THE GAMES JOURNAL - ISSUE 542 - APR/MAY/JUN 2021 ISSN 0257-361X - Spielemuseum
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EDITORIAL u TABLE OF CONTENTS / MY LINES FOR WIN / GABIS Table of contents Österreichischer Spielepreis 2021 3 Kyoto 11 Paleo 12 Hollerith5 13 Calico 14 Reisespiele 15 Lions of Lydia 17 Call to Adventure 18 Let the goblins fly! Die Abenteuer des Robin Hood 20 Alea iacta est would have been the word in ancient Rome or in the Asterix comic books - Flyin‘ Goblin is the title of Spiel der Spiele 2021 which was Cryptid 22 presented in this year’s press conference to announce the winners of the 2021 award, which was held for the first time at Austria Center Vienna. Kompromat 23 Despite Corona restriction, media representatives of all genres were pre- sent and could take a look at the six games that were awarded Spiele Hit, Punktesalat 24 interview jury members, make recordings and communicate the refres- hing mix of games over many channels, among them Wien heute (ORF), Die Crew - Mission Tiefsee 25 W24, Radio Wien, Wiener Zeitung and Kurier as well as trade media like and of course Frisch gespielt. Pendulum 26 As the only but huge fly in the ointment came the announcement by Dr. Hashi 28 SUSANNE BAUMANN-SÖLLNER, director of Austria Center Vienna, that the Games Fair 2021 has been rescheduled to 2022 - the vaccination and Kleinst aber Feinst - Part 10 29 testing lines that were installed at ACV will still be active in autumn. A pity, but understandable and we look forward to 2022 all the more. Impressum 29 This issue, of course, is dominated by the Games Award, and extensive and WIN the Games Journal is the publication and voice of the Viennese Games Academy detailed reports on the winners will follow in Issue 543, as the recommen- and is published quarterly. It presents new releases in the games market with an dation lists will be published at the start of the main games season at the Austrian connection and of course also international “heavy weights” and throws a beginning of October. nostalgic glance into the games museum on games treasures of times gone by and yet relating to today. Furthermore, WIN reports extensively on the Austrian Games Award that comprises Spiel der Spiele / Game of Games and Spiele-Hits categorized Have fun with this issue, an exiting mix of new releases and some playful by user groups and lists of recommended games. Also featured are international travel ideas from the games museum, an alternative to real traveling in games awards and very small publishing companies with their very often very perso- times of the pandemic. nal approach on our heart’s desire, games. Editorial work happens in cooperation with the magazine „Frisch gespielt“ e.U. and Thomas Bareder the association of Wiener Spieleakademie. Editors-in-chief: Dipl.Ing. Thomas Bareder and Dipl. Ing. Dagmar de Cassan WIN-issues can be found at and www.frisch-gespielt. at GAMES BUYER INFORMATION SYSTEM - GABIS imply the classical concept of „family games“! Furthermore, Think ahead, long-term planning, planning for several our user groups can overlap. The choice of suitable games moves always depends on your playing partners and your fun Creativity: STRUCTURE with games! The player has to provide words, phrases, images and Each game review also features an evaluation which can Games that are especially eligible for Solo play or for 2 other creative efforts help you to find the game that best suits your tastes. players or Large groups of players are marked with an Knowledge: The color accompanying each game title represents the icon. Cultural and educational knowledge, long-term memory USER Group. The headline also contains icons for age and Memory: number of players. FEATURES Remember, learn by heart, short-time memory The BAR in the evaluation box displays color codes for up Each game targets preferences for different features in a Communication: to 10 features of a game. player, therefore each game is not suitable for each player. Talk to each other, negotiate, inform We have listed 10 features players note when deciding Interaction: USER GROUP on a game. Only if a player finds his preferred features Influencing each other, bluffing, auction We have defined 4 target groups (color accompanying in a game he will enjoy the game. The color code marks Dexterity the head line) the dominant features. Educational games train the Motor skills highlighted preference. Action: Kinder: Body movement, balance and reaction Games for children an educational games. Adults can play Empty boxes: This feature is neclectable or not present in a guiding function. One colored box: This feature is present, but not essential ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Familien: Two colored boxes: This feature is present and important Version: The edition of the game on which the review Children and parents play together, all have the same in the game is based chance to win and have fun. Three colored boxes: This feature is dominant and essential Rules: This lists the languages in which rules are available Freunde: or are included in the game, often even more translations Young people and adults play together as equals Chance: can be found on the web. Experten: The game is influenced by dice, cards or any other form of In-game text: A YES marks a game with language- Games with special demands on rules and playing time. random generator dependent components that cannot be played without Especially for game geeks Tactics: translation or knowledge of the language Take decision, short-term planning, planning based on Please note for the user groups Children, Family and one move Friends: Children who love to play can be ahead of their Strategy: peers! Please note that our target group “families” does not 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE t AWARDS Wiener Spiele Akademie we wir present präsentieren: Austrian Österreichischer Spielepreis Games Award2021 2021 Allausgezeichneten Alle award-winning games Spiele The Austrian Games award features Spiel der Spiele, the main award, and Der Österreichische Spielepreis umfasst neben dem Spiel der Spiele, awards Spiele-Hit in dem Hauptpreis, diecategories nach denofKategorien games for für families, games Familien, für for children, Kinder, mit games Freunden, für Experten, Karten bzw. Trend gruppierten Spiele-Hitsand with friends, games for experts, card games and trend games undalso provides a listEmpfehlungslisten of recommended des games from the aktuellen new releases of the current Spiele-Jahrgangs. year. Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 3
