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ENriCH yourself! Abschlussstudie des „Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage Project” ENriCH yourself! Final Study of the Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage Project
ENriCH kurz ENriCH in a Nutshell zusammengefasst The Reveal YouropEaN Cultur- Das „Reveal YouropEaN Cultu- al Heritage project, or as we ral Heritage Project” – kurz shortly call it: ENriCH, was a „EnriCH“ – ist ein Projekt, project co-funded by the Eu- das vom Programm „Euro- rope for Citizens Programme pe for Citizens“ der Europäi- of the European Union, under schen Union im Rahmen des its subprogram ‘Democratic U n te r p ro g ra m m s engagement and „Demokratisches civic participation’ Engagement und in the ‘Network of Bürgerbeteiligung” Towns’ action. EN- der Aktion „Netz- riCH was run be- werk der Städte” tween 2018 and mitfinanziert wur- 2020 by five part- de. ENriCH wurde ners in five towns zwischen 2018 und across Europe: Ei- 2020 von fünf Part- senstadt (Austria), nern in den fol- Lendava (Slovenia), genden fünf Städten in ganz Europa Saint-Omer (France), Tartu (Estonia), geführt: Eisenstadt (Österreich), Len- and Veszprém (Hungary), and each of dava (Slowenien), Saint-Omer (Frank- them has supported young people in reich), Tartu (Estland) und Veszprém exploring local cultural heritage and (Ungarn). Aus jeder dieser Städte hat has helped them share their opin- ENriCH junge Menschen bei der Erfor- ion about what this heritage means schung des lokalen Kulturerbes un- to them, how they see the future of terstützt und sie dazu angeregt, ihre cultural heritage and how it could be Meinung über die gegenwärtige und shown on a map that displays special zukünftige Bedeutung dieses Erbes zu itineraries in these towns for those teilen sowie darüber, wie eine Karte who are curious about the local ‘taste’ mit speziellen Reiserouten zur Erkun- of that settlement. The main question dung des „lokalen Geschmacks“ jener has been: how European events and Gegenden aussehen könnte. Die zen- culture shaped the cultural heritage trale Frage lautete: Wie haben euro- of my city and vica versa? päische Veranstaltungen und Kultur das kulturelle Erbe meiner Stadt ge- prägt und welcher Beitrag zu europäi- schen Kultur kam aus meiner Stadt? 2
1. Unsere Partner 1. Our Partners 1.1. Gemeinde Veszprém, Ungarn 1.1. Municipality of Veszprém, Hungary Die Gemeinde Veszprém war der federführende Partner von ENriCH. The Municipality of Veszprém was the Veszprém, die „Stadt der Königinnen”, Lead Partner of ENriCH. Veszprém, ist heute eine der ältesten ungarischen ‘the city of Queens’, is one of the old- Städte mit 60 000 Einwohnern. Es est Hungarian cities with 60 000 in- grenzt sowohl an das Plattenseehoch- habitants today. Lying in the embrace land als auch an das Bakonygebirge of Lake Balaton and Bakony Hills, it is und ist ein regionales Verwaltungs-, a regional administrative, economic Wirtschafts- und Kulturzentrum. Kul- and cultural centre. Culture plays an tur spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Leben important role in the life of the city, der Stadt, da sie bekannterweise reich which is prominently rich in cultural an kulturellem Erbe ist und zahlreiche heritage and hosts numerous notable bemerkenswerte kulturelle Veranstal- cultural events and art festivals. Vesz- tungen und Kunstfestivals beherbergt. prém boasts several prestigious edu- Veszprém verfügt über mehrere re- cational institutions, including a cam- nommierte Bildungseinrichtungen, pus of the University of Pannonia, the darunter einen Campus der Universi- leading higher educational institution tät Pannonien, der führenden Hoch- of Central Transdanubia. Veszprém schule für Bildung in Zentraltransda- has been a member of the UNESCO nubien. Veszprém ist seit 2019 Mitglied Creative Cities Network in the field of des UNESCO Creative Cities Netzwer- Music since 2019, and the city together kes im Bereich Musik und 2023 wird with the Balaton region will be the Eu- die Stadt zusammen mit der Balaton- ropean Capital of Culture in 2023. Region Kulturhauptstadt Europas sein. 1.2. Adult Education Center, 1.2. Volkshochschule, Lendava, Slovenia Lendava, Slowenien Adult Education Center Lendava is a Das Adult Education Center Lendava public local organization, established ist eine öffentliche lokale Organisa- by the Municipality of Lendava to tion, die von der Gemeinde Lendava promote and develop adult educa- gegründet wurde, um die Erwachse- tion. It offers a comprehensive range nenbildung zu fördern und weiterzu- of educational programmes with an 3
entwickeln. Sie bietet ein umfassen- increasing attention to lifelong learn- des Angebot an Bildungsprogrammen ing projects, especially to the social- zunehmend mit Fokus auf Projekte des ly weak groups, including the Roma lebenslangen Lernens, insbesondere community. für sozial schwache Gruppen, ein- In the last few years there have schließlich der Roma-Gemeinschaft. been also workshops for raising the In den letzten Jahren gab es auch Work- awareness about active citizenship, shops zur Sensibilisierung für aktive and since 2005 several national and Bürgerschaft und seit 2005 wurden meh- cross-border projects have been car- rere nationale und grenzüberschreiten- ried out. Lendava extends the line of de Projekte durchgeführt. Lendava er- European Capital of Culture cities in weitert die Linie der Kulturhauptstadt the ENriCH partnership since it is a Europas in der ENriCH-Partnerschaft, da candidate city for 2025. es eine Kandidatenstadt für 2025 ist. 1.3. Foster Europe Foundation, 1.3. Foster Europe Foundation, Eisenstadt, Austria Eisenstadt, Österreich Foster Europe Foundation for Die Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions is an in- strong European Regions ist eine un- dependent, non-partisan, private abhängige, überparteiliche, private und and charitable Austrian Foundation gemeinnützige öster-reichische Stiftung to promote European integration, zur Förderung der europäischen Integ- democracy, regional decentrali- ration, Demokratie, regionalen Dezent- sation and federalism in Europe. ralisierung und Föderalismus in Europa. While working in a Pan-European Während der Arbeit in einem gesamt- framework, Foster Europe puts its europäischen Rahmen legt Foster Euro- main emphasis in the area of Cen- pe seinen Schwerpunkt auf den Bereich tral and Eastern Europe. Foster Mittel- und Osteuropa. Foster Europe Europe has been promoting a Eu- hat 2009 eine europäische Debatte über ropean debate on federalism and Föderalismus und subnationale Dezen- sub-national decentralization since tralisierung gefördert. In enger Zusam- 2009. In close cooperation with Eu- menarbeit mit europäischen Partnern ropean partners from the realms of aus Wissenschaft, Forschung sowie science, research as well as practi- praktischer politischer Umsetzung be- cal political implementation, Foster schäftigt sich Foster Europe mit der Europe is addressing the question 4
Frage, wie Staaten und ihre Institutio- of how to organize states and their nen organisiert werden können und wie institutions as well as the search for mehr und höhere Formen der Demokra- more and higher forms of democra- tie erreicht werden können. Im Rahmen cy. In the framework of the EU mac- der makroregionalen EU-Strategien, ro-regional strategies, especially insbesondere der EU-Strategie für die the EU Strategy for the Danube Re- Donauregion, fördert Foster Europe die gion, Foster Europe promotes struc- strukturelle Beteiligung und die Vernet- tural civic participation, networking zung von Nichtregierungsorganisatio- of NGOs as a key component of the nen als Schlüsselkomponente der mak- macro-regional governance. roregionalen Governance. 1.4. Municipality of Tartu, Estonia 1.4. Gemeinde Tartu, Estland Tartu is the second largest city of Es- Tartu ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Est- tonia with a population of 100 000. lands mit 100 000 Einwohnern. Es ist It is the regional centre of South-Es- das regionale Zentrum von Süd-Est- tonia and can be considered the land und kann als die Kultur- und cultural and educational capital of Bildungshauptstadt des Landes be- the country. The top universities of trachtet werden. In Tartu befinden Estonia are situated here: Univer- sich die Top-Universitäten Estlands: sity of Tartu, Estonian University of Die Universität Tartu, die estnische Life Sciences and Tartu Health Care Universität für Biowissenschaften und College. Every year more than 20 das Tartu Health Care College. Jedes 000 students study in Tartu, among Jahr studieren mehr als 20 000 Studie- them foreign students from about rende in Tartu, darunter ausländische 80 countries. Studierende aus etwa 80 Ländern. Culture plays an important role Kultur spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Le- in the life of Tartu: the city hosts ben von Tartu: Die Stadt beherbergt a range of high-ranking cultur- eine Reihe von hochrangigen kulturel- al events that are international in len Veranstaltungen, die international scope and places great emphasis ausgerichtet sind und legt großen Wert on cultural heritage, especially now, auf kulturelles Erbe, vor allem jetzt, da when it won the title of the Europe- Tartu den Titel der Europäischen Kultur- an Capital of Culture 2024. Culture hauptstadt 2024 gewann. Kultur ist auch is also the main link between Tartu die Hauptverbindung zwischen Tartu and its twin town, Veszprém. Tar- 5
