The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH

Die Seite wird erstellt Amelie Ahrens
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
psychedelic trance music & culture

                                                #184 Autumn 2014

The last mushroom magazine
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
INTRO                                                      3

               It‘s been 20 years.
           It‘s been a terrific time.
          It‘s been a difficult time.
                  It‘s been fun.
              It‘s been a struggle.
            It‘s been long enough.
             It‘s time to move on.
            This is the end
        of mushroom magazine.

                  Es waren 20 Jahre.
  Es war eine tolle Zeit. – Es war eine schwierige Zeit.
             Es war Spaß. – Es war Kampf.
 Es war lang genug. – Es ist an der Zeit für was Neues.
   Dies ist das Ende des mushroom magazine.
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
4                                                                                 RELAUNCH

      This is the end of

                                                                                                  Mat Mushroom is relaunching mushroom magazine
    mushroom magazine
      as you know it !
    But whats comes next?
      mushroom relaunch in 20
           double size format
         fresh content concept
                                                                     Es ist nicht alles Friede,
                                                                     Freude, Eierkuchen da
        new reading experience                                       draußen: Pflanzen und
                                                                     Tiere werden genetisch
                                                                     modifiziert, die Ozeane
It‘s not all peaches and cream   We clearly understand that          überfischt und die
in this world: Organisms are     Social Media has profoundly         Bienen verschwinden.
genetically modified, the oce-   changed the way in which we         Sehr unschön. Aber wir
ans are overfished, and bees     perceive information. We will       haben die Schnauze auch
disappear. Not good at all.      adapt to this change - by kee-      voll von dem ewigen
But hey: We are also fed up      ping up our intense online ac-      „Es geht alles den Bach
with the „It‘s all going down    tivity, but also by introducing     runter“ Gerede. Denn
the tubes“ talk out there.       new forms of content and a          es stimmt einfach nicht.
Because it isn‘t. Think about    new reading experience. At          Denk an all die großar-
all the amazing festivals        the same time we don‘t want         tigen Festivals, die wir
we‘ve seen this summer, think    to produce a print-out version      diesen Sommer wieder
about the amount of fantastic    of Facebook. No, we want to         erleben durften, denk
music, arts and intellectual     focus on the qualities that         an all die fantastische
ideas around us. Sure, 10        still make a printed magazine       Musik, die Kunst und die
years ago the scene has been     one-of-a-kind.                      neuen Ideen, die um uns
blooming and booming, as                                             herum schwirren. Klar,
well. However, it‘s never been   Adapting to the multidimen-         vor 10 Jahren hat die
as colourful as today. That‘s    sional beauty our scene has         Szene auch schon präch-
why we will crank up the         grown into, we also want to         tig geblüht – aber nie
music even louder, why we        introduce and expand new            so bunt wie heute. Aus
will party even harder.          fields of interest. Spirituality,   diesem Grund drehen wir
First of all, mushroom will      sustainability and scene acti-      die Musik noch lauter
grow from A6 to A5 format.       vism are just some keywords.        auf, geben wir noch
That‘s double the size, and                                          mehr Gas.
that means twice as much         Enjoy your last mushroom...
space for new ideas and fresh    and be prepared for the all-        Der mushroom wird
content, for inspiration and     new experience.                     vom A6 zum A5 Format
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
RELAUNCH                                                                                                       5

wachsen. Das ist doppelt
so groß, also doppelt so      mushroom magazine
viel Platz für neue Ideen
und frische Inhalte, für
                                 10 years ago
Inspiration und Unter-      ‘We Shine’ was only
haltung.                    the beginning... is
                            the headline of an
                            article about the
Wir sehen ganz klar,
                            first mutual remix
wie Social Media unser      of D-Nox & Beckers,
Leseverhalten und unsere    a great success ***
Aufmerksamkeit grundle-     Mecklenburg is wor-
gend verändert hat. Wir     ried: The party-state
werden uns an diesen        in the North-East of
Wandel anpassen – in-       Germany is facing
                            more and more restrictive authorities,   produced Pop Trance, as you call it ...
dem wir unsere intensive
                            the police puts the heat on councils     We say that the sky‘s the limit.“ ***
Online-Präsenz ausbau-      who allowed events *** Austria           World Wide Tribe and Tshitraka have
en, aber auch indem wir     is witnessing a mushroom-like            become a vital force in the scene in
neue Darstellungsformen     phenomena, as the party and festival     Mecklenburg, home of the popular
und Inhalte einführen.      landscape grows rampantly ***            festival highway A24 *** Festivals,
Andererseits wollen nicht   The first compilation of French party    artist tours, new music releases:
einfach eine gedruckte      collective Hadra is named ‘Hadra-        South African label NANO Records is
                            cadabra’ and reflects the sound of       up-and-coming *** A guest writer
Version von Facebook
                            their increasingly popular events ***    is enchanted by the artistic sophi-
rausbringen, sondern        Infected Mushroom asked about ‘Pop       stication of Boom Festival 2004, but
uns wieder verstärkt auf    Trance’: „We have reached a very         complains about the fact that there
das konzentrieren, was      strong level of awareness after 8 ye-    has been only one dance floor and a
ein gedrucktes Magazin      ars of hard work and not because we      lack of alternative music
immer noch einzigartig
                            ‘We Shine’ war erst der Anfang...        Infected Mushroom zum Stichwort
Die vielschichtige          lautet die Überschrift eines Artikels    ‘Pop Trance’: „Nach 8 Jahren harter
                            über den ersten gemeinsamen Re-          Arbeit bekommen wir momentan
Weiterentwicklung, die      mix von D-Nox & Beckers, ein großer      sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit, aber nicht
unsere Szene in den         Erfolg *** Sorgen in Mecklenburg:        weil wir Pop Trance produzieren...
letzten Jahren durch-       Scheinbar nehmen die Behörden in         nach oben sind keine Grenzen ge-
laufen hat, möchten wir     MeckPomm Goa-Partys verstärkt            setzt, denken wir beide.“ *** World
durch neue Rubriken         aufs Korn. Das Landeskriminalamt         Wide Tribe und Tshitraka sind aus
und Schwerpunkte            macht einzelnen Städten Druck,           dem Partyleben in MeckPomm nicht
repräsentieren. Spiritua-   wenn dort entsprechende Veranstal-       wegzudenken - im Sommer wie im
                            tungen genehmigt werden *** Die          Winter *** Ob Festival, Artist-Tour
lität, Nachhaltigkeit und   erste Compilation des französischen      oder neue Releases: Das südafrikan-
Szene-Aktivismus sind       Party-Kollektivs Hadra heißt ‘Hadra-     siche Label NANO Records erfreut
nur ein paar Stichworte.    cadabra’ und soll seinen beliebten       sich immer größerer Beliebtheit
                            Feiern ein musikalisches Denkmal         *** Ein Gast-Redakteur äußerst
Genieß deinen letzten       setzen *** In Österreich ist derzeit     sich generell positiv zur Boom
mushroom – und sei          ein mushroom-artiges Phänomen            2004, bemängelt jedoch scharf das
gefasst auf ein neues       zu beobachten: Überall schießen          Fehlen eines zweiten Floors mit
                            plötzlich neue Veranstaltungen           alternativem Musikprogramm
Leseerlebnis.               und Locations aus dem Boden ***
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
6                                                                               TRANCERS GUIDE

