The Philosophy of Property

Die Seite wird erstellt Michelle Rohde
The Philosophy of Property

While everybody values personal possessions, the underlying concept of property remains blurry
for many. The question “What is property?” has a long history and still attracts a heated debate
among scholars. As it goes to the heart of civic and legal order, both the entitlements provided
by property law as well as its justification have changed over time. In the modern era it has been
recognized that property is a manmade concept adopted in order to coordinate conflicting
interests in using scarce resources. To that extent, property plays a crucial role in organization of
modern society and economy in particular. In our seminar we want to map out different
approaches to the question “What is property?”. By looking at the way in which its normative
justification has changed throughout history we want to contextualize contemporary discussions
regarding property. The course will cover philosophical, legal, economic and social aspects of
the question in a historical perspective, as they have affected our understanding of property.

Each participant is required to summarize the major points of the allocated topic in a short essay
not exceeding 20,000 characters (approx. 8 pages) which is due to 1 week prior to the seminar.
The paper shall provide a comprehensive overview of the issue and summarize the major

The topic has to be presented during the seminar in a 30 min. presentation. The papers will be
circulated prior to the seminar. All participants are expected to read the papers, which will be
checked by a short pass/fail test at the beginning of the course.

The provided articles are a starting point for independent literature research to be conducted by
the students themselves. Especially participants with a topic allocated in Part 2 are expected to
provide both a research of primary as well as secondary literature.


Part 1: Introduction

Topic 1: The Concept of Property in Civil Law (Thingness) and Common Law (Bunde-of-Rights-
   - Student shall introduce the legal concept of property in Common Law and explain
       Common Law’s Bundle-of-Rights-Metaphor. What do American lawyers think of
       when they talk about property?
   - Civil Law Theory + Common Law Theory, Bundle-of-Rights-Theory
   - J.E. Penner, The “Bundle of Rights” Picture of Property, 43 UCLA L. Rev. 711,
       712-14 (1996)
   - Eric Claeys, Is Property a Thing or a Bundle?, 32 Sea. U. L. Rev. 617, 619-21
   - Symposium: Property: A Bundle of Rights? 8 Econ. J. Watch (2011)
   - Bruce Ackerman, Private Property and the Constitution 26-29, 97-100 (1977)
   - Stephen Munzer, A Theory of Property 15-31 (1990)
   - Joseph Singer, Entitlement: The Paradoxes of Property 3-13 (2000)Jane B.
       Barron, Rescuing the Bundle-of-Rights Metaphor in Property Law, 82 Univ.
   - Cinci. L. Rev. 57 (2014).
   - Stepanians, Markus (2005): Die angelsächsische Diskussion: Eigentum zwischen
   - «Ding» und «Bündel», in: Was ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd
       (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.
   - Boudewijn Bouckaert, What Is Property, 13 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 775 (1990), pp.

-   775-816.
   -   Reed, Lee (2004): American B. Law Journal Vol. 41, Issue 4, 459–501, Summer

Topic 2: The private property regime provided by the German Civil Code (BGB)
   - Student shall provide an overview of the property regime provided by the BGB. What is
       property according to the BGB, and how is property being transferred? Student also has
       to explain different rules for chattel (Mobilia) and real estate (Immobilia)
   - Mobiliar- und Immobiliarsachenrecht; keine Rechte des geistigen Eigentums
   - Content of property, § 903 BGB, §§ 937-984 BGB
   - Wieling, Josef (2017): Sachenrecht, 5. Aufl., München: Springer.
   - Jegliches Sachenrechtslehrbuch der UBT

