BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works Lieder
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BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works • Lieder 8.574175 [1] Der freie Mann, Hess 146 [1] The Free Man, Hess 146 Text: Gottlieb Konrad Pfeffel (1736–1809) Wer, wer ist ein freier Mann? Who is a free man? Who? Der, dem nur eigner Wille, He who obeys his own will und kein Zwinghernn Grille And not the whim Gesetze geben kann, Of any tyrant – der ist ein freier Mann! He is a free man! [2] Opferlied, Hess 91 [2] Sacrificial Hymn, Hess 91 Text: Friedrich von Matthisson (1761–1831) Die Flamme lodert! The flame leaps up, Milder Schein durchglaenzt A gentle glow den duestern Eichenhain, Penetrates the sombre oak grove, und Weihrauchduefte wallen. And the scent of incense swirls. O neig ein gnaedig Ohr zu mir, Oh bend a gracious ear to me und lass des Juenglings Opfer Dir, And let the young man’s sacrifice du Hoechster wohlgefallen. Content thee, O highest one! Sei stets der Freiheit Be ever freedom’s Wehr und Schild! Defence and shield, Dein Lebensgeist durchatme mild May your life-giving spirit breathe gently Luft, Erde, Feu’r und Fluten. Through air, earth, fire and flood! Gib mir, als Juengling und als Greis, Grant to me, in youth and old age, den vaeterlichen Herd, o Zeus, Beauty allied to goodness das Schoene zu dem Guten. At your paternal hearth! [3] Bundeslied, Op. 122 ‘In allen guten Stunden’ [3] Songof Fellowship, Op. 122 ‘At all good Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) gatherings’ In allen guten Stunden, At all good gatherings, erhöht von Lieb’ und Wein, Flushed with love and wine, soll dieses Lied verbunden May we sing together von uns gesungen sein! This song of fellowship! Uns hält der Gott zusammen, The god, who brought us here, der uns hieher gebracht, Keeps us together. erneuert unsre Flammen, He renews the flame of friendship er hat sie angefacht. Which he first kindled. So glühet fröhlich heute, Glow then today in happiness, Seyd recht von Herzen eins! Be truly one in your hearts! Auf, trinkt erneuter Freude Arise! Drink this glass of fine wine, Diess Glas des echten Weins! Drink to renewed joy! Auf! in der holden Stunde Arise! At this blissful hour Stosst an, und küsset treu, Clink glasses and loyally embrace Bei jedem neuen Bunde Your old friends Die alten wieder neu! At every new gathering. Wer lebt in unserm Kreise, Who lives in our circle Und lebt nicht selig drin? And does not live there blissfully? Geniesst die freye Weise Enjoy our relaxed ways Und treuen Brudersinn! And enjoy true brotherhood! So bleibt durch alle Zeiten Thus shall heart stay attuned to heart Herz Herzen zugekehrt! In all the years to come, Von keinen Kleinigkeiten Our fellowship shall not be disturbed Wird unser Bund gestört. By petty trifles. Uns hat ein Gott gesegnet A god has blessed us mit freiem Lebensblick With an open outlook on life, ⓟ 2019 & © 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd. Page 1 of 7
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works • Lieder 8.574175 und alles, was begegnet, And all that comes to pass erneuert unser Glück. Renews our contentment. Durch Grillen nicht gedränget, No pleasure is marred verknickt sich keine Lust; By intrusive fancies; durch Zieren nicht geenget, Our hearts beat more freely schlägt freier uns’re Brust. When not constrained by social airs. Mit jedem Schritt wird weiter With every step the path of life die rasche Lebensbahn Swiftly becomes broader, und heiter, immer heiter And ever more serenely steigt unser Blick hinan. Do we gaze aloft into the future. Uns wird es nimmer bange, We never grow anxious wenn alles steigt und fällt At life’s vicissitudes, und bleiben lange, lange, And thus shall we long remain auf ewig so gesellt. Eternally united! [4] Abschiedsgesang, WoO 102 ‘Die Stunde schlägt’ [4] Song of Farewell, WoO 102 ‘The hour strikes’ Text: Joseph Ritter von Seyfried (1780–1849) Die Stunde schlägt, wir müssen scheiden, The hour strikes, we must part, bald sucht vergebens dich mein Blick; Soon my gaze shall seek you in vain; am Busen ländlich stiller Freuden Embraced by quiet rural joys erringst du dir ein neues Glück. You shall find a new happiness. Geliebter Freund! du bleibst uns theuer, Beloved friend! you remain dear to