                                                                                                                                  Gut betucht. Bei wenig Wind                                                 geworden, gerade bei Fahrtenyachten. Bei           Auf der Optionenliste steht unter vielem anderen auch ein
                                                                                                                                                                  bringt die große, überlappende                                              moderneren Schiffskonzepten werden die           komplettes BIMINI. Das Cockpitdach ist stabil verankert und
                                                                                                                                                                  Genua Vorteile                                                              Oberwanten üblicherweise ganz außen di-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              rekt in den Rumpf eingeleitet, was konstruk-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     kann auch bei rauen Bedingungen stehen bleiben
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tiv einfacher und in der Produktion günsti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ger ist, dafür aber die Fläche des Vorsegels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              limitiert. Auf eher windschwachen Revieren
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              und am Mittelmeer ist die weit überlappen-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              de Genua wie diejenige der Impression 45.1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              vorteilhaft, auch weil die Eigner dank des
                                                                  espekt! Der 43-Fußer aus        hinaus. Zwar wird er in der slowenischen       pit weiter gestreckt werden. Dafür hat die                                                   breiteren Einsatzbereichs auf zusätzliche Se-
                                                                  Elans Fahrtenreihe Impres-      Werft immer noch in denselben, jedoch stark    Werft die Decksform der Vorgängerinnen im                                                    gel wie Gennaker oder Code Zero verzichten
                                                                  sion hat über die Jahre eine    modifizierten Formen des Archetyps 434 ge-     hinteren Teil komplett umgebaut. Im Ver-                                                     können. Und: Die Durchgänge über die Sei-
                                                                  beachtliche Karriere hin-       baut, aber er ist mehr als eine weitere Ver-   gleich zur Impression 444 verfügt das neue                                                   tendecks zum Bug bleiben frei von Hinder-
                                                                  gelegt. 2004 kam das Schiff     sion: nämlich im Wesentlichen ein fast neu     Schiff über eine deutlich längere Plicht, die                                                nissen – ebenfalls gut.
                                                                  als Impression 434 auf den      entwickeltes Schiff.                           Duchten sind jetzt mehr als zwei Meter lang.
                                                 Markt, als Auftaktmodell für die damals ganz                                                    Und auch für den Steuermann steht hinter                                                     POTENZIAL VORHANDEN
                                                 neue Tourenlinie. Die 434 wurde zum Auf-         STILMIX: ALTMODISCH UND MODERN                 dem Rad mehr Platz zur Verfügung.                                                            Die Installation einer Selbstwendefock be-
                                                 reger mit vergleichsweise breitem Heck und       Geändert wurde insbesondere das Heck,              Geblieben sind dagegen der vergleichs-                                                   zeichnet die Werft als „machbar“, bietet sie             INTEGRIERT                     ENTSPANNT                        FEUDAL
                                                 doppelten Steuerständen, was in der Län-         welches bei unveränderter Rumpflänge jetzt     weise hohe, geschwungene und nach vorn                                                       als Option aber nicht an. Dafür kann die         Der Ankerkasten ist als Teil    Hinter dem Rad freut sich       Grill und Außenspüle im
                                                 genklasse zu der Zeit noch selten war. Und       lotrecht abfällt und mit einer großen Bade-    abgestufte Kajütaufbau, die schrägen Rumpf-                                                  Standard-Genua rollgerefft werden. Natür-        der Decksform vom Rumpf         der Steuermann über aus-        Heck gibt es auf Wunsch.
                                                 das Boot hat mit Ausbauversionen bis zum         klappe versehen ist. Damit konnte das Cock-    fenster sowie der geneigte Steven am Bug,                                                    lich könnte man das Schiff für Starkwind-         getrennt. Die elektrische     reichend viel Platz und eine     Damit geht jedoch noch
                                                 Vierkabiner im Chartermarkt eingeschlagen.                                                      was optisch vielleicht etwas altmodisch da-                                                  reviere alternativ oder zusätzlich mit einer      Ankerwinsch ist optional       gute Übersicht nach vorn        mehr Stauraum verloren
                                                 Mit mehr als 300 verkauften Exemplaren in                                                       herkommen mag und sicher nicht den aktu-                                                     kleineren Fock ausstatten.
                                                 nur fünf Jahren hat das Modell bei Elan für                                                     ellsten Designtrends entspricht. Auf den ers-                                                    Wer sportlich mit Gennaker oder Code
                                                 prall gefüllte Auftragsbücher gesorgt.                                                          ten Blick passt der Stilmix daher auch nicht                                                 Zero segeln möchte, kann einen aufsteck-
                                                     2010 folgte das erste Update zur Impres-
                                                 sion 444 (Test in YACHT 20/10) mit einer           DIE OPTISCHE                                 ganz zusammen. Nüchtern und unvorein-
                                                                                                                                                 genommen betrachtet, lässt sich der neuen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              baren, allerdings nur sehr kurzen Bugspriet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ordern. Die trendige, fest angebaute Bug-

