Arktis & Antarktis Expeditions-Seereisen - MV SPIRIT OF ENDERBY MV AKADEMIK SHOKALSKIY - Polaradventures
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Arktis & Antarktis Expeditions-Seereisen MV SPIRIT OF ENDERBY MV AKADEMIK SHOKALSKIY POLARADVENTURES Schiffs- und Flug-Expeditionen in Arktis und Antarktis Reiseagentur * Heinrich-Böll-Str. 40 * D-21335 Lüneburg * Deutschland Tel +49-4131- 223474 Fax +49-4131-54255
Saison 2020 Veranstalter Komplett-Angebote inklusive Fluganreise ab D, AT, CH ausgewählte Abfahrten der Saison mit überwiegend deutschsprachigen Terminen POLARADVENTURES Schiffs- und Flug-Expeditionen in Arktis und Antarktis Reiseagentur * Heinrich-Böll-Str. 40 * D-21335 Lüneburg * Deutschland Tel +49-4131- 223474 Fax +49-4131-54255
A R K T I S // W R A N G E L I S L A N D MS SPIRIT OF ENDERBY » S.91 REISEVERLAUF TAG 1 Flug von Frankfurt über Moskau nach Anadyr. eine relativ große Population von Eisbären. Außerdem le- ben hier Moschusochsen, Rentiere, Schneegänse, Schnee- 2 Ankunft in Anadyr und Transfer zur Pier. Einschiffung auf eulen und viele andere Vogelarten. Wenn die örtliche Wet- MS SPIRIT OF ENDERBY. Am frühen Abend laufen wir aus tersituation es erlaubt, besuchen wir auch die nahe- und unsere Expeditions-Kreuzfahrt in eine der am spär- gelegene Herald Insel. lichsten besuchten Regionen der Arktis beginnt. 11 - 12 Wir fahren durch die Nordsibirische See und werden je 3 - 4 Wir fahren durch die Anadyrskiy-Bucht Richtung Bering nach Bedingungen und Zeit das Ziel unserer Anlandungen See und verbringen die Zeit an Bord, um uns von den Ex- aussuchen. Die Küste bietet viele Möglichkeiten aufgrund perten und dem Expeditionsteam mit wichtigen Informati- der zahlreichen Lagunen und Inlets. Beim Landgang in der onen zur Reise versorgen zu lassen. An Deck treffen wir Unnamed Bay haben wir die Gelegenheit, eine Wanderung uns zur Vogelbeobachtung. Am nächsten Morgen unter- durch die Tundra zu machen. nehmen wir eine Anlandung in Lavrentiya. Wir werden das kleine Städtchen erkunden und das Museum besuchen. 13 - 14 Beim Landgang in der Pengingay Bay haben die Wanderer Wenn die Wetterbedingungen es erlauben, landen wir am unter uns die Möglichkeit, auf den 400 m hohen Mount Nachmittag bei Kap Dezhnev an und machen einen Spa- Gatgangey zu steigen. Wir werden ebenfalls Gilmimyl be- ziergang. Bei guter Sicht kann man die amerikanische suchen, wo es heiße Quellen gibt und wir gute Bedingun- Küste sehen. Die nördlichste Ecke Tschukotkas ist auch gen zur Vogelbeobachtung haben. Am nächsten Tag besu- gleichzeitig der östlichste Punkt Russlands. Ca. 89 See- chen wir Yttigran Island. Whale Bone Alley auf Yttigran meilen weiter liegt die nordöstlichste Stadt Russlands. Island ist eine bedeutende archäologische Stätte. Zahlrei- Nach Möglichkeit besuchen wir Uelen Village, eine alte che Walknochen stehen und liegen in der Nähe des Stran- Walross- und Walfänger Siedlung. Heute leben hier Inuit, des. In den Gewässern rund um die Insel sind häufig Grau- Russen und Tschuktschen zusammen. wale zu sehen. Außerdem versuchen wir auf den nahegelegenen Arakamchechen Inseln anzulanden, wo 5 Wir ankern vor Kolyuchin Island. Die Insel ist zwar klein, wir hoffen auf eine Walrosskolonie zu treffen. aber in den Felsen nisten Dickschnabel- und Trottellum- men in großer Zahl. Außerdem befindet sich auf der Insel 15 Wir freuen uns, wenn wir in der Presbrazhenya-Bucht beim eine der größten Walrosskolonien, wo sich hunderte Wal- Zodiacausflug entlang mächtiger Vogelfelsen fahren und rosse am Strand tummeln. Papageientaucher und Lummen in ihren Kolonien bestau- nen können. 6 - 10 Auf der Suche nach dem König der Arktis - dem Eisbären - fahren wir an der Eiskante entlang. Ebenfalls sind hier 16 - 17 Unsere Expeditions-Kreuzfahrt ist in Anadyr zu Ende. Nach häufig Wale, Walrosse und Robben zu sehen. Wir versu- der Ausschiffung werden wir zum Flughafen gebracht und chen einige Anlandungen auf der Wrangel Insel zu unter- fliegen nach Moskau. Ankunft in der russischen Haupt- nehmen, welche viele Monate im Jahr vom Eis eingeschlos- stadt am frühen Nachmittag und Transfer zum Hotel. Am sen ist. Die Insel ist ein Natur-Reservat und beherbergt nächsten Tag Rückflug nach Deutschland.
