MEDIA INFORMATION 2021 - Europe's largest sailing magazine - PRICE LIST No. 67 - Delius Klasing
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SUMMARY 2 YACHT PRINT YACHT DIGITAL The magazine 3 YACHT App 11 Readership 4 YACHT App Flexslider 12 Publication schedule 5 Display ads 13 Dimensions / Rates Video advertising 14 Editorial section 6 Newsletter 15 Special rate YACHT market 7 Content Marketing Ad specials 8 Sponsored News 16 DK-brand-combination 9 Advertorial 17 YACHT classic 10 Online Specials Insurance channel 18 Click content for instant information SPECIFICATIONS Print: Digital: Standard Terms and Conditions: The current terms and conditions are available at: Any changes to the price list can be found at: MEDIA SALES DELIUS KLASING VERLAG EDITORIAL OFFICE Our contact persons can be found at Siekerwall 21 Editor in Chief Jochen Rieker 33602 Bielefeld, Germany kontakt-wassersport telephone +49 521 559 0 ABC-Str. 21 20354 Hamburg, Germany
THE MAGAZINE 3 26 REVIERP ORTRÄ T • FLENSBU RGER FÖRDE Y A C H T 17 — 2 0 2 0 Y A C H T 17 — 2 0 2 0 REVIERP ORTRÄ T • FLENSBURGER FÖRDE 27 VIELE ZIELE Beachclub an der Fördespitze 22 : Strandfeeling auch mitten in der Stadt Kalkgrund 11 : Deutschlands nördlichster Ost seeLeuchtturm weist den Weg in die Flensburger Förde Inselhafen Wacker ballig 12 : Ruhe und kurzer Weg nach Fünen Aufgepasst: Ab Tonne 13 18 Rich Stadthafen Sønderborg 9 : in tung Flensburg gilt Päckchen vor der Restaurantmeile die SeeSchStrO und zuweilen Treff der Klassiker WEITERE INFOS der legendären Kneipe namens „Giftbude“. Oder die Crew nimmt gar die Kieler Förde LUXUSPROBLEM: sich auffrischen lässt? Die Hanseatische Yachtschule hat dort neben dem Flensbur- rekt vor der Tür, obendrein natürlich eben- falls Liege- und auch Gastplätze. Eine dezidierte REISEVORBEREITUNG ist nicht nötig, die Förde ist unkompliziert. Aber schon die Planung macht Spaß FÖRDENAH GIBT vor den Bug, ein Revier, das auf den ersten ger Segel-Club ihren Sitz. Letzterer ist großer Das Wetter schlecht, Abwechslung muss Blick spröde wirkt, aber seine Sonnenseiten Veranstalter von Yachtregatten; wer mit- her? Hafentag in Flensburg, die Stadt ist von hat (s. auch YACHT 16/2020). machen oder zuschauen oder bewusst nicht jedem Punkt der Förde schnell erreicht. Ne- WIND & STRÖMUNG 34,90 Euro. „Sehnsuchts Folkebootcharter bietet zwei Aber die Flensburger Förde ist mit ihren ES NOCH in den Trubel geraten will, konsultiert den ben den maritimen Museen mögen die Ge- Die vorherrschende Wind revier Ostsee“, Delius Kla der Klassiker ebenfalls ab Reizen noch nicht am Ende. Nach Langbal- Kalender des FSC ( schäfte der Fußgängerzone, der Roten Stra- richtung ist Südwest bis sing, 24,90 Euro. Einzelkarte Marina Sonwik an (www.fol- ligau. Laut, trubelig, sommerselig. Ein wenig wie auf dem angeschlossenen Camping- MEHR GUTE Haben die Events des exponiertesten För- devereins verbrieft gehobenen Charakter, ße und des Einkaufszentrums begeistern. West. Stabile Hochdruck lagen bringen längere Ost „Flensburger Förde“, Delius Klasing, 9,80 Euro. Einzel SEGELREVIERE O platz, aber flankiert von einem erstklassigen gibt es einen volkstümlichen Gegenentwurf: der Rum, Rum geht immer. Des windphasen. Lokale topo karte „Die Flensburger För REISEFÜHRER Sandstrand. Wer nach Scholle und Eis genug Die Rum-Regatta ist mehr Spektakel denn Seemanns braungoldenes grafisch bedingte Wind de“, NV Verlag, 9,80 Euro. „Flensburg“, Mitteldeut hat, tuckert kurz rüber auf die dänische Seite Sport, aber für Zuschauer durchaus erlebens- Lieblingsgetränk ist flüssiger effekte treten auf. Der Strom scher Verlag, 9,95 Euro. und legt dort einen Ankerstopp ein. wert. Die größte nordeuropäische Veranstal- Bestandteil der Lokalgeschich- folgt dem Wind, kann aber CHARTERN „111 Orte in und um Flens Vorbei am Inselhafen Bockholmwik, der tung für Traditionssegler findet für gewöhn- te und wird seit 1755 importiert, als die För- auch gegen ihn zurück In der Marina von Niro Pe burg ...