                                                                                                   HARMONIE IST
                                                 ganzen Reihe von kosmetischen, aber kaum                                                        Impression 45.1 allerdings eine gewisse Ele-                                                 nase, wie sie von der Konkurrenz (Bavaria,
                                                 substanziellen Neuerungen. Eine nochmali-                                                       ganz unter Segeln nicht absprechen. Man                                                      Beneteau, Dufour, Jeanneau) bereits werft-
                                                 ge Anpassung erhielt die Konstruktion von                                                       kann die Optik mögen, muss es aber nicht.                                                    seitig geliefert wird, kann und will Elan für
                                                                                                   NICHT AUF DEN

                                                                                                                                                                                                   F O T O S : YA C H T / A . C A R L O N I
                                                 Rob Humphreys vor fünf Jahren, als sie nach                                                     Es ist wie immer in stilistischen Fragen eine                                                die Impression 45.1 nicht realisieren.
                                                 ebenfalls vorwiegend optischen Änderun-                                                         Ansichtssache.                                                                                   Bei 3 Beaufort schafft die Impression 6,5
                                                 gen zur Impression 45 wurde.
                                                     Was nun geschieht – immerhin 15 Jahre
                                                                                                   ERSTEN BLICK                                      Die Impression 45.1 hätte auch gut in
                                                                                                                                                 den erst jüngst von den YACHT durchge-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Knoten hoch am Wind und wendet dabei
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              über einen Winkel von 90 Grad. 7,7 Knoten
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Die Heckplattform ist gut begehbar. Es
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Das große Panoramafenster im Kajütaufbau
                                                 nach der Erstvorstellung –, geht erstmals über
                                                 kosmetische Korrekturen an dem Longseller            GEGEBEN                                    führten Vergleichstest in der Klasse der 45-
                                                                                                                                                 Fuß-Tourer (YACHT-Ausgaben 14 und 15/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              loggt der Tourer unter diesen Bedingungen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mit halbem Wind, ebenfalls nur mit Ge-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                fehlen aber Haltegriffe an der Badeleiter     gehört zum Konzept der Impression-Reihe

Published since                  THE MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                         THE MARKET
                                 YACHT is the German sailing commu-                                                                                                                   YACHT is primarily distributed in the
Sold circulation
                                 nity‘s newsroom. Founded in 1904, it is                                                                                                              German speaking countries of Europe:
38,094 copies IVW 02/2019
                                 not only the market leader                                                                                                                           Germany, Austria and Switzerland. But
Frequency of publication         but also the German „sailing bible“.                                                                                                                 significant parts of the circulation also go
fortnightly (25 issues a year)
                                 Every fortnight the editorial team suc-                                                                                                              to the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxem-
Magazine size                    cessfully combines practical expertise                                                                                                               bourg, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Greece
215 mm × 280 mm                  with a passion for sailing. 180,000                                                                                                                  and Italy, where many people can speak
Processing                       readers per issue (AWA 2019) obviously                                                                                                               and read German. In total, YACHT has
Saddle stitch                    agree, making YACHT Europe‘s largest                                                                                                                 subscribers in more than 25 countries,
Copyprice                        sailing magazine. We are attending the                                                                                                               including the United States.
€ 5.50                           following shows: boot Düsseldorf, Hiswa
                                 te water, Yachting Festival Cannes,
                                 Interboot Friedrichshafen, Salone
                                 Nautico Genova, Hamburg Boat Show,
                                 Ft. Lauderdale Int. Boat Show, METS
                                 Amsterdam and Boot & Fun Berlin where
                                 we will distribute an additional ciculation
                                 of YACHT magazine. YACHT is also
                                 initiator and organizer of the „European
                                 Yacht of the Year“ award, the most
                                 important watersports award Worldwide.
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
READERSHIP                                                                                                     4

            RANGE                                                 5.9               Chance of page

                                                                                      contact is
                                                                the reader
        READERS                                               picks up each


                                                                       YACHT readers are

     of our readers are men
                                                              SETTERS AND
Almost two thirds are engaged in
 the purchase of a sailing boat!                              INNOVATORS
    buyer potential
        = 63%
       67% are willing to spend                                  104    38%
                                                              MINUTES readers
             more than
             100.000 €
             on a sailing yacht                                    is the average         are company
                                                                    reading time           owners or

           5,731                                                      per issue

           EURO                                               2,828 Euro
          average net
       household income                                          is the average financial scope of
        (total population 3,163 Euro)                                   the YACHT readers

          82% as a magazine, 52% web page,
            30% newsletter, 28% YACHT TV,
                                                                                      53.6  YEARS
                                                                                       is the average age of
            18% APP/digital, 8% Facebook                                                   YACHT readers
Sources: AWA 2019 and Readers Survey 2018 (Market Research)
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
PUBLICATION SCHEDULE                                                                                        5


  01/2020        18.12.2019                                           05.11.2019          15.11.2019

