Partner Country Holland - Hall 3
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Partner Country Holland Event Program List of Exhibitors 7 – 11 April 2014 Hannover ▪ Germany l Centra n Pavilio Hall 3
Vorwort/Foreword Dr. Angela Merkel Dr. Angela Merkel Bundeskanzlerin Chancellor of the der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Federal Republic of Germany Zur HANNOVER MESSE 2014 heiße ich alle Gäste aus dem Please allow me to extend a warm welcome to all guests from diesjährigen Partnerland, dem Königreich der Niederlande, this year’s partner country, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, herzlich willkommen. to the HANNOVER MESSE 2014. Die überausvielfältigen und engen Beziehungen zwischen There has long been a good tradition of extremely diverse and den Niederlanden und Deutschland haben zwar längst eine close relations between the Netherlands and Germany. Yet as gute Tradition. Dennoch nehmen sie sich wie ein Wunder aus, during this year of commemoration we recall the beginning of wenn wir uns in diesem Gedenkjahr den Beginn des Ersten the First World War 100 years ago and of the Second World Weltkriegs von 100 Jahren und des Zweiten Weltkriegs vor War 75 years ago, this seems like a miracle. Today, the partner- 75 Jahren ins Gedächtnis rufen. Heute stehen die Partner- ship and friendship between our two countries is a mark of the schaft und Freundschaft zwischen unseren beiden Ländern unique success story of the unification of Europe. This success symbolhaft für die einzigartige Erfolgsgeschichte der Einigung has many facets, and economic prosperity is one of them. Europas. Dieser Erfolg hat viele Facetten. Wirtschaftliche As a globally-minded trading nation, the Netherlands has Prosperität ist eine davon. evolved into a logistical hub for the movement of goods both Die Niederlande haben sich als weltoffene Handelsnation within Europe and worldwide – it is Germany’s second most zu einer logistischen Drehscheine für den europäischen und important trading partner in the world. Dutch companies globalen Warenverkehr entwickelt. Sie sind für Deutschland are renowned for their sophisticated technological skills. For der zweitwichtigste Handelspartner in der Welt. Niederlän- German businesses they are ideal partners to work with dische Unternehmen sind dafür bekannt, mit ausgefeilten to develop, produce and distribute innovative and customer- technologischen Kompetenzen zu überzeugen. Sie sind ideale oriented products. Partner für die deutsche Wirtschaft, um gemeinsam inno- As a pacesetter for progress, the HANNOVER MESSE can provide vative und kundenorientierte Produkte zu entwickeln, herzu- further impetus for this. It offers an exceptional opportunity stellen und zu vertreiben. Die HANNOVER MESSE als Schritt- to demonstrate entrepreneurial skills, to develop business con- macher des Fortschritts kann dazu weitere Anstöße liefern. tacts and thus to provide the already dynamic German-Dutch Sie bietet eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, unternehmerisches economic relations with further momentum. With this in Können unter Beweis zu stellen, Geschäftskontakte auszu- mind, I would like to wish all exhibitors and visitors a success- bauen und damit weitere Impulse für dynamische deutsch- ful and informative experience. niederländische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu geben. In diesem Sinne wünsche ich allen Ausstellern und Besuchern erfolg- reiche und informative Messetage. Dr. Angela Merkel 2 3
Vorwort/Foreword Mark Rutte Mark Rutte Ministerpräsident der Niederlande Prime Minister of the Netherlands Ich heiße Sie herzlich willkommen auf der HANNOVER MESSE, I bid you a warm welcome to the world’s leading industrial der führenden Industriemesse der Welt. Zum offiziellen fair, the HANNOVER MESSE. I am proud that the Nether- Partnerland der Messe wurden in diesem Jahr die Niederlande lands is chosen to be the official partner country for the gekürt – darauf bin ich sehr stolz. HANNOVER MESSE 2014. Die Handels- und Investitionsströme zwischen Deutschland Trade and investment flows between Germany and the Nether- und den Niederlanden sind gewaltig, sogar in globaler Hin- lands are enormous, even in global terms. With a record value sicht. Mit einem Rekordwert von annähernd 170 Mrd. Euro of almost 170 billion euros in 2013, the volume of trade be- im Jahr 2013 ist das bilaterale Handelsvolumen beispiellos. tween the two countries is unparalleled. The Netherlands was Erneut waren die Niederlande in diesem Jahr größter deut- the largest exporter to Germany again in 2013, accounting for scher Exportpartner, auf den mehr als zehn Prozent aller in more than 10 % of Germany’s imports. Deutschland eingeführten Güter entfallen. Das gleiche Bild Foreign investment in Germany paints the same picture: the ergibt sich bei den Auslandsinvestitionen in Deutschland: Netherlands is head and shoulders above the rest of the world. Die Niederlande sind mit Ab die größte Investitionsquelle. Nearly 24 % of all foreign direct investment in Germany comes Beinahe 24 Prozent aller ausländischen Direktinvestitionen, from the Netherlands: more than 122 billion euros in total. No entsprechend einer Gesamtsumme von 122 Mrd. Euro, stam- other country invests as much in Germany. Dutch investments men aus den Niederlanden. Keine andere Nation investiert are good for creating and sustaining hundreds of thousands hierzulande so viel Geld. Holländische Investoren schaffen of jobs in Germany. und erhalten in Deutschland hunderttausende Arbeitsplätze. Germany and the Netherlands are European leaders in both Deutschland und die Niederlande sind in der europäischen industrial development and innovation. Both countries are Industrielandschaft Entwicklungs- und Innovationsführer. working on the fourth industrial revolution; the intelligent Beide Länder arbeiten an der Front der Vierten Industriellen connection of industrial processes. “German Gründlichkeit” Revolution: der intelligenten Vernetzung industrieller Prozesse. and Dutch creativity and flexibility are a great combination. Deutsche Gründlichkeit und holländische Kreativität und When working together Dutch and German companiescan Flexibilität sind ein unschlagbares Team. Gemeinsam können develop smart and sustainable solutions to global challenges. holländische und deutsche Unternehmen intelligente und I wish all exhibitors and visitors a fruitful Messe and I sincerely nachhaltige Lösungen für globale Herausforderungen ent- hope it will generate many new business leads. I want to thank wickeln. Ich wünsche allen Ausstellern und Besuchern erfolg- the German Government, the Government of Lower Saxony reiche Messetage und hoffe sehr, dass sich daraus viele neue and the HANNOVER MESSE for their excellent cooperation. Geschäftskontakte ergeben. Bedanken möchte ich mich namentlich bei der deutschen Bundesregierung, der Landes- regierung von Niedersachsen und der HANNOVER MESSE für die hervorragende Unterstützung. Mark Rutte 4 5