“, Emons, 16,95 Euro. Halbinsel Holnis, an moderaten Steilhän- küsten-obligatorischen Siebziger-Jahre- lich im Mai statt. Und dann gibt es noch die destadt die größte Handelsflotte der Ostsee schwappen und beträgt an tersen ist Mola Yachting mit Ostseeküste, Dumont, der Enge Holnis bis zu zwei 50 Booten zwischen 30 und 17,99 Euro. F O T O S : YA C H T / N. K R AU S S ( 4 ) , N. K R AU S S ( R . ) gen, in Sichtweite einladender Siedlungen, Bausünde in Form einer mehrstöckigen Be- großen Klassikerregatten des Freundeskrei- bereederte. Der Admiral’s-Cup-Segler Nor- Leuchtfeuern, die die dänisch-deutsche tonansammlung wegen. Fehler! Die in Ve- ses Klassische Yachten ( bert Lorck-Schierning konnte die 1848 ge- Knoten. Die Wasserstände 51 Fuß beheimatet (www. Grenze markieren, weiter rein in die Förde, getation eingebettete Marina mit 169 Lie- Mehr Ruhe als Trubel verspricht Fah- gründete Destille Pott Rum in den Sechzi- können in seltenen Fällen bis Ebenfalls stadtnah KRIMIS AUS DER REGION wo bis zum Flensburg-nahen Paar der Ton- geplätzen ist Deutschlands nördlichster rens odde im Westen von Glücksburg mit gern zu Deutschlands meistgekaufter Marke zu einem Meter variieren unterhält 1. Klasse Yachten Zum Beispiel: „Tod auf der nen 13 und 14 die Kollisionsverhütungs- Sportboothafen, bringt ein gut beleumunde- dem nur wenige hundert Meter entfernten machen. Heute sind mit Braasch und dem ( eine Dependance in der Ma Rumregatta“ von Dieter regeln (KVR) und nicht die Seeschifffahrts- tes Restaurant mit und liegt prima am Natur- Sandstrand, der den schönen Namen Soli- älteren Johannsen noch zwei Rumhäuser tä- rina Sonwik mit 20 Yachten Neumann, Grafit, 11,00 Eu straßenordnung gilt, was immer wieder zu schutzgebiet Holnis, das sich per Bordrad tüde trägt, Einsamkeit. Als wären das nicht tig (Direktverkauf ). NAUTISCHE INFORMATIONEN zwischen 30 und 40 Fuß ro. „Nordlicht – Die Tote am Verwirrung führt, da ein Boot im Fahrwasser erkunden lässt. genug Häfen, gibt es mit der Marina Sonwik Natürlich lässt sich auch die Flensburger „Ostseeküste 1“ von Jan ( Strand“ von Anette Hinrichs, eben nicht automatisch Vorfahrt hat. Weiter nach Glücksburg? Vielleicht den noch eine weitere Anlage an der Förde. Die Brauerei besichtigen. Plopp! Werner, Delius Klasing, Oder ganz bodenständig: Blanvalet, 9,99 Euro. Schausende werden die meisten Crews Nachwuchs hier an der größten deutschen bietet den Besitzern der bunten, auf die Kai- an Backbord liegen lassen, allein der Ostsee- Segelschule anmelden oder gucken, was mauer gestellten Häusern Auto und Boot di- FRIDTJOF GUNKEL Die Region im Internet: Published since YACHT is the German sailing commu- YACHT is primarily distributed in the 1904 nity‘s newsroom. Founded in 1904, it is German speaking countries of Europe: Sold circulation not only the market leader Germany, Austria and Switzerland. But 37,663 copies IVW 01/2020 but also the German „sailing bible“. significant parts of the circulation also go Frequency of publication Every fortnight the editorial team suc- to the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxem- fortnightly (25 issues a year) cessfully combines practical expertise bourg, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Greece Magazine size with a passion for sailing. 