Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag

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Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag
Spring 2022
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag

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Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag
Dear Friends of Deutscher Kunstverlag,
Dear Readers,
Our jubilee year has passed, but it is still very
much alive in two publications that we
present to you in this preview: the catalogue
for the exhibition of the winners of our art
competition, and our publishing history in the
form of a bibliophilic journey through time
with one hundred books over one hundred
years. You also find exciting catalogues, for
instance, on “Water in Art Nouveau” and on
Nolde’s painting style, artist monographs
on Leo von König and Joseph Mader, among
others, and a large number of publications
on prints, drawing, and photography. I would
particularly like to call your attention to the
history of hand drawings in the twentieth
century based on the holdings of the Museum
Pfalzgalerie in Kaiserslautern.
Wishing you many a stimulating insight while
browsing through our program!
Katja Richter
Editorial Director
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag

Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Alte Pinakothek Munich
Arnulf Rainer Museum, Baden
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich
Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Munich
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich
Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)
Dehio Vereinigung e.V., Wiesbaden
Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte – Bildarchiv Foto Marburg
Doerner Institut, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich
GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig
Grisebach GmbH, Berlin
Hans Purrmann Archiv, Munich
Hans Purrmann Stiftung, Munich
Forschungsstelle Informelle Kunst
Hochschule München
Institut für Architekturtheorie und Baugeschichte, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, Technische Universität, Vienna
Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Kunsthalle Mannheim
Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Bonn
Max-Planck-Institut – Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Florence
Kunstmuseum Basel
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz
Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg
Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern, Munich
Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Leipzig
Liebermann-Villa Wannsee, Berlin
Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Kunstgeschichte – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn
LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster
Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg
Mozartfest Würzburg
Münchner Stadtmuseum
Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen
Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern
Museum Villa Stuck, Munich
Museum Wiesbaden
Noldes Maltechnik – Forschungsverbund
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Berlin
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlungen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Stadtmuseum Berlin
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Stiftung Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam
Stiftung Ada und Emil Nolde, Seebüll
Tiroler Landesmuseum, Innsbruck
Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger, Wiesbaden
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag


Wasser im Jugendstil           7
Emil Noldes Malweise           9
Der Maler Leo von König 1871 – 1944                     10
Sachlichkeiten, Sichtbarkeiten                11
Informelle Kunst         13
The Multicultural Modernism of Winold Reiss                  14
Sven Hoppler       14
Glanzvolle Glückwünsche                 15
VENEDIG. La Serenissima                 17
Passepartoutnotizen            18
Zart, brillant, lebendig           19
Vom Zauber der Handbewegung                    21
Emil Orlik    23
Max Liebermann Schwarz-Weiß                   24
Berliner Schlachtenkupfer               25
Schraffuren    26
Zoltán Kemény           26
200 Jahre Frauenbad            27
Kunst und Buch          28
100 Jahre – 100 Bücher             29
Auschwitz. Bild und Hinterbild                30
Lu Guang      31
India Tecton       32
Ich bin ein Plastiker         33
Kontinuität und Innovation               33
Wielandgut Oßmannstedt                  34
Nietzsche-Archiv         34
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek                    35
Star oder Loser?         36
Der Raub der kleinen Dinge               37
Nadeln   37


Selected titles     39
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag

    Dive into
  the story here                                              Anniversary
                                                              the history of a
                                                              publishing house
                                                              reduced to the
                                                              most essential:
                                                              the book

                                                              2021. 212 pages
                                                              105 color illustrations
                                                              19.0 × 12.0 cm
                                                              HC € 15.00 [D]
                                                              ISBN 978-3-422-98816-3
                                                              See also page 29

Now online!
The website on the history of Deutscher Kunstverlag
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag
Lecture Series on the
   All lectures
   now on our
                          Occasion of the Anniversary
YouTube Channel!
                     Together for Art. On the role of art book
                    publishers in the past, present and future.
                 With Christoph Martin Vogtherr, Georg Skalecki,
                Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Frank Fehrenbach, Karin Leonhard,
               Christian Gries, Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, Wolfgang Augustyn

                                            Competition for students of the
                                            University of the Arts in Berlin

                                            2021. 78 pages
                                            50 color illustrations
                                            29.7 × 21.0 cm
                                            SC € 12.00 [D]
                                            ISBN 978-3-422-98803-3
                                            See also page 28

                                            Artistic positions for the art prize of the Deutscher Kunstverlag
                                            on the occasion of its 100 year anniversary
                                            Artists: Meo Wulf, Max-Friedemann Altenburg, D’Andrade,
                                            Elisa Jule Braun, Elke Burkert, Wen-Ling Chung,
                                            Nika Grigorian, Domenik Alexander Krischke,
                                            vendedores de humo, Anna Slobodnik
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag
Peter Forster (Ed.)
                                                                       Wasser im Jugendstil
                                                                       Heilsbringer und Todesschlund

                                                                       Pages    448
                                                                       Ills.    550 color mainly
                                                                       Format   30.0 × 24.0 cm

                                                                       HC       978-3-422-98845-3 Ger       ca. € 54.00
                                                                                                                $ 62.99
                                                                                                                £ 49.00
                                                                       MAY 2022

                                                                                                                               DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                       2022: The official “Year of Water”

                                                                       Water: THE topic of Art Nouveau


Water: metaphor for a healing element    a place of longing is presented by         tive for instance with a view to litera-
or symbol of a destructive primal        means of 250 works: Japonesque-like        ture, music, or historical contexts.
force? In the works of Art Nouveau,      works, the dazzling ceramics of a
rushing waves, fish, jellyfish, and mus-   Émile Gallé, and somber mythological       Texts by Ingeborg Becker,
sels or creatures from mythological      paintings like that of the German artist   Véronique Dumas, Hubertus Kohle,
stories give rise to a space for the     Fidus visualize the idea of a total work   Thomas Moser, Adrian Renner, Frank
imagination that fulfills people’s de-    of art with incredible diversity. Light    Thielmann, Christina Uslular-Thiele
sires and dreams on the one hand and     is thus shed on the topic of "water in     et al.
makes one shudder as a mysterious        Art Nouveau" from an international,
parallel world on the other. Water as    regional, and interdisciplinary perspec-

Museum Wiesbaden
May 13th to October 23rd, 2022
Spring 2022 - Deutscher Kunstverlag
Stiftung Seebüll Ada und Emil Nolde,
                                                                      Doerner Institut Bayerische
                                                                      Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich,
                                                                      Hamburger Kunsthalle (Eds.)
                                                                      Emil Noldes Malweise
                                                                      „Eine Farbe verlangt die andere“

                                                                      Pages        240
                                                                      Ills.        250 color
                                                                      Format       30.0 × 24.0 cm

                                                                      HC           978-3-422-98719-7 Ger   € 38.00
                                                                                                           $ 43.99
                                                                                                           £ 34.50

                                                                                                                          DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                      MARCH 2022

                                                                      First comprehensive and interdisciplinary
                                                                      research on the painting technique of the
                                                                      Expressionist Emil Nolde

                                                                      Hitherto unique analysis of Nolde’s archival
                                                                      and studio estate from the perspective of art

                                                                      Interdisciplinary team of authors from the
                                                                      institutions involved in the project


The painting technique and artist’s       microscopic, imaging, and materi-          on 44 works from all the phases of
materials of the renowned Expres-         al-analysis examinations of his paint-     his long career.
sionist Emil Nolde (1867–1956) have       ings. Known as a master of coloring,
been examined for the first time by        the choice of canvas, primer, and          Nolde Stiftung Seebüll; Doerner
an interdisciplinary team of restorers,   paint, as well as diverse application      Institut, BStGS, Munich; Hamburger
art historians, and scientists. The       techniques are essential to the effect      Kunsthalle; University of Hamburg,
research included an evaluation of        of his pictures. The impressive spec-      HfBK Dresden
Nolde’s studio estate and his text        trum of Nolde’s working methods
sources from the perspective of           and his struggle to arrive at artistic
art technology, as well as detailed       solutions are explained clearly based