  01/2020        27.11.2019        SONDERHEFT YACHT CLASSIC           16.10.2019          04.11.2019

  02/2020        02.01.2020         boot Düsseldorf - Ausrüstung      12.11.2019          22.11.2019

  03/2020        15.01.2020               boot Düsseldorf             26.11.2019          06.12.2019

  04/2020        29.01.2020                                           10.12.2019          20.12.2019

  05/2020        19.02.2020                                           07.01.2020          17.01.2020

  06/2020        04.03.2020                                           21.01.2020          31.01.2020

  07/2020        18.03.2020                                           04.02.2020          14.02.2020

  08/2020        01.04.2020                                           18.02.2020          28.02.2020

  09/2020        15.04.2020                                           03.03.2020          13.03.2020

  10/2020        29.04.2020       XXL-Special WOHNEN AM WASSER        17.03.2020          27.03.2020

  11/2020        13.05.2020         Hamburg ancora Yachtfestival      31.03.2020          07.04.2020

  12/2020        27.05.2020                                           14.04.2020          24.04.2020

  13/2020        10.06.2020                                           28.04.2020          08.05.2020

  02/2020        17.06.2020        SONDERHEFT YACHT CLASSIC           05.05.2020          19.05.2020

  14/2020        24.06.2020                                           12.05.2020          20.05.2020

  15/2020        08.07.2020                                           26.05.2020          05.06.2020

  16/2020        22.07.2020                                           09.06.2020          19.06.2020

  17/2020        05.08.2020                                           23.06.2020          03.07.2020

  18/2020        19.08.2020          HISWA in-water Boat Show         07.07.2020          17.07.2020

  19/2020        02.09.2020                                           21.07.2020          31.07.2020

  20/2020        16.09.2020           Interboot Friedrichshafen       04.08.2020          14.08.2020

  21/2020        30.09.2020                                           18.08.2020          28.08.2020

  22/2020        14.10.2020             Hamburg Boat Show             01.09.2020          11.09.2020

  23/2020        04.11.2020                                           22.09.2020          02.10.2020

  24/2020        18.11.2020              METS Amsterdam               06.10.2020          16.10.2020

  01/2021        25.11.2020        SONDERHEFT YACHT CLASSIC           20.10.2020          30.10.2020

 25-26/2020      02.12.2020                                           20.10.2020          30.10.2020

  01/2021        16.12.2020                                           03.11.2020          13.11.2020
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
DIMENSIONS / RATES                                                                                                                                                  6

                                                        „ADVERTISING IN APPROPRIATE
                                                    JOURNALISTIC ENVIRONMENTS INCREASES
                                                            PUBLIC AWARENESS.“
                                                                                                                        source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2019

2/1 page
Trim size* 430 × 280

                                                      SIZE               B/W                           4C
                                                      1/1            7,220.00 €                   10,190.00 €                                    included
                                                      1/2            3,960.00 €                    5,500.00 €                                  + link activation
                                                                                                                                               +picture gallery
                                                      1/3            2,890.00 €                    4,200.00 €                                       + video
                                                      1/4            2,150.00 €                    2,920.00 €

                                                      2/1            14,200.00 €                  20,140.00 €

1/1 page
Trim size* 215 × 280
                                                                         SPECIAL POSITIONS


                                                      Pole position 1/3 page                   4,480.00 €
                                                     Island Ad 115 × 115 mm                    5,260.00 €

                                                         Inside front cover                  11,280.00 €

                                                         Inside back cover                   10,660.00 €

                                                             Back cover                      12,310.00 €
1/2 page vertical      1/2 page horizontal
                                                          Opening Spread                     21,530.00 €
Trim size* 107 × 280   Trim size* 215 × 140

                                                Further on request.
                                                The prices quoted are exclusive VAT.


                                                   FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS                         VOLUME DISCOUNTS                   DK-BRAND-COMBINATION
                                                  3 adverts                      3%      2 pages                      5%       2 issues                         5%

                                                  6 adverts                      6%      3 pages                     10%       3 issues                         10%
1/3 page vertical      1/3 page horizontal
Trim size* 78 × 280    Trim size* 215 × 97        9 adverts                      9%      6 pages                     15%       4 issues                         15%

                                                 12 adverts                     12%      9 pages                     18%       5 issues                         20%

                                                 18 adverts                     15%     12 pages                     21%

                                                 24 adverts                     18%

                                                Section discount and bonus sales on request.

                                                AGENCY COMMISSION 15%

1/4 page 1-column      1/4 page 2-columns
Type area 45 × 254     Type area 94 × 124       EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNT OF 10%
Trim size* 54 × 280
                                                Requires a booking of at least 3 advertisements in the editorial section before
                                                January 31st, 2020.

                                                Reprints and pdfs of editorial content on request.
                                                Please ask for our price list.