Vorläufige Ausstellerliste Preliminary list of exhibitors C Care4iT 3 F20 CBI 5 F30 CELLRO 17 B21 0 – 10 Halle/Hall Stand Ceratec Technical Ceramics 4 C22 2E Cable Assembly 4 C52/1 ChainFood 3 F20 2getthere 27 E41 Chargepoint 27 E41 3TU 2 D10 Cleantron 3 F20 54 Events BV 27 E41 Cleantron 27 E41 + G24 Contour 4 C40 A Aad de Wit Verhuizingen 27 E41 D AAE 4 C22 DdV MEDIA INTERNATIONAL 15 G43 Accenda 27 E41 De Rooy Slijpcentrum 4 D44 Accenture 16 E35 Demcon 4 C22 Aeson 4 C18/1 DeR-Tec Aandrijftechniek 17 B21 AHK Niederlande 13 F44/1 Deutsch-Niederländische Handelskammer 13 F44 Alara-Lukagro 27 H30 DIPANOX 5 G13 Alfen B.V. 27 E41 DirectLease 27 E41 Alliander Mobility Services 27 E41 Discom 27 G24 Alligator Plastics 4 C18/2 Drymer 3 F20 Almi Machinefabriek Vriezenveen 4 A04 – 11 Dutch Creative Industries 3 F20 Almotion 17 A37 Dutch Games Association 3 F20 Amsterdam Scientific Instruments 2 D54 Dycomet Europe 6 B34/1 Anamet Europe 13 B53 APPM Management Consultants 27 E41 E ARBO Pompen en Filters 15 G43 Eagle Energy B.V. 27 E41 ASML Netherlands 2 D10 Easy go electric 27 E41 ASTRON 2 D10 Ecovat Werk 27 G24 ATG Europe B.V. 3 F20 ELEQ 12 F44 Avionics Control Systems 2 D54 Embed Engineering 27 G24 27 G24 B EPR Technopower 2 D10 Bal Seal Engineering Europe 12 B76 ERIKS 4 C22 BC Semiconductors Netherlands 2 D10 Essentra Components B.V. 6 C16 Benteler Engineering Services 27 E41 Etchform 4 C52/6 Bijl Profielen 6 G46 European Space Agency ESA 2 D54 Boltjes Serial Production 4 D45 Euro-Techniek-Eindhoven 4 D49 Bons & Evers Metaalperswerk 4 D43/1 EV-Box 27 E41 Boon Edam 3 F20 EXXFIRE 2 D54 BOSAL ENERGY CONVERSION INDUSTRY 27 G24 Bouman Industrial Supplier Group 4 A04–27 F BOZ Group 4 D43 Fastned B.V. 27 E41 Braakhuis Borne Bedrijven 4 C42 Figo 2 D10 Brabant Region 3 F20 FlexBase BV 16 E35 Brainport Industries 4 C22 FLIR COMMERCIAL VISION SYSTEMS BV 12 D19 Brinks Metaalbewerking 4 D41 FME-CWM 2 D10 Bronkhorst High-Tech 2 D10 FME-CWM 3 F20 Bronkhorst High-Tech 11 A42 FME-CWM 27 G24 Bruco Integrated Circuits 2 D10 FMI Precision 4 C22 6 7
Fokker Aerostructures 6 G46 J FOM-instituut AMOLF 2 D10 JEWE INEXOR 4 E40/6 FOM-Instituut DIFFER 2 D10 FOM-INSTITUUT DIFFER 6 G46 K Frencken Mechatronics 4 C22 Kaltenbach-Tools 17 B21 FreroTech 4 E35 Kennispark Twente 3 F20 Frisian Motors 27 E41 KMWE Precisie Eindhoven 4 C22 Koninklijke Metaalunie 4 C52 + E40 G Galvano Hengelo 4 A04–12 L GBO DESIGN 4 C22 Lamers High Tech Systems 4 C22 Gemeente Eindhoven 16 E35 L.C. Maan Engineering 4 C18/3 Gemeente Groningen 27 G24 Lenze 4 C22 Gemeente Rotterdam 16 E35 Lucassen Group 4 E40/2 GETON 4 C18/8 Gieterij Neede 4 C52/7 M GINAF Trucks Nederland B.V. 27 E41 Machinefabriek Amersfoort 4 E43 Greentech Engineering | Pezy Group 4 C22 Machinefabriek van der Ploeg 4 D47 Metaaldraaierij de Koning 4 E40/3 H Metsens 27 G24 Hadro Techniek 11 A66 MFE Machining & Construction 4 E33 HANNOVER CONSULTANCY BV 17 B21 Micro Turbine Technology 27 G24 Hartmobile, QWIC 27 E41 Mikrocentrum activiteiten 4 C18 HeatMatrix Group 27 G24 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 16 E35 Heliox 27 E41 MI-Partners 2 D65 Herikon 4 A04–23 M.M.E. Technology 4 C52/5 High Tech Campus Eindhoven 2 D10 Montair Process Technology 3 F20 Hilmar Industries 4 C57 Montair Process Technology 4 E40/1 Holland Composites Pavillon 6 G46 Mors Smitt 12 D55 Holland e-Mobility House 27 E41 M-Products 27 L81 Holland Industrial Automation House 17 B21 Holland Innovative 4 C22 N Holland Partner Country Pavilion 3 F20 NEDERLANDSE AMBASSADE BERLIJN 16 E35 Holo-Krome Company 4 A61 Netherlands Enterprisse Agency/RVO.NL 3 F20 HSF 27 G24 Netherlands Enterprisse Agency/RVO.NL 27 E4 HTAS – High Tech Automotive Systems 27 E41 Nederlandse Gasunie 27 G24 HTR Rubber & Foam 4 C22 Negotica Projectontwikkeling 27 G24 Hytruck 27 E41 Netherlands Water Partnership 3 F20 NEVAT 4 D38 I NEVAT 4 E37 Ibis Power BV 16 E35 NEVAT 4 E35, Nevat Lounge i-enerGQ 27 G24 New Cosmos – BIE Gas Detection 4 C18/7 IHC Sealing Solutions 15 G43 Neways Technologies 4 C22 IKEUCHI EUROPE BV 4 F02 NFIA 3 F20 IKEUCHI EUROPE 4 F74 Nijdra Special Products 4 D34 INCAS3 3 F20 NIKHEF 2 D10 Indes 3 F20 NIOZ 2 D10 Inepro Metering 12 D22 NLingenieurs 16 E35 I-NRG 27 G24 NL Space 3 F20 InterGest Netherlands 13 F40 NOVA 2 D10 8 F29 NTS Group 4 C22 8 9
NV NOM 2 D10 Stichting Holland High Tech 2 D10 NXP Semiconductors Netherlands 2 D10 Stichting kiEMT 27 G24 STODT Toekomsttechniek 4 A04–19 O Straaltechniek International 4 E40 (E40/7) O.E.M. Group 4 D40 Surface Treatment Nederland 4 E40/5 O-foil – Wing Propulsion 3 F20 T p TASS International 27 F20 p/a de Ruijter Consultancy (DRC) 6 G46 Ten Cate Advanced Composites 3+6 F20 PAL-V Europe 3 F20 TEN CATE ADVANCED COMPOSITES BV 3 F20 PFT_Profiles BV 6 G46 TEN CATE ADVANCED COMPOSITES BV 27 E41 Philips Ceramics Uden 4 C22 Titan LNG 27 G24 Phoenix 3D Metaal 4 C22 TNO 2 F20 PhotonicsNL & IOP Photonic Devices 2 D10 TNO 3 F20 Pontus Heat Treatment 4 A04–15 TO-INCREASE 7 C04 PostNL Pakketten Benelux 27 E41 Top Sector Energy 3 F20 Priva 16 E23 TOPIC Embedded Products B.V. 2 D10 PRODRIVE BV 27 E41 Trikke Europe 27 E41 Proov, Unplugged E-Mobility 27 E41 Triple Solar 16 E35 PUMPplaza Business Lounge 15 G55 TSG Group 4 C22 Q U Qmicro 2 D10 United Springs 4 E41 QUBY 27 G24 Universiteit Utrecht SRON 2 D10 R V Regio Groningen-Assen 16 E35 Van Halteren Metaal 4 D42 Relighted 27 G24 Van Hoof Groep 4 C52/8 Romit 4 C48 Van Knippenberg Metaalindustrie 4 C52/2 Roosen BPL 17 E55 VanBerlo 4 C22 Rubitech Alucast 4 A04–17 VDL Groep 4 D33 Ruco Industries 4 C18/6 VDL Healthcare Technologies 3 F20 RVS NON FERRO 4 C18/9 Veco 4 C22 VeenstraGlazenborg 4 C52/4 S Villagepump B.V. 16 E35 Salomon’s Metalen 4 C18/5 ViNotion 3 F20 Scherpenzeel 4 C34 ViriCiti B.V. 16 E35 Schut PrecisionParts 4 C52/3 Science Guide/Platform Bèta Techniek 3 F20 W Siemens Industry Software, PLM 7 E18 Water & Energy 27 G24 Sioux Group 4 C22 Wattcher BV 16 E35 Smits Machinefabriek 4 C22 WBM Staalservice Centrum 4 E47 Sorama 2 D10 WeLL Design 3 F20 Space and Matter 16 E35 West End 3 F20 Spijkstaal Elektro 27 E41 West End 4 E40/4 Staalbouw Boom 4 C46 Wetering 4 C50 Stabi Alert 27 G24 Wijdeven Inductive Solutions 4 C18/4 Stevens idé Partners 4 A04–7 Wilting 4 C22 Stichting Amsterdam Economic Board 16 E35 Witec Fijnmechanische Techniek 4 C22 Stichting Energy Academy Europe 27 G24 Stichting Energy Valley 27 G24 Y Stichting Hanzehogeschool Groningen 27 G24 Yokogawa Europe 9 D68 10 11