A bird’s eye view of the Trance landscape
 Every year the mushroom releases the                  Jedes Jahr veröffentlicht der mushroom
“Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy” giving                 den “Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy” und
you the chance to highlight the distinct               gibt euch die Chance die spezielle Note
flavour of the scene in your region.                   der Szene in eurer Region hervorzuheben.
A country’s Psy-scene invariably has                           Die Psyszene eines Landes weist unaus-
its own unique set of signature                                     weichlich ihre eigenen einzigartigen
elements that defines the mode                                         Elemente auf, die die Art des
of artistic expression, as                                                künstlerischen Ausdrucks so-
well as the nature of the                                                  wie der Festivals ausmachen.
festivals. Globally there’s                                                 Global betrachtet gibt es
been a definite rise of the                                                  einen definitiven Anstieg
‘old school’ sounds, it’s                                                    des ‘Old School’ Sounds. Es
clear that the tastes of                                                     ist klar, dass die Geschmä-
the trancers are shifting,                                                   cker der Trancers sich
drifting back towards the                                                   verschieben, zurück zu den
root-notes of Psytrance, and                                               Wurzelnoten des Psytrance,
leaning in favour of the arche-                                           mit einer leichten Tendenz
typal retro and Goa sounds. This                                       zu archetypischen Retro- und
comes as positive news, for there                                   Goaklängen. Dies erscheint wie
have been tonnes of talk bemoaning the                         gutes Ding, da es massenweise Klagen
dilution of the classic ‘trance-magic’ in some of     über die Verwässerung der klassischen ‘Trance
the scene’s more contemporary music. However,         Magie’ in der zeitgenössischen Szenemusik gibt.
whether retrodelic or new-age, since this is a        Doch das Bedeutende dahinter, ob nun Retro oder
rather personal choice, the point of significance     New Age, zumal dies recht persönlich geprägt ist:
is that the popularity of Psytrance is flying high.   die Popularität des Psytrance kreist weit oben.

The next edition of the Guide will be out in          Die nächste Ausgabe des Guide kommt im
early Spring 2015, to ensure that your country’s      Frühling 2015. Um zu gewährleisten, dass die
psy-culture is included, submit a report at the       Psykultur eures Landes enthalten sein wird, reicht
mushroom website: www.mushroom-magazine.              einen Bericht auf www.mushroom-magazine.
com/edit-country. Here’s a sneak peak at a few        com/edit-country ein. Hier ist ein kurzer Blick auf
countries:                                            einige Länder:
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
SPECIAL                                                                                                        7

                     Israel Recalls Retro and Goa

The Israeli scene is still going
strong and you can find a
party somewhere around
the country almost every day
except for sundays. But the
winds of change are felt both
music and event wise, as in         and further back in time. Un-         the end of the day Psytrance is
the last year Goa, retro and        derground parties, while rare,        still the leading sound of elec-
even the infamous ‚Nitzhonot‘       still exist, but big raves from       tronic music in Israel, and an
genre took a steady rise.           teams such as Groove attack,          international trance traveller
Ironically as the younger           Moksha, Unity, Doof & Pagan-          will not be disappointed while
generation starts visiting the      ka dominate the weekends,             looking for a local party.
parties, their taste goes further   with thousands of followers. In       Yoni Oshrat/Ace Ventura

                     Brazilian Summers:
                     Nature and Psychedelic Trance

Brazil is the place where you can
listen to good music and be in
touch with nature at the same
time! We have beautiful beaches,
waterfalls and rivers. Universo
Paralello is the best time to be
here, since it’s one of Brazil’s
biggest festivals which takes
place once every two years! You
will find a beautiful beach in      Another festival that occurs once     Besides great festivals the entire
Bahia, a lot of different people    in two years is Terra em Transe,      year, we have great producers
and culture, and a variety of       at Bahia. The main music style is     that are playing at the best
music styles: Psychedelic Trance,   Goa Trance and Psychedelic Tran-      festivals and making music with
Goa Trance, Progressive Trance,     ce. Bahia is the best place at this   the great producers worldwide.
Progressive Dark Trance, Dark       time! Carnaval is another great       We are living a good moment in
Psychedelic Trance, Chill Out,      time to be here. The best-known       the Psychedelic Trance scene!
Reggae Music, etc. It’s one         festival at this time is Soulvision   Marina Tavar ( Writer of
amazing experience that all true    Festival, in São Paulo. Brazil is     Psytrance labels, websites and
psychedelic lovers should have!     like a forever endless summer.        magazines)
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
8                                                                                 TRANCERS GUIDE

                      A particular Psy-spirit in India

Today Goa is a little different
from what it used to be, more
commercial but still really nice.
Hill Top has been there for
years . Goa is party life, you’ll
find trance parties everywhere,
almost every day. A lot of
international artists go to play
in beautiful Goa, there is a
special magic in the air, and
a strong energy. Besides Goa,         Himalaya mountains are not to       people are really psychedelic in
these days trance parties and         be missed. The Dream Bubble         their minds, and with regards
festivals take place all over         3.0 is coming up in November        to the trance scene India is a
India, cities like Mumbai, Delhi,     at Westend Goa in Nov 2014,         very open country.
Bangalore, and Pune host great        then there’s Psykovsky in           Karine Petiau/Twisted Kala
parties. The festivals in the         Mumbai in November. Indian          (Music Producer)

                      The Magic of Italy

When Sonica Festival took
place for the first time in 2005
on Bolsena Lake, the Italian
Psytrance movement was still in
its early stages. The old Italian
trancers were mostly travelling
abroad and attending psyche-
delic events in other countries
or continents, but the Sonica
Festival became a landmark for
the trance culture in Italy, giving
birth to several other festivals.
The Human Evolution Festival
Festival in Tuscany region and        tists from the main international   Psytrance movement appears to
Black Moon in Marche region,          scene and creating now a strong     be well-established.
are now trying to reach an inter-     competition within the national     Gino Sonica (Founder and pro-
national audience, involving ar-      borders. As of now the Italian      ducer of SONICA FESTIVAL)
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
The last mushroom magazine - epub @ SUB HH
10                                                                                     ROBERDO ASKS

 Roberdo asks:
 Can you please
 put away your camera?
 Day 3. The sun is hot, and so is the sound. Bet-
 ween the sets of Ace Ventura and Tristan there‘s
 a short layover at a lecture about the general
 loss of individual freedom. A really bad thing,
 as the audience agrees with affirmative nods.
 However, a few minutes later the very same
 audience doesn‘t care at all about the various
 observation drones which circle the sky above
 the festival. Also the constant presence of a
 multitude of ridiculously expensive zoom lenses
 and cameras seems to be the most natural thing
 in the world.
 If you want to engage in            Many clubs in Berlin have a far        human dignity. Or, rather: A lack of
 some real trance dance today,       better policy. Cameras are strictly    respect towards those moments of
 if you want to dance as if          prohibited. If you are caught taking   uttermost bliss when a human may
 nobody‘s watching, you have         pictures with your smartphone          temporarily lose his or her dignity
 to take into account that you       you‘ll be kicked out and won‘t get     – without any consequences for
 might be filmed while doing         in any more. „What happens in          the future.
 so and that this footage            Berghain, remains in Berghain“
 might be part of an “After          as a popular saying about one of       All well and good, but in times of
 Movie” a few weeks later.           the most popular venues goes. The      the creative inflation this subject
 But hey, it‘s beautiful pictures    Psytrance scene could take one or      is kind tricky. Everybody‘s a
 and emotions. If you hit it         two pages from that book. As a         photographer, everybody‘s a film
 really hard, there‘s always a       matter of fact, some smaller events    maker today – and that‘s why
 chance that some idiot from         have already done so and banned        everybody needs an audience. An
 your camp takes a picture of        cameras from their dance floors.       experience that doesn‘t include
 you being shitfaced and puts                                               a picture on Facebook is only
 it on Facebook. You might           Being an avid photographer             half as exciting, isn‘t it? I guess
 not even know about that            myself I perfectly understand the      what we need first is that shift in
 picture. Is that still individual   fascination of taking pictures.        human consciousness so many
 freedom, and isn‘t individual       However, when it comes to party        people talk about at the moment.
 freedom what our festivals          photography I think there‘s all too
 are all about?                      often a lack of respect towards        Roberdo Raval
COLUMN                                                                                                         11

                                    Roberdo fragt sich:
                                    Kannste die Kamera nicht
                                    mal stecken lassen?
                                    Tag 3. Die Sonne brennt, der Sound drückt.
                                    Zwischen Ace Ventura und Tristan wird nochmal
                                    schnell ein Vortrag über den allgemeinen Verlust
                                    der individuellen Freiheit angehört. Ganz üble
                                    Nummer, befindet das Publikum mit kopfnickender
                                    Zustimmung. Dem gleichen Publikum ist es wenige
                                    Minuten später aber vollkommen egal, dass über
                                    seinen Köpfen diverse Beobachtungsdrohnen krei-
                                    sen. Und auch die Tatsache, dass in allen 4 Him-
                                    melsrichtungen dreadgelockte Piraten-Verschnitte
                                    mit sündhaft teuren Zoom-Objektiven auf der Lauer
                                    liegen, scheint das normalste der Welt zu sein.