1/4 page 4-columns
Type area 192 × 60                            * All advertisements with bleed format must have a trim of 5 mm around the page. All important elements have to be
Trim size* 215 × 70                             10 mm away from the trim. All format specifications in mm (width x height).
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
DIMENSIONS / RATES                                                                                                                                      7


                                                           SIZE                  B/W                      2C                     4C          App
                                                            1/1                7,220.00 €              8,210.00 €           10,190.00 €   + link activation
                                                            1/2                3,840.00 €              4,350.00 €            5,370.00 €   +picture gallery
                                                                                                                                               + video
                                                            1/3                2,640.00 €              3,090.00 €            4,200.00 €

1/2 page                         1/2 page vertical          1/4                2,040.00 €              2,300.00 €            2,810.00 €
Trim size* 430 × 280             Type area 94 × 254
                                                            1/8*               917,50 €                1,047,50 €            1,307,50 €

                                                           1/16*               467,50 €                537,50 €               657,50 €

                                                           1/32*               242,50 €                272,50 €               332,50 €

                                                       *Picture gallery and video with extra charge.
                                                       The prices quoted are exclusive VAT.

                                                                                          ISSUE DISCOUNTS

                                                                                              3 issues 10%
1/2 page horizontal              1/3 page horizontal
                                                                                              6 issues 20%
Type area 192 × 124              Type area 192 × 82
                                                                                            12 issues 30%

                                                                                            25 issues 45%

                                                       No further discounts!

                                                       AGENCY COMMISSION 15%

1/4 page 1-column                1/4 page 2-columns    CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PER MM/1-COLUMN:
Type area 45 × 254               Type area 94 × 124
                                                       B/W = 8.15 €                2C = 9.25 €               4C = 11.50 €
                                                       Link integration = 12.50 €

                                                       CODE CHARGE
                                                       9.24 €

                                                       SHIPPING AGENTS / BROKER SECTION
1/4 page 4-columns               1/8 page type area    WATERSPORTS SCHOOLS
Type area 192 × 60               1-column 45 × 124
                                 2-columns 94 × 60     MARINAS / HOLIDAY HOMES
                                 4-columns 192 × 28
                                                       Please ask your sales representative for details!

                                                       START OFFER
                                                       for first time advertisers on request.

                                                       SPECIAL POSITIONS
1/16 page type area              1/32 page type area
vertical 45 × 60                 45 × 28               Not available in YACHT MARKET.
horizontal 94 × 28
                                                       *All advertisements with bleed format must have a trim of 5 mm around the page.
                                                         All important elements have to be 10 mm away from the trim.
Minimum size for ads = 1-column, 10 mm.
All format specifications in mm (width x height).
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
AD SPECIALS                                                                                                                      8

                                                           LOOSE INSERTS
                                                 MAX.                                 MINIMUM               SUBSCRIPTION
  WEIGHT                PRICE                                    INSERTIONS
                                                 SIZE                                INSERTION               CIRCULATION

 up to 25 g        90.00 € per mil

 up to 50 g        120.00 € per mil                       Partial insertions
                                           205 x 270 mm
                                                          in the retail sale               20,000                Germany
                                             3 samples
 up to 75 g        145.00 € per mil                         circulation by                 copies                available
                                            when placing
                                                         Nielsen regions on                                    in total only.
                                             the order
 up to 100 g       195.00 € per mil                            request

 up to 125 g       265.00 € per mil

Further on request. Additional costs when booking the subscription circulation.

Upgrade your loose insert from print to our YACHT app (see also page 12).

       SIZE                        PRICE

   Postcard /                                                 + costs for the 1/1 page carrier advertisement
                               47.00 € per mil
                                                              + additional costs when booking the subscription circulation
     Booklet                   68.00 € per mil
                                                              Stand samples and 10 adhesive inserts for test run before the
  Test sample                  77.00 € per mil                closing date.

                                                           BOUND INSERTS
       SIZE                        PRICE

     4-pages                   110.00 € per mil                  Paper quality: 70-150 g/m2
     6-pages                   130.00 € per mil                  Format: Please contact the media sales department
                                                                 for specifications
     8-pages                   150.00 € per mil

    12-pages                   170.00 € per mil                  Insertion: only overall

                                                                 Position: In the middle of the magazine („artificial middle“)
    16-pages                   190.00 € per mil
                                                                 (Additional costs on request)

Additional information about our Ad Specials on:


Machine processing of loose inserts requires a closed edge. For inserts excising the width of the magazine this has to be the
longside. For inserts that have to be added manually extra costs will be charged. Extra costs for subscription circulation.

Special insertions are not discounted!

Loose inserts and bound inserts containing ads of third parties only after consultation with the publishing house.

All other special insertions on request.
Shipping documents are obligatory! Delivery date: 3 weeks prior to on sale date. Delivery must take place duty and carriage paid.
Shipping documents have to include the following details: reason for transfer, magazine, number of issue, total weight volume and
pack size.
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
DK-BRAND-COMBINATION                                                               9

           Under the brand of DK, 13 other special interest magazines are
           being published. Many of them are market leader within their field.

           apply for a customer’s advertisments and offer an enormous po-
           tential for saving up to 20%. With an identical volume of advertising
           placements you may vary and change the advertising motive and
           the date of publishing.

