Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie

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Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie
Mai, 44. Jahrgang

der Deutschen Gesellschaft
für Endokrinologie

Elke Oetjen, Hamburg

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Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie
Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie

Endokrinologie Informationen
Mai 2020 · 44. Jahrgang

Aus dem Vorstand und der Geschäftsstelle der DGE
Wahl Vizepräsident/in                                                                                                                                                       6
Preisträger 2020                                                                                                                                                            8

Sektionen und Arbeitsgemeinschaften
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hypophyse und ­Hypophysentumore26

Abgabetermine für die Beiträge in den Endokrinologie Informationen                                                                                                         29
Bürger-Büsing Forschungspreis 2021                                                                                                                                         29

Karzinoid-Syndrom-bedingte Diarrhöen mit Telotristatethyl als Add-on zu Somatostatin-Analoga besser im Griff                                                               30
Wie Patienten mit neuroendokrinen Tumoren des Pankreas von Streptozocin-basierter Chemotherapie profitieren können                                                         32

Veranstaltungskalender                                                                                                                                                     34

Endokrinologie Informationen
ISSN 0721-667-X

Impressum                                                                              Verantwortlich für den Anzeigenteil
                                                                                       Wecom Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH & Co. KG
Verantwortliche Schriftleitung                                                         Patrick Haas-Sternberg
Prof. Dr. med. Elke Oetjen                                                             Lerchenkamp 11
Pharmakologie für Pharmazeuten                                                         31137 Hildesheim
Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie                                   Tel.: 0 51 21 / 20 666-21
Martinistr. 52                                                                         Fax: 0 51 21 / 20 666-12
20246 Hamburg                                                                          E-Mail: patrick.haas@we-com.de
Tel.: 040 / 7410 57252
E-Mail: e.oetjen@uke.de                                                                Erscheinungsweise
Manuskripte an die Schriftleitung bitte als Ausdruck sowie an die angegebene E-Mail-   Die Endokrinologie Informationen erscheinen 5-mal jährlich (inkl. 1 Sonderausgabe)
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                                                                                       Wichtige Hinweise
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Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie

Gremien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie
Vorstand                                           Sektion Diabetes, Adipositas und Stoffwechsel
Präsident                                          Prof. Dr. Martin Merkel, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Josef Köhrle, Berlin                     Beirat:
Präsident Elect                                    Prof. Dr. Matthias Blüher, Leipzig
Prof. Dr. G. Stalla, München                       Dr. Katja Gollisch, Göttingen
1. Vize-Präsident                                  Prof. Dr. Matthias Laudes, Kiel
Prof. Dr. Jan Tuckermann, Ulm                      Prof. Dr. Knut Mai, Berlin
2. Vize-Präsident                                  PD Dr. Alexander Mann, Frankfurt,
Prof. Dr. Jörg Bojunga, Frankfurt                  Svenja Meyhöfer, Lübeck (Kooptiert)
Sekretär und Schatzmeister                         Dr. Ulrike Schatz, Dresden
Prof. Dr. Ilonka Kreitschmann-Andermahr, Essen     Dr. Anja Vogt, München
Berufspolitische Fragen
Dr. Cornelia Jaursch-Hancke, Wiesbaden             Sektion Knochenstoffwechsel (CRHUKS)
Dr. Reinhard Santen, Frankfurt                     Sprecher:
Mediensprecher                                     PD Dr. Stephan Scharla, Bad Reichenhall
Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Weber, Mainz                 Beirat:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Schatz, Bochum (Blogs)   Prof. Dr. Walter Josef Fassbender, Zürich (CH)
Schriftleitung Endokrinologie Informationen        Dr. Katharina Jähn, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Elke Oetjen, Hamburg                     PD Dr. Vanadin Seifert-Klauss, München
Tagungspräsidenten 2020                            Prof. Dr. Heide Siggelkow, Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Stefan A. Wudy, Gießen                   Dr. Elena Tsourdi, Dresden
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schäffler, Gießen
Tagungspräsidenten 2021                            Sektion Nebenniere, Steroide und Hypertonie
Prof. Dr. Joachim Spranger, Berlin                 Sprecher:
Prof. Dr. Heiko Krude, Berlin                      PD Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Kroiss
Tagungspräsident 2022                              Beirat:
Prof. Dr. Jochen Seufert, Freiburg                 Dr. med. Tina Kienitz, Berlin
                                                   Dr. med. Gesine Meyer, Frankfurt
Vorstandsassistenz                                 Dr. rer. nat. Mirko Peitzsch, Dresden
Dr. Martina Jordan, Erlangen                       Prof. Dr. Nada Rayes, Leipzig
                                                   Prof. Dr. Holger Willenberg, Rostock
Akademie für Fort- und Weiterbildung der DGE
Sprecher:                                          Sektion Neuroendokrinologie
Prof. Dr. C. Schöfl, Erlangen                      Sprecher:
Beirat:                                            Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schmid, Lübeck
Prof. Dr. Ilonka Kreitschmann-Andermahr, Essen     Beirat:
PD Dr. Feldkamp, Bielefeld                         Dr. Ulf Elbelt, Berlin
Dr. C. Jaursch-Hancke, Wiesbaden                   Prof. Dr. Ursula Stockhorst, Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. J. Köhrle, Berlin                        Prof. Dr. Ilonka Kreitschmann-Andermahr, Essen
Dr. R. Santen, Frankfurt                           Dr. Ulrich Renner, München
Dr. B. Stamm, Saarbrücken                          Prof. Dr. Marily Theodoropoulou, München
Prof. Dr. H.S. Willenberg, Rostock                 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hallschmid, Tübingen
M. Then, Altdorf                                   Prof. Dr. Jürgen Honegger, Tübingen (Sprecher AG Hypophyse)

Sektion Angewandte Endokrinologie                  AG Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie/
Sprecher:                                          Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinderendokrinologie
Prof. Dr. Harald J. Schneider, München             und -diabetologie (DGKED) e.V.
Beirat:                                            Sprecher:
Dr. Hendrik Biering, Berlin                        Prof. Dr. Joachim Wölfle, Bonn
Dr. Julia K. Domberg, Oldenburg                    Beirat:
PD Dr. Onno E. Janßen, Hamburg                     Prof. Dr. Susanne Bechtold-Dalla Pozza, München
Dr. B. Schöfl-Siegert, Erlangen                    Dr. Bettina Heidtmann, Hamburg
                                                   Prof. Dr. Thomas Reinehr, Witten/Herdecke
                                                   Dr. Dirk Schnabel, Berlin
                                                   Dr. Bettina Tittel, Dresden

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Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie