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 9.00 – 10.15 Uhr/9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) 9.00 – Opening Holland Partner Country Pavilion plants without causing too much damage to them. 9.25 Opening of the Holland Pavilion by After 3 weeks the plants will have healed sufficiently Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister to be milked again. of The Netherlands, Mark Rutte Marco Oomen & Robbert Sakko, HeatMatrix, in presence of André Kuipers, Dutch astronaut Oranje Handelsmissie Fonds; Waste heat Organizer A significant amount of waste heat remains unused Netherlands Enterprise Agency/RVO due to the limited applicability of existing metal heat exchangers. The HeatMatrix plastic heat exchanger Contact overcomes these limitations and enables energy sav- Sandra Pompe ings of up to 5 % of the global annual energy require- ment for heat production. Jeoffrey van der Berg, Flowid, TEDx Binnenhof; Turning the chemical industry upside down 9.30 – Tedx inspired pitches The days of big manufacturing plants are over and 10.15 Dutch solutions covering global challenges the future lies in a lot of small factories. Materials English Every day three inspiring Dutch solutions will be need to be produced where the materials are available presented that can change the world. Amongst other and needed (close to the end-users). The same goes things these short pitches show amazing new possi- for ingredients and additives. At the moment, these bilities to generate energy, new ways of transport materials, ingredients and additives are produced in and other technological innovations extremely big plants. In the near future, this can be done on a much smaller scale. Safe, sustainable and Today the TEDx inspired pitches are given by: flexible. Jeroen Rondeel, Van de Wetering BV, Flora Fluids, TEDx Binnenhof; Blue Innovation Organizer Plants have always been a great source of nutrients ING Bank/FME-CWM for animal and man, but always at the cost of the Contact plant itself. Jeroen Rondeel has developed a tech-, nique with which he can “milk” the nutrients from 12 13
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 10.00 – 17.00 Uhr/10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 4, Stand E50 Suppliers Convention 10.45 – Begrüßung und Eröffnung/Welcoming address Cross-sector lecture and discussion forum 11.00 and opening Deutsch Dr. Theodor L. Tutmann, Vorsitzender, Partnerland Holland – Ein starker Handelspartner Arbeitsgemeinschaft Zulieferindustrie (ArGeZ) Wirtschaftlich und wirtschaftspolitisch sind die Niederlande einer der stärksten Partner Deutschlands und lagen 2013 11.00 – Erfolgsfaktoren für die Niederlande auf Platz zwei der wichtigsten Handelspartner. Mit seinen 11.30 Johan Spijksma, Leiter Absatzberatung, hochspezialisierten mittelständischen Unternehmen ist der Deutsch Niederländisch-Deutsche Handelskammer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau der am schnellsten wachsende Industriezweig. Hervorzuheben sind auch die starke Stellung 11.30 – Deutschland und Holland: Gemeinsam Weltklasse! in den Bereichen erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz 12.00 Peter Kerstjens, Geschäftsführer, Addit Contract sowie eine führende Position in der Offshorewindenergie. Deutsch Manufacturer BV Wie kann sich die Zulieferindustrie dort stärker einbringen? 12.00 – Von Build to Print bis zum Business Case Worauf ist bei Investitionen und Verträgen besonders zu 12.30 From build to print to business case achten? English Marc Hendrikse, CEO, NTS Group Partner Country Netherlands – a strong trading partner 12.30 – Brainport Industries: An integrated supply chain Germany and the Netherlands maintain strong economic ties. 13.00 John Blankendaal, Managing Director, In 2013 the Netherlands ranked as Germany’s second most English Brainport Industries important trading partner. Consisting primarily of small and medium-sized enterprises, the Dutch mechanical and plant 13.00 – Deutsch-niederländische Kooperation in der Praxis engineering industry is the country’s fastest growing sector. 13.30 Supply market Netherlands – Dutch-German The Netherlands also occupy a strong position in the area of Deutsch cooperation in practice renewable energy, energy efficiency and off shore wind power. Enrico Kretschmar, Geschäftsführer, What contribution can the component supply industry make Gateway to Germany in this context? Which aspects should be borne in mind when 13.30 – Mittagspause/Lunch break planning investments and drawing up contracts? 14.00 14 15
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 10.00 – 17.00 Uhr/10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 11.00 – 12.00 Uhr/11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Halle/Hall 4, Stand E50 Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) 14.00 – Podiumsdiskussion 11.00 – Nano and Netherlands High Tech Country 14.45 Mehr Vorteile durch industrielle Netzwerke 12.00 Which new trends in nanotech will impact industry Deutsch English and new opportunities in science and innovation Teilnehmer: ■ Johan Spijksma, Leiter Absatzberatung, Round table discussion: Niederländisch-Deutsche Handelskammer amongst others with Prof. Dr.-Ing Dave Blank, ■ Marc Hendrikse, Geschäftsführer, NTS Group MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology ■ Lucas Wintjes, Vizepräsident, Bosch Rexroth ■ Enrico Kretschmar, Geschäftsführer, Gateway to Germany Organizer ScienceGuide, Moderation: Platform Bèta Techniek Dipl.-Ing. Werner Götz, Chefredakteur Industrieanzeiger Contact Pieter Gerrit Kroeger 15.00 – Trends in industrial automation and the effect 15.30 on supply chains English Lucas Wintjes, Vizepräsident, Bosch Rexroth 15.30 – Verträge schließen mit den Niederlanden – 16.00 Rechtsunterschiede Deutsch Esther Tromp, Rechtsanwältin, Boels Zanders Advocaten 16.00 – Netzwerk Grenzenloser Maschinen- und Anlagen- 16.30 bau (GMA) – Gelebte niederländisch-deutsche Deutsch Zusammenarbeit! Thomas Melchert, stv. Geschäftsführer, Wirtschaftsförderung Handwerkskammer Münster 16.30 – Aussteller vom Gemeinschaftsstand 17.15 „Grenzenlose Zulieferkompetenz“ Deutsch zeigen Erfolgsbeispiele auf 16 17
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 Business Summit – The Future of Industry Opening impulse Jedes Jahr wird der Business Summit der HANNOVER MESSE Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister durch einen Organisator des Partnerlandes organisiert. of Education and Research (tbc) In diesem Jahr bundelt FME (Niederlande) die Krafte und Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Kingdom organisiert den diesjahrigen Business Summit mit seinen of the Netherlands starken deutschen Partnern BDI, VDMA, ZVEI und der HANNOVER MESSE. Der Business Summit 2014 fokussiert TTIP: The Transatlantic Strategic Imperative auf die Zukunft der Industrie (globale Aufgaben und Thomas Donohue, President and CEO, Industrie 4.0) sowie den Handel (geopolitische Aufgaben, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Belange des Handels und TTIP). Hochkaratige Vertreter The Future of Industry: Dutch perspective der Politik und der Industrie werden hier diskutieren. Eine Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink, President of FME Einladung ist Voraussetzung zur Teilnahme. The Future of Industry: German perspective Every year the Business Summit at the HANNOVER MESSE is Michael Ziesemer, Vice-President ZVEI, organized by the private sector organizations of the host and COO Endress+Hauser AG the partner country. This year FME (Netherlands) organizes the Business Summit, supported by the German partners BDI, The cutting edge of technology and the importance VDMA, ZVEI and the HANNOVER MESSE. The Business focusses of cooperation on the future challenges for the industry, in both manufactur- Peter Wennink, CEO of ASML Netherlands ing (global challenges and Industrie 4.0) and trade (geopoliti- Future challenges for the Industry: cal changes and the TTIP). High-level political and business technical developments and new technologies speakers from both sides of the border will share their view. Eberhard Veit, CEO Festo AG & Co. KG, An invitation is required for this event. Board Member VDMA Panel Discussion 10.00 – 14.00 Uhr/10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ■ Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink, Halle/Hall 13, Stand F20 (Business Forum 1) President of FME ■ Michael Ziesemer, Vice-President ZVEI 10.00 – Registration ■ Peter Wennink, CEO of ASML Netherlands 10.30 ■ Eberhard Veit, CEO, Festo AG & Co. KG 10.45 – Opening Rounding up and highlights at the HANNOVER MESSE 12.30 Moderation: Anja Kohl Dr. Wolfram von Fritsch, CEO, Deutsche Messe 12.30 – Business Lunch 13.30 18 19