                       NUMBER                           DK-BRAND-
                   OF MAGAZINES                  COMBINATION-DISCOUNT

                        2 issues                             5%

                        3 issues                            10%

                        4 issues                            15%

                        5 issues                            20%
MEDIA INFORMATION 2020 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - Delius Klasing
YACHT CLASSIC                                                                                                             10

                  THE MAGAZINE
                  We are writing about sailing. About                         Like the way boatbuilding of bygone
                  the beauty of historical unique yachts.                     times is reflecting the entire history of
                  About creators of technically venturous                     society, economy, science und tech-
                  constructions in a prior era. About the                     nology YACHT classic is describing the
                  fascination of classic forms. And about                     genre‘s whole spectrum. From a very
                  the growing enthusiasm that makes                           special perspective. In its own visual
                  people preserve these treasures of art.                     conception. With remarkable accounts
                  Nothing else we are writing about and                       and reports.
                  still it is no sailing magazine. Not only.
                  It is at the same time an edition for
                  culture and way of life, a reader of
                  contemptorary history and philosophy.

Print run
                                    SIZE                           INCL. DIGITAL/ APP
38,000 copies
                                     1/1                                  5,135.00 €
Processing                           1/2                                  2,715.00 €
Perfect binding                      1/3                                  1,885.00 €
Magazine size                        1/4                                  1,475.00 €
215 mm × 280 mm                      2/1                                 10,075.00 €

128 pages
Copy price
                              FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS
€ 7.50                                                                                  You can find
                            2 ads                   15%
                                                                                       the dimension
                                  VOLUME DISCOUNTS                                     on page 6 + 7,
                                                                                         see YACHT
                            1 page                   5%
                            2 pages                 15%
                                  5% on YACHT classic

                                                         PLACEMENT COLLECTIVE "RAT & TAT"

                                      S IZE                              ONE ISSUE*                       TWO ISSUES*

                           1/8 page 4c 2-columns                           260.00 €                          410.00 €

                          1/16 page 4c 2-columns                           180.00 €                          300.00 €

                  * No further discounts.

                  AGENCY COMMISION 15%
                  Special insertions, loose inserts and bound inserts on request.

                                                              PUBLICATION SCHEDULE

                          ISSUE                      FIRST SELLING DAY                           BOOKING DEADLINE

                           1/20                             27.11.2019                                  16.10.2019
                           2/20                             17.06.2020                                  05.05.2020

                           1/21                             25.11.2020                                  20.10.2020

                  The prices quoted are exclusive VAT.
XXL-SPECIAL WOHNEN AM WASSER                                                                                                                                              11

                                                     THE MAGAZINE
                                                     Sailors and power boaters have a                                In WOHNEN AM WASSER, we show
                                                     special connection to the water. They                           possibilities and ways to fulfill a dream
                                                     spend precious time on it - by the water                        of a nautical lifestyle. Not only on the
                                                     is where they feel happiest. This feeling                       coasts, but also in the city and in the
                                                     need not just be for the weekends, or                           country.
                                                     for holidays, many choose to live by the
                                                     water. Whether visiting, or living by the
                                                     water, it is a lifestyle we understand.

Print run
150,600 copies
Total circulation                                    1/1 page                        1/2 page vertical               1/2 page horizontal                1/3 page horizontal
                                                     Trim size* 205 × 300            Trim size* 102 × 300            Trim size* 205 × 145               Trim size* 205 × 95
458,000* readers
Magazine size
205 mm × 300 mm
as XXL-Special in YACHT, BOOTE and
Frequency of publication                             1/3 page vertical               1/4 page 2-columns              1/8 page** 2-columns
1× per year                                          Trim size* 63 × 300             Type area 90 × 135              Type area 90 × 65
                                                                                     1/4 page 4-columns
Processing                                                                           Trim size* 205 × 70
saddle stitch
                                                    * All advertisements with bleed format must have a trim of 5 mm around the page.
                                                       All important elements have to be 10 mm away from the trim. All format specifications in mm (width x height).
                                                    **Placement collective, no DIGITAL/APP combination.

*YACHT: 180,000, BOOTE: 190,000 (AWA 2019),
BOOTE EXCLUSIV: 88,000 (Readership survey 2018/      AGENCY COMMISSION 15%
 Market Research).