Wer heutzutage mal wieder so        In vielen Berliner Clubs ist das we-   Kameras aufkommen kann. Was
richtig Trance tanzt, also so als   sentlich besser geregelt. Denn dort    ich im Party-Kontext allerdings
würde niemand zuschauen, wird       herrscht striktes Kamera-Verbot.       vermisse, ist eine gewisse
in seiner entrückten Ekstase        Wer beim Knippsen mit seinem           Sensibilität gegenüber der Würde
womöglich gefilmt und ist ein       Smartphone erwischt wird, fliegt       des Menschen. Besser gesagt:
paar Wochen später in einem         raus und kommt so schnell auch         Eine Sensibilität gegenüber den
„After Movie“ auf YouTube zu        nicht wieder rein in den Laden.        glückseeligen Momenten, in
sehen. Ist ja auch voll schön       „Was im Berghain passiert, bleibt      denen ein Mensch seine Würde
und emotional und so. Und wer       im Berghain“ – so ein beliebter        auch mal ablegen kann – ohne
sich zur Abwechslung mal einen      Spruch. Da könnte sich die             Konsequenzen zu fürchten.
gediegenen Abschuss genehmigt       Psytrance Szene mal eine Scheibe
läuft Gefahr, dass seine Gesicht-   abschneiden. Oder auch zwei. Ein       Klar, im Zuge der kreativen Inflation
sentgleisungen von irgendeinem      paar kleinere Events haben das         ist das natürlich schwierig. Denn
Hoschi im Camp fotografiert und     tatsächlich schon getan und zu-        heute ist halt jeder ein Fotograf,
auf Facebook präsentiert werden.    mindest im Bereich der Tanzfläche      jeder ein Filmemacher- und jeder
Womöglich kriegt die betroffene     ein Kamera-Verbot verhängt.            braucht ein Publikum. Überhaupt:
Person das nicht mal mit. Können                                           Ein Erlebnis ohne Foto davon auf
wir da noch von individueller       Als leidenschaftlicher                 Facebook ist doch nur halb so
Freiheit reden? Und soll nicht      Hobby-Fotograf habe ich vollstes       intensiv. Was wir hier zuerst mal
genau die zelebriert werden auf     Verständnis für die Begeisterung,      brauchen, ist jene Bewusstseins-
unseren Festivals?                  die im Zusammenhang mit                wende, von der überall zu hören ist.
12                                                                                 CELLOTAGER

 Cellotager and the mandibles
     story & pictures: Andrey Balandin • colorization: Linda Schwarz
     In one sleepless night the     insects appealed to him so       the horns. He even pushed
     Cellotager could not go to     much, that he took out his       down a fir without effort and
     sleep in his comfy thatched    „magic“ pills for wishes,        shoved a 6-ton-stone from
     hut. He turned and turned      spoke a secret magic spell       the mountain, against which
     and decided to smoke his       above them, blessed it in his    he always ran when he went
     „magic“ cigarette in order     own way and manner six           for a piss...
     to go to sleep. And while he   times and then he swallowed      Thus the horns proved quite
     was smoking he switched        it. Happy and full of expecta-   useful at home! But our poor
     on his satellite-television    tion he fell into a refreshing   Cellotager had not watched
     which had a programme by       magic and dreamless sleep.       the show till its end. Because
     National Geographic about      With huge horns he woke          there it was also told that
     stag beetles. The mighty       up. The Cellotager tested        they were not real horns
     horns of the South-American    them, pushing whatever with      growing on the head. These
CELLOTAGER                                                                                             13

strongly developed mandibles       stutter. Damn......What
– upper jaws equipped with         should he do?
humps and notches served           What to do?
instead in courtship displays      But then came
with competitors for approa-       his neighbour
ching the female beetles.          (they were to
While trying to breakfast it       meet to go to the
became finally clear to Cello-     local shop in the
tager that one could not eat       morning, in order
porridge but only drink and        to buy cornbread
that again only drop-by drop       with cheese and
and with large difficulties.       grains). He spoke a
Therefore he took out his          „magic“ spell above the
magic wonder pills again           new growth and everything
and wanted to whisper the          fell off immediately...Now the
magic spell above it. But          freed and happy Cellotager
he could not because with          understood, that not all that
such a jaw one cannot even         glitters is gold.“!!!

                                                                       wurde Cellotager endgültig klar,
Cellotager und die Mandibeln                                           dass man mit einem solchen
                                                                       Oberkiefer keinen Brei essen,
In einer schlaflosen Nacht         auf. Der Cellotager testete sie,    sondern nur trinken konnte und
konnte der Cellotager nicht ein-   stiess alles Mögliche mit den       das auch nur tröpfchenweise
schlafen in seiner gemütlichen     Hörnern, stürzte sogar eine Tan-    mit größten Schwierigkeiten.
Strohhütte. Er drehte und wen-     ne ohne Anstrengung um und          Deshalb nahm er sein
dete sich und beschloss, eine      schubste einen 6-Tonnen-Stein       magisches Wundertablettchen
„magische“ Zigarette zum Ein-      vom Berg hinunter, gegen den        wieder heraus und wollte
schlafen zu rauchen. Während       er sonst immer stolperte, wenn      den magischen Zauberspruch
er rauchte, schaltete er sein      er pinkeln ging...                  flüstern, konnte aber nicht,
Satelliten-Fernsehen an. Dort      So erwiesen sich die Hörner als     denn mit solch einem Kiefer
lief bei National Geographic ein   eine nützliche Sache im Haus-       kann man nicht einmal stottern.
Programm über Hirschkäfer. Die     halt! Nur hatte unser armer         Verflucht. Was sollte er
mächtigen Hörner südamerika-       Cellotagerchen die Sendung          machen? Was tun? Aber da kam
nischer Insekten gefielen ihm so   nicht bis zum Ende gesehen.         sein Nachbar (sie waren verab-
sehr, dass er seine „magische“     Dort wurde nämlich noch             redet, morgens zum örtlichen
Tablette für Wunscherfüllungen     erzählt, dass es keine wirklichen   Einzelhändler zu gehen, um
herausnahm, einen geheimen         Hörner waren, die auf dem           Maisbrot mit Käse und Körnern
Zauberspruch sprach, sie auf       Kopf wachsen. Diese stark           zu kaufen). Dieser sprach einen
eigene Art und Weise sechsfach     entwickelten Mandibeln – Ober-      „magischen“ Spruch über der
segnete und dann schluckte.        kiefer versehen mit Auswüchsen      „Neubildung“ und alles fiel
Glücklich und erwartungsvoll       und Kerben, dienten vielmehr        sofort ab. Da verstand der be-
fiel er in einen gesunden, „ma-    für Balztänze mit Konkurrenten      freite und glückliche Cellotager,
gischen“ Schlaf ohne Träume.       zum Anmachen der weiblichen         dass „nicht alles Gold ist, was
Mit riesigen Hörnern wacht er      Käfer. Beim Frühstücksversuch       glänzt“!!!
14                                                                             TECHNOLOGY

