Media Kit 2019 QUALITY ENGINEERING - Konradin Service
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QUALITY ENGINEERING Media Kit 2019 Trade Magazine 4 Website 24 Newsletter 30 Lead Generation 34 Extras 32 Konradin Industrie 44
Media Brand QE_Quality Engineering/X1/2018/Druckstruktur_QE_01 - Seite 1 DSCHL - 29.03.2018 13:41 QE_Quality Engineering/PD1/2016/Druckstruktur_QE_03 - Seite 1 MUEV - 09.11.2016 17:52 E-Paper Seite 1 Stand /Booth 1F34 Editors’ Halle 5 | Stand 5320 Save the date: 7. Dezember 2016! 2018 Special Section in English: p. 10 to 12 Optische Messtechnik ein Schwerpunkt auf der Control Bildverarbeitung auf der Überholspur Den faulen Apfel im Visier All issues also Keeping an eye out for rotten apples Schnell messen, in der Ferti- Auch tragbare 3D-Scanner setzen gung messen – die indus- sich mehr und mehr für die Qua- trielle Bildverarbeitung ist litätskontrolle in der Fertigung durch: „Sie ermöglichen extrem l HALLE 3 / STAND 3416 klar auf dem Vormarsch in der Qualitätssicherung und schnelle Messungen komplexer Anwender aus der Nahrungsmittelindustrie oder der Land- Users in the food or agricultural industry place special Special Newsletter Geometrien und können fast wirtschaft stellen besondere Anforderungen an Bildver- demands on imaging systems. That is why Messe Stuttgart wird damit zum Wegbereiter überall in der Fabrik eingesetzt arbeitungssysteme. Die Messe Stuttgart hat diesen Bereich is focusing on these areas. für Industrie 4.0. Diesen werden“, so Stéphane Auclair, Trend belegen viele Expona- INHALT deswegen auf der Vision fokussiert. made available als Vice-President bei Creaform te auf der Control. für Marketing und Produktmana- gement zuständig. Creaform ▶ TRENDS Für Peter Stiefenhöfer, Leiter The so-called hy- This is based on the technology Seit Jahren schon ist die deut- zeigt seine neue 3D-Scanning- Marketing und Öffentlichkeits- perspectral systems of chemical color imaging, in 14 Roundtable: are a trade fair sche Bildverarbeitungsbranche Messmaschine Cube-R CMM, ei- Multisensorik gehört die Zukunft arbeit beim Bildverarbeitungs- short CCI, which is used to de- highlight at Vision auf Wachstumskurs. 2017 ist der ne automatisierte Messlösung für 20 Software: Spezialisten Stemmer Imaging Photo: Stemmer tect areas on fruit and vegetables Umsatz laut VDMA um 18 % ge- die Atline-Inspektion. Integration ist der große Trend GmbH aus Puchheim, sind die that are rotting. Visitors to the stiegen. Weltweit soll der Markt „Qualität 4.0 heißt für uns: digi- 32 Vision-Technologien: sogenannten Hyperspektral-Sys- fair will find corresponding app- für industrielle Bildverarbeitung tal prüfen, automatisiert prüfen, Fraunhofer Vision zeigt große teme ein ausgewachsenes Messe- lications on show at the Stemmer zwischen 2017 und 2023 von 7,9 vernetzt prüfen“, sagt Renaat Auswahl an Bildverarbeitung und Highlight. Das Partnerunterneh- booth (Hall 1, Booth E52). Mrd. auf 12,3 Mrd. Dollar in die Bildverarbeitung setzt sich durch in der Qualitätssicherung Bild: Schall Van Cauter, Director Corporate men, die Perception Park GmbH Ximea GmbH from Münster in optischen Systemen Höhe schnellen, so Prognosen Marketing Communications bei aus dem österreichischen Graz, Germany also offers products digitally. von Research and Markets. Qualitätskontrolle und flexible So gehört zu den Highlights am Nikon Metrology. Daher stellt ▶ KURZ-INTERVIEWS hat für diesen speziellen Bereich featuring this special form of „Die Bildverarbeitung ist eine der Automatisierung in der agilen Mitutoyo-Stand das Objektiv TAG das Unternehmen auf der Con- 06 Jochen Peter, Zeiss eine generische, intuitiv konfigu- imaging. Chief Technology Of- Schlüsseltechnologien für die Produktion der Zukunft.“ Lens, das über eine außerordent- trol eine 100%ige Teileprüfung 08 Karl Jürgen Lenz, OGP rierbare Datenverarbeitungsplatt- ficer (CTO) Jürgen Hillmann is Smart Factory“, sagt Dr. Christi- Auf der Control sind daher viele lich hohe Fokussier-Frequenz mit automatisierter CT und die form entwickelt. „Mit dieser convinced about the new an Ripperda, Vice President bei Lösungen für die Mess- und Prüf- von 70 kHz verfügt. Piezo-Signa- automatisierte Karosserieprüfung 12 Wolfram Kleuver, Technik lassen sich Bildverarbei- technology: We offer systems Dr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik Isra Vision. „Sie erfüllt die Anfor- technik zu sehen, die industrielle le leiten die Anpassung des Fo- mit dem Laser Radar vor. tungssysteme aufbauen, mit de- both for the visible as well as the derungen an Anwendungen für Bildverarbeitung nutzen. kus ein. Sabine Koll 16 Shigeyuki Sasaki, Mitutoyo nen sich die chemischen Eigen- infrared range. The camera sys- 18 Christof Reinhart, Volume Graphics schaften und Merkmale von Ob- tems are used in medical engi- 23 Ralf Christoph, Werth jekten unterscheiden lassen“, er- neering, for example, to detect Messechefin stellt die Highlights der Control vor 26 Norbert Böhme, Böhme & Weihs klärt Stiefenhöfer. „Grundlage diseases such as skin cancer. 29 Waios Kastanis, Babtec dafür ist die Chemical-Color- Die sogenannten Hyperspektral-Systeme sind ein Messe-Highlight auf der For Peter Stiefenhöfer, Head of They are also utilized in agricul- „Die Control fungiert als roter Faden“ 30 Stefan Scherer, Alicona 34 Stéphane Auclair, Creaform Imaging-Technologie, kurz CCI, mit der zum Beispiel faulige Vision Bild: Stemmer Marketing and Public Relations at the specialist machine vision ture: drones fitted with light- weight mobile cameras are flown CONTROL EXPRESS Stellen an Obst und Gemüse er- rasysteme kommen zum Beispiel die Hyperspektral-Bildverarbei- company Stemmer Imaging over fields to inspect the con- 35 Simone Cronjäger, Guardus Page 31 kannt werden.“ Entsprechende in der Medizintechnik zum Ein- tung aus Münster als Schutz- GmbH from Puchheim in Germa- dition of plants. This enables the Vernetzung, Bildverarbeitung und und Systeme weiter voran. Sie bildet QE: Wie deckt die Control diese The- 36 Stephan Killich, Consense Lösungsansätze findet der Mes- satz, etwa bei der Erkennung von maßnahme gegen Produktpirate- ny, so-called hyperspectral sys- use of pesticides and herbicides Sensorik sind derzeit die großen eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für men dieses Jahr ab? Was sind die 38 Andreas Großmann, Plato segast auf dem Stand von Stem- Hautkrebs. Eine weitere Applika- rie durch fälschungssicheres tems are a real trade fair high- to be reduced. Lastly, industrial Trends. Und die Control deckt diese die Digitalisierung in Produktion, Highlight in diesem Jahr? 42 Renaat Van Cauter, mer (Halle 1, Stand E52). tion findet sich in der Landwirt- Kennzeichnen und Verifizieren light. The partner company, Per- companies implement hyper- umfassend ab, wie Bettina Schall Montage und Endprüfung. Zweitens Schall: Wohl sämtliche an der Control Nikon Metrology Diese spezielle Form der Bildver- schaft: Drohnen werden mit von Produkten. Wie