ISU NEWS - International School of Ulm
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ISU NEWS 5 MARCH 2021 Important Dates: 12 March: Grade 12 Parent-Teacher Conferences (14:00-17:00) 15 March: Grade 10 IB Information session (15:40 - 17:00) Virtual 26 March: Grades 1-5 Parent Check-In - virtual (14:00 - 17:00) News from the Director Last week was Language Week at ISU and 21 February was UN Mother Tongue Day. While Language Week had to be curtailed this year, the week allows us to reflect on the paramount importance of languages, especially in our international school context. At this moment, we have students from 40 countries enrolled at ISU. 42% of our students have German as a dominant language, 19 % English as a dominant language and the remaining 39% represent 26 other languages. However, these statistics do not do full justice to the complex language profile of many of our students. We are all language learners at an international school, from the director to EYP 1. Being bi-cultural or multilingual is the norm in international schools. As it is worldwide, data from UNESCO indicates that only 40% of the world’s population are monolingual. This is something that can be improved, and international schools are in the vanguard in changing this. Long gone are the myths which expressed fear that the bilingual or multilingual brain would respond to a second language by developing schizophrenia. Conscientiously, we have replaced the word “mother-tongue” with home language or dominant language. Research is robust now in showing that children growing up bilingual develop a more agile and more connected brain through synapsis growth. Language is not only a tool that helps us to connect and communicate with others; it is also vital for us as humans to express our thoughts and feelings. Studying several languages is something we encourage all of our students to do, and many of them not only speak their home language. Our After School First Language Programme will be starting in October, and this year we are offering first language Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese and Hindi. Why do we put so much effort into language development at ISU? Firstly, it is impossible to separate language from culture. We know that the more languages we are able to speak, the richer our experiences become, the more easily we learn about other cultures and the more prepared we are to see things from a different perspective. There is very little we can say with certainty about the future: however, the consensus is that it will be more diverse and require more flexibility. The students at ISU are well-placed to inherit this future with confidence, and language learning plays a crucial role in this. Dr Liam Browne Director
Das NEINhorn Im Herzwald kommt ein kleines, schnickeldischnuckeliges Einhorn zur Welt. Aber obwohl alle ganz lilalieb zu ihm sind und es ständig mit gezuckertem Glücksklee füttern, benimmt sich das Tierchen ganz und gar nicht einhornmäßig. Es sagt einfach immer Nein, sodass seine Familie es bald nur noch NEINhorn nennt.Eines Tages bricht das NEINhorn aus seiner Zuckerwattewelt aus. Es trifft einen Waschbären, der nicht zuhören will, einen Hund, dem echt alles schnuppe ist, und eine Prinzessin, die immer Widerworte gibt. Die vier sind ein ziemlich gutes Team. Denn sogar bockig sein macht zusammen viel mehr Spaß! ( Unsere 10. Klasse hat im Deutschunterricht diese wunderbare Geschichte weiterentwickelt und kreative Aufsätze dazu geschrieben. Viel Spass beim Lesen! Nach dem nun der ganze Trubel vorbei war gingen die Gesellen weiter. Sie liefen Tage lang, in der Hoffnung an einen phantastischen Ort zu gelangen, der aussah wie in ihren Träumen. Für das Neinhorn sah dieser aus wie folgt: grüne Weiden so weit das Auge reicht, Quellen mit glasklarem Wasser und das wichtigste; Niemand der ihm sagte was es zu tun hat. Es hatte sich vorgenommen an diesem Ort nie mehr “Nein” zu sagen. Da es hier und da zurück dachte an die alten Zeiten, zuhause bei seinen Eltern wurde es traurig. Doch dann erinnerte es sich an die schöne neue Welt die es jetzt erleben würde. Aber es war noch ein langer Weg dorthin. Deshalb liefen die drei weiter. Das Neinhorn, die Prinzessin, der Wasbär und der Nahund. Nach Stunden des Wanderns durch die trockenen Weiten fragte der Wasbär: “Wisst ihr wann wir da sind?” Darauf antworten das Neinhorn: ”Nein.” Betrübt und erschöpfte ließ der Wasbär