us, ging auch die Reise nach dem Belt; Even though you journeyed to the Belt; doch ist zum guten Glück Stadt Steyer, But our good fortune is that Steyer noch nicht am Ende dieser Welt. Is not a town at the world’s end. Und kommen die Freunde um dich zu besuchen, And when friends come to visit you, so sei nur hübsch freundlich und back’ ihnen Kuchen, Be gracious to them and bake them cakes, auch werden, so wie sich’s für Deutsche gehört, And drain your tankards, as befits German folk, auf’s Wohlsein der Gäste die Humpen geleert. To your guests’ well-being. Dann bringen wir froh im gezuckerten Weine Then we shall happily raise a glass of sweetened wine ein Gläschen dem ewigen Freundschaftsvereine, To toast eternal friendship – dein Töchterlein mache den Ganymed, Your little daughter shall play Ganymede, ich weiss, dass sie gerne dazu sich versteht, I know that she will enjoy the role. Die Stunde schlägt, wir müssen scheiden, The hour strikes, we must part, bald sucht vergebens dich mein Blick; Soon my gaze shall seek you in vain; am Busen ländlich stiller Freuden Embraced by quiet rural joys erringst du dir ein neues Glück. You shall find a new happiness, Geliebter Bruder! Lebe wohl! Beloved brother! Farewell! [5] Cantata campestre, WoO 103, Hess 127 [5] Rural Cantata, WoO 103, Hess 127 ‘Un lieto brindisi’ ‘And so let us all sing’ Text: Clemente Bondi (1742–1821) Un lieto brindisi And so let us all sing Tutti a Giovanni A joyful toast Cantiam così. To Giovanni. Viva lunghi anni Long may he live, Sempre felici Always happy, Utile al mondo, Useful to the world, Caro agli amici, Dear to his friends, Nuovo Esculapio The new Aesculapius Dei nostril dì! Of our days! Viva Giovanni! Long live Giovanni! Viva ed al solito May he live and continue to cure Febbri e malanni Fevers and illnesses, Segua a sanar. As is his wont. Viva lunghi anni Long may he live, Sempre felici Always happy, Utile al mondo, Useful to the world, Caro agli amici, Dear to his friends, Nuovo Esculapio The new Aesculapius ⓟ 2019 & © 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd. Page 2 of 7
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works • Lieder 8.574175 Dei nostril dì! Of our days! Viva Giovanni! Long live Giovanni! Viva ed il tempo May he live, and time Sospenda i vanni, Suspend its wings E si bei giorni And halt the passing Tardi a troncar. Of such fair days! Viva lunghi anni Long may he live, Sempre felici Always happy, Utile al mondo, Useful to the world, Caro agli amici, Dear to his friends, Nuovo Esculapio The new Aesculapius Dei nostril dì! Of our days! [6] Gesang der Mönche, WoO 104 ‘Rasch tritt der Tod’ [6] Song of the Monks, WoO 104 ‘Death swiftly befalls’ Text: Friedrich von Schiller (1759–1805) Rasch tritt der Tod den Menschen an, Death swiftly befalls man, Es ist ihm keine Frist gegeben; No delay is granted him, Es stürzt ihn mitten in der Bahn, It topples him in mid-course, Es reißt ihn fort vom vollen Leben. It carries him off in the fullness of life, Bereitet oder nicht zu gehen! Whether he is prepared or not, Er muß vor seinem Richter stehen! He must stand before his Judge! [7] Auf, Freunde, singt dem Gott der Ehen!, [7] Arise, friends, sing to the god of marriage!, Hess 125 ‘Hochzeitslied’ Hess 125 ‘Wedding song’ Text: Anton Joseph Stein (1759–1844) Auf, Freunde, singt dem Gott der Ehen! Arise, friends, sing to the god of marriage! Preist Hymen hoch am Festaltar, Extol Hymen at the ceremonial altar, Daß wir des Glückes Huld erflehen, May our fervent prayers bring happiness Erflehen für ein edles Paar! Happiness for a noble couple! Vor allem laßt in frohen Weisen Above all, let us in joyful song Den würd’gen Doppelstamm uns preisen, Praise the worthy double lineage Dem dieses edle Paar entsproß! From which this noble couple issued! Mehrstimmige italienische Gesänge, WoO 99 Polyphonic Italian Songs, WoO 99 [8] No. 1. Bei labbri che amore, Hess 211 [8] No. 1. Beautiful lips, Hess 211 Bei labbri, che Amore Beautiful lips that Love formò per suo nido, Fashioned for his nest, non ho più timore, I have no more fear, vi credo, mi fido: I believe you, I trust you: giuraste d’amarmi; You swore to love me; mi basta così. That is enough for me. Se torno a lagnarmi Should I begin to lament once again che Nice m’offenda, That Nice may hurt me, per me più non splenda Let the light of day la luce del dì. Shine on me no more. [9] No. 2. Ma tu tremi, o mio tesoro, Hess 212 [9] No. 2. But you tremble, Hess 212 Ma tu tremi, o mio tesoro! But you tremble, O my treasure! Ma tu palpiti, cor mio! But you quiver, O my heart! Non temer, con te son io, Fear not, I am with you, Né d’amor ti parlerò. And shall not speak to you of love. Mentre folgori, e baleni As long as the thunder and lightning last, Sarò teco, amata Nice, I shall be by your side, beloved Nice, Quando il ciel si rassereni, When the sky clears again, ⓟ 2019 & © 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd. Page 3 of 7