diese Tech- ception Park GmbH from Graz in spectral imaging from Münster to berichtet, Geschäftsführerin von nimmt der Anteil an IBV- und Vision- präsentierten QS-Komponenten und arbeitung hat auch die Ximea leichten und mobilen Kameras nik im Einzelnen funktioniert, Austria, has developed a generic, protect against product piracy by P.E. Schall. Außerdem erklärt sie, Systemen weiter zu, weil mit Kamera- Systeme sind kompatibel und damit GmbH aus Münster im Pro- bestückt, die beim Flug über kann sich der Besucher live auf intuitively-configurable data pro- labeling and verifying their pro- welche Rolle die Qualitätssiche- systemen und der Bildverarbeitung Industrie-4.0–fähig. Dazu tragen mehr gramm. Chief Technology Officer Felder den Zustand von Pflanzen dem Stand von Ximea zeigen cessing platform specifically for ducts in a forgery-proof way. Vi- rung in der digitalen Transforma- weitere Prozessabläufe automatisiert und mehr standardisierte Schnittstel- (CTO) Jürgen Hillmann ist von unter die Lupe nehmen. Auf die- lassen (Halle 1, Stand C51). this field. With this technology, sitors to the Ximea booth (Hall 1, tion spielt. werden können. Drittens und schließ- len sowie auch die weitgehende Elek- Laser-Profil-Scanner der neuen Technik überzeugt: se Weise soll sich der Einsatz von imaging systems can be devel- Booth C51) can see for them- lich nimmt die Sensorik immer mehr trifizierung etwa von Kontroll-, Prüf- mit kleiner blauer Laserlinie „Wir bieten Systeme für den Pestiziden und Herbiziden redu- oped to differentiate between the selves how this technology scanCONTROL 10/BL QE: Was sind zur Zeit die Trends in der Raum ein, weil nur durch lückenlose und Testfunktionen bei. Im Bereich noch sichtbaren Bereich und den zieren lassen. Und schließlich chemical properties and features works in detail (Hall 1, Booth Qualitätssicherung? Überwachung aller Prozessabläufe die der IBV- und Vision-Systeme bildet die Infrarot-Bereich an.“ Die Kame- nutzen Industrie-Unternehmen of objects, explains Stiefenhöfer. C51). Bettina Schall: Aktuell sind drei Trends Qualitätsproduktion in Losgröße 1 – Control wie gehabt das aktuelle Welt- zu beobachten, wobei die QS-Branche ausgehend von einer hohen Varian- angebot ab und nimmt hier – eben- längst mit deren Umsetzung befasst tenvielfalt bei gleichzeitig sinkenden Aussteller sehen die Control als Bench- ist. Zum einen schreitet die Vernet- Chargenstückzahlen – zu realisieren Newsletter mark-Plattform für ihre Wettbewerbs- Besuchen Sie uns: fähigkeit, sagt Bettina Schall Bild: Schall zungsfähigkeit der QS-Komponenten ist. Weiter auf Seite 2 Halle 4 ă Stand 4314 Premiere der ersten europäischen Embedded-Vision-Konferenz in Stuttgart Besuchen Sie uns auf Embedded Vision Europe 2017 der Messe in and VISION FOCUS Halle 1, Stand G81 Der europäische Bildverar- „Das Thema Embedded Vision kationen und Märkte zu präsen- beim Flughafen statt. Veranstal- beitungsverband EMVA und ist weltweit stark im Kommen“, tieren und eine Plattform zum In- ter sind der europäische Bildver- weiß EMVA Geschäftsführer Tho- formationstausch zu schaffen, arbeitungsverband EMVA in Part- QE_Quality Engineering/P1/2018/Druckstruktur_QE - Seite 1 MUEV - 29.03.2018 15:17 die Messe Vision veranstal- ten die erste europäische mas Lübkemeier. „Viele Bran- wird 2017 zum ersten Mal die nerschaft mit der Landesmesse chen beschäftigen sich verstärkt Embedded Vision Europe veran- Stuttgart, Ausrichter der im zwei- Konferenz zum Thema Em- mit den Möglichkeiten dieser in- staltet. Die englischsprachige jährigen Turnus stattfindenden bedded Vision. telligenten Systeme.“ Um die Konferenz findet vom 12. bis 13. Weltleitmesse für Bildverarbei- durchschlagende Technik dieser Oktober 2017 im Internationalen tung Vision. Systeme aufzuzeigen, die Appli- Congresscenter Stuttgart (ICS) P1.18 The official trade fair Messe Control: Technologien, Anwendungen, Produ dukte un du Roundtable | Multisensorik macht Messungen wirtscha ha h haf und Ne aftliicch her ews PLUS QUALITY-News Software-Trends | CAQ-Software wird zum Datenfunddam ament nt fü für di die e An nwe wend nde nderr e Reportage R t |H Harry‘s ‘ misst i t fertigungsbegleitend f ti b l it d mit it Mes esste tech hn niikk von on OGP G newspaper reporting all delivers regular selected industry highlights. and current top news Page 20 Address Rental from the market. Page 30 QE PLUS Mailing T TE TI ELT LTHEMA MA Null Risiko bei minimalen Toleranzen Mitu Mi tuto to oyo y Koo o rd rdin inat a enmessgerät im Quality Engineering m Einsattz für die Zah hnr nradve nrad verm rmes essu sung ng bei GMI Page 33 3 special editions for the most important industry fairs with increased circulation. Page 21 Trade Magazine Events Thematically focused event Quality title, held in the Alten Färberei within QUALITY GUIDE quality contents. the Industriepark Höchst in Page 4 Frankfurt, with highest user The digital edition for your value for visitors and presence in the market. extensive services for Page 23 all partners/sponsors. Page 38 2
“The contents are character- White Social Media QS in der additiven Fertigung :: ised by user reports, research paper and problem solutions around the subject of qual- Lead Generation ity. And of course Quality Engineering accompanies You will receive qualified contacts with the industrial change, where specific interest in your quality assurance plays a subject (adhering to substantial role. This is what EU-DSGVO). sets the four standard edi- from Page 34 Themes and issues tions and the digital edition „Quality leader 2019“ apart. Webinar 7 issues + trade fair newspapers And additionally also the for maximum readership in PLUS editions, generating a the area of quality. higher coverage and more Website Page 8 contacts with an increased circulation as special supple- Company Profile www. ment to Industrie- anzeiger.” The portal for Page 28 quality assurance. Page 24 Campaign Werner Götz Retargeting Editor-in-Chief Native We present your topics to your specific target group Page 24 Advertising using an intelligent combination of advertising formats – tailor-made, Page 26 budget and Video goal-oriented. Professional video production The job portal on site or during trade fairs, of the Konradin always with the expert Media Group. support of our Page 42 editorial staff. Page 32 Network