den Kopf hängen. Nach weiteren Stunden kamen sie an einen Fluss. Am Ufer lag ein grünes Ungetier mit messerscharfen Klingen die so lang waren wie das Horn des Neinhorns. Ohne sich etwas zu denken, stiegen die Vier ans Ufer herab und begrüßten das Tier. “Wie heißt du?”, fragten die drei im Chor. “Ich bin das Schnappodil”, antwortete das Schnappodil. Sie redeten nun für einen kurze Weile und bald bemerkten sie das es eigentlich viel freundlicher war, als es aussah. Dennoch gab es immer noch ein Problem. Wie konnten sie diesen tobenden Fluss überqueren. “Kannst du uns helfen den Fluss zu überqueren?”, fragte das Neinhorn. “Nein”, antwortete das Schnappodil. “Haha, ich mach doch nur Spaß, natürlich helfe ich euch.” Bei diesen Worten sah man den drei die Erleichterung ins Gesicht geschrieben. Nach und nach stiegen sie nun auf den Rücken des Schnappodils und es brachte sie auf die andere Seite. Als letztes war die Prinzessin dran. Doch dann geschah es. Das Schnappodil packte die Prinzessin und schwamm davon. Es wagte sich schon in Sicherheit, doch dann kam ein Hilfpferd aus den Tiefen des Flusses hervor, schlug das Schnappodil und packte die Prinzessin. Kurz bevor sie ertrank, durchbrechen sie zusammen die Wasseroberfläche. Das Hilfpferd nahm sie zart und brachte sie ans Ufer, wo sie von ihren drei Gefährten schon erwartet wurde. Nun waren sie in Sicherheit und alle unversehrt auf der anderen Seite angekommen. Sie bedankten sich beim Hilfpferd und gingen ihrer Wege. Es war jetzt schon spät geworden deshalb liefen sie nur noch so lange bis der Wasbär fragte: “Ich bin sehr müde, können wir hier übernachten?” Darauf hin antwortete das Neinhorn mit einem erstaunlichen “Ja”. Die drei waren so überrascht das sie alle anfingen hysterisch loszulachen, bis sie Tränen in den Augen hatten. Nachdem sie ihr Lager aufgebaut hatten, blieben sie den ganzen Abend wach und sangen alle Lieder, um diesen besonderen Moment festzuhalten. Ms Ulrike Schanz German Teacher
Middle and Upper School Announcements It has been a busy few weeks in the Middle and Upper School. Semester Examinations The Grade 10 and 12 students completed an intense week of semester examinations. These exams form their second-semester exam grade and also form part of the preparation for the International Baccalaureate Diploma and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations in May. Students in Grade 10 and 12 will receive an exam report early next week; this will provide the grade which the student has achieved in relation to the IGCSE (A* - U ) and IB (7 - 1) scales. The report will be uploaded to the student profile on ManageBac. Grade 12 Parent Teacher Conference - 12 March 14:00-17:00 Grade 12 students and parents will have the opportunity to discuss their progress on March 12 between 14:00-17:00. Parents can log in to the Parent Evening System to make appointments with the IB teachers. Distance learning Grades 6-9 and 11 continue to distance learn. I have nothing but admiration for all of the students and teachers as they navigate this ongoing challenge. I am proud to see our students rising to such high expectations of their self-reliance and motivation. There are, of course, learning opportunities from every situation and students are reminded to keep their focus on lessons and reserve break times for catching up with friends. Grade 10 IB Information Evening 15 March 15:40-17:00 To provide information regarding the IB Diploma Programme, we will run a virtual Information Evening for Grade 10 students and parents. We will provide a link to an overview by Mr Tomes about the IB DP, and then teachers will present information about their subject areas, and there will be time for questions after each presentation. A schedule with Google meet links, times, and other information will be posted shortly to Grade 10 parent emails. Mr Lee Rawlinson Middle and Upper School Principal Lower School Announcement On Friday, March 26th from 14:15 until 17:00 parents will have the opportunity to meet for 10 minutes with their child's classroom teacher. We will be sending out more information about this on Monday, March 8th. Due to the Corona situation, we will not have Student-Led Conferences at this time but will work on students creating their portfolios to share at a later date. Ms Heidi Bachman Lower School Principal