54 – 55 EXPEDITION ANS ENDE DER WELT - WRANGEL ISLAND /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MS SPIR IT OF E N D E RBY AUF EINEN BLICK Unendlich weit weg scheint der äußerste nord-östliche Zipfel Russlands an der Bordsprache: Englisch Grenze zum ewigen Eis zu liegen. Von Moskau immer noch 9.000 Kilometer weit ein selten besuchtes Reiseziel, der spärlich entfernt. Dieser Abgeschiedenheit und Isolation verdanken wir ein ganz besonde- besiedelte Russische Ferne Osten res Expeditions-Erlebnis. In der sibirischen Hohen Arktis, auf der Tschukotka-Halb- einzigartig: Die Tschukotka-Halbinsel insel und der Wrangel-Insel, hat eine einzigartige Flora und Fauna die Zeit über- hochinteressant für Naturfreunde dauert, die wir mit unserem kleinen Expeditionsschiff SPIRIT OF ENDERBY eine wahre Pionierreise entdecken. Dabei werden wir auch herzlichen indigenen Naturvölkern begegnen, blühende „Indian Summer“-Flora bewundern und eine arktische Tierwelt mit Wal- rossen, Rentieren, Eisbären und unzähligen Zugvögeln antreffen. TOURLEISTUNGEN · Linienflüge ab/bis Frankfurt mit LUFTHANSA inkl. Steuern und Gebühren · Flüge mit UTAIR ab/bis Moskau nach/von Anadyr · innerdeutsche Bahnanreise Rail & Fly (2. Kl.) · eine Übernachtung im Hotel in Moskau nach der Seereise · Schiffsreise in der gebuchten Kabinenkategorie inkl. Vollpension an Bord · alle Landgänge und Zodiacfahrten während der Seereise · PolarNEWS-Reisebegeitung ab 6 Personen · erfahrenes Expeditionsteam an Bord · informative Lektorenvorträge zu Flora, Fauna und Region · Reisehandbuch und Reiserucksack HINWEISE · Visum: EUR 145,- · Für diese Kreuzfahrt gelten abweichende Stor- nobedingungen: Bei Rücktritt bis 180 Tage vor Rei- sebeginn: 10% des Reisepreises; 179-91 Tage: 25 %; ab 90 Tage: 95 % des Reisepreises zzgl. Kosten für ausgestellte Visa. · Bitte beachten Sie unsere wichtigen Hinweise auf S. 104-105, besonders den Bereich Reiseverlauf und eingeschränkte Mobilität. T ER MINE UND PRE IS E * · Kabinenkategorien: Kat. A = Zweibett-Kabine, (Du- sche/WC auf dem Korridor) // Kat. B = Superior-Ka- bine // Kat. C = Superior-Plus Kabine // Kat. D = Mi- 02.08. – 18.08.2020 Tour 067652-01 nisuite // Kat. E = Heritage Suite. · Mindestteilnehmer: 30 Pers. pro Schiff/Abfahrt. Kat. A Kat. B Kat. C Kat. D Kat. E · Auf dieser Reise ist die Buchung einer „halben“ 12.990 13.790 14.690 15.290 15.990 Kabine möglich. EK-Zuschlag: 6.800 7.550 EZ-Zuschlag Landprogramm : + EUR 250,– // Abweichende Flughäfen auf Anfrage. Flugplanbedingt kann eine Vorübernachtung in Moskau erforderlich sein. Die PolarNEWS-Leserreise wird * Preise pro Person in EUR von unserem Partner Ikarus Tours veranstaltet
A R K T I S // O C H O T S K I S C H E S M E E R MS SPIRIT OF ENDERBY » S.91 REISEVERLAUF TAG 1 Flug über Moskau nach Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. wir viele Alke beobachten können. Am Nachmittag auf To- porkovy Island, im Schatten des aktiven Vulkans der Ma- 2 Ankunft in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk und Transfer zum Hotel. tua-Insel werden uns weitere Vogelarten begegnen: Krage- 3 Transfer und Einschiffung. Ehe wir am Abend lossegeln, ob- nenten, Gelbschopflunde, Himalayazwergpfeifer und viele ligatorische Seenotrettungsübung und der Expeditionslei- andere. ter wird uns auf unsere Reise vorbereiten. 10 Ochotsk, Gebietshauptstadt und Fischereizentrum, besitzt 4 Die kleine Insel Tjulenij gehört zu Sachalin und ist ein Natur- Legendenstatus in der russischen Geschichte seit Errich- schutzreservat, 1,6 km lang und 850 m breit - unser erster tung der Stadt im 18. Jhd. durch die Kosaken. Gastfreundli- richtiger Expeditionstag. Bei geeigneten Wetterbedingun- che Russen werden uns zu einer Kulturvorführung einladen. gen fahren wir mit den Zodiacs an Land und beobachten vie- le Arten von Seevögeln. Der Höhepunkt heute die riesige 11 Talan, international bekannt und äußerst schwierig erreich- Kolonie von Nördlichen Seebären und Stellerschen See- bar, ist eine kleine Vogelinsel. Zehntausende von Schopfal- löwen, mit bis zu 1.100kg schweren Bullen. ken machen die Insel zu einem einzigartigen Vogelparadies. 5 Vielleicht weckt uns nachts das sanfte Klopfen und Bre- 12 Die Koni-Halbinsel gehört zur Bergregion südöstlich von chen des Eises am Schiffsrumpf. An der Piltun-Lagune liegt Magadan und dem gleichnamigen Naturschutzgebiet. oft bis weit in den Juni hinein noch Eis. Die Gewässer bie- Braunbären und Schneeschafe stehen hier unter besonde- ten gute Beobachtungsmöglichkeiten der kleinen westli- rem Schutz. Unsere Anlandungen auf Koni tragen allesamt chen Grauwalpopulation. Expeditionscharakter und sind oft die ersten jemals dort durchgeführten Anlandungen. 6 Wie eine Pyramide erhebt sich das winzige Eiland Iony, welches wir mit unseren Schlauchbooten erkunden. Dieser 13 Einige Wissenschaftler sehen in den Jamskije-Inseln die Felsen ist bekannt für seine Seevogelkolonien und die Stel- größten Vogelkolonien des Nordpazifiks. Schopf-, lerschen Seelöwen. Rotschnabel- und Zwergalke, Horn- und Gelbschopflunde und Eissturmvögel. Anlandungen sind aus Naturschutz- 7 - 8 Im Westen des Ochotskischen Meeres gelegen, bleiben die gründen nicht gestattet. So werden wir mit den Zodiacs die Shantar-Inseln oft bis spät in den Juni von Eis umschlos- Küsten der Inseln erkunden. sen, welches hier unsere Aktivitäten bestimmt. Bartrob- ben, Ringelrobben, Largha-Robben und die sehr seltenen 14 Ankunft im Hafen von Korskov auf der Sakhalin-Insel. Bandrobben sind zu sichten. Transfer zum flughafennahen Hotel. 9 Am frühen Morgen Zodiac-Fahrt bei der Ekarma-Insel, wo 15 - 16 Flug über Moskau. Ankunft in Frankfurt am nächsten Tag.
56 – 57 OCHOTSKISCHES MEER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MS SPIR IT OF E N D E RBY AUF EINEN BLICK Wahrscheinlich ist kein anderes Meer der Welt mit so viel Naturschönheit geseg- Bordsprache: Englisch net wie das Ochotskische Meer. Eine Reise durchs Ochotskische Meer ist eine ein- ein selten besuchtes Reiseziel, der spärlich zigartige Entdeckungsfahrt in unerforschten Gewässern. Wir werden mit dem vor- besiedelte Russische Ferne Osten anschreitenden Frühling nach Norden fahren und der erwachenden Natur über die einzigartig: Die Inselwelt des Ochotskischen Schulter schauen können. „Fernost“ nennen die Russen jenen Teil ihres Riesenrei- Meeres ches, der irgendwo hinter dem Baikal beginnt und am Pazifik endet. Das Ochotski- hochinteressant für Vogelkundler und sche Meer ist dabei der Edelstein des Fernen Ostens: reich an Geschichte und Tier- Naturfreunde leben und Entdeckungsgeschichten, an denen Sie mitschreiben können. eine wahre Pionierreise TOURLEISTUNGEN · Linienflüge ab/bis Frankfurt mit LUFTHANSA und AEROFLOT inkl. Steuern und Gebühren · innerdeutsche Bahnanreise Rail & Fly (2. Kl.) · eine Übernachtung im Hotel vor und nach der Seereise · Schiffsreise in der gebuchten Kabinenkategorie inkl. Vollpension an Bord · alle Landgänge und Zodiacfahrten während der Seereise · PolarNews-Reisebegleitung ab 8 Personen · erfahrenes Expeditionsteam an Bord · Lektorenvorträge zu Flora, Fauna & Region · Reisehandbuch und Reiserucksack HINWEISE · Visa: ca. EUR 145,- · Für diese Kreuzfahrt gelten abweichende Stornobe- dingungen: Bei Rücktritt bis 180 Tage vor Reisebe- ginn: 10 %; 179-91 Tage: 25 %; ab 90 Tage: 95 % des Reisepreises zzgl. Kosten für ausgestellte Visa. · Bitte beachten Sie unsere wichtigen Hinweise auf S. 104-105, besonders den Bereich Reiseverlauf und eingeschränkte Mobilität. · Kabinenkategorien: Kat. A = Zweibett-Kabine, (Du- sche/WC auf dem Korridor) // Kat. B = Superior- TER MINE UND PRE IS E * Kabine // Kat. C = Superior-Plus Kabine // Kat. D = Minisuite // Kat. E = Heritage Suite. 07.06. – 22.06.2020 Tour 067654-01 · Mindestteilnehmer: 30 Pers. pro Schiff/Abfahrt. · Auf dieser Reise ist die Buchung einer „halben“ Kat. A Kat. B Kat. C Kat. D Kat. E Kabine möglich. 12.290 12.790 13.390 13.690 14.590 EK-Zuschlag: 5.600 5.900 EZ-Zuschlag Landprogramm + EUR 150,– // Abweichende Flughäfen auf Anfrage. Flugplanbedingt kann eine Vorübernachtung in Moskau erforderlich sein. Die PolarNEWS-Leserreise wird * Preise pro Person in EUR von unserem Partner Ikarus Tours veranstaltet