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works • Lieder 8.574175 Nice ingrata, io partirò. I shall leave, ungrateful Nice. [10] No. 3. E pur fra le tempeste, Hess 232 [10] No. 3. And yet amongst these storms, Hess 232 E pur fra le tempeste And yet amongst these storms La calma io ritrovai: I have found peace again: Ah, non ritorni mai, Day can never again Mai più sereno il dì! Dawn so serenely! Questo de giorni miei, Of all my days Questo è il più chiaro giorno, This is the brightest, Viver così vorrei, I would love to live like this, Vorrei così morir. Like this I would love to die. [11] No. 4. Sei mio ben, Hess 231 [11] No. 4. You are my love, Hess 231 Sei mio ben, sei mio conforto, You are my love, you are my comfort, Per te porto al cor catene, For you my heart is enchained, Per te pene Amor mi dà. For you Love makes me suffer. Per te calma e pace spero, Through you I hope for calm and peace, Col pensiero a te m’aggiro: My thoughts revolve around you Nè sospiro altra beltà. No. 5. Giura il nocchier No. 5. The helmsman swears [12] Hess 227 (1st setting) [12] Hess 227 (1st setting) [13] Hess 230 (2nd setting) [13] Hess 230 (2nd setting) [14] Hess 221 (3rd setting) [14] Hess 221 (3rd setting) Giura il nocchier che al mare The helmsman swears that he non presterà più fede, Will no longer trust the ocean, ma se tranquillo il vede But if he sees it calm, corre di nuovo al mar. He hastens to set sail again. Di non trattar più l’armi The warrior will sometimes swear giura il guerrier tal volta, To lay down his arms, ma se una tromba ascolta, But if he hears a trumpet, già non si sa frenar. Then all restraint is lost. [15] No. 7. Chi mai di questo core, Hess 214 [15] No. 7. Who shall ever know, Hess 214 Chi mai di questo core Who shall ever know Saprà le vie secrete, The secret paths of this heart, Se voi non le sapete, If you do not know them, Begli occhi del mio ben? Fair eyes of my beloved? Voi, che dal primo istante, You, who from the first moment Quando divenni amante, When I became your lover, Il mio nascosto amore Recognized the love That was hidden in my heart. [16] No. 8. Scrivo in te, Hess 215 [16] No. 8. In you I carve, Hess 215 Scrivo in te l’amato nome In you I carve the beloved name Di colei per cui mi moro, Of her for whom I die, Caro al sol, felice alloro, O happy laurel, dear to the sun, Come Amor l’impresse in me. As Love imprinted it in me. Qual tu serbi ogni tua fronda, Just as you preserve all your fronds, Serbi Clori a me costanza; May Cloris remain faithful to me; Ma non sia la mia speranza But may my hope, unlike you, Infeconda al par di te. One day bear fruit. ⓟ 2019 & © 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd. Page 4 of 7
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works • Lieder 8.574175 [17] No. 9. Per te d’amico aprile, Hess 216 [17] No. 9. For you may the sky, Hess 216 Per te d’amico aprile For you may the sky Sempre s’adorni il ciel; Ever be decked with friendly April, Né all’ombra tua gentile And in your kindly shade Posi ninfa crudel, May no cruel nymph Pastor infido. Nor faithless shepherd languish. Fra le tue verdi foglie, On your green leaves Augel di nere spoglie May no black-plumed bird Mai non raccolga il vol; Ever alight; E Filomena sol And may Philomena alone Vi faccia il nido. Make her nest for you. No. 10. Nei campi e nelle selve No. 10. In the fields and in the forests [18] Hess 217 (1st setting) [18] Hess 217 (1st setting) [19] Hess 220 (2nd setting) [19] Hess 220 (2nd setting) Nei campi e nelle selve In the fields and in the forests seguivo già le belve, I was hunting wild beasts, pascevo il gregge ancor And feeding the flocks libero pastorello, As a free