Topic 3: Intellectual Property
   - Student shall explain the concept and history of intellectual property and the different
       types of property rights (Patentrecht, Design-=Geschmacksmusterrecht, Urheberrecht,
       Markenrecht, etc…)
   - Differences to tangible property
   - Pascal Oberndörfer: Die philosophische Grundlage des Urheberrechts. Nomos,
       Baden-Baden 2005.
   - Howe, Helena (2013): Concepts of Property in Intellectual Property Law, Cambridge:
       Cambridge University Press.
   - Goldhammer, Michael (2012): Geistiges Eigentum und Eigentumstheorie,
       Rekonstruktion der Begründung von Eigentum an immateriellen Gütern anhand der
       US-amerikanischen Eigentumstheorie, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Topic 4: Constitutional Protection of Property: Germany, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights &
   - Student shall explain how the German constitution and EU Charter of Fundamental
       Rights and EMRK protect private property and its institutional guarantee
   - Körsgen, Norbert (2005): Eigentum als Grundrecht im Grundgesetz, in: Was ist
       Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.
   - Juristische Kommentare zu Art. 14 GG (Bonner Kommentar, Maunz-Dürig, Schmidt-
       Beibtreu/Hoffmann/Henneke, Alternativkommentar)
   - Müller-Michaels, Olaf (1997): Grundrechtlicher Eigentumsschutz in der EU, Berlin:
       Duncker & Humblot.
   - König, Doris (2004): Der Schutz des Eigentums im europäischen Recht.

Topic 5: Comparative Law - Property regimes from an international perspective
   - Mattei, Ugo (2000): Basic principles of Property Law - A Comparative Legal and
       Economic Introduction, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 1-50.
   - Zimmermann, Reinhard (1993): Der europäische Charakter des englischen Rechts:
       historische Verbindungen zwischen civil law und common law, 1 Zeitschrift für
       Europäisches Privatrecht, pp. 4-51.
   - Van Erp, Sjef (2019): Comparative Property Law, in: The Oxford Handbook of
       Comparative Law (2nd edn), edited by Mathias Reimann and Reinhard Zimmermann.

Topic 6: Nonwestern conceptions of property
   - Farhat J. Ziadeh (1993): Property Rights in the Middle East: From Traditional Law to
       Modern Codes, Arab Law Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1993), pp. 3-12.
   - H. F. Schurmann (1956): Traditional Property Concepts in China, The Far Eastern

Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Aug., 1956), pp. 507-516,
       0126415 .
   -   Sacco, R. "The Sub-Saharan Legal Tradition." In The Cambridge Companion to
       Comparative Law, edited by Mauro Bussani and Ugo Mattei. Cambridge:
       Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Part 2: Justification of Property throughout History

Topic 7: The Ancient World - Plato, Aristotle & Cicero
   - Aristotle: property through human reason
   - Cicero: property through occupation
   - Platon, Politeias III 416 c ff., V 462 c ff.
   - Hoffmann, Thomas Sören: Die Güter, das Gute und die Frage des rechten Maßes: Platon
       und das Eigentum, in: Was ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.),
       München: C. H. Beck.
   - Szaif, Jan: Aristoteles – eine teleologische Konzeption von Besitz und Eigentum, in: Was
       ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.
   - Chiusi, Tiziana J.: Strukturen des römischen Eigentums im Spiegel
   - rhetorisch-philosophischer Texte Ciceros, in: Was ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig,
       Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.

Topic 8: Middle Ages - Property Rights & Feudal Living
   - The feudal order from the Perspective of a property rights regime
   - Kaufmann, Matthias: Das Recht auf Eigentum im Mittelalter, in: Was ist Eigentum?, Eckl,
       Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.
   - Dietmar Willoweit: Zur Entwicklung des Eigentumsbegriffs in der mittelalterlichen und
       neuzeitlichen Rechtswissenschaft. In: Historisches Jahrbuch. 94 (1974), S. 131–156,

Topic 9: Property Rights & the Church: Aquinas, Ockham
   - Jürgen Miethke: Ockhams politische Theorie. In: Wilhelm von Ockham: Dialogus,
       Auszüge zur politischen Theorie. Ausgewählt übersetzt und mit einem Nachwort
       versehen von Jürgen Miethke. Darmstadt 1992, S. 220–221.

Topic 10: Hobbes & Locke
   - Ludwig, Bernd: „Regierungen entstehen wieder auf die althergebrachte Art, nämlich
       durch Erfindungen und Übereinkunft der Menschen.“ John Lockes Eigentumstheorie, in:
       Was ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.