 Einfacher Einstieg ins digitale DJing
 Wer es bisher immer noch nicht kapiert hatte, dass man mit einem ordent-
 lichen digitalen DJ Set Up viel mehr aus seinen Tracks herausholen kann, der
 hat den Schuss nicht gehört – oder der hat vielleicht sogar Glück, denn die
 Einsteiger DJ Controller werden immer besser und gehen mittlerweile mit
 wirklich amtlichen Features ins Rennen um die Digital-DJ-Frischlinge.
 Der Gemini Slate
 und der große
 Bruder Slate4
 sind extra zur
 rung in Europa
 noch mit Serato
 DJ ausgestattete
 Controller mit
 eingebauter 24
 Bit Soundkarte.
 Durch das vorbe-
 reitete Mapping
 ist der Einstieg
 also kinderleicht.              Tracks den letzten Feinschliff   These days constantly impro-
                                 zu geben.                        ving beginner DJ controllers
 Die Oberfläche bietet eine                                       are offering phat features.
                                                                  Dynamic and reliable porta-
 Mixersektion mit 3-Band         Ausgestattet mit großen,
                                                                  ble controllers with 2 full-
 EQ, Filtern, sowie Input- und   berührungsempfindlichen Jog-
                                                                  featured decks, 4 channels of
 einen Crossfader für den        wheels ist das Pitchbending      mixing, 2 rows of pads, and
 2-Deck oder 4-Deck Betrieb.     so easy wie bei CD Playern,      multiple colours. The SLATE
                                 obwohl die Wheels aufgrund       4’s DJ tools include pitch fa-
 Die beiden Controller verfü-    der Sync-Fähigkeit des Setups    der, key-lock, and advanced
 gen über 16 Multifunktions-     gar nicht benötigt werden.       effect controls all for easy
 Pads mit RGB-Beleuchtung.                                        use. The full 4-channel mixer
 Die Pads können genutzt         Die beiden Controller der        gives constant access to the
 werden, um Hot-Cues, Samp-      Slate Serie sind eine einfache   EQ, and dedicated filter con-
 les oder Loops in den Mix       und kompakte Lösung, die         trols. Master RCA outputs,
 einzubauen. Zwei separate Ef-   alles beinhaltet, um in die      headphone, and microphone
 fektsektionen ermöglichen es    Welt des digitalen DJings        inputs: everything u need for
 mit Flanger, Delay & Co. den    einzusteigen.                    immediate results.
16                                                                                                 NEWS

 Progressive News                                                        Mondero – Blue Townie
                                                                         (Audioload Music): 3
                                                                         tracks from the hard, fairly
 served by Roberdo Raval                                                 psychedelic side of offbeat
                                                                         Progressive Trance. Sounds like
                                                                         it will work pretty well during
                                                                         the prime time hours.

                                                                         V.A. – Catharsis (Glitchy
                                                                         Tonic Records): A free
                                                                         net-release that comes with 9
                                                                         tracks from the Dark Progres-
                                                                         sive genre. Minimalist, yet very
                                                                         functional - some nice under-
                                                                         ground stuff in here. Available

 Son Kite – Prisma (Iboga             Krunch vs. Osher - Silky
 Records): When it comes              Smooth (IONO Music): Roll-
 to deep, hypnotic music for          ing bass line, subtle rhythms
 modern trance dance rituals          instead of prominent melodies,

                                                                                                              Son Kite
 – this is it. Son Kite present       smooth but banging.
 their first album since 10 years.
 It’s intelligent, it’s jazzy, it’s   Phasenverschiebungen –              Son Kite legen nach 10 Jahren
 psychedelic in the most sublime      All Is One (Zenon Records):         ihr neues Album Prima vor.
 sense of this word, it’s reminis-    Made to be played on a big          Intelligent, jazzig, deep und
                                                                          psychedelisch wie es nur sein
 cent of their amazing work as        sound system with few lights        kann *** Quite-K – Approach
 Minilogue, yet really different.     around. Heavyweight beats           ist düsterer Break Beat und
 There’ll be even a hand-signed       and basses with a wonderfully       großraumtauglicher Tech
 vinyl version.                       raw and excessive edge, techy       Trance *** Phasenverschie-
                                      rhythm shuffles, hallucinogenic     bungen - All Is One klingt
 Quite-K – Approach (Horns            samples from the Dark side.         untenrum wunderbar roh und
 & Hoofs Entertainment):                                                  exzessiv, obenrum hochgradig
                                                                          halluzinogen *** Wenn du die
 Delirious sounds, huge spaces,       Inception – Two and a Half          härtere, verpeiltere Gangart von
 acidic filter modulations, techy     Freak (Blue Tunes Records):         Offbeat-Prog bevorzugst, gib
 rhythms and alien vibes. Quite-      Blue Tunes sound as we know         dir mal Mondero - Blue Townie
 K delivers a cinematic album         it and love it. Playful and         *** V.A. - Catharsis ist eine hö-
 that ranges from dark Break          uplifting, vocal samples and big    renswerte und kostenfreie Dark
 Beat collages to pumping Tech        emotions, produced and mas-         Prog Compilation, verfügbar auf
 Trance bangers.                      tered with deadly precision.
NEWS                                                                                                  17

Psytrance News                                                     Rikki Rokkits 100.Release
                                                                   auf TiP, Astral Projections
                                                                   RMX, Martian Arts mit
                                                                   ‚Audioform&BlackNoise‘ & ‚Out-
served by DALA (Nano Records)                                      siders‘ RMX von Sonic Species
                                                                   +++ Dsompa+Frosty Frenic
Plenty of heat on the way to keep your ears warm through the       (Sangoma) +++ Grasshopper
chillier months TiP put out Rikki Rokkit’s 100th release: an       mit 3.‘Round of Night‘, Groove-
eclectic collection of dirty analog sounds; plus Astral Projec-    box EP & Spectra Sonics Debüt
tion’s re-treatment of their Goa classics (RMX) plus Martian       +++ Ajja vs. Earthling EP +++
                                                                   Terrafractyl (Kinematic) +++ EPs
Arts, Audioform & BlackNoise.                                      von ManMadeMan & PsiloCybi-
                                                                   an (BMSS) +++ VA von DJ Tsubi
Outsiders remix of Sonic Species + fresh sounds from Duotek,       & Labirinto Debüt (Antu), EP von
1200Micrograms & and very special Crystal Skulls remix EP.         Sumerian Droids & 5.Album von
Sounds from Dsompa+Frosty Frenic coming (Sangoma) plus team        Ital ‚Om Namah Shivaya‘ +++
up with BlueHourSounds for special double CD of blue voodoo.       Breathead / Contineum RMX EP
                                                                   von Mutagen & Mind Manifesto
                                                                   VA +++ YingYangMonks mit
Grasshopper continues with its 3rd Round of Night (always          EP (Maharetta) +++ Profound
killa!) + Groovebox EP & debut album from Spectra Sonics.          Records mit Debüt EPs von Aster,
Keep an eye for the ‘Zero1’ on Ajja vs. Earthling EP, upcoming     Nemo, Rexalted & Zatzak +++
Soundaholix album + Hujaboy getting tribaldelic. Kinematic         ‚Some Devine Medicine‘ von
Records has new from Terrafractyl + ‘The Geometry of               Blacklite crew & Alien Molecules
Motion’ VA.                                                        VA, EPs von Paratech, Purple
                                                                   Raver & Earthspace +++ Tristan
BMSS Records feature 2 of their newly signed artists, with an EP
from ManMadeMan & an extremely experimental shpongolesque
from PsiloCybian.
An epic VA compiled by DJ Tsubi. Labirinto debut (Antu) + EP
from Sumerian Droids & 5th album from Ital – Om Namah
Shivaya. On the way Breathead / Contineum Rmx EP from
Mutagen + Mind Manifesto VA.

YingYangMonks have a new EP (Maharetta), featuring colabs
with Spinal Fusion & Ikal.
Profound Records have debut EP’s coming from Aster, Nemo,
Rexalted & Zatzak, while 24/7 will host the long awaited from
Plasmotek and Makida + Astralex/Endeavour EP.

