OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal

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OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
OptiGrill Elite XL
OptiGrill Elite XL
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
                                                         OPTIGRILL ELITE XL
                                                           GRILL TO EVERYONE’S TASTE
                                                           LIKE A TOTAL PRO!


OptiGrill Elite XL
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
WITH YOUR INTUITIVE COOKING ASSISTANT                                                                                                                                       ... EXPLORE ITS 16 AUTOMATIC COOKING PROGRAMS
                            DE - MIT IHREM INTUITIVEN GRILL-ASSISTENTEN - FR - AVEC VOTRE ASSISTANT DE CUISSON INTUITIF                                                                                        DE - ENTDECKEN SIE SEINE 16 AUTOMATISCHEN GARPROGRAMME - FR - DÉCOUVREZ SES 16 PROGRAMMES
                                                         NL -MET JE INTUÏTIEVE BAKASSISTENT                                                                                                                             AUTOMATIQUES DE CUISSON - NL - ONTDEK HAAR 16 AUTOMATISCHE BAKPROGRAMMA’S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            OPTIGRILL ELITE XL ENSURES PERFECT COOKING WITH ITS PROGRAMS, AND
                                                     SEARING BOOST | 3                                                        6 | SETTINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            INFORMS YOU WHEN EACH COOKING LEVEL IS REACHED (SEE COOKING TABLE P. 12)
                                                     SELECT DURING AUTOMATIC
                                                          PROGRAM SELECTION
                                                             IF YOU WANT MORE
             1 | ON / OFF                                    INTENSE SEARING,                          4 | BACK
                                                          LIKE IN A RESTAURANT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MEAT & FISH                                                                                 EGETABLES &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fleisch & Fisch - Viandes & Poissons - Vlees & vis                                            Gemüse & Sandwiches - Légumes & sandwichs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Groenten & sandwiches


                                                                                                                                                                                              Beef - Steak             Steak burger - Burger           Lamb - Lamm                   Chicken breast                     Panini - Panini              Veggie Steak
                                                                                                                                                                                              Boeuf - Vlees            Steak haché (burger)          Agneau - Lamsvlees              Hähnchenbrust                      Panini - Panini           Veggie-Steak - Steak
                                                                                                                     SCREEN | 5                                                                                             Hamburger                                                 Poulet - Kip                                               végétal - Groentesteak
                                          FROZEN FOOD | 2                                                                                CONFIRMATION | 7
                             SELECT DURING AUTOMATIC PROGRAM
                             SELECTION, IF YOUR FOOD IS FROZEN*

DE                                                          FR                                                           NL
                                                                                                                                                                                             Pork - Schwein               Bacon - Bacon                Sausage - Wurst             Precooked sausage                  Pepper - Paprika             Potato - Kartoffel
                                                                                                                                                                                           Porc - Varkensvlees            Bacon - Spek                 Saucisse - Worst          Vorgekochte Würstchen                Poivron - Paprika            Pomme de terre
1 | Ein / Aus                                               1 | Marche / arrêt                                           1 | Aan / Uit                                                                                                                                             Saucisses précuites                                                Aardappel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Voorgekookte worst
2 | Tiefgekühlte Zutaten                                   2 | Aliment congelé                                         2 | Bevroren etenswaren
     Option bei der Auswahl des                                  A activer lors du choix du programme                         Te activeren bij het kiezen van het
     automatischen Programms, wenn                               automatique, si votre ingrédient                             automatisch programma, in geval
     Ihre Zutaten tiefgekühlt sind*.                             est congelé*.                                                je ingrediënt bevroren is*.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Seafood - Meeresfrüchte              Fish - Fisch                                                Tomato - Tomate             Aubergine (Eggplant)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fruits de mer Schaaldieren           Poisson - Vis                                                Tomate - Tomaat            Aubergine - Aubergine
3 | Intensive Grillstreifen                   3 | Marquage intensif                                                    3 | Dichtschroeien
     Option bei der Auswahl des                     A activer lors du choix du programme                                      Te activeren bij het kiezen van het
     automatischen Programms, wenn Sie              automatique si vous souhaitez                                             automatisch programma, als je net
     intensive Grillstreifen wie im Restaurant      un marquage intensif comme au                                             zoals in een restaurant grillstrepen                     DE - OptiGrill Elite XL garantiert ihnen mit diesen Programmen perfekte Grillergebnisse, und benachrichtigt Sie darüber hinaus, wenn die jeweilige Garstufe erreicht ist (siehe Gar-
                                                                                                                                                                                       tabelle s. 13) - FR - OptiGrill Elite XL vous garantit une cuisson parfaite sur ces programmes, et vous prévient quand chaque niveau de cuisson est atteint (cf. guide de cuisson
     wünschen.                                      restaurant.                                                               wilt maken.
                                                                                                                                                                                       p. 14) - NL - OptiGrill Elite XL staat garant voor perfecte bakresultaten voor al haar programma’s en waarschuwt jou telkens een gaarheidsgraad wordt bereikt (zie baktabel op p. 15)
4 | Zurück                                                  4 | Retour                                                   4 | Terug
5 | Display                                                 5 | Écran                                                    5 | Scherm
6 | Einstellungen                                           6 | Réglages                                                 6 | Instellingen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   IF YOU WANT TO GRILL ANY OTHER KIND OF FOOD,
7 | Bestätigung                                             7 | Validation                                               7 | Bevestiging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            YOU CAN USE MANUAL MODE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DE - UND WENN SIE ANDERE ZUTATEN GRILLEN MÖCHTEN, KÖNNEN SIE DEN MANUELLEN MODUS BENUTZEN

*EN - For all automatic programs, OptiGrill Elite XL takes into account that your food is frozen when you select the frozen food function - DE - OptiGrill Elite XL berücksichtigt,
  dass Ihre Lebensmittel beim Einschalten des Geräts möglicherweise noch tiefgekühlt sind, und zwar bei allen automatischen Programmen - FR - OptiGrill Elite XL prend
  en compte le fait que votre aliment est congelé si vous l’activez, pour tous les programmes automatiques - NL - OptiGrill Elite XL houdt rekening met het feit dat je voedsel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FR - ET SI VOUS SOUHAITEZ GRILLER UN AUTRE ALIMENT, VOUS POUVEZ UTILISER LE MODE MANUEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NL - EN ALS JE EEN ANDER INGREDIËNT WILT GRILLEN, GEBRUIK DAN DE HANDMATIGE MODUS.

  bevroren is, wanneer je deze functie activeert, en voor alle automatische programma’s.

                                                                                        2                                                                                                                                                                                       3
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
CHOOSE YOUR OPTIONS,                                                &          FOR THE 16 AUTOMATIC PROGRAMS ONLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                  REMEMBER TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE
                                  DE - WÄHLEN SIE IHRE OPTIONEN,                  &      NUR FÜR DIE 16 AUTOMATISCHEN PROGRAMME                                                                         DE - BEACHTEN SIE BITTE DIE ANLEITUNGEN - FR - PENSEZ À RESPECTER LES CONSIGNES
                             FR - CHOISISSEZ VOS OPTIONS,                 &     POUR LES 16 PROGRAMMES AUTOMATIQUES UNIQUEMENT                                                                                D’UTILISATION - NL - HOUD ALTIJD REKENING MET DE GEBRUIKSINSTRUCTIES
                                        NL - KIES JE OPTIES,          &       ALLEEN VOOR DE 16 AUTOMATISCHE PROGRAMMA’S

                                                      SEARING BOOST FUNCTION:
                                 SELECT IF YOU WANT YOUR MEAT TO BE MORE SEARED
  DE - GRILLBOOST-FUNKTION: Aktivieren Sie diese Funktion, wenn Sie möchten, dass Ihr Fleisch stärkere Grillstreifen aufweist - FR - FONCTION MARQUAGE
  INTENSIF : Activez-la si vous désirez une viande encore plus marquée en surface - NL - DICHTSCHROEIEN FUNCTIE : Activeer deze functie als je de buitenkant
  van het vlees nog meer wilt grillen

                                                                           Searing                                                                                     Searing
                                                                          boost ON                                                                                   boost OFF
                                                                                                                                                                                         < / = 4CM                     >   4CM

                                           1                                                                                          2

DE - FUNKTION FÜR TIEFGEKÜHLTE LEBENSMITTEL: Aktivieren Sie diese Funktion, wenn Ihre Zutaten tiefgekühlt sind* - FR - FONCTION ALIMENT CONGELÉ :
Activez-la si votre ingrédient est congelé* - NL - BEVROREN ETENSWAREN-FUNCTIE: Activeer deze functie wanneer uw ingrediënt bevroren is*.