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 11.30 – 12.30 Uhr/11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Veranstalter/Organizer Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Holland Theatre) FME-CWM (Dutch Technology Industry Association) Lecture and Animation movie English Partner/Partners Netherlands solutions from space for global climate challenges Deutsche Messe Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI) Tropomi: Monitoring air quality from space at city level Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Die Niederlande haben eine lange Tradition bei Raumfahrt- (VDMA) instrumenten zur Erdbeobachtung. Das innovativste Instru- Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und ment TROPOMI ist derzeit in der Entwicklung und steht vor Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) der Markteinführung im Jahr 2015 auf der ESA-Satellit Senti- nel-5-Precursor. TROPOMI, das Troposphären Ozon Monito- Sprache/Language ring Instrument, wird eine wichtige Rolle in der weltweiten Deutsch – Englisch (Simultanübersetzung) Klimaforschung spielen und indirekt helfen, sich den Heraus- German – English (simultaneous translation) forderungen in den Bereichen Mobilität und Gesundheit zu Teilnahme/Attendance stellen. Mit seiner einzigartigen Fähigkeit, zwischen die Wol- Die Teilnahme am Summit ist ausschließlich für ken blicken zu können, wird das Instrument in der Lage sein, geladene Gäste. die Luftqualität auf Stadtebene zu überwachen. TROPOMI An invitation is required to subscribe for this event. ist eine Kooperation von Dutch Space, SRON, KNMI und TNO im Auftrag der NSO, der Raumfahrt-Agentur der niederländi- Kontakt/Contact schen Regierung. Patrick Walison FME-CWM The Netherlands has a strong tradition in space instruments Tel. +31 (0) 793531280 for earth observation. Currently the Dutch-Finnish OMI instru- ment is the best instrument worldwide to monitor air quality from space.The new innovative instrument TROPOMI, is cur- Anmeldung/Registration rently under development and ready for launch end of 2015 on Sina Brennecke the ESA satellite Sentinel-5-Precursor as part of EU’s Coperni- Deutsche Messe cus satellite Program. TROPOMI, the Tropospheric Ozone Mon- Tel. +49 511 89-30996 itoring Instrument, will play an important role in air quality and climate research by unprecedented monitoring of emis- sions worldwide, which is important information for air quali- ty an climate policy. The instrument will indirectly help to master the challenges in the areas of mobility and health, by operational products like air quality forecast and volcanic eruption information for aviation control. With the instru- ments unique (sub)city scale spatial resolution, the instrument 20 21
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 11.30 – 12.30 Uhr/11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 11.30 – 13.00 Uhr/11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Holland Theatre) Halle/Hall 27, Stand G85 (Forum MobiliTec) will be able to monitor air quality at (sub)city level. TROPOMI Forum discussion is a collaboration of Dutch Space, TNO, KNMI and SRON by Zukunftsperspektiven der Elektromobilität – order of NSO, the space agency of the Dutch government. Industrie und Politik im Dialog At the HANNOVER MESSE an overview of the Dutch capabilities Future perspectives of E-mobility – in this type of space instrumentation will be shown. Fascinating Industry and Politics in dialogue examples of the current and future use of this type measure- ments in the field of air quality and climate will be presented, Pitch as well as a preview of the instrument an impressive animation. Mr. Bert Klerk, Chairman of the Netherlands public-private Lecture by Ms prof. dr. P. F. (Pieternel) Levelt, Head Climate platform on e-mobility the formula e-team Observations, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute Participants (KNMI)/Technical University Delft Professor Franck Rieck, Representative of the Netherlands in AVERE, Rotterdam University Organizer Netherlands Space Office Organizer Co-organizers National Platform Elektromobiliaet und Verband Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI)/ Deutscher Machinen- und Anlagenbau Dutch Space/TNO/SRON Contact Jasper Wamsteker Tel. +31 (0) 6 52525914 22 23
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 12.30 – 14.00 Uhr/12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 13.30 – 14.00 Uhr/1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) E3 SLIM knowledge sharing English Trikke presents eV6, the solution for I-mobility English Sharing knowledge and experience on Smart Lighting In Urban transportation is an increasing problem in European Metropolitan areas (SLIM) with the cities of Amsterdam, cities. While e-Mobility is seen and promoted as an alternative Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Philips, Cisco, Alliander and TU/e transport, the emphasis still lies on hybrid and electric cars. Lighting Institute This leads to more congestion and parking hassle. Eindhoven, Rotterdam en Amsterdam will develop intelligent Made in Holland and rolling into Germany lighting solutions for public space in collaboration with the In a spectacular show the Trikke eV6 will be presented. TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute, Philips, Cisco and Alliander. The parties have signed the convenant Smart Lights in Metro- politan Areas (SLIM). The three cities will run pilots with intelli- Organizer gent lighting in public areas. During this presentation we Trikke Europe present the concept of SLIM and projects. Contact Pieter Dekker Contact Tel. +31 (0) 6 2425 1449 Niels Cannegieter, Guus Sluijter Co-ordinators City of Eindhoven 24 25