Some Devine Medicine from the Blacklite crew+ another Alien
Molecules VA & EP’s from Paratech, Purple Raver & Earth-
space team up with Labirinto for EP (Mosaico).
The most anticipated from Tristan (Nano) + a load of Killerwatts
remixes + X-noiZe EP.

Also want to say a massive thanks to ALL for the support of my
Sacred Vibrations VA, which gave the charts a proper rocking
/,,/_ blast ON!!
18                                                                                                          NEWS

          Dark News
          served by Dj Psycko (Noise Poison Rec.)
                                                                                    VA Harmonik Hooligans III
                                                                                    on Zulu Tunes is out, a free
                                                                                    release from South Africa. It’s
                                                                                    an almighty frequency based
                                                                                    machine that regulates the
                                                                                    reality you just cart wheeled
                                                                                    out of.

                                                                                    Dark Prisma Records
Goa Gil

                                                                                    is watching you – looking
                                                                                    forward to Intergalaktik Magik
                                                                                    Album from Sonic Scizzor
          Goa Gil’s new album,                 Mario alias Kokobloko from           and 2nd album from Frantic
          Music Baba, follow up to Shri        Greece is back with his killer       Noise. Psychedelic Brain
          Maharaj mix, is breaking the         album Futureproof on Future          Storming at its best.
          sound barrier. This disturbingly     Tribe Office: different atmos-
          brilliant album features some of     pheres of psychedelic sound in
                                                                                    Psycrowdelica Tribe mit
          his favourite artists of today. He   every track.                         Doppel-CD zu Ehren des
          is one of the center columns of                                           verstorbenen Gründers des
          Goa trance. With this new and        Crash Test is a long time            Festivals Cannibal Crow a.k.a.
          exciting album he takes us on a      awaited, brand new compila-          Krehe +++ Sangoma Records
          journey to the unpredictable…        tion by Insomnian: modern,           mit Dsompas 1.EP ‚Shinan‘,
          Music Baba is an album you           powerful and intense dance-          eine multidimensionale, LSD
          just can’t compare to anything       floor energy and at the same         artige Klanglandschaft mit
                                                                                    einer guten Groovedosis +++
          else you have heard before!          time trippy, deep, mindblowing       Mario alias Kokobloko mit
                                               psychedelic story for the night      ‚Futureproof‘ auf Future Tribe
          The Psycrowdelica Tribe is back      time.                                Office +++ ‚Crash Test‘, eine
          with a double CD release in                                               Kompilation von Insomnian:
          memory of Krehe a.k.a. Can-          Maniac Psycho Pro are                trippy, deep, euch wegbla-
          nibal Crow, founder of this          proud to present to you              sender Psychedelic für die
          legendary festival. This project     Btoxik and friends – Noise           Nacht +++ Maniac Psycho Pro
                                                                                    mit ‚Noise Technology‘, Btoxik
          contains tracks donated by           Technology – an album full           and friends +++ ‘VA Harmonik
          various artists who played at        of different vibes and colors.       Hooligans III’ (Zulu Tunes), ein
          Psycrowdelica.                       Being influenced by the              free Release aus Südafrika
                                               musical scene in Guadalajara,        +++ Dark Prisma Records
          Sangoma Records an-                  Mexicali and Tijuana, his style      mit ‚Intergalaktik Magik‘ von
          nounces the EP Shinan           has evolved into something           Sonic Scizzor sowie dem 2.
          from Dsompa. Expect a                very much his own, though            Album von Frantic Noise +++
                                                                                    Goa Gil durchbricht mit ‚Music
          lysergic multi dimensional           still keeping a slight inclination   Baba‘ die Soundmauer, einfach
          driven landscape, with a good        towards dark and hi tech.            unvergleichlich.
          dose of groove.
NEWS                                                                                                       19

Chill News
served by Roberdo Raval (
                                           Sebastian                not a big deal, but if you are
                                           Mullaert is              into classic Psy Chill Out, this
                                           dropping a mind-         album ticks all the boxes.
                                           boggling amount of       A very warm and analogue
                                           great music at the       sounding production, released
                                           moment (including        on Altar Records.
                                           even a new Son
                                           Kite album). As for      Sun:monx announced a new
                                           the chilled-out side     EP on their Facebook page, the
                                           of things, make          first after their seminal Power
                                           sure you check out       Salad album on Interchill. If
                                           his hallucinogenic       you are into Dub-infused Glitch
                                           Ambient Mix for          Hop sound this is, most prob-
                                           Mule – available         ably, very good news.
for free download via

Wanna immerse yourself in an endless ocean of liquid sound,          Sebastian Mullaert haut mo-
wanna drift in the delirious depths of an Inception-like dream?      mentan unerhört viel unerhört
Then Radio                                                           guten Sound raus, sogar ein
Universe, the                                                        neues Son Kite Album ist am
                                                                     Start. Sein Ambient Mix for
latest Asura album,                                                  Mule ist subtil, halluzinogen
is just the perfect                                                  und zeitlos gut: soundcloud.
pick. Psychedelic                                                    com/sebastianmullaert ***
Ambient music at its                                                 Mit Radio Universe legen
best, produced with                                                  Asura ein Meisterwerk in Sachen
perfidious perfec-                                                   psychedelischer Ambient vor
tion. Out on Ultimae                                                 *** Der Auftritt von Grouch in
                                                                     den Chill Out Gardens der Boom
Records.                                                             war herausragend. Jetzt ist der
                                                                     Mitschnitt online – unglaublich
The dance floor                                                      deep, dope und organisch, was
stuff of Grouch                                                      der Gute hier aus Glitch Hop
is great. However,                                                   und Dub rausholt *** Das
what the Kiwi producer delivered at Boom’s Chill Out Gardens this    Album Imbue von Androcell ist
year took me by surprise: Seismic Glitch Hop and Dub bass lines,     zwar eher konventionell, aber
                                                                     hervorragend produziert und
trippy sample cascades, ethereal ethno sounds, even the voice of     wunderbar warm und organisch.
cokehead Charlie Sheen... Grouch merged it all into a wonderfully    Wenn du auf klassischen Psy
dope and organic groove. Check out the live record at soundcloud.    Chill stehst, solltest du mal rein-
com/grouchnz                                                         hören *** Sun:monx kündigen
                                                                     auf Facebook die erste EP seit
What you can hear on Androcell – Imbue pursues a pretty              ihrem dubbigen Glitch Hop-
conventional approach. If you are a novelty seeker it’s probably     Meilenstein Power Salad an
20                                                                                      CHARTS

 Charts                                                            browse more charts

                        (Nova Pazova, Serbia, TesseracTstudio)
                        1. Sub6 - Droid Save The Queen (Zyce rmx) / TesseracTstudio Records
                        2.Zyce & Liquid Soul feat. Solar Kid - We Come in Peace / Iboga Records
                        3. Zyce & Talpa - Rip & Sweet / TesseracTstudio 4.Ticon - Waiting For the
                        Knights (FREq Remix) / Iboga Records 5.E-Clip & Symbolic - Live Your
                        Life / IONO music 6.E-Clip & Zyce - Flying Object / IONO music 7.Talpa
                        - Dark Days / TesseracTstudio 8.Vini Vici - Veni Vidi Vici / Iboga Records
                        9.Flegma - Nimbus / TesseracTstudio 10.Motion Drive & Vertex - Tran-
                        scendence / IONO music

 Mama Gaia
 (Stockholm / Sweden / UnderBraVidunder)
 1.Phaxe & Morten Granau - The Collective 2.Ghost Rider - Be focused 3.Shake
 - I breath music 4.Unseen Dimensions - Seen 5.Flowjob & OTB - Copenhagen
 Knights 6.Morten Granau & Emok - 3rd eye 7.Royal Flush - Definition of
 insanity (Vice remix) 8.Captain Hook & Astrix - Bungee jump 9.Shake - Cata-
 lyzer 10.Major7 & D-Addiction - From the speakers