und seiner Partnerstadt Veszprém. Tartu tu has wide international relations unterhält weitreichende internationale and has been a member of the UN- Beziehungen und ist seit 2015 Mitglied ESCO Creative Cities Network in the des UNESCO Creative Cities Network im field of Literature since 2015. There Bereich Literatur. In der Stadt gibt es are around 100 youth organisations rund 100 Jugendorganisationen. in the city. 1.5. Urbanism and Development 1.5. Urbanism and Development Agency (AUD), Saint-Omer, Frankreich Agency (AUD), Saint-Omer, France Die harmonische Stadt Saint-Omer The harmonious city of Saint-Omer bietet ein bemerkenswertes histori- offers remarkable historic urban sches Kulturerbe. Das UNESCO-Bio- cultural heritage. The Marais Audo- sphärenreservat Marais Audomarois marois UNESCO biosphere reserve umfasst Saint-Omer und auch sein includes Saint-Omer and also its Feuchtgebiet, das ein Paradies für wetland, a paradise for the fauna Fauna und Floras sowie auch der letz- and flora, also the last cultivated te bewirtschaftete Sumpf Frankreichs marsh of France. Water shapes land- ist. Wasser prägt die Landschaften scapes everywhere and permeates dort überall und durchdringt den All- everyday life. The municipalities of tag. Die Gemeinden der Region Mori- the Morinie area carry the traces of nie tragen die Spuren einer reichen a rich history around Thérouanne, Geschichte um Thérouanne, einer an ancient city and a rare example antiken Stadt und ein seltenes Bei- of a ‘disappeared city’. The traces spiel einer „verschwundenen Stadt”. of this medieval ‘Pompeii’ are ex- Die Spuren dieses mittelalterlichen pressed in the landscape and the „Pompeji” kommen in der Landschaft soil. und im Boden zum Ausdruck. AUD manages studies and projects AUD verwaltet Studien und Projekte for the planning and sustainable für die Planung und nachhaltige Ent- development of the territory. The wicklung des Territoriums. Vom Minis- organisation carries the label ‘Plac- terium für Kultur und Kommunikation es of Art and History’, which was verliehen trägt die Organisation das awarded by the Ministry of Culture Label „Orte der Kunst und Geschich- and Communication and distin- te”, das Gebiete auszeichnet, die von guishes territories that are animat- einem echten Ehrgeiz des Schutzes ed by a real ambition of protection 6
und der Verbesserung von Architek- and enhancement of architecture, tur, Landschaft und Erbe beseelt sind. landscape and heritage. 1.6. Gemeinde Passau, Deutschland 1.6. Municipality of Passau, Germany Although not involved in the whole Obwohl Passau nicht an dem gesam- project, Passau is a twin town of ten Projekt beteiligt ist, ist die Stadt Veszprém and offered the possibility eine Partnerstadt von Veszprém und es to visit their wonderful city with the bot sich die Möglichkeit, die wunder- ENriCH partnership. The town, also bare Stadt der ENriCH-Partnerschaft known as the ’City of Three Rivers‘ zu besuchen. Die Stadt, auch bekannt got this name because the Danube als die „Stadt der drei is joined there by the Flüsse”, erhielt diesen Inn from the south Namen, weil die Do- and the Ilz from the nau dort durch den north. Moreover, the Inn von Süden und city is notable for its die Ilz aus dem Nor- amazing built heri- den verbunden ist. tage, the mainly goth- Darüber hinaus ist die ic and baroque archi- Stadt bekannt für ihr tecture. erstaunlich gebautes Passau gives home Erbe; die hauptsäch- to many schools, and lich gotische und ba- to the youngest uni- rocke Architektur. versity in Bavaria, the Passau beherbergt University of Passau. viele Schulen und die Around 12 000 stu- jüngste Universität in dents attend the uni- Bayern, die Universität Passau. Rund versity which has probably one of 12 000 Studierende besuchen die Uni- the most modern campuses in the versität, die wahrscheinlich einen der country. In the frame of ENriCH stu- modernsten Campus des Landes hat. dents from Gisela High School were Im Rahmen von ENriCH waren Schü- involved. lerinnen des Gisela Gymnasiums be- teiligt. 7
2. Unsere Ziele 2. Our Goals Die europäische Kultur kann aufgrund European culture, due to its diver- ihrer Vielfalt und ihres Reichtums eine sity and richness can signify an un- beispiellose Quelle des Wissens bedeu- precedented source of knowledge. It ten. Es ist wichtig, das kulturelle Erbe is important to rediscover, use pru- und die von den europäischen Natio- dently and promote cultural heritage nen und Gemeinschaften geschaffenen and values established by European Werte wiederzuentdecken, umsichtig zu nations and communities. This need nutzen und zu fördern. Diese Notwendig- is even more relevant with regard to keit ist noch relevanter im Hinblick auf Y&Z generations who are, among oth- Y&Z-Generationen, die unter anderem ers, having serious phone separation ernsthafte Telefontrennungsängste ha- anxiety thus approaching to old tra- ben und sich so mit gewissen Zweifeln ditions with certain doubts. an alte Traditionen heranlassen. Through ENriCH our aim was to Unser Ziel war es, mit ENriCH lokale Ent- support local decision makers and scheidungsträgerinnen und vor allem mainly young citizens in revealing junge Bürgerinnen dabei zu unterstützen, the common European identity and die gemeinsame europäische Identität shared values, connections in their und gemeinsame Werte, Verbindungen in history and cultural heritage. Thus, ihrer Geschichte und ihr kulturelles Erbe ENriCH has tried to reinterpret the zu enthüllen. So hat ENriCH versucht, European cultural heritage through das europäische Kulturerbe durch den the dialogue of youth and decision Dialog von Jugend und Entscheidungs- makers. trägerinnen neu zu interpretieren. 3. Preparations 3. Vorbereitungen In the frame of ENriCH all interna- Im Rahmen von ENriCH basierten alle tional meetings were based on pre- internationalen Treffen auf lokalen Vor- liminary local activities. Every part- untersuchungen. Jeder Partner richtete eine lokale Gruppe von sechs bis fünf- ner set up a local group of 6-15 young zehn Gymnasiastinnen und Universi- people (a mixture of high school and tätsstudierenden ein, mit der während university students) to work with des gesamten Projekts zusammengear- during the whole project. The local beitet werden konnte. Die lokalen Grup- groups usually met on a monthly pen trafen sich in der Regel monatlich, basis to work on project tasks (map 8
um an Projektaufgaben zu arbeiten (an and preparation of the international Karte und Vorbereitung der internatio- meetings), and in a rotation system nalen Treffen) und in einem Rotations- 2-3 students travelled to the inter- system reisten zwei bis drei Studieren- national meetings from each group, de zu den internationalen Treffen jeder which proved to be a great opportu- Gruppe, was sich als eine großartige Ge- nity to practice English, get to know legenheit erwies, Englischkenntnisse zu other cultures, and experience the verbessern, andere Kulturen kennenzu- joint work of students and decision lernen und die gemeinsame Arbeit von makers/experts. Lernenden und Entschei- Although dungsträgerinnen bzw. many of the Expertinnen zu erleben. students did Obwohl sich viele der not know Schülerinnen vorher nicht kannten, wurden sie am each other Ende der intensiven ge- before, at the meinsamen Arbeit zu einer end of the in- großartigen Gemeinschaft. tensive joint Die Harmonie entwickel- work they be- te sich innerhalb der ge- came a great samten internationalen c o m m u n i t y. Gruppe ähnlich. Auch bei The harmo- den internationalen Tref- ny developed fen wurden sie immer offener. similarly within the whole interna- Die Partnerschaft fand es besonders tional group. They became more and wichtig, mit den Studierenden als Kol- more open during the international leginnen zu arbeiten, anstatt hierar- meetings as well. chisch, um die gemeinsame Gestaltung The partnership found it especially gemeinsamer Aktivitäten zu ermög- important to work with the students lichen: Viele der Aufgaben wurden as colleagues instead of a hierarchi- hauptsächlich von den Studierenden cal way, enabling efficient coopera- durchgeführt, während Entscheidungs- tion: many of the tasks were carried trägerinnen und Expertinnen nur eine out mainly by the students, while unterstützende, koordinierende Rolle decision makers and experts had im Prozess hatten. only supporting, coordinating role in Dies war der Fall bei den Begrüßungs- the process. videos, die auf dem @ENriCH Youtube- This was the case with the welcome 9
