Società Svizzera di Neuropediatria - Incontro annuale Swiss Society of Neuropediatrics

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Società Svizzera di Neuropediatria - Incontro annuale Swiss Society of Neuropediatrics
Dipartimento di pediatria

Società Svizzera di Neuropediatria
Incontro annuale

Swiss Society of Neuropediatrics
Annual meeting

Mercoledì 18 e giovedì 19 maggio 2016
Hotel De La Paix, Lugano

Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th of May 2016
Hotel De La Paix, Lugano
Società Svizzera di Neuropediatria - Incontro annuale Swiss Society of Neuropediatrics
Chers participants au Congrès,
Au nom du comité d’organisation c’est avec plaisir que nous vous invitons au congrès annuel de
la Société Suisse de Neuropédiatrie qui aura lieu à Lugano du 18 au 19 mai 2016.
Inspiré par la situation géographique, notre programme scientifique comprendra des aspects
«extrêmes» et moins discutés de la neuropédiatrie, des soins-intensifs aiguës jusqu’aux soins
palliatifs, mettant un accent particulier sur la douleur, le thème qui réunit les extrêmes avec la
pratique quotidienne. Nous espérons ainsi pouvoir vous offrir un programme diversifié.
Dans l’attente de pouvoir bientôt vous donner la bienvenue au Tessin, veuillez agréer nos meilleures

Prof. Dr. med. G.P. Ramelli                  Dr.sse med. B. Göggel Simonetti

Sehr geehrte Kongressteilnehmende
Im Namen des Organisationskommitees laden wir Sie herzlich zur Jahrestagung der
Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie vom 18. bis 19. Mai 2016 in Lugano ein.
Inspiriert durch die geografische Lage beinhaltet das wissenschaftliche Programm Randthemen
der Neuropädiatrie von der akuten Intensiv- bis zur Palliativmedizin, mit einem besonderen
Fokus auf den Schmerz, der wiederum die Brücke zur täglichen Praxis schlägt. Wir hoffen, Ihnen
ein Horizont erweiterndes Programm zu bieten und freuen uns, Sie bald in der mediterranen
Atmosphäre von Lugano begrüßen zu dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Prof. Dr. med. G.P. Ramelli                  Dr. med. B. Göggel Simonetti

Cari partecipanti al Congresso,
in nome del comitato organizzativo vi invitiamo con piacere alla riunione annuale della Società
Svizzera di Neuropediatria che avrà luogo a Lugano dal 18 al 19 maggio 2016.
Ispirati dalla situazione geografica, il nostro programma scientifico comprenderà degli aspetti
“estremi” e meno discussi della neuropediatria, dalle cure intensive acute fino alle cure palliative,
mettendo un accento particolare sul dolore, il tema che unisce gli estremi con la pratica quotidiana.
Speriamo così potervi offrire un programma diversificato.
Nell’attesa di potervi dare presto il benvenuto in Ticino, vi preghiamo di gradire i nostri migliori

Prof. Dr. med. G.P. Ramelli                  Dr.ssa med. B. Göggel Simonetti
Società Svizzera di Neuropediatria - Incontro annuale Swiss Society of Neuropediatrics
Wednesday 18th of May 2016

12h00       Registration and buffet
13h00       Welcome
            Prof. Dr. med. P. Weber
            Prof. Dr. med. G.P. Ramelli
13h10       Impact of Seizure Burden on Functional Outcome and Mortality in Critically Ill Patients
            Dr. med. G.M. De Marchis
14h00       PELICAN study: Framework Concept for Palliative Care in Switzerland – Current Situation
            K. Zimmermann
            PD Dr. med. E. Bergsträsser
            Dr. med. P. Brazzola
15h00       Coffee
15h30       Symposium „Shire“ - BUCCOLAM® : erste Wahl bei ambulanten pädiatrischen
            Krampfanfällen. Klinische Erfahrungen aus Deutschland
            Prof. Dr. med. G. Kurlemann
16h15       Presentation Candidates for A. Müller-Grocholski Prize
18h00       Plenary meeting
19h30       Apéro
20h00       Dinner