Topic 11: Rousseau & Hume
   - Rehm, Michaela (2005): «Ihr seid verloren, wenn ihr vergeßt, daß die Früchte allen
       gehören und die Erde niemandem»: Rousseaus bedingte Legitimation des
       Privateigentums, in: Was ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München:
   - C. H. Beck.
   - Fricke, Christel (2005): Die Eigentumsfrage bei David Hume und Adam Smith, in: Was ist
       Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.

Topic 12: Rationalist justification of Property (“Vernunftrecht”) - Kant & Hegel
   - Kant, Immanuel: Metaphysik der Sitten, Der Rechtslehre Erster Theil. Das Privatrecht, S.
   - Penner, J.E. (2020): Property Rights, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 157-196.
   - Euchner, Walter (1970): Freiheit, Eigentum und Herrschaft bei Hegel, Politische
       Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Dezember 1970), pp. 531-555.
   - Eckl, Andreas (2005): Der Begriff des «Eigentums» in der Rechtsphilosophie Hegels, in:
       Was ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.
   - Dreier, Ralf (1986): Eigentum in rechtsphilosophischer Sicht, in: Archiv für Rechts- und
       Sozialphilosophie 78 (1987), S. 163-173.
   - Unruh, Peter (2005): Die vernunftrechtliche Eigentumsbegründung bei Kant, in: Was ist
       Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck
   - Hegel (1986): Grundlinien der Philosophie, §§ 41-56, Ditzingen: Reclam.

Topic 13: Blackstone and the emergence of property theory
   - William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England *2 (1979) (1765-1769).
   - Carol M. Rose, Canons of Property Talk, or, Blackstone’s Anxiety, 108 Yale L. J. 601
   - Schorr, David (2009): How Blackstone Became a Blackstonian, 10 Theoretical Inq. L.

Topic 14: Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx
   - Zintl, Reinhard (2005): Privateigentum, Ausbeutung, Entfremdung: Karl Marx, in: Was ist
       Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.
   - Fricke, Christel (2005): Die Eigentumsfrage bei David Hume und Adam Smith, in: Was
       ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.

Topic 15: The 20th Century I - Rawls & Nozick
   - Esser, Andrea (2005): Faire Verteilung oder absoluter Schutz des Eigentums? Eine
       klassische Alternative in der neueren Diskussion: John Rawls und Robert Nozick, in: Was
       ist Eigentum?, Eckl, Andreas / Ludwig, Bernd (Eds.), München: C. H. Beck.
   - Rawls, John (1979): Eine Theorie der Gerechtigkeit, Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.
   - Rawls, John (2006): Gerechtigkeit als Fairness. Ein Neuentwurf, Frankfurt a. M.:
   - Nozick, Robert (2006): Anarchie, Staat, Utopia. München: Olzog.

Topic 16: The 20th Century II - Buchanan & Sen
   - Sen, Amartya (2000): Ökonomie für den Menschen. Wege zur Gerechtigkeit und
       Solidarität in der Marktwirtschaft. München: Hanser, SS. 24-70, S. 140.

Part 3: Economic Justifications for Property

Topic 17: Introduction – Property & Efficiency Considerations
   - Student has to show how tangible property rights (Sachenrechte: alles was man anfassen
       kann - Mobilia und Immobilia) influence incentives to invest and prevent overuse
   - Property as means of exclusion. Advantage: no requirement of consensus
   - Schäfer, Hans-Bernd/Ott, Claus (2020): Lehrbuch der Ökonomischen Analyse des
       Zivilrechts, 6. Auflage, Heidelberg Berlin: Springer, Kapitel 18: Begriff, Funktion und
       Ausgestaltung von Property Rights.

-   Kirchhof, Paul (2004): Eigentum als Ordnungsidee – Wert und Preis des Eigentums, in:
        Deppenheuer, Otto (Hrsg.) (2004): Eigentum – Ordnungsidee, Zustand, Entwicklungen,
        Heidelberg Berlin: Springer.
    -   Demsetz, Harold (1967): Towards a Theory of property Rights, in: The American
        Economic Review, Vol. 57, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Seventy-ninth Annual
        Meeting of the American Economic Association. (May, 1967), pp. 347-359.
    -   Cooter, Robert/Ulen, Thomas (2012): Law & Economics, 6th ed., Chapter 4 and 5
        (intellectual property rights excluded).
    -   Bouckaert, Boudewijn (1990): What Is Property, 13 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 775 (1990),
        pp. 775-816.