Hamburger Kunsthalle
October 16th to March 18th, 2022;
Pinakothek der Moderne, München
March, 2022 to February, 2023;
Nolde Stiftung Seebüll
From summer 2022
Ingrid von der Dollen
                                                                                             Der Maler Leo von König
                                                                                             Ein Zeitbild im Spiegel seiner Porträts

                                                                                             Pages        192
                                                                                             Ills.        42 b/w, 102 color
                                                                                             Format       24.5 × 20.0 cm

                                                                                             SC           978-3-422-98770-8 Ger   € 34.00
                                                                                                                                  $ 39.99
                                                                                                                                  £ 31.00

                                                                                             FEBRUARY 2022

                                                                                             Leo von König as a portraitist, “Berliner
                                                                                             Secession,” art in the interplay between
                                                                                             society and politics

                                                                                             Portraits, painting, and proximity to power

                                                                                             Gaps in the research on Leo von König’s


                        The great portraitist Leo von König     always cultivated a close exchange          beyond any conventions and commu-
                        (1871–1944) was surrounded by a         with his social surroundings; indeed        nicate a panorama of this harrowing
                        circle of personalities who were also   his attentiveness was a driving force       epoch.
                        connected with one another as rep-      for the portrait painting that estab-
                        resentatives of their era. A perusal    lished his fame. When persecution and       Ingrid von der Dollen,
                        of their correspondence, journals,      war negatively impacted his ability to      art historian and renowned expert
                        memoirs, and autobiographies thus       obtain commissions, he turned in par-       in painting from circa 1900 to the
                        produces a dense network of informa-    ticular to his companions, for instance     mid-20th century
                        tion and insights that form a mosaic    Ernst Barlach or Reinhold Schneider.
                        of those decisive years. The painter    The portraits painted at this time go
Maximilian Mader (Ed.), Felix Billeter,
                                                                      Angelika Grepmair-Müller
                                                                      Joseph Mader (1905–1983) –
                                                                      ein Maler der verlorenen Generation

                                                                      Pages        200
                                                                      Ills.        150 color
                                                                      Format       24.0 × 17.0 cm

                                                                      HC           978-3-422-98637-4 Ger    € 24.90
                                                                                                            $ 28.99
                                                                                                            £ 22.50

                                                                                                                            DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                      MARCH 2022

                                                                      Rediscovery of a forgotten artist of the
                                                                      20th century

                                                                      Published on the occasion of an exhibition at
                                                                      the Museum Penzberg in the spring of 2022


The painter and graphic artist Joseph   in the art market prior to the “Third        this generation’s evaluations of art
Mader (1905–1983), who was shaped       Reich.” Mader continued his artistic         and society.
by his encounter with the works of      career amidst the political discussions
Max Beckmann around 1928, was just      surrounding the art of the postwar           Felix Billeter,
beginning his career in 1933 and was    era as a figurative painter. He juxta-        art historian;
thus confronted with the question       posed a love of “what is visible,” the       Angelika Grepmair-Müller,
of adapting or distancing himself.      mysterious harmony of creation, with         art historian, both Munich
His isolation made him into an artist   Beckmann’s hard-hitting view of the
of the “lost generation,” who never     “objectivity” of the world. Mader’s life
had the chance to position himself      and work are an appeal to reassess

Anne-Kathrin Hinz, Christoph Zuschlag
                                                                        Informelle Kunst
                                                                        Begriffe, Kontexte, Rezeptionen

                                                                        Informelle Kunst 1
                                                                        Pages       144
                                                                        Ills.       13 b/w, 15 color
                                                                        Format      24.0 × 17.0 cm

                                                                        SC          978-3-422-98861-3 Ger    € 39.00
                                                                                                             $ 44.99
                                                                                                             £ 34.00


                                                                                                                                DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                        JUNE 2022

                                                                        Informel, art in Germany in the 1950s

                                                                        New series of publications, current research,
                                                                        source texts in translation


Informel was the central artistic inno-    al and transdisciplinary perspective.      Volume 3 Zeugnis – Zweifel – Zeichen.
vation in the art of the 1950s and still   Current research contributions—in the      Zeitgeschichte in der abstrakten Male-
remains influential today. The Research     form of both collections of essays and     rei in Deutschland nach 1945
Center for Art Informel, which is dedi-    monographs—will thus primarily be
cated to intensifying the rather sparse    published, along with important for-       Anne-Kathrin Hinz,
research in this area in recent years,     eign-language source texts on Art In-      research assistant at the university of
has been part of the Department of         formel redacted in German translation.     Bonn;
Art History of the University of Bonn                                                 Christoph Zuschlag,
since 2019. A series of publications       Volume 1 Informelle Kunst: Begriffe,        head of the Forschungsstelle zur
by the research center starting in         Kontexte, Rezeptionen                      Informellen Kunst, university of Bonn
2022 documents its projects and will       Volume 2 Michel Tapié: Un art autre.
provide an innovative contribution to      Eine andere Kunst. Faksimile und
research on Art Informel from a glob-      deutsche Erstübersetzung
Rediscovery of the artist and designer Winold Reiss

                                                                                       Essential study material for scholars and anyone
                                                                                       interested in Modern Art in a European-American

                                                                                       Over 250 illustrations of portraits, murals, graphic
                                                                                       design and interiors by the artist

                        Frank Mehring (Ed.)                        In a first, this anthology presents          “low” art, introducing a bold use of

                        The Multicultural                          essays by art historians and cultur-
                                                                   al scientists from both sides of the
                                                                                                               color to the American art scene and
                                                                                                               to interior design. In his portraits Reiss
                        Modernism of Winold                        Atlantic to rediscover, analyze and         captured the multi-ethnic diversity of
                        Reiss (1886–1953)                          contextualize the rich and largely
                                                                   unknown art of Winold Reiss, opening
                                                                                                               the US. His specific blend of cultural
                                                                                                               otherness, primitivism, and depictions
                        (Trans)National Approaches to His Work
                                                                   up a new, previously untapped archive       of ethnicity challenged the conven-
                        Pages    320                               of multicultural Modernism. The Ger-        tions of the time.
                        Ills.    320 color                         man-American artist, who was born in
                        Format   28.0 × 21.0 cm                    Karlsruhe in 1886 and arrived in New        Frank Mehring,
                        HC       978-3-422-98052-5 En    € 48.00   York in 1913, defies instant categori-       Professor of American Studies,
                                                         $ 55.99   zation. With his dual background in         Radboud University, Nijmegen, The
                                                         £ 41.50   fine arts and applied arts he set out        Netherlands
                                                                   to bridge the gulf between “high” and
                        NOVEMBER 2021


                                                                                       First comprehensive publication on the work
                                                                                       of the Swiss painter Sven Hoppler

                                                                                       Contemporary Realism

                                                                                       Traditional iconographies, reconsidered

                        Paul Gathof (Ed.)                          The painter Sven Hoppler, who was           including the triptych Unbemerkte