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 14.00 – 14.30 Uhr/2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 14.30 – 15.30 Uhr/2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) Workshop: “Introduce your product to the English High Tech Hero – Lecture English international market, with the biggest impact” The importance of fundamental research for innovation and How to present a technical product to the international the development of the high tech industry market, creating the biggest impact Lecture by Dave Blank, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology: Innovative companies often encounter difficulties when com- municating their product clearly to stake holders and their market. In this workshop knowledge and experiences will be Organizers Contact shared on how to create the biggest, remaining impact on ScienceGuide Pieter Gerrit Kroeger your public. An impact that will eventually lead to commercial Platform Bèta Techniek Tel. +31 (0) 20 428 5371 success. Speakers ■ Ton Kuper and Ton de Haan, CEO & CCO C4Real ■ Bert Ipema, Account Director Innovation & Product development TNS Nipo) 14.30 – 15.15 Uhr/2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Halle/Hall 16, Metropolitan Solutions (Global Town Hall) Organizer C4Real Panel discussion English Panel City Business Dialogues Contact Ton de Haan With a contribution of Alexandra van Huffelen, Vice Mayor Tel. +31 (0) 857 730 733 for Sustainable Development, Inner City and Public Spaces at City of Rotterdam, Netherlands and Member of the ICLEI Global Executive Committee Organizer Contact ICLEI Global Town Hall Hidde Baars 26 27
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 15.15 – 16.00 Uhr/3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 16.00 – 16.45 Uhr/4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) Closing the Plastic Cycle; building the new supply chain Fastned. Everywhere along the Highway. English for re-use polymeric materials Fastned realizes and operates fast charging-stations along the 15.15 – What are the challenges? highway. In the Netherlands 201 concessions were acquired 15.30 The re-use of plastics back into consumer products to build charging stations on existing service-areas, providing English has many challenges. Quality of material, processing countrywide freedom to the electric car. techniques and design of products need to be Presentation followed by book launch “The Fastned Story” re-invented. and open discussion. 15.30 – What have we achieved? Speaker 15.45 Over 30 enterprises and scientific institutes work Bart Lubbers English actively together to achieve broad re-use of recycled plastics back into industrial products. Organizer 15.45 – How can you join? Fastned B.V. 16.00 Polymer Science Park is preparing a broad program Contact English to develop mature supply chains for recycled polymer Lisa Haenitsch-Saxe materials and is looking for strategic industrial Tel. +31 (0) 20 705 53 10 partners Organizer Polymer Science Park Contact Ir. E.D. Kooijman, managing director PSP Tel. +31 (0) 38 8534810 28 29
Montag, 7. April 2014 Monday, 7 April 2014 16.15 – 16.30 Uhr/4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: 17.00 – 18.00 Uhr/5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Powered by Dutch Technology Wall) Halle/Hall 4, Stand E40 (Holland Industrial Supply) Official kick-off of “Ask the Dutch” English Holland Industrial Supply, Cocktail reception What do all groundbreaking innovations have in common? enjoy delicious and special made cocktails They started with a clear question. A clear question forces us to look at things differently. It’s the spark of every innovation process. We would like to ask you … what’s your question for Organizer the Dutch technological industry? Ask the Dutch. Koninklijke Metaalunie Speaker President Dutch Technology Industry Association FME-CWM, Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink 18.15 – 22.00 Uhr/6:15 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 2, Stand D10 (Holland High Tech House) Organizer Contact Night of Innovation FME-CWM Diana Vergeer Exhibitors from Hall 2, Research & Technology invite trade visitors and exhibitors from other trade fairs to experience various fascinating presentations, shows and discussions affording insights into future-focused innovations. 16.30 – 17.00 Uhr/4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. At booth number D10, guests will be provided with cocktails Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: and fingerfood and a high entertainment level. Powered by Dutch Technology Wall) Drinks, Powered by Dutch Technology English Organizer Contact FME-CWM Irena Skundric Drinks and VIP event, Invitees only Organizer Contact FME-CWM Tara Kolk 30 31
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 9.30 – 10.15 Uhr/9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) Tedx inspired pitches English voice on sustainability issues. With her clear, inspirational Dutch solutions covering global challenges message on sustainability, she bridges the divide between companies, governments and sectors. Priva is consistently Every day three inspiring Dutch solutions will be presented making its mark in the clean technology sector. Priva shows that can change the world. Amongst other things these short a significant contribution in the area of innovation, economic pitches show amazing new possibilities to generate energy, potential and CO2 reduction. new ways of transport and other technological innovations The TEDx inspired pitches of today will focus on sustainable energy. Today the TEDx inspired pitches are given by: Organizer Contact ING Bank/FME-CWM, Hans van Breugel, CEO Tocardo Tocarodo’s mission is to contribute to clean, sustainable and predictable energy. Tocardo is fully aware of the huge chal- lenge our world is facing in replacing the need for fossil fuels in the coming decades. Tidal and river energy are among the 10.45 – 11.00 Uhr/10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. key sources of renewable energy available on our planet. To- Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) cardo is harvesting this energy and working to provide clean and sustainable energy for future generations. Hand-out report English Alexander Suma, Ibis Power BV Energiewende and Industrie 4.0: Opportunities for Dutch IRWES (Integrated Roof Wind Energy System) The need for system suppliers and subcontractors in a more open supply green energy technologies in the built environment with high chain in Germany. The report is written by ING Economics efficiency and aesthetical quality keeps growing. Building Department in cooperation with FME-CWM. owners are looking for ways to can lower their bills and create financial security for the future. Attractive building upgrades Present can be established with IRWES, where this unit is placed on top ■ Minister of Economic Affairs, Henk Kamp of the roof to supply a major part of the energy needs. From ■ President Dutch Technology Industry Association the political side on National and European level targets are Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink and Senior set, and we as Ibis Power believe they can easily be reached! Management ING Meiny Prins, CEO Priva Meiny devotes herself to promoting business sustainability Organizer Contact and the international development of (greenhouse) horticul- ING Bank/FME-CWM ture. She is a much sought-after authority in this field, and members of the Dutch government consider her to be a leading 32 33