                                                                                                                         4C INCLUSIVE                        4C INCLUSIVE
                                                                                                             SIZE             APP                SIZE             APP
                                                                                                                          Brand clients                      Marine clients
                                                            BOOKING              DEADLINE OF
                                                            DEADLINE              PRINT DATA                  1/1         12,200.00 €             1/1          7,250.00 €
      YACHT            10/20           29.04.2020
                                                                                                              1/2          6,400.00 €             1/2          3,780.00 €
     BOOTE             05/20           22.04.2020          06.03.2020              16.03.2020
                                                                                                              1/3          4,300.00 €             1/3          2,910.00 €
BOOTE EXCLUSIV         03/20           29.04.2020
                                                                                                              1/4          3,400.00 €             1/4          2,040.00 €

                                                                                                              2/1         24,100.00 €            1/8**           750.00 €

                                                                                                                             FREQUENCY DISCOUNT:
                                                                                                                                     2 ads       5%
                                                                                                                                VOLUME DISCOUNT
                                                                                                                                      2 pages 10%
                                                                                                                                      3 pages 15%

                                                                                                                                            The prices quoted are exclusive VAT.
YACHT APP INCL. YACHT CLASSIC                                                                                                                            12

                           OUTPUT MEDIUM.“
                                                                                                         source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2019


                                                                                                          APP ONLY

                                                                    RUNTIME                  FORMAT                  ADVERTISING                  PRICE

                                                                                                                                                475.00 €
                                                                                                                     Link activation
                                                                      1 issue               2/1 page                 Picture gallery
                                                                                                                    Video integration
                                                                                                                                                375.00 €

                                                                  In our kiosk app, we offer you an integration of your insert as a
                                                                  Free Special for an exposed customer approach.
                                                                  Your product information will be integrated as a multi-page
                                                                  leaflet and will be available for publication on the same level as
                                                                  the digital editions of the media brand.
                                                                  In this way you reach the reader of the digital issue directly
                                                                  and communicate your information in the environment familiar
                                                                  to the readers.

                                                                                                         FREE SPECIAL

                                                                      RUNTIME                 PACKAGE               ADVERTISING SIZE                PRICE

                                                                                             Print / App
                                                                                                                                                 850.00 €
Sales per issue                                                                                                       supplement with
                                                                      6 weeks
5,074                                                                                                                  max. 32 pages
                                                                   (from the first                                incl. 10 link activations*
Readers per issue                                                                                                      + picture gallery
                                                                     day of sale)                                   + Video integration
                                                                                             App Only                                           1,050.00 €
App user per day
according to the publisher Ø 2019
                                                                  *further link activations according to effort


See booking deadline and delivery schedule for data on page 5.   The prices quoted are exclusive VAT.
                                                                 Additional multimedia features (audio files, videos, galleries and links) on request.
YACHT APP FLEXSLIDER                                                                                       13

                                    In addition to the regular advertising options in our digital Apps, we
                                    offer the opportunity to book the innovative form of advertisement:
                                    The FlexSlider.
                                    This element is a conventional slider, which can be used by
                                    advertisements as well as for editorial content.
                                    • innovative advertising medium for all mobile devices
                                    • prominent presentation
                                    • up to 4 different positions possible
                                    • enables sales directly out of the App
                                    • high contact frequency and quality

Contacts per month
as of September 2019

                                          POSITION                 POSITION       POSITION     POSITION
                                             1                        2              3            4

                                          650.00 €                 500.00 €        350.00 €    175.00 €

                                          per issue                per issue       per issue   per issue

                                    All prices exclude statutory VAT.

                                    CROSSMEDIA DISCOUNT 10% (on App-Price)
                       FlexSlider   AGENCY COMMISSION 15%
DISPLAY ADS		                                                       WWW.YACHT.DE                                                                    14

                                                                                                    source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2019


                                                         FORMS OF ADVERTISING                          SIZE IN PIXEL                          CPT

                                                       Fullsizebanner                             468 × 60 (max. 640 x 60)                   10.00 €

                                                       Medium Rectangle                                   300 × 250                          40.00 €

                                                       Skyscraper / Wide Skyscraper                     120/160 × 600                        40.00 €

                                                       HalfpageAd                                         300 × 600                          49.00 €

                                                       XXL Banner                                          728 × 90                          30.00 €

                                                       AdBundle                              300 × 250 / 160 × 600 / 728 × 90                37.00 €

                                                       BillboardAd                                        900 × 250                          49.00 €

                                                       Wallpaper                                728 × 90 and 120/160 × 600                   59.00 €
Page impressions                                       FireplaceAd                                depending on the website                   70.00 €
                                                       Parallax                                 630 x 840 (630 × 300 visible)                45.00 €
Visits                                                 FloorAd                                           1200 × 200                          70.00 €
Unique user*                                         MOBILE
275,894                                                    FORMS OF ADVERTISING                         SIZE IN PIXEL                        CPT
IVW 08/19                                               Mobile Banner 6:1                                  320 × 50                     30.00 €
*according to the publisher 08/19
                                                        Mobile Banner 4:1                                  320 × 70                     30.00 €

                                                        Mobile Banner 2:1                                  320 × 150                    35.00 €

                                                        Medium Rectangle Mobile                            300 × 250                    40.00 €

                                                        Parallax                                           320 × 150                    45.00 €