Kanal verfügbar sind. Auch das ENriCH videos, which are available on the @ Instagram Profil wurde von den ungari- ENriCH Youtube channel. Also, the schen Studierenden erstellt und verwal- ENriCH Instagram profile was creat- tet, dennoch konnten alle Studierenden ed and managed by the Hungarian aus anderen Ländern an der kontinuier- students, but all students from other lichen Wartung teilnehmen. Sie können countries could take part in its contin- sich das Ergebnis weiterhin anschauen, uous maintenance. You can still check indem Sie nach @enrich_veszprem su- it by searching for @enrich_veszprem. chen. Ebenso war das Projektlogo das Similarly, the project logo was co-cre- Ergebnis eines von jungen Menschen ated by the young participants, as a mitgestalteten Diskussionsprozesses. result of a discussion process. Das Kernthema der lokalen Treffen war However, the core topic of the lo- jedoch die Erstellung der USE-it-basier- cal meetings was the preparation of ten Online-Karten, „den” ENriCH-Karten. the USE-it based maps, ‘the’ ENriCH maps. 4. Unsere ENriCH Maps 4. Our ENriCH Maps Wir alle kennen die allgemeinen Stadt- pläne, die die wichtigsten Sehens- We all know the general city maps that würdigkeiten der Städte zeigen und show the main attractions of the cit- Programme und Freizeit-aktivitäten ies, highlighting programs and leisure auf einfache Weise hervorheben. Nor- activities in a simple way. Usually none malerweise gibt keiner von ihnen per- of them gives personal suggestions sönliche Vorschläge und Tipps. Das ist and tips. That is what ENriCH maps es jedoch, worauf sich ENriCH-Karten mainly focused on: making you feel hauptsächlich konzentrieren: Sie sollen as you were advised by your friends. Ihnen das Gefühl geben, von Freundin- To do so, you can find personal tips nen beraten zu werden. Dazu finden about the students’ favourite places Sie persönliche Tipps der Schülerinnen or recommendations to visit or try; zu deren Lieblingsorten oder Empfeh- walking routes created along the local lungen, sehenswerte Orte zu besuchen youngsters’ most-loved tracks; a short und Neues auszuprobieren; wie z.B. die history to feel the city really close to Wanderwege entlang der beliebtesten you, but also some practical hints and Pfade der einheimischen Jugendlichen; tips about local culture and habits. eine kurzen Einblick in die Geschich- te, um ein anderes, näheres Gefühl für 10
den jeweiligen Ort, sowie auch einige Collecting that much information and praktische Tipps und Tipps über lokale synthetization required a big effort Kultur und Gewohnheiten zu erhalten. from the groups: Das Sammeln von so vielen Informa- • joint brainstorming and mind tionen und die Verarbeitung dieser mapping created the starting erforderte einen großen Aufwand von point during which great ideas, den Gruppen: hidden treasures and interesting • Gemeinsames Brainstorming und tips came up within the groups, Mind Mapping schufen den Aus- and mind maps were made also gangspunkt, an dem große Ideen, by students’ family members, verborgene Schätze und interessan- friends and school mates to te Tipps innerhalb der Gruppen ent- broaden the picture; standen und Gedankenkarten auch • additionally, along a previous- von Familienmitgliedern, Freundin- ly prepared interview guide and nen und Schulkameradinnen der some joint practice, youngsters Schülerinnen erstellt wurden, um conducted interviews with local das Bild zu erweitern; decision makers, experts or citi- • Darüber hinaus führten die Jugendli- zens who knew the city very well; chen zusammen mit einem zuvor vor- • the hardest point arrived when bereiteten Interviewführer und einer gemeinsamen Praxis Interviews mit lokalen Entscheidungsträgerinnen, 11
Expertinnen oder Bürgerinnen, die the groups had to select from all die Stadt sehr gut kannten; the collected ‘points of interest’, • der schwierigste Punkt, der erreicht and decide which were the most wurde, wenn die Gruppen aus allen important ones that should be gesammelten „Interessenpunkten” placed on the maps; auswählen und entscheiden mussten, • then in some cases, the working welche die wichtigsten waren, die auf groups created interesting, un- den Karten platziert werden sollten; usual walking routes based on • Dann erstellten die Arbeitsgruppen the suggestions. in einigen Fällen interessante, un- After finalizing all the ‘points of inter- gewöhnliche Wanderwege auf der est’ and agreeing on the design, cre- Grundlage der Vorschläge. ative and unique products were born: Nach Abschluss der Fertigstellung The whole process was a really inter- aller „Punkte von Interesse” und der esting and instructive way of learning Einigung auf das Design entstanden about one’s hometown; working in kreative und einzigartige Produkte: Der ganze Prozess war eine wirklich interessante und lehrreiche Art, Neues über die Heimatstadt sowie über das cerkev Evangeličanska Lendvaski grad 6 Evangélikus templom Evangelical Church 1 Lendvai vár Lendava Castle Center Bánffy Gledališka in koncertna dvorana yterem 7 Bánffy Központ Bánffy Center 2 Lendvai színház és Hangversen Hall Lendava Cerkveni trg Theatre and Concert 8 Templom-tér Arbeiten in Gruppen und mit (zumin- Sinagoga Catholic Church 3 Zsinagóga Synagogue Stolp Vinarium Lendava felé Knjižnica 9 A Vinarium torony Vinarium Tower 4 Könyvtár Library Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava Lendva stle 2 km Mestna hiša 10 Kétnyelvű Középiskola, Secondary School Lendava av a Ca 9 5 Városháza Town Hall Lend er 11 Retro bar dest anfänglich) fremden Personen zu Tow arium Pub Lendava Vin 1 12 O’Connor’s Irish Egyetemistak Klubja Lendava - a Lendvai Klub študentovLendava 13 Students Club lernen; Sprach- und Schreibkenntnisse 8 Center Bánffy i 7 5 4 6 Zala Görgy square 12 2 Beginnin – The area gs O'Connor's Irish Pub Lendava History. was inhabited Ruins the actual from the era of already 24 21 3 place the Roman in the 1000 – King of Veszprém (Gyulafirát Empire wereAncient 22 rebelled against Stephen I defeated ót, Baláca). found near 1 The final the the battle, whereintroduction of army of Koppány If you are a fan of 43 1001 - The Veszprém. Koppány Christianit who Pub is sports, especially Retro bar traditional wife of King Stephen first historicalThe city was the was captured, y in the country. sport fans going to be your handball, Pu ly county (in first episcopal took place favourite BAR ies counties GRUND 1018 – The got crowned by the I, Queen Gisella cheering get together here 5 42 tee 13 establishe Hungarian seat of Hungary near place ever. - the Sport got d by King the to a famous nunnery of Veszprémvbishop of Veszprém. crowned by the : Stephen vármegye) in the pub where fans can barely support their favourite During matches, 11 and the The Csikász Fr symbol I. XIII - XV. of the Hungarian ölgy was Due to this bishop of Veszprém. system of interior you can get tastefuleat and drink. On team. exhibitions Gallery invites 44 študentov Lendava founded. tradition consists a normal While artists. The where you can you to visit diverse CULTURE In the era century – During ee Veszprém After of costumes lunch and alcoholic KŠL - Klub Crown, was Probably victories. is called that, the queens day it’s a see breathtaki of Queen Beatrix,Bishop Albert these centuries made on the this is the place ’the city and signed drinks, entrance contempor 12 of Queens’. of Hungary cups placed but the fee is affordable Food and ng paintings Vetési (1458-148 many armies instructions of where ary XVI. century wife of King Matthias Gisella. the Coronation 2 here after 6 . by recent Panorama 6) the city I was crowned turned into attempted to siege Mantle, Óváros László restaurant Restaurant is EAT&DR drink ! over until – During Vass, . a INK, the Ottoman a prosperou the castle without tér Veszprém. (Old Town Square) nally living a significant Goulash They serve typicalcheap, although VIEWPO finally 1704 – During the Christian army attacks Veszprém as well. here soup or INT Free time e s centre any success. tasty self-servic historical The lovely little Veszprém in Budapest, giftedcontemporary Hungarian 16 Adventurou SIGHTSE Mä of the Renaissan was the CULTURE to walk Paprika (called kurucok),the Rákóczi’s wiped out was the Ottoman in the frontline, ce. buildings. square old is surroundemarket place EING Gallery. in 1999, but back his world-fam collector, origi- art through lunch there. a Chinese chicken. The dishes here, e If you’re 19 in fresh War XVIII. century and after the of Independence forces from conqueste small souvenir buildings You may shops here. find many d by beautiful,of In been named2003, the private then it was placed collection ous And the view on clothes funny part is that such as shop you local studs, a youngster who’d like s free time air royal army the city