Sektion Reproduktionsbiologie und -medizin           Arbeitsgemeinschaft Young Active Research in
Sprecher:                                            Endocrinology (YARE)
Prof. Dr. Martin Götte, Münster                      Sprecherin:
Beirat:                                              Antonia Mondorf, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Ralf Dittrich, Erlangen                    Beirat:
Prof. Dr. Artur Mayerhofer, München                  Alexander Busch, Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
PD Dr. Vanadin Seifert-Klauss, München               Anna Katharina Flügel, Frankfurt
PD Dr. Joachim Weitzel, Dummerstorf                  Carmina Fuß, Würzburg
Dr. Joachim Wistuba, Münster                         Sogol Gachker, Lübeck
                                                     Lisbeth Harder, Lübeck
Sektion Schilddrüse                                  Yoshiyuki Henning, Essen
Sprecherin:                                          Sebastian Hönes, Essen
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dagmar Führer-Sakel, Essen             Anne Marei Neumann, Lübeck
Prof. Dr. Heike Biebermann, Berlin                   Arbeitsgemeinschaft Labor
Prof. Dr. Jörg Bojunga, Frankfurt a. M.              Sprecher:
PD Dr. Stefan Karger, Leipzig                        Prof. Dr. Martin Bidlingmaier (München)
Prof. Dr. Michael Kreißl, Magdeburg                  Beirat:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Musholt, Mainz                      Prof. Dr. Henri Wallaschofski (Erfurt)
Prof. Dr. Christine Spitzweg, München                Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kratzsch (Leipzig)
                                                     Prof. Dr. Sven Diederich (Berlin)
Sektion Endokrinologie-AssistentInnen                Dr. Henrik Biering (Berlin)
Sprecherin:                                          Dr. Mirko Peitzsch (Dresden)
Kathrin Zopf, Berlin
Beirat:                                              Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes
Gisela Jungmann, Rheda-Wiedenbrück                   Herausgeber:
Alis Kabaracyan, München                             Prof. Dr. Heike Biebermann, Berlin
Janina Sauerwald, Berlin                             Prof. Dr. Karsten Müssig, Georgsmarienhütte
Sandy Werner, Oldenburg                              Prof. Dr. Martin Reincke, München
Vertreter der Akademie der DGE (NN)                  Prof. Dr. Cora Weigert, Tübingen

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hypophyse und Hypophysentumore   Vertreter bei der European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)
Sprecher:                                            Prof. Dr. Jörg Bojunga, Frankfurt/Main
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Honegger, Tübingen                  PD Dr. Reinhard Finke, Berlin
PD Dr. Timo Deutschbein, Würzburg                    Vertreter in der International Society of Endocrinology
Prof. Dr. J. Flitsch, Hamburg                        Prof. Dr. Josef Köhrle, Berlin
Dr. Katharina Schilbach, München                     Prof. Dr. Ilonka Kreitschmann-Andermahr, Essen

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endokrine und neuroendokrine     Vertreter bei AWMF
­Onkologie                                           Prof. Dr. Martin Fassnacht, Würzburg
 Sprecher:                                           Prof. Dr. Jörg Bojunga, Frankfurt
 Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Weber, Mainz
 Beirat:                                             Datenschutzbeauftragte
 Prof.Dr. Jörg Bojunga, Frankfurt                    Dr. Martina Jordan
 Prof. Dr.Martin Faßnacht, Würzburg                  Geschäftsstelle der DGE
 PD Dr. Patricia Grabowski, Berlin                   Hopfengartenweg 19
 Dr. Harald Lahner, Essen                            90518 Altdorf
 Prof. Matthias Schott, Düsseldorf                   Tel.: 09131 / 4000997
 Prof. Christine Spitzweg, München                   E-Mail: datenschutzbeauftragter-dge@endokrinologie.net

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Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie

Unerwartet steht Herr Prof. Bojunga für die Wiederwahl als Vi-      halb Frau Prof. Reisch als Kandidatin für diesen Posten vorschla-
zepräsident leider nicht zur Verfügung. Wir möchten Ihnen des-      gen. Die Wahl wird in Form einer Briefwahl erfolgen.

Wahl Vizepräsident/in
Liebe Mitglieder der DGE, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

in den letzten Monaten wurden Themen aus der Endokrinologie         schen Anwendung verbunden. Die Wissenschaftlichkeit und In-
vermehrt in der Öffentlichkeit und im politischen Forum aufge-      terdisziplinarität des Faches machen für mich einen besonderen
griffen. Dies zeigt die Bedeutung der Endokrinologie als großes     Reiz aus. Im Besonderen möchte ich Aufmerksamkeit für die
Querschnittsfach in der Medizin.                                    Endokrinologie in Fachkreisen wecken und hochqualifizierten
                                                                    Nachwuchs für unser Fach begeistern.
Die Anfrage, ob ich mir eine Mitarbeit im Vorstand der DGE als
Vizepräsidentin vorstellen könnte, kam für mich zunächst sehr       Sehr gerne möchte ich mich im Vorstand der DGE für die Pers-
überraschend. Gleichzeitig habe ich mich sehr gefreut. Es ist mir   pektiven der Endokrinologie in der translationalen Forschung als
eine große Ehre, mich Ihnen für die Wahl zur Vizepräsidentin        auch Klinik engagieren. Ich freue mich, wenn Sie mir Ihr Vertrau-
vorstellen zu dürfen.                                               en aussprechen, die mit diesem Amt verbundenen Aufgaben
                                                                    und Herausforderungen zu bewältigen.
Es liegt mit sehr am Herzen, mich für die Endokrinologie und
insbesondere für die klinisch-wissenschaftlichen Belange des        Mit freundlichen kollegialen Grüßen
Faches einzusetzen. In der Endokrinologie ist die molekulare        Ihre Nicole Reisch
Grundlagenforschung in besonders enger Weise mit der klini-

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Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie

Prof. Dr. Nicole Reisch                                         seit 12/2017	W2 Heisenberg-Professur an der Medizinischen
                                                                              Klinik und Poliklinik IV, Klinikum der Universität
Medizinische Klinik IV                                                        München
Klinikum der Universität München
Ziemssenstraße 1
                                                                Ausgewählte Preise und Stipendien
80336 München
Email:                                                          2005 	Young Investigator Award der Deutschen Ge-
nicole.reisch@med.uni-muenchen.de                                      sellschaft für Endokrinologie (Sektion Ange-
                                                                       wandte Endokrinologie), Heidelberg
                                                                2008	Novartis Oncology European Society of Endo-
Lebenslauf                                                            crinology Award, ECE (European Congress of
                                                                      Endocrinology) 2008
Beruflicher Werdegang                                           2009	Early Careers Grant der Society for Endocrino-
1996 – 2002 	Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität             logy (SfE), Großbritannien
              Rostock (1994–1996) und der Albert-Ludwigs-       2010	Posterpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
              Universität Freiburg (1996–2002), Praktisches           Endokrinologie (53. Symposium der DGE und
              Jahr: Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Abbott             Jahrestagung der SES 2010, Leipzig)
              Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, MN,
                                                                2010	Posterpreis der Endocrine Society (92nd En-
              USA, CHU Nizza, Frankreich
                                                                      docrine Society’s Annual Meeting, San Diego,
2002            Ärztliche Prüfung (Staatsexamen)                      USA, 2010)
2006	Promotion zum Dr. med. unter der Leitung von              2010	The Endocrine Society Outstanding Abstract
      Prof. Dr. M. Reincke, Medizinische Fakultät,                    Award (92nd Endocrine Society’s Annual Mee-
      Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg                             ting, San Diego, USA, 2010)
2003 – 2004	Ärztin im Praktikum in der Inneren Medizin II      2011	Schöller-Junkmann-Preis der Deutschen Gesell-
             (Gastroenterologie, Endokrinologie, Diabeto-             schaft für Endokrinologie (54. Symposium der
             logie) des Universitäsklinikums Freiburg und             DGE in Hamburg)
	an der Medizinischen Klinik – Campus Innen-                   2011	Young Endocrinologist Prize for best oral com-
             stadt, Klinikum der Universität München                  munication in basic science at the BES 2011 in
2004 – 2010	Facharztausbildung an der Medizinischen Kli-             Birmingham, Society for Endocrinology, UK
             nik – Campus Innenstadt, Klinikum der Univer-      2013             LMU Mentoring Programm
             sität München
2008 – 2010	
            Postdoctoral Research Fellow (European
                                                                Berufliche Ämter
            Community’s Seventh Framework Programme,
            Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Ca-       National Coordinator Endo ERN
            reer Development) am Centre for Endocrino-          Vorsitz MTG Adrenal Endo ERN
            logy, Diabetology and Metabolism, Institute of      Designiertes Mitglied European Society of Endocrinology Rare
            Biomedical Research, Prof. Dr. W. Arlt, Univer-     Disease Committee
            sität Birmingham, Großbritannien
     Laboraufenthalt am Manchester NIHR Biomedi-                Ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit
     cal Research Centre, Genetics & Developmental
                                                                Seit 2008 	Gewählter Medizinischer Beirat der Deutschen
     Medicine, Prof. Neil Hanley, Manchester, UK (Lab
                                                                            Selbsthilfegruppe für Patienten mit Adreno-
     visit grant der Society for Endocrinology, UK)
                                                                            genitalem Syndrom (AGS-Eltern- und Patien-
2010 – 2014	Facharztausbildung in der Medizinischen Klinik                 teninititive e.V.)
             und Poliklinik IV, Klinikum der Universität Mün-
                                                                Mitgliedschaften in wissenschaftlichen
2013            Lehrbefähigung für das Fach Innere Medizin
2014            Lehrbefugnis für das Fach Innere Medizin
                                                                Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie (DGE)
2014	Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Endokrinolo-
                                                                Sektion Nebenniere, Hypertonie und Steroide
      gie und Diabetologie
                                                                Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM)
2015            Ernennung zur Funktionsoberärztin               Endocrine Society (USA)
2016 – 2017	Freistellung für Wissenschaft und eigene Stelle    Society for Endocrinology (UK)
             finanziert durch LMU Exzellenzstipendium           European Society for Endocrinology (ESE)