A R K T I S // K A M T S C H A T K A – K U R I L E N MS SPIRIT OF ENDERBY » S.91 REISEVERLAUF TAG 1 Flug über Moskau nach Petropavlovsk. 10 Am frühen Morgen erreichen wir die Kurilen-Vulkaninsel Ekarma und unternehmen dort eine Zodiacfahrt, bei der 2 Ankunft in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy und Transfer zum wir viele Alke beobachten können. Am Nachmittag auf der Hotel. Toporkovy-Insel, im Schatten des aktiven Vulkans der Ma- 3 - 4 Transfer zum Schiff, Einschiffung und Abfahrt Richtung tua Insel, werden uns weitere Vogelarten begegnen: Kra- Commander Islands. Von Deck aus machen wir erste Vo- genenten, Rotgesichtscharben, Gelbschopflunde und viele gelbeobachtungen. Der nächste Tage ist ein Seetag, an andere. dem wir ersten Vorträgen unserer Bordlektoren lauschen 11 Wir besuchen einen Kratersee am nördlichen Ende der Si- können. mushir-Insel, wo eine verlassene sowjetische U-Boot-Ba- 5 - 6 Östlilch der Hauptinsel Kamtschatka liegen die Comman- sis liegt. In dieser Umgebung begegnen uns u.a. Rubin- der Islands, die aus den beiden Inseln Bering Island und kehlchen und Tannenhäher. Unser Besuch auf der Insel Medny Island bestehen. Während der nächsten zwei Tage Yankicha ist ein weiterer Höhepunkt unserer Reise, da wir werden wir verschiedene Orte der Natur- und Kulturge- brütende Watvögel beobachten können und eine große schichte besuchen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, einige der Population von Schopf- und Bartalken sehen werden. dort lebenden Vögel, wie den Beringstrandläufer, den Pet- schorapieper oder den Schwarzstirn-Schneegimpel zu 12 Je nachdem wie das Wetter ist, werden wir eine Zodiac- sichten. Auch der Arktische Fuchs könnte uns über den fahrt machen oder auf der Chirpoy Insel an Land gehen, Weg laufen. Mit den bordeigenen Zodiacs werden wir eine wo uns eine spektakuläre Vulkanlandschaft erwartet und Anlandung in der Siedlung Nikolskoye unternehmen und viele brütende Seevögel. Auf der Urup-Insel ein Spazier- dort das örtliche Museum besuchen. gang oder eine Seeotter-Beobachtung. 7 Heute ein umfassender Zodiacausflug durch malerische 13 Am Morgen gehen wir in Kurilsk auf der größten Kurilenin- Landschaft um den Zuhpanova-Fluss, wo wir eventuell sel Iturup an Land, um in das vulkanische Hochgebirge zu Riesenseeadler sichten können. Langzehenstrandläufer fahren. Dort sind wieder unzählige Vogelarten zu beobach- und Aleutenseeschwalben sind auch zu erwarten. ten: Kamtschatkalaubsänger, Rostkehlnachtigallen und Ja- panseidensänger. 8 - 9 Auf der Kamtchatka-Halbinsel ein Ausflug an die Spitze ei- nes Fjordes, wo es die Möglichkeit gibt, Braunbären zu se- 14 Heute erreichen wir die längste Insel der Kurilen, am südli- hen. Auch Orcas und Seelöwen zeigen sich hier häufig. Am chen Ende der Kurilenkette. Wir erkunden das Waldgebiet Morgen des nächsten Tages werden wir die Zweite Kurilen- bei einem ausgedehnten Spaziergang und genießen den straße passieren, welche die höchste Dichte an Seeottern letzten Abend an Bord. der Kurilen aufweist. Unsere Anlandung in Atlasova ist ein 15 Ankunft im Hafen von Korskov auf der Sakhalin Insel. Höhepunkt für Vogelkundler. Auf dieser nördlichsten Kuri- Transfer zum flughafennahen Hotel. leninsel können wir außerdem die Ruinen eines Gulags be- sichtigen. Am Abend erreichen wir die Insel Onekotan. 16 Wir fliegen zurück nach Deutschland.
58 – 59 KAMTSCHATKA UND KURILEN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MS SPIR IT OF E N D E RBY AUF EINEN BLICK Der Ferne Osten Russlands zeigt sich für Vogelkundler und Naturbegeisterte als Bordsprache: Englisch wahres Paradies auf Erden. Hier sind nicht nur die Riesenalken Hauptattraktion, Expeditionsseereise in ein atemberaubend sondern auch Papageientaucher, Sittiche, Bartalken, Nashornalken sowie Bril- schönes, nur selten besuchtes Reiseziel len- und Taubenteisten. Auf unserer Expeditionsreise mit dem russischen Expe- der Russische Ferne Osten mit Kamtschatka ditionsschiff MS SPIRIT OF ENDERBY werden auch Wale unsere Wegbegleiter und der Inselwelt der Kurilen sein. Vom Buckelwal bis zum Orca begegnen wir einer Vielzahl dieser Spezies. Vulkanlandschaften und Bergwelten Die bereiste Region fällt in drei sehr unterschiedliche und einzigartige geografi- hochinteressant für Vogelkundler, sche Regionen: die Kamtschatka-Halbinsel, die Commander Islands (das westli- Naturfreunde und Fotografen che Ende der aleutischen Inselkette) und die Kurilen. Jede Region hat ihre eigene eine wahre Pionierreise Geschichte und in vielen Fällen eine eigene Flora und Fauna zu bieten. Freuen wir uns auf diese großartigen Reiseerlebnisse, die diesen Teil des Pazifischen Feuer- ringes so besonders machen. TOURLEISTUNGEN · Linienflüge ab/bis Frankfurt mit LUFTHANSA und AEROFLOT inkl. Steuern und Gebühren · innerdeutsche Bahnanreise Rail&Fly (2. Kl.) · eine Übernachtungen im Hotel vor und nach der Seereise · Schiffsreise in der gebuchten Kabinenkategorie inkl. Vollpension an Bord · alle Landgänge und Zodiacfahrten während der Seereise · PolarNEWS-Reisebegleitung ab 8 Personen · erfahrenes Expeditionsteam an Bord · Lektorenvorträge zu Flora, Fauna & Region · Reisehandbuch und Reiserucksack HINWEISE · Visa: ca. EUR 145,- · Für diese Kreuzfahrt gelten abweichende Stor- nobedingungen: Bei Rücktritt bis 180 Tage vor Rei- sebeginn: 10 %; 179-91 Tage: 25 %; ab 90 Tage: 95 % des Reisepreises zzgl. Kosten für ausgestell- te Visa. · Bitte beachten Sie unsere wichtigen Hinweise auf S. 104-105, besonders den Bereich Reiseverlauf und eingeschränkte Mobilität. TER MINE UND PRE IS E * · Kabinenkategorien: Kat. A = Zweibett-Kabine, (Du- sche/WC auf dem Korridor) // Kat. B = Superior- Kabine // Kat. C = Superior-Plus Kabine // Kat. D = 25.05. – 09.06.2020 Tour 067653-01 Minisuite // Kat. E = Heritage Suite. · Mindestteilnehmer: 30 Pers. pro Schiff/Abfahrt. Kat. A Kat. B Kat. C Kat. D Kat. E · Auf dieser Reise ist die Buchung einer „halben“ 12.490 13.190 13.790 14.290 14.990 Kabine möglich. EK-Zuschlag: 6.500 6.900 EZ-Zuschlag Landprogramm + EUR 150,– // Abweichende Flughäfen auf Anfrage. Flugplanbedingt kann eine Vorübernachtung in Moskau erforderlich sein. Die PolarNEWS-Leserreise wird * Preise pro Person in EUR von unserem Partner Ikarus Tours veranstaltet
