Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft

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Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Anti-virale Immunität und
  Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe
               HH Peter
      22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Klassifikation Humane Coronaviren


                                                       From: Liu DX, 2020
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Immunogene Strukturen des Sars-Cov2 Virus
(Krammer F. Sars-CoV-2 Vaccines in development. Nature 586: 516-527, 2020)
               a SARS-CoV-2                                      b RBD of the                 c Inactivated vaccines            d Live attenuated va
                                      Matrix protein                 spike protein                contain SARS-CoV-2               are made of genet
                                                                                              RBD,  Receptor
                                                                                               that is           Binding Domäne
                                                                                                       grown in cell             (S2)version
                                                                                                  culture and then                 SARS-CoV-2 that
                                                                                                  chemically inactivated           grown in cell cultu

mit ACE-

                                                                                              f     Recombinant      g VLPs carry no genome bu
                                                                                                    RBD-based              display the spike protein o
                                                                                                    vaccines               their surface
                                                                        Spike Protein
                                                                       Spike  protein (S1)

                   Envelope protein          Nucleoprotein
                                              Nucleoprotein   (NP)
                                             und  virale
                                              and viral   RNA

               i Replication-competent vector vaccines      j Inactivated virus vector vaccines carry        k DNA vaccines consist of plasmid
                 can propagate to some extent in the          copies of the spike protein on their surface      DNA encoding the spike gene unde
                 cells of the vaccinated individual and       but have been chemically inactivated              a mammalian promoter
                 express the spike protein within them
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Rolle von Typ 1 Interferonen (IFN-!, IFN-") in der antiviralen Abwehr

  1. IFN-!, IFN-" Sekretion ->machen
  Zellen resistent gegen Virusreplikation
  2. Typ I-IFN aktivieren NK-Zellen
  zur Abtötung Virus-Infizierter Zellen
                                            4. MHC I + Viruspeptide aktivieren CD8+T-Killer Zellen
  3. IFN steigern Oberflächen-Expression
  von MHC-I und MHC-II Molekülen samt       5. MHC-II + Viruspeptide aktivieren CD4+T-Helfer Zellen und
  den in ihnen gebundenen Virus-Peptiden    induzieren eine anti-virale Antikörper-Produktion in B-Zellen
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
MHC Klasse I Moleküle (ca. 125)
Auf allen Körperzellen exprimiert
außer den Keimzellen                Interferone
(Hoden, Ovarien)                    steigern die
                                    Expression von
                                    MHC I und MHC II
MHC Klasse II Moleküle (ca. 150)
Nur auf Zellen des Immunsystems
Ø   Monozyten (++)
Ø   Makrophagen (++)
Ø   Granulozyten (+)
Ø   Dendritische Zellen (+++)
Ø   B-Lymphozyten (++)
Ø   T-Lymphozyten (+)
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
CD8+ T-Killer
                                                                 CD4+ T-Helfer

                      MHC-I Molekül           MHC-II Molekül   1. Aufnahme von Virus-Partikeln
                                                               über Phagozytose (exogener Weg)
                                                               in das Phagolysosom der Antigen
                                                               präsentierenden Zellen (APC):
                                                               Makrophagen, DC, B-Zellen.

Peptid-spezifische                                             2. Präsentation von viralen
Abtötung von Virus                                             Peptiden in MHCII –Molekülen
Infizierten Zellen                                             an Viruspeptid spezifische
                                                               CD4+ T-Helfer Zellen.

                                                               3. Diese stimulieren B-Zellen zur
                                                               Ausreifung und spezifischen
                                                               Antikörperbildung, z.B. gegen
                     Virusà                        APC         das Spike-Protein veranlassen.