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Endokrinologie Informationen Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie

Preisträger der DGE 2020
Anke Mey-Preis an Frau Dr. med. Altieri
Effects of germline CYP2W1*6 and CYP2B6*6 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on mitotane
treatment in adrenocortical carcinoma: a multicenter ENSAT study.
unterstützt von: Frau Anke Mey

Mitotane is the only approved drug for advanced adrenocortical      Barbara Altieri
carcinoma (ACC) and no biomarkers are available in the clinical     M.D., Ph.D.
practice to predict the attainment of therapeutic plasma con-
                                                                    University Hospital of Würzburg,
centrations and clinical response. Aim of the study was to eva-
                                                                    Oberduerrbacher Strasse 6,
luate the suitability of cytochrome P450(CYP)2W1 and CYP2B6
                                                                    97080 Würzburg, Germany
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as biomarkers.
                                                                    phone: 0049-0931-201-39702
A multicenter cohort study including 182 ACC patients (F/           E-mail: Altieri_B@ukw.de
M=121/61) treated with mitotane monotherapy after radical           Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2616-3249
resection (group A, n=103) or in not completely resectable, re-     Sex: Female
current or advanced disease (group B, n=79) was performed.          Date of birth: 07/11/1984
CYP2W1*2, CYP2W1*6, CYP2B6*6 and CYP2B6 rs4803419                   Nationality: Italian
were genotyped in germline DNA. Mitotane blood levels were
measured regularly. Response to therapy was evaluated as time
to progression (TTP) and disease control rate (DCR).                Curriculum Vitae

Among investigated SNPs, CYP2W1*6 and CYP2B6*6 corre-               Current position
lated with mitotane treatment only in group B. Patients with        Post-doc researcher at Division of Endocrinology, Dpt. of Internal
CYP2W1*6 (n=21) achieved less frequently therapeutic mitota-        Medicine I, University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
ne levels (>14 mg/l) than those with wild type (WT) allele (76.2%
vs 51.7%, p=0.051) and experienced shorter TTP (HR=2.10,
p=0.019) and lower DCR (chi-square=6.948, p=0.008). By con-         Education and Training
trast, 55% of patients with CYP2B6*6 vs 28.2% WT (p=0.016)                     PhD degree and Doctor Europeaus qualifi-
achieved therapeutic range. Combined, a higher rate of patients                cation with honor. Catholic University of the
with CYP2W1*6 WT+CYP2B6*6 (60.6%) achieved mitotane                            Sacred Heart University Hospital A. Gemelli,
therapeutic range (p=0.034).                                                   Rome, Italy.
                                                                    2011 – 2016       pecialization in Endocrinology and Met-
In not completely resectable, recurrent or advanced ACC,
                                                                                     abolic disease summa cum laude. Catholic
CYP2W1*6 SNP was associated with a reduced probability to
                                                                                     University of the Sacred Heart University Hospi-
reach mitotane therapeutic range and lower response rates,
                                                                                     tal A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy.
whereas CYP2B6*6 correlated with higher mitotane levels. The
association of these SNPs may predict individual response to mi-    2003 – 2010      M.D. degree summa cum laude. Catholic
totane. Our study provides the basis for a clinical trial to test                     University of the Sacred Heart, University Hos-
the value of genotyping for CYP2W1*6 and CYP2B6*6 SNPs in                             pital A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy.
advanced ACC.
                                                                    Work Experience
                                                                    01.01.2019 –	Post-doc researcher. Division of Endocrinolo-
                                                                                  gy, Dpt. of Internal Medicine I, University Hos-
                                                                                  pital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
                                                                    01.01.2018 – Consultant in Endocrinology at Multidisci-
                                                                    31.12.2018 	plinary Group for Neuroendocrine Tumors of
                                                                                 Naples, ENETS Center of Excellence, Endocrine
                                                                                 Unit, University „Federico II“, Naples, Italy. And

8                                                                                                         Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020

                post-doc researcher at Division of Endocri-       Selected Publications
                nology, Dpt. of Internal Medicine I, University
                                                                  Altieri B, Sbiera S, Herterich S, De Francia S, Della Casa S, Cal-
                Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
                                                                  abrese A, Pontecorvi A, Quinkler M, Kienitz T, Mannelli M, Canu
01.09.2016 – Visiting PhD fellow. Division of Endocrinology,     L, Angelousi A, Chortis V, Kroiss M, Terzolo M, Fassnacht M,
31.12.2017	Dpt. of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital      Ronchi CL. Effects of Germline CYP2W1*6 and CYP2B6*6 Sin-
             of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.                      gle Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Mitotane Treatment in Adre-
2015 – 2016     PhD fellow. Department of Endocrinology and      nocortical Carcinoma: A Multicenter ENSAT Study. Cancers (Ba-
                metabolic diseases, Catholic University of the    sel). 2020 Feb 4;12(2). pii: E359.
                Sacred Heart, University Hospital A. ­Gemelli,    Altieri B, Di Dato C, Martini C, Sciammarella C, Di Sarno A,
                 Rome, Italy.                                     Colao A, Faggiano A, on behalf of NIKE Group. Bone Metasta-
10.2013 – Visiting research fellow. Division of Endocri-         ses in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: From Pathogenesis to Clinical
03.2015 	nology, Dpt. of Internal Medicine I, University         Management. Cancers. 2019 Sept 11, 1332. doi:10.3390/can-
          Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.                cers11091332.
2011 – 2016	Internship in the Endocrinology. Depart-             Barrea L*, Altieri B*, Muscogiuri G, Laudisio D, Annunziata G,
             ment of Endocrinology and metabolic diseases,        Colao A, Faggiano A, Savastano S. Impact of Nutritional Sta-
             Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Univer-     tus on Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (GEP-
             sity Hospital A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy.               NET) Aggressiveness. Nutrients. 2018 Dec 1;10(12). pii: E1854.
                                                                  *Equally contribution.

