Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet

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Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet
The Rhein-Donau Club Inc.

Issue 1, February March 2020

Club Nachrichten
Club Magazine
German Speaking Club Since 1958

Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet
Klub Öffnungszeiten/ Opening Hours

 Office:        Monday - Friday                 10.00 am to 3.00pm

 Bar*:          Tuesday                         6.30pm to 10.30pm
                Wednesday                       6.00pm to 10.30pm
                Friday                          6.00pm to 10.30pm
                Saturday                        6.30pm to 11.00pm
                Sunday                          4.00pm to 8.30pm

 Kitchen*:      Wednesday                       6.00pm to 9.00pm
                Friday                          6.00pm to 9.00pm
                Saturday                        6.30pm to 10.00pm
                Sunday                          4.00pm to 8.00pm

                *please note opening times may vary for special occasions

Neuigkeiten/ News

 Neue Mitglieder/ New Members

 Wir begrüssen folgende neue Mitglieder in den letzten Monaten:
         Mark Baldwin
         Paul Hagan
         Kerry-Anne Ward
         Debbie Craen
         Johannes-Wilhelmus Groot
 Welcome to our new members. We all hope you will enjoy the Club life!

Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet

Klub Öffnungszeiten/ Opening Hours                                  2
Neuigkeiten/ News                                                   2
Rhein-Donau Club Committee 2019 2020                                4
Notice Board                                                        5
President Report                                                    6
Secretary Report                                                    8
Kinder Club                                                         10
Christmas Market                                                    12
Christmas Party                                                     13
Events February 2020                                                16
Events March 2020                                                   17
Neerlandia                                                          18
Edelweiss Dance Group                                               19
Table Tennis Group                                                  20
Seniors                                                             21
West Australian Mandolin Orchestra                                  22
Aktivitäten / Groups at the Club                                    23

Die wiedergegebenen Meinungen in diesem Magazin entsprechen nicht
notwendigerweise denen des Klubs oder der Redaktion, sondern denen der
jeweiligen Autoren.
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the club or the
editor but those of the respective authors.
Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet
Rhein-Donau Club Committee 2019 2020

    President                Ursula Deck                    9459 5379

    Vice President           Susan Muir                 0419 907 227

    Secretary                Christine Pflaumbaum       0400 722 332

    Vice Secretary           Sieglinde Ducke                9574 6366

    Treasurer                Dieter Pflaumbaum          0400 533 825

    Vice Treasurer           Maria Cadzow               0423 599 899

    Cellar Master            David Vieceli              0438 755 156

    Entertainment Manager    Brian Muir                 0407 479 513

    Equipment Warden         Hermine Wagner             0437 711 127

    Extra Committee Member   Julianne Pulver            0401 685 268

    Extra Committee Member   Rebecca Watson             0428 190 412

    Trustees                 Dieter Ducke, Debbie Solomon,
                             Ida Vieceli and Bruce Walker

    Radio Team               Jordan Fritz, Marieluise Schmidt and

                             Adalbert Engel

    Editor                   Christine Pflaumbaum

    Office Staff             Deone Denner

Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet
Notice Board

 Please remember to bring your Membership cards to the Club and show it when
 ordering drinks and food.

 If you have not noticed yet, please be aware, the Club has a new email address:

 Membership Certificates: If you have been a member for 15 or 20 years and were
 not able to attend this years Club Anniversary, please be aware that we have a
 certificate waiting for you. Thanking you for your continued support of the Rhein
 Donau Club. The list of recipients is on the Notice Board. Please ask at the office
 to receive your Certificate.

  Please note that we are taking applications for the Kinder Club at the
 Moment. If you know anyone who would like to join, please contact the
                      office for more informtation.