                         Endogener Weg. Exogener Weg
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Ontogenese der Abwehrzellen
Erworbenes (adaptive)                                                          T reg
Immunsystem                                                              TC CD4+CD25+
                                       Thymus         TC
                                                                          TC      CD4+

                                 SC                         BC    Plasmacell               C‘
                                          BC                                                  C‘ CC
                                                                                             C‘ C C
                                                                 BC     B-memory cell
        Knochenmark     SC
                                                                                              C CC

         Fetale Leber                            DC
                                SC                         Dendritic cell: pDC, mDC

 Angeborenes (innate)        Myeloid                                       Makrophage
                                                                 MΦ         (Monozyt)
 Immunsystem                                    NK
                                                     NK cell               G        Granulocyte
                                                                                   (PMN, Eo, Baso)
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Periphere, sekundäre Immunorgane





                                         S. Gadola
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
Funktionelle Organisation des Immunsystems
               Bacteria, Pilze
               Viren                    1

                               Granulocytes                        Angeborenes Immunsystem:
2        DC            ..…..                    4
                                                                   A. Frühwarnsystem durch Wächterzellen
                                                                      2. Dendritische Zellen u. Mastzellen
Dendritic cells                                                       3. NK-Zellen

                                                                   B. Schnelle Eingreiftruppe mit
                                            Macrophages                      Abbräumfunktion
Mast cell
               DC                                                            4. Granulozyten und
    5                                                               Adaptives Immunsystem
          T         T- and B- lymphocytes
                                                                    5. T-B-Zell-Interaktion
                B          6                   7        C‘          6. B-Zell-Reifung
                                                           C‘ CC    7. Plasmazellen -> AK Bildung
                               PC                            C
                                                          C‘ C C
    Effektor T-cells                Plasma cells           C CC     8. Gedächtnis B-Zellen
                                                    Antibodies      -> Abheilung nach 7-10 Tagen
Anti-virale Immunität und Sars-Cov2 Impfstoffe - HH Peter 22.3.21 Museumsgesellschaft
B-Zellen und Plasmazellen produzieren Immunglobulin Klassen
                           und repräsentieren die Antikörper-Immunität

                                         Subklassen     IgG         IgD            IgE
                                         Gegen Viren
                                         Bakterien,                                      Allergie
  60%.   25%.    10%        5%                          IgA Dimer   IgM Pentamer
IgG         7.0-16.0 g/l     < 5.0 g/l
 IgG1       5.2-8.5 g/l
 IgG2       2.5-4.0 g/l                       Schleimhaut
 IgG3       0.5-1.6 g/l                       Immunität
 IgG4       0.2-0.5 g/l
IgA         0.7-4.5 g/l      < 0.7 g/l
IgM         0.4-2.3 g/l      < 0.4 g/l
IgE         0.0001g/l (10-100 IU/ml)
IgD         0.03 g/l
Risiken für ungünstige COVID-Verläufe
Beeinflussung durch Lebens-           Einflüsse durch Immunsystem
Umstände und Vorkrankheiten           und Virus-Mutanten
•   Alter >65                         • Störungen der Interferon-Antwort
•   Übergewicht                       • Störungen der NK-und CD8+ T-
•   Nieren-/Leberkrankheiten            Killerzell Antwort
•   Diabetes                          • Bildung von Autoantikörper gegen
                                        Interferon Typ I
•   Herz/Lungen-Vorkrankheiten        • Antikörper-Bildungsstörungen (PID)
•   Allergien                         • Verhältnis von Antikörpern gegen
•   Einige Immunsuppressiva             Spike zu Nukleoprotein
•   Neigung zu Autoimmunität->        • Virus-Protein-Mutanten im Bereich
    Thrombosen, Late COVID Syndrom,     von RBD (B1.1.7, B1.351 „E484K“) ->
    Fatigue                             höhere Infektionsrate
Schwächung der anti-viralen Immunantwort
begünstigen einen aggressiven Verlauf der COVID-19

1. Auf Ebene der Typ I-Interferone:
Ø Inborn errors of type I IFN immunity in life-threatening Covid-19
Q. Zhang et al., Science 10.1126/science.abd4570 (2020)

Ø Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in life-threatening Covid-19
P. Bastard et al., Science 10.1126/science.abd4585 (2020).