Editorial Concept Quality Assurance, Quality Management and Manufacturing Metrology Editorial team are our Subjects. Editor-in-Chief Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Werner Götz Phone: +49 711 7594-451 werner.goetz@ Editor Sabine Koll Phone +49 7031 416860 We provide Managers working in the fields of Quality Assurance, Quality Management and Manufacturing qe.redaktion@ Metrology with expertise for their work. • Exclusive reports and stories • Interviews and opinions on business and related developments. Editor • Technical news and services Markus Strehlitz support the readers in their current structural evolution: From an internal service provider to an elementary Phone component of the value added chain. Because Quality Assurance and Management contribute to the business +49 621 33651941 success of acompany. qe.redaktion@ In Manufacturing Metrology, increasingly the focus is no longer on ensuring the quality of products and services at the very end of the process chain, but to optimise the production through continuous measuring. Quality Engineering provides its readers with a decisive advantage, defining the framework conditions for innovative Assistant Editor Quality Assurance. The editors are focused on what the people in charge need to know in order to communicate Daniela Engel on an equal footing with their internal partners and suppliers. Phone QUALITY ENGINEERING: PRINT | ONLINE | NEWSLETTER | EVENTS +49 711 7594-452 daniela.engel@ Follow us on @Redaktion_QE Social Media: 4
Trade Magazine 1 Portrait 01 Title: QUALITY ENGINEERING 02 In brief: 09 Memberships: bvik Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V. Quality Assurance in industrial production is undergoing a noticeable change in the era of digitisation. Increasingly, adopted modern methods such as generative 10 Publishing house: Konradin-Verlag Robert Kohlhammer GmbH techniques require a completely new approach. Even jurisdiction can play a greater role. Through this evolutionary time, the editorial guides you, providing 11 Publisher: Katja Kohlhammer practical assistance and presenting innovative solutions. 12 Anzeigen: Joachim Linckh, Sales Director On top of the regular issues of QUALITY ENGINEERING, three special issues of QE-PLUS will be published with an increased circulation. For the important trade 13 Editorial: Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Werner Götz, Editor-in-Chief fairs Control, EMO and the Technologieforum Bildverarbeitung at Stemmer QE-PLUS will be supplemented to Industrieanzeiger with 40,000 copies as full supplement. 14 Circulation analysis 2017 = 8 issues In addition to the general reporting in QUALITY ENGINEERING, the trade fair Circulation: 543 pages = 100,0% newspaper CONTROL EXPRESS will focus on current activities at the CONTROL. The trade-fair newspapers are published with support from the trade fair Editorial: 417 pages = 76,8% organisers P.E.Schall and Landesmesse Stuttgart. Advertising: 126 pages = 23,2% including 03 Target group: Bound inserts: 2 pieces Experts in quality assurance, quality management and production measuring technology in innovative (large and medium-sized) companies across all industries. A large proportion are directly involved in investment decisions. 15 Content analysis of editorial content 2017 417 pages = 100,0% 04 Frequency: 4 x per year, 3 x per year QE-Plus, 1 x trade fair newspaper Management, Industry ticker, Quality world 168 pages = 40,1% Special/technology 225 pages = 54,0% 05 Format: DIN A4 (trade-fair edition DIN A3) Editorial/title/content/imprint 24 pages = 5,9% 06 Year: 38th year 2019 07 Subscription price: Annual subscription: Germany 68.40 €, abroad 68.40 € Free circulation exclusively to qualified recipients 08 Organ: — 5
Trade Magazine 2 Circulation and Distribution Analysis 01 Audited by: 3.1 Circulation by postcode regions: Share of actual circulation 02 Circulation analysis: Average copies per issue (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018) Print run: 20,700 PLZ 2 Hamburg Actual circulation: 20,649 of them abroad: 263 Postcode 2 Schwerin PLZ 1 Postcode 1 7.4% = 3.4% = Bremen Copies sold: 2,667 of them abroad: 12 1,432 copies Berlin 658 copies • Subscription copies : 66 of them members: – PLZ 4 Magdeburg Potsdam • Retail sale: – Postcode 4 Postcode 3 Osnabrück Hannover • Other sales: 2,601 12.0% = 10.0% = PLZ 3 2,317 copies Dortmund Leipzig 1,932 copies Kassel Free copies: 17,982 Düsseldorf Dresden Residual/archive copies: 51 Postcode 5 Erfurt Postcode 0 PLZ 0 13.4% = Köln 6.4% = 2,583 copies PLZ 5 Frankfurt 1,237 copies PLZ 9 03 Geographical analysis: Share of actual circulation Postcode 6 Mainz Postcode 9 Nürnberg Economic area % Copies 9.7% = Saarbrücken PLZ 6 9.4% = 1,870 copies 1,815 copies Germany 98.7 20,386 Stuttgart Abroad 1.3 263 Postcode 7 Postcode 8 PLZ 7 comprising 17.8% = PLZ 8 10.5% = Switzerland 43.3 123 3,415 copies München 2,027 copies Austria 48.6 138 Benelux 0.7 2 rest of Europe 5.1 15 other foreign countries 1.9 6 Summary of the survey method: 1. Method: File-based recipient-structure analysis – total circulation 2. Population: Actual circulation Actual circulation 100.0 20,649 3. Sample: Actual circulation 4. Target persons of the study: Recipients of the magazine 5. Study period: June/July 2018 6. Survey completed by: Konradin Media Group 6
Trade Magazine 3 Readership Analysis 1.1 Industries/industrial sectors: recipient groups Share of actual circulation Industry code acc. to classif. of industrial sectors 2008 % Copies 1.3 Position in company Share of actual circulation % Copies C.10, 11 General food industry 2,1 434 Corporate management 10.9 2,251 C.21 Prod. of pharmaceutical products 1,1 227 1st management level 16.6 3,428 C.22 Prod. of rubber and plastic goods 4,0 826 2nd management level 24.3 5,018 C.24 Metal production and processing 4,8 991 Employees, skilled workers, specialists 48.2 9,952 C.25 Prod. of metal products 17,4 3.593 Actual circulation 100.0 20,649 C.26.5 Prod. of measuring and control instruments 14,8 2.056 C.26.7 Prod. of optical and photographic instruments and devices 3,1 640 1.4 Job function Share of actual circulation % Copies C.27 Prod. of electrical equipment 18,7 3.861 C.28 Mechanical engineering 27,8 5.740 Management 8.8 1,817 C.29 Prod. of motor vehicles and components 4,3 888 Technical lead/plant management 8.2 1,673 Design, engineering 3.6 743 C.30 Other vehicle construction 1,9 393 Production, manufacturing, assembly 20.3 4,192 Quality management, quality assurance 58.5 12,080 Actual circulation 100,0 20.649 Purchasing 0.5 103 Marketing & sales 0.2 41 Actual circulation 100.0 20,649 1.2 Company size: Share of actual circulation % Copies 1 – 49 employees 17.1 3,531 50 – 99 employees 20.5 4,233 100 – 199 employees 17.5 3,614 200 – 499 employees 18.4 3,799 Through its address management activities, Konradin constantly updates and 500 – 999 employees 7.9 1,631 upgrades the address data for its target group, by a series of integrated 1.000 and more employees 18.6 3,841 measures – from finding company addresses in the commercial register to using telemarketing campaigns to enhance personal data. Actual circulation 100.0 20,649 To learn more, please contact us! 7