                                                        Catfish                                            320 × 100                    50.00 €

   + Targeting per criterion 2.50 € CPT
                                                                   PACKAGE                       BANNER FORMATS                              CPT
   + Sticky 2.50 € CPT
                                                       Desktop / Mobile Package 1        Fullsizebanner + Mobile Banner 4:1                  10.00 €
   + Expandable 5.00 € CPT
                                                                                                Medium Rectangle +
                                                       Desktop / Mobile Package 2                                                            30.00 €
   AGENCY COMMISION 15%                                                                       Medium Rectangle Mobile

   Creation of the advertisement with a surcharge.     Desktop / Mobile Package 3         XXL-Banner + Mobile Banner 2:1                     25.00 €

                                                     CPT = Costs per Thousand. All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice.

                                                                                            COMBINATION                      CROSSMEDIA
                                                        VOLUME DISCOUNT
                                                                                             DISCOUNT                         DISCOUNT
                                                        200,000 AI           5%        2 Websites           5%
   Examples of formats and information on                     400,000 AI           7%        3 Websites           7%             Crossmedia discount
                                                                                                                            Print / Online 10%
                                                        650,000 AI         10%         4 Websites          10%                (on online-price)

                                                        800,000 AI         15%         5 Websites          15%
VIDEO ADVERTISING                                                                                                                                    15

                                                                                                        source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2019

                                                            InPage Video Ads are great if you have video content which should
                                                            be delivered eye catching with a high reach. We deliver a display
                                                            ad with an integrated video clip on our websites.

                                                            Depending on the format, other functionalities such as full screen
                                                            or expandable can be activated for the campaign.

                                                            You only have to provide us with a banner as well as a video which
                                                            are linked and delivered by us. As a result, there is no need for
                                                            complex programming or embedding of the video in the ad.
Page impressions                                            For the Video Banner as well as Video InRead even the delivery of
1,759,344                                                   only one video is necessary.
IVW 08/19

                                                            INPAGE VIDEO ADS

     VOLUME         COMBINATION         CROSSMEDIA                 ADVERTISING SIZE                         SIZE IN PIXEL                  CPT
    DISCOUNT         DISCOUNT            DISCOUNT
 200,000 AI    5%   2 Websites   5%                          Video Banner                                      300 × 250                  55.00 €

 400,000 AI    7%   3 Websites   7%   Crossmedia discount    Video InRead                                      640 × 480                  50.00 €
                                       Print / Online 10%
 650,000 AI   10%   4 Websites 10%      (on online-price)    Video FloorAd                                    1200 × 200                  75.00 €

 800,000 AI   15%   5 Websites 15%                           Video Background                         depending on the website            80.00 €

                                                            CPT = Costs per Thousand.
                                                            All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice.

                                                            Contact us if you are interested in video productions
                                                            and further integration solutions.

                                                            Examples of formats and information on
NEWSLETTER                                                                                                             16

                                                                  source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2019

                                     The YACHT and YACHT classic newsletters regularly inform
                                     the subscribers about brand-new events, new developments
                                     on the market, and provides a preview of the upcoming print

                                     With newsletter advertising you can transfer your marketing
                                     message focused on our users.
                                     The fact that the users have subscribed themselves to our
                                     newsletters on their own initiative shows that the interest and
                                     attention is very high.

                                     Maximum 5 media placements per newsletter.

                                     Frequency: biweekly (YACHT classic 2 x per year),
                                     on the first selling date of the print magazine.

                                                                         SIZE IN PIXEL

                                            PRESENTER                   PRESENTER                    PRESENTER
                                                1                           2                            3

                                                600 x 150                  600 x 150                    600 x 150

                                             75.00 € CPT                 65.00 € CPT                  55.00 € CPT

                                     CPT = Costs per thousand subscriptions. All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change
                                     without notice.
                                     Presenter 5 without commitment.

                                                                     ISSUE DISCOUNTS

                                                                          3 issues 10%
                                                                          6 issues 20%

                                                                        12 issues 30%

                                                                        25 issues 45%

                                                                   CROSSMEDIA DISCOUNT 10%
                                                                   (on newsletter price)

                                                                   AGENCY COMMISSION 15%

27,281 (26,291 YACHT classic)
Open rate
41.51% (33.73% YACHT classic)
as of September 2019
                                                                   Placement without commitment.
CONTENT MARKETING                                                                                                                        17

Content Marketing plays an increasingly important role in           „EDITORIAL MEDIA OFFER HIGH
communication.                                                     FLEXIBILITY, IN-HOUSE CREATIVE
And for a reason:
                                                                     TEAMS, TAILORED SOLUTIONS
                                                                   AND PLENTY OF ROOM FOR EYE-
Content used in environments thematically related to the brand         CATCHING ADVERTISING.“
or product provides an effective and efficient way to strengthen                            source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2019

a brand‘s image or generate leads.