 Topic 18: Property as collateral and its benefit for credit industry
    - Student shall explain the importance of property for the credit industry and why this
        matters for economic development
    - Schönfelder, Bruno (2012): Vom Spätsozialismus zur Privatrechtsordnung, Kapitel 3:
        Das Kreditwesen als Beispiel für die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung berechenbaren Rechts,
        Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag.
    - De Soto, Hernando (2000): The Mystery of Capital.
    - McKinnon, Ronald (1973): Money and Capital in Economic Development.

 Topic 19: Economic Analysis of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
    - Student shall explain which economic considerations are important for the shaping of
        IPR: Which IPR do we need? How broad should IPR be? How long should protection be
    - Schäfer, Hans-Bernd/Ott, Claus (2020): Lehrbuch der Ökonomischen Analyse des
        Zivilrechts, 6. Auflage, Heidelberg Berlin: Springer, Kapitel 18: Immaterialgüterrechte, die
        Generierung von Innovationen.
    - Cooter, Robert/Ulen, Thomas (2012): Law & Economics, 6th ed., pp. 112-134.
    - Contemporary Issues of Intellectual Property Rights
    - Posner, Richard A. (2014): Economic Analysis of Law, 9th ed., New York: Wolters
        Kluwer, Chapter 11 (Intellectual property), pp. 401-426.

Topic 20: Economic considerations in rules of statutory acquisition of ownership
    - Statutory acquisition of ownership = gesetzlicher Eigentumserwerb: §§ 937-
        984 BGB
    - Bouckaert, Boudewijn/Hoeppner, Sven (2020): Economic Analysis of
        Property Law Cases: A Casebook, Taylor & Francis Ltd 2020.

Topic 21: Economic considerations in rules of acquisition of ownership in good faith
    - Gutgläubiger Eigentumserwerb: §§ 932-936 BGB
    - Bouckaert, Boudewijn/Hoeppner, Sven (2020): Economic Analysis of
        Property Law Cases: A Casebook, Taylor & Francis Ltd 2020.
    - Schäfer, Hans-Bernd/Ott, Claus (2020): Lehrbuch der Ökonomischen Analyse des
        Zivilrechts, 6. Auflage, Heidelberg Berlin: Springer, Kapitel 19: Die Übertragung von
        Rechten durch gutgläubigen Erwerb.

 Topic 22: Institutional economic approach
    - Student shall show how legal systems that protect private property achieve
        better outcomes compared to countries that expropriate/don’t protect
        property. Macro focus.

-   Acemoglu/Robinson: Why Nations fail. Freely available online. Chapter 1-4.
    -   Cooter/Ulen (2012): Law & Economics, 6th ed., Pearson, pp. 70-111 (An Economic
        Theory of Property). Also available online.
    -   Douglas C. North/Robert Paul Thomas: The Rise of the Western World (1973), pp. 1-8.
    -   Pierre Crétois: "Why private property?", Special Issue of "Raisons politiques",
        Introduction, Presses de Sciences Po.
    -   Leschke, Martin et al. (2016): Institutionenökonomik, 3. Auflage, Stuttgart: Schäffer-
        Pöschel, S. 283-288.