Trade Magazine Editorial Programme Technology Analytical engineering Test systems and benches Analytical devices, climate and temperature test cabinets, devices for measuring Test systems for constant operation, electrical safety, function, engines and motors, and testing hydraulic and thermal behaviour, spectrometers vehicle parts, acoustics, data capture, component characterisation and development, In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2 tool measurement and presetting devices, gearwheel testing devices In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2 Image processing/optical metrology Image processing systems, CCD cameras, endoscopes, microscopes with digital Materials testing image processing, optical monitoring systems, lighting equipment, image archiving Measurement and test devices for deflection, pressure, traction, tensile force, In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2, P3 elasticity, hardness, surface, adhesion, stereomicroscopes, universal test machines In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2 (Geometrical), dimensional measurement equipment Micrometers, gauges, rulers, multi-point measurement equipment, measuring mandrels, measuring pins, measuring sensors Management In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2 Quality assurance 4.0: Non-destructive measurement Closed loop, big data, automation, in-line metrology, strategy, skills, further Computed tomography, laser measuring systems, test equipment, x-ray inspection education, data evaluation devices, layer thickness measuring devices, ultrasonic devices, video microscopes In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2, P3 In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2 Software: Physical measurement equipment Audit software, quality management systems, evaluation and analytical software, Writers and recording devices, thermographic systems, counters and counting computer-aided quality assurance, CAQ, EDM/PDM engineering/product data equipment management, mobile data capture, process visualisation, test material monitoring In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2 and management, quality document management, FMEA, SPC, MES In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2, P3 Measurement machines: measuring instruments, microscopes, measurement robots, controls Education and training, services Measurement systems for shape, thickness, colour, geometry, gloss, length, ISO-9000 consultancy, calibration and test services, contract measurement, test surface, temperature, precision measurement devices, coordinate measurement plates/labels, CE mark labels, CE labels, workplaces, education and training, training technology, test probes, test material monitoring, measurement microscopes, software, technical literature, certification, TQM consultancy measurement tables, gauges and precision measurement indicators, spectrophoto- In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2 meters, scales, calibration devices In issues 1, CONTROL EXPRESS, 2, 3, 4, P1, P2, P3 8
Trade Magazine Editorial Schedule 2019 Issues Focus Trade fairs Digital issue QUALITY GUIDE 2019 For your Publication date: The digital quality guide 2019 gives an overview of the latest management and technology trends presence 30.01.2019 that shape quality assurance this year – and its most important players. in the Advertising deadline: market! 17.01.2019 A guide through the industry with a focus on Your benefits • Measurement technology • Direct link to your website • Image processing • Free digital enhancement of your ad with See page 23 for details • Software additional information • Testing technology, materials testing, test systems/rigs • Constant presence in the market through • Analytical engineering permanently updated editorial content and regular • Service providers (training and further education, dispatch to the recipients of the QUALITY certifiers, calibration service providers, measurement ENGINEERING newsletter service providers) • 78,000 newsletter recipients guaranteed! • Also published on: 06.05. / 17.07. / 26.09. / 29.10. / 11.12. 1/2019 Trends • Artificial intelligence: Machine learning and other methods for Management Software, training and further HANNOVER MESSE Hanover, quality assurance. education, services 01.04.-05.04. Publication date: • Surface measurement technology: Which technologies are used? 04.03.2019 Control • Coordinate measurement technology: Multisensor makes Industries Stuttgart, Advertising deadline: measurement more economical • Metal machining 11.02.2019 07.05.-10.05. • Medicine/pharma Technology Moulding Expo Analytical engineering, image processing/optical metrology, (geometrical) Stuttgart, dimensional measurement, non-destructive measurement, free measure- 21.05.-24.05. ment, physical measurement, measuring machines: measuring devices, Automotive Testing Expo microscopes, measurement robots, controls. Test systems and test rigs, Stuttgart, 05.06.-07.06. materials testing 9
Trade Magazine Editorial Schedule 2019 Issues Focus Trade fairs Special edition QE_Quality Engineering/P1/2017/Druckstruktur_QE - Seite 1 MUEV - 31.03.2017 16:01 QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS P1/2019 Control P1/2019 Stuttgart, “Trends und products” for Control P1.17 07.05.-10.05. Messe Control: Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Produkte und News Roundtable | Koordinatenmesstechnik – alles andere als ein Dinosaurier Interview | Dr. Jochen Peter, Zeiss, zu den Trends in Messraum und Fertigung Reportage | Vitaqua prüft Caps auf Maßhaltigkeit mit optischer Technologie Publication date: 29.04.2019 The special edition QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS is sent out to all recipients of QUALITY ENGINEERING Advertising deadline: TITE TI To TELT TE LTHE LT pogr HE EMA Mit hoher Genauigkeit und Geschwindigkeit Topo graf afie af ie-S ie -Sca -Scann ca nnin nn in ng mi mit it ne n ue em Chro omaticc Fo ocu cuss Liine Sensor and additionally to 20,000 recipients of Industrieanzeiger as supplement. 03.04.2019 Quality Engineering Your PLUS: Optimum target-group coverage: persons responsible for quality in management and production as well See rate card on as technical and commercial managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) page 21 for prices Total circulation: 40,000 copies Themes: Analytical engineering, image processing, optical metrology, (geometrical) dimensional measurement, non-destructive measurement, free measurement, physical measurement, measuring devices, microscopes, measure- ment robots, controls, test systems and test rigs, materials testing, software Trade-fair newspaper CONTROL EXPRESS Control Stuttgart, Publication datee: The official daily trade-fair newspaper for CONTROL 07.05.-10.05. 30.04.2019 07.05.2019 The official trade-fair newspaper CONTROL EXPRESS provides daily updated reports about the trade-fair 08.05.2019 business plus opinions, companies and products. CONTROL EXPRESS is officially supported and authorized 09.05.2019 by the trade-fair organiser P. E. Schall. Contact: Fabian Krüger, 10.05.2019 CONTROL EXPRESS is distributed directly on the trade-fair premises exclusively at all entries to the fair and in the halls. It is Joint advert. deadline: also distributed at the official information stands and at the QUALITY ENGINEERING stand. The edition for the first fair day is 01.04.2019 also posted to all recipients of the QUALITY ENGINEERING newsletter in advance Daily trade-fair – 30.04.2019 – and distributed on site on the first day of the fair. newsletter during See rate card on Control! Total circulation: 40,000 copies page 20 for prices See page 30 for more information. Digital issue QUALITY GUIDE 2019 PD: 06.05.2019 The updated edition of the 2019 quality guide will be published in May. See page 23 for more information on the 2019 quality guide. AD: 18.04.2019 10