                        Sven Hoppler                               born in Basel in 1995, has chosen a
                                                                   strikingly precise form of presentation.
                                                                                                               Berufung, which is presented in detail
                                                                                                               as a foldout page. Text contributions
                        Pages    70                                In his glaze paintings, he takes up         by the art historians Mark Gisbourne
                        Ills.    32 color                          picture types and gestures from the         and Beat Wyss provide insights into
                        Format   28.0 × 21.5 cm                    history of art with the aid of contem-      Hoppler’s work thus far.
                        SC       978-3-422-98824-8 Ger   € 18.00
                                                                   porary motifs. The paintings take up
                                                         $ 20.99   traditional iconographies, but surprise     Sven Hoppler,
                                                         £ 16.50   on second viewing with alienations or       2016–2020 Studies of Fine Arts at the
                                                                   ironic refractions. In his works, Hoppler   Alanus University of Arts and Social
                        NOVEMBER 2021
                                                                   occupies himself with questions relat-      Sciences, Alfter near Bonn;
                                                                   ing to the social, religious, (pop)cul-     2017/18 DAAD scholarship for particu-
                                                                   tural, and political. This first catalogue   larly committed international students;
                                                                   on Hoppler’s oeuvre presents works          2018/19 Germany scholarship
                                                                   created in the last few years, also
Frank Matthias Kammel, Bayerisches
                                                                        Nationalmuseum (Ed.)
                                                                        Glanzvolle Glückwünsche
                                                                        Geburtstagsgaben für Prinzregent Luitpold

                                                                        Pages    272
                                                                        Ills.    284 color
                                                                        Format   29.0 × 23.0 cm

                                                                        SC       978-3-422-98766-1 Ger     € 33.00
                                                                                                           $ 37.99
                                                                                                           £ 28.50

                                                                        NOVEMBER 2021

                                                                                                                               DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                        First in-depth examination of the genre
                                                                        of official birthday presents

                                                                        Connection between findings connected with
                                                                        art technology and the interpretation of the
                                                                        history of art and culture

Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich
September 23rd, 2021 to March 27th, 2022

Institutions, associations, and com-       leather to watercolor painting. Their     birthday of a prince shortly before the
pany boards presented magnificent           stylistic spectrum ranges from variants   end of the monarchy in Germany.
birthday presents to Prince Regent         of historicism to Art Nouveau. These
Luitpold of Bavaria (1821–1912), one of    treasures, which are part of the hold-    Frank Matthias Kammel,
the most well-known representatives        ings of the Bayerisches Nationalmu-       Bayerisches Nationalmuseum,
of the House of Wittelsbach, on the        seum, shed light on the vital cultural    Munich, with contributions by
occasion of his round birthdays in 1891,   development during the span of time       Sibylle Appuhn-Radtke, Annette
1901, and 1911. As highquality hand-       around 1900, also known as the “Prinz-    Schommers, Katharina Weigand et al.
crafted works, they combine artistic       regentenzeit,” or Regency period, and
techniques from goldsmithing to cut        the magnificent celebrations of the

Kurt Zeitler, Staatliche Graphische
                                                                         Sammlung München (Ed.)
                                                                         VENEDIG. La Serenissima
                                                                         Zeichnung und Druckgraphik
                                                                         aus vier Jahrhunderten

                                                                         Pages      352
                                                                         Ills.      258 color
                                                                         Format     30.0 × 24.0 cm

                                                                         HC         978-3-422-98697-8 Ger    € 58.00
                                                                                                             $ 66.99
                                                                                                             £ 52.50


                                                                                                                                DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                         FEBRUARY 2022

                                                                         Works of Venetian drawing and graphic
                                                                         prints – exclusive, exquisite, and in a new

Staatliche Graphische Sammlung Munich
February 3rd to May 8th, 2022

Venice is largely regarded as the city     artists, drawings lead from Bellini to     atmosphere and living conditions
of painting. Closely intertwinen with      Lorenzo Lotto, Tintoretto, and             particular to this incomparable city in
this, significant masterpieces in the       Veronese, and to Guardi and                mezzo al mare.
art of drawing and graphic prints were     Fontebasso. Titian drew enthralling
created from the 15th century up to        compositions for woodcuts and cop-         Kurt Zeitler,
the end of La Serenissima, in 1797. The    perplate engravings, and Tiepolo’s         Staatliche Graphische Sammlung
catalogue accompanying the exhibi-         oeuvre culminates in enigmatic etch-       Munich, with contributions by Maria
tion of the same name is dedicated         ings of gripping profundity. Etched        Aresin and Ilka Mestemacher
exclusively to such works. In the labo-    works by Marieschi and Canaletto
ratory of ideas of trailblazing Venetian   shape our poetic notions of the
Peter Assmann (Ed.),
                                                                                               Unbekannte italienische Zeichnungen
                                                                                               aus eigenem Bestand

                                                                                               Pages        352
                                                                                               Ills.        160 color
                                                                                               Format       28.0 × 32.0 cm

                                                                                               SC           978-3-422-98802-6 Ger    € 42.00
                                                                                                                                     $ 48.99
                                                                                                                                     £ 38.00


                                                                                               First presentation of hitherto unknown
                                                                                               artworks by Italian artists of the sixteenth to
                                                                                               eighteenth century from the collection of the
                                                                                               state museums in Tyrol

                                                                                               Exclusive insights into the practice of the
                                                                                               forming of expert opinion


                        The treasure trove of art that is pre-   experts jotted down their proposed           thus offers fresh insights into the prac-
                        sented in this volume for the first       attributions. For the still unexplored       tice of the forming of expert opinion.
                        time lay dormant and unknown in          holdings in Innsbruck, such a scholarly
                        the depot of the state museums of        discourse, which was often conducted         Compiled by Ralf Bormann,
                        Tyrol for nearly 200 years. More well-   on passe-partouts over decades, was          Texts by Ralf Bormann, Heiko Damm
                        known collections of graphic prints      initiated quasi in time lapse. This pub-
                        generally store such works mounted       lication brings together annotations         Exhibition
                        in passe-partouts, on which there        jotted down by experts on the passe-         Tiroler Landesmuseen, Innsbruck
                        are occasionally brief, at times cryp-   partouts of the drawings, which are          November 1st, 2021 to January 9th,
                        tic-seeming annotations, in which art    presented here for the first time. This       2022
Elisabeth Hipp, Alte Pinakothek (Ed.)
                                                                         Zart, brillant, lebendig
                                                                         Pastelle des 18. Jahrhunderts in den Bayerischen

                                                                         Pages    136
                                                                         Ills.    56 b/w, 125 color
                                                                         Format   21.0 × 15.0 cm

                                                                         SC       978-3-422-98900-9 Ger   € 14.90
                                                                                                          $ 17.99
                                                                                                          £ 13.00

                                                                         MAY 2022

                                                                                                                            DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                         A new look at the complete holdings of
                                                                         pastel works from the 18th century at the
                                                                         Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen

                                                                         Published on the occasion of a special
                                                                         exhibition presented at the Alte Pinakothek
                                                                         in spring 2022


Pastels from the 18th century are fascinating—due to either their
closeness to nature and immediacy or the virtuosity of their exe-
cution, but always because of their opulent and fragile quality. The
richly illustrated collection guidebook provides information in a
compact form about all the works of this genre created between
1700 and 1800 in the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen. They
include more than one dozen masterpieces by Joseph Vivien, Mau-
rice Quentin de La Tour, Rosalba Carriera, and Jean-Étienne Liotard,
as well as anonymous works. Introductory essays shed light on
aspects connected with art history, the history of the collection, and
art technology.

With contributions by Bernd Ebert, Ulrike Fischer,
Elisabeth Hipp, Herbert W. Rott, Xavier Salmon and
Andreas Schumacher

Sören Fischer (Hrsg.)
                                                                        Vom Zauber der
                                                                        Handbewegung –
                                                                        Eine Geschichte der
                                                                        Zeichnung im 20. und
                                                                        21. Jahrhundert
                                                                        Bestandskataloge der Graphischen Sammlung XVI.