Counsellor's Corner AGIS Live Virtual Higher Education Fair Typically, this is the time of year that ISU prepares to host over 40 different higher education institutions in a fair that aims to help students explore their post-secondary education options, but just like last year, COVID 19 has some different ideas on how this will work. Thankfully, the university advisors from all of the Association of German International Schools decided to collaborate and get innovative with ideas on how to provide our students with the opportunity to talk to universities around the world. With that in mind, colleagues from Hanover and Berlin reached out to NOVVA/EducationConnect Live, a company well versed in hosting such events, and the first-ever AGIS Live Virtual Higher Education Fair was actualized. This event will go live on Monday, March 15th from 17:00-20:00 and all interested secondary students and their parents are invited to register in order to speak to universities about courses, tuition, applications and whatever else they might want to know in searching for their futures. Currently, there are 106 high calibre institutions scheduled to attend:
As you can see, there are a wide variety of universities, countries, and program offerings for students and parents to explore. We encourage you to register for this fair by following this link: Students who register are required to use their ISU email address and parents can use a personal address. Students, please accurately indicate your grade level (freshman - grade 9, sophomore - grade 10, junior - grade 11, senior - grade 12). Teachers and parents wishing to register, please list your grade level as other. Carefully check that when entering your birthdate that you follow the North American way of recording: MONTH/DAY/YEAR. Finally, there is NO FEE to register and participate. Any questions can be directed to me: Ms Angela Collins School Counsellor Handwashing Feel free to provide your child with some hand cream. The constant handwashing can be quite harsh, however necessary! A small cream container to keep in their backpack is fine. Each child should bring their own.
New Books in the Library Frau Bauser-Maier Librarian
Catching up on CAS Challenge & Growth I did a large variety of different CAS experiences, some of which included running an ASAP after school with some friends, joining the junior UNICEF group in Ulm, as well as building my running endurance. During CAS week in early 2020, I helped out for a week at an elderly home, which I find to be one of the most interesting CAS experiences I had done. In hindsight, I think that doing these various CAS experiences has pushed me to do some things that I normally would have never thought of participating in. Going out of my comfort zone does make me feel proud and accomplished for what I have achieved. In some of the CAS activities that I have done, I hadn’t expected it to have certain challenging aspects, but after pulling through with it, I realized I had just learned something new. The most challenging CAS experience for me was working at the elderly home because I wasn’t sure how to handle the delicate situations with the senior residents. I didn’t want to say anything wrong, and most of the time, I didn’t know how to respond to them since the majority had dementia. For these same reasons, though, working at an elderly home made me learn so much more about people with dementia since I had no experience with that. Towards the end of my internship, I was more comfortable speaking to them, even if it was just chit chat. A couple of things that I did learn about myself were that I love working with little children and that I also love the feeling of accomplishment once I get further in my endurance. Photo: At the senior residence home, I was given the experience of planning and initiating a project to do with a small group at the end of the week. Here are some of the results! By: Katharina, Grade 12
Literary Dress Up Day Students dressed up as their favorite book characters. They were really creative and look fantastic. Thank you for the photos! Mrs Bauser-Maier Librarian Emilia is the chick who eats the grasshopper in "A Bugs Life". She likes it because the grasshopper is a mean bully. Mr Rawlinson is Arthur Dent in "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy". “My favorite book character is GURA. He is very cool because he wears the beautiful blue hat and drives the super egg car! They made the car themselves!
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