AWARDS u WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE Spiel Spiel der der Spiele Spiele Spiel der Spiele Das Spiel is THE der Spiele game ist das that das Spiel, the jury liked best; it is funam der Spielekommission to play andgefallen besten suitab- le for and of interest to all user groups. hat, es macht Spaß und ist für nahezu alle Zielgruppen interessant. Flyin´ Goblin Flyin’ Goblin An Als army of goblins Anführer wants to conquer einer Goblinarmee will aman fortress eine full Burgofvoller treasures. As their Schätze ero general, bern undyou catapult seine katapultiert your soldiers Soldatenasmöglichst exact as exakt possible into in die the Mit Burg. fortress. den With the loot of gold that you acquire in that way you you can hire better so erhaltenen Goldmünzen kann man die Armee verbessern und Stufen soldiers, or captains and robbers and set up levels of your totem. In a round, seines Totems erwerben. Alle Spieler katapultieren aktuell verfügbare Gob all players simultaneously catapult their men into the fortress; then, in turn, lins in you dieback take Burg.your Dannmennehmen in any alle reihum order in beliebiger and resolve Reihenfolge the effect ihre of the rooms Goblins zurück und erledigen die Effekte der Räume, in denen sie where they landed. Then you check for end of game - if someone has all four gelan det sind. totem Liegen levels danach on the roof oralle vier Totemstufen collected eines Spielers the given number unzerstört of diamonds, auf he wins. dem Dach oder hat jemand die vorgegebene Anzahl gesammelt, Otherwise, you can buy new men and parts available from the army board. gewinnt dieser Spieler. Hat niemand gewonnen, können die Spieler reihum Figuren von der Armeetafel Tactical kaufen. dexterity game for 2-4 players, ages 8+ Designers: Corentin Lebrat, Théo Taktisches Geschicklichkeitsspiel, für Riviere 2-4 Spieler, ab 8 Jahren Publisher: Iello / Lebrat, Autoren: Corentin HutterThéo TradeRivière 2021 Verlag: Iello / Hutter Trade 2021 4 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE t AWARDS Spiele-Hit für Spiele-Hit für Kinder Kinder A Spiele-Hit Ein Spiele Hitfür fürKinder Kinder/ for childrenKinder, präsentiert featuressowie gamesLernspiele. and educational gameskön Erwachsene for children. Adults nen, müssen can, aber but mitspielen. nicht need not play. DerThe fun in playing Spielspaß liegt vorisallem enjoyed mainly bei den the children. Fabelwelten Fabelwelten Animals Tierecan take jede können on anyRollerole or guiseund annehmen andsollen needpassend to be selected für jede to suit the Geschich story.teCards gewähltof awerden. story areDiestacked. Karten Each einer player holdswerden Geschichte five animal cards,Jeder gestapelt. one animal fromhat Spieler the fünf stackTierkarten, starts the einstory. TierStory vomcards Stapelare read out beginnt die in order and Geschichte. each Die player, including the narrator, GeschichteKarten werden in selects an animal Reihenfolge from his vorgelesen undhand jederthat he Spie thinksler,suits the story role best. Then the animal cards are shuffled auch der Vorleser, wählt verdeckt ein Tier aus seiner Hand, das am face-down, revealed besten andzur placed Rollenext in derto Geschichte the symbol passt. track.Dann Now werden all players die vote Tierewith their verdeckt markers whichund gemischt animal suits offen an best - you cannot vote die Symbolleiste forAlle gelegt. yourstimmen animal - mit and ihren score one point Markern for each vote forTier ab, welches their animal. – das eigeneThe animal darf nicht with most gewählt votes–wins werden the am be round; if you voted for it, you score an extra point. At the sten passt und bekommen einen Punkt pro Marker auf dem eigenen Tier. end of the story, you win Das with mostden Tier mit points. meistenIncludes Stimmen a cooperative gewinnt, wervariant dafürand also branching stimmte, erhält ei stories nen Zusatzpunkt. Am Ende der Geschichte gewinnt man mit den meisten Punkten. Mit kooperativer Variante bzw. verzweigten Geschichten. Selecting and voting game for 2-6 players, ages 5+ Auswahl- und Abstimmspiel, für 2-6 Spieler, ab 5 Jahren Designer: Wilfried & Marie Fort Autoren: Wilfrid und Marie Fort Publisher: Lifestyle Boardgames / Asmodee 2021 Verlag: Lifestyle Boardgames / Asmodee 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 5
AWARDS u WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE Spiele Hit für Spiele-Hit für Familien Familien ADer Spiele-Hit für Familien Spiele Hit / for families für Familien presents präsentiert Spielegames for children für Kinder and parents, und Eltern, diese all play gleichberechtigt, spielen on the same footing alleand havegleiche haben equal Gewinnchancen. chances to win. Fun to playSpiele Richtiger for all. spaß für alle. Rolling RollingDice Dice In In the dergame box = the dice Spieleschachtel arena, you roll als Würfelarena your dice würfelt manonto seinethe ice floes. Würfel auf The die active player Eisscholle. rolls Der his Spieler aktive dice, changing positions würfelt seine of other Würfel, dabeiplayers‘ könnendice can die Po happen sitionenand vonisWürfeln valid. Then you select anderer Spielerone die fromwerden. verändert the floeDann and remove your wählt man remaining einen seiner dice fromauf Würfel theder floe. Whenund Scholle all entfernt have done dierolling/selecting/remo- restlichen. Waren alle ving, an derallReihe, dice in valid positions erhalten score alle Würfel points - pips in gültigen + valuePunkte Positionen of all dice in po- – Augen sitions zahl + to the rear Wert aller+dahinter dice values on ice blocks liegenden Würfel,and maybe Würfel aufbonus points from Eisblöcken und the fish netBonuspunkte eventuell minus penalty desfrom the hole. Fischnetzes In later minus rounds Eisloch. In you roll available weiteren Runden dice wirftand mantryverfügbare to top the Würfel value ofundyour die in the versucht, denarena Wertordes place a die further eigenen in der forward. Arena zu übertreffen oder weiter zu würfeln. Erreicht jemand dieand If someone has collected the necessary score, the game with nötigen the end of the current round and you win with the highest Punkte, endet das Spiel mit Ende der laufenden Runde und man gewinnt score. mit den meisten Punkten. Dexterity game with dice for 2-6 players, ages 8+ Geschicklichkeitsspiel mit Würfeln, für 2-6 Spieler, ab 8 Jahren Designer: Peter Wichmann, Albrecht Werstein, Karl-Heinz Schmiel, Klaus Zoch Autoren: Peter Wichmann, Albrecht Werstein, Karl-Heinz Schmiel, Klaus Zoch Publisher: Abacusspiele 2021 Verlag: Abacusspiele 2021 6 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE t AWARDS Spiele-Hit mit Spiele-Hit mit Freunden Freunden A Spiele-Hit Der mitmit Spiele Hit Freunden / with Freunden Friends presents präsentiert games Spiele für for juveniles Jugendliche and adults und Erwachsene, with equal chances mit gleichen to win for all; Gewinnchancen, dieplayers are usually Mitspieler older sind älter than als 12 12 years Jahre and share oder haben das an interest in the game topic. Spielthema als gemeinsames Interesse. Micro MicroMacro MacroCrime CrimeCity City Crime In CrimeCityCity is full of crimes wimmelt that need es von to be solved Verbrechen, die esand investigated. aufzuklären gilt.Clues, Indi suspects to interrogate zien, Verdächtige zum and all other Verhören undinformation alles was wir that we need sonst can be found an Informationen on the city map, brauchen, findeta sich busyamhidden information Stadtplan. picture. Die Szenen The des scenes of theoffen Wimmelbilds busy picture provide clues baren Hinweise and method of16crime. und TatHergänge. 