                                                                        Pages        304
                                                                        Ills.        200 color
                                                                        Format       29.5 × 24.0 cm

                                                                                                                              DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                        HC           978-3-422-98854-5 Ger   ca. € 38.00
                                                                                                                 $ 43.99
                                                                                                                 £ 33.00
                                                                        MARCH 2022

                                                                        First-class works of German art show
                                                                        drawing’s spectrum of manifestations:
                                                                        from the sketch, sculpture drawing and
                                                                        overdrawing to the folded drawing up to the
                                                                        artist book.


The catalogue impressively presents       Karl Bohrmann, Bettina Blohm, and            Texts by Alexander Bastek, Stephan
how young and timeless the art of         Malte Spohr, as well as to more recent       Dahme, Karoline Feulner, Sören
drawing still is today. The book brings   acquisitions by Max Uhlig, Hanns Schi-       Fischer, Christine Follmann, Daniela
together roughly 140 drawings from        mansky, Doris Kaiser, Barbara Hindahl,       Koch, Benjamin Rux
the holdings of the Graphische Sam-       and Thomas Müller. Based on these
mlung (Collection of Prints and Draw-     works from the history of German art
ings) of the Museum Pfalzgalerie Kai-     in particular, all the significant trends     Exhibition
serslautern, presented by renowned        of the past 150 years are delineated on      Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern,
authors. The arc extends from Gustav      the highest level and, beyond the exhi-      Graphische Sammlung
Klimt, Max Slevogt, Hans Purrmann,        bition, a fundamental work on drawing        March 11th to May 8th, 2022
and Käthe Kollwitz to Rudolf Levy,        is presented.
Emy Roeder, and Pablo Picasso to

Peter Voss-Andreae (Ed.)
                                                                        Emil Orlik
                                                                        Das druckgraphische Werk

                                                                        Pages         1200
                                                                        Ills.         1280 b/w, 665 color
                                                                        Format        31.0 × 25.0 cm

                                                                        HC            978-3-422-98841-5 Ger   ca. € 198.00
                                                                                                                  $ 227.99
                                                                                                                  £ 180.00

                                                                        MAY 2022

                                                                                                                                DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                        Four volumes in a slipcase

                                                                        The first catalogue raisonné of Emil Orlik’s
                                                                        extensive graphic oeuvre (ca. 2,300 works)

                                                                        Bibliophile edition—four volumes, embossed
                                                                        linen cover, in a covered slipcase


Emil Orlik (1870–1932) was a paint-      Berlin, where he created designs for           ed in detail for the first time and is
er, graphic artist, photographer,        stage sets and costumes for Max                presented in this catalogue raisonné.
medallion maker, and craftsman: an       Reinhardt. His portraits of personali-
all-round talent. A decisive factor in   ties from art, theater, music, literature,     Texts by Birgit Ahrens,
his artistic development was a trip      film, cabaret, and politics are a kalei-        Peter Voss-Andreae
to Japan in 1900/01, during which he     doscope of the intellectual, cultural,
learned the art of woodcarving from      and economic life of the Weimar
Japanese masters. He was a member        Republic. Orlik’s extensive graphic
of the Secession in Vienna, and was      oeuvre—woodcuts, etchings, and
appointed in 1904 as a professor in      lithographs—has now been document-
Lucy Wasensteiner (Ed.)
                                                                                             Max Liebermann
                                                                                             Die Druckgrafik

                                                                                             Pages        144
                                                                                             Ills.        100 color
                                                                                             Format       28.5 × 23.0 cm

                                                                                             SC           978-3-422-98682-4 Ger    ca. € 28.00
                                                                                                                                       $ 32.99
                                                                                                                                       £ 25.50

                                                                                             MARCH 2022

                                                                                             First introductory publication on
                                                                                             Liebermann’s graphic prints

                        Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee, Berlin
                        March 6th to June 6th, 2022

                        Max Liebermann (1847–1935)—a             seum and private collections around        Impressionism. The focus is thus on
                        co-founder of the Berlin Secession and   the world. This catalogue provides an      the history of the collecting and exhib-
                        President of the Akademie der Künste     introduction to Liebermann’s graphic       iting of his print graphic works as well
                        for many years—was one of the most       prints based on selected works from        as the research on these works.
                        important artists of his generation.     the collection of the Max Liebermann
                        In addition to his impressive painting   Society Berlin. It also presents com-      Texts by Sigrid Achenbach, Alice
                        oeuvre, Liebermann’s graphic prints      mon printmaking techniques and             Cazzola, Denise Handte, Viktoria
                        also assume an important role: over      provides a detailed examination of the     Bernadette Krieger, Andreas
                        600 motifs as etchings, lithographs,     development of the graphic prints by       Schalhorn, Lucy Wasensteiner
                        and woodcuts are found today in mu-      the most significant representative of
Henriette Lavaulx-Vrécourt,
                                                                         Niklas Leverenz (Eds.)
                                                                         Schlachtenkupfer /
                                                                         Berlin Battle Engravings
                                                                         34 Druckplatten der Kaiser von China /
                                                                         34 Copperplates for the Emperors of China

                                                                         Pages        248
                                                                         Ills.        175 color
                                                                         Format       27.0 × 21.0 cm

                                                                         SC           978-3-422-98768-5 En/Ger € 42.00

                                                                                                                                  DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                                                               $ 48.99
                                                                                                               £ 38.00


                                                                         First publication of the entire collection
                                                                         of the thirty-seven copper plates still in
                                                                         existence, including picture material from
                                                                         the eighteenth and nineteenth century

                                                                         Detailed description of the motifs on the
                                                                         battle paintings of the plates exhibited in the
                                                                         Humboldt Forum


The publication presents the entire        history of the plates’provenance and         the military campaigns and politics of
collection of printing plates depict-      describes the history of copperplate         the Chinese emperor, the transnational
ing battles of the Chinese emperor         engraving in China. The process in           interrelation of culture and craft, and
that are still in existence. They show     which the printing plates were created       ultimately the craft of copperplate
scenes of Chinese military campaigns       and the motifs found in the pictures of      engraving itself.
between 1755 and 1828. Of the origi-       battles are also explained. The magnif-
nally eighty-eight printing plates, only   icent copper plates, which are part of       Texts by Nick Pearce, Henriette
thirty-seven are still known today,        the exhibition in the Wang Shu Room          Lavaulx-Vrécourt, Niklas Leverenz,
thirty-four of them in the Ethnological    of the Humboldt Forum, bear witness          Alexey Pastukhov
Museum in Berlin. The book tells the       to the history of missionaries in China,
Informel and surrealism

                                                                                       Pen and ink drawings

                                                                                       Rediscovery of an artist

                        Tobias Funk (Ed.)                          Hans Funk (1928–2002) made a name         development of his brilliant drawing

                        Hans Funk Feder                            for himself as a draftsman starting
                                                                   in the 1960s and 1970s. From his
                                                                                                             art in eighty images. His drawing oeu-
                                                                                                             vre is also described in detail in three
                        Zeichnung                                  beginnings in Art Informel, in his        art-historical essays.
                                                                   large-format pen-and-ink drawings he
                        Pages    120
                                                                   developed an extensive and indepen-       Texts by Felix Billeter, Angelika
                        Ills.    100 color
                        Format   26.0 × 21.0 cm                    dent oeuvre that oscillates between       Grepmair-Müller, and Andreas Strobel
                                                                   renouncing and preserving form, be-
                        SC       978-3-422-98759-3 Ger   € 24.00   tween spontaneity and reflection. The
                                                         $ 27.99
                                                                   artist lived and worked in Lüneberg in
                                                         £ 22.00
                                                                   Lower Saxony, thus far away from big
                        GERMAN                                     cities and their art market protago-
                        FEBRUARY 2022                              nists. The volume now being published
                                                                   by his son Tobias Funk presents the