  Note from the Edior
  Dear RDC members, this magazine is here for all members to share their
  stories and experiences. This is what brings the magazine to life. Therefore
  we welcome your contributions for the next issue, April May 2020. Entry
  deadline for the issue is 1st March 2020, please send your contribution to
                                                                       Thank you,

Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet
President Report

Hallo liebe Mitglieder,

in gutes neues Jahr liebe Mitglieder.
Und schon wieder hat ein neues Jahr begonnen
und wir werden auch dieses Jahr versuchen alles für
unseren Club zu tun.

Die Sommerpause ist vorüber und das erste was Sie
sehen werden wenn Sie durch die Eingangstür treten
sind die neuen Teppichfiesen im Eingangs und Sugarcastle Bereich.
Als nächstes müssen wir uns jetzt um die Renovierung der Karl‘s
Bar kümmern. Diese muss bis Ende Juni fertig sein, ansonsten
bekommen wir nicht die $18.000.00 von der Regierung.
Im Februar ist wieder Karnevalszeit auch bei uns im Club. Ich hoffe
Sie alle in Ihren schönsten Kostümen bei Maskenball zu sehen.
Die besten Kostüme erhalten Preise. Sonntags ist dann auch wieder
unser Kinder Maskenball. Ich hoffe, dass viele, viele Kinder an
diesem Nachmittag in Ihren schönsten Kostümen erscheinen. Die
Kinder werden viel Spaß bei den Spielen haben und die schönsten
Kostüme erhalten Preise.
Im März haben wir dann auch wieder unser Schützenfest und am
Tag darauf Open Day.

Auch möchte ich Sie jetzt schon darauf hinweisen auf unseren
Ostertanz mit der Oster Hut Parade. Letztes Jahr hatten wir sehr viele
originelle und ausgefallene Hüte. Vielleicht können wir das dieses
Jahr noch überbieten.

Ich wünsche Ihnen eine gute Zeit, bleiben Sie gesund und unseren
Kranken Mitgliedern eine schnelle Genesung.
Club Nachrichten Club Magazine - Issue 1, February March 2020 The Rhein-Donau Club Inc - iiNet
Dear Members,

Happy new Year dear Members.
And again, we started a New Year. We give again our total Commitment
this Year as well to keep our Club smoothly running.

The Summer break is over and the first what you see when you enter the
front door is the new Carpet at the Entrance and the Sugarcastle Room.

Next on the list is to renovate the Karl’s Bar. This need to be finished
by end of June, otherwise we aren’t getting the $18.000.00 from the

In February is Carnival time and I hope all of you in your best or
funniest costumes to see at our fancydress ball.
Sundays after is then again our children fancy dress ball. I hope to see
lots and lots of Kids in their funniest costumes. We will have a lots of
fun with games and dances and the best costumes getting prizes.
In March we have our Schützenfest and a day later is Open Day.

I would like to remind you about our Easter dance with the Easter hat
parade. Last year we had a lot of original and funny hats. Maybe this
year we can get even more and better ones.

Now I wish you all a great time, stay in good Health and our sick
Members I wish a speedy recovery.

                                                               Ursula Deck

Secretary Report

    Liebe Mitglieder,
    Auch ich wünsche Ihnen ein gutes Neues Jahr! Ich hoffe Sie sind alle gut ins
    neue Jahr gerutscht.
    Das Jahr 2020 wir sehr spannend für den Rhein Donau Club. Das Komitee hat
    sich viel vorgenommen, um den Club für unsere Mitglieder zu verbessern. Ein
    großer Teil dessen ist die Renovierung der Karls Bar. Wie viele von Ihnen schon
    wissen, haben wir eine erfolgreiche Application beim Government eingereicht
    und uns damit $18,300 sichern können. Wie schon am letzten Members
    Meeting erwähnt wurde, müssen wir nun die gleiche Summe investieren.
    Wir freuen uns sehr die Karls Bar zu modernisieren im Sinne der Deutschen
    Um das umzusetzen wären wir sehr dankbar um Hilfe von unseren
    Mitgliedern, daher wenn Sie Lust und Zeit haben anzupacken. Melden Sie sich
    im Büro. Oder wenn Sie Handwerker sind, der uns weiterhelfen kann. Wir
    freuen uns um jede Unterstützung, die wir bekommen können.
    Wir haben eine weitere freudige Nachricht. Boby Cletus wird mit der wieder
    Eröffnung des Clubs uns mit seinen köstlichen Gerichten verwöhnen. Wir
    freuen uns sehr ihn wieder im Club begrüßen zu dürfen und freuen uns sehr
    auf die Zusammenarbeit. Ich bin mir sicher Sie werden sich auch alle sehr
    freuen auf sein gutes Essen.