16 cases comprise Fälle bestehen theirStapel aus je einem own stack of caseDie Fallkarten. cards. The start Startkarte wirdcard is read out. vorgelesen. DieThe second zweite cardbeschreibt Karte describes aeine taskAufgabe, to solve die - the zusolution lösen istis always a scene die Lösung on the eine ist immer picture map. Szene aufWhen dem the scene Plan. is found, Ist sie the inspector gefunden, überprüftchecks the solution der Kommissar desonFalls the die backside Lösung of auf the card. If coordinates der Rückseite and sceneKoordinaten der Fallkarte. correlate, theund textSzene on themüssen backside is read and übereinstim then men.theBeitask of the Lösung richtiger next card is solved wird nun deretc.Text der Rückseite verlesen und dann die Aufgabe der nächsten Fallkarte gelöst usw. Deduction game with a busy hidden information picture for 1-4 players, ages 10+ Deduktionsspiel mit Wimmel-Suchbild, für 1-4 Spieler, ab 10 Jahren Designer: Johannes Sich Autoren: Johannes Sich, Daniel Goll, Tobias Jochinke Publisher: Edition Spielwiese / Pegasus Spiele 2020 Verlag: Edition Spielwiese / Pegasus Spiele 2020 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 7
AWARDS u WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE Spiele Hit für Spiele-Hit für Experten Experten A Spiele-Hit Der Spielefür HitExperten / for experts für Experten presents präsentiert Spielegames featuring complex mit komplexen rules Regeln und höand a higher entry treshold and therefore heren Einstiegsschwellen und bietetoffers lots of challenges dementsprechend viel and fun in playing, Herausforderung especially und forspeziell Spielspaß, experienced frequentVielspieler. für erfahrene players. 2491 Planetship 2491 Planetship The naturaldie Nachdem resources of earth natürlichen are depleted Ressourcen and zur der Erde planet ships Neige were built gegangen to sind, ensure wurdensurvival and cross sogenannte galaxies. When Weltenschiffe gebaut,the um mother ship is in trouble das Überleben and zu sichern isund destroyed, we are die Galaxien commanders Als zu durchqueren. of other ships and our das Mutterschiff salvage in Not gerätteams und want to loot zerstört thewollen wird, mother wirship for valuable der Kommandeure DNA or characters anderen with useful Raumschiffe diese abilities. günstige Who will plunder Gelegenheit most nutzen, umsuccessfully? aus dem Wrack wertvolle DNA, Cha Based raktereonmitthenützlichen mechanism from City ofzuSpies: Eigenschaften, Estoril erbeuten und1942 (Mesaboard- schicken ein Ber games, 2015) gungsteam. youplündert Wer dock four out of six ships/characters in each of four am meisten? rounds by placing the card at one of the sectors. When scoring a sector you Auf use Basisabilities of your characters des Mechanismus aus Cityinof the sector, Spies: majority Estoril in character 1942 (Mesaboard strength in a sector games, 2015) docktyields man inthejeder sector character der for a vier vier Runden reward; von you sechsintroduce Raum him to your team of sixdurch schiffen/Charakteren or discard him.der Anlegen At the Karteendanyou scoreder einem cards in your Sektoren discard pile, characters in hand and completed missions. an. Für die Sektorwertung nutzt man Eigenschaften seiner Charaktere im Sektor, die Mehrheit an Charakterstärke in diesem liefert den Sektoren Placement game charakter als for majorities Belohnung, den manforins 2-5sechsköpfige players, ages 12+eingliedert, oder Team abwirft. Am Ende wertet man Karten im eigenen Abwurfstapel, Charakte Designer: re auf der Antonio Hand undSousa Lara erfüllte Missionen. Publisher: MEBO Legespiel um Games Mehrheiten, für/2-5 Heidelbär Games Spieler, ab 2020 14 Jahren Autor: Antonio Sousa Lara Verlag Mebo Games / Heidelbär Games 2020 8 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE t AWARDS Spiele-Hitfür Spiele-Hit Karten Karten A Spiele-Hit Der Spiele Karten Hit für/ cards presents Karten cards games präsentiert of easy access KartenSpiele and moderate mit einfachem duration, Zugang und offering fun to play for a wide range of players. moderater Spieldauer, die Spielspaß für ein breites SpielerPublikum bieten. Jinx Jinx In In each drei of three rounds, Runden 16 cards liegen jeweils 16are laid out Karten im in a grid.aus. Raster Players are active Die Spieler sindin turn, reihumrollaktiv, a diewürfeln and takeunda card of theeine nehmen resulting Karte value from the display; des gewürfelten you Werts aus can der re-roll Auslage; once, der but Wurfmust kannaccept the second einmal result. wiederholt If a player werden, diesescannot take Ergebnis amuss cardgenommen in his turn, werden. the roundKannends;ein allSpieler playerskeine discard cards of colors corres- Karte nehmen, endet die ponding Runde und to colors left von alle geben in the grid,gesammelten ihren always checking all–their Karten auchcollected von jenencards. der If Vorrunde – jene zurück, deren Farbe noch in der Auslage vorhandencard. you ended the round, you must then discard your highest remaining ist. By Werdiscarding die Runde a card, you can beendete, draw gibt a lucky seine zusätzlich card and use it Karte höchste in the next round. ab. Durch After three rounds, you win with most points on your cards. Abgeben eine Karte kann man nun eine Glückskarte ziehen und in der nächsten Runde einsetzen. Nach drei solchen Runden gewinnt man mit Collecting cards with dice roll for 2-4 players, ages 6+ den meisten Punkten auf seinen Karten. Designer: Klaus Altenburger Karten sammeln mit Würfeln, für 2-4 Spieler, ab 6 Jahren Publisher: Piatnik 2021 Autor: Klaus Altenburger Verlag: Piatnik 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 9