180,000 and Italy, where many people can speak 215 mm × 280 mm readers per issue (AWA 2020) obviously and read German. In total, YACHT has Processing agree, making YACHT Europe‘s largest subscribers in more than 25 countries, Saddle stitch sailing magazine. We are attending the including the United States. following shows: boot Düsseldorf, Hiswa Copyprice € 6.00 te water, Yachting Festival Cannes, Interboot Friedrichshafen, Salone Nautico Genova, Ft. Lauderdale Int. Boat Show, METS Amsterdam and Boot & Fun Berlin where we will distribute an additional ciculation of YACHT magazine. YACHT is also initiator and organizer of the „European Yacht of the Year“ award, the most important watersports award Worldwide.
READERSHIP 4 RANGE 5.9 Chance of page 180,000 contact is TIMES READERS the reader picks up each issue 78% 89% of our readers are men TREND- YACHT readers are SETTERS AND Almost two thirds are engaged in the purchase of a sailing boat! INNOVATORS buyer potential = 63 % 67% are willing to spend 104 38 % of MINUTES readers more than 100.000 € on a sailing yacht is the average are company reading time owners or 5,731 per issue self-employed EURO 2,828 Euro average net household income is the average financial scope of (total population 3,288 Euro) the YACHT readers USING YACHT-CHANNELS 82 % as a magazine, 52 % web page, 30 % newsletter, 28 % YACHT TV, 53.6 YEARS is the average age of 18 % APP/digital, 8 % Facebook YACHT readers Sources: AWA 2020 and Readers Survey 2018 (Market Research)
PUBLICATION SCHEDULE 5 ISSUE FIRST SELLING DAY SPECIAL TOPICS BOOKING DEADLINE PRINT DATA DEADLINE 01/2021 25.11.2020 SONDERHEFT YACHT CLASSIC 20.10.2020 30.10.2020 01/2021 16.12.2020 03.11.2020 13.11.2020 02/2021 06.01.2021 boot Düsseldorf - Equipment 17.11.2020 27.11.2020 03/2021 20.01.2021 boot Düsseldorf 01.12.2020 11.12.2020 04/2021 03.02.2021 15.12.2020 23.12.2020 05/2021 24.02.2021 12.01.2021 22.01.2021 06/2021 10.03.2021 26.01.2021 05.02.2021 07/2021 24.03.2021 09.02.2021 19.02.2021 08/2021 07.04.2021 23.02.2021 05.03.2021 09/2021 21.04.2021 09.03.2021 19.03.2021 10/2021 05.05.2021 24.03.2021 31.03.2021 11/2021 19.05.2021 Hamburg ancora Yachtfestival 06.04.2021 16.04.2021 02/2021 26.05.2021 SONDERHEFT YACHT CLASSIC 13.04.2021 27.04.2021 12/2021 02.06.2021 20.04.2021 30.04.2021 13/2021 16.06.2021 04.05.2021 14.05.2021 14/2021 30.06.2021 18.05.2021 28.05.2021 15/2021 14.07.2021 01.06.2021 11.06.2021 16/2021 28.07.2021 15.06.2021 25.06.2021 17/2021 11.08.2021 29.06.2021 09.07.2021 18/2021 25.08.2021 HISWA in-water Boat Show 13.07.2021 23.07.2021 19/2021 08.09.2021 Interboot Friedrichshafen 27.07.2021 06.08.2021 20/2021 22.09.2021 10.08.2021 20.08.2021 21/2021 06.10.2021 24.08.2021 03.09.2021 22/2021 20.10.2021 07.09.2021 17.09.2021 23/2021 03.11.2021 21.09.2021 01.10.2021 24/2021 17.11.2021 METS Amsterdam 05.10.2021 15.10.2021 25-26/2021 01.12.2021 19.10.2021 29.10.2021 01/2022 08.12.2021 SONDERHEFT YACHT CLASSIC 02.11.2021 11.11.2021 01/2022 15.12.2021 02.11.2021 12.11.2021