                                                                          Frozen food                                                                                Frozen food
                                                                              ON                                                                                         OFF

                                                                                                                                                                                             DURING PREHEATING, DO NOT
                                                                                                                                                                                             PLACE FOOD ON THE GRILL OR IT
                                                                                                                                                                                             WILL AUTOMATICALLY SWITCH TO                                          OptiGrill Elite XL
                                                                                                                                                                                             MANUAL MODE.
                                                                                                                                                                                             DE - LEGEN SIE WÄHREND DES VORHEIZENS KEIN
                                                                                                                                                                                             GRILLGUT IN DEN GRILL, DA ER SONST IN DEN
                                                                                                                                                                                             MANUELLEN MODUS WECHSELT.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DISCOVER OPTIGRILL ELITE XL AT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FÜR NOCH MEHR INSPIRATIONEN BESUCHEN SIE OPTIGRILL ELITE XL AUF
                                                                                                                                                                                             FR - PENDANT LE PRÉCHAUFFAGE, NE PAS
                                          1                                                                                           2                                                                                                                   BEZOEK OPTIGRILL ELITE XL VOOR MEER INFORMATIE OP
                                                                                                                                                                                             PLACER LES ALIMENTS SUR LE GRIL SINON
                                                                                                                                                                                             PASSAGE EN MODE MANUEL.                                    POUR PLUS D'INSPIRATION RETROUVEZ OPTIGRILL ELITE XL SUR
*EN - For all automatic programs, OptiGrill Elite XL takes into account that your food is frozen when you select the frozen food function. These functions can only be selected before       NL - LEG TIJDENS HET VOORVERWARMEN
the end of pre-heating - DE - OptiGrill Elite XL berücksichtigt, dass Ihre Lebensmittel beim Einschalten des Geräts möglicherweise noch tiefgekühlt sind, und zwar bei allen auto-
                                                                                                                                                                                             GEEN ETENSWAREN OP DE GRILL,
matischen Programmen. Diese Funktionen kann nur vor Ende des Aufheizens aktiviert werden - FR - OptiGrill Elite XL prend en compte le fait que votre aliment est congelé si vous
                                                                                                                                                                                             GEBRUIK ANDERS DE HANDMATIGE MODUS.
l’activez, pour tous les programmes automatiques. La sélection de ces fonctions ne peut être réalisée qu’avant la fin du préchauffage - NL - OptiGrill Elite XL houdt rekening met het
feit dat je voedsel bevroren is wanneer je deze functie activeert, en dit geldt voor alle automatische programma’s. Deze functie kan alleen na het voorverwarmen worden geselecteerd.                                                         5
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
BEFORE FIRST USE                                                                                        COOKING WITH THE AUTOMATIC PROGRAM
                                               DE - DIE ERSTE BENUTZUNG IHRES GERÄTES
                                   FR - AVANT VOTRE PREMIÈRE UTILISATION - NL - JE EERSTE GEBRUIK                                                                  FOR THE FIRST TIME
                                                                                                                                             DE - DAS ERSTE MAL MIT EINEM AUTOMATISCHEN PROGRAMM GRILLEN - FR - VOTRE PREMIÈRE CUISSON
                                                                                                                                            AVEC UN PROGRAMME AUTOMATIQUE - NL - JE EERSTE BAKPROCES MET EEN AUTOMATISCH PROGRAMMA

                                                                                                                                    I want to grill 3 beef steaks for 3 guests who want it cooked different ways
                                                                                                                                                           (rare, medium and well-done)
                                                                                                                                           DE - Ich möchte drei Steaks für drei Gäste grillen, die alle eine andere Garstufe wünschen (blutig, medium und durchgebraten)
                                                                                                                                           FR - Je souhaite faire griller 3 pavés de boeuf pour 3 convives qui souhaitent une cuisson différente (saignante, à point et bien cuite)
                                                                                                                                           NL - Ik wil 3 runderlapjes voor 3 tafelgenoten grillen die elk een verschillende gaarheid (rood, medium en doorbakken) willen.

                               1                                  2                                  3


                                            Language                                                                                                                                                                                                 ON
                                            ENG                                      Hello

                                               1                                                                                               1                                                         2                                                         3


                             IF YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE LANGUAGE
                                            NL - ALS JE JE TAAL OPNIEUW WILT WIJZIGEN                                                                                                                                  OK

                                                                                              PUIS         =
                                                                                              DANN                                                  OFF
                                                                                                                                               4                                                         5                                                         6

                     1                                 2
                                                                 6                                                                                                                                        7
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
OK                                                                                                              OPTIGRILL ELITE XL LETS YOU KNOW WHEN COOKING IS FINISHED
                                                                                                                                                            DE - SIE WERDEN INFORMIERT, WENN DER GARVORGANG ABGESCHLOSSEN IST - FR - SOYEZ INFORMÉ QUAND VOTRE
                                                                                                                                                                         CUISSON EST TERMINÉE - NL - WORD INGELICHT WANNEER JE BAKPROCES VOLTOOID IS

                                                           Preheating                                               Wait                                     OPTIGRILL ELITE XL DISPLAYS THE TIME REMAINING BEFORE
                                                           in progress                                                                                    YOUR COOKING PREFERENCE IS REACHED, TO THE NEAREST SECOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                            (SEE COOKING TABLE PAGE 12)

                       7                                            8                                                 9
                                               DE Das Gerät heizt auf - FR Préchauffage en           DE Warten - FR Patientez - NL Wachten
                                               cours - NL Bezig met voorverwarmen

                                                                                                                                                                      Rare                                                     Medium                                                Well-done
                                                                                                                                                                    in 00:60                                                   in 01:23                                               in 02:23

   BEFORE YOU ADD                                                                                                                            DE - OptiGrill Elite XL informiert Sie, wie viel Zeit noch verbleibt, bis jede Garstufe erreicht ist, und zwar auf die Sekunde genau (S. Gartabelle auf Seite 13)
   THE FOOD.                                                                                                                                 FR - OptiGrill Elite XL vous prévient du temps restant avant d’atteindre chaque niveau de cuisson, à la seconde près (Cf. tableau des cuissons P. 14 )
       DE - Legen Sie Ihre Zutaten auf                                                                                                       NL - OptiGrill Elite XL licht je tot op de seconde in over de resterende tijd tot het bereiken van het volgende gaarheidsniveau (Zie de baktabel op 15)
       den Grill, wenn die Vorheizzeit
       vorbei ist.                                         Insert your
       FR - Attendez la fin du préchauf-                      food
       fage pour insérer vos aliments.                                                                                                       YOU HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO STOP THE COOKING PROCESS USING THE                                                                                             KEYS
       NL - Wacht tot voorverwarmen
       voltooid is voordat je voedsel op
       de grill legt.                                                                                                                          DE - Sie können den Kochprozess anhalten, indem Sie auf die Taste drücken  FR - Vous avez la possibilité de stopper la cuisson à tout moment en
                                                                                                                                               appuyant sur la touche  NL - U kunt het kookproces stoppen door te drukken op de toets
                      10                                         11                                                   12
                                            DE Zutaten auf den Grill legen - FR Insérez vos
                                            aliments - NL Je etenswaren op de grill plaatsen

                                                                                                                                                            YOU HAVE THE OPTION OF DISPLAYING, THE COOKING TIME LEFT
                                                                                                                                                           FOR EACH OF DIFFERENT COOKING LEVELS, USING THE    &   KEYS
                                                                                                                                               DE - Sie können jederzeit mithilfe der Tasten  &     die verbleibende Garzeit für jede Garstufe anzeigen FR - Vous avez la possibilité de connaitre à
                                                                                               Well-done                                       tout moment le temps des différents niveaux de cuisson, avec les touches    &        NL - Gebruik de toetsen   &     om op elk moment de tijd van de
Rare                                       Medium
                                                                                                                                               gaarheidsniveau's te weten te komen

                                                                                                                                                               EN - You must manually remove the food when it reaches             FR -Attention, il ne s’agit pas d’une sélection de niveaux de cuisson. Optigrill
                                                                                                                                                                     your desired cooking level. Note that this is not a                Elite XL continue de cuire jusqu’au dernier niveau de cuisson et prévient
                                                                                                                                                                     cooking level selection. OptiGrill Elite XL continues to           à chaque niveau.
                                                                                                                                                                     cook until the final cooking level is reached and informs     NL - Opgelet, je kunt dit niet gebruiken voor het selecteren van het gaarheids-
                                                                                                                                                                     you at each stage.                                                  niveau. Optigrill Elite XL blijft bakken tot aan het laatste gaarheidsniveau
                                                                                                                                                               DE - Achtung, dabei kann keine Garstufe ausgewählt                       en geeft bij elk niveau een waarschuwing.
                                                                                                                                                                     werden. Optigrill Elite XL setzt den Garvorgang bis zur
                      13                                           14                                                 15                                             letzten Garstufe fort und benachrichtigt Sie bei jeder

                                                                   8                                                                                                                                                              9
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
I want to cook a second batch of food straight after.                                                                                              COOKING WITH THE MANUAL MODE FOR THE FIRST TIME
                    DE - Ich möchte anschließend gleich weitergrillen - FR - Je souhaite faire une seconde cuisson à la suite                                          DE - DAS ERSTE MAL MIT DEM MANUELLEN MODUS GRILLEN - FR - VOTRE PREMIÈRE CUISSON EN MODE MANUEL
                                             NL - Ik wil vervolgens een tweede bakproces starten                                                                                                NL - JE EERSTE BAKPROCES IN DE HANDMATIGE MODUS

                                                                                                                                                                                                I want to manage cooking the food myself
                Any refill ?        ANY REFILL ?
                                                                                                                                                                   DE - Ich möchte die Zubereitung einer Zutat selbst steuern - FR - Je souhaite gérer moi-même la cuisson d’un aliment
                                    DE Nachschub gefällig? - FR Nouvelle
                                                                                                                                                                   NL -Ik wil zelf het bakproces van een ingrediënt regelen.
                                    cuisson ? - NL Bijvullen?                                                          Any refill?
                                                                                                                       Any refill ?
                                    REMOVE YOUR FOOD AND CLOSE
                                    THE GRILL TO START A NEW COOKING
                                    DE - Nehmen Sie Ihre gegrillten Speisen vom Grill
                                    und schließen Sie den Grill, um einen neuen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OK                                             OK
                                    Garvorgang zu starten.
                                    FR - Retirez vos aliments et fermez le gril pour                                                                                                                                                       Manual mode                                        Manual
                                    démarrer une nouvelle cuisson.
                                    NL - Haal je voedsel eruit en sluit de grill om een
                                    nieuw bakproces te starten.

                                                                                                             DE Nachschub gefällig? - FR Nouvelle
                                                                                                                  cuisson ? - NL Bijvullen?

                               OK                                                                                                                                  1                                      2                                         3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DE Manuellen Modus - FR Mode manuel -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DE Sélection de la température - FR Sélection de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NL Handmatige modus                la température - NL Sélection de la température

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        180°C                                              180°C
                                                                       in progress                                                                                                 180°C

                2                                                              3                                                           4                                  Preheating                               OK                                              OK
                                                          DE Das Gerät heizt auf - FR Préchauffage en                    DE Warten - FR Patientez - NL Wachten
                                                          cours - NL Bezig met voorverwarmen

                                                                                                                                                                                       5                                     6                                               7
                                                                                                                                                                         DE Vorwärmen - FR Préchauffage
                                                                                                                                                                               NL voorverwarmen
                                                                                                                          And a new                                                                                       OK
THE FOOD.                                                                                                                 cooking starts...
DE - Legen Sie Ihre Zutaten auf
den Grill, wenn die Vorheizzeit                                                                                           DE - Und starten Sie einen             180°C
                                                                                                                                                                 180°C                                                                             180°C
vorbei ist.                                                             Insert your                                       neuen Garvorgang ...
FR - Attendez la fin du préchauf-                                          food                                           FR - Et votre nouvelle
fage pour insérer vos aliments.                                                                                           cuisson commence...