Issues Focus Trade fairs 2/2019 Trends • Optical measurement: The technologies conquer Management Software, training and further education, LADer Munich, 24.06.-27.06. new fields of application services Sensor+Test Publication date: • Quality Assurance 4.0: Closed-Loop in Manufacturing 14.06.2019 Nuremberg, 25.06.- • Sensors: Intelligent assistants for measurement and Industries 27.06. Advertising deadline: test technology • Automotive 22.05.2019 • Electronics Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D Technology Erfurt, 25.06.-27.06. Analytical engineering, image processing/optical Theme newsletter metrology, (geometrical) dimensional measurement, “Quality assurance in the non-destructive measurement, physical measurement, automotive industry“ measuring machines: measuring devices, microscopes, PD: 29.05.2019 measurement robots, controls. Test systems and test rigs, See page 30 for more information materials testing Sonderteil zum 2. Forum „Qualitätssicherung in der additiven Fertigung“ Stuttgart, Fraunhofer IPA 21.02.2019 Digital issue QUALITY GUIDE 2019 PD: 17.07.2019 The updated edition of the 2019 quality guide is published and dispatched. See page 23 for more information on the 2019 quality guide. AD: 04.07.2019 Special edition QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS P2/2019 EMO QE_Quality Engineering/P2/2017/Druckstruktur_QE - Seite 1 PLIB - 29.08.2017 09:38 P2/2019 P2.17 Hanover, “Production metrology” for EMO Trends: Me In Mess Me Messte nprozes pr es ssra aum ech chni ess-Me n k al ni m | Me M ta alss We M sssen | Re Me tallve Wegb v ra arb ber Renish erei sh rbei rei eite te ter beiitte er fü haw besc ür ge esch es er Sta gesc chle tan tang ng s hl hlos hlo leun osse osse unig un gl se ig s tz ene ne Echtz gt Scan tzt zt a Scan Sc au ch htzei anss a uf Hi High eit- eitR t- au Re eg ge uf CN gh-E elk lkre NC- End re reis eis ise C We d-Mes -M e Werk Werk Messg rkzzze sge eug ugma maschi hinen erät von Zeiss PLUS 16.09.-21.09. IInli In nli line n -M ne Messssu un ng g | Ko Koh h Youn Youn Young drd än ängt gt mit aut utom omat ommattiissie iert ert rter e er erer Lös ösun ung g au auf den Markt Publication date: 09.09.2019 The special edition QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS is sent out to all recipients of QUALITY ENGINEERING and additionally to 20,000 recipients of Industrieanzeiger as supplement. Fertigungsmesstechnik Advertising deadline: Die Trends von der EMO 2017 TITELTHEMA Fokussierung in Rekordzeit Bildvvera rarb rbei eitu tung ng für die Inl nlin ine- e-Qu Qual alit ität ätss ssic iche heru runng Quality Engineering 16.08.2019 Your PLUS: Optimal target-group coverage: persons responsible for quality in management and production as well as technical See rate card on and commercial managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Total circulation: 40,000 copies Theme newsletter page 21 for prices „Production metrology“ Themes: production metrology, non-destructive materials testing, PD: 11.09.2019 ultrasonic testing, thermography, destructive materials testing, hardness testing, See page 30 for more vibration testing, tensile strength, thermal analysis information Media Kit 2019 | QUALITY ENGINEERING – Trade Magazine: Editorial Schedule 2019 11
Trade Magazine Editorial Schedule 2019 Issues Focus Trade fairs 3/2019 Trends • Software for CAD quality : Integrated database Management Software, training and further education, 6th QE-Innovationsforum Stuttgart, for people and processes services 24.10. Publication date: • Automation: Measurement and test results become 24.09.2019 Motek/Bondexpo reproducible Industries Stuttgart, 07.10.-10.10. Advertising deadline: • Mobile measurement systems: solutions enable • Plastics 03.09.2019 more flexibility • Metal processing K 2019 Düsseldorf, Technology 16.10.-23.10. Analytical engineering, image processing/optical Theme newsletter Blechexpo metrology, (geometrical) dimensional measurement, “Quality assurance in Stuttgart, 05.11.-08.11. non-destructive measurement, physical measurement, plastics processing” measuring machines: measuring devices, microscopes, PD: 09.10.2019 measurement robots, controls. Test systems and test rigs, See page 30 for more materials testing information Digital issue QUALITY GUIDE 2019 PD: 26.09.2019 The updated edition of the 2019 quality guide is published and dispatched. See page 23 for more information on the 2019 quality guide. AD: 13.09.2019 Special edition QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS P3/2019 Technology Forum P3/2019 Image processing with “Image processing” QE_Quality Engineering/P3/2017/Druckstruktur_QE - Seite 1 MUEV - 22.09.2017 14:59 Stemmer, 08.10.-09.10. P3.17 Publication date: PLUS Bildverarbeitung: Ak Aktu tuel elle le Tec echn hnik ik-T Tre rend ndss unund d An Anwe wendndun ungeg n ge Küns Kü nstl nstliic ich ich hee Int ntel elliige g nz | Machchin hin inee Le Lear arni arning ni ngg hil ilft ft,, wo derr Men ft ensc sch sc h sc sch heit he hei iter ertt Blicck in Bl Blic in die ie Zuk ukun ukun nft | Ne Neue Ein Neue insa insa sattz tzmöögl glic ichkei ichk eite ten fü fürr Viisi sion ion on-T Tec echn hnol hn olog ol loggie e Anwe An wend dun ung ng | Ka Kame Kame meraras ra as in in Hig igh h--end end- en d-Pr Prüf üfan üf anla an lage la lage g n vovon Ot Otto Ott to Vis isio ion Te Tech chno hno nol olology ogy gy 30.09.2019 The special edition QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS is sent out to all recipients of QUALITY Advertising deadline: ENGINEERING and additionally to 20,000 recipients of Industrieanzeiger as supplement. 06.09.2019 TITE TI T LT Mono Mo LTHE n ch HE hro EMA om- MA Qualitätskontrolle ohne Nebenwirkungen m- und Farbzeiile lenkamerrass prü r fe fen n Ph P ar arma aprod od duk ukte ukte e Total circulation: 40,000 copies See rate card on page 21 for prices Digital issue QUALITY GUIDE 2019 PD: 29.10.2019 The updated edition of the 2019 quality guide is published and dispatched. See page 23 for more information on the 2019 quality guide. AD: 16.10.2019 12