    Es wird ein spannendes Jahr 2020 und wir im Komitee freuen uns auf die
    Projekte und Herausforderungen die vor uns liegen!

    Dear Members,
    I wish you all a very Happy New Year, I hope you all started it well.
    2020 will be a very exciting year for the Rhein Donau Club. The Committee
    has plenty of plans to make improvements to the Club for our Members. A
    large part of this is the renovation of the Karl’s Bar. As some of you know we
    applied for a grant by the government to help improve our Club to service the
surrounding Community better. Our application was successful therefore we
were allocated $18,300, which the Club will have to match. It is an exciting
opportunity to become more attractive to new members and the surrounding
businesses. If you would like to help and get involved in the Karls Bar
renovation, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us of the committee. We
would appreciate any help, especially if you have a trade to support us.
I would also like to take the opportunity to announce that we have a new
Kitchen Team. Boby Cletus has re-joined us to spoil the Club Members with his
wonderful cooking. We are very happy to have him and are looking forward to
working with him. I am sure you all will be trying his delicious dishes.

It is already shaping up to be an exciting 2020! We are looking forward to the
projects and challenges ahead of us.
                                                          Christine Pflaumbaum

Kinder Club

Christmas Market

     I would like to say a warm thank you to all Stall holders ,who have done fantastic job
     with decorations and creating a Christmas atmosphere in our Edelweiss Hall. Happy
     New Year until next time.

     Ich möche mich gerne bei allen Marktständen bedanken, alle haben fantastische Arbeit
     geleistet mit Dekorationen und einer ensprechend weihnachtlichen Atmospäre in der
     Edelweiss Halle. Ein Frohes Neues Jahr und bis zum nächsten mal!
                                                                             Sieglinde Ducke

Christmas Party

 Our Christmas Party was absolutly wonderful this year! It certainly set the scene for
 Christmas, celebrating the spirit of Christmas by singing and listening to beautiful Carols
 and with Echo der Berge. We certaintly hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

            Saturday, 4th April, 2020
                6.30 pm to 11.00 pm
        Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange
                     Presents its major fund raiser

                   Black and White Dance
               at The Rhein-Donau Club Inc.

                         Echo der Berge
                              DJ Brian
                   Traditional German Food
                    Amazing Raffle Prizes!!
The Rhein-Donau Club Inc, 110 North Lake Road, Myaree
      Help us send our scholarship winners to Germany!
                        Tickets $20 entry
$10 for students/RDC members/SAGSE Members

 14     Enquiries: Pamela Millar 0421 970 089
Events February 2020

Events March 2020

                    Call 9330 6488 for bookings   17

     When visiting the Netherlands, you may notice more than a few wheeled
     contraptions whizzing by you in this town. In fact, it sometimes seems
     impossible to separate where the Dutch begin and their bicycles end. Rain
     (or rain or rain) or shine, the Dutch can be found criss-crossing Amsterdam
     on their trusty (and rusty) two-wheeled friends. With over 956.000 bicycles
     in a city of less than 866,737 people (2018), you can understand why we’ve