90 – 91 MS SPIRIT OF ENDERBY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MS SPIRIT OF ENDERBY gehört zu den kleinen Expeditionsschiffen, SC H I F F S- I NF O R M A T I O NE N das bestens dafür geeignet ist, Reisen in abgelegene Regionen durchzuführen. Die Ausstattung ist einfach und gemütlich und es Bordsprache: englisch Zodiac-Flotte kommt noch der richtige Expeditions-Charakter zum Vorschein. erfahrenes Expeditionsteam „Offene“ Brücke Die ausschließlich außen gelegenen Kabinen sind entweder mit Zahlungsmittel : US-Dollar und Reederei: Heritage Expeditions einem Fenster auf den höheren Decks oder mit Bullaugen auf dem Kreditkarten (VISA, Mastercard) Flagge: Russland Ausfüllen eines medizinischen Baujahr: 1982/84, Umbau 2018 Hauptdeck ausgestattet. Kabinen auf dem Hauptdeck verfügen Fragebogens vor Reiseantritt ist Länge: 66 m, Breite: 12,80 m über ein Waschbecken, WC und Dusche befinden sich auf dem vorgeschrieben Tiefgang: 3,50 m Korridor. Kabinen auf Mittel- und Oberdeck sind mit eigenem Bad 27 Kabinen und Suiten Geschw.: 12 Knoten ausgestattet. In der Küche werden internationale Speisen zuberei- Restaurant, Bar/Lounge, Passagiere: 48, Besatzung: 19 tet. Die Expeditionsleiter geben während der Tour Lektorate über Bibliothek Strom: 220 Volt Flora und Fauna. Mit den schiffseigenen Zodiacs können wir der Sauna Eisklasse: 1A Natur ganz nah kommen. DECK PLAN BRÜCKE OBERDECK MITTELDECK A Zweibettkabine, Du/WC auf dem Korridor | Hauptdeck // Außen- kabine, zwei untenstehende Betten, Kleiderschrank, Schreibtisch, HAUPTDECK Waschbecken, Bullauge B Superiorkabine | Mitteldeck // Außenkabine, ein Etagenbett, Du/ WC, Kleiderschrank, Schreibtisch, Fenster C Superior-Plus Kabine m. Du/WC | Mittel- und Oberdeck // Außen- kabine, zwei untenstehende Betten, Du/WC, Kleiderschrank, Schreib- tisch, Fenster UNTERDECK D Minisuite | Oberdeck // Außenkabine, kleines Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett, ein Bett im Wohnzimmer, Du/WC, Kleiderschrank, Schreibtisch, Fenster E Heritage Suite | Oberdeck // Außenkabine, Schlafzimmer mit Dop- pelbett, geräumiges Wohnzimmer mit einem Bett, Du/WC, Kleider- schrank, Schreibtisch, Fenster
Arktis 20 + 21 Antarktis 20-21 Reederei Direkt-Angebote ab-bis Hafen für individuelle Planungen alle Abfahrten der Saison inkl. englischsprachiger Termine POLARADVENTURES Schiffs- und Flug-Expeditionen in Arktis und Antarktis Reiseagentur * Heinrich-Böll-Str. 40 * D-21335 Lüneburg * Deutschland Tel +49-4131- 223474 Fax +49-4131-54255
Gray Whale encounter from Zodiac, Beringia National Park © S Blanc
W elcome to our 2020-21 brochure and our 36th annual edition! Pioneers in expedition travel, we are a proudly family owned and operated company dedicated to delivering authentic, in-depth expedition experiences and one-of- a-kind wildlife encounters aboard our comfortable, yet robust purpose-built expeditions ships. Founded in 1984 to share and explore the seldom visited and far reaches of New Zealand with like-minded inquisitive travellers, Heritage Expeditions continues to forge new ground while remaining true to our founding principles. Today the Heritage Expeditions’ world spans from the remote Ross Sea and East Antarctica through to the historic shores of the Russian Arctic including Wrangel Island, exploring the amazing diversity of landscapes, people and wildlife in between on our voyages of discovery. During the year we have provided travellers with experiences and encounters of a lifetime including floating alongside Emperor Penguins on the ice in the Ross Sea; cruising alongside a North Pacific Right Whale, one of the world’s rarest whale species and our second encounter in two years, at the Commander Islands; discovering a new species of sea bird the ‘Heritage Lava Petrel’ off the Solomon Islands; record sightings of the world’s rarest seabird the Magenta Petrel/Chatham Island Taiko off the Chatham Islands; returning to the wonderland of Fiordland and climbing Secretary Island, and a 101 Polar Bear sightings on our final Wrangel Island expedition of the season. This year our flagship expedition vessel Spirit of Enderby was refurbished and Wi-Fi internet access installed, we launched our first Indonesian voyage exploring Raja Ampat and Cenderawasih Bay, are returning to East Antarctica and Mawson’s Huts following the historic region’s first ice-free summer in 8 years, as well as one of the world’s greatest seaways the Russian Artic’s Northeast Passage, and have added a new voyage dedicated to exploring the Chatham, Antipodes and Bounty Islands to our 2021 schedule. We look forward to sharing another exciting season of expedition voyages aboard both Spirit of Enderby and her sister vessel Akademik Shokalskiy experiencing the greatest wildlife opportunities, most immersive cultural experiences and unrivalled access to the world’s most wild and beautiful places! Yours in Adventure Aaron & Nathan Russ I N F O @ H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 1
Elephant Seal among King Penguins © G Riehle W W W. H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 2
CONTENTS Herald Island Wrangel Island WHAT IS EXPEDITION CRUISING? 4 RUSSIAN FAR EAST CHUKOTKA ALASKA (Eastern Siberia) Nome Anadyr TRAVELLING RESPONSIBLY 5 Magadan BERING SEA OUR SHIPS 6 SEA OF KAMCHATKA Commander Islands OKHOTSK Petropavlovsk- Yuzhno- Kamchatskiy EXPEDITION STAFF 7 Sakhalinsk KURIL ISLANDS EXPEDITIONS JAPAN Yokohama PACIFIC RUSSIAN FAR EAST Torishima Island OCEAN Chichi-jima Island Russia’s Ring of Fire 8 Sea of Okhotsk 10 Siberia’s Forgotten Coast 12 Chukotka – Where Russia’s Day Begins 14 Across the Top of the World 16 Caroline Islands Jewel of the Russian Far East 20 INDONESIA PAPUA NEW GUINEA Exclusive Wrangel Island Extensions 22 Sorong Rabaul Madang SOLOMON ISLANDS Flying to & from Russia 23 Honiara SOUTH WEST PACIFIC VANUATU Port Vila Indonesian Explorer 24 NEW CALEDONIA Melanesia Discoverer 26 AUSTRALIA Secrets of Melanesia 28 Norfolk Island Western Pacific Odyssey 30 Tauranga SUBANTARCTIC ISLANDS NEW ZEALAND Birding Down Under 32 Chatham Hobart Christchurch Islands Dunedin Invercargill Galapagos of the Southern Ocean 34 The Snares Bounty Islands Forgotten Islands of the South Pacific 36 Auckland Islands Antipodes Islands Campbell Chatham Islands – A Land Apart 38 Macquarie Island Island ANTARCTICA In the Wake of Scott and Shackleton 40 Commonwealth Bay In the Wake of Mawson 44 Balleny Dumont Mertz d’Urville Glacier Islands Mawson’s Hut ESSENTIAL INFORMATION 46 Cape Adare ANTARCTICA Coulman Island BOOKING FORM 47 Ross Island Scott Base/ McMurdo Station Ross Ice BOOKING TERMS & CONDITIONS 48 Shelf Bay of Whales I N F O @ H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 3
WHAT IS EXPEDITION CRUISING? EXPEDITION CRUISING IS A UNIQUE FORM OF TRAVEL E xpedition cruising offers travellers (not tourists) the Soon after the Ross Sea region of Antarctica was added opportunity to go where few have been before, and, more recently, the Russian Far East and the South and experience wilderness, wildlife and cultures in Pacific have been included in the company’s long list of a genuine and responsible way. regular destinations. Expedition cruise ships are smaller vessels, designed to Heritage Expeditions’ vessels Spirit of Enderby and navigate areas inaccessible to larger ships. These smaller Akademik Shokalskiy can accommodate up to 50 and 48 vessels avoid the negative impact of large cruise ships passengers respectively. Spirit of Enderby has been recently and groups on a culture or ecosystem. Participants go refurbished and both boast Australasian chefs creating ashore in small groups by Zodiac at unique destinations international-quality cuisine. The cabins are clean and with the clear objective of gaining a greater understanding comfortable, with the majority offering private facilities. and appreciation of the region or culture, not simply Their officers and crew are among the most experienced for sightseeing. in the world, and are complemented by a passionate and knowledgeable international expedition team. Spirit of The staff aboard expedition cruise ships are teachers and Enderby and Akademik Shokalskiy offer a unique point of interpreters, not entertainers. Their objective is to inform, difference being among the world’s last, family-operated enthuse and create ambassadors for conservation. Genuine expedition vessels of their size and ice class setting the expedition cruising appeals to people from all walks of life standard in authentic small ship expedition cruising. from around the world and can be enjoyed regardless of age, interests, knowledge or physical prowess. Heritage Expeditions was founded, and is still owned and operated, by a family of biologists and adventurers New Zealand based Heritage Expeditions, founded in 1984 committed to providing authentic expedition cruising. by Rodney and Shirley Russ, is one of the few companies that still offers genuine expedition cruises. Heritage Expeditions pioneered expedition cruising in the Subantarctic islands of New Zealand and Australia. Carnley Harbour © T Kraakman W W W. H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 4