                                                                   SPONSORED NEWS WEBSITE
                                                                   We offer you to book sponsored news on our websites. With
                                                                   this Format you can publish industry, company or product
                                                                   news in the look and feel of the respective website.

                                                                   After clicking on the news as a teaser, our users will be taken
                                                                   to a further article or directly to your company website.

                                                                   The strong awareness of the sponsored news as a type of
                                                                   content marketing is proved: The performance values of spon-
                                                                   sored news are significantly higher compared to display ads.

                                                                   Price per month and site:

                                                                   2,750.00 €
                                                                   including reporting, support and a weekly change of your content.
                                                                   All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice.

                                                                   SPONSORED NEWS NEWSLETTER
                                                                   The native format Branchen News is also available in our
                                                                   newsletters. There you can publish industry, company and
                                                                   product news in the look and feel of the respective news-

                                                                   After clicking on the industry news as a teaser, our users will
                                                                   be taken to a further article on the website or directly to your
                                                                   company website.

                                                                   The industry news on our websites have shown that this
                                                                   advertising format is perceived and accepted by the user and
                                                                   therefore produces the best performance values.

                                                                   Price per newsletter and issue:

                                                                   2,400.00 €
                                                                   including reporting and support.
                                                                   All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice.
CONTENT MARKETING                                                                                                                                     18

                                                                                   Catch our users with your comprehensive product information
                                                                                   in an editorial environment.
                                                                                   Use the high receptivity of the reader for your brand/product.
                                                                                   The integration of an advertorial is possible on our websites.
                                                                                   An display ad is included in the package to increase the reach
                                                                                   of the advertising special. If the user clicks on the ad he will
                                                                                   be forwarded to the ad special. Additional display ads can be

                                                                                   POSSIBLE INTEGRATION COMPONENTS
                                                                                   • Picture gallery
                                                                                   • Video-Integration
                                                                                   • Links to your website
                                                                                   • E-Paper Integration

                                                                                   Online-Advertorial A
                                                                                   • incl. AdBundle with 100,000 Ad Impressions
                                                                                   • incl. technical costs (2,500.00 €)
                                                                                   • incl. feature-element in the side column
                                                                                   6,900.00 €

                                                                                   Online-Advertorial B
                                                                                   • incl. BilllboardAd with 100,000 Ad Impressions
                                                                                   • incl. technical costs (2,500.00 €)
                                                                                   • incl. feature-element in the side column
                                                                                   7,500.00 €
The screenshot is just an example, since it is an individual
product. All prices exclusive VAT.

                                                                                   ONLINE ADVENT CALENDAR
                                                                                   With the online advent calendar in YACHT, BOOTE and SURF,
                                                                                   you can place and present your product prominently
                                                                                   throughout the Christmas Season. The windows of each
                                                                                   day will be activated and clickable at the appropriate day. By
                                                                                   clicking on a window, the user will be forwarded to an article
                                                                                   about the product, with detailed text and images, along with
                                                                                   the registration form to win that product. The top prize is
                                                                                   activated and playable from the 01.12.2020.
                                                                                   The calendar will be supported and promoted with editorial
                                                                                   content in our magazines, on our websites, newsletters and
                                                                                   facebook. The positive feedback from previous years and an
                                                                                   entry, on average, of more than 7,300 players per window
              HIT RATES                        2016             2017      2018
                                                                                   speaks for itself!
  Page impressions total                    358.792            389,335   525,828

  ø Page impressions per window                7,812             9,841    11,015   For more details please contact your sales manager.
  Participations total                      117,706            141,856   176,656

  ø Participations per window                  4,904             5,910     7,360
According to the publisher
ONLINE SPECIALS                                                                                                       19

                                                          INSURANCE CHANNEL
                                                          Since 2013, presents the extensive Online Insurance
                                                          Channel, a service section with everything our users need to
                                                          know about boat insurances. Since spring 2015, boote-ma-
                                                 presents its own BOOTE Online Insurance Channel,
                                                          tailored to the needs of motor boat drivers.

                                                          In our online insurance channel on our websites
                                                 and you can present
                                                          your company to a perfectly adequate target group without any
                                                          wastage and cover the entire range of water sports.

                                                          The following content will be provided:
                                                          •   Insurance glossary from A to Z
                                                          •   What to do in case of a damage: Checklist for download
                                                          •   Company directory with direct links
                                                          •   Online insurance application
                                                          •   Latest News from the insurance industry

                                                          ADDRESS GENERATOR
                                                          Generate new customers with our insurance comparison. In
                                                          addition to the presenting of our insurance channel, we offer
                                                          you the opportunity to generate leads with address redirects
                                                          of our insurance comparison. Pro forwarded address we will
                                                          charge you an amount of 5.00 €.

                                           REQUESTS PER
                             Ø HIT RATES     QUARTER /
                             PER MONTH        CLIENT

  YACHT.DE                      5,935            56

  BOOTE-MAGAZIN.DE               568             39

According to the publisher

All prices exclusive VAT.
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