NL - Wacht tot voorverwarmen                                                                                              NL - En start je bakproces
voltooid is voordat je etenswaren
op de grill legt.
                                                                                                                          opnieuw ...                            08:00
                5                                                               6
                                                          DE Zutaten auf den Grill legen - FR Insérez vos
                                                          aliments - NL Je etenswaren op de grill plaatsen
                                                                                                                                                                   8                                          9                                         10                                             11
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
EN - COOKING GUIDE                                                                                                                                     DE - KOCHANLEITUNG

               16 AUTOMATIC COOKING PROGRAMS                                                                                      MANUAL MODE                                            16 AUTOMATISCHE GARPROGRAMME                                            SPEZIELL FÜR DEN MANUELLEN MODUS
     PROGRAM                           COOKING LEVEL INDICATOR                                                                VEGETABLE OR FRUIT                                  SPEZIELLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                             GARSTUFEN-ANZEIGE                                             BESTIMMTES GEMÜSE UND OBST
  MENU                                                                                                          From 180°C               From 220°C             From 225°C                                                                                         Von 180°C              Von 220°C             Von 225°C
                                                                                                                 to 195°C                 to 235°C               to 270°C                                                                                          bis 195°C
                                                                                                                                                                                 MENÜS                                                                                                    bis 235°C             bis 270°C

                                                                                                                                                          Zucchini / courgette                                                                                         -                      -           Zucchini (Scheiben)
                                                                                                                    -                        -
                           Very rare                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -                      -                 Spargel
        BEEF                                   Rare            Medium           Well-done                           -                        -                 Asparagus
                            (Blue)                                                                                                                                                                                                       Durchge-
                                                                                                                                                                                    STEAK         Fast roh    Blutig     Medium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -                      -                     Pilze
        STEAK                                                                                                      -                        -                 Mushroom
                                -              Rare            Medium           Well-done                                                                                                                                                                              -                  Zwiebeln                    -
                                                                                                                    -                     Onion                       -                                                                  Durchge-
                                                                                                                                                                                   BURGER            -        Blutig     Medium
        CHICKEN                                                                                                                                                                                                                          braten                   Brokkoli                   -                       -
                                -                 -                 -           Well-done                        Broccoli                    -                        -
                                                                                                                                                                                    GEFLÜGEL        -          -            -          Durchgegart               Karotten                    -                       -
                                                                                                              Baby carrot                    -                        -
         PORK***                -                 -                             Well-done                                                                                                                                                                              -                  Fenchel                     -
                                                                                                                    -                     Fennel                      -                                                                  Durchge-
                                                                                                                                                                                    SCHWEIN          -          -                                               Süßkartoffeln
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          braten                                              -                       -
        BACON                   -                 -            Medium              Crispy                 Sweet potato (slices)              -                        -                                                                                          (Scheiben)
                                                                                                                    -                 Apple (slices)                  -             BACON            -          -        Medium          Knusprig                      -              Apfel (Scheiben)                -
         LAMB                   -                              Medium           Well-done                           -                   Pineapple                     -
                                             cooked                                                                                                                                                           Leicht                     Durchge-                      -                   Ananas                     -
                                                                                                                                                                                    LAMM             -                   Medium
                                                                                                                    -                     Peach                       -                                       gegart                      braten
        SAUSAGE                 -                 -                 -           Well-done                                                                                                                                                                              -                   Pfirsich                   -
                                                                                                                                                                                   WURST             -          -            -
        PRECOOKED                                                                                                                                                                                                                        braten
                                -                 -                 -              Grilled
                                                               Medium                                                        PREPARATION ADVICE                                    WÜRSTCHEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                     -          -            -            Gegrillt                              ZUBEREITUNGSTIPPS
        FISH                    -            Medium                             Well-done                                                                                                                                                                   FÜR EIN BESSERES GRILLGEFÜHL KÖNNEN SIE DIE GEGRILLTEN LEBENSMITTEL
                                                                well                                          FOR A BETTER GRILLING FEELING YOU CAN TURN THE INGREDIENT                                                    Halb                            AM ENDE DES GRILLVORGANGS AUF DEM TELLER UMDREHEN (AUF DER HINTEREN
                                                                                                                   AT THE END OF THE COOKING TO SERVE YOUR GUESTS.                                                                       Durchge-                    SEITE WERDEN DIE GRILLSTREIFEN ETWAS STÄRKER SEIN).
                                                                                                                                                                                   FISCH             -       Medium      durchge-
                                                               Medium                                                                                                                                                                     braten
        SEAFOOD                 -            Medium                             Well-done                                                                                                                                 braten
                                                                well                                      PRODUCTS                               ADVICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PRODUKTE                    ZUBEREITUNGSTIPPS
                                                                                                                             • Slices length-wise                                                    -       Medium      durchge-
                                                                                                                                                                                   FRÜCHTE                                                braten
                                                                                                          POTATO             • Coat or brush the slices with oil, for best                                                                                                       • Längs geschnittene Scheiben
                                             Lightly                                                                                                                                                                                                        KARTOFFEL
        PANINI                  -                               Grilled            Crispy                                       results                                                                                                                                           • Besser mit Öl auf den Zutaten
        V                                                                                                 PEPPER             • Cut in half lengthways and remove seeds                                        Leicht
                                -                 -                 -           Well-done                                                                                          PANINI            -                    Gegrillt       Knusprig           PAPRIKA               • Längs halbiert
                                                                                                                             • Cut into slices lengthways                           EGGIE-
                                                                                                                                                                                   V                                                     Durchge-
        POTATO                  -                 -                 -               Soft                  AUBERGINE          • Coat or brush the slices with oil, for best                          -          -            -                                                    • Längs geschnittene Scheiben
                                                                                                                                                                                   STEAK                                                  braten            AUBERGINE
                                                                                                                                results                                                                                                                                           • Besser mit Öl auf den Zutaten
        PEPPER                  -                 -                                Grilled                                                                                         KARTOFFEL         -          -            -            Weich
                                                                grilled                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Runde Tomaten verwenden
                                                                                                                             • Use round shape tomatoes                                                                                                                           • Nicht zu reife Tomaten verwenden
        AUBERGINE               -                 -                 -              Grilled                                   • Use firm tomatoes which are not too ripe            PAPRIKA           -          -      Weich gegrillt     Gegrillt                                • Halbieren
                                                                                                          TOMATO             • Cut in half widthways                                                                                                        TOMATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Für ein optimales Ergebnis legen Sie die
                                                                Lightly                                                      • For optimal cooking, place the curved side of                                                                                                        gewölbte Seite der halbierten Tomate auf
        TOMATO                  -                 -                                Grilled                                                                                         AUBERGINE         -          -            -            Gegrillt
                                                                grilled                                                         the halved tomato on the bottom grill plate                                                                                                          die untere Platte Ihres OptiGrills.
                                                                                                                                                                                   TOMATE            -          -      Weich gegrillt     Gegrillt          SCHWEINE-             • * Searing-Boost-Funktion benutzen, wenn
* For the UK only: do not cook chicken breast from frozen. Always thaw completely first.                                     • *** Use searing boost if thickness
** For the UK only: We advise to cook burgers to well done for food safety reasons. If you choose        PORK                                                                                                                                              FLEISCH                     das Fleisch dicker als 20 mm ist.
                                                                                                                                     is above 2 cm.
   to serve rare or medium burgers, there is a risk of bacteria present.
                                                                                                     12                                                                                                                                               13
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
FR - GUIDE DE CUISSON                                                                                                                                        NL - BAKGIDS

            16 PROGRAMMES AUTOMATIQUES                                                         MODE MANUEL                                             16 AUTOMATISCHE BAKPROGRAMMA’S                                                 SPECIALE HANDMATIGE MODUS
PROGRAMMES                                                                                     LÉGUME OU FRUIT                                   SPECIALE                                                                                  SPECIALE GROENTE OF FRUIT
                  INDICATEUR DU NIVEAU DE CUISSON                                                                                                                            GAARHEIDSINDICATOR
AUTOMATIQUES                                                                                                                                   PROGRAMMA’S
                                                                            De 180°C                 De 220°C                 De 225°C                                                                                         Van 180°C             Van 220°C                Van 225°C
                                                                            à 195°C                  à 235°C                  à 270°C                                                                                          tot 195°C             tot 235°C                tot 270°C
MENUS                                                                                                                                          MENUS
                                                                               -                         -             Courgette (tranches)                                                                                       -                      -             Courgette (schijfjes)
                                                                               -                         -                    Asperge                                                                                             -                      -                    Asperge
                                                                               -                         -                 Champignon                               Rare        Rare                                              -                      -                 Champignon
   BŒUF          Bleu   Saignant      À point       Bien cuit                                                                                     VLEES           koud van    Warm van     Medium        Doorbakken
                                                                               -                     Oignon                       -                                binnen      binnen                                             -                     Ui                       -
    HACHÉ         -     Saignant      À point       Bien cuit               Brocoli                      -                        -                                             Licht      Medium                              Brocoli                   -                       -
                                                                                                                                                  AMBURGER          -                                   Doorbakken
    (BURGER)                                                                                                                                                                  gebakken    gebakken
                                                                          Mini-carotte                   -                        -                                                                                         Babywortelen                 -                       -
   POULET         -         -            -          Bien cuit                                                                                    KIP                 -           -             -         Doorbakken
                                                                               -                     Fenouil                      -                                                                                               -                   Venkel                     -
                                                                         Patate douce                                                                                                                                      Zoete aardappel
                  -         -                       Bien cuit                                            -                        -               VARKENSVLEES       -           -                       Doorbakken                                      -                       -
   PORC                                                                   (tranches)                                                                                                                                          (schijven)
                                                                               -               Pomme (tranches)                   -                                                        Medium                                 -              Appel (schijven)                -
   BACON          -         -         À point      Croustillant                                                                                  SPEK                -           -                       Knapperig
                                                                               -                     Ananas                       -                                                                                               -                  Ananas                      -
                                                                                                                                                                               Licht        Licht
   AGNEAU         -       Rosé        À point       Bien cuit                  -                      Pêche                       -               LAMSVLEES          -                                   Doorbakken               -                  Perziken                    -
                                                                                                                                                                              gekookt     gebakken