TRAVELLING RESPONSIBLY EXPEDITIONS WITH A CONSCIENCE H eritage Expeditions makes critically endangered Spoon-billed every effort to respect the Sandpiper with BirdLife International. environment in all aspects of We are not afraid to take a stand its operation. We are leaders on issues we feel strongly about in Responsible Travel to remote and joined with Whale and Dolphin places around the globe and our Conservation in a successful lawsuit objective is to tread and cruise against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife lightly wherever we go. Service opposing the importation of wild Beluga Whales from Russia We minimise waste and employ into a United States aquarium. We recycling practices on our ships have also partnered with both New and in our head office by selecting Zealand and Russian government environmentally friendly products agencies to negotiate and develop and produce. Our goal in managing sustainable and best practice our vessels is to minimise fuel tourism policies for their respective consumption and emissions with world-class nature reserves. regular servicing and a proactive maintenance program. We Heritage Expeditions works annually clean and antifoul our closely with the Department of vessels’ hulls to reduce the risk of Conservation (DOC) to ensure biofouling. When selecting our that our impact on New Zealand’s specialist expedition equipment, National Parks and reserves is we research this carefully to ensure minimal. We are an approved that they are the most suitable and concession holder, ensuring that environmentally responsible. your visit with us to conservation lands adheres to best practice and We travel in small groups (max of contributes to the management of 50 pax on Spirit of Enderby and up these protected areas. to 48 pax on Akademik Shokalskiy) and endeavour to maintain In Russia we work closely with several high guide to guest ratios. Each National Parks and Federal Reserves, expedition is led by an experienced including Beringia National Park Expedition Leader familiar with the and the Wrangel Island Reserve. region being visited and, where Our goal is to minimise impact at all possible, we employ local on the environment and on the experts. We make sure that all wildlife, while ensuring a world-class expedition members are respectful experience for all our expeditioners. of local customs and traditions, and are aware of, and abide by, Heritage Expeditions holds the conditions of our entry permits active membership in a number to nature reserves and specially of conservation and travel protected areas. organisations including the International Association of Heritage Expeditions supports Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO), numerous worldwide conservation Association of Arctic Expedition programs with funds, advocacy Cruise Operators (AECO) and the and logistical support. We are proud Tourism Sustainability Commitment. to be a Species Champion for the I N F O @ H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 5
OUR SHIPS Spirit of Enderby (Professor Khromov) and her sister ship Akademik Shokalskiy Spirit of Enderby © P Tyree SPIRIT OF ENDERBY Our flagship Spirit of Enderby (Professor Khromov) and her sister ship Akademik Shokalskiy are fully ice-strengthened expedition vessels, built in 1984 for polar and oceanographic research they are perfect for expedition travel. Carrying just 50 and 48 passengers respectively, Heritage Expeditions is one of the few remaining companies still offering true, small ship exploration. Spirit of Enderby was refurbished in May 2019 and both vessels provide comfortable accommodation in twin share cabins, approximately half of which have private facilities. All cabins have outside windows or portholes and ample storage, while the ships feature bar/library lounge areas and dedicated lecture rooms. The real focus and emphasis of every expedition however, is getting you ashore as often as possible for as long as possible with maximum safety and comfort. Our expeditions are accompanied by some of the most experienced naturalists and guides who have devoted a lifetime to field research in the areas that we visit, and our ships are crewed by a very enthusiastic and Akademik Shokalskiy © J Hoflehner experienced Russian Captain and crew. AKADEMIK SHOKALSKIY Heritage Suites: Large lounge area, separate bedroom with double bed and a single Superior Cabins: One bunk (one upper and one lower berth), writing desk, wardrobe bed or sofa in the lounge, writing desk, wardrobe and drawers. Private bathroom with and drawers. Private bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin. These cabins have shower, toilet and washbasin. Large forward and side facing windows allow great views. windows. Mini Suites: Separate bedroom with a double bed and a single bed or sofa in the lounge, Main Deck Cabins: Two lower berths, writing desk, wardrobe and drawers. Private writing desk, wardrobe and drawers. Private bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin. washbasin. Nearby shower and toilet facilities are shared with other Main Deck cabins. Mini Suites have windows. These cabins have a porthole. Superior Plus Cabins: Two lower berths, writing desk, wardrobe and drawers. Private Main Deck Triple: One bunk (one upper and one lower berth) and one additional lower bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin. These cabins have windows. berth, writing desk, wardrobe and drawers. Private washbasin. Nearby shower and toilet *Cabin 411 has a double bed with upper bunk. facilities are shared with other Main Deck cabins. These cabins have a porthole. W W W. H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 6