DIMENSIONS / RATES 6 EDITORIAL SECTION „ADVERTISING IN APPROPRIATE JOURNALISTIC ENVIRONMENTS INCREASES PUBLIC AWARENESS.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2/1 page Trim size* 430 × 280 SIZE B/W 4C App 1/1 € 7,220.00 € 10,190.00 included 1/2 € 3,960.00 € 5,500.00 + link activation +picture gallery 1/3 € 2,890.00 € 4,200.00 + video 1/4 € 2,150.00 € 2,920.00 2/1 € 14,200.00 € 20,140.00 1/1 page Trim size* 215 × 280 SPECIAL POSITIONS 4C Pole position 1/3 page € 4,480.00 Island Ad 115 × 115 mm € 5,260.00 Inside front cover € 11,280.00 Inside back cover € 10,660.00 Back cover € 12,310.00 1/2 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal Opening Spread € 21,530.00 Trim size* 107 × 280 Trim size* 215 × 140 Further on request. The prices quoted are exclusive VAT. DISCOUNTS FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS VOLUME DISCOUNTS DK-BRAND-COMBINATION 3 adverts 3% 2 pages 5% 2 issues 5% 6 adverts 6% 3 pages 10 % 3 issues 10 % 1/3 page vertical 1/3 page horizontal Trim size* 78 × 280 Trim size* 215 × 97 9 adverts 9% 6 pages 15 % 4 issues 15 % 12 adverts 12 % 9 pages 18 % 5 issues 20 % 18 adverts 15 % 12 pages 21 % 24 adverts 18 % Section discount and bonus sales on request. AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % 1/4 page 1-column 1/4 page 2-columns EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNT OF 10 % Type area 45 × 254 Type area 94 × 124 Trim size* 54 × 280 Requires a booking of at least 3 advertisements in the editorial section before January 31st, 2021. Reprints and pdfs of editorial content on request. Please ask for our price list. * Trim on all sides + 3 mm. Text and image-critical parts 10 mm to the inside. 1/4 page 4-columns All format specifications in mm (width x height). Type area 192 × 60 Any trimming marks must be set at a distance of at least 3 mm from the net format. Trim size* 215 × 70
DIMENSIONS / RATES 7 SPECIAL RATE YACHT MARKET SIZE B/W 2C 4C App included 1/1 € 7,220.00 € 8,210.00 € 10,190.00 + link activation 1/2 € 3,840.00 € 4,350.00 € 5,370.00 +picture gallery + video 1/3 € 2,640.00 € 3,090.00 € 4,200.00 1/2 page 1/2 page vertical 1/4 € 2,040.00 € 2,300.00 € 2,810.00 Trim size* 430 × 280 Type area 94 × 254 1/8* € 918.00 € 1,048.00 € 1,308.00 1/16* € 468.00 € 538.00 € 658.00 1/32* € 243.00 € 273.00 € 333.00 *Picture gallery and video with extra charge. The prices quoted are exclusive VAT. ISSUE DISCOUNTS 1/2 page horizontal 1/3 page horizontal Type area 192 × 124 Type area 192 × 82 3 issues 10 % 6 issues 20 % 12 issues 30 % 25 issues 45 % No further discounts! 1/4 page 1-column 1/4 page 2-columns AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % Type area 45 × 254 Type area 94 × 124 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PER MM/1-COLUMN: B/W = € 8.15 2C = € 9.25 4C = € 11.50 Link integration = € 12.50 CODE CHARGE € 9.24 1/4 page 4-columns 1/8 page type area Type area 192 × 60 1-column 45 × 124 SHIPPING AGENTS / BROKER SECTION 2-columns 94 × 60 WATERSPORTS SCHOOLS 4-columns 192 × 28 MARINAS / HOLIDAY HOMES Please ask your sales representative for details! START OFFER for first time advertisers on request. 1/16 page type area 1/32 page type area vertical 45 × 60 45 × 28 SPECIAL POSITIONS horizontal 94 × 28 Not available in YACHT MARKET. * Trim on all sides + 3 mm. Text and image-critical parts 10 mm to the inside. Minimum size for ads = 1-column, 10 mm. All format specifications in mm (width x height). All format specifications in mm (width x height). Any trimming marks must be set at a distance of at least 3 mm from the net format.