Fellowships, Awards and Grants                                    Laufs V, Altieri B, Sbiera S, Kircher S, Steinhauer S, Beuschlein F,
                                                                  Quinkler M, Willenberg HS, Rosenwald A, Fassnacht M, Ronchi
2020            uropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition –
                E                                                 CL. ERCC1 as predictive biomarker to platinum-based chemo-
                OPERA Award 2020 for the best abstract at         therapy in adrenocortical carcinomas. Eur J Endocrinol. 2018
                the 4th OPERA (Obesity Programs of nutrition,     Feb;178(2):183-190.
                Education, Research, Assessment of the best
                                                                  Henning JHK, Deutschbein T, Altieri B, Steinhauer S, Kircher S,
                treatment) Conference.
                                                                  Sbiera S, Wild V, Schlötelburg W, Kroiss M, Perotti P, Rosenwald
2019             NETS Travel Grant 2019 for the 16th Annu-
                E                                                 A, Berruti A, Fassnacht F, Ronchi CL. Gemcitabine-Based Che-
                al ENETS Conference                               motherapy In Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A Multicentric Study
2018             ravel Grant for the 18th Adrenal Cortex
                T                                                 On Efficacy and Predictive Factors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
                Conference.                                       2017 Sep 19.
2017             GE Poster prize during the 60th Congress of
                D                                                 Altieri B, Sbiera S, Della Casa S, Weingand I, Wild V, Steinhauer
                the German Society for Endocrinology.             S, Fadda G, Kocot A, Bekteschi M, Mambretti EM, Rosenwald
2017            Forschungsstipendien – Kurzstipendien,           A, Pontecorvi A, Fassnacht M, Ronchi CL. Livin/BIRC7 expression
                 2017 by the DAAD (German Academic Ex-            as a malignancy marker in adreonocortical tumors. Oncotarget.
                 change Service)                                  2017 Feb 7;8(6):9323-9338.
2014            “ Work Experience Abroad – International
                 Internships 2014” Grant from Catholic Uni-
                 versity of Sacred Heart– Italy.
2014             SF Short Visit Grant within the framework
                of the ESF activity entitled “European Network
                for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENSAT)”.
2014             xchange in Endocrinology Expertise (3E)
                program from UEMS Section of Endocrinology
                for the project.
2011            “Antonio Cardarelli award” for the best
                 2010-2011 medical thesis in Molise region

10                                                                                                        Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020

Ernst und Berta Scharrer Preis an Herrn Dr. med. Busch
Pubertal timing of parents and their offspring is associated in a sex-specific manner
unterstützt von: Lilly Pharma GmbH

Introduction: Pubertal timing is highly heritable. Previous ob-       Results: We observed significant associations of parental puber-
servational studies highlighted a shared parental contribution to     tal timing with timing of pubertal milestones in their offspring
timing of puberty in their offspring. However, previous observa-      of concordant sex, i.e. fathers/sons and mothers/daughters, but
tional studies were inconclusive concerning a potential sex-spe-      only with some milestones in offspring of discordant sex (see fig-
cific difference in the association of parental pubertal timing       ure). By inclusion of large-scale genetic data, we highlight both
with timing of puberty in offspring.                                  similarities in the genetic architecture of pubertal milestones
                                                                      between sexes as well as a significant genetic heterogeneity be-
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the associations of numerous         tween sexes for some genetic loci (n = 39).
pubertal milestones in offspring with parental pubertal timing.
Further, we aimed to explore the heterogeneity in the genetic         Conclusion: We demonstrate that self-reported pubertal tim-
architecture of timing of pubertal milestones between sexes and       ing in parents is consistently associated with timing of pubertal
to identify genetic variants contributing to the genetic hetero-      milestones in offspring of concordant sex but only inconsistently
geneity between sexes.                                                with milestones in discordant sex. Our results highlight a dis-
                                                                      tinct heterogeneity of pubertal timing between sexes as well as
Participants & Methods: 1) A population-based mixed                   a heterogeneity between timing of pubertal milestones within
cross-sectional/longitudinal cohort (2006-2014, COPENHAGEN            the same sex.
Puberty Study) comprising 1381 healthy Danish children (821
girls) including their parents. Participants underwent clinical ex-
amination(s) including blood sampling. Parental pubertal timing
was obtained by questionnaire. Timing of milestones and as-
sociations were analysed using SAS proc lifereg. 2) Large-scale
genetic data on timing at menarche in women and voice break
or facial hair in men from the UK Biobank study (n = 350.000)
was used. Genetic correlations between pubertal outcomes
from large-scale genetic data were estimated using LD Score re-
gression and genetic heterogeneity was analyzed using METAL.

Endokrinologie Informationen 2/202011

Dr. med.                                                        Mitgliedschaften
Alexander S. Busch, Ph.D.                                       E uropean Society of Endocrinology, Deutsche Gesellschaft für
                                                                 Endokrinologie, YARE (Board Member)
Geburtstag: 30. Juni 1988.
Geburtsort: Recklinghausen
Addresse: Department of Growth                                  Grants & Stipendien
and Reproduction GR,
Rigshospitalet 5064,                                            2020	Læge Sofus Carl Emil Friis og Hustru Olga Doris
Blegdamsvej 9,                                                        Friis‘ Legat
2100 København Ø,                                               2018	Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie,
www.reproduction.dk                                                   ­Pfizer Young Investigator Fellowship 2018
                                                                2017	Carl og Ellen Hertz´ Videnskabslegat; Torben &
                                                                      Alice Frimodts Fond; Lundbeckfonden
                                                                2008 – 2015      F riedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, BMBF-Begabten­
Postgrad. Positionen                                                              förderung

2019 – 	Assistenzarzt, Pädiatrie, Nordsjællands Hospi-
         tal, Hillerød, Dänemark                                Scientific Media
2015 – 2019	PhD Student und Arzt, Department of Growth         twitter: dralexbusch, pubmed: Busch AS; researchgate: Alexan-
             and Reproduction, Rigshospitalet, Kopenha-         der S Busch
             gen, Dänemark, „Genetic, epigenetic and hor-
             monal factors involved in infancy silencing and
             reactivation of the HPG axis“ – Supervisor Prof.   3 ausgewählte Publikationen
             Anders Juul                                        Ganna A, Verweij K, Nivard M, Maier R, Wedow R, Busch AS,
2018 	Visiting research fellow, MRC Epidemiology               […], Perry JRB, Neale BM, Zietsch BP.
       Unit, Cambridge University, Cambridge, Verei-            Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture
       nigtes Königreich, Supervisor Prof. Ken Ong              of same-sex sexual behavior.
                                                                Science. 2019
                                                                Eckert-Lind C, Busch AS, Petersen JH, Biro FM, Butler G, Vaclavik
                                                                Bräuner E, Juul A
2008 – 2015	Studium der Humanmedizin, WWU Münster              Worldwide secular trends in age at pubertal onset among girls
             und MedUni Wien,                                   assessed by breast development
	Praktisches Jahr in Münster, Kopenhagen und                   JAMA Pediatr. 2020
             Zürich                                             Hollis B, Day FR, Busch AS, Thompson D, Soares AL, Timmers
                                                                P, Kwong A, Easton D, Joshi PK, Timpson N, Ong KK, Perry JRB
Dissertationen                                                  Genomic analysis of male puberty timing highlights shared ge-
                                                                netic basis with hair colour and lifespan
2019 	Ph.D., Department of Growth and Reproduc-                Nat Commun. 2020
       tion, 2019, Rigshospitalet, Kopenhagen, Su-
       pervisor Prof. Anders Juul, „Factors affecting
       timing and progression of male puberty“
2015	Dr. med., Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Ge-
      burtshilfe, Uniklinik Münster, 2015, Supervisor:
      Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Schüring, „Endocrine ef-
      fects of the FSHβ-subunit promoter polymor-
      hism -211G>T in women“