AWARDS u WIENER SPIELE AKADEMIE Spiele Hit Trend-Spiele Spiele-Hit / trendy games für Trend-Spiele ADerSpiele-Hit for für Spiele Hit Trend-Spiele gives kürt Trend-Spiele the award of 2021 2021 einen to a representative Vertreter of the der aktuellen main Haupt trends. Trends.Unchanged Unverändert fromim2020, they are Vergleich the Vorjahr zum Genres Escape sind dasthedie Room and Roll Genres & Wri- Escape the te, new Room in theRoll sowie range and replacing & Write the Logic – neu dabei Puzzles und damit dieisLogikSpiele the notably increasing trend ablösend ist der to re-publish zuletzt stark games and publishing anziehende Trend zuexpansions for well-known und NeuVeröffentlichungen games, summarized Erweiterungen as News for Well-knowns zu bereits bekannten Spielen, zusammengefasst unter Neues zu Altbekanntem. Break BreakIn InArena Arena5151 Breaking Einbruchin instead statt of escaping, Entkommen, at least bis zumindest untilman youdas have reached Schiff yourhat erreicht ship umto return to your home planet. As usual in such games you enact auf den Heimatplaneten zurückzukehren. Wie zumeist bei solchen Spielen a story with some unexpected „erlebt“ man eineturns, solve puzzles Geschichte and mit teils riddles, combine überraschenden information löst Wendungen, and complete tasks; the necessary components, clues from texts and dabei Rätsel, kombiniert und erledigt Aufgaben; dafür erhält man Materi images are provided by the game. The multiple-layered Russian-doll type box simulates alien, Hinweise aus Texten und Bildern im Spiel. Die mehrfach Matrjosch Area 51, into which you continue to intrude. You may never open something kaartig or look atverschachtelte Spiel it before you are Boxtosimuliert asked die Area 51, in die immer tiefer do so. Replayable! vorgedrungen werden soll. Man darf jedoch niemals etwas öffnen oder anschauen, Escape Room bevor gameman dazu for 1-6 aufgefordert players, ages 12+wird. Wiederspielbar. Designer: David Escape Room Yakos Spiel, für 1-6 Spieler, ab 12 Jahren Publisher: Schmidt Autor: David Yakos Spiele 2020 Verlag: Schmidt Spiele 2020 10 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
KYOTO t REVIEW Designer S. Harrer & J. Krenner AN UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH Artist Christian Opperer KYOTO Publisher Pegasus Spiele / Deep Print Games 2020 Web, Version de PLAYER: AGE: TIME: IN-GAME TEXT: Rules de en 3-6 10+ 30+ yes Genre Bluff, negotiation We find ourself in the year 1997. All humankind is in agreement about climate protec- with the second-most victory points (!) tion. All humankind? No! Unrelenting travelers-by-plane don’t stop to gad about in wins. This result causes the supposed or planes, unrelenting drivers to do not stop to cruise in their cards, unrelenting burger hoped for end score to be thrillingly un- eaters don’t stop to consume meet, unrelenting whoevers do not stop with whatever predictable, and in addition a„nice“ mix of ... shame, guilt and malicious joy is created at the same time. So, once again we are tasked with sav- With those surprisingly simple means, ing earth - of course, with pleasure. But our private world climate conference is In the alternative positive outcome, the what about our respective personal in- very realistically simulated at the game twelve rounds can provoke a repetitive terests and those of the oil, agricultural, and negotiation table, including the re- and somewhat long-winded flair. If that nuclear etc. lobbies that we secretly rep- spective revealing egoisms. “Who wants happens, you need to pay even mor at- resent, which are nearer to our hearts or to contribute to the protection of indig- tention to, on the one hand, donate victory point purses than the future fate enous habitats? - Canada would be will- enough for the common goal and, on the of the next generations. The two curren- ing, but has already invested so much other hand, to keep enough money and cies in the game are money and cards: into the ozone layer, so why not China? cards for your personal goal because very In the game, too, nobody likes to spend - China would prefer to protect the Chi- often the respective final results are not money, as the second-most cash wealth nese instead of minorities - everything very far apart. is rewarded with victory points. Anyhow, always ends up with the EU, okay, one at least sums donated to general wel- million for the environment funds and a In any case, the cardboard lectern - for the forfeit of electric radiant chairperson that changes in each round - heaters; but something is an eyecatcher; the playing cards have is still missing - If China harmonious graphics that merit a second contributes something glance. Especially laudable about the after all, Canada would components: no plastic, and small card- also provide an addition- board box to store cards and tokens. al Million - Oh, too bad, time has run out; in the break in negotiation we Conclusion must toast the extinction .. when we fail together, 5 if we “save” Earth of tortoises - who needs tortoises? Kyoto is a pseudo-cooperative, satiric-cyn- They are crazy, those hu- ic negotiation and bluff game with cute mans! components that fit the topic, suitable for all types of players from teen age up, but The game is most fun - rather not recommended for tight-lipped fare can at least be partially recovered subject to the necessary sarcasm - evolves and/or altruistic or sensitive minds. þ when the environment funds it suffi- when all speak with pseudo Russian, Chi- ciently covered and you are entitled - as nese or French accent and act in the tradi- Harald Schatzl the chairperson of the current round - to tion of role playing. Bitter but true: If we take a reward from the funds. As regards fail (un)consciously, when the animal ex- to cards, each individual one is worth tinctions, earth warming and/or air pollu- a victory point at the end of the game tion have become too lethal. In that case so that generosity hurts more here, un- the fun ends prematurely and the country less you may suspect that a competing nation represents the interests of, for in- Chance stance, the nuclear power lobby. In that Tactic case, it is clearly easier to get rid of your nuclear power cards in hand, as this loses Strategy the competitor victory points, too. At that Creativity point, bribes can be a conceivable and - as Knowledge to games mechanics - permitted aspect. Memory In reality, however, this element is very Communication seldom of use. The given time pressure Interaction of maximum 90 seconds per negotiation Dexterity round increases the stress level consider- Action ably for all participants. Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 11
REVIEW u PALEO Designer Peter Rustemeyer WHEN THE DODO WAS STILL ALIVE ... Artist D. Mayer, I. Schell, F.-G. Stämmele PALEO Publisher Hans im Glück 2020 Web Version de PLAYER: AGE: TIME: IN-GAME TEXT: Rules cn de en fr it jp nl ru 2-4 10+ 45-60 no Genre Cooperative, development … and the mammoth could still be hunted, in those good old times, we roam through Night falls forest and on mountain, hunt in rivers, build shelters, develop advanced ideas and, of When the card stacks of all players have course, we dream, too. A fridge for storing perishable haul would be cool, medication been used, the survivers must be fed and against heart trouble and a chain saw would be wonderful. But - if wishes were horses mission tasks must be completed. This de- then transport we’d have? Wheels? pletes the food stock and additional com- modities must be discarded, or else: skull! But we are still alive and maybe we have already scratched one part of the five-part cave painting into the rock. Apro- pos scratched: We are not done yet. The next day gives each player a new stack with all challenges and pitfalls. And only the completed mammoth on the cave walls allows us to sink victorious- To begin: A passage in the rules tells us „Do are mainly abilities of people and items like ly into the not yet invented pillow and draw not look at the front of the cards when set- torches, stone wedge, spear or fur, and, very a relieved breath. ting up the game!