AD SPECIALS 8 LOOSE INSERTS MAX. MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION WEIGHT PRICE INSERTIONS SIZE INSERTION CIRCULATION up to 25 g € 90.00 per mil up to 50 g € 120.00 per mil Partial insertions 205 x 270 mm in the retail sale 20,000 Germany 3 samples up to 75 g € 145.00 per mil circulation by copies available when placing Nielsen regions on in total only. the order up to 100 g € 195.00 per mil request up to 125 g € 265.00 per mil Further on request. Additional costs when booking the subscription circulation. Upgrade your loose insert from print to our YACHT app (see also page 12). TIP-ONS SIZE PRICE Postcard / + costs for the 1/1 page carrier advertisement € 47.00 per mil Envelope + additional costs when booking the subscription circulation Booklet € 68.00 per mil Stand samples and 10 adhesive inserts for test run before the Test sample € 77.00 per mil closing date. BOUND INSERTS SIZE PRICE 4-pages € 110.00 per mil Paper quality: 70-150 g/m2 6-pages € 130.00 per mil Format: Please contact the media sales department for specifications 8-pages € 150.00 per mil 12-pages € 170.00 per mil Insertion: only overall Position: In the middle of the magazine („artificial middle“) 16-pages € 190.00 per mil (Additional costs on request) The prices quoted are exclusive VAT AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % Ad Specials are not valid for discount! You can find more information about the Ad Specials at: IMPORTANT DETAILS A closed edge is required for the machine processing of inserts. For inserts that exceed the width of the magazine, this must be the long side. Inserts by hand and other formats on request. For inserts that exceed the specified format, there are additional technical costs. Loose inserts and bound inserts with third-party advertisements only after agreement with the publishing house. Delivery must be made 3 weeks before the first day of sale (duty paid and free to the printing company). Shipping documents are obligatory! Please provide the following information on the delivery papers: Intended use, magazine, number of issue, total weight, total quantity and packing size.
DK-BRAND-COMBINATION 9 THE DK-BRAND-COMBINATION Under the brand of DK, 13 other special interest magazines are being published. Many of them are market leader within their field. COMBINATION DISCOUNTS apply for a customer’s advertisments and offer an enormous potential for saving up to 20 %. With an identical volume of adver- tising placements you may vary and change the advertising motive and the date of publishing. NUMBER DK-BRAND- OF MAGAZINES COMBINATION-DISCOUNT 2 issues 5% 3 issues 10 % 4 issues 15 % 5 issues 20 %
YACHT CLASSIC 10 THE MAGAZINE We are writing about sailing. About Like the way boatbuilding of bygone the beauty of historical unique yachts. times is reflecting the entire history of About creators of technically venturous society, economy, science und tech- constructions in a prior era. About the nology YACHT classic is describing the fascination of classic forms. And about genre‘s whole spectrum. From a very the growing enthusiasm that makes special perspective. In its own visual people preserve these treasures of art. conception. With remarkable accounts Nothing else we are writing about and and reports. still it is no sailing magazine. Not only. It is at the same time an edition for culture and way of life, a reader of contemptorary history and philosophy. Print run SIZE INCL. DIGITAL/ APP 38,000 copies 1/1 € 5,135.00 Processing 1/2 € 2,715.00 Perfect binding 1/3 € 1,885.00 Magazine size 1/4 € 1,475.00 215 mm × 280 mm 2/1 € 10,075.00 Volume 128 pages DISCOUNTS Copy price FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS € 8.50 You can find 2 ads 15 % the dimension VOLUME DISCOUNTS on page 6 + 7, see YACHT 1 page 5% 2 pages 15 % COMBINATION 50 % on YACHT classic when booking in YACHT PLACEMENT COLLECTIVE "RAT & TAT" S IZE ONE ISSUE* TWO ISSUES* 1/8 page 4c 2-columns € 260.00 € 410.00 1/16 page 4c 2-columns € 180.00 € 300.00 * No further discounts. AGENCY COMMISION 15 % PUBLICATION SCHEDULE ISSUE FIRST SELLING DAY BOOKING DEADLINE PRINT DATA DEADLINE 01/21 25.11.2020 20.10.2020 30.10.2020 02/21 26.05.2021 13.04.2021 27.04.2021 01/22 08.12.2021 02.11.2021 11.11.2021 The prices quoted are exclusive VAT.