Issues Focus Trade fairs 4/2019 Trends • Additive manufacturing: Challenges for QA Management Software, training and further education, services formnext Frankfurt, • Data analysis: From big data to smart data 12.11.-15.11. Publication date: • Clamping technology: intelligent aids for measurement/ Industries 31.10.2019 SPS IPC Drives testing • Automotive Nuremberg, Advertising deadline: • Tool and Mould Making 10.10.2019 26.11.-28.11. Technology Analytical engineering, image processing/optical metrology, (geometrical) dimensional measurement, non-destructive Theme newsletter measurement, physical measurement, measuring “Quality assurance in machines: measuring devices, microscopes, measurement additive manufacturing“ robots, controls. Test systems and rigs, materials testing PD: 24.10.2019 Further informations see page 30 Special section for 6th QUALITY ENGINEERING Innovation Forum, Stuttgart, 24.10.2019 Digital issue QUALITY GUIDE 2019 PD: 11.12.2019 The updated edition of the 2019 quality guide is published and dispatched. See page 23 for more information on the 2019 quality guide. AD: 28.11.2019 Quality is always in Demand! Think cross-media and plan your campaigns with us. Trade Magazine, Trade Fair Newspaper, QUALITY GUIDE Newsletter, Editors’ Special Newsletter, Daily Fair Newsletter, E-mailing Lead Generation, Website, Native Advertising, Whitepaper, Video… Media Kit 2019 | QUALITY ENGINEERING – Trade Magazine: Editorial Schedule 2019 13
Trade Magazine Trade Show Planner (Details in the editorial schedule on pages 9–13) ter ieu s- ftr ts- Selected fairs in other industrial media of the en eit r au ei ag ingcherh be cherh Konradin Media Group Si Si 2nd FORUM Qualitätssicherung in der additiven Fertigung 3 2 21.02.2019, Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart 6th QE-Innovationsforum 3 24.10.2019, Parkhotel Echterdingen automotive testing expo S3 1 21.05.2019 - 23.05.2019, Stuttgart Blechexpo 11 30 11 3 05.11.2019 - 08.11.2019, Stuttgart 1, P1, Control 4 5 5 11 5 5 2 Control 07.05.2019 - 10.05.2019, Stuttgart Express EMO Hannover 9 9 7-8 23 9 A3, 9 4 P2 16.09.2019 - 21.09.2019, Hanover formnext A4, 11 31 S6 6 4 19.11.2019 - 22.11.2019, Frankfurt 11 Hannover Messe S1 S1, S2, 3 4 4 4 7, 8 A1, 3 2 1 01.04.2019 - 05.04.2019, Hanover 3-4 3-4 K 2019 10 10 27 S6 5 3 16.10.2019 - 23.10.2019, Düsseldorf Motek | Bondexpo 10 10 10 10 26 10 3 07.10.2019 - 10.10.2019, Stuttgart Technologieforum Bildverarbeitung bei Stemmer P3 08.10.2019 - 09.10.2019, Munich 14
Trade Magazine Rate Card No. 37 Page 1 of 7 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) Magazine format: DIN A4, 210 mm wide x 297 mm high Your contact: Untrimmed: 216 mm wide x 303 mm high Advice, booking: CONTROL EXPRESS/VISION FOCUS: see contacts on page 47 DIN A3, 297 mm wide x 420 mm high Your quick link to us: Phone +49 711 7594-552 Type area: 188 mm wide x 270 mm high Order confirmation, invoices, vouchers, data delivery + technical 4 columns à 44 mm wide details: CONTROL EXPRESS/VISION FOCUS: Order management 273 mm wide x 383 mm high Annemarie Olender, Phone +49 711 7594-319 4 columns à 44 mm wide Printing and binding: Web offset, perfect binding Data delivery: Utilise our advertisement portal for data Charges: No discount on colour and bleed surcharges submission. Position: Price for guaranteed position (from 1/4 page) Conditions: Prior to digital transfer of advertising artwork, the publisher must 10% surcharge on respective b/w price receive the corresponding advertisement booking. The order and copy deadlines are specified in the editorial schedule. A full-size print-out is required for checking the Colour: Print colours (CMYK) in accordance with ISO 2846-1, see rate card for colour supplied advertisement, or a contract proof or press proof in the case of a colour surcharges advertisement. Advertising must be seen as distinct from the editorial section and, as such, a Formats: see page 16 et seq. booked advertising format (ad, bound insert, loose insert, etc.) may contain only the offer of one advertiser. Series discount: For orders within any 12 months (insertion year) In the case of advertising specials or special formats, specific positioning and/or Discount applies to ads in QUALITY ENGINEERING, CONTROL EXPRESS, VISION FOCUS technical specifications may also apply. See page 17 for further information or visit und QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS 2 ads 3 – 4 ads 5 – 6 ads 7-9 ads Payment conditions: 2% discount for direct debit, advance payment and payment within 10 days of invoice date, otherwise payment in full no later than 30 days from 5% 10% 15% 20% invoice date. VAT no.: DE811236132 Classified ads Basic rate Bank account: Baden-Württembergische Bank, BIC: SOLADEST600, IBAN: DE28 6005 0101 0002 6238 87 Job offers see page 42 Premium company profile (online) per year 2,950.00 Our general terms and conditions are available on the Internet at see page 28 We would be happy to send you a copy on request. Combination of print business card per year 660.00 Print business card without premium profile per year 1,320.00 15
Trade Magazine Rate Card No. 37 Page 2 of 7 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) Ads: Standard formats Formats Basic 2-colour 3-colour 4-colour Bleed Formats: width x height in mm rate surcharge Trim: add 3 mm to each side b/w Colour Total Colour Total Colour Total surcharge rate 2c surcharge rate 3c surcharge rate 4c Type area Trimmed 1/1 page 5,150.00 440.00 5,590.00 860.00 6,010.00 1,065.00 6,215.00 257.50 188 x 270 210 x 297 Juniorpage 3,500.00 350.00 3,850.00 700.00 4,200.00 860.00 4,360.00 175.00 3col 140 x 190 151 x 205 1/2 page 2,725.00 350.00 3,075.00 700.00 3,425.00 860.00 3,585.00 136.25 land. 4col 188 x 133 210 x 150 port. 2col 92 x 270 103 x 297 1/3 page 1,970.00 350.00 2,320.00 700.00 2,670.00 860.00 2,830.00 98.50 land. 4col 188 x 88 210 x 105 port. 60 x 270 71 x 297 1/4 page 1,390.00 310.00 1,700.00 605.00 1,995.00 710.00 2,100.00 69.50 land. 4col 188 x 65 210 x 82 2col 92 x 133 103 x 150 port. 1col 44 x 270 55 x 297 1/8 page 770.00 310.00 1,080.00 605.00 1,375.00 710.00 1,480.00 land. 4col 188 x 32 not 2col 92 x 65 possible port. 1col 44 x 133 No discounting is applied to surcharges. For special formats and ad specials, please see overleaf. For more information and technical details, visit 16
Trade Magazine Rate Card No. 37 Page 3 of 7 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) Ads: Special formats and positions Formats Basic 2-colour 3-colour 4-colour Bleed Formats: width x height in mm rate surcharge Trim: add 3 mm to each side b/w Colour Total Colour Total Colour Total surcharge rate 2c surcharge rate 3c surcharge rate 4c Type area Trimmed 4th cover page 6,700.00 440.00 7,140.00 860.00 7,560.00 1,065.00 7,765.00 335.00 188 x 270 210 x 297 2nd and 3rd cover page 5,800.00 440.00 6,240.00 860.00 6,660.00 1,065.00 6,865.00 290.00 188 x 270 210 x 297 1/3 page 2,295.00 350.00 2,645.00 700.00 2,995.00 860.00 3,155.00 114.75 60 x 270 71 x 297 next to editorial 1/2 page 3,050.00 350.00 3,400.00 700.00 3,750.00 860.00 3,910.00 152.50 92 x 270 103 x 297 next to table of contents Panoramic spread Spread over 2 pages, 2 x 1/4 page 4,080.00 710.00 4,790.00 including gutter. 420 x 82 2 x 1/3 page 5,300.00 860.00 6,160.00 Positioned at the foot 420 x 105 2 x 1/2 page 6,900.00 860.00 7,760.00 of the page. 420 x 150 Ad in editorial section per mm plus surcharge colour 4-colour Max. height 50 mm, minimum 44 mm wide 19.50 250.00 height 20 mm, surrounded by 44 x spec. 60 mm wide 26.00 250.00 editorial on at least 3 sides, 60 x spec. positioned in magazine section. Industry focus 3,750.00 Designed by the editorial staff, inside titles introduce a specific Inside title industry focus. Your image on the inside title is complemented with an additional product report (approx. 1/4 p.), more details on p. 22 Business cards Only Print per year 1,320.00 60 x 82 Print + premium company profile (Online) per year 3,610.00 17