shepherd, libero cacciator. A free huntsman. Ora non son più quello: Now I am no longer free: perdei la libertà. I have lost my liberty. E quel ch’è peggio, oh Dio, And what is worse, O God - come se il mio tormento As if my torment were no fault of hers, colpa non sia di lei, Cloris shows no pity mostrare al mio lamento For my suffering. Clori non vuol pietà. No. 11. Fra tutte le pene No. 11. Amid all these griefs [20] Hess 208 (1st setting, original version) [20] Hess 208 (1st setting, original version) [21] Hess 208 (1st setting, revised by A. Salieri) [21] Hess 208 (1st setting, revised by A. Salieri) [22] Hess 209 (2nd setting, revised by A. Salieri) [22] Hess 209 (2nd setting, revised by A. Salieri) [23] Hess 225 (2nd setting, original version) [23] Hess 225 (2nd setting, original version) [24] Hess 224 (3rd setting, original version) [24] Hess 224 (3rd setting, original version) [25] Hess 210 (3rd setting, revised by A. Salieri) [25] Hess 210 (3rd setting, revised by A. Salieri) Fra tutte le pene Amid all these griefs V’è pena maggiore? Can there be a greater grief? Son presso al mio bene, I am near my beloved Sospiro d’amore, And I sigh with love E dirgli non oso: And dare not tell him: Sospiro per te. I sigh for you. Mi manca il valore I lack the courage Per tanto soffrire; To suffer so much; Mi manca l’ardire I lack the boldness Per chieder mercè. To beg for pity. No. 12. Salvo tu vuoi lo sposo? No. 12. You wish your husband to be safe? [26] (1st setting) [26] (1st setting) [27] Hess 228 (2nd setting) [27] Hess 228 (2nd setting) Salvo tu vuoi lo sposo? You wish your husband to be safe? Salvo lo sposo avrai: You shall have your husband safe. Lascia il tuo riposo, Let me be the one Lascia la cura a me. To give you peace of mind. I dubbi tuoi perdono: I forgive all your doubts: Tutto il mio cor non sai: You do not know all my heart: Ti spiegherà chi sono, It will explain who I am Quel ch’io farò per te. And what I shall do for you. ⓟ 2019 & © 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd. Page 5 of 7
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works • Lieder 8.574175 No. 13. Quella cetra ah pur tu sei No. 13. Ah! but you are that same lyre [28] Hess 218 (1st setting) [28] Hess 218 (1st setting) [29] Hess 219 (2nd setting) [29] Hess 219 (2nd setting) [30] Hess 213 (3rd setting) [30] Hess 213 (3rd setting) Quella cetra ah pur tu sei Ah! but you are that same lyre Che addolcì gli affanni miei, Which has soothed my suffering, Che d’ogni alma a suo talento, Which has found its own way Che d’ogni cor la via s’aprì. Into every heart and soul. Ah! sei tu, tu sei pur quella, Ah! but you are that same lyre Che nel sen della mia bella Which, as I recall, has so often Tante volte, io lo rammento, Melted the hard heart La fierezza intenerì. Within my beloved’s breast. No. 14. Già la notte s’avvicina No. 14. Night already descends [31] Hess 223 (1st setting) [31] Hess 223 (1st setting) [32] Hess 222 (2nd setting) [32] Hess 222 (2nd setting) Text: Pietro Metastasio (1698–1782) Già la notte s’avvicina: Night already descends, Vieni, o Nice, amato bene, Come, O Nice, dearly beloved, Della placida marina And breathe the fresh air Le fresch’ aure a respirar. Of the calm seashore. Non sa dir che sia diletto He who dwells not on these shores Chi non posa in queste arene, Cannot know the pleasures to be had Or che un lento zeffiretto When a gentle little breeze Dolcemente increspa il mar. Softly ripples the waves. [33] Die laute Klage, WoO 135 [33] The Loud Lament, WoO 135 Text: Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803) Turteltaube, du klagest so laut und raubest dem Armen Turtledove, you lament so loudly and deprive the poor wretch Seinen einzigen Trost, süßen vergessenden Schlaf: Of his only solace, the sweet sleep of oblivion: Turteltaub’, ich jammre wie du und berge den Jammer Turtledove, I grieve like you and conceal my grief Ins verwundete Herz, in die verschlossene Brust. Within my wounded heart, within my closed breast. Ach, die hart-verteilende Liebe! Sie gab dir die laute Ah, it was love, which apportions so cruelly, that gave you Jammerklage zum Trost, mir den verstummenden Sinn! That loud lament for solace, and to me gave silence! [34] In questa tomba oscura, WoO 133 [34] In this dark tomb, WoO 133 Text: Giuseppe Carpani (1752–1825) In questa tomba oscura In this dark tomb Lasciami riposar; Let me rest; Quando vivevo, ingrata, While I still lived, O faithless one, Dovevi a me pensar. You should have thought of me. Lascia che l’ombre ignude Allow, at least, a naked shade Godansi pace almen, To enjoy its peace, E non bagnar mie ceneri And do not bathe my ashes D’inutile velen. In useless venom. [35] Klage, WoO 113 [35] Lament, WoO 113 Text: Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty (1748–1776) Dein Silber schien Your silvery light Durch Eichengrün, Shone down on me Das Kühlung gab, Through the green oaks Auf mich herab, That gave cool shade, O Mond, und lachte Ruh O moon, and shed smiling peace Mir frohen Knaben zu. On this happy youth. ⓟ 2019 & © 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd. Page 6 of 7
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Choral Works • Lieder 8.574175 Wenn itzt dein Licht When now your light Durchs Fenster bricht, Streams through my window, Lachts keine Ruh No peace smiles Mir Jüngling zu, On this young man, Siehts meine Wange blaß, It sees my cheeks pale, Mein Auge thränennaß. My eyes moist with tears. Bald, lieber Freund, Soon, dear friend, Ach, bald bescheint Ah soon! your silvery light Dein Silberschein Will shine Den Leichenstein, On the tombstone Der meine Asche birgt, That hides my ashes, Des Jünglings Asche birgt! The young man’s ashes! [36] Lied aus der Ferne, WoO 138 [36] Song from Afar, WoO 138 Text: Christian Ludwig Reissig (1783–1847) Als mir noch die Träne der Sehnsucht nicht floß, Before my tears of longing flowed, Und neidisch die Ferne nicht Liebchen verschloß, And envious distance kept my beloved from me, Wie glich da mein Leben dem blühenden Kranz, How my life then resembled the blossoming wreath, Dem Nachtigallwäldchen, voll Spiel und voll Tanz! The nightingale wood, teeming with play and dance! Nun treibt mich oft Sehnsucht hinaus auf die Höhn, Now longing often drives me out to the hills Den Wunsch meines Herzens wo lächeln zu seh’n! To see where my heart’s desire is smiling! Hier sucht in der Gegend mein schmachtender Blick, My yearning gaze searches all around, Doch kehret es nimmer befriedigt zurück. But never returns content. Wie klopft es im Busen, als wärst du mir nah, How my heart pounds, as if you were near me, O komm, meine Holde, dein Jüngling ist da! O come, my sweetest, your young man is here! Ich opfre dir alles, was Gott mir verlieh, I’ll offer you all that God has given me, Denn wie ich dich liebe, so liebt’ ich noch nie! For I was never in love, the way I love you! O Teure, komm eilig zum bräutlichen Tanz! O sweetest, come quickly to your bridal dance! Ich pflege schon Rosen und Myrten zum Kranz. I’m growing myrtles and roses for your wreath. Komm, zaubre mein Hüttchen zum Tempel der Ruh, Come, make my cottage an enchanted temple of peace, Zum Tempel der Wonne, die Göttin sei du! A temple of rapture, and be its goddess! [37] 6 Songs, Op. 48: No. 3. Vom Tode [37] 6 Songs, Op. 48: No. 3. Of Death Text: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715–1769) Meine Lebenszeit verstreicht, My days on earth slip by, Stündlich eil’ ich zu dem Grabe, Hour by hour I hasten to the grave; Und was ist’s, das ich vielleicht, And how long do I perhaps Das ich noch zu leben habe? Still have to live? Denk, o Mensch! an deinen Tod. Think, O man, upon your death, Säume nicht; denn Eins ist not! Do not delay; for one thing is needful. [38] An die Geliebte [38] To the Beloved Text: Josef Ludwig Stoll (1778–1815) O daß ich dir vom stillen Auge Ah, that from your tranquil eyes In seinem liebevollen Schein With their loving light, Die Tränen von der Wange sauge, And from your cheeks I might drink the tears, Eh sie die Erde trinket ein! Before the earth consumes them. Wohl hält sie zögernd auf der Wange They linger trembling on your cheek, Und will sich heiß der Treue weihn. An ardent witness to true love; Nun ich sie so im Kuß empfange, Now when I capture them in a kiss, Nun sind auch deine Schmerzen mein! Your sorrows too are mine! Translations by Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005) except tracks [28]–[30] translated by Susannah Howe ⓟ 2019 & © 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd. Page 7 of 7
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