     made this #1 on the complete list of Stuff Dutch People Like. The numbers, my
     friends, speak for themselves!!
     Of course cycling in itself is not such a special feat, many cities around the
     world are now home to a growing mass of daily cycle-commuters, but trust
     me, the Dutch bring their own distinct flare to the sport. Don’t expect to see
     any fancy, sophisticated, titanium-suspension-rigged bicycles on the streets.
     Dutch people certainly will not be impressed by how much your posh new
     bike set you back.
     Nope, Dutch people love their gearless, rusted, chain-just-barely-hanging-on
     variety. Why, you ask, with the amount of biking they do? Well, we all know
     that practicality and “frugality” (and directness..but we’ll save that for another
     day) run through every Dutchie’s blood! Why spend your hard-earned cash
     on fancy features when your unusually large thighs and lungs can do the hard
     work instead?!? Heck, the Dutch would even rather power their bike lights
     with only their leg-pumping-energy (…’cause we all know how the cost of
     batteries can sure add up!! ;)
     The most impressive feat of all however, is how Dutch people ride these heaps
     of metal and rust. Don’t be surprised by the Dutch’s uncanny ability to ride
     a gearless bicycle while talking on a mobile phone, carrying 2 children, 6
bags of groceries, a television set, and a mattress balanced neatly on the back!
Having grown up on wheels, the Dutch can conduct daily superhuman acts
with laid-back coolness. I’d strongly recommend not trying it on your own.
Are you wondering how you are ever going to avoid getting run over by a
fervent cyclist? Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of good advice for you there.

Keep your eyes peeled, don’t dare set foot on the bike paths, and listen
carefully for those angry bicycle bells ringing an onslaught of nasty insults.
Oh….and don’t get too confused if in a moment of rage, someone calls you an

Edelweiss Dance Group
Happy New Year to all members from the Edelweiss Dance Group! We are
looking forward to a busy year with preparations for Volkstanzfest 2021 which
are to be held in Perth at Easter time.
We will resume dance and bells practice for adults on the 2/2/2020 and for
the kids at on the 9/2/2020. People are always welcome to pop in to join us on
Sundays from 5pm if you are interested in joining the group.
See you on the dance floor,
                                                        Rebecca, Group Leader

Table Tennis Group

     After an extended break over Christmas/New Year I am sure we are all happy
     and eager to resume our table tennis playing.

     Our Christmas breakup party was well
     attended and enjoyable. After a few
     games of table tennis we all retired
     to enjoy some food as well as a drink
     from the bar. Dave Ramsay thanked
     everyone for a great year and then
     Joyce Williams presented the Jerry Lee
     Perpetual Trophy to our 2019 winners
     Reinhard Lot & Taka Wild. Well done
     to both of them. It was also great to
     see Joyce looking so well after a few
     health problems during the year.

     Through our membership and
     fundraising efforts we purchased two
     new tables for our group at a very
     good price. Many thanks to Reinhard
     for checking out and approving the
     choice of tables, and to Dave Ramsay
     and Paul Robson for their efforts in
     picking up and assembling the tables. These top of the range tables will
     replace some of our older tables in the hall, and in turn the second hand tables
     will be used in our playing shed in the Rhein Donau carpark.

     One of our players, Ken McClure, went on a holiday late last year with his
     wife Sally and some retired friends and kindly sent through a short article:

“The cruise was on the Sapphire Princess from
Southampton to Singapore for 37 days. We had a
great time with enjoyable times on board including
playing many games of table tennis with some good
players from USA and Canada. I won a competition
on a number of occasions but best games were on
sea days when a group of about 4 guys got together
in the arvo. The cruise was a bit eventful with two
diversions due to bad weather and three medical
emergencies. I don’t think I put on weight on this
cruise as the guys at the Rhein Donau club didn’t mention it this time, they
have been quick on other occasions!!!”
Thanks Ken, and great photo too!
New members are always welcome and we look forward to a successful 2020.
                                                               Debbie Solomon