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 10.00 – 10.45 Uhr/10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 9.30 – 10.45 Uhr/9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Halle/Hall 16, Stand E35, Metropolitan Solutions Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) (Holland Smart City House/TV-studio) Energy Academy English Online skype conference English How industry, higher education, regional development Conference on urban development in Beijing called and science join forces in creating new energy-models and “smart city project” sustainability Interview with Prof. Frans Vogelaar (Hybrid Space Lab) Joining forces in creating sustainability Neville Mars (Mars), Lulu Li (Interactive Beijing) and the culture department of the embassy of the Netherlands in Beijing about the possibilities of connecting Dutch and Organizers Chinese knowledge. ScienceGuide Platform Bèta Techniek Hanze University of Applied Sciences Organizer Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin Contact Pieter Gerrit Kroeger Contact Tel. +31 (0) 20 428 5371 Sigrid Streifer 34 35
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr/10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 10.40 – 13.00 Uhr/10:40 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 13, Stand C35 (Smart Grids Forum) Halle/Hall 27, Stand E18 (Renewable Energy Forum) Smart Grids Forum, International Day Deutschlands Energiewende und Case-Study Deutsch The international day in Hall 13 focusses on international Niederlande developments in the smart grids market. Speaker Dutch contributions: Ton Doesburg, CEO Alliander AG 11.40 – How Energy Storage fits into the Innovation 10.40 – Deutschlands Energiewende und Case-Study 12.00 Program of TKI Switch2SmartGrids 11.05 Niederlande Frits Verheij, Director Smart Energy Cities | Deutsch Ton Doesburg, Alliander AG DNV GL – Energy 12.00 – Dutch view on Renewable Energy 15.00 – Ecovat Total Energy System: Reliable – Comfortable – 12.20 Henk Kamp, Wirtschaftsminister, 15.20 Future Proof, Ecovat Energy Storage Systems Deutsch Königreich Niederlande Aris de Groot 12.20 – Podiumsdiskussion 15.20 – Low Cost Technology for Renewable Energy Storage 13.00 Europa und die Erneuerbaren 15.40 Jochem Lambers, E-Stone Deutsch Organizer Organizer German Trade & Invest Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e.V. 36 37
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 10.30 – 12.00 Uhr/10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon 11.00 – 14.00 Uhr/11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 27, Stand G85 (Forum MobiliTec) Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) Forum discussion Symposium on high tech, energy and automotive. Infrastructure and for Network E-mobility Join, explore and discuss the opportunities of electric mobility and help reinvent the Living Lab Europe Infrastruktur und Netze für die Elektromobilität 11.00 – Symposium: ■ Tina Zierul, E.ON 12.00 “Tesla meets Stella. ■ Andreas Pfeiffer, Hubject English Where High Tech meets Energy and Automotive” ■ Hauke Hinrichs, smartlab ■ Auke Hoekstra, Foundation ELaadNL 12.00 – Brabant Lunch: 13.00 “Interactive lunch to further strengthen and shape English international projects and alliances” Organizer Bundesverband Energie- und Wassenwirtschaft 13.00 – Symposium: 13.55 “Charging the future: open standards” English 11.00 – 11.45 Uhr/11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. 13.55 – Stella on the move: Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) 14.00 “Smart Mobility in action” English High Tech Hero English The (current) energy transition poses challenges to our European Lecture by Mikhail Katsnelson (NWO Spinoza-laureate, societies and industries. In order to tackle these challenges, professor of Theoretical Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen) courage, enduring innovation and international alliances on creativity in research and his work on the development are required. During the symposium the province of Brabant of Graphene aims to explore new possibilities, and tackle them, connecting German, Dutch and international industries. By displaying several inspiring examples, Brabant will map Organizers the chances for an intensive, international cooperation. At- ScienceGuide tendees from industry, research institutes and governments Platform Bèta Techniek from Germany, the Netherlands and other countries will join Contact in the discussion. Because together we can make a difference. Pieter Gerrit Kroeger Tel. +31 (0) 20 428 5371 38 39
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 11.00 – 14.00 Uhr/11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 12.00 – 13.00 Uhr/12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) Speaker Fundamental research and Netherlands English ■ Prof. dr. ir. Maarten Steinbuch, Eindhoven University High Tech Country of Technology and board member AutomotiveNL Roundtable with amongst others Mikhail Katsnelson (NWO ■ Willem van de Leegte, Owner-manager VDL Groep Spinoza-laureate, professor of Theoretical Physics, Radboud ■ Wiep Folkerts, SEAC/Solliance University Nijmegen) and Johann Hurink (professor on the ■ Arjan Wargers, ElaadNL Mathematics of Operations Research, Smart Grid House, ■ Bert Pauli, Provincial Executive UTwente). Topic is the future of energy and the role of (fundamental) research Organizer Contact Brabant Region Jeroen Kroonen Organizer ScienceGuide Platform Bèta Techniek Contact 11.30 – 12.00 Uhr/11:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon Pieter Gerrit Kroeger Halle/Hall 16, Metropolitan Solutions (Global Town Hall) Tel. +31 (0) 20 428 5371 Cities on Stage: Rotterdam English Lecture about the Dutch Smart City of Rotterdam Speaker Alexandra van Huffelen, Vice Mayor for Sustainable Development, Inner City and Public Spaces, City of Rotterdam, Netherlands Organizer Contact ICLEI Global Town Hall Hidde Baars 40 41
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 12.00 – 12.20 Uhr/12:00 noon – 12:20 p.m. 13.00 – 16.00 Uhr/1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 27, Stand E18, Renewable Energy Forum Halle/Hall 27, Stand G24 (Holland Energy House) Dutch view on Renewable Energy English Energy Matchmaking Event „Deutschland ist keine Insel, auch nicht beim Umbau der The aim of this matchmaking event is to promote cross-border Energieversorgung. Die Europäische Union verfolgt eigene networking between German and Dutch entrepreneurs and Ausbauziele bei den Erneuerbaren Energien bis 2020. Die to encourage cooperation in the field of energy technology EU-Kommission hat einen ersten Vorschlag für Ausbauziele (heat pumps, geothermal energy, ocean thermal energy con- bis 2030 vorgelegt. Dieser wird zurzeit kontrovers diskutiert. version, smart grid, energy storage). This event is organized Je nach Ausgestaltung der endgültigen Vorgaben aus Brüssel in cooperation with the following organizations: werden die Mitgliedstaaten den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Wärmepumpenmarktplatz.NRW, GSW NRW e.V., Düsseldorf mehr oder weniger schnell angehen. Hochrangige Vertreter Chamber of Small Industries and Skilled Trades, the State aus Politik und Wirtschaft berichten über den aktuellen Stand Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology in Lower Saxony, der Verhandlungen auf EU-Ebene und diskutieren, welchen municipality Oldambt, the Consulate General of the Kingdom wirtschaftlichen Einfluss Erneuerbare Energien auf unter- of the Netherlands in Düsseldorf, as well as other partners. schiedliche Mitgliedsstaaten haben und wie daraus Geschäfts- modelle entstehen können.