YACHT APP 11 „MAGAZINES ARE BEING INCREASINGLY READ DIGITALLY. HIGH-QUALITY CONTENT IS VALUED BY USERS REGARDLESS OF THE OUTPUT MEDIUM.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook ADS APP ONLY RUNTIME FORMAT ADVERTISING PRICE YACHT € 475.00 Link activation 1 issue 2/1 page Picture gallery YACHT Video integration CLASSIC € 375.00 In our kiosk app, we offer you various advertising options for an exposed customer approach. In this way you reach the reader of the digital issue directly and communicate your information in the environment familiar to the readers. In the digital editions of YACHT App Only ads are possible - regardless of a print booking. We also offer the integration of your supplement (product PDF) as a free special. Your product information will be integrated as a multi-page leaflet and will be available for publication on the same level as the digital editions of YACHT. The booking can be made in addition to the classic print supplement, but is also possible App Only. Sales per issue FREE SPECIAL 3,303 RUNTIME PACKAGE ADVERTISING SIZE PRICE Readers per issue 4,645 Print / App € 850.00 App user per day combination 572 6 weeks supplement with max. 32 pages according to the publisher Ø 2020 (from the first incl. 10 link activations* + picture gallery day of sale) + Video integration App Only € 1,050.00 *further link activations according to effort AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % See booking deadline and delivery schedule for data on page 5. All prices exclude statutory VAT. Additional multimedia features (audio files, videos, galleries and links) on request.
YACHT APP FLEXSLIDER 12 In addition to the regular advertising options in our digital Apps, we offer the opportunity to book the innovative form of advertisement: The FlexSlider. This element is a conventional slider, which can be used by advertisements as well as for editorial content. • innovative advertising medium for all mobile devices • prominent presentation • up to 4 different positions possible • enables sales directly out of the App • high contact frequency and quality FLEXSLIDER POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION 1 2 3 4 € 500.00 € 400.00 € 350.00 € 250.00 Contacts per month per issue per issue per issue per issue 17,160 according to the publisher, Ø 2020 All prices exclude statutory VAT. CROSSMEDIA DISCOUNT 10 % (on App-Price) AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % FlexSlider ....