                                                                                      Art in public space

                                                                                      Current discussion and research

                                                                                      New positions

                        Philipp Oswalt (Ed.)                       The artist Zoltán Kemeny’s space          various options for how the presenta-

                        Zoltán Kemény                              sculpture of 1963 in the glass foyer
                                                                   of the Städtische Bühnen (Municipal
                                                                                                             tion of the recently landmarked work
                                                                                                             can go hand in hand with a conceptual
                        Das Raumkunstwerk für die Städtischen      Stages) in Frankfurt am Main shapes       revision of the Städtische Bühnen.
                        Bühnen in Frankfurt am Main                the face of the building. The over
                        Pages    150                               100-meter-long artwork, which is vis-     Philipp Oswalt,
                        Ills.    105                               ible from afar, sets a contrast to the    Professor of Architecture Theory,
                        Format   17.0 × 24.0 cm                    architecture of the building with its     University of Kassel
                                                                   organic dynamics and accentuated
                        HC       978-3-422-98825-5 Ger   € 24.00
                                                         $ 27.99   handcrafted quality. Based on new
                                                         £ 22.00   research, the book presents the artist,
                                                                   artwork, and genesis and reception
                        GERMAN                                     of the work, which is beloved by the
                        MAY 2022
                                                                   residents of Frankfurt, in texts and
                                                                   images. New student designs show
Arnulf Rainer Museum (Ed.)
                                                                     200 Jahre Frauenbad
                                                                     Baukultur und Kunstbetrieb in der Kurstadt Baden
                                                                     bei Wien / 200 Years of the Frauenbad: Building
                                                                     Culture and the Art Industry in the Spa Town of
                                                                     Baden near Vienna

                                                                     Pages    250
                                                                     numerous Ills.
                                                                     Format   29.0 × 24.0 cm

                                                                     SC          978-3-422-98806-4 En/Ger € 39.00
                                                                                                          $ 44.99
                                                                                                          £ 35.50

                                                                                                                         DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG

                                                                     Current research positions on Architecture
                                                                     of Classicism in Austria

                                                                     Spa architecture and World Heritage Site

                                                                     Important topic of the conversion and new
                                                                     use of architectural monuments


The “Frauen- und Carolinenbad” bath-     2009. The Frauenbad is one of the         Texts by Matthias Boeckl, Christine
ing facility was opened in Baden near    most important Classical buildings in     Humpl-Mazegger, Markus Kristan,
Vienna in 1821. Two hundred years        Austria. Its designer, the Frenchman      Petra Leban, Katharina Schoeller,
after this event, which was significant   Charles de Moreau (1758–1840), was        Ulrike Scholda
from the perspective of both culture     one of the leading architects of this
and economic and architectural his-      epoch in Austria. The book communi-
tory, this book documents the history    cates the results of new research on
of the planning and construction of      the architecture of this key European
the building, which has been dedicat-    period between the Enlightenment,
ed to the painter Arnulf Rainer since    revolution, and reaction.
Deutscher Kunstverlag (Ed.),
                                                                                               Kunst und Buch

                                                                                               Pages        78, with foldouts
                                                                                               Ills.        50 color
                                                                                               Format       29.7 × 21.0 cm

                                                                                               SC           978-3-422-98803-3 Ger   € 12.00
                                                                                                                                    $ 13.99
                                                                                                                                    £ 11.00


                                                                                               “The future of books does not look good.”
                                                                                               Really – or just very different?

                                                                                               Artistic positions for the art prize of the
                                                                                               Deutscher Kunstverlag on the occasion of its
                                                                                               100 year anniversary

28                      Kommunale Galerie Berlin
                        July to August 2021

                        In conjunction with the 100 year anni-    tures of the exhibition. The presenta-      Artists:
                        versary of the Deutscher Kunstverlag,     tion is supplemented by a foreword by       Meo Wulf, Max-Friedemann, Alten-
                        students at the Berlin University of      the director of the publishing house,       burg, D‘ Andrade, Elisa Jule Braun,
                        the Arts took part in a competition.      Katja Richter, welcoming remarks by         Elke Burkert, Wen-Ling Chung,
                        The aim was to examine the future of      the jury member Jörg Heiser, and an         Nika Grigorian, Domenik Alexander
                        books as a print medium. The fascinat-    essay by Ilka Backmeister-Collacott         Krischke, vendedores de humo, Anna
                        ing works selected—including video        that emphasizes the importance of the       Slobodnik
                        works, installations, and book-objects    print medium in the age of technology
                        —were presented in an exhibition at       in a declaration of love to the printed     Texts by Ilka Backmeister-Collacott,
                        municipal galleries. The catalogue        book.                                       Jörg Heiser, Katja Richter
                        documents the results, presents the
                        artists and their works, and shows pic-
Deutscher Kunstverlag (Ed.),
                                                                         100 Jahre – 100 Bücher
                                                                         Eine bibliophile Zeitreise mit dem
                                                                         Deutschen Kunstverlag

                                                                         Pages       212
                                                                         Ills.       105 color
                                                                         Format      19.0 × 12.0 cm

                                                                         HC          978-3-422-98816-3 Ger    € 15.00
                                                                                                              $ 17.99
                                                                                                              £ 13.50


                                                                                                                        DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                         A unique look at books through 100 years of
                                                                         Deutscher Kunstverlag

                                                                         The history of a publishing house broken
                                                                         down into the most essential: the book


In 2021, Deutscher Kunstverlag cele-       tions and standard works have been
brates its 100th anniversary. The pub-     published. One hundred outstanding
lishing house was established in 1921      books were selected for presentation
at the behest of the Prussian State.       in this volume—instead of a classic
With its photographs of artistically       commemorative publication, the pub-
significant buildings, the archive of its   lishing house has produced a stimu-
Staatliche Bildstelle provided the basis   lating bibliophile journey of discovery
for marketing photos in the form of        through the century.
books, pictures, and postcards. Over
the course of a century, innumerable       Texts by Pablo Schneider,
high-quality, significant, beautifully      Katja Richter, Anja Weisenseel,
illustrated, but also whimsical publica-   Kathleen Herfurth, Luzie Diekmann
Frédéric Mougenot
                                                                                Auschwitz. Bild und
                                                                                Hinterbild – Fotografien
                                                                                Pages    88
                                                                                Ills.    90 color
                                                                                Format   24.0 × 17.0 cm

                                                                                SC       978-3-422-98721-0 Ger   € 28.00
                                                                                                                 $ 32.99
                                                                                                                 £ 25.50

                                                                                FEBRUARY 2022

                                                                                Culture of remembrance

                                                                                Contemporary photography

                                                                                Art and political science


                        The 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
                        was commemorated in 2020. While the final sur-
                        vivors are now rapidly disappearing, mass tourism
                        phenomena can be perceived in Auschwitz at the
                        same time. In light of these changes, it is important
                        to discuss the concept of remembrance and also
                        to ask: What do the crowds of visitors see? In 2017
                        and 2018, Frédéric Mougenot photographed the
                        two extermination camps and locations in the so-
                        called “Interessengebiet” (area of interest), which
                        was largely forgotten after 1945. What is thus shown
                        in the photographs is an invisible boundary that
                        separates the culture of remembrance from gradual

                        Frédéric Mougenot,
                        freelance photographer, Zurich, Switzerland

                        Texts by Sarah Hübscher, Barbara Welzel,
                        Habbo Knoch
Sandra Badelt, Robert Pledge (Eds.)
                                                                                  Lu Guang
                                                                                  Black Gold and China
                                                                                  Pages        160
                                                                                  Ills.        120 color
                                                                                  Format       21.3 × 32.0 cm

                                                                                  SC           978-3-422-98881-1 Ger   € 40.00
                                                                                                                       $ 46.99
                                                                                                                       £ 35.50