“ Henk Kamp, Wirtschaftsminister der Niederlande Organizer Dutch Consulate General in Düsseldorf, 12.20 – Podiumsdiskussion 13.00 Europa und die Erneuerbaren Handwerkskammer Düsseldorf, ■ Jo Leinen, Mitglied des Europ. Parlaments, Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie Nieder- Ausschuss Umwelt, Gesundheit und Lebens- saksen, town of Oldambt mittelsicherheit, Europäisches Parlament ■ Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) ■ Ton Doesburg, Alliander AG ■ Bernhard Zymla, GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH ■ Stephan Weil, Ministerpräsident, Land Niedersachsen Organizer Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e.V. 42 43
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 13.30 – 14.30 Uhr/1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 13.45 – 14.15 Uhr/1:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Glass House) Halle/Hall 27, Stand G85 (Forum MobiliTec) Panel discussion English Development of charging infrastructure and innovative Geopolitical influences on business and raw material flows network integration in the Netherlands Entwicklung der Ladeinfrastruktur und innovativer The Fortune 500: Geopolitics is perceived as the main threat Netzintegration in den Niederlanden to business. How resilient is your companies supply chain? Panel debate between diplomats and business people about Speaker the geopolitical influences on market mechanism, trade flows Patrick Langevoort, Business Development Manager, and security of supply. Alliander Mobility Services Speakers ■ His Royal Highness, Prince Jaime de Bourbon Parme, Organizer Special Envoy Natural Resources Dutch MFA BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und ■ Petros Sourmelis, Head of Unit for Market Access, Industry, Wasserwirtschaft e.V. Energy and Raw Materials. DG Trade ■ Daniel Guyader, Division Head for Global Issues and Counter Terrorism. European External Action Service ■ Anna Spinelli, Senior Vice president/Commodity Management Leader procurement Lighting at Royal Philips International ■ German MFA, t.b.c. Organizer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Contact Pim Kraan 44 45
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 14.00 – 16.00 Uhr/2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr/2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion – take-off at 13.55 h) Halle/Hall 13, Stand F50 (Business Forum 2) Demonstration of Car to Infrastructure technology with Stella Niederlande – Deutschland: Deutsch Chancen. Branchen. Forschung. The solar car Stella is equipped with car-to-car communica- tions (C2C) technology that uses the specialist automotive Außenwirtschaftsworkshop für deutsche und niederländische Wi-Fi standard, 802.11p, to transfer data between Stella and Unternehmen the infrastructure. Demonstration on the test track at the Im Außenwirtschaftsworkshop „Niederlande – Deutschland: HANNOVER MESSE how drivers (Stella) can be warned in case Chancen. Branchen.Forschung.“ sollen die Potenziale einer of road works. Zusammenarbeit beider Länder in den Bereichen Maschinen- This connected car technology is set to become central to the bau, Energie und Energieeffizienz diskutiert werden. automotive industry by allowing cars on the road to automat- Die in diesem Bereich tätigen Unternehmen in den Nieder- ically exchange information about their speed, position and landen und Deutschland sind hochspezialisiert. Der Maschi- direction in order to prevent accidents and traffic problems. nenbau der Niederlande soll bis 2020 jährlich um 4,5 % It also lets them communicate with local infrastructure to zulegen. Er bietet eine Reihe Möglichkeiten für gemeinsame determine the speed limit as well as the phasing and timing Aktivitäten auf Drittmärkten. Der massive Ausbau von of cooperative traffic lights. Erneuerbaren Energien, von intelligenten Stromnetzen und Energiespeichersystemen wird besondere Chancen einer stärkeren Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung zwischen beiden Organizer Ländern bieten. NXP Semiconductors Besondere Erfahrungen der grenzüberschreitenden Contact Zusammenarbeit eröffnen KMU neue Chancen in der Martijn van der Linden Zusammenarbeit. Tel. +31610914896 46 47
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr/2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 13, Global Business & Markets, Stand F50 (Business Forum 2) Foreign Trade Workshop for Dutch and German Companies Veranstalter Germany Trade & Invest GmbH Gesellschaft Netherlands-Germany: Opportunities. Industries. Research für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbH The potential for partnership between the Netherlands and Germany in the machinery & equipment, energy, and energy Teilnahme efficiency sectors will be discussed in the “Netherlands-Germany: Teilnahme kostenfrei in Verbindung mit einer Opportunities. Industries. Research” foreign trade workshop. Messeeintrittskarte. Anmeldung erforderlich online unter 14.00 – Official opening by: niederlande-deutschland-chancen.-branchen.- 15.00 ■ Dr. Friedrich, Executive Management Germany forschung./FOR/56759 Trade and Invest ■ Hanno Würzner, Head Economic Department Organizer Dutch Embassy Berlin German Trade & Invest, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency(NFIA) 1st Panel discussion: joined by Ton de Bruine, chairman of NEVAT Kontakt (the Dutch VDMA). Anna-Lena Nikel Germany Trade and Invest GmbH The potential for partnership between the Nether- Tel. +49 30 200099-921 lands and Germany in the machinery & equipment, energy, and energy efficiency sectors will be dis- cussed in the “Netherlands-Germany: Opportunities. Anmeldung/Registration Industries. Research” foreign trade workshop. Sina Brennecke German and Dutch companies are highly specialized Deutsche Messe in these fields. The mechanical engineering industry Tel. +49 511 89-30996 in the Netherlands is expected to grow by 4.5 percent annually up to 2020, creating numerous opportuni- ties for joint activities in third markets. The massive expansion of renewable energies, smart grids and energy storage systems provides unique opportunities for further cooperation and integration between the two countries. Unique experiences in cross-border partnership will also open up new SME cooperation opportunities. 48 49