   SAUCISSE       -         -            -          Bien cuit                                                                                     WORST              -           -            -          Bien cuit

                  -         -            -            Grillé
                                                                                       CONSEILS DE PRÉPARATION                                    VOORGE-           -           -            -            Grillé               ADVIES TIJDENS DE VOORBEREIDING
    PRÉCUITE                                                                                                                                       KOOKTE WORST
                                                                       POUR DES GRILLADES PLUS MARQUÉES, IL EST PRÉFÉRABLE DE RETOURNER                                                                                         VOOR EEN OPTIMALE GRILLERVARING KUN JE HET INGREDIENT
                                                                               L’ALIMENT GRILLÉ AVANT DE LE SERVIR À VOS CONVIVES.                                                                                                           NA DE BEREIDING OMDRAAIEN
                                                                                                                                                                                Licht      Medium
   POISSON        -      À point    À point plus    Bien cuit                                                                                    VIS                 -                                   Doorbakken
                                                                                                                                                                              gebakken    Gebakken
                                                                       PRODUITS               CONSEILS DE PRÉPARATION                                                                                                                                    ADVIES TIJDENS
                                                                                                                                                                                Licht      Medium                          PRODUCTEN
                  -      À point    À point plus    Bien cuit                                                                                    SCHAALDIEREN        -                                   Doorbakken                                     DE VOORBEREIDING
    DE MER                                                                                                                                                                    gebakken    Gebakken
                                                                       POMME DE          • Tranches dans la longueur
                                                                                         • Ajouter de l'huile sur les ingrédients                                                                                                            • Schijfjes in de lengte
                                                                       TERRE                                                                                                                                               AARDAPPEL
                                                                                            pour une meilleure cuisson                                                                                                                        • Beter met olie op het ingrediënt

                        Légère-                                                                                                                                                 Licht
   PANINI         -                   Toasté       Croustillant        POIVRON           • Couper en deux dans la longueur                       TOSTI               -                     Gegrild       Knapperig
                        ment cuit                                                                                                                                             gebakken                                     PAPRIKA            • Snij in de lengte in tweeën

   S                                                                                     • Tranches dans la longueur                              G
                                                                                                                                                   ROENTESTEAK      -           -            -          Doorbakken
                  -         -            -          Bien cuit                                                                                                                                                                                 • Schijfjes in de lengte
                                                                       AUBERGINE         • Ajouter de l'huile sur les ingrédients                                                                                         AUBERGINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Beter met olie op het ingrediënt
   POMME                                                                                   pour une meilleure cuisson
                  -         -            -          Fondant                                                                                       AARDAPPEL          -           -            -            Zacht
    DE TERRE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Gebruik ronde tomaten
                                                                                         • Utiliser des tomates de forme ronde
                                                                                         •U  tiliser des tomates qui ne sont pas trop mûres                                                                                                  • Gebruik niet te rijpe tomaten
   POIVRON        -         -        Croquant       Fondant                                                                                       PA P R I K A       -           -       Licht gegrild     Gegrild
                                                                                         • Couper en deux dans la largeur                                                                                                                     • Snij in de breedte in tweeën
                                                                       TOMATE                                                                                                                                              TOMAAT
                                                                                         • Pour une cuisson optimale, placer le côté                                                                                                         •V oor een optimale bereiding, plaats de
   AUBERGINE      -         -            -            Grillé                                arrondi de la tomate coupée en 2 sur la plaque        AUBERGINE          -           -            -            Gegrild                              ronde kant van de tomaat op de bodem
                                                                                            inférieure du gril.                                                                                                                                 van de grill.
   TOMATE         -         -        Croquant       Fondant                                                                                      TOMAAT              -           -       Licht gegrild     Gegrild
                                                                                         • * Utiliser la fonction marquage intensif                                                                                                         • * G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ebruik de functie 'dichtschroeien' als
                                                                       PORC                                                                                                                                                VARKENSVLEES
                                                                                               si l'épaisseur dépasse 20 mm.                                                                                                                       dikte meer dan 20mm is.
                                                                  14                                                                                                                                                  15
OptiGrill Elite XL - Tefal
02   Q UICK START GUIDE                           30    FISH & SEAFOOD
                                                         DORADO COOKED IN TOMATO AND OLIVES
                                                          RILLED SALMON AND MANGO SALSA
17   RECIPES                                              RILLED KING PRAWNS IN GARLIC CITRUS
                                                          B UTTER AND PARSLEY
18   MEAT
                                                   33     VEGETABLES
                                                         G RILLED AUBERGINES WITH PESTO
     AND CORIANDER                                       G RILLED TOMATOES ON THE VINE
     B                                                   T OMATOES À LA PROVENÇALE
     IN ASIAN SAUCE                                      M INI PEPPERS STUFFED WITH FETA
     C                                                   ITALIAN GRILLED PEPPERS
                                                         P OTATO ROSTI
                                                         P ARMESAN AND HERB POTATOES
                                                         V EGETARIAN STEAKS
     WITH MUSTARD                                  41    SNACK & SANDWICHES
     C                                                   BACON CRISPS
     CHINESE GLAZED PORK                                  HE CLASSIC HOMEMADE HAMBURGER
     LAMB KOFTA KEBAB                                    ITALIAN PANINI WITH GRILLED
	PROVENÇAL LAMB NOISETTES                               VEGETABLES
                                                          LUB SANDWICH WITH A TWIST

                                      PREPARATION TIME
GRILLED CHIMICHURRI                                                     FLANK STEAK MARINATED
                    RIB STEAK                                                            IN LIME & CORIANDER

                         | Serves 6 |        15 min. |                               | Serves 6 |      15 min. | Marinating time 4 hours |
                         Automatic program                                                          Automatic program

       3 rib
             steaks (see below)         2 pinches
                                                    of Cayenne                 2 flanks
                                                                                           steak of                8
                                                                                                                       cloves   of garlic, peeled
       4 tablespoons
                       wine vinegar       pepper                                 approximately (2 x 500 g)           and crushed
        3 cloves of garlic
                                          9 tablespoons vegetable oil
                                                                                 2 bunches of coriander,
                                                                                                                     1
                                                                                                                         small green pepper,

        1 small bunch of flat-leaf
                                          Salt & pepper
                                                                                  finely chopped                      de-seeded
         parsley                                                                   75 ml lime juice
                                                                                                                     1

        1 1/2 teaspoons dried
                                                                                 3 tablespoons of
                                                                                                                      ground cumin
         oregano                                                                    vegetable oil                      1
                                                                                                                         teaspoon salt

                                                                                   3 fresh onions, chopped

     Mix or finely chop the              As soon as preheating is
     parsley with the peeled and         complete, put the rib steaks           Mix the coriander, lime juice,      As soon as preheating is
     crushed garlic cloves.              on the grill and close it.             oil, garlic, onions, chilli, salt   complete, put the flank
     Add the vinegar, Cayenne                                                   and cumin until a uniform           steak on the grill and
                                         Cook as shown on the                   mixture is obtained. Coat           close it.
     pepper, oregano, salt,
                                         display, until they are                the flank steak with the
     pepper, oil and mix. Pour                                                                                      Cook as shown on the
                                         cooked to your preference:             mixture. Refrigerate and
     the chimichurri sauce into a                                                                                   display, until they are
                                         very rare (blue), rare,                marinate for at least 4 hours.
     bowl.                                                                                                          cooked to your preference:
                                         medium or well-done.                   Take the meat out of the
     Turn on the grill. Select the                                                                                  very rare (blue), rare,
                                         Transfer the rib steaks to             refrigerator and remove
          program and press OK.                                                                                     medium or well-done.
                                         plates and serve with the              most of the marinade.
     Dab the rib steaks with                                                    Discard the remaining               Transfer the flank steak to a
                                         chimichurri sauce.
     paper towels. Season both                                                  marinade.                           cutting board and let it rest
     sides with salt and pepper.                                                                                    for 5 minutes before cutting
                                                                                Turn on the grill. Select the
                                                                                                                    the meat into thin slices.
                                                                                     program and press OK.

                                                                                    You can substitute flank steak with a thick slice of rump
                                                                                    steak. To make fajitas, serve slices of meat with tortillas,
         Depending on your preference you can increase the                          grilled onions and peppers, double (heavy) cream, salsa
         amount of garlic or chilli in the chimichurri sauce.                       sauce and guacamole.
         You can also replace the rib steaks with other cuts of                     To ensure a tender flank steak, do not to exceed the
         beef, such as rib eye or rump steak, for example.                          cooking time.