EXPEDITION STAFF As a family-owned and operated company, we have also assembled a world renowned team of experts to travel with you and to interpret the natural and human history along the way. Aaron Russ has grown up surrounded by Nathan Russ, the younger of Rodney’s wildlife and wilderness, working in the two sons, has worked as a chef on a family business from a young age. He number of expedition vessels around the has been Expedition Leader on over 100 world. A keen and capable Expedition expeditions to the world’s most remote Leader, he has led numerous expeditions regions. With a degree in zoology, a including Spitsbergen, Antarctica, the passion for photography and a desire Subantarctic Islands, Melanesia and to showcase the world’s premier natural all of our voyages in Russia. When not history destinations, expedition leading on an expedition, he manages the comes naturally. company’s vessels. Alex Fergus received an Enderby Judd Hill grew up playing in, on and Maxim Ilin grew up in Archangel, a Courtney Rayes’ passion for the Trust Scholarship, triggering his under the water. He has been a popular departure point for Arctic life aquatic steered her towards a on going Subantarctic research professional adventure guide since expeditions, which fed his interest career in marine biological science. projects. After two voyages south he leaving the chef world behind in in history and saw him obtain a An avid scuba diver, Courtney spent studied in Switzerland before joining 2000. The first to guide commercial specialist degree from the Northern a year-long scholarship working the Campbell Island Bicentennial sea kayaking along the Northeast Federal University. Working in on marine conservation projects expedition. His Russian Far East Passage coastline of Russia and museums and the UNESCO-listed around the world including marine botanical forays have deepened Macquarie Island he is passionate Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea, education in Papua New Guinea. his passion for plants. Alex lives in about all things connected with Max has a particular interest in the When she’s not running a small Banks Peninsula and works as a field the oceans. Judd looks forward Russian colonisation of the north and marine consultancy in New Zealand, botanist when he’s not exploring the to showing you the wilds of the the early Soviet period, including guiding and educating, Courtney Subantarctic Islands. amazing places we visit and the Gulag history, and looks forward to can be found in or out on the water. moods of the oceans we traverse. sharing his knowledge. Chris Collins is a former accountant Adam Walleyn was born in the David Harrowfield has had a life- Samuel Blanc grew up in the French turned Birder. His role in researching Canadian Prairies, and has found his long interest in Antarctica and has Alps. After three years working as and organising the now famous niche in Expedition Travel as a guide made numerous visits to the Ross a naturalist guide in France and Western Pacific Odyssey (WPO) and naturalist. Knowledgeable and Sea region with New Zealand’s Spain, Samuel spent 15 months Expedition is legendary. He brings unflappable he is the perfect guide Antarctic programme and the at the French Antarctic research this same passion and knowledge to and companion when travelling Antarctic Heritage Trust. He has station Dumont d’Urville. There he many of these ‘Birding’ expeditions. to remote shores. He returns to published extensively and is a studied seals, petrels, skuas, Adelie His attitude to birding is professional the Russian Far East and Southern frequent visitor to the Scott Polar and Emperor Penguins. A keen and infectious. A true team player Ocean for another season – Research Institute UK. David looks photographer and passionate Polar he is always there to help and share because in his words “there is still so forward to sharing your Antarctic Region specialist he joins us again to his knowledge. much more to see and share”. and Subantarctic experience. share his knowledge. Chris Todd grew up exploring New Dan Brown grew up in Bangor Julia Mishina was born and raised Agnès Brenière’s love of nature Zealand's great outdoors, studied University’s botanic garden, North in Kamchatka. Her first vocation began when she grew up in the natural history, nature conservation Wales. After 18 years surrounded was teaching, but she has been French Alps. A self taught naturalist, and National Park management, by plants and animals, it was only involved in travel and tourism for a she graduated in environmental has run an ecological restoration natural that he went on to complete number of years. She is responsible law and management. Agnes has business and worked for the an Ecology degree. Dan has set for obtaining the permits and managed to combine her love of Department of Conservation and up his own ecological consultancy permissions required to operate nature with a passion for travel into Forest & Bird. He enjoys sharing his which provides field and technical our expeditions and regularly joins a satisfying career as an expedition love and knowledge of wildlife support to a variety of organisations us on our voyages as an Assistant guide, where she is happiest in the and wild places. on biodiversity related projects. Expedition Leader. Polar Regions. I N F O @ H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 7
RUSSIA’S RING OF FIRE 13 DAY KAMCHATKA, THE COMMANDER & KURIL ISLANDS VOYAGE (Incorporating our Popular ‘Birding The Russian Far East’ Expedition) Orca viewing from Zodiac © J Ross Viewings from the bow deck © D Brown Auklets and Zodiac © J Mishina Tufted Puffins © G Riehle T he Pacific Ring of Fire manifests itself in numerous They were displaced with the arrival of the Cossacks in places on the rim of the Pacific Ocean – but nowhere the 18th Century after the Explorer Vitus Bering had put is more dramatic than Russia’s Far East. Along one the region on the map. The Soviet empire encompassed of the world’s most active plate boundaries, the Pacific the region and at the height of the Cold War, Russia’s plate subducts under the North American plate and the formidable Pacific Fleet was based here. The secrecy resulting volcanic and geothermal activity has built a surrounding the fleet resulted in the region being ‘closed’ unique and amazing landscape. Upwelling from the deep even to Russians who had to get special permits to travel trenches formed by this action and currents around the to and within the area. It is only now, two decades since many islands creates perfect conditions for seabirds and Perestroika, that people can travel relatively freely here, cetaceans. Consequently the area is one of the richest in although there is still very little in the way of infrastructure the world, both in terms of the number of species, which for visitors. can be seen, and their sheer abundance. For many birders, the undoubted highlight is the auks and during our voyage The region we explore on this expedition falls into three it is possible to see up to 14 species including Tufted and quite distinct and unique geographical destinations: Horned Puffins, Parakeet, Whiskered and Rhinoceros Auklets, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Commander Islands (the as well as Spectacled and Pigeon Guillemots. western extremity of the Aleutian chain of islands), and the Kuril Islands. Each region is very different. Each has its own Other seabirds we regularly encounter include Laysan story and, in many cases, localised plants and birds. Join Albatross, Mottled Petrel, Fork-tailed Storm-petrel, Red- us as we go in search of those people, plants, animals faced Cormorant, Red-legged Kittiwake and Aleutian Tern. and birds that make this part of the Pacific Ring of Fire For those keen on cetaceans we can reasonably expect so special. to see Fin, Sperm and Humpback Whales, as well as Orca (Killer Whale), Baird’s Beaked Whale and Dall’s Porpoise. A message for the keen birders and cetacean watchers. Space doesn’t allow us to list all species on a day-by-day The region’s human history is equally interesting and basis in this itinerary. Please ask for an expedition dossier or fascinating. The original settlers were the Ainu and Itelmen. a bird and mammal list from previous expeditions. W W W. H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 8