“ The game is meant to important, cards - always the top ones from be experienced cooperatively in adventure the personal stacks. All property is group- Conclusion mode, failure in the first few games is nor- related, only food, wood and stone are avail- mal, knowledge and information acquisi- able to all in the communal cave. PALEO is a brilliant cooperative feat! Mecha- tion is necessare. I will take the above-men- As the red card backs also indicate that a nisms are basically simple; the complexity tioned hint seriously and not let anything probably negative event is in the offing, you comes from the manifold card combina- slip. must consider carefully whether to select an tions and options. As each level combines Each player roams the so far unknown action during which cards must discarded. three out of ten pre-defined modules, the world with his group of two people. Before Red discarded cards yield a skull; five skulls card decks are different and games or of- each step - a small step for me, bla bla ... end all paleontological actions. A skull must fered sorted by level of difficulty in the rules. each player takes one of the three top cards also be suffered if a person takes more dam- Variety for frequent players is guaranteed. of his personal stack and checks them. As age than it can sustain and dies from mul- þ the backsides of the cards provide vague tiple heart failure. Jörg Domberger clues to the front side, the cooperative ac- tions are plannable, within limitations. Chance Tactic Hidden Stone Age surprises The revealed cards can be resolved, most Strategy negative ones must be resolved, unfortu- Creativity nately. Nearly always you can select from Knowledge several option, many of them are only re- Memory solvable with the support of other players’ Communication groups. Helpfulness is a main feature and Interaction each turn must be considered by all to- Dexterity gether. As is often the case, the use of many Action resources provides big hauls. Resources 12 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
HOLLERITH5 t REVIEW Designer Andreas Kunekath-Häbler I GIVE MYSELF THE BALL! Artist not named HOLLERITH5 Publisher Gerhards Spiel & Design Web Version de PLAYER: AGE: TIME: IN-GAME TEXT: Rules de en 2 8+ 20+ no Genre Tactical positioning game Hollerith is a resounding name in the computer universe as the inventor of the game,, basically avoiding of mistakes is punched card. Here he comes „to the fifth power“ and introduces a new up to now more important than attacking at any cost. unknown dimension to the good old “4 gewinnt”. A high-level game made from high-quality materials, on the way to a hard core tactical In each turn you sink a marble into a grid of game: Anticipate moves, check possibilities holes - not always there where you want to Conclusion and think! þ sink it, but where the holes in the perforated plates on top allow it. And as one of those Very concise rules explain everything, but Jörg Domberger plates moves one other plate off the grid only offer a glimpse at the depth of the once per turn and each plate has only 1 or 2 game at first glance. You must get into the holes which allow a marble to pass through, you must consider very carefully how to Chance rotate a plate and where to enter it. Impor- Tactic tant: Which plate do you offer your oppo- nent with your move? The marbles in yellow Strategy and blue - NÖ sends its regards - create mu- Creativity tual threats. Turn by turn it becomes more Knowledge important not to offer opportunities to your Memory opponent, but sometimes the room for Communication marbles gets scarce. When he cannot place Interaction a marble, the active player loses instantly. A Dexterity more rewarding win: Four marbles in a row, Action horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 13
REVIEW u CALICO Designer Kevin Russ BACK ARCH OR HAPPY PURRING? Artist Dylan Mangini, Kevin Russ CALICO Publisher Ravensburger 2021 Web Version de PLAYER: AGE: TIME: IN-GAME TEXT: Rules de 1-4 10+ 45+ no Genre Strategic tile placement No, we are not talking about the ghost city in the Mojave desert, and also not from If you play more on your own, the game the biotechnology company CALifornia LIfe Company, financed by Google and devel- flow is quieter and the Lucky Cat has a oping methods against aging, but about the three-colored Lucky Cat named Calico. purring say in it, as has the favor of the But also about the Quilt of that name - a relaxing and challenging combination! other players. Some frustration potential, and all-over very harmonious. þ Each player lays out - oh, sorry, sews - a quilt over 20 rounds from colored and Conclusion Thomas Bareder patterned hexes on display, the tiles on display are continually supplemented. Al- Calico is a visually very beautiful, varied ways pretty when complete, but the aes- and definitely puzzling tile placement thetic value is judged by three cats, always game for all the family for families with three different ones in each game. They children of advanced primary school age set the parameters for the quilt: Cat Billie and also for friends who like a challenge
TRAVEL GAMES t SPIELEMUSEUM TRAVEL GAMES - FAR AWAY LANDS TRAVEL GAMES In 2021, again the pandemic forces us to restrict our travel plans, which offers at least an opportunity to look at the travel topic from a museum point of view and cast a glance on playing travel options in the past. Our destinations are primarily Austria plus Germany and Switzerland, as a wider range would exceed this column. Travel games are games featuring more or Bon voyage less exact maps of countries, regions, or cities, which are mostly played following more or less identical rules. You have des- tinations to visit or tasks to meet; if you are first to do all your visits or tasks, you win. The individual destinations are reached by Other publishers: rolling dice, sometimes by answering ques- tions or other means. Auf Achse A wide variety of such games has been pu- blished by Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg / Ravensburger: Alpenreise Reprint of a game from 1810, „Das neueste Post- und Reisespiel“, by Bernd Gorecki for 2-4 players, 1973 Deutschlandreise 3-6 players, ages 10+, featuring destination cards and telegram cards, you find the shor- test route. Beneluxreise Transport and logistic version by Wolfgang Kramer for 2-6 players, ages 12+; 1987, F.X. Schmid Spiel des Jahres 1987 Eine Reise durch Sachsen 2-6 players, ages 9+, 1962. Features western and middle Germany. Six destinations must be visited and instruction of chance cards must be followed. If you are first at the final destination, you win. VEB Spielewerk, DDR - 2-6 players, geogra- phy and travel game with event slots, cases are numbered, the various stops are explai- Reise durch die Schweiz ned in the rule book. 2-6 players, ages 9+; published 1973, topic 2-6 players. 90 city cards for Switzerland. Benelux countries. Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 15