Veszprém d and in 1683. reconquested over were An interesting cafes, restaurant collection to the castle when you go and have then pay to have They are – Veszprém of the Habsburg pledged style is very built in the ations. Since after the owner got a new in the Csikász 13 is superb! have a There’s sparkling a visit some fun EAT&DRINK 1938 – The standing still today. became the centre Empire took alliance with the and rare in smallerstyle of Art Nouveau. fact is that many of s, and then you of the can visit books, paintings place which From Papírváro you’re hungry, nightlife, at Griff Caffe and drinks 21 Uu Sights eeings Shop ping Em of commerce back rebelling the had especially Pizzeria with 1944 – Duringfamous bridge of Veszprém in the region, the city in 1704 Hungarians 3 towns. This architectu 8 it there. and other city and s you try the delicious on Fridays and Pub! The Molnár 45 s E they destroyed ral cre- the castle! will have absolutely VIEWPO pizzas and and Saturdays. where you Sándor Second-H The Statue 17 a and most MEETING Szalézián with our Stop here 1949 – The 1944 in the World hamburge aj was built, the ng of gracious best INT If can the castle. The girl of Zsuzsi - or and Bookshop city for sure!for a minute, and Recy cling in honour the castle’s POINT um Café view of Even though rs! books, but find documents a lot of vintage-th i university War want to is a hidden SHOP you’ll fall the Pu os Today it of Veszprém II the Holy Crown of King Stephen buildings with a officially get is a sofas. I õg COFFEE/ up to this away from the gem up ian sweet it’s expensive, emed things,little shop, Cinemas shops works were rebuilt. in Óváros pitcher 14 the shop-owne personally Ro , hangers N in love s Kl in the Castle SWEETS 1958 – The under the name 52 was of Hungary I. It is named Square. - stands place. It hustle treat, if you want to try an EAT&DRINK r about or almost everything recommen priate place. Kürtös Legenda literally vinyl records Uu oo of University founded under was kept Viaduct Lenke R. It was created is less known and bustle in District. Oliva Restauran question. not only 7 i know about . The prices d this place, because Lai was built zoo of Veszprém in Veszprém. of Saint Kiss, If you EAT&DR There are both Hungariananything, he (!). You can ask ly go there for about They sell delicious on the main original Hungar- Street st of Pannonia. the name of Stephen garian sculptor a talented female by the archbishopit. :) They have by tourists, the city, just t & Hotel secrets Rüü ant place INK with 73 always a with my girlfriend, are fair, and the ri University 68. walk street is from it is close 1970 – The the voluntary help opened its gates of Heavy zsi is the of the Hun- and seasonal herbal teas, winesso you are lucky to the real spend your time a pleas- is 5 cinnamon, €. You can try chimney the appro- definitely the 80’s. If you’re and foreign can answer your good experience staff to vi art constructi of the locals, to the public. Chemical Hungarian 20th century. Zsu- heart and walnut, it with sugar, cakes enjoy it. vinyls and to drink a coffee is kind. I usual- Ki tli drinks, too. to a fan of recommen and historic of Veszprém, relax in Ma gasini It is still on of the Industry. name, given form of 9 etc. the new a . or some a symbol and of the city highest building that it was the first The interesting ded by retro-wave lot of Ja Susie, a in the calm 25 wine. It is Pi 2010 – The facts hiding in by the locals nick- St. Michael’s premium Buhim street. 18 22 , you’ll an full reconstruc called ‘the 20-storeystarted. zoo outside are that the the to anyone who shadow of the the modest, lovely Cathedral meals and You’ll only Bárka Pub Do you Marica 19 kk and the zoo is i basilica wines for get Budapest. fee house a vegetarian- and Bus Station centre of the best need a EAT&DR tion of Veszprém building’ visits her. buildings maiden of (Basilica sure, as Cit y Map S Veszprém of 1001! Hungary. Its history SIGHTSE it is officially Hungarian decades has been BAR partying tasty burger INK 31 2018 – Veszprém Valley green by the locals 29 and pouring Minor) EING Hungarian famous all a doughnut built on the main dog-friendly restauran EAT&DR won a Gold began 30 , 31 . area (Séd . 4 the water Veszprém. Actually, it’s the goes back is definitely the session restaurants! Have one of the best now. the alcoholic This pub is for ommend night long? Then after and salad street. Famous INK to most beautiful to the state oldest in a drink “Fény" where you to visit I rec- outdoor t and cof- Award at the Entente brook valley walking Tűztorony look was By the way, it has foundation and preciousits beautiful garden dinner or a lunch originates kunyhója Tamás tables in served in a flatbread for its coffee Veszprém. (Fire Tower) is finished been rebuilt and biggest music. and just during a raspberry from. The drink (Light) at a small to overcome your bátya of food on the Florale Europe route) the Bishop’s in 1910. several times, basilica of live the menu shade during the plate. with e 30m enjoy the Papli contest ers. Since Once it served as one of the most iconic SIGHTSE Palace either, After you paid 15 delicious Jazz kling vodka.or elder syrup contains various expense! Here hunger for a value-bas hot months. Comfortable Ann its current of Tar tu and the EING a visit flavors and spar- burgers you Gildi it was a a But remember or hot-dogs. can taste 26 ed, affordable Wide variety title of European was fire high tower place of the watchmen buildings 10 you’ll be amazed in there, don’t miss Lovassy you want You have to Jaa somewher of try price. Abigél Capital of chimes e in the they could easily of fire fight- Statue by those buildings! tigious László Gymnasiu beverage. to experience a it here if to dress Nasska Rétesező Ja W 20, lover Culture 2023. a nice town. of I. King warm, because is a cute ko bi ni secondary real Hungarian 19, bass of history, literature it for a fee. Hungarian song Nowadays the notice when there m schools is one of the best, you can 19 Uus L ai Bálint Gisella named St. Stephen since 1711, CULTURE 23 this place try Csererdő clock little strudel). a much loved Hungarianplace in the EAT&DRINK 3 18 10 in every build a church our city. She and Queen VIEWPO in is open air! Domini music DJ and producer & arts single hour. of the tower land. During and gave many Hungary. It has and most pres- 19 The Blue tca You can utca k almost You still in the offered her Gisella. In a INT the valuable been that Pig is a lovely for your also check treat, the city centre where tri For tuuna Feri 20 :p & can visit not enough, city. Unfortunat invaluable legend of the school, revolution intellectua functionin Being crowded. four-legge in rétes 20, who produces almost earned Hungarian so she gave ely the amountbelongings to Brusznyai and freedom ls to g hidden heat. There in a cellar is wine, and If you’d like bar in the heart EAT&DR with mostly d friend. for some pogácsa (it’s similar to Küü 58 i Gigi Árpád became fight in 1956, our home- pl music as black belt the the to go of Veszprém INK local ingredient The baked or doggy 18, a big can also she said, "Vessz away her expensive of gold was with your is no wifi down best hiding place EAT&DRINK don’t have fanciest cocktails, out and have A piece treats 6 28 Pa - but 37 of rétes is 350 s. goods are ca fan of the a hobby in taekwond a teacher Luca 17, who movie universe, o 29 have a fascinating prém!" which fur as tionary the Committee head of the friends. there in Publikum from the summer coffees, to worry during it’s absolutelysome premium not (~1€), homemade 29 na kk 40 tuu ti ut loves sunny view of Benedekmeans "Lose well. In Revolu- unique, Socialising beer, and good HUF Pi Rüü Noel You might SIGHTSE of but and coffee the a For 18, just weather, arts, music have seen EING Hill from fur!". You revolution Veszprém. After impressive you can only is fun, isn’t it? The so you must talk , specialties day neither, you good choice! You students get a discount! news: Ülik a basic and letes" already. , he the ly nostalgic, drink usual can have reading r ré Panna 18, whose guy who loves & baking doing cosplays "20eme- the statues. his blood had to pay with food 24 as well! 1 23 tli est building It is the larg- you will sodas. The is tasty and very tasty õ gi Kis language cakes; these for fun 35 for this feel the & to get big dream is to atmospher ooli 20 For tuuna s, music, high-rise in the city, sculpture role. His 20th century’s e is 27 19 history & things make her You must 54 od Thoughts travel 17, a hobby to know their culture to all the a aj Rózi with Veszprém vibe. Incognito of Go stands traveling happy any It was constructe20 floors. find the visit Szendvics in is EAT&DR Tizen1 Csererdő way better countries in ri út front of i ities are Ajándék (Souvenir) Bar. Althougha pleasant Coffee 35 is best and m Ta r t u - C i t y chef developin time times d in the perfect