18                                                                         19
BEEF FILLETS MARINATED                                                 CHICKEN THIGHS MARINATED
                IN ASIAN SAUCE                                                      IN YOGHURT & ROSEMARY

          | Serves 6 |          10 min. | Marinating time 30 min. |                 | Serves 6 |      10 min. | Marinating time 4 hours |
                            Automatic program                                                      Automatic program

       6 beef
                fillets of equal          6 tablespoons
                                                                              6 skinless
                                                                                           chicken legs         4
                                                                                                                    cloves   of garlic,
         thickness                            clear honey                        375
                                                                                    g natural yoghurt             chopped
        180 ml soy sauce
                                           3 tablespoons
                                                                                4 tablespoons Dijon
                                                                                                                  Salt
                                                                                                                        & freshly ground
        5 cm root ginger
                                            of sesame oil                        mustard                           black pepper
        6 cloves of garlic
                                           Fresh onion and
                                                                                3 tablespoons fresh

        1 1/2 teaspoons chilli
                                            sesame seeds                         rosemary, finely chopped

                                                                               Mix the yoghurt with              As soon as preheating is
     Peel and grate the cloves            Cook as shown on the                 mustard, rosemary, garlic,        complete, put the chicken
     of garlic and ginger. Mix            display, until they are              salt and pepper. Pour this        legs on the grill and close it.
     with the chilli, honey, soy          cooked to your preference:           mixture over the chicken
                                                                                                                 Cook the chicken legs
     sauce, sesame oil and                very rare (blue), rare,              legs and marinate them in
                                                                                                                 according to the instructions
     5 tablespoons of water.              medium or well-done.                 the refrigerator for at least
                                                                                                                 on the screen.
     Put the beef fillets in the                                               4 hours.
                                          Serve the beef fillets with
     mixture, marinate in the
                                          chopped fresh onion and              Drain the chicken, discard
     refrigerator for at least
                                          sesame seeds.                        the marinade.
     30 minutes and ideally
     for 4 hours.                         Heat the marinade in a pan           Turn on the grill. Select the
                                          until piping hot and serve as            program and press OK.
     Drain the meat, reserve
                                          a sauce.                             Lightly oil the plates.
     the marinade.
     Turn on the grill. Select the
          program and press OK.
     As soon as preheating is
     complete, put the beef fillets
     on the grill and close it.

         You can use the hot marinade to season sautéed
         vegetables: green beans, green asparagus, broccoli,
         mushrooms, etc.                                                           Serve the grilled chicken thighs with salad and sliced
                                                                                   grilled potatoes.
         Serve with the meat and white rice.

20                                                                        21
GREEK-STYLE CHICKEN                                                         SPICED CHICKEN
                     KEBABS                                                                    WINGS

                          | Serves 6 |       10 min. |                          | Serves 6 |      10 min. | Marinating time 30 min. |
                           Automatic program                                                   Automatic program

       6 chicken
                  fillets                4 cloves
                                                   of garlic              1.8
                                                                                  kg chicken wings         1
                                                                                                               1/2 teaspoons crushed
       3 tablespoons
                       olive oil        tzatziki
                                                  sauce                   3 teaspoons
                                                                                          salt               pepper
        1 lemon, juice and zest
                                          wooden kebab skewers
                                                                            1 1/2 teaspoons baking
                                                                                                             3
                                                                                                                 tablespoons vegetable oil

        1 1/2 teaspoons dried
                                          Salt & pepper
                                                                             powder                          3
                                                                                                                 tablespoons honey
         oregano                                                              1 1/2 teaspoons paprika

        1 1/2 teaspoons paprika

     In a mixing bowl, mix the           Cook the kebabs according         Put salt and baking powder,      Cook the chicken wings
     olive oil with the juice and        to the instructions on the        paprika and pepper in a          according to the instructions
     zest of the half lemon,             screen. Serve the kebabs          large mixing bowl.               on the screen.
     peeled and chopped garlic           with tzatziki sauce.              Add the chicken wings
     cloves, oregano, paprika,                                             and mix to coat the flesh
     salt and pepper. Add the                                              with the spices. Add the
     fillets cut into bite size                                            honey and oil, mix and let it
     pieces and stir to coat.                                              marinate in the refrigerator,
                                                                           ideally for 2 hours but at
     Thread the chicken cubes
                                                                           least for 30 minutes.
     onto wooden skewers.
                                                                           Turn on the grill. Select the
     Turn on the grill. Select the
                                                                               program and press OK.
         program and press OK.
     As soon as preheating is                                              As soon as preheating is
     complete, put the chicken                                             finished, put the chicken
     skewers on the grill and                                              wings on the grill (you
     close it.                                                             will have to do this in two
                                                                           batches) and close it.

         Serve the chicken skewers on pitta bread garnished with
         tzatziki and slices of tomato, cucumber and red onion to
         make a traditional Mediterranean sandwich.                            Serve the chicken wings with a cucumber salad.

22                                                                    23
CURRYWURST                                                       GRILLED SAUSAGE
                                                                                      COATED WITH MUSTARD

                       | Serves 6 |       10 min. |                                            | Serves 6 |       10 min. |
                        Automatic program                                                      Automatic program

       6 Weisswurst
                    sausages          2 tablespoons
                                                     of                     1 kg
                                                                                  of sausage in two          1
                                                                                                                 1/2 teaspoons coarse
         (see below)                      Worcestershire sauce                 pieces, such as an Italian         grain mustard
        2 tablespoons of oil
                                        (optional)                           sausage or Toulouse sau-          3
                                                                                                                   tablespoons clear honey

        2 onion, chopped
                                       2 tablespoons of
                                                                             sage, Cumberland sausage          150
                                                                                                                     ml beer
        800 g can chopped
                                        curry powder                         ring or chipolatas still          3
                                                                                                                   sprigs of thyme
         tomatoes                        2 tablespoons sugar
                                                                             linked together                   2
                                                                                                                   long wooden skewers

        4 tablespoons of
                                       salt
         balsamic vinegar
                                                                             In a saucepan, put the           Repeat with the other piece
                                                                             honey, mustard, thyme and        of sausage.
     Heat the oil in a saucepan,      As soon as preheating is               beer and bring to a simmer.
                                                                                                              As soon as preheating is
     add the chopped onion            complete, put the sausages             Cook by mixing regularly, in
                                                                                                              complete, put the sausage
     and the salt. Cook for           on the grill and close the lid.        the time it takes to cook the
                                                                                                              on the grill and close it.
     5 minutes before adding the                                             sausage.
                                      Cook the saussages                                                      Cook the sausage according
     tomato pulp, vinegar, sugar,                                            Turn on the grill. Select the
                                      according to the instructions                                           to the instructions on the
     Worcestershire sauce and
                                      on the screen.                              program and press OK.
     currypowder. Let it simmer                                                                               screen.
                                                                             If you are using chipolatas,
     for the time it takes to cook    Serve the sausages with the                                             Put the sausage in a dish
                                                                             untangle the casing between
     the sausages.                    curry sauce.                                                            and coat with the mustard
                                                                             each sausage and gently
     Turn on the grill. Select the                                           push the flesh to form a         sauce.
     Automatic program                                                       single long sausage.
     and press OK.                                                           Take 500 g of the sausage
                                                                             and wrap the sausage
                                                                             back on itself and poke
                                                                             two wooden skewers
                                                                             perpendicularly to hold it in

         Weisswurst is a traditional Bavarian sausage made from
         minced veal and pork available in specialist grocers and              Serve with homemade mustard mashed potato: peel and
         delicatessens selling German foods.                                   boil 2 kg potatoes. Drain and crush them with 50 g butter,
                                                                               4 tablespoons of coarse grain, 300 ml of warm milk, salt
         Serve the currywursts with fries or in hot dog buns.                  and pepper.

24                                                                      25
PORK KEBABS                                                         CHINESE GLAZED PORK

                       | Serves 6 |       20 min. |                                             | Serves 6 |     20 min. |
                        Automatic program                                                        Automatic program

       1 kg
            pork fillet               2 tablespoons
                                                      cider                  6 slices
                                                                                        of boneless           6
                                                                                                                  tablespoons   soy sauce
       2 garlic
               cloves                   vinegar                                pork loin steaks               6
                                                                                                                  tablespoons   tomato
        1 onion
                                        2 tablespoons honey
                                                                               3 garlic cloves, minced
        1 tablespoon oil
                                        1 teaspoon ground paprika
                                                                               5 cm piece of fresh ginger,
                                                                                                               4
                                                                                                                  tablespoons   rice vinegar
        100 ml tomato ketchup
                                        1 teaspoon ground
                                                                                peeled                         3
                                                                                                                  tablespoons   runny honey
        70 g sun-dried tomato
         paste (see tip)                 ½ teaspoon dried oregano

        4 tablespoons
                                        ½ teaspoon cracked
                                                                            Peel and crush the garlic         When the pre-heating is
         Worcestershire sauce             pepper                             cloves, grate the ginger          complete, place the well
        1 teaspoon dijon mustard
                                                                            and mix in a bowl with the        drained pork loin slices on
                                                                             ketchup, soy sauce, vinegar       the grill and lower the lid.
                                                                             and honey.
     Peel and thinly slice the        Cut the meat into 3 cm                                                   Cook according to the
     garlic cloves and onion.         cubes, remove any sinew                Using a sharp knife, cut the      instructions on the screen
     Place them in a saucepan         and thread onto 6 wooden               surface of the pork loin slices   until the meat is cooked.
     with the olive oil and a pinch   skewers. Brush the meat                in a criss-cross pattern,
                                                                                                               Meanwhile, pour the
     of salt and cook over a low      with the barbecue sauce.               then add them to the bowl
                                                                                                               marinade into a saucepan
     heat for 10 minutes.                                                    and coat with the mixture.
                                      Once the pre-heating is                                                  and bring to a boil for 5 to
     Add the ketchup, tomato                                                 Marinate for 30 minutes.
                                      complete, place the kebabs                                               10 minutes, or until it forms a
     paste, Worcestershire
                                      on the grill and lower the lid.        Turn on the grill. Select         syrupy sauce. Brush the pork
     sauce, vinegar, honey,
                                                                             setting and press OK.             loin slices with the sauce just
     mustard and spices, mix          Cook according to the
                                                                                                               before serving.
     and leave to simmer for          instructions on the screen
     about 20 minutes.                until the kebabs are cooked.
     Leave to cool.
                                      Serve the kebabs with the
     Turn on the grill. Select        rest of the barbecue sauce.
     " setting and press OK.