2. Auf Ebene der NK-Zellen und CD8+ Killer T-Zellen
Ø Rasche Erschöpfung von NK- und CD8+Killer T-Zellen: Indikatoren für schlechte Prognose
Li M, Guo W, Dong Y et al Front. Immunol. 11:580237. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.580237
V or MERS-CoV infection (16, 17).                                            whether SARS-CoV-2 infects any immune cells is still unknown.
NK cells are innate lymphoid cells, which can directly kill                  In our study, we found that the counts and frequencies of CD4+T
 cted cells and contribute to the activation and orientation                 cells, CD8+ T cells, and NKT cells were significantly lower in
adaptive immune response (18). Human NK cells can                            severe cases than mild cases. More importantly, the significantly
subdivided into various subsets based on the relative                        elevated expression levels of PD-1 and CD244 on CD8+ T cells
                  Rasche Erschöpfung von NK und CD8 Killer T-Zellen als Indikatoren
                         einer Covid-19 Progression mit schlechter Prognose

                                                                                                                                    Perforin ↓
                                                                                                                                    CD27 ↓
                                                                                                                                    PD-1 ↑
                                                                                                                                    CD244 ↑

                    Li M, Guo W, Dong Y et al Elevated Exhaustion Levels of NK and CD8+ T Cells as Indicators for Progression and
GURE 5 | Schematic depiction       COVID-19
                                alterations    Disease.
                                            in NK        Front.
                                                  cells and     Immunol.
                                                            T cells       11:580237.
                                                                    observed          doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.580237
                                                                             during SARS-CoV-2  infection.

tiers in Immunology |                                8                                   October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 580237
                              Antikörperbildung nach Sars-CoV2 Exposition
       a Natural
    Natürliche                                                                                  Ø IgA Antikörper vermitteln die Schleimhaut-Immunität
         infection                                                                        Types of vaccine in development
    Infektion                                     Mostly slgA1                                       (IgA1
                                                                                          More than 180       im
                                                                                                        vaccine   oberen
                                                                                                                candidates,   Atemwegstrakt,
                                                                                                                            based                         IgA2 im Darm)
                                                                                                                                  on several different platforms
                                                                            Mostly lgG1   (Fig. 3), are currently in development against SARS-CoV-232 (Fig. 4). The
                                                                                          World Health Organization (WHO) maintains a working document32
                                                                                                Ø IgG und IgM Antikörper repräsentieren die Immunität
                                                                                          that includes most of the vaccines in development and is available at
                                                                                          19-candidate-vaccines. The platforms can be divided into ‘traditional’
                                                                                                          a SARS-CoV-2
                                                                                          approaches (inactivated                                            b have
                                                                                                                       or live-virus vaccines), platforms that   RBD of the                 c Inactivated
                                                                                          recently resulted in licensed vaccines     (recombinant
                                                                                                                                 Matrix protein                  spike protein
                                                                                                                                                   protein vaccines                           contain SA
         b Intramuscular/                                                                                                                                                                     that is gro
                                                                                          and vectored vaccines), and platforms that have yet to result in a
         intradermal                                                                                                                                                        RBD
                                                                                                                                                                                              culture an
                                                                                          licensed vaccine (RNA and DNA vaccines).                                                            chemically