                      Boom Shankar
                      (Germany / BMSS Records / S.U.N. Festival)
                      1.Soul Kontakt & Boom Shankar – Simulated Reality (Etnica Remix) (BMSS)
                      2.Outside the Universe – Other Dimension (Unreleased) 3.Electric Uni-
                      verse – One Love (Kali Remix) (BMSS) 4.E-Rection – Out here we are
                      stoned (Block Device Remix) (Unreleased) 5.Space Cat & Simon Posford
                      – Invasion (Space Cat 2014 Remix) (Translucent) 6.Hujaboy – Ancient
                      Memories (Zero 1)7.Braincell – Reactivation of the Mind) (BMSS) 8.Green
                      Nuns of the Revolution – Conflict (GMS Remix) (CDR) 9.Vertical Mode &
                      Outsiders – Physical Reality (HomMega) 10.Deedrah – Dog‘s Eye on Gao
                      (United Beats)

 (Beer Sheva / Israel / Boundless Records)
 1.Cortex Vs T.H.C Vs Insane Logic - Dr. Timothy Leary (Tribute) (Boundless
 Records) (Unreleased) 2.Cortex - Crazy Family (Psy.ology Records) 3.Blanx
 - Insomnia (Human Technolgies Records) 4.Laughing Buddha Vs Dickster
 - Stepping Stoned (Nano Records) 5.1200 Mics - River Trance (Tip World)
 6.Cortex On Chill Out - Magic Bullet (Geomagnetic Records) 7.Boom Structure
 - Tetrahedra (Psy.ology Records) 8.Blanx - DMT (Agent Kritsek Remix) (Human
 Technologies Records) 9.Blanx - Welcome to my Life (AvantGarde Remix)
 (Geomagnetic Records) 10.X - Noize - Breaking the Toys (Cortex Vs T.H.C
 Remix) (Spirit Base)
CHARTS                                                                                                               21

contribute your charts

                          1.Next Generation - Perceptors 2.Extraterrestrial - Lifeforms and Egoryth-
                          mia 3.Alone in the dark - Sonic Sense 4.Rush hour - Ritmo and Sphera
                          5.E 2 B - Aerospace 6.City on Mars - Side Effect 7.Animal instinct - Space
                          Hypnose 8.Flying objects - E-Clip and Zyce 9.Eternal - Egorythmia (Percep-
                          tors rmx) 10.Mental Universe - Sonic Entity

Sebastian Kos
(Basel/ Switzerland/ Antu Records)
1.Hoax & Antispin - Godzilla - Psyology rec. 2.Braincell & Psilocybian - Altjira - EDM
rec. 3.Space Vision - Haze Dreams - Phantasm rec. 4.Conwerter - Unstable- Harmonia
rec. 5.Talamasca & Space Cat - Aramgeddon - Trancelucent rec. 6.Hyperflex - Electric
Organismus- EDM rec. 7.Dickster & Perfect Stranger - Quantum Physics at dick`s attick
8.Drip Drop - Smoked Clay - Harmonia rec. 9.Zz Bing - Frozen - LW rec. 10.Tokujoros -
Micro Man ( Animato remix) - HOMmega rec.

                        1.Ianuaria & Muscaria - Bioport (Blue Hour Sounds) 2.Distant Touch & Android
                        Spirit - Medicinal Sushi (Forestdelic) 3.Etnica - Blacklight District (Sangoma)
                        4.Dharma - Under the Moon (CDR) 5.Hypereggs - Rum and Cortisone (Looney
                        Moon) 6.Tickets - Siamese Fighting Fish (Timecode) 7.Lucas - Polite Society (Sy-
                        berite rmx) (T.I.P) 8.Aphid Moon & Tron - Cycloplex (Nano) 9.Man with No Name
                        - Teleport (Samadhi rmx) (Vertigo) 10.Caveman - Mars Attack (Purple Hexagon)
(Berlin / Germany / Waldfrieden)
1.Esh - Inner Universe / Psyology 2.Animalis - Mnml Head / Dropzone Records
3.Deedrah - Journey To The Crossroad / United Beats Records 4.Hujaboy - Ancient
Memories / Zero One Music 5.Shayman - Danger / Dacru Records 6.Waveform vs
Ametron - Wavetronic / Landmark Recordings 7.Allaby - Redshift / Nano Records
8.Kliment - Monkey Train / Zenon Records 9.Man With No Name - Vice Versa (Ver-
tical Mode RMX) / Perfecto Fluoro 10.Dust - Low Latency - Looney Moon Records

                        (Head of Digital Nature Records)
                        1. Etic vs Liftshift - Amsterburg - Unrelease 2. 3D Mode - Re Bounce - Digital Nature Rec
                        3. 3D Mode - Home Safe - Digital Nature Rec 4. Vertical Mode - Codes Of Digital Natu-
                        rea 5. Zentura - Sonic Masala - Echoes 6. Aerospace – Yes We Can - Digital Nature Rec
                        7. Sonic Sense - Fricky Tricky - Digital Nature Rec 8. Motion Drive - Viewpoints - Iono 9.
                        S > Range & Atmos - Another Dimension - Iboga 10. Normalize - 5th Dimension
22                                                                                                     CHARTS

 Charts                                                                          browse more charts

                               Master Margherita
                               (Zaandam / Netherlands, Brazil / Sangoma, Electric Power Pole)
                               1.Niria - What’s in the Box - Woo-Dog Records 2.Krumelur - Drag n Drop - Electric
                               Power Pole Records 3.YabYum - Disconnect (Remix) 4.Farebi Jalebi - Tripping Hazard-
                               Parvati Records 5.Ludopsy - Runtime Experience - Neurotrance Records

     (Hamburg, Germany, chillgressive tunes)
     1.Kyoto - Skywolf (Uxmal Rec.) 2.Unusual Cosmic Process - Aquatic (Uxmal Rec.)
     3.Germind - Antimater (Cosmicleaf Rec.) 4.Fourth Dimension - In Between (Cosmicleaf
     Rec.) 5.GMO vs. Dense - Equation (Altar Rec.) 6.Sygnals - Enter Light (Sonic Loom Rec.)
     7.Tentura - Theme Patcher (Uxmal Rec.) 8.Zero Cult - Aleph (Cosmicleaf Rec.) 9.Side

                                                                                                                       Pic: motiv © by photographer
     Liner - Lived Left Behind (Cosmicleaf Rec.) 10.Memphidos - Walking To Loneliness (Sonic
     Loom Rec.)

                             B. Ashra
                             (Berlin / Germany / Klangwirkstoff Records / BTM)
                             1.Greg Haines - So it Goes 2.Mahiane - Phaeton Remains 3.Function - Golden Dawn
                             (feat. Stefanie Parnow) 4.Asura - Lonely Star 5.Circular - Three Moons 6.Taho - Evasion
                             7.ASC - Reality Check (Method One Remix) 8.Connect.Ohm - 9980 9.Biosphere - The
                             Seal & The Hydrophone 10.Brando Lupi - Opal

     Alex Tolstey
     (Boshke Beats Records/Triangle Eyes)
     1.Extrawelt “Not On The Map” -Cocoon 2.Recondite “Caldera” - Hotflush 3.The
     Delta “Vicious Pink”- Boshke Beats 4.K.U.R.O. “ Quasar” -Boshke Beats 5.Tumult
     Hands (Jurek Przezdziecki & Jacek Sienkiewicz) 12”- Recognition 6.Simone Gatto “It
     Comes Back” -Outo012 7.Dark Sky “IYP” -M.S.N. 8.Paul Brtschitsch feat. SwedenN1
     “Money” - Rootknox 9.Richard Davis “Same Room” Swayzak/Avatism Remixes - Danza
     Macabra 10.Flembaz “Strange Lights” Pallida Remix -Horns & Hoofs Entertainment
24                                                                                 ARTIST FEATURES

       Switching to 3D Mode this winter
       The label owner of Digital Nature Records told
       us about some hot newcomers to watch out for
       this winter, about his musical projects and about
       forthcoming releases.
                                                                           What else is going on at
                                                                           your label, Digital Nature?
                                                                           Digital Nature is busy as never
                                                                           before, I’m happy to say so. We
                                                                           just released a few good digital
                                                                           EPs by Quantanoize, D Twin, 3D
                                                                           Mode and Lupin, and new ones
                                                                           from Aerospace and Etic coming
                                                                           very soon! In 2015 We plan to
                                                                           make Digital Nature Festival
                                                                           which will push the label artists
                                                                           and name forward.