DISPLAY ADS WWW.YACHT.DE 13 „ON DIGITAL MEDIA WEBSITES, USERS STAY MUCH LONGER PER PAGE IMPRESSION THAN ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook DESKTOP FORMS OF ADVERTISING SIZE IN PIXEL CPT Fullsizebanner 468 × 60 (max. 620 x 60) € 10.00 Medium Rectangle 300 × 250 € 40.00 Skyscraper / Wide Skyscraper 120/160 × 600 € 40.00 HalfpageAd 300 × 600 € 49.00 XXL Banner 728 × 90 € 30.00 AdBundle 300 × 250 / 160 × 600 / 728 × 90 € 37.00 BillboardAd 900 × 250 € 49.00 Wallpaper 728 × 90 and 120/160 × 600 € 59.00 Page impressions FireplaceAd 300 x 600 / 1024 x 100 / 300 x 600 € 70.00 1,523,978 Parallax 500 x 990 € 45.00 Visits FloorAd 1200 × 200 € 70.00 678,371 Unique user* MOBILE 308,528 IVW 08/20 WERBEMITTEL FORMAT IN PIXEL TKP *according to the publisher 08/20 Mobile Banner 6:1 320 × 50 € 30.00 Mobile Banner 4:1 320 × 70 € 30.00 Mobile Banner 2:1 320 × 150 € 35.00 Medium Rectangle Mobile 300 × 250 € 40.00 HalfpageAd 300 × 600 € 49.00 Parallax 375 x 680 € 45.00 Catfish 320 × 100 € 50.00 + Targeting per criterion € 2.50 CPT PACKAGE BANNER FORMATS CPT + Sticky € 2.50 CPT* Desktop / Mobile Package 1 Fullsizebanner + Mobile Banner 4:1 € 10.00 + Expandable € 5.00 CPT Medium Rectangle + Desktop / Mobile Package 2 € 30.00 * bookable for Wallpaper and FireplaceAd Medium Rectangle Mobile Desktop / Mobile Package 3 XXL-Banner + Mobile Banner 2:1 € 25.00 AGENCY COMMISION 15 % CPT = Costs per Thousand. All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice. Creation of the advertisement with a surcharge. COMBINATION CROSSMEDIA VOLUME DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 200,000 AI 5% 2 Websites 5% Examples of formats and information on 400,000 AI 7% 3 Websites 7% Crossmedia discount Print / Online 10 % 650,000 AI 10 % 4 Websites 10 % (on online-price) 800,000 AI 15 % 5 Websites 15 %
VIDEO ADVERTISING 14 „LONGER DURATION OF VISIT MEANS GREATER ATTENTION AND AWARENESS POTENTIAL FOR ADVERTISING.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook InPage Video Ads are great if you have video content which should be delivered eye catching with a high reach. We deliver a display ad with an integrated video clip on our websites. Depending on the format, other functionalities such as full screen or expandable can be activated for the campaign. You only have to provide us with a banner as well as a video which are linked and delivered by us. As a result, there is no need for complex programming or embedding of the video in the ad. Page impressions For the Video Banner as well as Video InRead even the delivery of 1,523,978 only one video is necessary. Visits 678,371 IVW 08/20 INPAGE VIDEO ADS VOLUME COMBINATION CROSSMEDIA ADVERTISING SIZE SIZE IN PIXEL CPT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 200,000 AI 5% 2 Websites 5 % Video Banner 300 × 250 € 55.00 400,000 AI 7% 3 Websites 7 % Crossmedia discount Video InRead 640 × 480 € 50.00 Print / Online 10% 650,000 AI 10 % 4 Websites 10 % (on online-price) Video FloorAd 1200 × 200 € 75.00 800,000 AI 15 % 5 Websites 15 % Video Background 300 x 600 / 1024 x 205 / 300 x 600 € 80.00 CPT = Costs per Thousand. AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice. Contact us if you are interested in video productions and further integration solutions. Examples of formats and information on
NEWSLETTER 15 APPROPRIATE ENVIRONMENTS ENHANCE BRAND IMAGE.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook The YACHT and YACHT classic newsletters regularly inform the subscribers about brand-new events, new developments on the market, and provides a preview of the upcoming print edition. With newsletter advertising you can transfer your marketing message focused on our users. The fact that the users have subscribed themselves to our newsletters on their own initiative shows that the interest and attention is very high. Maximum 5 media placements per newsletter. Frequency: biweekly (YACHT classic 2 x per year), on the first selling date of the print magazine. SIZE IN PIXEL PRESENTER PRESENTER PRESENTER 1 2 3 600 x 150 600 x 150 600 x 150 € 75.00 CPT € 65.00 CPT € 55.00 CPT CPT = Costs per thousand subscriptions. All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice. Presenter 5 without commitment. ISSUE DISCOUNTS 3 issues 10 % 6 issues 20 % 12 issues 30 % 25 issues 45 % CROSSMEDIA DISCOUNT 10 % Subscribers (on newsletter price) 27,381 (26,449 YACHT classic) Open rate AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % 41.69 % (35.90% YACHT classic) as of September 2020 Placement without commitment.