SPIELEMUSEUM u TRAVEL GAMES by placing betting tokens. Variant of Fin- den Sie Minden. Finally, a glimpse of a few curios and finds which let us look back into the somewhat earlier past and maybe let us recognize a favorite destination in Wienerwald. Der Wienerwald Very old game on the topic of hiking in Wie- Frohe Alpenfahrt nerwald, components incomplete. Any number of players, Nürnberger Spiele- Roll & move game for up to 6 players - no fabrik L. Kleefeld & Co. If you enter a city slot other information - A. Pichlers Witwe & with an exact roll, you take the token; if you Sohn, Austria have most of them at the end, you win. Erste Reise: Unsere Heimat Groß- Kennst Du Österreich? deutschland the other players can doubt your place- ment. Correct placement gives you chips. Published in many versions by many pu- blishers, e.g. Ausgerechnet Buxtehude for Germany at Huch & friends. Österreich Finden Sie Winden? Travel game using dice and event slots, Travel and quiz game with a railway topic. for 2 or more players by F. Plachy. Promo- 2-6 players, Piatnik. tion game for „Kleines Blatt“, published bet- Three version for a roundtrip: Who is out of ween 1938 and 1945. locations? The roundtrip. We travel on the railway! REISELAND ÖSTERREICH Obviously a game from between 1945 and Lustige Rheinfahrt 1955, text in four languages, without any other information Vier-Länder-Tour Geography location game for 2-5 players, ages 10+, by Günter Burkhardt und Walter Schranz at Kosmos 2009. Players choose how exactly they want to guess the loca- tion of cities, sights and regions in Austria Travel and geography game using dice. Player roll dice in turn and select their route out of the start, to Duisburg and to Kob- 2-6 Spieler, Stomo, Austria. Roll & move lenz. When a numbered slot is reached, you mechanism with event slots. You start in follow instructions, if you reach the start/ Vienna and travel via Salzburg, Innsbruck, finish slot first by exact roll, you win. Alten- Zürich, Verona and Klagenfurt back to Vien- burger und Stralsunder Spielkarten Fabri- na. There are bonus movement points for ken AG players who are first to reach or pass stage destinations or mountain scoring. A variant of travel games are quiz/guessing games on the map location of destinations: Thrilling and interesting what the industry had to offer even back then. Where do we Ausgerechnet Unken go to next summer? Let’s see what delta, Austria version, 2-6 players, ages 10+, by kappa and omega variants will let us in- Bernhard Lach and Uwe Rapp bei Piatnik, dulge in, maybe we can at least reach the 2008. You draw a card and add it to the dis- Adriatic and the rest of the Mediterranean. play in north-south or east-west direction, At least on a game board! 16 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
LYONS OF LYDIA t REVIEW Designer Jonathan „Johnny Pac“ Cantin BUY, BUY AND BARTER GOODS! Artist Darryl T. Jones LIONS OF LYDIA Publisher Bellwater Games / Spielefaible 2021 Web Version de PLAYER: AGE: TIME: IN-GAME TEXT: Rules de en es 2-4 12+ 30-60 no Genre Worker placement, resources management I swap a carpet for five bushels of grain. Those I then swap for a bronze statue, with which I then can acquire my two bales of wool which I need to produce more carpets. Wish there was something that saved me from all this bartering! Folk lore tells that the legendary King en trader is present or if you place one, Croesus of Lydia has invented the system you can take gold instead of goods in the of coin usage. This lore is the lead story for gate color. If placement of a trader meets the game Lions of Lydia, which is a quick requirements on one of your production worker placement and resources man- shops, you receive those resources, too. agement game. Each player has his own production shops which are upgraded At the end of your turn you take a fourth during the game by adding new cards, trader for your bag from the available of trader or providing special additional which are also providing most points at ones at the well. This enables you to plan buildings to acquire. The expansions can the end of the game. ahead a little bit. The game ends as soon be combined in any which way. Conclusion Lions of Lydia is a simple and quick game, that is played in the family within half an hour. The random drawing gives the game a slight deckbuilding element which has scant influence on the flow of the game. Out of the mini expansions only the craftsmen and the horse racing, which introduces a betting element, are major rule changes. All in all the game is solid and well struc- tures, but neither design nor mechanisms are really pleasing. þ Rene Eichinger You pay those cards with - at the begin- as a player has upgraded a given number ning - four resources, which are depicted of farms. on the player board. Very quickly the re- source gold coins is added, which can For a bonus, Lions of Lydia includes eight be used to replace all other resources mini expansions which change the rules a and does not have a maximum limit. The little bit, for instance by adding a new type deciding game element, however, is the method of acquisition for gold and grain. Chance Tactic To this purpose, each player has a bag with four traders of different colors. In Strategy each turn, you draw one randomly from Creativity the bag and the trader can then be placed Knowledge at varying locations - usually at one of Memory the city gates - to receive barter goods Communication or buy farms. If you place a greed trader Interaction at the green gate, you receive two green Dexterity resources; if other traders are present, you Action also receive goods of their colors. If a gold- Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 17