                                                                           Etic, vielen von euch auch wegen
                                                                           seines Labels Digital Nature Records
                                                                           bekannt, schaltet diesen Sommer

                                                                           in den 3D Mode um. Unter diesem
       What are you up to this            You are the owner of             Projektnamen macht er neuerdings
       winter?                            Digital Nature Records           nämlich mit Sonic Sense gemein-
       I have upcoming shows in Europe.   - Please tell us about an        same Sache. So zu hören auf einer
                                          exciting newcomer artist         ersten EP, die im Mai erschienen
       And studio-wise?                   this summer, and why he is       ist: Hochprozentiger auf-die-12
       I will present my new collabo-     exciting!                        Progressive Sound mit etwa 138
                                                                           Einschlägen pro Minute, absolut
       ration project: 3D Mode,. It’s a   I must say there’s more than     Spitzenzeit-taugliches Material. Sein
       strong and fat Progressive sound   only one! I am super excited     Label ist aktiv wie eh und je, gerade
       at 138 BPM, and it’s already       about the new sound from         erst kam das 5. Aerospace Album auf
       tested successfully on different   Shanko, and 3D Mode. It’s a      CD heraus, außerdem ein weiterer
       stages worldwide. The 3D Mode      fresh, smashing and unique       Silberling, auf dem eine Compilation
       debut EP, Re:Bounce, was just      sound that’s just like nothing   von Sonic Sense gebannt ist. In den
       released in May 2014 . I also      else out there, and I love to    letzten Wochen und Monaten kamen
                                                                           auf Digital Nature Records EPs von
       have some brand new Etic tracks    play it and to see the dance     u.a. Quantanoize, D Twin, 3D Mode
       and a Remix to Atomos which        floor reactions.                 an Lupin, Human Reaction und
       will be release in November.                                        Monolock raus.
26                                                                              ARTIST FEATURES

 A chat with a sophisticated party animal
 There‘s those guys who somehow got bored of the
 game and who hide in the hotel after their gig. And
 there‘s those guys who go bananas like a teenager even
 after years of touring. Hamish, head honcho of UK‘s

                                                                                                            Pic: Harmish © by Unknown
 finest Further Progressions is one of the latter ones.

 Speaking as a music                 And as a common party
 connoisseur: What have              animal? Any highlights this
 been your most amazing              summer?
 discoveries this summer?            Absolutely. Boom Festival for       What’s cracking at your
 Well, Noisily Festival in the       one… Beautiful location, great      label, Furthur Progrssions?
 UK was a huge discovery!            production, it was great to be      Obviously the summer was out-
 We’ve been waiting for a new        back there. At Fusion Festival      door time. Our next release will
 electronic festival focused on      I was honoured with a 3 hour        be coming in November, with
 the psychedelic side and these      set which I loved. It allowed me    the debut EP ‘Alpha State’ from
 guys have really delivered.         to mix old and new tracks and       Daydreamer. Following that
 Set in a beautiful location it is   styles, to feel what the dance-     we will be releasing Volume 2
 a really well designed event        floor was wanting, and deliver.     of London Landscapes, which
 with some fantastic people          And lastly, this summer was         was the first release on Furthur
 behind it. So much fun! Also        the first time I have used only     Progressions. We have been
 two new artists have really         a USB key for my sets. Leaving      working on this for a while and
 delivered for me this sum-          my CD case at home was a very       I am really excited about the
 mer - Daydreamer and 0db.           scary thing to do, I felt naked     artists we have involved, it’s
 Psychedelic Progressive at its      without it the first time! Being    going to be a special one!
 very best. You will be hearing      able to carry all of my music in
 these guys around a lot in          my pocket is such a revelation...
 the future.                         your always ready!        
ARTIST FEATURES                                                                                                                    27

                    Boom Shankar

                                                                                                                                        Pic: Mama Gaia © by Unknown
                          It‘s once again the time of Goa Trance
                          He‘s taking the globetrotter aspect of being a DJ
                          quite serious – and that‘s only the peak of the
                          iceberg, as Boom Shankar is quite a busy fellow
                          behind the scenes, as well.
                                                                                                    Gaia Sunshine
                                                                                                    A Dynamic Dual Dose of
                                                                                                    Progressive-Trance Power
Pic: Rebirth of ghe Sun

                                                                                                    When earth meets the sun,
                                                                                                    the result is an explosion of
                                                                                                    beauty, energy, and of course
                                                                                                    Gaia Sunshine! The act was
                                                                                                    born with a big-bang when
                                                                                                    Mama Gaia (Ylva Ek) and
                           There‘s many factors that distin-   brings the old generation back to    Emelie Sunshine (Emelie
                          guish the Trance scene from any      the dance floor. It‘s once again     Dsilna) merged forces in 2012.
                                                                                                    Mama Gaia began Djing
                          other electronic music genre, but    the time of Goa Trance, just in a    from 2005, whereas Emelie
                          the probably most characteristic     much better production quality“      Sunshine started in 2011, both
                          one is its internationality and      the German artist comments on        were close friends and their
                          its love for travelling. DJ Boom     his own style, and adds: „My         common passion for psy-prog
                          Shankar is a perfect example:        next CD compilation will feature     turned them into a super-
                          From the jungle of Koh Phan          exactly this, from remixes of new    insane act.
                          Gan to pine forests in Spain,        producers to old school classics.“   Their gig-list comprises of
                                                                                                    impressive venues like Tree of
                          from Morocco to the USA, from        Besides being a co-promoter of       Life Fesival Turkey, Earthdance
                          underground raves in Israel to       S.U.N. Festival and Transition Fe-   Switzerland, Evigheten Festival,
                          major festivals all over Europe      stival, Boom Shankar is also busy    Genesis and Freakplanet
                          – this guy has been playing          with his project Lightsource, an     Mushroom Tour. The prog-
                          everywhere this year. If you were    EP including remixes and collabs     trance DJanes from Stockholm,
                          there during his epic Old School /   with Etnica, Suduaya, Cimi and       Sweden are setting the dance
                          New School Set at S.U.N.rise, you    more is about to be launched.        floors ablaze with their power-
                                                                                                    ful and brilliant sets. Catch
                          might have an idea what makes        Speaking of, his label BMSS has      their shows for a solid dose of
                          the head of BMSS Records             a solid number of releases in the    pure ecstasy.
                                                                                                                                       Pic: Gaia Sunshine © by Thomas Blixt

                          so popular, namely a deeply          pipeline, the albums by PsiloCy-
                          psychedelic style that crosses       bian or Lupin or a compilations
                          bridges between the past and         by Tsubi and Gabi just being
                          the future. „This new Future         some highlights.
                          Retro sound is becoming more
                          and more popular as it unites the
                          generations, it makes newbies        DjBoomShankarBMSS
                          listen to ancient melodies and
28                                                                                ARTIST FEATURES

 Adventures from the road
 He‘s the one who knocked. No,
 he‘s the one who kicked in the
 door with a bang: OddWave
 has been one of the most
 up-and-coming names during

                                                                                                        Pic: Oddwave © by photographer
 the last open air season. His
 shuffling, subliminally Glitch
 infused „I‘m The One Who
 Knocks“ could be heard at qui-
 te every open air floor. Often
 during one of OddWave‘s live
 sets, as the artist had a busy
 tour schedule.