bár if you the gate INK si g food styling thangyá E the EAT&DR Veszprém. utca Házgyári út some burger are excellent 34 she does world of socialism, a burger chocolate is a lovely little House & the tiniest 33 spicy Thai in town INK of the school. city, a bitfirstit is in the centre COFFEE/ Los Ház and photogra now it was planned and are not enough dishes, salads here. Of course, lover. You will return from some lip-smack your visit and shop. of Veszprémwine collections Its special- SHOP colour to the city. The hidden of the down here, You must find the specialty SWEETS coffee house 41 Po e sisters to have or fries, you can Tartu date in a block buildings. place with otherwise you can least busy hours Va kk t for you. Piramis utca phy skills visit it when of and the weather This eatery is if the delicious pick up ing goods, with Tartu, with . If youits population written records of The coffee of other in ba 19 i ú 11 those were brothers, but don’t miss memorabl want area of you can You haven’t outstanding coffeesonly have takeaway. to 38 be able to sit 52 Pi open air, burgers it! arounde100,000 presents in toan is the f rom 1030. is great, du ju ssi go up there never built. You is great. so you should strong or also get some and been to and brunch Extraordin Pa 19 a square kilometres, and Veszprém se ol ary Lo ár e utca cannot 38.8 light sodas, Los items Kü standing to have a look Láhner György utca city of Estonia. Area: 38.8 square sandwiche kilometres alcohol, if si you haven’t on the So rű second largest 28 drunk coffee menu. Csemet If you fancy even some zgy by its foot, around, 36 south of about 100 s or000 ün pu outside snacks. Pi Ül a romantic you probably but as you are yű You can Lying 185 kilometres Population: and enjoy You can The Grand here! i ie 9 Jutasi of f rom Tartu: kk iko walk capital city get there from the or just want to have gonna feel Rozi Waffle EAT&DR Tallinn (the Distances sit inside 184the chilly winds,stay city. It is Canyon is a western st Há 32 tg km, Ész ú of The hill INK also the centre km, in Narvathe comfortab small. station. House by the Tallinn 186 oli is a local castle Estonia) it is or in a basement, themed ee nature protectionby going down one of the best Lipóti Pékség Riga 250 km, le chairs You can aki The Emajõgi H áAmiss! place that bus southern Estonia. Pärnu 178 km, and enjoy but there pub in is a small the heart of the BAR 32 30 aki útgy views of ri út (bakery). guitar concert your burger best waffle z the stairs shouldn't two É sz can find 39theflows 315 km area. gyá Uppsala next the city, This is a you connects St. Petersburg u a couple River, which given by alongside a beer, terrace as well. HázgyátoriHolyút Házgyá is made rworld’s you should Estonian i út The 2 here. ú t ur pastries, of them Hungarian EAT&DR of Estonia, Ethnic composition: Trinity Square. visit Benedek breads and in Veszprém, bakery chain, INK largest lakes In the basement 5% local performer while 36 et Hill. vourite is too. They it with you will chocolate or hazelnut,Try for the length of 10 kilometres of 76%, Russian 19%, others street, there Hangvilla, s. listening 19 “nosztalgi pre-packaged Uu so you adds to a Aul city limits and 63 49 offer t Piramis utca go lunch. a kifli". Their dairy products. freshly made 37 not regret. within the where you’ll is the Expresszó with a separate CULTURE 48 iú ic Closer If entrance Ül crispy and you are a chocolate sandwiches The local Mackó Confectio you can lose your Club with from the 44 ik Tu űrű fa- head for concerts lover, you make a good find Balaton coffee here. chewy chocolate h oo Karacs Teréz ú experience comfortable sofas sure! If you Ka ár Piramis utca on the tional and nery and EAT&DR INK e u tca and parties, Theatre ru Pik Láhner György utca must La Garden, li rű cookies. You can try their amazing lovely confection Snack is semet B one of at the back get tired of partying i 8 19 lu k zgy f u l 40 L i n k s the events hosted here This is a attraction heart of aCtradi- also called ri jos MEETING Use as the raa vi Piram of the venue. aav a yű also enjoy perfect A Balatonfü 33 Veszprém ery since 1996.in the very place for POINT 26 Jutasi or lying utc a cup of You must likr án red and should try if you are a sunny llikgrove of presidents s nn on Há Sa dama tg chirping the grass and Ész Füred is utca Tihany are Val Johnny’s the Belgian all of the cakes, You ú a music afternoon yai utca the best really Megyeház lover! . 47 a to place Bistro there just Va basket ér Website e Tihany, there close to rest. Also square is a great aki restaurant Veszprém chocolate- but tartu.ee - Tartu City spend more when you pay chill. You can magnificen raspberry H á ian.php - lunch utc walk around and have each other, cake is is utca aki útgy cream, worth iiss beautiful is lunch or chain. Flavourful part of an American- EAT&DRINK zgyá recognise Tüz É sz ka you can auage/phrases/eston really good place MEETING time in attention. Kitsas meeting to sit down and visit this Piram to try! In the neighbour view over 74 the nature, birds Heng Lake Balaton a nice view to easily make a daytrip dinner items. get hungry, t! Moreover, ri ú t POINT When your út milkshake omniglot.com/lang a place. Additional s, American style fast food 19 na er utca in Balatonfű portions. you gi m and have just walk to the if you point. just have tree in the aim zfő is Lake hood, the from the Benedictin Balaton, especially there. The Tagore Moreover, Good for you 41 phrases some ly, you can should definitely is to Tii se da 30 31 Useful Estonian t Empire, and Mexican lunch, you park. ui and the also a great way ble food if for sure. it’s worth visiting you like sugary Mackó Snack Gesztenyé ee - Events in Tartu l also find go Jutasi út Löwe a 500 years and Ki A Sa closest beach won’t regret 76 y Klár m 19 l’équipe ENriCH Kossuth Villa to e Abbey. when wine promenad u a u tca ago. The exhibition Romana make You e and meals lic kultuuriaken.tartu. s Beergarde 45 ne st Lajos Street Balaca was your vacation is in Balatonal can also weeks are in they make or 38 it! place of - Tourist information 34 instagram big n, or in old 17 you can programm mádi. Visiting taste the lavender held. In university Va 1 La Cathédrale : 5 La Bibliothèque d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer : 9 Le Moulin à Café : ó is the main itself is unforgetta short űrű find the home visittartu.com cheap, and Bike Share"Geszti" is students. As the name you an arm excellent restaurant street of Veszprém, es in and very ma- Hangvilla Török Ignác utca 53 h Karacs Teréz ú BAR about nature.interactive, you of a Roman family,ble. The Balaton Tarkaplac ut the BalatoniBo flavoured Tartu Smart Pirand am is utca s. Don't ing - is - this piano-sha football - has a lot of "pubandMainly due to the the most popular Tea House says: Kávé- és La c ice toys and is an alterego ratas.tartu.ee « C’est certainement le bâtiment emblématique de notre ville. « Il s’agit de la plus belle Pi bibliothèque du Département du Pas-de- « Il s’agit de l’ancien hôtel de ville de Saint-Omer construit en Ak Ka can take Upland was b Leisure county lines B ca a leg! where located CULTURE and even for city games" to the Scribe). Teaház az Kuperjan ovi of numerous During worry, a 3D tour the ped extravagan for example:fact, that it is very 5 4 The EAT&DR 56 jos as well. in Baláca. It was once part of the Park always some cultural heart 77 when it- Bus info to the library, Piram goods here for a lady ad darts. The Íródeákho lev a kk Saint-Omer Music Festival music festivals.summer time, this it won't cost INK Bakony peatus.ee sipping 59so you can just lovely place is located something who makes of Veszprém! t build- is full of Comme tous les Audomarois, je suis très attachée à la Cathédrale Calais, et l’une des plus anciennes. J’adore m’y rendre car son 1834. Celui-ci abrite un théâtre sous son dôme. Je m’y rends pour y utc in the young and spirit is always z (Coffee r utca pool table, án Balaton-fe SHOP ee discovered Roman or contempor masterpiece 16 i and you sweet to your lovedCity of Queens. is the home information and E ma The most unique crochet utca (Utcazene) lvidéki National about at its theatre, There is elron.ee - Train cheerful, table your tea. start-up tipsy people. Don’t be curl up on the sofa yai utca Region mi popular Park offers a century will always well priced ary music events. right next music , with a If you remember ones at home, choose want to bring 42 especially Notre-Dame. Mon coup de coeur, son astrolabe au mécanisme et ambiance « club anglais » me donne l’impression d’être “hors du admirer les spectacles. » - Laura ér typical meeting bands introduce at least 10 is Street classical afraid of a and read utc Hungarian café and self-servic Besides, a very Wi is utca numerous 46 visiting themselve stages, where Szigony while Tüz is our lovely Veszprém. her products the place Henge point for Heng You can