2 VOCABULARY & LANGUAGE ACTION SHEETS - Kopiervorlagen mit Lösungen - Cornelsen

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2 VOCABULARY & LANGUAGE ACTION SHEETS - Kopiervorlagen mit Lösungen - Cornelsen
Kopiervorlagen mit Lösungen
2 VOCABULARY & LANGUAGE ACTION SHEETS - Kopiervorlagen mit Lösungen - Cornelsen
Kopiervorlagen mit Lösungen
English G Access · Band 2
Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
Kopiervorlagen mit Lösungen

Im Auftrag des Verlages herausgegeben von
Jörg Rademacher, Mannheim

Erarbeitet von
Dominik Eberhard, Bonn (Vocabulary Action Sheets)
Uwe Tröger, Hannover (Language Action Sheets)

Vocabulary Action Sheets:
Roland Beier, Berlin
Language Action Sheets:
Tobias Dahmen, Utrecht/NL

Layout und technische Umsetzung
zweiband.media, Berlin

kleiner & bold, Berlin

Trevor Burrows Photography Ltd, Plymouth


1. Auflage, 2. Druck 2015

Alle Drucke dieser Auflage sind inhaltlich unverändert und
können im Unterricht nebeneinander verwendet werden.

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin

Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Jede Nutzung in anderen als den gesetzlich zugelassenen Fällen bedarf
der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Verlages.
Hinweis zu den §§ 46, 52 a UrhG: Weder das Werk noch seine Teile dürfen ohne eine
solche Einwilligung eingescannt und in ein Netzwerk eingestellt oder sonst öffentlich
zugänglich gemacht werden.
Dies gilt auch für Intranets von Schulen und sonstigen Bildungseinrichtungen.

Druck: H. Heenemann, Berlin

ISBN 978-3-06-033296-0

Dieses Heft enthält 27 Kopiervorlagen:
• 12 Vocabulary Action Sheets (+ Lösungen)
• 15 Language Action Sheets (+ Lösungen)

Vocabulary Action Sheets (VAS):

Sichere Wortschatzkenntnisse sind nur zu erreichen, wenn die eingeführten und „gelernten“ Wörter
und Wendungen regelmäßig wiederholt, geübt und kontrolliert werden. Die VAS ermöglichen –
unitweise – eine motivierende Beschäftigung mit dem erlernten Wortschatz: Die Schülerinnen und
Schüler (S) entschlüsseln die einzusetzenden Vokabeln mithilfe von Kurzdefinitionen,
vervollständigen kurze Beispielsätze, üben Wortschatz nach Wortfeldern, suchen Gegensatzpaare,
versprachlichen Bilder. Auf diese Weise wird der zu beherrschende Wortschatz besser vernetzt und
gespeichert, als es durch die alleinige Beschäftigung mit den Vokabellisten des Schülerbuches
geschehen kann.
Zu jeder Unit des Schülerbuches English G • Access 2 stehen jeweils zwei VAS mit dem größten
Teil des produktiv zu beherrschenden Wortschatzes zur Verfügung.

Language Action Sheets (LAS):

Zu jeder Unit des Schülerbuches English G • Access 2 werden ein bis vier LAS angeboten, mit
denen die S die zentralen grammatischen Strukturen erarbeiten und/oder festigen können.
Jedes LAS beginnt mit einem Abschnitt, der die S auf eine oder mehrere Seiten im Schülerbuch
English G • Access 2 verweist. Mithilfe der genannten Stellen im Schülerbuch vervollständigen die
S zunächst Sätze oder kurze Dialoge, die die zu erarbeitende grammatische Struktur enthalten. Je
nach grammatischem Phänomen komplettieren die S anschließend Paradigmen, machen sich
grammatische Bildungs- und Funktions-Regularitäten bewusst und vergleichen ggf. mit
verwandten grammatischen Phänomenen. Dabei werden sie kleinschrittig angeleitet durch
zweisprachige Arbeitsanweisungen zu den einzelnen LAS-Abschnitten.
Jedes LAS endet mit einem Verweis auf den zugehörigen Grammar File-Abschnitt des
Die LAS können im Rahmen des flexiblen Grammatikkonzepts von English G • Access anstelle
der Looking at language-Abschnitte des Schülerbuches zum Einsatz kommen (zu den Einsatzorten
der LAS siehe die Inhaltsübersicht auf der nächsten Seite). Am Ende des Schuljahres halten die S
eine selbst erstellte Elementargrammatik in Händen, die sie auch dann noch zum Nachschlagen und
Wiederholen nutzen können, wenn sie ihre ausgeliehenen Schülerbücher zurückgegeben haben.