                                                                                  DECEMBER 2021

                                                                                                                                       DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                                  Lu Guang: the photographic conscience
                                                                                  of China

Exhibition                                                                        Socioeconomic and ecological issues in
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum
December 10th, 2021 to April 17th,                                                industrial China, documented in powerful
2022                                                                              photographic works


          The Chinese photographer Lu Guang          impressively document the collateral        ny presents roughly 100 works with
          occupies himself with the socioeco-        damage that China’s emergence as an         which Lu Guang makes us aware that:
          nomic and ecological issues connect-       economic superpower and produc-             “There is only one earth, which we
          ed with China’s “industrial revolution,”   er for the international demand has         share.”
          which call to mind the problems of         caused. Lu Guang also captures the
          Western nations in the nineteenth and      social life worlds of people who live       Texts by Sandra Badelt with Stefan
          twentieth century. His photographs         on the poverty line in these industrial     Brüggerhoff, Hu Donglin, Lu Guang,
          reflect the consequences of intensive       landscapes in powerful pictures. The        Robert Pledge
          coalmining and the environmental           catalogue accompanying his first
          destruction that accompanies it. They      monographic exhibition in Germa-
Kunststiftung K52 (Ed.),
                                                                                                             Nicolaus Schmidt
                                                                                                             India Tecton
                                                                                                             Gebautes Indien / Architectural Expressions in

                                                                                                             Pages     256
                                                                                                             Ills.     176 color
                                                                                                             Format    24.0 × 30.0 cm

                                                                                                             HC        978-3-422-98762-3 En/Ger ca. € 42.00
                                                                                                                                                    $ 48.99
                                                                                                                                                    £ 38.00


                                                                                                             APRIL 2022

                        India International Centre, Neu-Delhi
                        October 28th to November 12th, 2022;
                        Galerie der Kunststiftung K52, Berlin                                                Ancient and modern Indian architecture and
                        February 16th to March 11th, 2023                                                    culture concentrated in photographs


                                   India is a country with an ancient and     epochs. The photographs also reflect          Texts by Nicolaus Schmidt,
                                   extremely multilayered culture. The        colonial domination and international        Rahaab Allana, Simone Bader
                                   diversity of cultures and religions is     cultural relationships, as well as the ex-
                                   manifested in a topography of archi-       treme social contrasts. What arise are
                                   tecture and sculptures that is difficult     standalone artworks that simultaneous-
                                   to survey. The photographer Nicolaus       ly highlight the architectural character-
                                   Schmidt presents this diversity in high-   istics of buildings and artifacts from an-
                                   ly focused photographs. The book re-       tiquity to the modern era. India Tecton
                                   veals references and kinships between      is a novel, visually powerful approach
                                   artifacts from various religions and       to architecture and art in India.
Goethe and sculpture — a lifelong theme in art history,
                                                                   poetry, and aesthetics

                                                                                                                                      DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
Christa Lichtenstern                           Johann Wolfgang von Goethe should           guage and sculpture,” rhythm, meta-

„Ich bin ein Plastiker“                        be taken seriously when he calls him-
                                               self a “sculptor.” He created models
                                                                                           morphosis, the power of education,
                                                                                           and “organic whole” mean for him? It
Goethes ungeschriebene Skulpturästhetik        himself. As a designer of monuments,        is shown that these keywords also in-
Pages    224                                   advisor to Schadow and Tieck, and           terested modern sculptors like Andreu
Ills.    120 color mainly                      friend of Christian Daniel Rauch, as        Alfaro, Joseph Beuys, Eduardo Chilli-
Format   26.0 × 21.0 cm                        a poet with his own sculptural ideas,       da, Ewald Mataré, or Henry Moore.
                                               and as a morphologist with a dynamic
HC       978-3-422-98786-9 Ger   ca. € 38.00
                                     $ 43.99   concept of form, the formation of self      Christa Lichtenstern,
                                     £ 34.50   and responsibility for the world are his    art historian, archaeologist, Germanist,
                                               themes. This study deals for the first       various professorships in Germany and
                                               time with Goethe’s engagement with          the U.S.
MARCH 2022
                                               sculpture and also reveals his unwrit-
                                               ten sculptural aesthetics. What do
                                               “sensual laws of art,” the unity of “lan-


                                                                   Zeitgeist and continuity in art

                                                                   The roots of modernism

                                                                   Interplay between art and philosophy, the natural
                                                                   sciences and an expanded way of seeing

Heinz Spielmann                                The art of the last 150 years has           research, but depart from it through

Kontinuität und                                hitherto been regarded primarily as
                                               a result of revolutionary changes in
                                                                                           taking into account how the normative
                                                                                           is relativized by the individual.
Innovation                                     seeing. Modernity has therefore been
Bausteine für eine Ikonologie der Moderne      interrogated insufficiently with re-          Heinz Spielmann,
                                               spect to its contents. This publication     headed the modern department at
Pages    224                                   shows that older and extremely old          the Hamburg Museum für Kunst und
Ills.    200 color mainly
Format   26.0 × 21.0 cm                        resources—topics like regulation of         Gewerbe. Director of the Landesmu-
                                               form—take on new importance in art          seen Schleswig-Holstein. Taught at
HC       978-3-422-98842-2 Ger   ca. € 29.00   by living from and in the interplay         the University of Münster. Founding
                                     $ 33.99   between art and philosophy, the nat-        director of the Bucerius Kunst Forum
                                     £ 26.50
                                               ural sciences and an expanded way of        in Hamburg
GERMAN                                         seeing. Western art is put in relation
SPRING 2022                                    to world cultures. The examinations
                                               follow in the tradition of iconological
The life of a poet in the country

                                                                                       Provides insights into one of the most important
                                                                                       phases in German literature

                                                                                       Published on the occasion of the redesign of the
                                                                                       Wieland-Museum Oßmannstedt

                        Klassik Stiftung Weimar (Ed.)              In the spring of 1797, the writer Chris-   Gottfried Seume, and many others.

                        Wielandgut                                 toph Martin Wieland (1733—1813)
                                                                   purchased the Oßmannstedt estate,
                                                                                                              The volume tells the history of the
                                                                                                              house and park of the Wieland Estate
                        Oßmannstedt                                which he managed and lived on with         Oßmannstedt and accompanies the
                                                                   his large family until April 1803. It      exhibition at the Wieland-Museum,
                        Pages    112
                                                                   was here that he wrote his last great      which provides an introduction to
                        Ills.    90 color
                        Format   23.0 × 15.0 cm                    novel Aristipp und einige seiner Zeit-     the life and work of Christoph Martin
                                                                   genossen. Wieland received numerous        Wieland and shows his significance for
                        SC       978-3-422-98919-1 Ger   € 14.90   visitors here, including Goethe, John      German literature.
                                                         $ 17.99
                                                                   Gottfried Herder and his wife, and
                                                         £ 13.00
                                                                   Duchess Anna Amalia, who came              Texts by Fanny Esterházy
                        ENGLISH                                    from nearby Weimar, his early love,
                        AUGUST 2022                                Sophie von La Roche, with her grand-
                                                                   daughter Sophie Brentano, the writers
                                                                   Jean Paul, Heinrich von Kleist, Johann

34                      In focus — the new series of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar

                                                                                       The Nietzsche cult has a home: the Nietzsche Archive

                                                                                       A MUST-HAVE for Nietzsche fans and
                                                                                       lovers of Art Nouveau

                                                                                       Weimar beyond the classics: discover new places

                        Klassik Stiftung Weimar (Ed.)              Villa Silberblick where a mentally de-     turing many colored illustrations, the