CONTENT MARKETING 16 Content Marketing plays an increasingly important role in „EDITORIAL MEDIA OFFER HIGH communication. FLEXIBILITY, IN-HOUSE CREATIVE And for a reason: TEAMS, TAILORED SOLUTIONS Content used in environments thematically related to the brand AND PLENTY OF ROOM FOR EYE- or product provides an effective and efficient way to strengthen a brand‘s image or generate leads. CATCHING ADVERTISING.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook SPONSORED NEWS WEBSITE We offer you to book sponsored news on our websites. With this Format you can publish industry, company or product news in the look and feel of the respective website. After clicking on the news as a teaser, our users will be taken to a further article or directly to your company website. The strong awareness of the sponsored news as a type of content marketing is proved: The performance values of spon- sored news are significantly higher compared to display ads. Price per month and site: € 2,750.00 including reporting, support and a weekly change of your content. All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice. SPONSORED NEWS NEWSLETTER The native format Branchen News is also available in our newsletters. There you can publish industry, company and product news in the look and feel of the respective news- letter. After clicking on the industry news as a teaser, our users will be taken to a further article on the website or directly to your company website. The industry news on our websites have shown that this advertising format is perceived and accepted by the user and therefore produces the best performance values. Price per newsletter and issue: € 2,400.00 including reporting and support. All prices exclusive VAT, subject to change without notice.
CONTENT MARKETING 17 ADVERTORIAL Catch our users with your comprehensive product information in an editorial environment. Use the high receptivity of the reader for your brand/product. The integration of an advertorial is possible on our websites. An display ad is included in the package to increase the reach of the advertising special. If the user clicks on the ad he will be forwarded to the ad special. Additional display ads can be booked. POSSIBLE INTEGRATION COMPONENTS • Picture gallery • Video-Integration • Links to your website • E-Paper Integration OPTIONS Online-Advertorial A • incl. AdBundle with 100,000 Ad Impressions • incl. technical costs (€ 2,500.00) • incl. feature-element in the side column € 6,900.00 Online-Advertorial B • incl. BilllboardAd with 100,000 Ad Impressions • incl. technical costs (€ 2,500.00) • incl. feature-element in the side column € 7,500.00 The screenshot is just an example, since it is an individual product. All prices exclusive VAT. ONLINE ADVENT CALENDAR With the online advent calendar in YACHT, BOOTE and SURF, you can place and present your product prominently throughout the Christmas Season. The windows of each day will be activated and clickable at the appropriate day. By clicking on a window, the user will be forwarded to an article about the product, with detailed text and images, along with the registration form to win that product. The top prize is activated and playable from the 01.12.2021. The calendar will be supported and promoted with editorial content in our magazines, on our websites, newsletters and facebook. The positive feedback from previous years and an entry, on average, of more than 6,500 players per window HIT RATES 2017 2018 2019 speaks for itself! Page impressions total 389,335 525,828 509,031 ø Page impressions per window 9,841 11,015 10,830 For more details please contact your sales manager. Participations total 141,856 176,656 149,314 ø Participations per window 5,910 7,360 6,221 According to the publisher
ONLINE SPECIALS 18 INSURANCE CHANNEL Since 2013, presents the extensive Online Insurance Channel, a service section with everything our users need to know about boat insurances. Since spring 2015, boote-ma- presents its own BOOTE Online Insurance Channel, tailored to the needs of motor boat drivers. In our online insurance channel on our websites and you can present your company to a perfectly adequate target group without any wastage and cover the entire range of water sports. The following content will be provided: • Insurance glossary from A to Z • What to do in case of a damage: Checklist for download • Company directory with direct links • Online insurance application • Latest News from the insurance industry ADDRESS GENERATOR Generate new customers with our insurance comparison. In addition to the presenting of our insurance channel, we offer you the opportunity to generate leads with address redirects of our insurance comparison. Pro forwarded address we will charge you an amount of € 5.00. REQUESTS PER Ø HIT RATES QUARTER / INSURANCE CHANNEL PER MONTH CLIENT YACHT.DE 5,935 56 BOOTE-MAGAZIN.DE 568 39 According to the publisher All prices exclusive VAT.
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