                   English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets

Vocabulary Action Sheets:
  VAS Einsatzort                       VAS Einsatzort
   1.1 nach Unit 1                       4.1 nach Unit 4
   1.2 nach Unit 1                       4.2 nach Unit 4
   2.1 nach Unit 2                       5.1 nach Unit 5
   2.2 nach Unit 2                       5.2 nach Unit 5
   3.1 nach Unit 3                       6.1 nach Unit 6
   3.2 nach Unit 3                       6.2 nach Unit 6

Language Action Sheets:
   LAS Thema                                                                 Einsatzort
    1.1 REVISION The simple past: positive and negative statements           Unit 1, S. 10
    1.2 REVISION The simple past: questions                                  Unit 1, S. 10
    1.3 Subject and object questions                                         Unit 1, S. 14
    2.1 The going to-future                                                  Unit 2, S. 31
    2.2 The comparison of adjectives (I)                                     Unit 2, S. 34
    2.3 The comparison of adjectives (II)                                    Unit 2, S. 36
    3.1 Relative clauses                                                     Unit 3, S. 50
    3.2 Adverbs of manner                                                    Unit 3, S. 55
    4.1 The present perfect: positive and negative statements                Unit 4, S. 70
    4.2 The present perfect: questions and short answers                     Unit 4, S. 72
    4.3 Present perfect and simple past in contrast                          Unit 4, S. 76
    4.4 some and any and their compounds                                     Unit 4, S. 76
    5.1 The will-future                                                      Unit 5, S. 86
    5.2 Conditional sentences (type 1)                                       Unit 5, S. 91
     6 The past progressive                                                  Unit 6, S. 106

Lösungen VAS
Lösungen LAS

                  English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.
                                                                                                      Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
            In the holidays                Context                    Pictures       What people do                Definitions                 The weather                  Yesterday            English
        We went                   The Eden                                                                  a big area with lots of       What was the                  It was a boring     Grüß Sue von
        c                         P              is a                                                       trees:                        w                             day, so I g    in   mir. S
    1   by the sea this           garden with lots of                            m                                                                                      touch with some     h
                                                                                                            f                             like in Turkey? –
                                  plants.                                        to a different city                                                                    of my friends.      Sue f          .
        summer.                                                                                                                           It was very hot.
        I made lots of            This is nothing new                                                       the time when you             It is often very                                  Ich kann es
        new friends on            to learn, it’s just                            i                          are not at school or                                        We all m            kaum erwarten,
        the                                                                                                 work:                         w                             down by the         zu … I c
    2                                                                            their friends to a
                                  r                      .                                                                                by the North Sea.             river.
        c                 .                                       r              party                      h                                                                                            …
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Vocabulary Action Sheet

        Lots of people on         Do you want to have                                                       some paper for notes:         I don’t like the                                  Wie war es?
        the campsite had                                                         l                                                                                                          W
        their own                 t       with us this                                                      c                             r            , but it’s
    3                                                                            a                                                                                      Sam br                  l              ?
                                  afternoon?                                                                                              good for the plants.
        c                 .                                                      small children             s                                                           a volleyball.
        But we stayed in a        Lucy isn’t                                                                he or she lives next to       Yesterday was a                                   vor zwei Tagen
                                  a                          to                  l                          you:                          s                             Im
        big t                 .                                                                                                                                         some notes on
    4                             stay at the party till                         f                                                        day, so we went to the                            a
                                                                                                            n                                                           the two teams.
                                  twelve.                                        to their holidays                                        beach.
        Every day, we did         We don’t have to buy                           l                          you get it when you                                         Then Sam            Alles Liebe,
        lots of                   tickets – the show                             u                          win:                                                        h                   Jack / Liebe
    5   o                                                                        into the sky                                                                           the ball really     Grüße, Jack
                                  is   f          .                                                         p
        activities.                                               j                                                                                                 s   hard.               L           , Jack
        There was also a          “No mobile phones!”                            are                        a school where                We can’t go sailing           The ball            Wem hast du es
        great f                   – that’s a                                                                students live:                today – there’s no                                erzählt?
                                                                                 a                          b                                                           r
                                                at our
    6   p            near         r                                                                                                                                                         W
                                                                                                                                          w                     .       into the river.
        the beach.                school.                                        at night                   s                                                                                       t          ?
        And there were            Last year I stayed in                                                     In Britain it is also         Yesterday was warm            No ball – this      heute
        some high                 Australia with a very                          o                          called ‘flat’:                and sunny, but today          m                   Nachmittag
    7   m                         nice h                                         pizzas in                                                it’s c                        that we couldn’t    t
        near the sea.             f                   .           l              restaurants                                              and cold.                     play.
        But we did not            Do you understand                                                         something that you            What a nice day!              Now we all          Du Glückspilz!
        c                                                                                                   remember from the             There are no clouds
                                  the m                                                                                                                                 f                   L

    8   them – it was too                                                        t                 off      past:
                                  of this word?                                                                                           in the s                  .   really bored!               .
        hot!                                                                     their TVs