Arboretum PiramZirc is a great Moreover, cuisine is based Pub is an au fonctionnement mystérieux. » - Laura temps”.e»ma- !Anaïs lhe s. The e restaurant alone! locals. Laura SCHRIVE, 23 ans ncy find Eötvös Károly jõ want to er utca on Kossuth this huge timepieceIt's impossible Big Clock, a meet citizens,underground party flowers. with 10 La Brasserie de Saint-Omer : merg e here, too! Várszínház Hangvilla gives County n Ci lm American Case of E not to spot From Zirc place for home to t you should Street. If you accidentalin the centre n you must hall Library In BAR gi valley of you a walk among the attend a in Veszprém. If wants to Corner - where Tu Jutasi út it. Löwey Klára utca is home Ki Cuha Creek can hike or take Veszprém. , which is a theatre place to after moving hottest rural of movie CULTURE 2 Les ruines Saint-Bertin : 6 Le Musée Sandelin : 51 Je suis de Saint-Omer. Très passionnée par Str appoint of your "reunion" ly lost your Veszprém, the train huge trees and Pannon to a new dubstep party party here. This you practise the ru 60 « La brasserie de Saint-Omer est une entreprise fondée en 1866 st Fancy Instagram perfect destination in the forest. famous The leader, Vándorfi company of some Englishentrance is free clubs and the se he afternoon Dans la vie, je veux... uv sign and Al « Aménagé dans un hôtel particulier du XVIIIème15 mates, along the beautiful series, Basspreme l’Histoire et le patrimoine, mais aussi une ó here. reputation building, the gives - Electric taxi ui pictures Nature, for anybody o (Bakonyi figure of thousand with native speakers. every week « C’est le cœur ancien de la ville car c’est autour de celui-ci que siècle, l’été, j’aime me qui commercialise des bières vendues dans le monde entier. A ot for 1918 ek Élménypa a weekend trip. hills, good weather spectacula Török Ignác utca place kept (+372) e could be the Hungarian László is m ut The local . who e La taken here, be fun for r a 75 its inimitable. Even documents on a Wednesda sa grande amatrice de bonnes bières. ne rk) is an Sobri Jóska organizes Mendelssohn Chamberdramatic art. are stored. In the library Lill t – 43112 - Emergency Bratislava 68km ca too. all best place ages. If you like adventure park Adventure the more than y nd Saint-Omer s’est constitué il y a presque 1000 ans ! J’aime m’y promener dans ses jardins à la française. » - Anaïs certaines périodes, il est possible de la visiter. » - Marie Va de- - Tartu taxi park Pá 20 Go w #paysdesaintomer the (+372) 1200 47 ja ri in Park der to invite Auer Festival Orchestra Petőfi Színház Ál ways and to visit in the region.adventures, this Kislőd that could 350 r utca pa lvá is definitely every music to prominent artists year in or- mous (+372) 1789 - Tartu city (theatre) Fejesvölg 14 eta 46 rendre les jours de beau temps pour profiter des jardins. » - Laura Mon coup de coeur : la taverne du Duchenot, utca 11 La chapelle des Jésuites : different You can Õp vi i út ny marked kinds of try the the Veszprém. of classical Hungarian bears the CULTURE of family Emergency y is a nice le 53. Ahhaa Science 7 La Maison du Marais : c’est l’endroit parfait pour les amateurs de e hiking ziplines was foundedhelpline poets. The name of as well. bob, the cable si út one of Department events restaurant 1 day to accomplisroutes. Some 8, G1 or Shop Sadama ut thousands between the first independe Ka , a perfect EAT&DR uta úk útja just 3 La Station : Ahhaa’s the most fa- - L. Puusepa favourite « Vous y trouverez un espace st see” W “Mud’exposition a l k i ngsur l’histoire des marais « Une chapelle d’une taille impressionnante qui fera lever les yeux can be covered In the Bakony Science centre Henge ca ta n Medicine is Vadragu to have a good place to INK shop that bières locales. J r Tüzér h. walls of city nt theatre within a Hills there Aradi vé comedies of people (+372) 631 go 0282 - Tartu this building. company I floor dles and leves, dinner after celebrate 57 own science sells different sciency CINEMAS Tour Ger few hours are and visit corp, vegetables which is «70La gare de Saint-Omer fut créée en 1904 et a48. été restaurée en ainsi 60. and 61qu’un espace dégustation avec quelques (45 minproduits locaux. Vous au ciel ! Un joyaux architectural sacré dans la ville de Saint-Omer, here. a soup made a hard day. Our while the several are va the latest In every . Don’t Täh Tartu Kaubamaja products. There .Apollo Schwehat Airport 65km bus helpline musicals, season Riia 1 scientific items for sale ) 48- Raekoja plats 1a miss it! Store) en long of venison, and in ca Ava r utcones 55 62 (Department to the Cinema in Eeden rlo e a can take a whole Be dramas that are related 2019. Je m’y rends souvent entre amis pour faire des ateliers et department avez également la possibilité de partir à la découverte du marais nouvellement restaurée en 2017. Je m’y rend souvent pour y voir Further noo- Rohrau 44km 24h pharmacy The shopping da Marie LOUCHART, 25 ans r ut or and 9 Ahhaa Center. s Lõunakeskus has over 40 stores Ringtee 7 de 8888 - Tartu Schőnig Kalda tee 1c / (+372) 605 Ale It mainly has 8 23 24 ut ca Confectio des formations numériques. » - Marie food venues. provides the audomarois à bord du bateau traditionnel The Town Hallappelé bacôve. » - Sarah des expositions ou évènements. » - Valentin Balaton Ka vö s ut Avar ut stores and Apollo cinema ksa llé ca licious cakes nery and 68 RECYCLING brand clothing in This is the 25 26 28 helpline best cinema experience ca Airport, 24h of flavours and homemade Coffee House is FOODSWEETS COFFEE/ ndr stores. Je suis d’Helfaut. J’aime voyager et découvrir lg home aplliance Pi SHOPS 55 nc DRINK 44. Tähtvere skatepark attraction restaurant best civil initiative 66 Pá Észak-kele ca famous AND Tartu. y who are i The Badacson and dairy/suga ice-cream 7.Genialists' Club place for those 49. Tasku Shopping Tartu Kal 38. Angel's bridge Ál y VolcanoHá ut 54 Opmani tee 862 University of . Ekraan Cinema de nouvelles cultures ! ut 4 Le Jardin Public : 39. St. Alexander It's a La Motte Castrale : . Mecca Görgey Artúr - Elroni train tional favourites for itsCafé delicious During the cafes, and bars in Veszprém!pa entrepreneur- . They offer1. Werner freshly made interested in designed to turn Center Turu2 Hill. Valley is acs s, 2 those (+372) 616 0245 de- Magasini 5 Bridge on Toome skatepark for evi r/gluten Vabaduse puiestee lvá s Cinemas mall is in c beautiful cupcakes, lollipops, and Forum Ke ngyel utca utca open In the joined You can , you can free a wide11range cafés in This house is forwho ship. between heaven in Tasku shopping shop near drink to i út view over Ülikooli who are interested place and has also taste options. Apart Jázmin utca site visit ask your 24h helpline want macaroons and cakes. Riia 14 the heart of Tartu people Secondhand ny the trip, really the find this One of the oldest minded people Bike earth. « C’est le poumon vert deChurch lain ville ! Les Audomarois s’y promènent « Au XVIIIème siècle, elle est transformée A cool enHillprison militaire.Aujourd’hui, Haszk you can the Balaton ub 19. Tartu Smart Tartu town hall. Ekraan is the oldest út information, Tartu skateboards. beloved from The location and with friends Kissing for Võru GRegion. This best place for hiking Ale different stores you i minutes new and to spend time the city Park in 34. “The Kissing and can practice go in 14. Hektor Design s tradi- It was give back (Tapolca can refresh yourself Estonia. Share All over 25.AdventureRingtee where skaters ut cinema in Tartu, has two Szent István some family business your mug a mug. a a good food or Besoin d’une petite pause ? Allez déguster tanúk útj away from interesting in the 2% of the worlds Sõbra 19a 55. Võru Varblane who want to spend Jut ksa the humble athmosphere while having Riia 26 system that is 75g sculpture Pargi Church of and hang out. family and It Cseri utca main Students” opened in 1961. ca at local tour is part of a Hostel bike The the Petőfi régulièrement. Celui-ci fut construit suite au démantèlementVõrudes la motte est devenue une résidence d’artiste et un lieu culturel. Des A quality time with Aradi vér cosy Lake Cave). near Lake sweets. Tüzér very theatre, Lõunakeskus this café a easy to use Kal St. Alexander and a café in Theatre. near the citymake watching some to some Hector hostel provides at the next best universities. nd 4/6 attraction Balaton cheap and very really The biggest shopping is founded in fountain 45. Tartu Botanical Tartu is an Orthodox friends. The department and retro clothing cinema halls Tartu Cathedral meet of Tapolca, A boat trip on a wine tasting and the Hungarian Countrywi and your to study or to Sz building was les meilleures gaufres et crêpes de la ville à movie or listening always and 1a ri spot. centre, A evi hotel quality rooms prices. Ger and different Vintage secondhand place all over the city. Estonia Raekoja plats centre in South was named Gardens Lai 38 Karlova the lobby. Tähe 