REVIEW u CALL TO ADVENTURE Designer Chris and Johnny O‘Neal DIAL „A“ FOR ADVENTURE Artist Matt Paquette CALL TO ADVENTURE Publisher Brotherwise Games / Asmodee 2020 Web Version de PLAYER: AGE: TIME: IN-GAME TEXT: Rules de en es fr hu jp pl ru 1-4 12+ 30-60 yes Genre Kooperativ, Abenteuer, Deckbau, Some things are totally unrelated to each other and yet you connect them in your I wanted to know everything and asked head. Reading the title of the game „Call to Adventure“ I spontaneously thought of many more questions than my parents the old Hitchcock classic “Dial M for Murder (the German version was called “Bei An- were able to give answers to. Therefore, it ruf: Mord) and didn’t go away. The virtual connection remained and, after all, the in- came as no surprise to the people around troduction is complete. me that I wanted to break the chains of family and village and escape to search for wisdom. As I am a lucky devil, an op- „Call to Adventure“ enables players as all is lumped together and, at the end of portunity soon offered to somehow fulfill heroes to experience their personal story Act III, defines the hero status of a charac- all my wishes. I was allowed to lead an ex- in three acts and to shape it themselves ter. The path of fate is, however, no Cami- pedition. The path was dangerous as full within the frame and options provided no de Santiago. Only nine cards tell our of obstacles. But I was not only accompa- by cards. Your own character is defined legend after tight 60 minutes, our life, and nied by Fortuna, I also felt protected and by its origin and its motivation. The third what we experienced in the adventure. blessed. I was able to defeat the Witch and starting card represents the destiny of our „I am the recruit. As a foundling, I was one to survive the battle with the Dragon. At heroes and the better they fulfills their of the very few beings in my village that the end, I met my destiny: to drink the pre-determined fate the more points they escaped the flames and the enemy hordes Blood of the Dragon. will score. Whether they are points for tri- and was taken in by my new foster par- The underlined terms in this story are card titles from the game. The vari- ous developments of heroes due to those cards - there is always only a random selec- tion available - can branch to the left or right and the life story might go like this: I am called the Sea- farer. Courageously, I had to survive a difficult journey to return home from the furthest corners corners of the Sev- en Seas and to de- fend my own fam- ily. I am the sworn protector, I have returned home to see to the wound- ed and I know that I must become one with nature to soak up power and calm, to draw energy from the leaves to feel and take into myself vi- brations from the roots of the vener- umphs or mishaps, fate points, points for ents. Very soon, my mother and father able trees. I need all the strength of Earth, experience tokens or for legends symbols, discovered that I am extremely studious. I must solve the murder case that stands 18 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
CALL TO ADVENTURE t REVIEW between me and the High Mage. Because side of power. Whenever dice are rolled it cards. They are available in light and dark. only together and with joints powers can can happen that the more lucky one wins Depending on the rune symbol “rolled”, we ban the creature and restore harmony. and not the most clever hero. This is, un- the hero receives this or that card and de- fortunately, the weakness of the game, pending on the current disposition of the The power of the game is in the narration the element of chance can outweigh hero, he may only play light or only dark and in the wonderful illustrations which everything else. Well played and cleverly cards. Both types can be played in the area between good and bad. Moon sym- bols bring the hero into the dark zone, sun symbols into the light. Hero cards give you bonuses and each card you play gives you one point at the end. There are two small extensions in the box. Allies come into play together with a chal- lenge and make it more difficult to pass it by one point, that means a symbol. The opponents are particularly nasty fellows with a relatively high combat value. Also included in the package is a coop- erative variant and the solo game. Both play very similar and it’s really just about preventing the opponent from collect- ing more red experience markers than is allowed for the number of players. Here, too, the runes are dominant and the feel of the game hardly changes compared to the competitive base game. Conclusion +1 for card design were contributed by six different artists. considered does not amount to anything CALL TO ADVENTURE is not a game for There only very few doubled cards, most when the runes are not willing. Even the experts, everything depends on the of the cards are unique and real master best armor does not help the hero then. willingness of the players to create their pieces. He takes a blow, cannot develop and the personal résumés and enjoy the stories. The acquisition of our cards is relatively challenge which defeated him, is taken The heroes should bring a good dose of simple and leaves little room for intense out of play. frustration tolerance with them because consideration. Cards in the display are of the unpredictable runes. Of course, it is sorted into three acts and show symbols A nice twist in the game are the hero not a disgrace to fail at a challenge, but it slows down development. If this happens a second time, it becomes difficult for the hero to be able to tell his story to the end. The adventure ends when the first hero has collected nine cards. This then starts the final call. Every hero can try one more challenge, then it’s over. The final scor- ing seems rather uninspired and doesn’t quite fit the story. þ Jörg Domberger and a value, which you must meet with symbols on cards that you have already Chance acquired. As this is very rarely possible Tactic without further assistance, we have rune Strategy tokens at our disposal, which are relating to the symbols - on our cards that we col- Creativity lected so far - fitting the challenge. Runes Knowledge are temperamental like dice and there- Memory fore there is no denying the element of Communication chance. You can bolster your luck with up Interaction to three black runes - being paid for 1:1 Dexterity with experience tokens. But you also buy Action the risk that the hero changes over to dark Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 19
REVIEW u DIE ABENTEUER DES ROBIN HOOD Designer Michael Menzel FIGHTING INJUSTICE Artist Michael Menzel ROBIN HOOD Publisher Kosmos 2021 Web DIE ABENTEUER DES Version de PLAYER: AGE: TIME: IN-GAME TEXT: Rules de en nl pl 2-4 10+ 60+ no Genre Cooperative, adventure, history At the end of the 12th century, in the county of Nottingham in England the events which on the one hand provide safety told in the saga of Robin Hood happened. The King of Thieves with his compassionate and on the other hand allow for quicker heart and his companions Little John, Maid Marian and Will Scarlet put themselves crossing of the forest. A big positive factor up against injustice and reveal dark secret. We players take up all those roles to put as regards to the time element, which is a an end to the machinations of our opponents, lead by Prince John - who raises a claim deciding component of the game, hugely to the throne of Richard The Lionheart - and including Sir Guy of Gisbourne and the influenced by the action and movement Sheriff of Nottingham with his gang of men and to restore piece and prosperity in the range. When the sand timer tokens are realm. used