12                                                                                                    Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020

Von Recklinghausen-Preis an Frau Dr. med. Braun
The effect of biochemical remission on bone metabolism in Cushing’s syndrome:
a two-year follow-up study
unterstützt von: medica AG

Leah T. Braun1, Julia Fazel1, Stephanie Zopp1, Sarina Benedix1,     Dr. med.
Andrea Osswald-Kopp1, Anna Riester1, German Rubinstein1,            Leah Theresa Braun
Max Seidensticker2, Felix Beuschlein1,3, Michael Drey1, Martin
                                                                    Assistenzärztin der Endo­krinologie
Bidlingmaier1, Ralf Schmidmaier1 and Martin Reincke1
                                                                    Medizinische Klinik und
                                                                    Poliklinik IV
                                                                    Klinikum der LMU München
 Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV, Klinikum der Universität,
                                                                    Ziemssenstraße 1
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany
                                                                    80336 München
 Klinik und Poliklinik für Radiologie, Klinikum der Universität,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany
 Klinik für Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Klinische Ernäh-
rung, Universitätsspital Zürich, Switzerland                        Lebenslauf
Abstract                                                            Ausbildung
Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome is a rare cause of secondary
osteoporosis. The long-term course of bone metabolism follow-       2003 – 2012
ing successful surgical treatment remains largely unknown. We       Humanistisches Beethovengymnasium Bonn
assessed bone mineral density and fracture rates in 89 patients     Oktober 2012 – November 2018
with confirmed Cushing’s syndrome at the time of diagnosis          Medizinstudium an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
and two years after successful tumor resection. In a substudy,      5./6. November 2018
we determined five bone turnover markers at the time of di-         Staatsexamen mit der Note gut
agnosis, one and two years postoperatively. The bone turnover
                                                                    seit 01.12.2018
markers osteocalcin, intact procollagen-IN-propeptide (PINP), al-
                                                                    Assistenzärztin der Endokrinologie in der Medizinischen Klinik
kaline bone phosphatase, CTX-I, and TrAcP 5b were measured
                                                                    und Poliklinik IV, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
in plasma or serum by chemiluminescent immunoassays. For
comparison, 71 sex-, age- and BMI-matched patients in whom
Cushing‘s syndrome had been excluded were studied. None of          Wissenschaft/Auszeichnungen
the patients received specific osteoanabolic treatment.
                                                                    Doktorarbeit: Juni 2015 – Oktober 2019
                                                                    Doktorandin am Institut für Didaktik und Ausbildungsforschung
At time of diagnosis, 69% of the patients had low bone mass
                                                                    in der Medizin und an der Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik IV,
(mean T score = -1.4±1.1). Two years after successful surgery,
                                                                    Doktorvater: Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Schmidmaier, MME
the T score had improved in 78% of patients (mean T score 2
                                                                    Thema der Dissertation: Diagnosekompetenz bei Medizinstudie-
years postoperatively -1.0±0.9). The bone formation markers os-
                                                                    renden – Operationalisierung von Ergebnis- und Prozessvariab-
teocalcin and intact PINP were significantly decreased at time of
                                                                    len (summa cum laude)
diagnosis (p ≤ 0.001 and p = 0.03 respectively), and the bone re-
sorption marker CTX-I and TrAcP 5b increased. Postoperatively,      März 2017
the bone formation markers showed a 3 to 4-fold increase one        Poster-Preis für „Diagnostic errors by medical students“ bei dem
year postoperatively, with a moderate decline thereafter. The       Kongress Research in Medical Education in Düsseldorf (300 Euro)
bone resorption markers showed a similar but less pronounced        September 2018
course. This study shows that Cushing’s syndrome induced sup-       Reisestipendium der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung
pression of bone formation and stimulation of bone resorption       für die GMA-Jahrestagung in Wien
recovers spontaneously following successful surgery.

14                                                                                                        Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020

Publikationen (Auswahl)                                          Rubinstein G, Osswald A, Hoster E, Losa M, Elenkova A, Zacha-
                                                                 rieva S, et al. Among authors: Leah Braun. Time to diagnosis in
Braun LT and Reincke M. What is the role for medical therapy
                                                                 Cushing‘s syndrome: A meta-analysis based on 5367 patients.
in adrenal-dependent Cushing’s syndrome? Best Practice & Re-
                                                                 The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2019.
search Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2020
                                                                 Braun LT, Schmidmaier R. Dealing with cognitive dissonance: an
Braun LT, Riester A, Osswald-Kopp A, Fazel J, Rubinstein G,
                                                                 approach. Medical education. 2019.
Bidlingmaier M, et al. Towards a Diagnostic Score in Cushing‘s
Syndrome. Frontiers in endocrinology. 2019;10:766.               Braun LT, Zwaan L, Kiesewetter J, Fischer MR, Schmidmaier R.
                                                                 Diagnostic errors by medical students: results of a prospective
Braun LT, Lenzer B, Fischer MR, Schmidmaier R. Complexity
                                                                 qualitative study. BMC medical education. 2017;17(1):191.
of clinical cases in simulated learning environments: propo-
sal for a scoring system. GMS journal for medical education.     Braun LT, Zottmann JM, Adolf C, Lottspeich C, Then C, Wirth
2019;36(6):Doc80.                                                S, et al. Representation scaffolds improve diagnostic efficiency
                                                                 in medical students. Medical education. 2017;51(11):1118-26.
Braun LT, Pfahler V, Stumpf U, Escudero MP, Harbeck N, Schmid-
maier R. Knochengesundheit bei Tumorpatienten. Der Onkolo-

Endokrinologie Informationen 2/202015

Von Recklinghausen-Preis an Herrn Dr. rer. nat. Göbel und
Herrn PD Dr. med. Rachner
High serum levels of periostin are associated with a poor survival in breast cancer
unterstützt von: medica AG

Periostin is a secreted extracellular matrix protein, which was        Dr. rer. nat.
originally described in osteoblasts. It supports osteoblastic diffe-   Andy Göbel
rentiation and bone formation and has been implicated in the
                                                                       Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav
pathogenesis of several human malignancies, including breast
cancer. However, little is known about the prognostic value of
                                                                       Medizinische Klinik III, Abteilung
serum periostin levels in breast cancer. In this study, we analyzed
                                                                       Endokrinologie, Diabetes und
serum levels of periostin in a cohort of 509 primary, non-meta-
static breast cancer patients. Disseminated tumor cell (DTC) sta-
tus was determined using bone marrow aspirates obtained from
the anterior iliac crests. Mean serum levels of periostin were
505±179 pmol/l. In older patients (>60 years), periostin serum
levels were significantly increased compared to younger patients       Lebenslauf
(540±184 pmol/l vs. 469±167 pmol/l; p
PD Dr. med.
Tilman D. Rachner
Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav
Medizinische Klinik III, Abteilung
Endokrinologie, Diabetes
und Knochenerkrankungen


Beruflicher Werdegang
2018 – heute Funktionsoberarzt
	           Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Me-
             dizinische Fakultät, Abteilung für Endokrino-
             logie, Diabetes und metabolische Knochener-
             krankungen, Prof. Dr. Lorenz C. Hofbauer,
2010 – 2018 Assistenzarzt
	          Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Me-
            dizinische Fakultät, Abteilung für Endokrino-
            logie, Diabetes und metabolische Knochener-
            krankungen, Prof. Dr. Lorenz C. Hofbauer,
2008 – 2009      Praktisches Jahr, Universitätsklinik Marburg
                  (Unfallchirurgie), S. Curtis Memorial Hospital,
                  St. Anthony, Kanada (VTG), Universitätsspital
                  Zürich, Schweiz (Gynäkologie), Kreiskranken-
                  haus Frankenberg (Innere Medizin)