                        Nietzsche-Archiv                           ranged Friedrich Nietzsche spent the
                                                                   final years of his life, was originally a
                                                                                                              book relates the turbulent history of
                                                                                                              a memorial that reflects the ambiva-
                        Pages    112                               middle-class home. Nietzsche’s sister      lence of modernism.
                        Ills.    70 color                          Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche not only
                        Format   23.0 × 15.0 cm                    looked after her ill brother but also      Texts by Helmut Heit, Juliane Hupka,
                        SC       978-3-422-98716-6 En    € 14.90
                                                                   exploited the cult-like admiration the     Corinna Schubert, Sabine Walter
                                 978-3-422-98715-9 Ger   $ 17.99   philosopher enjoyed for her own ends
                                                         £ 13.00   and installed the Nietzsche Archive
                                                                   in the building. Initially very popular
                        FEBRUARY 2023
                                                                   amongst Europe’s avant-garde later
                                                                   Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche allowed
                                                                   the archive to be instrumentalized by
                                                                   the National Socialists before it be-
                                                                   came a taboo topic in the GDR. Fea-
Klassik Stiftung Weimar (Ed.)
                                                                         Herzogin Anna Amalia
                                                                         Pages        160
                                                                         Ills.        130 color
                                                                         Format       23.0 × 15.0 cm

                                                                         SC           978-3-422-98718-0 En    € 14.90
                                                                                      978-3-422-98717-3 Ger   $ 17.99
                                                                                                              £ 13.50

                                                                         APRIL 2022

                                                                                                                                DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
                                                                         The historical building of the Herzogin Anna
                                                                         Amalia Bibliothek can be experienced anew
                                                                         starting in the spring of 2022

                                                                         Redesigned exhibition spaces and a
                                                                         redesigned foyer in conjunction with the
                                                                         project “Cranach 2022”


The book tells the story of the archiving   stacks, one arrives at the study center     Texts by Arno Barnert, Annett Carius-
and research library from its beginnings    with the central book cube, which was       Kiehne, Andreas Christoph, Alexandra
in the sixteenth century to the present     opened in 2005. Thematic contributions      Hack, Rüdiger Haufe, Stefan Höppner,
and takes readers along on a tour of its    present the diverse collections: they       Christian Märkl, Reinhard Laube,
rooms of collections and knowledge: in      look at manuscripts from the time be-       Katja Lorenz, Christoph Schmälzle,
the historical library building, the path   fore book printing as well as pamphlets     Veronika Spinner, Claudia Streim,
leads from the Renaissance Hall with the    of the Reformation period, the world’s      Ulrike Trenkmann, Erdmann v.
exhibition Cranach’s Torrent of Images,     biggest collection of Faust, or the so-     Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Jürgen
to the Rococo Hall from 1766, and on        called Ash Books, which have been           Weber
to the book tower. Via the underground      restored since the fire in 2004.
Karin Guggeis
                                                                                                Star oder Loser?
                                                                                                Zum Making-of von Objektkarrieren in einem
                                                                                                ethnologischen Museum

                                                                                                Bayerische Studien zur Museumsgeschichte 5
                                                                                                Pages       248
                                                                                                Ills.       58 color
                                                                                                Format      26.0 × 19.5 cm

                                                                                                SC          978-3-422-98821-7 Ger   € 49.90
                                                                                                                                    $ 57.99
                                                                                                                                    £ 45.50


                                                                                                JULY 2022

                                                                                                Stars or losers – what determines the
                                                                                                “careers” of museum objects?

                                                                                                A research project on the cultural biography
                                                                                                of ethnological objects from Africa and

                                                                                                On dynamics related to the perception,
                                                                                                interpretation, and appreciation of museum


                        Stars are not born — they are made.        in the museum” largely overlooked in       dynamics related to their perception,
                        This applies not only to sports or the     storage. How this comes about and          interpretation, and appreciation.
                        entertainment industry, but also to        what factors are decisive in whether
                        museum objects. For which the art          an object becomes a star or a loser is     Karin Guggeis,
                        world offers multifaceted examples.         the focus of this research work. Based     Ethnologist, Munich
                        But this also pertains to items collect-   on well-known and unknown objects
                        ed in ethnological museums: some of        from Africa and Oceania in the collec-
                        them have a career, achieve a certain      tion of the Museum Fünf Kontinente
                        fame, or even become international         in Munich, it addresses the question
                        icons, while others spend their “life      of their “making-of,” as well as the
Results of a research project on everyday items
                                                                 that were stolen from their Jewish owners during the
                                                                 National Socialist period

                                                                 An aid for museums in dealing with objects previously
                                                                 in Jewish ownership

                                                                 A new perspective on provenance resear

                                                                                                                                 DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen        Restitutions of high-priced artworks      are now often offered to them by
Museen in Bayern (Ed.), Carolin              have given the public the impression      descendants of the individuals who
Lange                                        that items stolen from Jewish citizens    subsequently acquired them? Are the

Der Raub der                                 during the National Socialist era were
                                             almost exclusively works of art and
                                                                                       stories that have been handed down in
                                                                                       the family true? Can they be verified?
kleinen Dinge                                objects of great value. The opposite      Should museums accept such histori-
Belastetes Erbe aus Privatbesitz             is the case: Most of the possessions      cally charged objects at all?
                                             seized were things used in everyday
Museums-Bausteine 22                         life, including furniture, or simple      Carolin Lange,
Pages     80
Ills.     10 color
                                             household goods. They ended up not        former director of the project on
Format    24.0 × 17.0 cm                     only in public authorities or museums,    provenance research, Landesstelle für
                                             but also in private households. How       die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern,
SC        978-3-422-98765-4 Ger    € 19.90   should museums deal with objects          Munich; former board member of Ar-
                                   $ 22.99
                                   £ 18.00
                                             that were – allegedl – once in the pos-   beitskreis Provenienzforschung; Lange
                                             session of Jewish individuals and that    & Schmutz Provenienzrecherchen


                                                                Now in its third, updated edition

Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen        As a central task of museums, creat-      ples. The thesaurus presents the as-
Museen in Bayern (Ed.),                      ing an inventory depends on reliable      tonishing diversity of types and forms.
Ronald Heynowski                             reference works and a consistent          It is addressed to laypeople as well

Nadeln                                       terminology. This volume is dedicat-
                                             ed to a group of objects that have
                                                                                       as scholars and offers various depths
                                                                                       of access for creating an inventory of
Erkennen – Bestimmen – Beschreiben           hitherto not been placed in a concise     them.
3rd edition
                                             typological schema: needles and pins,
Bestimmungsbuch Archäologie 3                from the Upper Paleolithic to the High    Ronald Heynowski,
Pages     184                                Middle Ages. Sewing needles and pins      Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen,
Ills.     numerous                           are indispensable to the production of    Dresden
Format    24.0 × 17.0 cm
                                             clothing, and needles serve as jewelry,
SC        978-3-422-98738-8 Ger    € 19.90   body ornamentation, or as metalwork-
                                   $ 22.99   ing tools. They can be made of bone
                                   £ 18.00   or metal, and their designs range from
GERMAN                                       simple to elaborated decorated exam-
Total Art Nouveau!