Day 1: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Day 7: Atlasova and Onekotan Islands You will be transferred to the vessel and we Very early in the morning we will pass through will depart for the Commander Islands. You Second Kuril Strait which has one of the are welcome on the bridge as we sail from highest densities of Sea Otters in the Kuril what some people consider the best natural Islands. Our landing on Atlasova Island is great harbour in the world. There is also some good for birders and non birders alike. There are the birding as we leave the shoreline behind. remains of a Gulag to explore and numerous species to see. This evening on Onekotan Day 2: At Sea Island we can stretch our legs through an A day at sea as we cruise across the amazing field of wild flowers as we walk to Kamchatka Trench towards the Commander Black Lake. Islands, we will keep a look out for the Steller Sea Lions, Commander Islands Reserve © G Jones cetaceans that this area is well-known for. It is Day 8: Ekarma and Toporkovy Islands also a good time to be on deck as the birding During an early morning Zodiac cruise at Latham’s Snipe, Oriental Turtle-Dove, Oriental is good with Fork-tailed Storm-petrel and Red- Ekarma Island we should see various alcids, Cuckoo, Japanese Bush-Warbler, Eastern legged Kittiwake amongst the likely sightings. with close looks at Tufted Puffin and Whiskered Crowned Warbler, Narcissus and Brown Enjoy several lectures and briefings as we Auklet. This afternoon at Toporkovy Island Flycatchers, Siberian Stonechat and Long- prepare for the days ahead. in the shadow of the active Matua Island tailed Rosefinch. This afternoon while we are volcano we can expect to find Harlequin at sea there is a chance for birding and an Ducks, Red-faced Cormorants, Tufted opportunity to recap and pack. Puffins and Brünnich’s Guillemots. Ashore we could encounter Grey-tailed Tattler, Day 13: Sakhalin Island Middendorff’s Grasshopper Warbler and During the night, the ship will arrive at the Port Black-faced Bunting. of Korskov on Sakhalin Island. There will be a complimentary transfer to a central hotel and Day 9: Simushir and Yankicha Islands the airport in the town of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. We will enter a flooded caldera at the northern end of Simushir Island where a Enquire for a full itinerary and/or a Bird once top secret Soviet submarine base lies and Mammal List. abandoned. In the surrounding area look for Siberian Rubythroat, Eurasian Nutcracker, Pine Grosbeak and Japanese Grey Bunting. Our visit to Yankicha Island is likely to be one of the Commander highlights of the voyage as the sheer number Islands KAMCHATKA of alcids which breed here is incredible, with spectacular concentrations of Crested and SEA OF OKHOTSK Zhupanova Whiskered Auklets. River Petropavlovsk- Kamchatskiy Otters, Commander Islands Reserve © G Riehle Vestnik Bay Days 3 to 4: Commander Islands Paramushir Is. SAKHALIN IS. There are two main islands in the Commander Onekotan Is. group, Bering and Medny, and during our two KURIL ISLANDS Matua Is. days we will explore several sites combining Yankicha Is. the best of the natural and cultural history. Simushir Is. Yuzhno- There is an excellent chance of finding Rock Sakhalinsk Sandpiper, Mongolian Plover, Pechora Pipit Urup Is. PACIFIC OCEAN and Grey-crowned Rosy-finch, as well as the Iturup Is. endemic subspecies of Arctic Fox. Zodiac Kunashir Is. cruising can be extremely rewarding here with several species of auklets, as well as the Red-legged Kittiwake, often spotted. The area Siberian Rubythroat © D Brown 27 May – 8 June 2020 is also extremely rich in marine mammals. VOYAGE #SOE2021 Potential species include Sperm, Humpback, Day 10: Chirpoy and Urup Islands This morning, depending on weather, we will 26 May – 7 June 2021 Northern Minke and Baird’s Beaked Whales, either Zodiac cruise or land on Chirpoy Island VOYAGE #SOE2120 as well as Orcas, Steller Sea Lions, Northern Fur Seals and Pacific Sea Otters. We include a visit where there are some dramatic volcanic landscapes and headlands covered in Prices: 2020 2021 to the small settlement of Nikolskoye and the local museum. breeding seabirds. This afternoon’s landing Heritage Suite $12,050 pp* $12,300 pp* on Urup Island is a chance to stretch your legs Day 5: Zhupanova River, Kamchatka on an extended walk, beachcomb and Mini Suite $11,200 pp* $11,400 pp* We will spend several hours in the Zodiacs look for Sea Otters or birds in the forest Superior Plus $10,790 pp* $10,900 pp* cruising on the scenic Zhupanova River where behind the beach. we should get great views of Steller’s Sea Superior $10,160 pp* $10,300 pp* Eagles as the birds often nest in the trees Day 11: Iturup Island This morning we land at the small settlement Main Deck $ 9,425 pp* $ 9,600 pp* adjacent to the river. Other highlights could include Far Eastern Curlew, Long-toed Stint, of Kurilsk from where local buses/trucks will Main Deck Triple $ 8,150 pp* $ 8,300 pp* Kamchatka Gull and Aleutian Tern. There is take us into the volcanic highlands to thermal hot pools where you can enjoy a soak or go * The price listed includes the additional local also a major salmon fishery on the river which payment of $500 which is payable in US$ cash we can visit. birding. Possible species we could encounter include Kamchatka Leaf-warbler, Japanese onboard the ship. (All prices are per person in US$). Day 6: Bukta Russkaya, Kamchatka Robin, Siberian Accentor, Pine Grosbeak and Price Includes: In this deep fiord on the Kamchatka Peninsula Japanese Bush-warbler. Local payment (payable on board), pre/ we will look for the endangered Kittlitz’s post cruise transfers, all on board ship Murrelet as well as Long-billed Murrelet. We Day 12: Kunashir Island Kunashir is the largest island in the Kuril chain. accommodation, meals and all expedition plan a short excursion at the head of the fiord shore excursions. where there is a chance of seeing brown We plan a landing in the Kurilsky Reserve and bears. At the entrance to the fiord, where we will explore an extensive area of woodland, Price Excludes: can Zodiac cruise, there are almost always where there are some good walks and All items of a personal nature, laundry, drinks, Orcas and Steller Sea Lions. birding. Species we could encounter include gratuities. International/domestic flights, visas and travel insurance. I N F O @ H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 9
SEA OF OKHOTSK 12 DAY SEALS, SEABIRDS & A LEGACY OF SORROW VOYAGE Steller’s Sea Eagle © M Kelly xxx © xxx Zodiac viewing Ribbon Seal, Shantar Archipelago National Park © N Russ Orca © K Ovsyanikova P erhaps no other sea in the world has witnessed as breeding colonies of Northern Fur Seals in the much human suffering and misery as the Sea of Russian Far East. Okhotsk. Between 1932 and 1953 it is estimated that over 3 million prisoners (the vast majority of them Seabird numbers in the Sea of Okhotsk can only be innocent) were transported across the Sea of Okhotsk described as spectacular. There are islands like Talan to the Gulags of the Kolyma Goldfields. It is estimated where the sky darkens when the Crested Auklets start that only 500,000 of those prisoners survived to make massing offshore of an evening. Other birds include the journey home. The town and port of Magadan guillemots, puffins, auklets and fulmars. But the richness were built to process these prisoners. of birdlife is not restricted to pelagic species. The Sea of Okhotsk has one of the highest concentrations of the The upper regions of the Sea of Okhotsk remain frozen majestic Steller’s Sea Eagle of anywhere in the Russian for much of the year and winter storms make it an Far East. Waterfowl are common as are many migratory inhospitable place. However, the lure of a rich fishery species. Harder to see, but not uncommon on this and, more recently, oil and gas discoveries means this expedition, are the magnificent Kamchatka Brown Bear sea is still being exploited, so nothing has changed. In and other mammals such as the Arctic Ground Squirrel. 1854, no fewer than 160 American and British whaling ships were there hunting whales. Despite this seemingly This is a truly unique expedition in that it travels through a relentless exploitation the wildlife thrives, including the little known and seldom visited region. A region with a rich beautifully marked and rare Ribbon Seals. On three history and very significant and important wildlife values, small islands within this sea hundreds of Steller Sea Lions both terrestrial and marine. There are still discoveries to be haul out each year to breed. One of these, Tyuleniy made and so for the inquisitive, adventurous and open Island is home to one of the largest concentrations and minded traveller this is a ‘must do’ expedition. W W W. H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 10