Trade Magazine Rate Card No. 37 Page 4 of 7 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) Ad Specials Specifications Prices Further options/ Quantities/formats: technical notes width x height in mm Belly band 8,000.00 Paper: 200 g matt art paper, Format: 465 x 105 105 mm high Single-sided printing incl. production, handling not included 125.00 per thsd. 2 x fold grooves with adhesive Quantity: 20,700 cop. dot plus 3 mm bleed Cover flap 105 x 297 105 mm wide, attached on left-hand side with title logo featured on front 8,200.00 Front partially, back fully printable, advertising space Format: plus 3 mm bleed approx. 0.8 pages Bound insert 1 leaf = 2 pages 135 – 180 gsm 6,200.00 Front page marked. Insert format: 210 x 297 2 leaf = 4 pages 80 – 180 gsm 9,150.00 Other formats and weights on Delivery: untrimmed 216 x 305 request, with sample. Quantity: 20,900 cop. Loose insert With insert note in magazine. 250.00 per thsd. Other formats and weights on Max. format of insert: 200 x 290 up to 25 g Partial allocation by first digit of Min. run 3,000 cop. request, with sample. Quantity: 21,000 cop. postcode is possible. Quantity: Partial Supplement on request Tip-on 61.00 per thsd. Quantity: 20,900 cop. Postcard Postcard Automatic gluing 37.00 per thsd.* Manual gluing (pin-point Must accompany all copies Minimum size of carrier ad: 1/1 page plus carrier ad accuracy) 74.00 per thsd.* Circulation: 20,700 cop. *no agency commission on technical costs More on ad specials: 18
Trade Magazine Rate Card Page 5 of 7 | Technical Requirements for Ad Specials Prior to order acceptance and confirmation, it is necessary to submit a binding Bound insert: fold (gutter) sample, or at least a dummy sample with size and weight specifications. The final Possible with perfect binding. 5 mm positioning depends on the technical possibilities. Materials other than paper are Delivery untrimmed, 4-sided 6 only available on request. trim layout diagram: 297 mm trimmed 297 mm trimmed 305 mm untrimmed 305 mm untrimmed Tip-ons: Postcards: 216 mm 210 mm untrimmed trimmed Automatic gluing with variable height is only possible when the adhesive edge is parallel to the magazine binding with a adhesive edge minimum clearance of 1 cm and a maximum clearance of 7 cm. A minimum space of 30 mm to the adjacent edge must be 3 mm allocated. 3 mm cutting edge 3 mm each 3 In all other cases, including an oblique placement, gluing costs 432 mm 70 mm for manual gluing are charged. fold (gutter) fold (gutter) fold Advertising media including product, CDs/DVDs etc.: 5 mm 5 mm Machine gluing is only possible with parallel adhesive edge to the Insertion direction Insertion direction magazine binding and at least 40 mm distance from 4-sided the binding 6-sided with variable height. A minimum space of 30 mm to the adjacent 297 mm trimmed 297 mm trimmed 305 mm untrimmed 305 mm untrimmed edge must be allocated. Gluing costs upon request. Position deviations of 1-2 mm for glued-on products are due to technical 216 mm 210 mm 216 mm 209 mm 195 mm reasons and cannot be excluded. untrimmed trimmed untrimmed 210 mm 206 mm 195 mm trimmed 105 mm 127.5 mm 210 mm 127.5 mm 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm cutting edge 3 mm each 3 mm cutting edge 3 mm each 432 mm 620 mm 465 mm Delivery note for ad specials: For “QUALITY ENGINEERING”, issue (no.) untrimmed Euro-pallet dimensions: 80 x 120 cm (max. height 110 cm) Belly bands: In the layout, folds (variable magazine thickness) and rear overlapping must be taken Delivery address for bound and glued inserts: at advertiser’s expense to: into consideration. The belly band is produced at Konradin. Konradin Druck GmbH, Kohlhammerstraße 15, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Bound inserts and loose inserts: Germany. They must be delivered in such a manner that no further treatment or processing will be Delivery times: Mon. to Fri., 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. required. The front is to be clearly marked. Multi-page bound or loose inserts must be folded appropriately and be closed towards the collar, i.e. in the direction of insertion. Delivery address for loose inserts: at advertiser’s expense to: Complications and additional folding and gluing work will need to be charged Beck Servicepack GmbH, Raiffeisenstraße 25, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany. separately, as appropriate. Inserts must be in one piece and will be inserted loosely. Delivery times: Mon. to Fri. 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 19
Trade Magazine - Special issues Rate Card No. 37 Page 6 of 7 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) Trade fair newspaper CONTROL EXPRESS Ads: 33rd Control Formats Width x height Total International trade fair rate, 4c for quality assurance 7.-10. May 2019, Stuttgart 1/1 page (DIN A3) 273 x 383 mm 8,000.00 1/2 page (DIN A3) land. 273 x 189 mm or 136 x 383 mm 5,650.00 1/3 page (DIN A3) land. 273 x 117 mm or 91 x 383 mm 4,150.00 More compelling offers in advance of Control 1/1 page (DIN A4) 188 x 270 mm 5,600.00 ➔ VideoWall Sponsoring (page 32) 1/2 page (DIN A4) 92 x 270 mm or 188 x 133 mm 3,500.00 ➔ Video Statement (page 32) 1/3 page (DIN A4) 60 x 270 mm or 188 x 88 mm 2,650.00 ➔ Daily trade fair newsletter 1/4 page (DIN A4) 92 x 133 mm or 188 x 65 mm 2,200.00 (page 30) or 44 x 270 mm ➔ QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS P1 Ad in heading 40 x 45 mm 3,450.00 (page 21) Titel ad 50 x 45 mm 3,450.00 CONTROL EXPRESS Official trade-fair newspaper for Control ➔ Plan your successful Please observe the following comments: Circulation: 40,000 copies communications campaign • Advertisement format and position are the same for all 4 daily issues CONTROL PD: 30.04./07.05./08.05./09.05./10.05. surrounding Control with us! EXPRESS konstant. AD: 01.04. • All data must be delivered by the advertising deadline. More information in the Editorial • Spot colours are not possible for technical reasons. Schedule on page 10. • It is not possible to book individual issues for specific days. • Supplements, also as partial allocation, upon request. More information in the Editorial Schedule starting on page 9. 20