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr/2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr/2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 13, Global Business & Markets, Halle/Hall 13, Global Business & Markets, Stand F50 (Business Forum 2) Stand F50 (Business Forum 2) Maschinenbau mit innovativen Lösungen Zukunft der Energiewende – Chancen für Deutschland und die Niederlande Moderation: Dr. Jürgen Friedrich Moderation: Dr. Robert Hermann Der Maschinenbau der Niederlande ist der am schnellsten expandierende Industriezweig des Landes. Er soll bis 2020 Deutschland hat sich mit der Realisierung der Energiewende jährlich um 4,5 % zulegen. Deutschland ist wichtiges Liefer- ein sehr ambitioniertes energiepolitisches Ziel gesetzt. Der land wie auch bedeutender Abnehmer. Die in diesem Bereich massive Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien, von intelligen- tätigen Unternehmen sind hochspezialisiert, es gibt kaum ten Stromnetzen und Energiespeichersystemen wird auch Großunternehmen. Die Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit besondere Chancen einer stärkeren Zusammenarbeit und sind vielfältig. Ausgehend von den spezifischen Stärken der Vernetzung zwischen den Niederlanden und Deutschland Länder soll dies anhand konkreter Beispiele der Zusammen- bieten. Die hieraus entstehenden Potentiale einer Zusam- arbeit in der Diskussion weiter vertieft werden. menarbeit beider Länder sowie die großen Chancen für nie- derländische und deutsche Unternehmen im Bereich der 14.00 – Begrüßung Energie und Energieeffizienz sollen hier diskutiert werden. 14.10 15.15 – Situation und Zielstellungen in den Niederlanden 14.10 – Maschinenbau der Niederlande und seine Stärken 15.25 Günter Gülker, Geschäftsführer, AHK Niederlande 14.20 Marte Diewitz, Germany Trade & Invest GmbH 15.25 – Situation und Zielstellungen in Deutschland 14.20 – Deutsch-Niederländische Beziehungen 15.35 Thomas Grigoleit, Direktor Energie, Umwelt, 14.30 im Maschinenbau Rohstoffe, Germany Trade & Invest GmbH Ulrich Ackermann, Abteilungsleiter, VDMA-Außenwirtschaft 15.35 – Energienetze und ihre Bedeutung 15.45 Johannes Kirsch, Senior Director International 14.30 – Beispiele der Zusammenarbeit Affairs, ZVEI Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und 14.40 Lucas Wintjes, Geschäftsleiter Vertrieb und Branchen- Elektronikindustrie e.V. management Fabrikautomation, Bosch Rexroth AG 15.45 – Praktische Beispiele der Zusammenarbeit 15.00 – Pause 16.00 René Blavers, Geschäftsführer, Flexicontrol 15.15 Erwin Coolen, CEO, OutSmart BV 16.00 – Pause 16.15 50 51
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr/2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Halle/Hall 13, Global Business & Markets, 14.15 – 16.15 Uhr/2:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Stand F50 (Business Forum 2) Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) Clusterbildungen und angewandte Forschung eröffnen Seminar Smart Integration: English neue Chancen energy in Transition Top Sector Energy: the Dutch approach for energy challenges Moderation: Dr. Elfi Schreiber 14.15 – Opening Unterstützung grenzüberschreitender Tätigkeiten 14.25 Film: Empowering the new economy 16.15 – Intermediäre Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht Short film introducing the Dutch energy innovation 16.25 eines Unternehmers und eines Clusterverbunds program. The so-called “Top Sector Energy” directs Paul Willi Coenen, Geschäftsführer, Mitglied des the research efforts and stimulates interaction Vorstands, BYTEC Medizintechnik GmbH, Lifetec between scientists, investors, legislators and public Aachen-Jülich advocates in order to empower the new economy. 16.25 – Zusammenarbeit der Universität Maastricht 14.25 – Energy innovation in The Netherlands 16.35 mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut und der RWTH 14.35 Henk Kamp will introduce the Dutch National Energy Prof. Dr. Martin Paul, Präsident, Maastricht University Agreement, the Dutch political roadmap to a sustain- able energy system. The focus of the Dutch approach 16.35 – Markteintritt in die Niederlande, Dienstleistungen lies in integration of energy solutions in a system 16.45 der IHK für Unternehmen that is both economically and socially sustainable. Wolfram Lasseur, Referent International, Industrie- und Handelskammer Mittlerer Niederrhein Henk Kamp, Minister of Economic Affairs NL 16.45 – Cluster, Netzwerke, Open Innovation – Chance 14.35 – Smart integration: the Green Deal 17.00 für deutsche und niederländische Unternehmen 14.45 “Smart Energy Cities” Prof. Dr. Werner Klaffke, Geschäftsführer, Frits Verheij explains the thinking and reasoning be- Bayern Innovativ hind a major recent “green deal” that aims to reduce energy use and stimulates sustainable integration 17.00 – Deutsch-Niederländischer Empfang auf Einladung of smart energy concepts in Dutch cities. 18.00 von NFIA – Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency Frits Verheij, chairman of the Dutch Innovation Consortium for SmartGrid Development 52 53
Dienstag, 8. April 2014 Tuesday, 8 April 2014 14.15 – 16.15 Uhr/2:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Halle/Hall 3, Stand F20 (Holland Pavilion: Theatre) 14.45 – Panel debate: smart integration 15.45 – Energy innovation with impact 15.10 Topic 1: Smart Energy Systems: the need to integrate 16.00 Manon Janssen explains why the Dutch energy sector energy concepts with a smart grid as backbone is the “one to watch” when it comes to developing and implementing clean tech innovation and systems. Debate hosted by Frits Verheij, chairman Dutch Inno- Manon is dedicated to the aim of creating innovations vation Consortium for SmartGrid Development with: with impact, both economically and ecologically. ■ Jeroen Westendorp, Energy Policy Advisor City of Groningen Manon Janssen, chairman of the Dutch energy ■ Suzanne van Kooten, Energy-efficiency expert TNO innovation platform (Top Sector Energy) (to be confirmed) 16.00 Closing ■ Other panellists to be confirmed 15.10 – Holland: The Sustainable Urban Delta Organizer 15.20 Meiny Prins, CEO Priva and Dutch Business Woman Top Sector Energy – Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Year 2009 Meiny Prins talks about the role of Holland Contact as a Sustainable Urban Delta Onno Houtschild 15.20 – Panel debate: smart integration 15.45 Topic 2: Integration of gas and electrical energy systems 14.15 – 15.15 Uhr/2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Debate hosted by Jörg Gigler, chairman of the Halle/Hall 16, Metropolitan Solutions (Global Town Hall) Dutch Innovation Consortium Gas with: ■ Ulco Vermeulen, Business Development Director, Panel discussion English Gasunie & Chairman of the Board TKI Gas, NL What makes a city smart? ■ Matthias Altmann, Senior Consultant, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik, Germany With a contribution of Marianne Linde, director Urban ■ Wim van Gemert, Leading lector, Development at Netherlands Organisation for Applied Hanze University, NL Scientific Research TNO ■ Patrick Cnubben, Team manager Bioenergy & Gas, Energy Valley, NL Organizer Contact ICLEI Global Town Hall Hidde Baars 54 55
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