                                                                                       Inactivated vaccines
                                                                                       Inactivated vaccines (Fig. 3c) are produced by growing SARS-CoV-2 in
                                                                                       cell culture, usually on Vero cells, followed by chemical inactivation of
                                                                                       the virus33,34. They can be produced relatively easily; however, their yield
                                                                                       could be limited by the productivity of the virus in cell culture and the
                                                                                       requirement for production facilities at biosafety level 3. Examples of
                                                                                       inactivated vaccine candidates include CoronaVac (initially known as
        c Intranasal                                                                   PiCoVacc), which is under development by Sinovac Biotech in China34,35
           vaccination                                                                                                                                                                       f Recom
    Impfung                                                                            and is further discussed below, as well as several other candidates that                                   RBD-ba
                                                                                       are being developed in China, by Bharat Biotech in India and by the                                        vaccine
                                                                                       Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems in Kazakhstan. TheseSpike protein
                                                                                       vaccines are usually administered intramuscularly and can contain
                                                                                                                                                                        Spike proteine
                                                                                       alum (aluminium hydroxide) or other adjuvants. Because the whole
                                                                                       virus is presented to the immune system, immune responses are likely
                                                                                       to target not only the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 but also the matrix,
                                                                                                             Envelope protein
                                                                                       envelope and nucleoprotein.                         Nucleo
                                                                                                                            Several inactivated
                                                                                                                                          and  viral
      Fig.F.2 | Sars-CoV-2  Vaccinesimmune
                Mucosal and systemic  in development.
                                              responses toNature    586: 516-527,
                                                            natural infection          have entered clinical trials, with three candidates from China in phase
                                                                               with 2020
      respiratory viruses and to vaccination. The lower human respiratory tract        III trials, and one from India, one from Kazakhstan and two from China
      is thought to be mostly protected by IgG (IgG1 is most prevalent), the main type in phase I or II iclinical trials32 (Fig. 4). vector vaccines
                                                                                                            Replication-competent                          j Inactivated virus vector vaccines carry
        of antibody in serum, which is transported into the lung. The upper respiratory                     can propagate to some extent in the             copies of the spike protein on their surface
        tract is thought to be mostly protected by secretory IgA1 (sIgA1). a, Natural     Live attenuatedcells
                                                                                                                of the vaccinated individual and           but have been chemically inactivated
        infection with respiratory viruses induces both a systemic immune response,                        express the
                                                                                          Live attenuated vaccines      spike
                                                                                                                     (Fig. 3d)protein within them
                                                                                                                              are produced     by generating a geneti-
        dominated by IgG1, as well as a mucosal immune response in the upper
Segregation der Covid-Verläufe mit Antikörper-Antworten
 Atyeo C et al Distinct early serological signatures track with Sars-Cov2 survival.

                                                                           Antikörper gegen das Spikeprotein (S) und die
                                                                           Rezeptor Bindungsdomaine (RBD) sind
                                                                           neutralisierend, da das Virus nicht mehr an den
                                                                           zellständigen ACE Rezeptor andocken kann.

                                                                           Erhöhte Anti-S-Titer der IgG1, IgA1 und IgM
                                                                           Klassen finden sich vermehrt bei Überlebenden.

                                                                           Antikörper gegen das Nukleoprotein (NP) finden
                                                                           sich mehr bei Patienten mit schlechter Prognose.

                                                                                 IgG1 anti NP
Günstig:                                                                         IgA1 anti NP
IgG1 anti S                                                                      IgM anti NP
IgA1 anti S                                                                      Anti-NP ADCP/ADNP
IgM anti S                                                                       Anti-S NK- activation
Verhältnis von Spike- zu Nucleoprotein- Antikörpernll ist
Report      höher bei Überlebenden                                                                                                                OPEN ACCESS

A                                                                                        B


                                      (Atyeo C et al
Figure 4. Converging Shift in Immunity across a Second Acute Infection Cohort
(A and B) The Nightingale rose plots show the mean percentile of the spike:nucleocapsid (S:N) ratio of each readout are depicted for (A) the Seattle or discovery
cohort and (B) the Boston or validation cohort for convalescents (left) and deceased (right). Titers are shown as pink wedges and functions as blue wedges.
(C) The whisker boxplots show the number of S features that are greater than their N counterparts for all individuals in the Seattle or discovery cohort (left) and the
Boston or validation cohort (right). Differences across the 2 groups were assessed using a one-sided Mann-Whitney U test.
Von der Entdeckung bis zur Entwicklung und Zulassung
             von Impfstoffen für SARS-CoV-2
                        31.12.2019: China informiert die WHO über das Auftreten von Fällen von
                        ‘Viraler Pneumonie unbekannter Ursache’ in Wuhan
                        12.01.2020: Veröffentlichung der genetischen Sequenz des neuartigen
                        Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