         For very tender meat and even better taste, marinate
         the cubes of pork overnight in half of the barbecue
         sauce before cooking the kebabs. Serve with the rest                    To save time, you can skip the marinade step and
         of the sauce and sprinkle with freshly chopped onion.                   prepare the sauce directly. Serve with rice and green
         Sun-dried tomato paste is usually found alongside to-                   vegetables.
         mato puree in supermarkets.
26                                                                      27
LAMB KOFTA KEBABS                                                          PROVENÇAL LAMB

                        | Serves 6 |       20 min. |                                              | Serves 6 |       20 min. |
                        Automatic program                                                         Automatic program

           g lean minced lamb          2 fresh
                                                 onions                       12
                                                                                     lamb noisettes,            1
                                                                                                                    tablespoon    herbes de
       1 large
               bunch of coriander      2 teaspoons
                                                      ground cumin              filleted (see tip)                 Provence
         (chopped)                        1 teaspoon ground paprika
                                                                                2 tablespoons olive oil
                                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                      tablespoon chopped

        40 g white breadcrumbs
                                         6 pitta breads
                                                                                Zest of 1 lemon
                                                                                                                    fresh parsley
         (made from dry bread)            200 g ready-made tzatziki
                                                                                1 garlic clove
                                                                                                                   S
                                                                                                                     alt and pepper

        2 garlic cloves
                                         Salt and pepper

     Peel the cloves of garlic,        Once the pre-heating is                Peel and crush the garlic          Cook according to the
     mix with fresh onions,            complete, place the kebabs             clove. Mix with the herbes         instructions on the screen
     coriander, breadcrumbs,           on the grill and lower the lid.        de Provence, the chopped           until cooked to your liking:
     cumin, paprika, salt and                                                 parsley, grated lemon zest,        rare, medium or well-done.
                                       Cook according to the
     pepper. Add the minced lamb                                              olive oil, salt and pepper.
                                       instructions on the screen                                                Transfer the lamb noisettes
     and mix carefully until the                                              Coat the lamb noisettes with
                                       until well-done.                                                          onto plates and serve with
     mixture is evenly blended.                                               this mixture.
                                                                                                                 tomatoes Provençale.
     Separate the meat into 6          Serve the kebabs with tzatziki
                                                                              Turn on the grill. Select
     equal portions and, with your     and pitta breads.
                                                                              setting and press OK.
     hands moistened, shape into
     elongated sausage shapes                                                 Once the pre-heating is
     around 6 kebab skewers.                                                  complete, place the lamb
     Place in the refrigerator.                                               noisettes on the grill and
                                                                              lower the lid.
     Turn on the grill. Select
     setting and press OK.

                                                                                  Lamb noisettes are small medallions of lamb's loin,
         When serving, garnish the kebabs with pieces of toma-                    available from your local butcher. For even more flavour,
         toes, cucumber and red onion.                                            marinate the lamb noisettes for a few hours before

28                                                                       29
DORADO SERVED WITH                                                          GRILLED SALMON
                TOMATO AND OLIVES                                                           & MANGO SALSA

                         | Serves 6 |       15 min. |                                          | Serves 6 |        10 min. |
                         Automatic program                                                     Automatic program

       6 dorado
                fillets, 150 g each     1 small
                                                 clove of garlic             6 salmon fillets               3
         (see below)                      3 tomatoes,
                                                      diced                 1
                                                                                 mango                       1
                                                                                                                    1/2 teaspoons garlic
        6 tablespoons of finely
                                         75 g pitted green olives,
                                                                              1 red onion
         chopped parsley                    sliced                              1 red pepper
                                                                                                                vegetable
        1 lemon
                                         Salt & pepper
                                                                              1 bunch of coriander
                                                                                                                Salt
                                                                                                                        & pepper
        4 tablespoons of olive oil
                                                                              1 green pepper

     Mix the chopped parsley            Cook as shown on the                 Peel and cut the mango            As soon as preheating is
     with the peeled and                display, until they are              into small cubes. Cut the         complete, put the salmon
     chopped garlic clove, the          cooked to your preference:           peppers into cubes of             fillets on the grill and close
     juice and zest of the half         medium. medium well or               equal size and finely chop        it.
     lemon, the olive oil, salt and     well-done.                           the onion, green pepper
                                                                                                               Cook as shown on the
     pepper. Add the seeded                                                  and coriander leaves. Mix
                                        Serve the dorado fillets with                                          display, until they are
     and diced tomatoes and the                                              everything with the 2 limes
                                        the sauce.                                                             cooked to your preference:
     sliced olives and set aside.                                            juice. Season with salt and
                                                                                                               medium. medium well or
                                                                             pepper and set aside.
     Turn on the grill. Select the                                                                             well-done.
          program and press OK.                                              Mix the garlic powder with
                                                                                                               Arrange the salmon fillets
                                                                             1 teaspoon of salt and
     As soon as preheating is                                                                                  on the plates, drizzle over
                                                                             pepper. Sprinkle the mixture
     complete, put the dorado                                                                                  the remaining lime juice and
                                                                             over the salmon fillets and
     fillets seasoned with salt                                                                                serve with mango salsa.
                                                                             drizzle with oil.
     and pepper on the grill and
     close it.                                                               Turn on the grill. Select the
                                                                                  program and press OK.

         Dorado fillets, also known as mahi-mahi, can be
                                                                                 Serve the salmon with rice.
         substituted with Sea Bass, Sea Bream or Basa fillets.

30                                                                      31
GRILLED KING PRAWNS                                                        GRILLED AUBERGINES
             WITH GARLIC & PARSLEY                                                          WITH PESTO
                 CITRUS BUTTER
                         | Serves 6 |       10 min. |                                           | Serves 6 |      10 min. |
                          Automatic program                                                     Automatic program

          unpeeled raw                  3 tablespoons
                                                         of chopped          3 large
                                                                                       aubergines
         king prawns                        flat-leaf parsley                   300
                                                                                   g pesto
        150 g butter
                                         1 lemon

        3 cloves of garlic
                                         Salt & pepper

                                                                              Turn on the grill. Select the    As soon as preheating is
                                                                                   program and press OK.       finished, put the aubergines
     Turn on the grill. Select the      Add the peeled and                                                     on the grill (you will have
                                                                              Wash the aubergines
         program and press OK.          chopped garlic cloves,                                                 to do this in two batches)
                                                                              without peeling them and
     As soon as preheating is           lemon juice, chopped                                                   and close it. Cook as shown
                                                                              cut into slices 2 cm thick.
     complete, put the prawns on        parsley, salt and pepper,                                              on the display until the
                                                                              Spread the pesto on both
     the grill and close it.            and allow to simmer while                                              aubergines are grilled.
                                                                              sides of each aubergine
                                        the prawns are cooking.
     Cook as shown on the                                                     slice.
     display, until they are            Serve the prawns with the
     “medium well” cooked.              butter sauce.
     Meanwhile, melt the
     butter over a low heat in a

         Do not forget to serve with serviettes and finger bowls!
         For a more chic version, set aside 4 grilled prawns, shell             Serve the grilled aubergine slices hot or cold, sprinkling
         and cut the others into sections. Mix with the sauce and               with a little extra pesto.
         tagliatelle cooked al dente.                                           For an Italian salad, serve with slices of roasted pepper,
         Serve with the reserved prawns.                                        rocket and mozzarella, drizzled with a little olive oil and
                                                                                balsamic vinegar.
32                                                                       33
GRILLED TOMATOES                                                              TOMATOES
                     ON THE VINE                                                             À LA PROVENÇALE

                        | Serves 6 |     05 min. |                                               | Serves 6 |       10 min. |
                          Automatic program                                                        Automatic program

       6 stalks
                of cherry tomatoes     Salt
                                              & pepper                         6 round
                                                                                         fleshy tomatoes       3

       2 tablespoons
                      olive oil                                                3 garlic
                                                                                        cloves, chopped          breadcrumbs (made
                                                                                  3 tablespoons chopped
                                                                                                                  from dry bread)
                                                                                   parsley                         Salt
                                                                                                                       & freshly ground
                                                                                  6 tablespoons olive oil
                                                                                                                  black pepper

     Turn on the grill. Select the     Cook as shown on the                    Turn on the grill. Select the    Cook as shown on the
        program and press OK.          display, until they are “lightly           program and press OK.         display, until they are
                                       grilled”.                                                                “grilled”.
     Wash and dry the stalks of                                                Cut the tomatoes in half.
     cherry tomatoes. Mix them                                                 If needed, cut the base of
     delicately with olive oil, salt                                           each half-tomato so that
     and pepper.                                                               they sit flat.
     As soon as preheating is                                                  Mix the olive oil with the
     complete, put the stalks of                                               garlic, parsley and bread-
     cherry tomatoes on the grill                                              crumbs. Season with salt
     and close it.                                                             and pepper and divide this
                                                                               mixture among the halved
                                                                               As soon as preheating is
                                                                               complete, put the halved
                                                                               tomatoes on the grill and
                                                                               close it carefully.

                                                                                   For the tomatoes to keep their shape, do not use ones
        Serve the grilled tomatoes as a side dish or on toast with                 that are too ripe.
        mozzarella and a drizzle of olive oil.                                     You can add a spoonful of dried herbes de Provence with
                                                                                   the parsley for even more flavour.