Trade Magazine - Special issues Rate Card No. 37 Page 7 of 7 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) Special issue: QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS Ads: Formats Basic 2-colour 3-colour 4-colour rates Colour Total rate Colour Total rate Colour Total rate QE_Quality Engineering/P1/2018/Druckstruktur_QE - Seite 1 MUEV - 29.03.2018 15:17 b/w surcharge 2c surcharge 3c surcharge 4c P1.18 1/1 page 7,250.00 650.00 7,900.00 1,295.00 8,545.00 1,510.00 8,760.00 Messe Control: Technologien, Anwendungen, Produ dukte un du und Ne ews PLUS Roundtable | Multisensorik macht Messungen wirtschaha h haf aftliicch her Software-Trends | CAQ-Software wird zum Datenfund dam ament nt fü für di die e An nwe wend nde nderr e Reportage R t |H Harry‘s ‘ misst i t ffertigungsbegleitend ti b l it d mit it Mes esste tech hnniikk von on OGP G Juniorpage 4,490.00 650.00 5,140.00 1,295.00 5,785.00 1,510.00 6,000.00 1/2 page 3,700.00 400.00 4,100.00 810.00 4,510.00 975.00 4,675.00 T TE TI ELT LTHEMA MA Null Risiko bei minimalen Toleranzen Mitu Mi tuto to oyo y Koo o rd rdin inat a enmessgerät im m Einsattz für die Zah hnr nradve nrad verm rmes essu sung ng bei GMI Quality Engineering 1/3 page 2,525.00 400.00 2,925.00 810.00 3,335.00 975.00 3,500.00 QUALITY ENGINEERING PLUS - P1, P2, P3 The special editions of QUALITY ENGINEERING with a circulation of 40,000 copies each! • For the trade fairs: Control, EMO And Technologie- 1/4 page 1,885.00 210.00 2,095.00 420.00 2,305.00 495.00 2,380.00 forum Bildverarbeitung bei Stemmer • Distributed to all recipients of QUALITY ENGINEE- RING + 20,000 recipients of Industrieanzeiger • Total circulation: 40,000 copies each • More information in the editorial schedule on 1/8 page 960.00 210.00 1,170.00 250.00 1,210.00 250.00 1,210.00 pages 9-13 21
Trade Magazine Inside Title Industry Focus (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) Industry focus – find out what moves the market Every edition of QUALITY ENGINEERING includes two sections focusing on a particular industry theme. Readers obtain detailed information on the respective topic area. Present your product on the inside title. Your product on the inside title! • Metal processing • Automotive The inside titles introduce • Medicine/pharmaceutical • Electronics industry focus sections and are Issue 1/2019 PD: 04.03.2019 Issue 2/2019 PD: 14.06.2019 designed by the editorial team. AD: 11.02.2019 AD: 22.05.2019 QE_Quality Engineering/02/2018/Druckstruktur_QE - Seite 65 MUEV - 30.05.2018 11:48 QE_Quality Engineering/02/2018/Druckstruktur_QE - Seite 73 MUEV - 30.05.2018 11:51 Your product is displayed with a large-format image on the inside title and thus effectively highlighted. Die Automobilindustrie ist Die Qualitätssicherung wird innovativ – auch in der QS. In auch in der Elektronikbranche den Prüfständen kommt zunehmend automatisiert. Auf moderne Elektronik zum diese Weise können Einsatz, Transport-Messplatten Unternehmen unter anderem gleiten fahrer- und schienenlos ihre Produktivität steigern. In durch die Halle. Außerdem diesem Special erfahren Sie, richtet man sich an aktuellen wie Roboter die Inspektion von Normen aus. All dies erfahren Leiterplatten übernehmen. Sie auf den folgenden Seiten. S PE C IA L S PE C IA L Automobil Inhalt Elektronik Inhalt A product announcement within the industry focus is 66 Prüfstand-Elektronik 74 Platinenkontrolle In-Prozess-Messung Cobots steigern von Ölbohrungen Produktionsdurchsatz 68 IATF 16949:2016 Auswirkungen der Norm auf die Prüfmittelüberwachung included. 70 Transportsystem Messplatten bewegen sich ohne Fahrer und Schienen Um eine neue Softwareplattform zu testen, die verschiedene Sensordaten etwa von Kamera, Laser und Radar von Autos kom- biniert, wurde am Fraunhofer Fokus ein reales Forschungsfahr- Elektronikkomponenten sind die Bausteine der modernen digi- zeug in einen Vehicle-in-the-Loop-Prüfstand mit einer virtuellen talen Welt. Damit diese reibungslos funktioniert, müssen die Simulationsumgebung eingebunden Bild: Fraunhofer Fokus • Image in portrait format Bauteile genauestens unter die Lupe genommen werden Bild: Fotolia/Kevin Quality Engineering 02.2018 65 Quality Engineering 02.2018 73 at least 18 x 22 cm/300 dpi • Descriptive text on inside • Plastics • Automotive title image • Metal processing • Tool- and mold making Issue 3/2019 PD: 24.09.2019 Issue 4/2019 PD: 31.10.2019 • Additional product report AD: 03.09.2019 AD: 10.10.2019 (approx. ¼ page) to inside title picture on one of the following pages (approx. 800 characters incl. spaces) Your price: 3,750.00 22
Trade Magazine – Digital Digital Edition (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT) For your presence in the market! QUALITY GUIDE 2019 The digital quality guide 2019 provides you with a comprehensive overview of the Book your ad or an individual technology profile for your company in the 2018 latest management and technology trends that are shaping quality assurance at the quality guide and secure your all-year presence in the market. Benefit from moment and the most important partners behind them. additional multimedia information that we can integrate into your technology profile/your ad, e.g. company video, application video, image gallery, product Focal topics: brochure,… • Measurement technology • Image processing + Your benefits: • Software • Enhance your ads/profile with additional information • Testing technology, materials • Direct link to your website testing, test systems/test rigs • Permanent presence in the market through constantly updated editorial content • Analytical engineering and regular dispatch to the recipients of the QUALITY ENGINEERING newsletter • Service providers (training and further education, certifiers, Publication dates of the updated quality guide 2019: calibration service providers, 30.01., 06.05., 17.07., 26.09., 29.10., 11.12. measurement service providers) Advertising deadline: start possible any time, up to two weeks before the respective publication date QUALITY GUIDE 2019 − Multimedia digital ad EXCLUSIVE distribution 2/1 page, 4-colour Formats: PDF, 70 dpi 1,450.00 in the market For portrait text: 6,000 characters - 2-3 images (JPG) - Contact data, logo 1/1 page, 4-colour Formats: PDF, 70 dpi 950.00 For portrait text: 3,000 characters + Distribution via + Distribution via newsletter - 1 image (JPG) The 2019 quality guide is made The 2019 quality guide is distribu- - Contact data, logo available all through the year 2019 ted with regular newsletters in the in updated versions on the website market. Formats for additional multimedia material: e.g. MOV, H264, MPEG4, PDF, JPG Guaranteed distribution: 78,000 newsletter recipients per year! Benefit from the 2018 quality guide and present your company extensively and all through the year to the market, with an individual technology profile. 23
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