up, the undertaking has failed! In addition to the introductory game, in has not been mentioned in the history Apropos movement: Movement per se which each round is explained in great books. The consequence? Try again with is unrestricted - a special feature of this detail, which is absolutely necessary, we slightly changed starting conditions as game - as there are no slots or other mark- are facing eight varied, connected-by- stated in the book and do better in this ings. Restrictions do exist, for instance to story-line games, in which it is absolutely second try, or wield a luckier hand when cross the castle wall, and there is of course necessary to adhere to the order of the drawing cubes from the bag. a range limit. In your turn, you place special additional pieces which work as distance- meters, next to your pawn and then place the second character pawn at the and of the row of distance piec- es. If. In this way, you reach an action spot or get within shooting range, you can act accordingly. An action spot demands consulting the story book where we learn what the spot has to offer. Those spots are, simi- lar to an advent calendar, integrated into the board; they can be opened, re- moven and replaced with their reverse side showing. Unfortunately, the han- dling of those spots is dif- ficult and easily results in damage to the cardboard, which does not damage the game, but doesn’t look nice and leaves a bad feel- ing. In those spots you can meet a friendly maid, a traveling trader, or a village resident - blacksmith, priest or boat men - but also a few mush- rooms, unusual parts of the forest or even the Guard- ian of the Forest whose function is a bit of sooth- games - we do not want to meet Richard The story itself is developing successively saying, story telling and task posing. All The Lionheart already at the start of the with each game and is also growing in this, however, does not only details of the game. We are tasked with recreating the game play intensity, adds rules, adapts the story, no we promote the story ourselves well-known story of Robin Hood, or to be board, and thus offers new options like a and usually must decide on one of several more exact, try to do so, because failure forest camp or tree bridges in the forest options. Whether we ask for support, are 20 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2
DIE ABENTEUER DES ROBIN HOOD t REVIEW enabled to buy or trade commodities or So, better to draw discs of other color The white and purple disc come into play. receive information is determined by the from the bag, because they usually de- Robins home has burned down. Aim: The varying texts in each chapter. Sometimes termine the active player. IN addition to outlaws surch for a secure hideout. we even indulge in robbery and have a player colors and red there is also purple Gold for King Richard / A Difficult Decision penchant to hold up noblemen or to over- - Gisbourne, who wants to get at us and / The Big Tournament ... The Oath of the 13 bear gueards. But it is not as easy as that chases the character nearest to him across / The Darkest Hour sounds, at the start of the game the chanc- the landscape - as well as white and grey; es to be successful in such are venture are those colors allow all or only one player an Conclusion really very low. Why? Because a confronta- additional turn. When all discs have been 5 when all chapters are played tion is resolved with a clever mechanism in drawn they are put back in the back and which cubes of different colors are drawn drawing is continued - thus you cannot The cooperative adventure game with from a bag. One white one should be in- avoid the “dark” events. If we are unlucky tactical and strategic elements comes cluded, but usually they are purple ones. and Guy is drawn twice or - across rounds with some innovative features which are The ratio changes regularly, because when - even three or four times, even the per fun to play and in general work very well. it is Sir Guy of Gisbourne’s turn, three addi- se slow Gisbourne can attack. The conse- The components are visually pleasing and tional purple cubes are added to the bag; a quences are not told here, as are many no obstruction the game, if you disregard white one goes into it if you forfeit the use other details - we do not want to provide the difficulties in taking out the cardboard of the longest distance piece in your turn. spoilers - but some chapter titles and tiles from the board. The not really simple Drawn cubes are not put back and we be- intros to wet your appetite can be men- set-up, the sometimes appearing lengths gin, depending on scenario and number of tioned: in the game and the danger of forgetting something or doing something wrong in the handling do deduct a bit from the pleasure. Story afi- cionados might be a bit irritated sometimes and miss Brother Tuck, but appriciate that - due to the many chance elements - the chap- ters can be experienced variedly. Therefore, repeated play is possi- ble despite the reduced allure due to the then lacking surprises from the story - but players who love to optimize turns will enjoy a better estimable field. Moderate for planners and experts as regards to level of difficulty, dif- ficult to class for “let’s bash them” players which can lead to dis- cussions in the group, not with- standing possible dominance by one player. A tip: If you want new stories, you will find them on the homepage of the publisher - at players, with a ratio of about 3 white : 18 The Escape (Introductory scenario) the time of this review there were already purple, not very promising, but absolutely Robin returns from the crusades and two available, the tendency should be for concordant to the story. Anyhow, you can meets Will Scarlet. Little John has been more, and the publishing of expansions draw up to three times, and even up to taken prisoner. Prince John arrives. Little seems very probable. þ five or six times with more weapons, bet- John must bee freed. ter equipment, or character traits; you will A secure hideout Thomas Bareder realize quickly that rushing along is not ad- visable and some thinking is necessary. A dilemma, as this makes the time go faster, as it advances when you draw red from the Chance disc bag, which triggers the “dark events”. Tactic In addition to spending time, you turn over the tiles on the board which can lead to Strategy bad surprises in the guise of guards and Creativity their immediate attacks. This result to be- Knowledge ing taken prisoner and one has to free one- Memory self which again takes time. No wonder, Communication that the hope marker on the hope track Interaction also retreats by one - and if we run out of Dexterity hope, things do not look good for us. Action Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are explained on page 2 ISSUE 542 / APR/MAY/JUN 2021 21
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