Day 1: Sakhalin Island, Port of Korsakov Day 8: Okhotsk Town Day 11: Yamskiye Islands This morning we board a coach for transfer This town has featured in Russian Far East These islands are claimed by some biologists to the Port of Korsakov some 40 minutes history since the earliest Cossack explorers to be the largest bird colony in the North south of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk where came from the west. Vitus Bering travelled Pacific. According to bird counts there are we will board the ship. Once on board overland from St Petersburg to Okhotsk an estimated 7 million birds nesting on Matykil you will be shown to your cabins and there in 1725, and again in 1733, as well as to Island, the largest in the group. Birds include will be a chance to unpack and explore Kamchatka and beyond. Today Okhotsk is Common and Brünnich’s Guillemot, Crested, the vessel. There will be briefings and the region’s fishing centre. The port exports Parakeet and Least Auklets, Tufted and introductions to the ship, staff and crew after significant quantities of salmon and other Horned Puffins and Northern Fulmars. The we sail towards the Sea of Okhotsk. fish. We visit the town, landing by Zodiac up most abundant of these is the Least Auklet. the river near its centre. The local people We Zodiac around the coast as no landings Day 2: Tyuleniy Island are generous and welcoming, and will are permitted. We visit little known Tyuleniy Island off the provide entertainment in the town centre south-east coast of Sakhalin Island. This small with a cultural display. Day 12: Magadan island is a strong hold for Northern Fur Seals The name Magadan is synonymous with and Steller Sea Lions. Fur seal numbers have Stalin’s oppressive Gulags, or prisons, but there increased since an International Covention is very little evidence now of this town’s tragic signed in 1911 banned seal hunting here. In past. The local museum has an excellent the 1990s Steller Sea Lions started breeding display about the Gulags but the most on the island and their colony now numbers poignant reminder is the ‘Mask of Sorrow’ about 2,500 animals. Sea conditions a large monument on a hill overlooking the permitting, we plan a landing here for an town. Today Magadan is a town of about opportunity to photograph the seals and 100,000 people. Fishing is important and sea lions. gold mining is experiencing a revival. The infamous Kolyma Highway or the ‘Road of Day 3: Piltun Bay, Sakhalin Island Bones’, connects Magadan with Yakutsk It was the discovery of oil and gas in this and the rest of Russia. We plan to arrive here region which put Sakhalin Island on many midday where our journey ends. You will be people’s maps. Piltun Bay is an important transferred to a central hotel or the airport. habitat for the small population of Western Gray Whales. Researchers monitor the Enquire for a full itinerary and/or a Bird population during the summer months. We and Mammal List. go in search of the Gray Whales that live here, travelling by Zodiac inshore to the Magadan shallower waters where they are known Cape to feed. Local culture © L Gwynn Yuzhnyy KAMCHATKA Day 4: Iony Island Day 9: Talan Island Iony Is. Iony Island lies in the middle of the Sea of Fedora An internationally known, but very difficult Bay Petropavlovsk- Okhotsk, it is really just a rock, but what it Kamchatskiy lacks in physical size it more than makes bird island to get to, Talan is famous largely SEA OF OKHOTSK up for wildlife. Birds appear to take up because of the hundreds of thousands all available space; there are guillemots, of Crested Auklets that nest there. There Piltun Bay kittiwakes and various species of auklets, are also an extraordinary number of with Parakeet, Whiskered and Least being Black-legged Kittiwakes nesting along SAKHALIN IS. the most prominent. We will Zodiac cruise the cliffs and, not surprisingly, a large KURIL around the island as Steller Sea Lions population of Steller’s Sea Eagles. We plan ISLANDS occupy the few rocky beaches, making any to circumnavigate the island by Zodiac before landing and then return in the Yuzhno- landing impossible. Sakhalinsk PACIFIC late evening to witness the huge flocks of OCEAN Days 5 to 6: Shantar Archipelago Crested Auklets amassing offshore before Lying in the western sector of the Sea of returning to the island. Okhotsk, close to the continent, the islands in this archipelago are amongst the last Day 10: Koni Peninsula 9 – 20 June 2020 places in the Sea of Okhotsk to become ice This is a mountainous region to the south- VOYAGE #SOE2023 free each year. This late ice can sometimes east of the town of Magadan, part of restrict how far we can explore. On the which is included in the Magadanskiy Prices: 2020 other hand, ice increases our chances of Zapovednik Reserve. This reserve protects seeing some of the seals including Bearded, among other animals brown bear and Heritage Suite $10,870 pp* Ringed, Largha and Ribbon Seals that breed Snow Sheep. Many of our landings are Mini Suite $ 9,920 pp* here. If we can land, there will be birding, expeditionary, in that although we have botany and photography excursions led by landed at a number of places along the Superior Plus $ 9,500 pp* our team of on board naturalists. coast, many will be new and unknown to Superior $ 8,770 pp* us, so we are never quite sure what we will Day 7: Mal’minskie Islands find. That is part of what makes this style of Main Deck $ 8,250 pp* Here there are birds everywhere, in the air, travel so interesting. in the water and on the land. Numerous Main Deck Triple $ 7,090 pp* species breed here including large numbers * The price listed includes the additional local of Spectacled Guillemots. Other species payment of $500 which is payable in US$ cash include Ancient Murrelet, Rhinoceros Auklet, onboard the ship. (All prices are per person in US$). Parakeet Auklet, Horned and Tufted Puffin, Crested Auklet and both Common and Price Includes: Brünnich’s Guillemot. There is also a good Local payment (payable on board), pre/ population of Steller’s Sea Eagles on the post cruise transfers, all on board ship island and adjacent mainland. Landing on accommodation, meals and all expedition the island is restricted to a small gravel spit; shore excursions. however on the mainland we can stretch Price Excludes: our legs and explore the taiga forest. All items of a personal nature, laundry, drinks, gratuities. International/domestic flights, visas Crested Auklets © Heritage Expeditions and travel insurance. I N F O @ H E R I TA G E - E X P E D I T I O N S . C O M 11
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