10 1632, when it Students" is a church in the has a cinema ati music. This place Ju up with friends. to get into store. The narrow, and definitely cave lake... prize after service with hostelgym and good way of travelling remparts de la ville à la fin du XIXème siècle. » - Valentin festivals et évènements y sont organisés.bridge» - Sarah ikra waiting for you "The Kissing ovó u but selling points. de Blue Str has some form of Academia Gustaviana. by Mati district of Tartu. The botanical garden 63. Cinamon Cinema food venues. store sells handmade and en It also has a café, la Fringalette. Vous pourrez également vous har the long Klapka György ing the cave,that's why boating sculpture made ca adventure place sounds interesting 2. Caffeine around Tartu. action on the worth a utca tavasbarlTour. If you get thirsty Av,a r Tapolcai- i omf be it a band get their offers you a peaceful ti útgy Be walk is the top of the ice Many Estonians in the middle 67 Turu 2 50 redesigned clothing. r of K a rlova Karmin and is Angel’s lking To u entertainment . Lõunakeskus park right on from the and take visit. The FREE TIME IN performance. a sauna. da Pa Küüni 5b Tartu Bar 20. Escape to have a walk r ut most eld to spend higher education The in front of It is one of the útgy you can can or a stand up recreation enjoy a 3D be truly romantic Tapolca Lake isn't it? This is the shopping and ut and rink. A cool place of the fountain 56. Kõige Pood de restaurer avec, entre autres, des pizzas, des utca Wa d Street Art (1 hour) of the Balaton ang 78 One of the newest in 15.O´Learys Sports University of Tartu. in Tartu, ut during Tiigi 78 some pictures popular cinemas right in ca Aur with the sculpture 75 ut the city hall. The 66 FRESH AIR pvá UNESCO cafés 8. Naiiv time with friends also holds a around you. centre Ringtee Vienna 57km 8 Cave most popular escape it’s Avar ut r ca different flora is the biggest Pepleri utmovie and an exhibition biggest vö Global Geopark. with your & Restaurant Escape Tartu of having a main building a competi- mainly because building llé and both loved one. itself is really Vértanúk utca él ut 61 ca was made for ca prices Eha tca Tartu. The cheap Vallikraavi 6 by the added benefit Kõige Pood secondhand House Lõunakeskus the city. Old Anatomical pâtes et des frites. are worthncs Keszthely an Kalda tee 1c rooms are built park the centre of caNagytó utca lot of concerts. a very of them end of nearby. tion and has been Tartus 13 40. Kassitoome 46. Tartu Nature in sells new or rarely lg very Locating at the event of the field. shopping mall shopping centre Pi make this place ca sá you can Before O’Learys is informal of a Son” of 69 centre of with over shop caand Hévíz areon karst regions and enter- http://enrich.hu enrich_veszprem f Y ENriCH Veszprém professionals 30. “Father and 5b A park in the Park Lille 10 both mens Észak-kele culture important figure Ha 50 Southern Estonia students. y visit visiting. popular among Vallikraavi street, the style to spend 26. Vspa used clothing, The Festetics all year round.Há It's InsHévíz, 80 Street corner you art restaurant in A very fun way Näituse, m² other utca Tartu, it's between It's a r ut ut lle űrű Jutasi út sculpture Küüni There is a 10,000 170 stores and b footwear, ut are Kastan and Võru club Naiiv offers Görgey Artúr identity. The mall and womens, and even art. 11 restaurant "Kasekese" Tartu Observatory neighborhood really Bakony– 3. Café Krempel with some Bostonian free time. Baeri and Oru Street. around STREET ART utc 25 Riia2 Son" species rich park definitely there is a unique close to each and a good time "The Father and service providers. an ice c to eat, the city 35. Tartu Cathedral to have a Palace bar. A fun place Modern spa in 12 accsessories covered with various Ke ngyel utca garden is ac good for your grafiti ) Rüütli 12 in town. 21.Estonian National by wonderful place one of the in Keszthely surrounde a of the best drinks friends or statue was made the Tartu Nature park also has a cinema, and Jázmin utca other, ( hip-hop festival’s ca Ülikooli 18 57. Uuskasutuskeskus 64. Kastani Street café. An spend time with Valentin VANDENBERGHE, 18 ans t thermal A very homey tee 2 centre of Tartu. It walk and take some venues. graffiti. House.The ancient newly HHas Gub Museum Muuseumi sculptor Ülo Õun. rink and food Csalogány utca iú was built 65 most beautiful neck pain! lake which 79 amazing place to get a 9. The Gunpowder play bowling. Museum Tartu Cathredal Eha seasonal pictures. and Riia 11 Võru Street corner 67.Pargi sauna street Pirogov park Võru difference Estonian National 27. Karlova Theatre symbolises the and 16th meets old trees Szent István d by an Sõbra Street between the 13th 51. Eeden Shopping make using Szikra utca aszk ány utca The map was created within the frameworks of the project good ENriCHand big meal. – Cellar Lossi 28 and and Their goal is to Every year a new of the ta museum designed study impressive It was Tähe between generations park Pá palaces in Hungary. Cseri utca salog Cellar is a is the biggest Tähe 66 41. Pirogov Leisure Centre items more art e ig century in Toomehill. utca utca The park Tüzér Pa advertising graffiti o d! grow over recreation paths. species and second hand Je suis étudiant à Saint-Omer. J’aime découvrir The Gunpowder and old and is a cozy Halle utca 4. The Widget Factory about the history of Tartu the fo the Europe Halle utca Church and Karlova Theatre how children The park is behind It has ár in the main church Eha Kalda tee 1c among the Hop Festival 68. Tartu Student C zkovó utca Sz St. Alexander 80 Estonian Hip sculpture pa Március 15. ut beer restaurant of the estonian is home to over “Father and Son” house in historic RevealYouropEaN Cultural Heritage, supportedeby for in Lossi ADVENTUROUS culture parents. theatre their the diocese. During town hall of Tartu. centre is in popular corner of 24 Fenyve (Aparaaditehas) gunpowder cellar Guinnes and Eeden shopping the most estonian people. is made on the House Kalevi Ju ca Hartlst From of trees and shrubs ád finno ugric people. church got et voyager. Je suis passionné par les nouvelles ikra Nikolai m ovó u Str Kastani 42 FREE TIME district Karlova. 31. St John's Church reformation the the statue of is and Võru i út Tähe Street the Annelinn, which Papvásár ut c street. It holds there are of Kastani Street Tartu Üliõpilasmajaon Tartu so over 200 species har Klapka György and autumn to spring It also 58. Humana omf 22.Tagurpidi maja This very modern Õnne for the severely damaged. Citizens Programme, and reflects only the opinion of the authors. Pirogov. ti útgy World record Jaani 5 the most densely ő-K includes 16.Theatre Vanemuine self and guest productions museum herbaceous plants.. Street. põhifunktsiooniks Kompanii 1c Theatre Vanemuine is a technologies et la musique. youthful complex the world. holds the history külakiik of Tartu. populated part ülikoolide esindus- eld highest pub in St John's Church utca Karlova Theatre Roosi 86 10 42. Supilinna utca Aran ers tei Vanemuise 6 taking place. of Pallas 65. Street artApplied ut is an and concerts church that and 20 Mihály different establishments, of Tartu University. a cinema Tagurpidi Maja medieval time The mall has kollektiivide tegevuse ut Kuperjanovi yosk Aur 81 A big swing where swing ve in 10. Karlova Coffee pvá to art The Education,Karlova Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) money Legendary theatre University of üls from gift shops house where for its Õnn e can it is the only big shopping Its goal is to raise ca is mostly known út u upside down gw Cafe 36. The Old Anatomical 64 ncsics Fei multiple people countries by Sciences painting koordineerimine. Tiszafa utca K only utca él ut ca even 3 Café Estonia also the where VértaTá Roastery and tca núk s utca ha galleries and thrilling place to Annelinn. SHOPPING Quelques dates clés de people can have department near for third world tca terracota figurines. 10 together. It's a Tartu Kaubamaja Le Spey River est un endroit où il fait bon vivre. Kuu Nagytó utca A theatre in Estonia take very Building Uppsala depratment graduation 69. Street artnurgas" selling used clothing. eg different restaurants. the Tähe 63 ca sá Street corner experiences and SIGHTSEEINGS friends mwe g spend time with and the European Commission are not responsible for any possible Café is three 32. Tartu Observatory The Old Anatomical 47. Kvartal Business 52. Kalev Chocolate Sarló Go Ha Tähe and Tolstoi good place to spend Karlova Coffee you can see all the beauty work in stencil "hapnik maja Céh Csatár utca cool photos. 