                                                               Wasser im Jugendstil             Radikal schön – Jugendstil und
                                                               2022. 448 pages                  Symbolismus. Die Sammlung
                                                               550 color illustrations          Ferdinand Wolfgang Neess
                                                               30.0 × 24.0 cm                   2019. 608 pages
                                                               HC approx. € 54.00 [D] /         800 color illustrations
                                                               US$ 62.99 / £ 49.00              30.0 × 24.0 cm
                                                               ISBN 978-3-422-98845-3           HC € 49.95 [D] / US$ 57.99 /
                                                                                                £ 45.50
                                                               Bröhan 100. Highlights of the    ISBN 978-3-422-98049-5
                                                               2021. 264 pages                  Ruf des Progressiven. Jugend-
                                                               130 color illustrations          stil und Symbolismus im Museum
                                                               24.0 × 17.0 cm                   Wiesbaden
The art movement, which celebrates its flowering around
                                                               HC € 30.00 [D] / US$ 39.99 /     2019. 336 pages
1890–1910, is a nature-based style that fascinates with its    £ 31.00                          225 color illustrations
beauty to this day. Water is the element of Art Nouveau, the   ISBN 978-3-422-98710-4           30.0 × 24.0 cm
                                                                                                HC € 29.90 [D] / US$ 34.99 /
place of longing is depicted in over 250 works in Wasser im    Neues aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.   £ 27.00
Jugendstil. In Bröhan 100. Highlights of the Collection, the   Von Kühen, edlen Damen und       ISBN 978-3-422-98137-9
Berlin State Museum‹s collection of Art Nouveau, Art Deco      verzauberten Landschaften
                                                               Oder von der Liebe zur Kunst
and Functionalism is on display. Neues aus dem 19. Jahr-
                                                               2021. 192 pages
hundert, Ruf des Progressiven and Radikal schön – Jugend-      185 color illustrations
stil und Symbolismus are volumes dealing with the holdings     29.0 × 25.0 cm
                                                               HC € 40.00 [D] / US$ 46.99 /
of the Wiesbaden Museum. They offer a cross-section of all     £ 36.50
genres between Art Nouveau and Symbolism.                      ISBN 978-3-422-98668-8
Manet und Astruc                         Der Rimini-Altar                       Cultural Affairs
Künstlerfreunde                          Meisterwerk in Alabaster. Material –   Kunst ohne Grenzen /
Dorothee Hansen (Ed.)                    Restaurierung – Kunstgeschichte        Art Without Borders
                                         Stefan Roller, Harald Theiss (Eds.)    Silvia Gaetti (Ed.)
2021. 320 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm
360 color ills.                          2021. 312 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm        2021. 176 pages. 24.0 × 19.0 cm
                                         315 color ills.                        150 color ills.
HC         978-3-422-98760-9 Ger
€ 54.00 / $ 62.99 / £ 49.00              HC         978-3-422-98672-5 Ger       HC         978-3-422-98653-4 De/En
                                                    978-3-422-98679-4 En/Ger    € 29.00 / $ 33.99 / £ 25.00
                                         € 49.90 / $ 57.99/ £ 45.50

Flora ad infinitum                        Im Fokus                               Im Fokus
Blühende Perlenkunst in Venedig und      Park an der Ilm                        Park Belvedere
der Welt / Fiori di perline a Venezia    Klassik Stiftung Weimar (Ed.)          Klassik Stiftung Weimar (Ed.)

                                                                                                                           DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG
e nel mondo
                                         2021. 144 pages. 23.0 × 15.0 cm        2021. 144 pages. 23.0 × 15.0 cm
Georg Ragnar Levi, Edvard Koinberg
                                         160 color ills.                        160 color ills.
2021. 216 pages. 22.5 × 24.5 cm
                                         SC         978-3-422-98699-2 Ger       SC         978-3-422-98703-6 Ger
186 color ills.
                                         € 14.90 / $ 17.99 / £13.50             € 14.90 / $ 17.99 / £ 13.50
HC         978-3-422-98546-9 Ger/It
€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00

Grand Tour XXL                           Die Sammlung Solly 1821–2021           Bröhan 100
Der Reisekünstler Emel‘jan Korneev       Vom Bilder-„Chaos“ zur                 Highlights der Sammlung
Münchner Stadtmuseum, Nico Kirch-        Gemäldegalerie                         Tobias Hoffmann, Anna Grosskopf
berger (Eds.), Anna Ananieva, Viktoria   Robert Skwirblies, Roberto Contini,    (Eds.)
Cordts, Susanne Glasl, Peter Prange      Neville Rowley, Stephan Kemperdick,
                                                                                2021. 264 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
                                         Katja Kleinert, Sarah Salomon (Eds.)
2021. 224 pages. 28.0 × 24.0 cm                                                 130 color ills.
130 color ills.                          2021. 136 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm
                                                                                HC         978-3-422-98709-8 Ger
                                         65 color ills.
HC         978-3-422-98667-1 Ger                                                           978-3-422-98710-4 En
€ 29,90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00              SC         978-3-422-98663-3 Ger       € 34.00 / $ 39.99 / £ 31.00
                                                    978-3-422-98664-0 En
                                         € 36.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 32.50


Theater im Museum für Fotografie          Neues aus dem 19. Jahrhundert          Der Schmerz des Vaters?
Ein Rückblick auf die 1920er Jahre       Von Kühen, edlen Damen und             Die trinitarische Pietà zwischen
Kunstbibliothek – Staatliche Museen zu   verzauberten Landschaften              Gotik und Barock
Berlin (Ed.), Justine Tutmann            Oder von der Liebe zur Kunst           Dagmar Preising, Michael Rief,
                                         Peter Forster (Ed)                     Christine Vogt (Eds.)
2021. 112 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
100 color ills.                          2021. 192 pages. 29.0 × 25.0 cm        2021. 224 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm
                                         185 color ills.                        60 color ills.
SC.        978-3-422-98696-1 Ger
€ 19.00 / $ 21.99 / £ 17.50              HC.        978-3-422-98668-8 Ger       HC.        978-3-422-98712-8 Ger
                                         € 40.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 36.50            € 44.00 / $ 50.99 / £ 40.00

Kurt W. Streubel                         Red Glow                               Performance on Display
Spielarten des Abstrakten in der DDR     Yugoslav Partisan Photography,         Zur Geschichte lebendiger Kunst im
Andrea Karle, Verena Krieger (Eds.),     1941–1945                              Museum
Anne-Kathrin Hinz, Michaela Mai          Davor Konjikušić                       Lisa Beißwanger
2021. 152 pages. 29.0 × 21.0 cm          2021. 423 pages. 26.0 × 19.5 cm        2021. 512 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
90 color ills.                           570 b/w ills., 8 color ills.           30 b/w ills., 114 color ills., 6 tables,
                                                                                1 b/w map
HC.        978-3-422-98723-4 Ger         HC.        978-3-422-98640-4 En
€ 35.00 / $ 40.99 / £ 32.00              € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50            SC.        978-3-422-98448-6 Ger
                                                                                € 79,95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50
                                         E-Book 978-3-422-98648-0 En
                                         Open Access                            E-Book 978-3-422-98698-5 Ger
                                                                                € 79,95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

Künstlerpaare der Moderne                Künstler und Kritiker                  Kunstforschung, Fotografie und
Hans Purrmann und Mathilde Vollmo-       Hans Purrmann und Karl Scheffler in      Kunsthandel um 1900
eller-Purrmann im Diskurs                Briefen 1920–1951                      Gustav Ludwigs Korrespondenzen
Felix Billeter, Maria Leitmeyer (Eds.)   Felix Billeter, Julie Kennedy, Anke    mit Wilhelm Bode, Aby Warburg und
                                         Matelowski (Eds.)                      anderen
2021. 176 pages. 21.0 × 13.5 cm
                                                                                Martin Gaier
50 color ills.                           2021. 224 pages. 21.0 × 13.5 cm
                                         50 color ills.                         2021. 224 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm
SC.        978-3-422-98650-3 Ger
                                                                                1 b/w ill., 52 color ills.
€ 18.00 / $ 20.99 / £ 16.50              SC.        978-3-422-98428-8 Ger
                                         € 18.00 / $ 20.99 / £ 16.50            HC.        978-3-422-98634-3 Ger
                                                                                € 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 52.50
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