Dear Seniors,
I hope you had a good start into the New Year. Again I wish you all a happy
and healthy 2020. We will start again on Wednesday 5th of February 2020.
Our Christmas Lunch was very nice and everybody did enjoy it very much.
Heinz surprised us with a Christmas Poem.
To all the members who helped us to set up the tables, a big thank you. A big
welcome to Hugo. He enjoys playing Rummikub, but would be happy to find
another partner to play skat, so we hope to find more members to join us.
To all the members who celebrated their birthday in January,
we wish many happy returns and good health.                              Rita

West Australian Mandolin Orchestra

     Mandolin Orchestra players, with some spouses - or should that be spice ( you
     know, as in mouse / mice) anyway the aforementioned gathered for an end of
     2019, bring a plate and bottle, windup. After any hunger and thirst was seen
     to, various members entertained the throng with solos, duets and songs.
     A thoroughly enjoyable night. After the summer school mentioned in previous
     articles, 2020 rehearsals will begin on the 5th of February. We’re all chomping
     at the bit for some new music.

     Crystal Swan, a square glass cruise / function boat based at Barrack St jetty
     has booked a quintette of WAMO players - one from each voice, 1st, 2nd,
     Mandola, Guitar and Bass - to entertain the passengers whilst cruising along
     the river. Considering the technique used to play the instruments, after a short
     discussion the quintette decided the name “ Totally Plucked “ would be an
     appropriate name for the group. A truly international program moving from
     Ireland to Japan and points in between has been rehearsed in preparation for
     the performances in late January and early February.

     After the percussion instructions and exercises of the Summer School you can
     certainly say that 2020 has started with a bang!

                                  The Federation of Australian Mandolin Ensembles
                                  ( FAME ) are holding a national festival from 2nd
                                  to the 12th of January 2020 in Adelaide. These
                                  festivals are aimed at competent ensemble players
                                  with a final concert involving up to 100 players. A
                                  unique experience.

                                                                        Harry Baker.

Aktivitäten / Groups at the Club

Group Leader                         Phone                   Meeting Times

Billiard (Snooker)                   0415 292 536            Tues & Fri 7pm
Sanjay Kumar
Edelweiss Dance Group                0428 190 412            Sun from 5-7pm
Rebecca Watson                                               Juniors Sun from 4pm

Model Railway                        0412 939 699            Fri from 6pm
Bret Hummel
Perth Miniature Gamers               0402 408 778            Wed at 6pm
Michael Walsh
Eagle Eye Pistols                    0467 787 857            Fri from 5pm
Philip Kroczek
Chess                                0415 292 536            Wed at 7pm
Sanjay Kumar
Eagle Eye Air Rifle                  08 9417 2640            Fri at 7pm
Sophia Bayley
Seniors                              08 9457 2784            Wed 10am to 3pm
Rita Zeller
Table Tennis                         0427 354 153            Tues at 7pm
Debbie Solomon
Theatre                              08 9314 2812            Fri at 7pm
Fritzi Waters
Mandolin Orchestra                   0490 868 344            Wed 7.30 to 9.30pm
Robert Schulz
Volkssingen                          0488 585 850            Fri 1.30 to 3pm
Irene Harrop
Note: To join a group you must be a member of the Rhein-Donau Club. Please contact   23
the Group Leader for any enquiries
The Rhein-Donau Club Inc.
•   A la carte menu including a selection of authentic German and Dutch meals
•   Catering for private functions for 30 - 220 guests

We have rooms available for your private functions, conventions or meetings, in
the Lounge, Sports Hall, Edelweiss Dance Hall and Beer Garden.
For bookings please contact our Club Office
Ph: 9330 6488 (weekdays 10am -3pm)

Opening hours of Restaurant
Wednesday and Friday evenings from 6pm
Saturday from 6.30pm to 10pm
Sunday 4pm to 8.00pm

 110 North Lake Road, Myaree WA 6154
 Ph: (08) 9330 6488                                                Rhein-Donau Club
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