Akademischer Werdegang
2018 Habilitation und Facharzt Innere Medizin
	   Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Me-
     dizinische Fakultät, Abteilung für Endokrino-
     logie, Diabetes und metabolische Knochener-
2013 – 2014      DFG GEROK-Stelle in der DFG-Forschergrup-
                  pe „SKELMET”
2003 – 2009      Studium Medizin
                  Philipps Universität Marburg

Endokrinologie Informationen 2/202017

Bruno Allolio-Preis an Frau Herrmann
Central Hypothyroidism Impairs Heart Rate Stability And Prevents Thyroid Hormone
­Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy And Pyrexia
unterstützt von: Shire Deutschland GmbH, jetzt ein Teil von Takeda

Beate Herrmanna, Lisbeth Hardera, Rebecca Oelkruga, Jiesi            Beate Herrmann, M. Sc.
Chenb, Sogol Gachkara, Sebastian Nocka, Julia Rescha, Markus
                                                                     *22.04.1988 in
Korkowskib,c, Heike Heuerb,c, Jens Mittaga
                                                                     Bergisch Gladbach
  Molecular Endocrinology/CBBM, University of Lübeck, Germa-
  Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine (IUF),
  Düsseldorf, Germany
  Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital Essen, Uni-
  versity Duisburg-Essen, Germany                                    Curriculum Vitae
Tachycardia, cardiac hypertrophy and elevated body tempera-          Education
ture are major signs of systemic hyperthyroidism, which are con-
                                                                     02/2016 – Doctoral Student
sidered to reflect the excessive thyroid hormone (TH) action in
                                                                     10/2019	Institute of Endocrinology & Diabetes, Universi-
the respective peripheral tissues. However, recent observations
                                                                               ty of Lübeck; Germany
indicate that the central actions of TH also contribute substan-
tially to cardiovascular regulation and thermogenesis.               04/2011 – Master in Biological Sciences
                                                                     09/2013 	Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Here, we dissect the individual contributions of peripheral TH                 University of Cologne; Germany
action versus the central contribution in body temperature regu-     10/2007 – Bachelor of Science
lation and cardiovascular functions by taking advantage of mice      01/2011 	Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
lacking the TH transporters MCT8 and OATP1C1 (M/O dko),                        University of Cologne; Germany
which exhibit elevated serum T3 levels while their brain is in               University entrance diploma (German Abi-
a profoundly hypothyroid state. These animals reflect the phe-               tur)
notype of the rare endocrine disease “Allan-Herndon-Dudley
Syndrome” (AHDS), a condition caused by mutations in MCT8.
Furthermore, we compared these M/O dko animals to wildtype           Professional Experiences
mice that were treated orally with T3 to achieve similarly elevat-
                                                                     03/2014 –      Research Assistant at the University
ed serum T3 levels, but do not exhibit central hypothyroidism.
                                                                     01/2016        Hospital Bonn, Bonn; Germany
                                                                                    Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Our analyses revealed mild hyperthermia and cardiac hypertro-
phy in T3-treated wildtype mice but not in M/O dko animals,          10/2013 – Research Assistant at the NYU Medical
suggesting that central actions of TH are required for these hy-     02/2014   School, New York City; USA
perthyroid phenotypes. Although the average heart rate was un-       	        Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine,
affected in either model, the M/O dko exhibited an altered heart               NYU Medical School; USA
rate frequency distribution with tachycardic bursts in active pe-    06/2012 – 	Research Scholar at the NYU Medical
riods and bradycardic episodes during resting time, demonstrat-      12/2012     School, New York City; USA
ing that the stabilization of heart rate by the autonomic nervous    	          Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine,
system can be impaired in these centrally hypothyroid animals.                   NYU Medical School; USA
                                                                     02/2012 –      Internship at Merck Serono KGaA, Darm-
Our studies unravel distinct phenotypical traits of hyperthyroid-    04/2012        stadt; Germany
ism that depend on an intact central nervous system, and pro-
                                                                     09/2011 – Laboratory Assistant by Itecra GmbH & Co.
vide valuable insight into the cardiovascular pathology of the
                                                                     01/2012   KG, Cologne; Germany
                                                                     	Institute for Tailored Early Clinical Research &
                                                                               Advice in Cologne

18                                                                                                    Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020

04/2009 – Student Research Assistant, Cologne; Ger-              3.	Oelkrug R, Herrmann B, Geissler C, Harder L, Koch C, Leh-
06/2009   many                                                      nert H, Oster H, Kirchner H, Mittag J (2017)
	Institute for Genetics at the University of Colo-              	Dwarfism and insulin resistance in male offspring caused by
          gne                                                       α1-adrenergic antagonism during pregancy
02/2009 –       Internship at Celonic GmbH, Basel; Swit-            Molecular Metabolism 6: 1126-1136.
04/2009         zerland                                          4.	Hurd T.R, Herrmann B, Sauerwald J, Sanny J, Grosch M, Leh-
                                                                     mann R (2016)
                                                                 	Long Oskar Controls Mitochondrial Inheritance in Drosophila
Publications                                                         melanogaster Developmental Cell 39, 560–571.
1.	Gachkar S, Oelkrug R, Herrmann B, Scanlan T.S, Sun Q, Bie-   5.	Klepac K, Kilić A, Gnad T, Brown L.M, Herrmann B, Wilder-
    bermann H, Hoefig C.S, Schomburg L, Mittag J (2019)              man A, Balkow A, Glöde A, Simon K, Lidell M.E, Betz M.J,
	N- and O-Acetylated 3-Iodothyronamines Have No Metabolic           Enerbäck S, Wess J, Freichel M, Blüher M, König G, Kostenis
    or Thermogenic Effects in Male Mice                              E, Insel P.A, Pfeifer A (2016)
    Eur Thyroid J doi: 10.1159/000504887                         	The Gq signaling pathway inhibits brown and beige adipose
2.	Johann K, Reis M.C, Harder L, Herrmann B, Gachkar S, Mit-        tissue Nat. Commun. 7:10895.
    tag J, Oelkrug R (2018)                                      6.	Pfennig T, Herrmann B, Bauer T, Schoemig E, Gründemann
	Effects of sildenafil treatment on thermogenesis and glucose       D (2013)
    homeostasis in diet-induced obesemice                        	Benzoic acid and specific 2-oxo acids activate hepatic ef-
    Nutrition & Diabetes 8: 9-13.                                    flux of glutamate of OAT2 Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013

Endokrinologie Informationen 2/202019

DGE Wissenschaftspreis „Junge Endokrinologie“an Frau Dr. rer. nat. Weidner
FGF-23 is a novel driver of anemia and impaired bone mineralization in myelodysplastic
unterstützt von: DGE