34                                                                        35
MINI PEPPERS                                                           ITALIAN GRILLED
                  STUFFED WITH FETA                                                            PEPPERS

                        | Serves 6 |       10 min. |                                           | Serves 6 |       10 min. |
                          Automatic program                                                     Automatic program

           g mini peppers              2 fresh
                                                onions                    6 red
                                                                                     peppers                 3
                                                                                                                 chopped       garlic cloves
         (multicoloured)                 6 sprigs
                                                 of mint                  60
                                                                                g Parmesan shavings         3
                                                                                                                 tablespoons      of fresh
        170 g feta
                                        1 teaspoon paprika
                                                                            30 g pine nuts
                                                                                                                chopped basil
        200 g of natural yoghurt
                                        Salt & pepper
                                                                            6 tablespoons
                                                                                                               3
                                                                                                                   fillets of chopped
                                                                               of olive oil                       anchovies
                                                                              1 1/2 tablespoons of
                                                                                                               salt
                                                                                                                       & freshly ground
                                                                               balsamic vinegar                   black pepper
     Turn on the grill. Lightly oil    Crumble the feta, chop the
     the plates. Select the            fresh onion and mint leaves.
     program and press OK.             Mix everything with the             Turn on the grill. Select the      Cook as shown on the
                                       yoghurt and paprika, and               program and press OK.           display, until they are
     Cut the mini peppers in half
                                       season with salt and pepper.                                           “grilled”.
     and remove the seeds.                                                 Cut the peppers in half,
                                       Put a little of this mixture
     As soon as preheating is          in the hollow of each               remove the seeds and               Transfer peppers to a dish,
     complete, put the peppers         halved-pepper and serve.            cut each half in three             drizzle with the remaining oil
     on the grill and close it.                                            lengthways. Mix with half          and let them cool.
                                                                           of the olive oil, garlic, basil,   Spread the pine nuts and
     Cook as shown on the                                                  anchovies and balsamic             Parmesan shavings over the
     display, until they are “soft                                         vinegar. Season with salt          peppers before serving.
     grilled”.                                                             and pepper.
     Remove the peppers from a                                             As soon as preheating is
     grill and leave them to cool                                          finished, put the peppers
     down.                                                                 on the grill (you will have to
                                                                           do this in two batches) and
                                                                           close it.

         You can serve these peppers as an aperitif or as a side
         dish.                                                                 You can serve peppers as a starter with bread or as a
         You can also add some chopped olives and a little lemon               side dish.
         zest to the feta cheese.

36                                                                    37
POTATO                                                 PARMESAN & HERB
                                ROSTI                                                    POTATOES

                        | Serves 6 |       15 min. |                                        | Serves 6 | *        10 min. |
                         Automatic program                                                   Automatic program

           kg potatoes (fluffy         3 eggs
                                                                        1.5
                                                                               kg potatoes (fluffy          1
                                                                                                                1/2   teaspoons of herbes
         variety such as Maris Piper     3 tablespoons
                                                      of                  variety such as Maris Piper         de Provence
         or King Edward)                   chopped parsley                   or King Edward)                    1
                                                                                                                  1/2 teaspoons of salt

        1 onion
                                         Salt & pepper
                                                                          3 tablespoons of olive oil
                                                                                                              Freshly
                                                                                                                         ground black
        3 tablespoons plain flour
                                                                          75 g Parmesan

     Turn on the grill. Lightly oil    Cook the rostis according         Turn on the grill. Select the       Transfer the potatoes to
     the plates. Select the            to the instructions on the             program and press OK.          a dish and sprinkle with
     program and press OK.             screen. Do the same with                                              Parmesan shavings.
                                                                         Wash the potatoes and cut
                                       the rest of the mixture.
     Peel and finely grate                                               them into 1 cm slices. Mix
     the potatoes and onion,                                             with the olive oil, herbes de
     squeeze hard between your                                           Provence, salt and pepper.
     hands to remove their water.                                        As soon as preheating is
     Mix with the flour, eggs,                                           complete, put the potato
     parsley, salt and pepper.                                           slices on the grill (you will
                                                                         need to cook them a in
     As soon as the preheating
                                                                         batches) and close it.
     is complete, put 6 large
     spoonfuls of the mixture                                            Cook the potatoes
     onto the grill to form                                              according to the instructions
     6 patties 2 to 3 cm thick                                           on the screen.
     and close it.

         Serve the rosti as a side dish.
         You can also serve them for brunch with cream mixed                 You can add garlic powder or replace the herbes de
         with chopped herbs and smoked salmon, for example.                  Provence with paprika.

38                                                                  39
VEGETARIAN                                                                 BACON
                             STEAKS                                                                   CRISPS

            | Serves 6 |     10 min. | Chilling time 15 min. |                                 | Serves 6 |      05 min. |
                            Manual mode                                                         Automatic program

       1 tin
            of cooked kidney          100
                                           g chopped nuts,                 12
                                                                                rashers smoked back           6
                                                                                                                  teaspoons   of
         beans (500 g drained             of your choice                      or streaky bacon, each            brown sugar
         net weight)                     60 g fresh breadcrumbs
                                                                            4 - 5 mm thick
        1 big red onion
                                        (made from dried bread)
        2 cloves of garlic
                                       3 tablespoons of soy sauce

     Finely chop the garlic clove     As soon as preheating is
     and peeled onion. Add the        complete, brush the balls             Turn on the grill. Select the      Place on paper towels to
     nuts and kidney beans and        lightly with oil and place                program and press OK.          drain and serve.
     mix quickly, keeping a little    on the grill and close it
                                                                            Sprinkle the smoked bacon
     of the texture. Add the soy      carefully.
                                                                            slices with brown sugar on
     sauce and breadcrumbs and
                                      Cook the steaks according             both sides.
     mix well.
                                      to the instructions on the
                                                                            As soon as preheating is
     Form 6 balls of equal size       screen.
                                                                            complete, put the rashers of
     and put them on a plate
                                                                            bacon on the grill and close it.
     in the freezer for at least
     15 minutes.                                                            Press OK to start cooking.

     Turn on the grill. Select                                              Cook as shown on the
     the program, setting the                                               display until “medium” for
     temperature to 250°C, and                                              bacon slices that are still
     press OK.                                                              soft, or “crispy” for very
                                                                            crispy bacon crisps.

         Vary the recipe by replacing the kidney beans with                   For brunch, serve these slices of bacon with eggs and
         cooked lentils, or add spices.                                       slices of toasted bread.
         Serve your vegetarian steaks with vegetables, or in                  You can also substitute the brown sugar with maple
         hamburger buns with the filling and sauce of your choice.            syrup.

40                                                                     41
BACON                                                      THE CLASSIC HOMEMADE
                     CHEESEBURGER                                                        HAMBURGER

                       | Serves 6 |        10 min. |                                           | Serves 6 |       15 min. |
                     Automatic program           &                                              Automatic program

        6 beef burgers                  3
                                           tablespoons of mustard          400
                                                                                  g minced beef              2
                                                                                                                 teaspoons   herbes
         rashers of smoked            3
                                           tablespoons of                  75
                                                                                g breadcrumbs (made            de Provence
         streaky bacon, each               mayonnaise                           from dried bread)                6
                                                                                                                   burger buns
         4 - 5 mm thick                   6 burger buns
                                                                             75 ml milk
                                                                                                               Salt
                                                                                                                     & pepper
        6 slices of cheddar
                                        Garnish of your choice
                                                                             3 eggs
                                                                                                               Sauces
                                                                                                                        and garnish
                                                                               75 g grated cheese
                                                                                                                of your choice
                                                                               3 garlic cloves

     Turn on the grill. Select the     Cook as shown on the
          program and press OK.        display, until they are
                                                                            Mix the minced beef with          Cook as shown on the
     As soon as preheating is          cooked to your preference.
                                                                            the breadcrumbs, milk,            display, until they are
     complete, put the rashers of      Quickly put a slice of cheese        eggs, grated cheese,              cooked to your preference.
     bacon on the grill and close      on each hot steak so it              peeled and chopped garlic
     it. Press OK to start cooking.    melts.                                                                 Spread the sauces of
                                                                            cloves, herbes de Provence,
     Cook as shown on the                                                                                     your choice (ketchup,
                                       Mix the mustard and                  salt and pepper until well
     display, until they are                                                                                  mayonnaise, etc.) on the
                                       mayonnaise and spread                blended. Then form four
     “crispy”. Place the grilled                                                                              halved burger buns, add
                                       on the halved burger buns,           burgers of the same size.
     slices on a plate and keep                                                                               the toppings of your choice
                                       add the toppings of your             Oil them lightly and chill in
     warm. Carefully wipe the                                                                                 (onion rings, salad, tomato,
                                       choice (onion rings, salad,          the refrigerator.
     hot grill plates with a paper                                                                            pickles, etc.) and put a steak
                                       tomato, pickles, etc.) and
     towel.                                                                 Turn on the grill. Select the     on each one. Close the
                                       put a burger on each one.
                                                                                program and press OK.         burgers and serve.
     Select the      program           Add the grilled bacon slices,
                                                                            As soon as preheating is
     and press OK. As soon as          close the burgers and serve
                                                                            complete, put the steaks on
     preheating is complete, put       immediately.
                                                                            the grill and close it.
     the minced steaks on the
     grill and close it.

         Once the burgers are cooked, place the burger bun halves               Once the burgers are cooked, place the burger bun
         on the hot grill to heat them before garnishing and serving            halves on the hot grill to heat them before garnishing and
         them.                                                                  serving them.
         Vary the sauces as you wish and replace mustard and                    Use your choice of grated cheese: emmental, parmesan,
         mayonnaise with ketchup, barbecue sauce or even                        mozzarella, etc.
42                                                                     43
ITALIAN PANINI                                                              CLUB SANDWICH
           WITH GRILLED VEGETABLES                                                           WITH A TWIST

                         | Serves 6 |       15 min. |                                          | Serves 6 |       05 min. |
               Manual mode          & automatic program                                      Automatic program          &

        6 panini breads                  2 small
                                                 red peppers                12
                                                                                  slices of sourdough        6
                                                                                                                 large    slices of
       6 tablespoons
                     olive oil         1 red
                                               onion                          bread approximately              roasted turkey
        3 tablespoons of
                                         6 tablespoons basil pesto
                                                                               2 cm thick                      180
                                                                                                                      g thin slices of
         balsamic vinegar                  300 g grated mozzarella
                                                                              12 slices of smoked bacon,
                                                                                                                Comté cheese
        6 cloves of garlic
                                         salt & pepper
                                                                               4 to 5 mm thick                 2
                                                                                                                   large tomatoes

        2 small courgettes
                                                                              6 tablespoons mayonnaise
                                                                                                               150
                                                                                                                      g baby spinach leaves