 „There was a strange-looking guy
 who was dressed like a priest and
 who was carrying a huge plastic penis. He stared
 at all the artists                                                               a label that somehow
 with a weird        „I was playing in France, and in a moment manages to release
 smile... It was     of concentration I suddenly get a bra                        an amazing variety
 kind of creepy,                                                                  of different tunes.
 but we also had     thrown      in my  face!   A   minute  later  she‘s          OddWave‘s comment
 a good laugh!“ next to me and asks if I want her panties...                      about the French crew:
 Obviously Odd-                                                                   „Conscious people,
 Wave had a fun      It  was   like a movie.    Good   times!“                    a big family, really
 time playing at Hadra Festival. This open air has     helpful, switched-on and highly motivated.
 been only a particularly glorious station among       Thank you so much!“ So Hadra is also the label
 many other outdoor adventures. The always             to present OddWave‘s highly anticipated new
 changing flow of OddWave‘s music gathered a           EP, named „Something Else Around Us“. Even
 considerable fanbase since he released his debut though the adventurous European summer has
 album X² last year. One moment it‘s dark and          come to an end, the future looks very bright:
 twisted Psytrance, the next moment there‘s the        „I‘m really proud to play in other countries, it‘s a
 uplifting lightness of Progressive Trance... really   dream come true. The year 2015 looks amazing
 hard to put a finger on it. „I explored many          already, some very exciting bookings, some
 styles of music before, like Hip Hop and Jazz, and releases... and the idea is to create an album
 I‘m also the guitarist in a Metal band named          while traveling and meeting producer friends all
 Mechanical Decay. Some people tell me they            around the world.“
 hear that I‘m a musician above all.“ Well, that
 explains a lot! The avangardist style of OddWave
 makes him a perfect match for Hadra Records,
ARTIST FEATURES                                                                                                29

 The year 2014 & the new era

                                                                                                               Pic: Dual Effect © by Unknown
 Journey, Omsphere, Sonic Wave Control, Free-Spirit
 Records... Jay OM is a busy man. So we‘re stoked
 we got him for an interview about his various
 projects and some highlights of the year 2014.
 The project Omsphere is                                                    Dual Effect
 only your latest musical                                                   Spaß und Leidenschaft an
 offspring, isn‘t it?                                                       Musik befeuern Lars Meyers
 It all happened while touring                                              Gefallen an der Musikproduk-
                                                                            tion. Der vielfältigere Sound
 South Africa as Journey and Jay                                            sowie viel Freiraum beim Pro-
 OM in 2009. At the time I was                                              duzieren geleiteten ihn zum
 working on my second Journey                                               Psytrance. Das vom Feiern
 album but had started making                                               der Leute gepushte wohlige
 some loops and music that                                                  Gefühl am Pult, prägen Leben
 I wouldn‘t normally do with           coming release is Twelve Sessions    wie musikalischen Rhythmus
 Journey. Before I knew it I had       & M-Theory - Once in a Blue          von Dual Effect, dessen Spiel-
                                                                            geschwindigkeit 145 bpm
 finished a whole load of tracks,      Moon and he is also compiling        beträgt. Dem Initialrelease
 enough material to perform            a VA for Free-Spirit Records. On     auf der Psychedelic Circus
 Omsphere live for the first time.     the Omsphere side, I am proud to     Kompilation 2008, folgten 2
 So I began releasing tracks here      have a track I made with Tron on     Debütalben in 2012, weitere
 and there on compilations and         his forthcoming album, the guy is    VA Kompilationen sowie eine
 EP‘s. These days you will often       a legend. Also look out for a Tron   RMX-Session von Psymon.
 find me performing more than          & Journey EP out on Free-Spirit
                                                                            Fun and passion in music are
 once at events as Omsphere and        Records in November!                 fuelling Lars Meyer’s apprecia-
 Journey... and as Sonic Wave                                               tion of music production. The
 Control.                              Please complete this sen-            more versatile sound as well
                                       tence: My personal highlight         as more freedom while pro-
 Your highlights of 2014,              of 2014 was...                       ducing guided him towards
 music-wise?                           ...finishing my first Omsphere al-   Psytrance. The comforting
 Here I have to put on my Free-        bum K‘ag Bak‘tun, which means        feeling at the deck pushed by
                                                                            partying people shape both
 Spirit label manager hat and say      the new era in Mayan language.       life and rhythm of Dual Effect.
 that I am most proud of Free-         The album took me two years to       His rate is 145 bpm. The initial
 Spirit‘s label artist Twelve Sessi-   complete with most of the ideas      release on the Psychedelic
 ons aka Pedro Thiel from Brasil. I    coming from inspiration during       Circus compilation 2008 were
 first met met Pedro 6 years ago       my travels. It is something I am     followed by 2 albums in
 in Porto Alegre, whilst touring       really proud of!                     2012, further VA compilations
 Brazil. He had this amazing raw                                            and a rmx-session of Psymon.
 talent, but needed that extra         (Full interview on mushroom-
 push to get him out there so we
 signed him to Free-Spirit. Forth-
30                                                                                       ART SPECIAL

     His artist name means “cobalt blue”. However, his pictures are extremely
     intricate arrangements of all colours of the rainbow. Meet our cover artist.
     What‘s your background? Any
     Psytrance connection at all?
     Today I like the Berlin Deep House scene, but
     i‘m also deeply into Hip Hop and Rap culture
     because of my street art background and
     connections. But when I was at university we
        organized some Psytrance parties. I learned
                         to make live visuals in this
                         period and did lots of deco-
                          rations and backdrops for
                          festivals. Nowadays, I can‘t
                          say i‘m deeply into Psy cul-
                       ture – also because I‘m not
                        the festival-goer any more. If    my inner self and to fill it with some colour
                       that changes, I will be in first   pigments.
                          in the line again because
                             i really liked dancing in    What are you excited about at the
                             nature and the strong        moment?
                            and fast Psytrance vibe!      These days I‘m working on the foundation of
                             The difference to Berlin     a new artist collective. I already collaborated
                             is probably the comfort      with some other artist crews here in Berlin
                             of Psy culture: I don‘t      and in other countries, but I feel like now is
                             remember any prejudge-       the time to create my own collective and to
                                ment or negative vibes    organize some art events without the filter
                               like I get it sometimes    or the expectations of other people. I already
     from the Berlin Hipster community.                   created a main concept and started to get in
                                                          touch with lots of artists. If everything goes
     Do you also work digitally? That‘s the               well, 9th January will be the first event at
     big thing at the moment, isn‘t it?                   Urbanspree, Berlin. Also I have 2 more exhibi-
     Yes, I work also digitally sometimes - mainly        tions next week and I’m on some interesting
     for commission works because some projects           commission works, but I‘m most excited about
     just fit for digital colouring and there is no       the collective thing!
     sense to work with traditional techniques. But
     if I work for myself I always prefer analogue
     mediums. First of all, analogue always gives
     you a chance to make something unique. I re-
     ally like to discover something new when I’m
     working spontaneously, it’s kind of discovering      Interview by Roberdo Raval
presented by
presented by

                                                                                27.08. – 31.08.

                                                                              01.05. – 03.05.
                                                                             Hai in den Mai
                                                                              06.08. – 09.08.

                                                                             Zamba Loca

                                                                                09.07. – 12.07.
                                                                                  One Love

                                                                          20.02. - 22.02.
                                                                         Skazka Festival
       11.08. - 16.08.
     Freedom Festival                                                          28.01. - 04.02.
                                                                             Luminate Festival

                                                         27.11. – 01.12.14
                                       01.05. - 03.05.      Earthcore
The Festival Map list big internati-
onal festivals which are presented
                                       Kupuri 2015
from mushroom magazine and
make no claims of being complete.                           30.12.14. – 02.01.15
                                                            Twisted Frequency
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