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are clonal malignant hemato-        04/2014 Graduation, Diploma, Dipl.Chem.
poietic disorders in elderly characterized by ineffective hemato-   	Title of diploma thesis: Regulation des Tran-
poiesis and alteration in the bone microenvironment. Our stu-               skriptionsfaktors ERG durch die microRNA-9 in
dy could show that myelodysplastic NUP98-HOXD13 (NHD13)                     der Akuten Myeloischen Leukämie
transgenic mice have a high number of osteoblasts and an in-        	Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz & Uni-
creased amount of non-mineralized bone accompanied by high                  versitätsklinikum Leipzig, Department of He-
serum levels of fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23), a phospha-            matology and Oncology
turic hormone that inhibits bone mineralization and erythropoi-     2008 – 2014      Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
esis. Antibody-based neutralizing of FGF-23 in myelodysplastic                       Program: Biomedical Chemistry
NHD13 mice improved bone mineralization, bone microarchitec-
ture, and ameliorated anemia. In addition, higher serum levels
of FGF-23 and an elevated amount of non-mineralized bone in         Publications
patients with MDS validated the findings in mice. Total FGF-23      Balaian E*, Weidner H*, Wobus M, Baschant U, Jacobi A, Mies
correlated negatively with hemoglobin levels and positively with    A, Bornhäuser M, Guck J, Hofbauer LC, Rauner M, Platzbecker
the amount of non-mineralized bone. Thus, the endocrine hor-        U. Effects of rigosertib on the osteo-hematopoietic niche in my-
mone FGF-23 displays a novel link between poor bone strength        elodysplastic syndromes. Ann Hematol. 2019;98(9):2063-2072.
and ineffective erythropoiesis in MDS.
                                                                    Thiele S, Hannemann A, Winzer M, Baschant U, Weidner H,
                                                                    Nauck M, Thakker R, Bornhäuser M, Hofbauer L, Rauner M.
                                                                    Regulation of sclerostin in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
Dr. rer. nat.                                                       (GIO) in mice and humans. Endocr Connect. 2019;8(7):923-934.
Heike Weidner                                                       Rauner M, Baschant U, Roetto A, Pellegrino RM, Rother S, Sal-
Age: 31                                                             bach-Hirsch J, Weidner H, Hintze V, Campbell G, Petzold A,
                                                                    Lemaitre R, Henry I, Bellido T, Theurl I, Altamura S, Colucci S,
                                                                    Muckenthaler MU, Schett G, Komla Ebri D, Bassett JHD, Wil-
                                                                    liams GR, Platzbecker U, Hofbauer LC. Transferrin receptor 2
Curriculum vitae                                                    controls bone mass and pathological bone formation via BMP
                                                                    and Wnt signaling. Nat Metab. 2019;1(1):111-124.
Current post                                                        Balaian E, Wobus M, Weidner H, Baschant U, Stiehler M, Ehnin-
09/2018 – Post-doctoral fellow                                      ger G, Bornhäuser M, Hofbauer LC, Rauner M, Platzbecker U.
present	Bone Lab, Technische Universität Dresden, De-              Erythropoietin inhibits osteoblast function in myelodysplastic
          partment of Medicine III                                  syndromes via the canonical Wnt pathway. Haematologica.
                                                                    Weidner H, Rauner M, Trautmann F, Schmitt J, Balaian E, Mies
Education                                                           A, Helas S, Baschant U, Khandanpour C, Bornhäuser M, Hof-
08/2018 Graduation, PhD                                             bauer LC, Platzbecker U. Myelodysplastic syndromes and bone
	Title of doctoral thesis: Characterization of the                 loss in mice and men. Leukemia. 2017;31(4):1003-1007.
        osteo-hematopoietic niche in myelodysplastic                Baschant U*, Rauner M*, Balaian E, Weidner H, Roetto A,
        syndromes                                                   Platzbecker U, Hofbauer LC. Wnt5a is a key target for the pro-
	Technische Universität Dresden, Department of                     osteogenic effects of iron chelation on osteoblast progenitors.
        Medicine I                                                  Haematologica. 2016;101(12):1499-1507.

20                                                                                                       Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020

YARE-Promotionspreis an Frau Dr. rer. nat. Lademann
Thyroid hormone signaling in murine bone cells – from cellular entry tomolecular action
unterstützt von: DGE

Bone is a highly dynamic organ that underlies constant re-         receptor typeIspecific inhibitor LDN193189 as well as BMP2/
modeling. This coordinated process is performed by bone-           BMP4 ligand antagonist noggin both reversed T3-induced effects
resorbing osteoclasts and bone-forming osteoblasts under           on osteoblast differentiation and activity. In vivo, the BMP ligand
the control of osteocytes. Thyroid hormones (TH) are indis-        trapping fusion protein ALK3-Fc protected hyperthyroid mice
pensable regulators of skeletal development and bone main-         against a decrease of trabecular bone volume by normalizing
tenance. Clinical studies have shown that untreated hyper-         bone formation as well as bone resorption.
thyroidism in adults can lead to secondary osteoporosis with
an increased fracture risk. Exogenously induced TH excess in       Next, we assessed the role of the TH transporter protein MCT8
mice increases bone turnover, however, with predominant            in bone. Using primary murine osteoblasts with deleted or drug-
bone resorption causing bone loss. Nonetheless, the mole-          inhibited MCT8 function, we demonstrated an important role of
cular mechanisms of TH actions in bone remain elusive. The         MCT8 in T3 but not L-thyroxine uptake. Further, Mct8-deficient
Wingless (Wnt) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) sig-           osteoblasts and osteoclasts were less differentiated and active
naling pathways both play key roles in promoting osteoblas-        than control cells. In vivo, systemic Mct8 ablation led to high
togenesis and osteoblast activity, thereby crucially regulating    serum T3 concentrations accompanied by trabecular bone loss
bone formation. Therefore, in this study we investigated           caused by an accelerated bone turnover and delayed bone mi-
whether TH influence these two major osteogenic pathways           neralization. To distinguish whether T3 excess or direct effects
in murine osteoblasts. As osteoblasts and osteoclasts are          of MCT8 loss were accountable for the observed bone pheno-
tightly linked via osteoblast-secreted factors, we further as-     type, we examined conditional Mct8 knockout mice specifically
sessed whether blocking BMP signaling can protect against          targeting osteoprogenitors, osteoclast precursors or late osteo-
bone loss in hyperthyroid mice. To exert physiological actions,    blasts/osteocytes. Cell type-specific Mct8 deletion did not alter
TH must enter their target cells through specific transporter      TH serum concentrations, body weight or skeletal growth. Mct8
proteins such as the monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8).         deficiency in osteoblast and osteoclast progenitors both resulted
As MCT8 was recently reported to be expressed in osteo-            in trabecular bone gain, however, due to distinct underlying me-
blasts and osteoclasts, we evaluated MCT8 as a regulator of        chanisms. Further, osteoprogenitor- as well as osteocyte-specific
bone homeostasis by comparing mice with a systemic versus          Mct8 knockout reduced cortical bone mass, indicating distinct
bone cell-specific Mct8 deletion.                                  expression patterns and functions of MCT8 in trabecular versus
                                                                   cortical bone.
Treatment with the biological active hormone 3,3‘,5-triiodo-
L-thyronine (T3) enhanced differentiation and function, while      Thus, our findings identify MCT8 as a critical regulator of bone
suppressing proliferation of murine osteoblasts. In line with      mass and homeostasis. Still, bone loss in global Mct8-deficient
our previous study, we demonstrated that Wnt signaling was         mice with high systemic T3 indicate that another so far uniden-
attenuated upon T3 treatment. In contrast, the canonical BMP       tified TH transporter can compensate for the loss of MCT8.
pathway was immediately activated after T3 treatment at the        Moreover, this study reveals that T3, once inside osteoblasts,
transcriptional and post-translational level as indicated by in-   activates canonical BMP-SMAD1/5-signaling to promote their
creased BMP target gene expression, BMP promoter activity          differentiation and function. In fact, BMP pathway blockade
and phosphorylation of the downstream transcription factors        prevents TH excess-induced bone loss in mice by normalizing
SMAD1 and SMAD5. Blockade of BMP signaling with the BMP            bone turnover and thus, may be a promising therapeutic target.