     In a mixing bowl, mix the          Slice the panini in half             Turn on the grill. Select the    Top with the remaining
     oil and vinegar with the           lengthways and spread                     program and press OK.       bread. As soon as
     peeled and chopped garlic          the pesto on them. Once              As soon as preheating is         preheating is complete, put
     cloves. Season with salt and       cooking has finished, divide         complete, put the rashers of     the 3 sandwiches on the grill
     pepper. Add the courgette          up the grilled vegetables            bacon on the grill and close     and close it.
     and onion, cut into slices         and grated mozzarella.               it. Press OK to start cooking.   Cook as shown on the
     approximately 1cm thick,           Close the panini.                    Cook as shown on the             display, until they are
     the pepper cut into strips         Carefully wipe the grill             display, until they are          cooked to your preference:
     of 1 cm and stir everything        plates with a paper towel.           cooked through. Transfer         “lightly cooked”, “grilled”
     together.                          Select the      program              the grilled slices to a plate    or “crispy”. Do the same for
     Turn on the grill. Select the      and press OK. As soon as             and gently wipe the hot          the 3 remaining sandwiches.
       program at 240°C and             preheating is complete, put          plates with paper towels.        Transfer the sandwiches to
     press OK.                          the three panini on the hot          Select the      program and      a plate. Open them carefully
     As soon as preheating is           grill and close the lid.             press OK.                        and add the sliced tomato
     finished, put the vegetables       Cook as shown on the                                                  and baby spinach before
                                                                             Spread the mayonnaise on
     on the grill (you will have to     display, until they are                                               serving.
                                                                             the 6 slices of bread. Add
     do this in several batches)        cooked to your preference:
                                                                             the turkey slices (folded in     Cut each sandwich in half
     and close it. Press OK and         “lightly cooked”, “grilled”
                                                                             an accordion shape), grilled     and secure with a wooden
     set the cooking time to            or “crispy”. Do the same for
                                                                             bacon rashers and cheese         skewer.
     5 minutes.                         the three remaining panini.

         Add spice to your panini by adding Italian pickles or a                 Serve this sandwich with a salad.
         slice of spicy Italian salami.                                          Replace the turkey with very fine chopped chicken
         You can also vary the cheeses. Try with Parmesan sha-                   leftovers and vary the cheese according to your
         vings, emmental cheese, goat’s cheese or gorgonzola.                    preference (mozzarella, cheddar, etc.).
44                                                                      45
02   SCHNELLSTARTANLEITUNG                          60    FISCH & MEERESFRÜCHTE

                                                     BRASSE MIT TOMATEN UND OLIVEN
                                                           EGRILLTER LACHS UND MANGO-SALSA

46   REZEPTE                                               AMBAS VOM GRILL UND ZITRONEN-BUT-
                                                          TER MIT KNOBLAUCH UND PETERSILIE
48   FLEISCH                                        63    GEMÜSE
     E           VOM GRILL                                G EGRILLTE COCKTAILTOMATEN AM ZWEIG
                                                           T OMATEN NACH ART DER PROVENCE
                                                             EFÜLLTE MINI-PAPRIKA
                                                             EGRILLTE PAPRIKA AUF
                                                           ARTOFFELN MIT PARMESAN
                                                          UND KRÄUTERN
                                                          G EGRILLTE   AUBERGINEN
                                                          MIT PESTO
                                                    71    SNACKS & SANDWICHES
  SCHWEINEFLEISCH                                         HAMBURGER
     LAMM-KÖFTE-KEBABS                                     LUB SANDWICH

ENTRECOTES VOM GRILL                                                  MARINIERTER BAUCHLAPPEN
                MIT CHIMICHURRI                                                      VOM RIND MIT LIMONE
                                                                                          & KORIANDER
                       | 6 Personen |        15 min. |                               | 6 Personen |        15 min. | Ruhezeit 4 Stunden |
                     Automatisches Programm                                                   Automatisches Programm

       3 Entrecotes
                                        2 Prise
                                                  Cayennepfeffer               2 Bauchlappen,
                                                                                                                3   Frühlingszwiebel
       4 EL
             Weinessig                  1.5
                                             TL Oregano                          ca. 2 x 500 g                  1
                                                                                                                    kleine   grüne Chilischote
        3 Knoblauchzehen
                                          9 EL Pflanzenöl
                                                                                 2 Bund Koriander
                                                                                                                    ohne Kerne
        1.5 kleiner Bund glatte
                                          Salz & Pfeffer
                                                                                 75 ml Limonensaft
                                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                      EL gemahlener
         Petersilie                                                               3 EL Pflanzenöl
                                                                                  8 Knoblauchzehen,
                                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                      TL Salz
                                                                                   geschält und entkeimt

     Petersilie und die                 Wenn der Aufheizvorgang                Koriander, Zitronensaft, Öl,      Wenn der Aufheizvorgang
     geschälten und entkeimten          abgeschlossen ist, die                 Knoblauch, Zwiebeln, Chili,       abgeschlossen ist, das
     Knoblauchzehen im Mixer            Entrecotes auf den                     Salz und Kreuzkümmel              Fleisch auf den Grill legen
     zerkleinern oder mit einem         Grill legen und den Grill              mixen, bis eine homogene          und den Grill schließen.
     Messer fein hacken.                schließen.                             Mischung entsteht. Das
                                                                                                                 Gemäß den Anleitungen
     Essig, Cayennepfeffer,                                                    Bauchlappenstück in der
                                        Gemäß den Anleitungen                                                    auf dem Display garen,
     Oregano, Salz, Pfeffer, Öl                                                Mischung wälzen. In den
                                        auf dem Display garen, bis                                               bis die gewünschte
     dazugeben und vermischen.                                                 Kühlschrank stellen und
                                        die gewünschte Garstufe                                                  Garstufe erreicht ist: fast
     Die Chimichurri-Soße in eine                                              mindestens 4 Stunden
                                        erreicht ist: fast roh, blutig,                                          roh, blutig, halbrosa oder
     Schüssel gießen.                                                          marinieren lassen.
                                        halbrosa durchgebraten.                                                  durchgebraten.
     Grill einschalten. Das                                                    Fleisch aus dem
                                        Die Entrecotes auf die                                                   Das Fleisch auf ein
     Programm         auswählen                                                Kühlschrank nehmen
                                        Teller verteilen und mit der                                             Schneidebrett legen und
     und OK drücken.                                                           und den größten Teil der
                                        Chimichurri-Soße servieren.                                              5 Minuten ruhen lassen,
                                                                               Marinade entfernen.
     Die Entrecotes mit einem                                                                                    bevor Sie es in feine
     saugfähigen Papiertuch                                                    Grill einschalten. Das            Scheiben schneiden.
     abtupfen. Beide Seiten der                                                Programm         auswählen
     Fleischstücke mit Salz und                                                und OK drücken.
     Pfeffer würzen.

         Sie können nach Geschmack mehr Knoblauch oder
                                                                                   Um Fajitas zuzubereiten, servieren Sie die Fleischschei-
         Cayennepfeffer in die Chimichurri-Soße geben.
                                                                                   ben mit Tortillas, Zwiebeln, gegrillten Paprikas, saurer
         Anstatt Entrecotes können Sie auch Rindfleischstücke,                     Sahne, Salsa und Guacamole.
         wie zum Beispiel Lende oder Bauchlappen vom Rind,
                                                                                   Um zartes Fleisch zu erhalten, empfiehlt es sich, nur bis
                                                                                   zur Garstufe „halbrosa“ zu grillen.
48                                                                        49
RINDERSTEAKS                                                             HÄHNCHENSCHENKEL
           IN ASIATISCHER MARINADE                                                      IN JOGHURT-ROSMARIN
            | 6 Personen |       10 min. | Ruhezeit 30 min. |                             | 6 Personen |     10 min. | 4 Stunden |
                    Automatisches Programm                                                     Automatisches Programm

       6 gleichmäßig
                    dicke               5 cm
                                               Ingwer                          6 Hähnchenschenkel
                                                                                                              4
                                                                                                                  EL   Dijon-Senf
         Rindersteaks                     6 Knoblauchzehen
                                                                                 ohne Haut                    4

        180 ml Sojasoße
                                              TL Chilipulver                    375 g Naturjoghurt
        6 EL Honig
                                                               und              3 EL frischer Rosmarin,
                                                                                                               S
                                                                                                                 alz& Pfeffer
        3 EL Sesamöl
                                         Sesamkörner                              fein gehackt

                                                                               Joghurt mit Senf, Rosmarin,     Nach Abschluss des
     Knoblauchzehen und Ingwer          Wenn der Aufheizvorgang                Knoblauch, Salz und Pfeffer     Vorheizvorgangs die
     schälen und reiben.                abgeschlossen ist, das                 vermischen. Diese Mischung      Hähnchenschenkel auf
     Mit Chilipulver, Honig,            Rindfleisch auf den Grill le-          auf die Hähnchenschenkel        den Grill legen und
     Sojasoße, Sesamöl und vier         gen und den Grill schließen.           geben und mindestens            den Grill schließen.
     Esslöffeln Wasser mischen.                                                4 Stunden im Kühlschrank
                                        Gemäß den Anleitungen                                                  Hähnchenschenkel gemäß
     Die Rindersteaks zum Mari-                                                marinieren lassen.
                                        auf dem Display garen, bis                                             den Anleitungen auf dem
     nieren in die Mischung legen
                                        die gewünschte Garstufe                Grill einschalten. Das          Display grillen.
     und idealerweise für
                                        erreicht ist: fast roh, blutig,        Programm         auswählen
     5 Stunden oder mindestens
                                        halbrosa durchgebraten.                und OK drücken. Die Platten
     30 Minuten in den Küh-
                                                                               leicht mit Öl einfetten.
     lschrank stellen.                  Die Rindersteaks mit ge-
                                        hackter Frühlingszwiebel
     Das Fleisch abtropfen
                                        und Sesamkörner bestreuen
     lassen, die Marinade
                                        und mit der Marinade als
                                        Soße servieren.
     Grill einschalten. Das Pro-
     gramm        auswählen und
     OK drücken.

         Sie können die Marinade auch zum Würzen von gebrate-
         nem Gemüse nehmen: grüne Bohnen, grüner Spargel,                          Servieren Sie die Hähnchenschenkel mit Salat und ge-
         Brokkoli, Pilze ... Servieren Sie dazu das Fleisch und Reis.              grillten Kartoffelscheiben.

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