Topic 23: Efficiency Considerations & the Numerus Clausus of Property law
   - Henry E. Smith & Thomas W. Merrill (2000): Optimal Standardization in the Law of
       Property: The Numerus Clausus Principle, 110 Yale Law Journal 1 (2000), S. 9 ff.
   - van Erp/Akkermans, Property rights: a comparative view, in: Encyclopedia of Law and
       Economics, Second Edition, Vol. 5: Property Law and Economics, S. 31 f.
   - Fleischer, Der Numerus Clausus der Sachenrechte im Spiegel der Rechtsökonomie, in:
       Internationalisierung des Rechts und seine ökonomische Analyse, Festschrift für Hans-
       Bernd Schäfer zum 65. Geburtstag, S. 125-138.
   - Wiegand, Numerus clausus der dinglichen Rechte. Zur Entstehung und Bedeutung eines
       zentralen zivilrechtlichen Dogmas, in: Wege Europäischer Rechtsgeschichte, Karl
       Kroeschell zum 60. Geburtstag dargelegt von Freunden, Schülern und Kollegen, Hrsg.
       Gerhard Köbler, 1987, S. 623 (638 f.).
   - Heller, The Boundaries of Private Property, Yale L. J., Vol. 108, No. 5, 1999, S. 1176.
   - Heller, The Tragedy of the Anticommons: Property in the Transition from Marx to Markets,
       111 Harv. L. Rev. 621-688 (1998).
   - Rudden, Economic Theory v. Property Law: The Numerus Clausus Problem, in Oxford
       Essays on Jurisprudence 239, 242 (John Eekelaar & John Bell (Hrsg.)., 3. Aufl. 1987).

Part 4: Philosophical foundations of contemporary legal-economic debate on property

Topic 24: Exclusion as the center of property
   - Merrill, T. W. (1998). Property and the Right to Exclude. Neb. L. Rev., 77, 730
   - Kelly, D. B. (2013). The right to include. Emory LJ, 63, 857
   - Mossoff, Adam (2011): The False Promise of the Right to Exclude, 8 Econ. J. Watch 255.
   - Smith, Henry E. (2014): The Thing About Exclusion, 3 Brigham-Kanner Prop. Rts. Conf.
       J. 94, 117ff.
   - Katz, Larissa (2008): Exclusion and Exclusivity in Property Law, 58 U. Toronto L. J. 275.

Topic 25: Public-Private Divide
   - Benn, Stanley I., and Gerald F. Gaus. "Public and private in social life." (1986).
   - Gaus, G. F. (1994). Property, rights, and freedom. Social Philosophy and Policy, 11(2),

Topic 26: The challenge of the commons
   - Ostrom, Elinor (1990): Die Verfassung der Allmende - Jenseits von Markt und Staat,
       Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
   - Feeny, D., Berkes, F., McCay, B. J., & Acheson, J. M. (1990). The tragedy of the
       commons: twenty-two years later. Human ecology, 18(1), 1-19.
   - Ostrom, E., Chang, C., Pennington, M., & Tarko, V. (2012). The Future of the Commons-
       Beyond Market Failure and Government Regulation. Institute of Economic Affairs
   - Stojanovic, A. Commons in the Past and the Future of Law and Economics. Global Jurist,
Topic 27: Private Property and Sustainability
   - Akkermans, B. (2018). Sustainable property law? European Property Law Journal, 7(1),
   - Cole, Daniel H. (2010): New forms of private property: property rights in environmental
       goods, in: Property Law and Economics, 2nd Edition, Bouckaert, Boudewijn (Ed.), pp.
   - Markelova, Helen & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth, 2009. "The importance of property rights in
       climate change mitigation:," 2020 vision briefs 16(10), International Food Policy Research
       Institute (IFPRI).
   - Klass, Alexandra B./Wilson, Elisabeth J. (2010): Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration,
       and Property Rights, 2010 U. Ill. L. Rev. 363 (2010).
   - Klass, Alexandra B. (2011): Property Rights on the New Frontier: Climate Change,
       Natural Resource Development, and Renewable Energy, 38 Ecology L.Q. 63 (2011).

Topic 28: Property between classical and new liberalism
   - Gerald Gaus, Property and Ownership
   - Eric Mack, “The Natural Right of Property,” Social Philosophy & Policy, vol. 27 (Winter
       2010): 53-78
   - David Schmidtz, “Property and Justice,” Social Philosophy & Policy, vol. 27 (Winter
       2010): 79-100
   - Jan Narveson, “Property and Rights,” Social Philosophy & Policy, vol. 27 (Winter 2010):
       101- 34.
   - Christman, J. (1991). Self-ownership, equality, and the structure of property rights.
       Political Theory, 19(1), 28-46.
   - Waldron, J. (1985). What is private property?, Oxford J. Legal Stud., 5, 313.
   - Waldron, J. (1993). Property, justification and need. Canadian Journal of Law &
       Jurisprudence, 6(2), 185-215.

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