22                                                                                                        Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020

Dr. rer. nat.                                              Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of
                                                          10/2007 –
Franziska Lademann                                        06/2011
                                                           Department of Biology
Born on January 6th,                                      	
                                                           Title of Bachelor thesis: Mikrobiologische und
1989 in Freital, Germany                                   molekularbiologische Untersuchung der Aus-
                                                           wirkungen von verfahrenstechnischen Modi-
                                                           fikationen einer zweistufigen Biogasanlage
                                                           University degree: 1.9 (B.Sc.)

Curriculum Vitae                                          Awards & Grants
                                                          05/2019       ravel Grant, Deutsche Gesellschaft für En-
Professional Experience                                                dokrinologie,
  echnische Universität Dresden, Medical
11/2019 –                                                              TTA-IC, Berlin, Germany
  Faculty                                                 05/2019       CTS New Investigator Award 2019,
	Department of Medicine III Division of Endo-                         European Calcified Tissue Society
  crinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Bone Disor-           03/2019       on Recklinghausen-Preis 2019 der Deut-
  ders, Bone Lab                                                       schen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie
                                                            ravel Grant, Medical Faculty, Technische
02/2016 – Technische Universität Dresden, Medical           Universität Dresden;
10/2019   Faculty                                         	12th International BMP Conference, Tokyo, Ja-
	Department of Medicine III Division of Endo-              pan
          crinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Bone Disor-
                                                          07/2018	Travel Grant, 12th International BMP Con-
          ders, Bone Lab
                                                                   ference, Tokyo, Japan
          PhD student
          Focus: Thyroid hormone actions on bone             ravel Grant, Deutsche Gesellschaft für En-
05/2014 – Technische Universität Dresden, Medical
                                                          	13th International Workshop on Resistance to
01/2016   Faculty,
                                                            Thyroid Hormones, Doorn, The Netherlands
	Clinic for Thorax, Visceral and Vessel Surgery,
          Research Laboratory                                ravel Award, Deutsche Akademie der os-
          Research assistant                                teologischen und rheumatologischen Wis-
          Focus: New therapeutic approaches for pan-       senschaften e.V. (DAdorW),
           creatic cancer                                 	YIOSS Young Investigator Symposium, Osteo-
                                                            logie, Dresden, Deutschland
                                                             ravel Award, Deutsche Akademie der os-
Education                                                   teologischen und rheumatologischen Wis-
 Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of
02/2016 –                                                   senschaften e.V. (DAdorW),
 Science,                                                 	YIOSS Young Investigator Symposium, Osteo-
 Department of Biology                                      logie, Erlangen, Deutschland
 Doctoral study of biology (PhD student)                  05/2016       ravel Grant, Deutsche Gesellschaft für En-
 Title of PhD thesis: Thyroid hormone signaling                        dokrinologie,
 in murine bone cells – from cellular entry to                         ESE Summer School Bregenz, Austria
 molecular action                                         12/2014       hrenfried Walter von Tschirnhaus Certifi-
 University degree: summa cum laude (Dr. rer.                          cate, Technische Universität Dresden
 Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of
10/2011 –
 Department of Biology
 Title of Master thesis: Der Einfluss siRNA-ver-
 mittelter Genexpressionsinhibition zur Apop-
 toseinduktion in humanen Pankreaskarzinom-
 University degree: 1.0 (M.Sc.)

Endokrinologie Informationen 2/202023

Von Basedow-Preis an Frau Wilpert
Spatiotemporal Changes of Cerebral MCT8 Expression
unterstützt von: Henning - Eine Marke der Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

Nina-Maria Wilperta, Martin Kruegerb, Robert Opitza, David Se-           Nina-Maria Wilpert
bingera, Sarah Paisdziora, Bianca Magesb, Angela Schulzc, Joa-
chim Sprangerd, Eva K. Wirthd, Harald Stachelscheide,f, Philipp
                                                                         Schönwalder Straße 22
Mergenthalerg,h, Peter Vajkoczyi, Heiko Krudea, Peter Kühnena,
                                                                         13347 Berlin
Ingo Bechmannb and Heike Biebermanna
 Institute of Experimental Pediatric Endocrinology, Charité –
                                                                         Mobil: +49 15783851445
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, bInstitute of Anatomy and cRudolf
Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry, University of Leipzig,
  Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, Charité –
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, eStem Cell Core Facility, Berlin Institute
of Health, fBerlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies
(BCRT) and gDepartment of Experimental Neurology, Department
of Neurology, Center for Stroke Research Berlin, Charité – Uni-          Schule
versitätsmedizin Berlin, hBerlin Institute of Health, iDepartment of     2010 – 2011       Auslandsjahr
Neurosurgery, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin                                         Richard King High School (USA)
                                                                         2013              Erwerb der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (1,0)
Mutations of the thyroid hormone (TH)-specific monocarboxyl-                               Romain-Rolland-Oberschule, Berlin
ate transporter 8 (MCT8) cause a severe neurodevelopmental
disorder, described as Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS).
TH brain uptake may be impaired in MCT8 deficiency leading to            Studium
restricted TH-induced neurodifferentiation and -function. How-
                                                                         seit 2013         Humanmedizin, Modellstudiengang
ever, it is unlikely that TH “brain uptake” is ubiquitously limited,
                                                                                           Charité, Berlin
since patients present a neurological phenotype different to chil-
                                                                         voraussichtlich   3. Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung
dren with global hypothyroidism. Although a variety of studies
describe the cerebral Mct8/MCT8 transcript and protein abun-
dance, the expression may vary between mRNA and protein, in              2016               ausarbeit: Nicht-invasive Beatmungsme-
multiple cellular layers of the neurovascular unit, in brain areas                         thoden in der Neonatologie
and in an age-dependent manner. In order to localize the exact                             University of Oxford (GB)
site of pathological TH transport and develop targeted therapies         2017 – 2019       drei Promotionssemester
for AHDS, it is fundamental to analyze the cerebral MCT8 protein
expression in detail. Therefore, we performed immunofluores-
cence labeling with highly specific antibodies against MCT8 in
brains of young to adult mice, in post-mortem human brain tis-           seit 2017	MCT8 und FOXG1 im prä-/postnatalen Ge-
sue and in cerebral organoids as a model of human neurodevel-                       hirn: eine histologische & neuropathologi-
opment. Visual and quantitative analyses of serial murine brain                     sche Studie
sections revealed constant Mct8 levels in endothelial cells of the       	Institut für Experimentelle Pädiatrische Endo-
blood-brain barrier (BBB), choroid plexus epithelial cells and tany-                krinologie, Charité
cytes. In contrast, neuronal Mct8 expression appeared to be con-         	Klinik für Pädiatrie mit Schwerpunkt Neurolo-
fined to distinct brain regions which exhibited an age-dependent                    gie, Charité
reduction of Mct8 immunoreactivity. Simultaneously, in humans,           2017 – 2018       Forschungsaufenthalt
MCT8 was still detectable at the BBB of elderly body donors,                               Institut für Anatomie, Universität Leipzig
whereas neuronal MCT8 immunosignals were only found in early
                                                                         2019 Forschungsaufenthalt
stages of distinct neuronal progenitor cells in brain organoids.
                                                                         	imagine – Institut des maladies génétiques, Pa-
Our expression data suggest that in MCT8 deficiency, the TH
                                                                              ris (FR)
transport may primarily be altered over the BBB and additionally
over certain neuronal membranes during early brain develop-
ment. Subsequently, these two barriers may be therapeutically
addressed in a spatio-temporal fashion in the future.

24                                                                                                              Endokrinologie Informationen 2/2020
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