                        16.03.2020: Erste klinische Prüfung im Menschen beginnen

                        Ab 01.10.2020 Rolling Review der ersten Impfstoffe beginnt bei der EMA

                        26.10.2020 über 240 Impfstoffe für SARS-CoV-2 in der Entwicklung (ref
                        LSHTM vaccine tracker)

                              Source: WHO, LSHTM (

Paul-Ehrlich-Institut                     3
Impfstoff-Varianten                                    (Krammer F. Sars-CoV-2 Vaccines in development. Nature 586: 516-527, 2020)
a SARS-CoV-2                                         b RBD of the                 c Inactivated vaccines            d Live attenuated vaccines          e Recombinant spike-
                       Matrix protein                    spike protein                contain SARS-CoV-2              are made of genetically             protein-based vaccines
                                                                                      that is grown in cell           weakened versions of
                                                                                      culture and then                SARS-CoV-2 that is
                                                                                      chemically inactivated          grown in cell culture
                                                                                                                                                                                      4 Novavax,

                                                                                         3 Wuhan, Sinovac
                                                                                  f     Recombinant      g VLPs carry no genome but              h Replication-incompetent vector
                                                                                        RBD-based              display the spike protein on         vaccines cannot propagate in the
                                                                                        vaccines               their surface                        cells of the vaccinated individual but
                                                            Spike protein                                                                           express the spike protein within them
                                                                                                                                    5 Glaxo                                           2 Astra,CanSino,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Sputnik, Jansson
    Envelope protein            Nucleoprotein
                                and viral RNA

i Replication-competent vector vaccines         j Inactivated virus vector vaccines carry        k DNA vaccines consist of plasmid            l RNA vaccines consist of RNA encoding
   can propagate to some extent in the            copies of the spike protein on their surface      DNA encoding the spike gene under           the spike protein and are typically
   cells of the vaccinated individual and         but have been chemically inactivated              a mammalian promoter                        packaged in LNPs
   express the spike protein within them                                                                                                                                          1 Biontec, Moderna

Fig. 3 | Vaccine platforms used for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development.                           SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates include inactivated virus vaccines (c), live
a, A schematic of the structural proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virion, including                 attenuated vaccines (d), recombinant protein vaccines based on the spike
the lipid membrane, the genomic RNA covered by the nucleoprotein on the                       protein (e), the RBD (f) or on virus-like particles (g), replication-incompetent
inside, the envelope and matrix proteins within the membrane, and the spike                   vector vaccines (h), replication-competent vector vaccines (i), inactivated
protein on the surface of the virus. b, The structure of the spike protein; one               virus vector vaccines that display the spike protein on their surface ( j), DNA
Beispiel COVID-19 Impfstoffe mit möglicher Relevanz für EU

        Firmen          Impfstofftyp                Dosen, Route       Phase der     Stand Zulassungs-
                                                    Impfintervall      Entwicklung   verfahren
        BioNTech/       mRNA eingeschlossen in      2 Dosen, i.m.      Phase 3       Rolling Review ab
        Pfizer/Fosun    Lipid-Nanopartikel          0, 21 Tage                       05. 10.2020
        Moderna/        mRNA eingeschlossen in      2 Dosen, i.m.      Phase 3       Rolling Review ab
        Lonza/NIH       Lipid-Nanopartikel          0, 28 Tage                       16.11.2020
        Curevac         mRNA eingeschlossen in      2 Dosen, i.m.      Phase 1/2      Im rolling review
                        Lipid-Nanopartikel          0, 28 Tage                        Verfahren
        Oxford/         Vektor-basiert (ChAdOx1)    (1-)2 Dosen i.m.   Phase 3       Rolling Review ab
        AstraZeneca     nicht replizierend          0, 28 Tage                       01.10.2020
        J&J/Janssen     Vektor-basiert (hAd26)      1-2 Dosen, i.m.    Phase 3
                                                    0, 56 Tage                       Zugelassen 3/21
                        nicht replizierend
        Novavax         Rekombinant hergestelltes   2 Dosen, i.m.      Phase 3
                        Protein, adjuvantiert       0, 21 Tage
        Sanofi          Rekombinant hergestelltes   2 Dosen, i.m.      Phase 1/2
        Pasteur/GSK     Protein, adjuvantiert       0, 28 Tage