Thursday 19th of May 2016

08h00       Breakfast Symposium - Pain Management in Children
            Dr. med. L. Anselmi
08h45       Short presentations
09h30       Consequences of early pain exposure in preterm infants: What do we know?
            PD Dr. E. Cignacco
10h15       Coffee
10h45       Small Fibre Neuropathy
            Dr. med. K. Ackermann
11h30       Critical Illness Polyneuromyopathy
            Prof. Dr. med. W. Z’Graggen
12h15       A. Müller-Grocholski Prize
            N. N.
12h25       Closure and Farewell
            Prof. Dr. med. P. Weber
            Prof. Dr. med. G.P. Ramelli
12h30       Lunch
Invited Speakers
Dr. med. Gian Marco De Marchis
Neurologische Klinik
Universitätsspital Basel

Karin Zimmermann, RN MScN
PELICAN Forschungsassistentin/Doktorandin
Pflegewissenschaft - Nursing Science (INS)
Departement Public Health (DPH)
Medizinische Fakultät - Faculty of Medicine, Universität Basel

PD Dr. med. Eva Bergsträsser
Leitende Aerztin Onkologie und Pädiatrische Palliative Care
Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich – Eleonorenstiftung

Dr. med. Pierluigi Brazzola
Caposervizio del Servizio di emato-oncologia pediatrica
Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli

Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Kurlemann
Leiter Neuropädiatrie
Universitätsklinikum Münster

Dr. med. Luciano Anselmi
Primario del Servizio di anestesia
Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli

PD Dr. Eva Cignacco
Leiterin Forschung & Entwicklung der Disziplin Geburtshilfe, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Berner
Fachhochschule, und Privatdozentin am Institut für Pflegewissenschaft, Universität Basel

Dr. med. Karin Ackermann
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie
Inselspital Bern

Prof. Dr. med. Werner Z’Graggen
Universitätskliniken für Neurologie und Neurochirurgie
Inselspital Bern

Surname          ..........................................................................................................................................................................

Name             ..........................................................................................................................................................................

Affiliation(s)   ..........................................................................................................................................................................

E-mail		         ..........................................................................................................................................................................


        SGNP/SSNP-members (CHF 120.00)
        Students / Fellows / Nurses / Allied Health Professionals (CHF 80.00)
        Non-members (CHF 150.00)
        SPECIAL OFFER for SENP-Congress participants: SGNP/SSNP-congress fee
        (€ 350.00 for SGNP/SSNP-members) included with no additional charge.
        Please hand in this registration form after having signed into the SENP-Congress using
        the following link:

Please transfer the fee to the following bank account, specifiying “SGNP/SSNP-congress 2016

Société Suisse de Neuropédiatrie CCP 90-17300-3
IBAN CH24 0900 0000 9001 7300 3
POST FINANCE Nordring 8 CH 3030 BERN

Dinner (included in congress-fee)

        Yes			                                 ........... (number of) accompanying person(s): CHF 75.00/person

Food Preference
        Meat or fish included

Please send this form to
Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli
Segretariato del Servizio di neuropediatria
Scheyla Ghielmetti
Tel. +41 (0)91 811 85 15 -

For organisational reasons we appreciate receiving your registration before May 2nd, 2016.
Thank you!
SSP/SGP Swiss Society of Paediatrics 8.5
Credits from other societies will follow

The Hotel de la Paix offers special rates for congress participants booking before March 30th 2016

Single room CHF 175.00 per night (breakfast included)
Double room CHF 240.00 per night (breakfast included)

Hôtel de la Paix, Lugano:

Lugano offers a large range of accomodation opportunities which can be found here:

For travel information please use the following links:

Trains (incl. transfer from all Swiss airports):

Direct bus transfer from Malpensa airport to Lugano:

Local bus Lugano (line Nr.2, stop “Geretta”):

Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli

Segretariato del Servizio di neuropediatria

Scheyla Ghielmetti

Tel. +41 (0)91 811 85 15

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