28. Leaning House / Building is a classicist and embrace and Leisure Centre 59. Fahrenheit 45142 Shop Küüni 4 Plusieurs choix de boissons, une ambiance utca r ut lle űrű Jutasi út wooden played. Uppsala 8 friends. located in a cozy genres being Pap evening with 70. Street art L i liom utca utcaK tour on the shop utc ály utca is the depratment graduation district 23. Virtual reality Tartu Art Museum Tartu Observatory building built of Emajõgi. Riia 2 Kalev Chocolate Shopsells book room Kastani where 66.Kasekese use of the information contained therein. house in Karlova 17. Ahhaa Science in Tartu to Täh e Painting 5. Club of Different of says, Kvartal "Ms Reet" Maih Toomemäe hill Estonian cosy book antique Fáskert ut Fűzfa utca “VR Tartu 1913” 3 Raekoja plats 18 historical observatory 43. Emajõe City 19 As the name garantie et typique du Nord de la France ! with a cut corner. traditional A Tähe ház ut 1 the ca t 42 of the l’histoire de Saint-Omer Rooms Kastani Centre Sadama is the It teaches serve as a study building block in candies. spend bookfirends can The exterior walls Csalogány utca sy work in stencil Vabaduse puiestee VR Swimming Pool takes up a whole It has a chocolates and iú Tartu Art Museum Tartu University. and od a Szikra bau of this 27 Haszkovó utca 11. Barlova Bar biggest u tca AHHAA is the Estonia. It of Medicine exclusive their time and even do legendary former Láz The athmosphere those and exciting for the Faculty the centre of Tartu. There are also Előd utca Mát Munkác in the A modern biggest in South a lot of astronomy Ujula 98 utca is for science centre of Tartu. and maja nurgas “ beaches lot of clothes shops that Tähe 29 It in the 1940. Bé voluntary work. ta tour of 1913 Tartu. of the University handmade chocolate alogány establishemnt bar in cool and was founded history of Tartu. Sõbra One of the many Street art “hapnik 83 utca Baltics. It is a Tö lg new Tüzér utca who want some having a Barlova is a cozy Pallas. people can other malls don't have. er Nuß whole Cs marzipan figurines. Ha Halle utca showcases the Hill 37. Kissing an Halle utca where by art association a very 33. The City Hall in Tartu where ár informative centre events ár utc various with the old experiences while Karlova, where Március 15. ut B is Raatuse Street artificial ca The art museum Barlova bar Musumägi is do some exercises. ca 1a 39 Sarah SINGER, 23 ans Pa and some of the coolest destination. Raekoja plats Fenyve events take place. S hotel Bellevue caatth sense of comfort Nyárfa utc a Hill in ád áz ut place. Stonebridge, popular tourist Tartu is an hill on the Toome The city hall of Papvásáraluwe in Tartu take as a club for M Őrh 12. Jacob’s Shoe and the first Estonian rks the Tartu y relaxation. It also serves of Tartu city Tartu, next to yán Jakob’s shoe Fűr important part ájus A very utca ő-K fa Tiszafa utca 18. Spark Hub 3 a popular ca 6. Forrest cinema "Illusioon". young artists. Cathedral. It is köz Tähe 29 Hoh Gól centre. The city yL tc is a cozy about J’habite Saint-Omer. J’aime le sport et les tra informative tour spot among Has a Jacob's Shoes Narva maantee Tartu here. 1. Rüütli 7 VIIème siècle ap. J.-C. : 29. University of government works hall 1792 : Ro a photography 7 a startup and Tartu and its history. é s z ut u Tassikoogid with restaurant in Karlova. Spark Hub is zkov utca üls Forrest is a restaurant Ülikooli 18 The bell on top of the newlyweds. ße K activités créatives en particulier la couture et Hartlsteig It technology community sen s utca a very cosy vibe. other connecting 24. Tartu Adventure Tartu is the tune 82 Kasekese shop 13. Tassikoogid University of plays a different Fondation de l’Abbaye Saint- Destruction de l’Abbaye aj Glo r Neusield 31km e provides food and centre in Tartu, maantee 126b biggest and oldest and is everyday. óu and creative Park Narva 10 ass Estonia and Tähe 21 os Jutasi út eg Park products from 200 innovative le scrapbooking. t art is a popular people in The Tartu Adventure university in Estonia w tca Pargi saun street puts emphasis on "Tassikoogid" café, entrepreneurial games Bertin sous l’impulsion de Saint-Bertin. Celle-ci est une y-G utc retro-based cake daily has 50 different utca A good ie using IT and hardware. eco-living and ig ihály House offering customers Fűzfa utca good tteal Tartu Student ste av sy M l’évêque Audomar (aussi appelé conséquence de la Révolution environmentally Aux Merveilleux on y trouve des meringues Madách g a asse products and materials. diong t-D Reet “ Rozm erne r Josef Haydn Munkác r utca Street art ”Ms i er Arany Sta tca saint Omer). La ville est alors française qui interdit les ordres enrobées de crème fouettée. Le Merveilleux est lee be Sándo ke u Tö lg Fe Ho weg .-Ro Petőfia a Lindenstadion Fecs B p utc dénommée « Sithiu ». religieux. Les ruines deviennent une pâtisserie traditionnelle du Nord dont la Kas c Hárs atth Nyárfa utc a Pipacs ut Dr áz ut arin nst ld utca Konservatorium Szigethi M Wald Őrh y yán Csa recette est sublimée par Fred Vaucamps depuis Glo e une carrière pour la construction J Imre utca ájus Aká fa ft ße eil Xème siècle : Alkotmány a Has 1. y L tc a út g utca r fa utca tri esz g 1985. Un pur régal ! u Fran gstr de nouveaux bâtiments. ie Vi e h we zkov utca i Gölb cfa La ville de Saint-Omer prend tte Ber Zápor utca Har tlste z-S ta aj sen alle óu dár raße to os Ha g son nom actuel, en hommage à 1834 : Jó utca 3 Mic tca e we Ká utc Schlosspark Laurette ROYER, 22 ans rn ach l’évêque Omer, son fondateur. Construction d’un l’hôtel de ville hael- o-G Aub a ig Bo eg utca associé à un théâtre à l’italienne. as X-XIIIème siècle : Je suis de Nordausques. J’adore aller dans les Urient-Ga merw lgá Ku se e Conçu par l’architecte parisien ss rz Rö restaurants de Saint-Omer, et photographier les La ville connaît un véritable r Mi ga wi lee es eral Lefranc l’édifice est bâti avec les paysages de Clairmarais. e ied B e rg en essor urbain grâce au eil rr Kais h we pierres de l’ancienne Abbaye de sz ste ss g e ße commerce du drap. lbe lo La Maison du Marais est un vrai coup de coeur. s tra ße Saint-Bertin. s tra aße Gö K tra str 1214 : J’aime y aller pour y déguster des produits locaux, Franziskanerkirche ße rgi stein ns Haydnhaus 13 mai 1943 : La Kas Glor rte Geo Suite à la bataille de Bouvines, pour me promener en bacôve dans les marais et ng ga 2 ter Bombardements de la rue d’Arras ern g admirer le paysage, mais surtout pour y passer un iet ein rie Saint-Omer jusqu’alors ville Ka we W wiese teal engendrèrent la mort de 115 ens e dga er e Oster moment en famille ou entre amis. Ax ydn - G as s flamande devient française. h Ha Kra lee tra J osep personnes. 9 Rasthaus ss ße Juillet 1340 : utg Eisenstadt 5 septembre 1944 : Anaïs BOUCHEZ, 18 ans a Siège et bataille de Saint-Omer. rte aße La ville de Saint-Omer est libérée Hauptstr Je suis de Saint-Omer. J’ai un goût prononcé Cette bataille est l’une des nw de l’Occupation allemande grâce pour la découverte de nouvelles cultures et de eg premières de la guerre de Ba Dr aux troupes polonaises et aux d-Ki e Pfarrgasse F eldstra nouveaux pays. eifa as s ße Cent Ans, faisant rage entre groupes de la résistance locale. 6 ssi lti Bankg les Français, les Anglais et les Rust 14km Mon coup de cœur : la Chapelle des Jésuites, de gk ng eit Dom Mars 2000 : ße se e Flamands. en Jo 4 par sa beauté historique, que part la diversité sw mengasse tra ga gass ha -Pl ni Blu eg s n Création du parc naturel régional de ses activités pour tout âges. Passant par i ns en ia 1477-1677 : atz e FRE ch F lor ße Kir des caps et marais d’Opale visant rst des expositions, spectacles et même concerts ! n La ville de Saint-Omer est l’objet Se Kate ra se MAPE à la protection du patrimoine ba St as Cette Chapelle nous réserve chaque week-end er ße de multiples conflits entre la 11 Ba ng 5 sti ße naturel et culturel du territoire. i en de nouvelle surprise. tra rte 1 hn an ra France et les Pays-Bas pour sa Ru W ers Ga aße stra Ba rbe -St 28 mai 2013 : Kr possession. ste B Lo hy ch ße str aut rsc ße rS Le marais audomarois est Ga er oc Pe ga ße 1553 : tra e tra ed kga traß ss e ria bz labellisé par l’UNESCO, devenant rten els Lo aß Fli Dok -S eil us Ma Destruction de l’abbaye de 8 s se rte nd San k t -V it e tr ainsi la première réserve e we ns Joh tor ve Ba ns Thérouanne par l’Empereur fga te La Ho n- hn g biosphère au nord de Paris. -K W an tra Blü Ho W ein Charles Quint. arl str tter ß eiß e be -Re aß nw eg p 15 juillet 2018 : rg weg Ste 1677-1678 : e nn be gas e tz Les 3 places (Maréchal Foch, Pierre Bonhomme, riac Sur la place Foch, les audomarois fan er- aß la eg se Siège de la ville de Saint-Omer u alstr Eisgr h- Straße fêtent la victoire de l’équipe de -Do fsp tw Victor Hugo) et les rues commercantes du Centre- St ho ße ht par Philippe d’Orléans, frère ka ra hn rff Kirc France à la Coupe du Monde de us ße r Straße Ruster Stra Ba cadet du roi Louis XIV (mars- Ville de Saint-Omer avec des restaurants, des bars, me M Football. ist avril 1677) et signature du traité des commerces, un cinéma, l’office de tourisme et er-S de Nimègue (1678), Saint-Omer des Congrès... tra Forchtenstein 23km devient définitivement française. ße St. Margarethen 10km Sopron 26km Mattersburge 12
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