Paul-Ehrlich-Institut                                         8

                                       IgG                   Neutralisierende
                  18-55 Jahre
                   18-55 Jahre        65-85
                                              Jahre            18-55 Jahre
                                                                18-55 Jahre          65-85 Jahre
                                                                                      65-85 Jahre

        77 Tage nach der 2. Impfung auch bei Älteren; TH1 gerichteteImmunantwort
          Tage    nach    der
                              2. Impfung  auch bei  Älteren; TH1 gerichtete Immunantwort
Nebenwirkungen des BioNtec Impfstoffes

Lokal                          Allgemein
• Schmerzen und Rötungen an    • Abgeschlagenheit (40-70%
  Einstichstelle (50-90%)      • Schüttelfrost, Fieber (10-20%
• Häufiger bei jüngeren        • Kopfschmerzen (10-20%)
  Probanden (
BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine      in a Nationwidem eMass
                              ne w engl a nd jou r na l dicine
                                                               Vaccination Setting.
                                                              The                                                 of

N Dagan , N.Barda et al NEJM Feb 24, 2021
                                                                          Unvaccinated        Vaccinated

   A Documented SARS-CoV-2 Infection                                                     B Symptomatic Covid-19
                             Infektionsrate                                                             2.0
                                                                                                                  Symptomatische COVID19



                    0                                                                                   0.0
                         0    7     14          21      28           35         42                            0        7    14     21     28      35      42
                                              Days                                                                                 Days
    No. at Risk                                                                          No. at Risk
    Unvaccinated 596,618 413,052 261,625 186,553 107,209            37,164     4132      Unvaccinated 596,618 413,768 262,662 187,784 108,242    37,564   4204
    Vaccinated   596,618 413,527 262,180 187,702 108,529            38,029     4262      Vaccinated   596,618 414,140 263,179 188,740 109,261    38,299   4288

    Cumulative No. of Events                                                             Cumulative No. of Events
    Unvaccinated         0   2362   3971      5104      5775        6053       6100      Unvaccinated         0    1419     2393   3079   3433   3582     3607
    Vaccinated           0   1965   3533      4124      4405        4456       4460      Vaccinated           0    1103     1967   2250   2373   2387     2389

   C Covid-19 Hospitalization                                                            D Severe Covid-19
                  0.20                                                                                 0.20
                             KH-Rate                                                                              Schwere COVID19 Verläufe

                  0.15                                                                                 0.15


                  0.10                                                                                 0.10
                  0.05                                                                                 0.05
                  0.00                                                                                 0.00
                         0    7     14         21       28           35        42                             0        7    14     21     28      35      42
                                              Days                                                                                 Days
    No. at Risk                                                                          No. at Risk
    Unvaccinated 596,618 414,865 264,377 189,808 109,867            38,432     4309      Unvaccinated 596,618 414,898 264,437 189,874 109,929    38,467   4310
    Vaccinated   596,618 414,916 264,482 189,972 110,054            38,561     4321      Vaccinated   596,618 414,933 264,516 190,000 110,076    38,571   4322

    Cumulative No. of Events                                                             Cumulative No. of Events
    Unvaccinated         0   58     125        198      244          256       259       Unvaccinated         0        17   57     114    157     171     174
    Vaccinated           0   31     77          98      108          110       110       Vaccinated           0         6   26      45     52     55       55

   E Death Due to Covid-19


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