                                                                  s                                         m
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                                                                   Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
                                                                                                                                                                  Adverbs and                 German/
         The fourth word         Our planet                      Context              Small words                  On the phone                Pictures            adjectives                  English
        2 people –         Our planet is 70 %               You didn’t sleep       I do lots of sport –      You can                                          I can’t do it today,     Bitte sehr. / Hier
        together           sea and 30 %                     last night? Then       swimming,                 p           me                                   but maybe                bitte.
    1   1 person –                                          you m                                            tomorrow. Here’s my                                                       H
                           l                        .                                     example.                                                            t                    .
        a                                                   be really tired!                                 number.                       p                                           a          .
        at home –          There are big          Everyone can see                 Goodbye, Maggie!          Tom, can you                                                              …, nicht wahr?
        (to) be in         w                      that they’re sisters             Let’s stay                a             the                                A      f
        not at home –                                                                                                                                         it was warm, but         …, r                 ?
    2                      in the ocean when it’s – they look so                                             phone, please? I’m
                                                                                                 touch!                                                       later it got cold.
        (to) be o          windy.                 s                  .                                       in the bathroom.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Vocabulary Action Sheet

        good – bad                                          Is that your son?      What a nice day!          Can I use your                                   It rained every          das Geschirr
        happy –            All p                            He really looks                                  mobile? I have to                                day, but we              abwaschen, spülen
                           need light and water.                                   Let’s go
    3                                                       j                                                make a p                                         s                        (to) w
        u                                                                          for a walk.
                                                            l              you!                                            .                                  had a good time.                d
        yesterday – past   In the mountains, the            The school year in     I don’t want to sit       I’m sorry, but Jo is                             Don’t tell me            immer wieder
        tomorrow –         land is often very               Britain has three                                out. Do you want to                              again! I
                                                                                   next           him.                                                                                 a
        f                                                                          I don’t like him.         l                                                a
                           r                    .           t                  .                                                                              know that story.
        lucky – luck       There are lots of                I was so               When he looked            Hello? Can I speak                               Come on, Abby!           jn. umarmen
        surprised –        plants and animals in            sh                            , he saw           to Amy, please? –                                I’m                      (to) g            sb.
    5                      the Amazon                       when I heard that      dark clouds in the        I’m sorry, but she’s                             s
        s                                                                                                                                                                              ah
                           r                        .       she’s dead!            sky.                      not          .                               s   you can do it!
        boy – son          You can see lots of              Sorry, but you                                   Hello, it’s Tim here.                            Do I have to say it      Wen kennt Sam?
        girl –                                              have to leave your     He went out               Is Katy in? –                                    again? Do you
                           w                                                                                                                                                           W
    6                                                       dog o                  get some food for         H                 ,I                             e              listen
        d                  animals in Africa.               the shop.              the party.                think she’s upstairs.                                                                k         ?
                                                                                                                                                              to me?
        I – subject        The USA is a big                 Do it again, and       When I said hello,        Don’t phone me.                                  Sorry, I have no         Glück haben
        me –                                                t                      she didn’t stop but       Send me a                                        time
                           c                        .                                                                                                                                  (to)
    7                                                       t                                                t                                                r          n         ,
        o                                                                          just walked           .                                                    but maybe later.         l
                                                            be careful.                                                                .
        British – chips    I’d like to travel               Do you have your       Please say hello to                                                        Lucy is really           (Text-, Satz-)
        American –         around the                                                                        Sam! T                                           b                    –   Zusammenhang

    8                                                                              Abby i        you         o             your                               all the boys love
        f                  w                            !   computer?              see her.                                                                                            c
                                                                                                             mobile and listen!                               her!
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.
                                                                                            Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
            The musical                     Context              Pictures        Activities                Punctuation                 Pronouns                     Small words             English
        They’re having an           Did you read the                         I saw John and                                      Sorry, whose dog is            How can we get        Rathaus
        a             today         a                                                                                            this? – Oh, it’s
        to choose singers                                                                                                                                                             t
    1                               about our school in                      w           ed him                              ’   m          . Come              t         the other
        for the musical.            the paper?                               a happy birthday.         c                         here, Skipper!                 side of the river?    h
        I really like acting.       This T-shirt looks                       Does your mobile                                    Look, this is my               Sam, you have to      Was könnte
        Is there a                  nice, but it’s                                                                               pen, and that’s                                      besser sein?
                                                                                                                            -                                   get u          !
    2   d                                                                    b            when                                   y                      .       It’s half past        W         c
        club at this school?            b       expensive.   l               you get a text?           h                         – Oh, I’m sorry.               seven!                b    b           ?
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Vocabulary Action Sheet

        Are you a singer or         The castle is on the                     Please be careful                                   I think this is Leo’s          Hurry up! You         so (auf diese
        a                                                              km2   and don’t                                       :   mobile. Let me see.            have to get           Weise)
    3                               other s                                  d              any                                                                 r           for
        d                    ?      of the river.                            food on the floor.        c                         Yes, it’s h                .   school.               t
        In the audition you         The video is not                                                                             Are these Lucy’s               My mum often          Lichtblitz
        have to read a text         very long – only                                                                        ?    sunglasses? – Yes,             gets
                                                                             Can you g                 q
    4                                                                        four tickets for                                                                   a                     f
        a                       .       f        minutes.                    us?                       m                         they’re h              .       when I’m late.
        I often feel very           The teacher gave us                      It’s raining – we                                   Sorry, but we don’t            How are you           die meisten
        n                                                                    have to                                        !    have a cat. So it              getting o             Menschen
        when I speak in             aw                                                     our
                                                                                                       e                                                                              m
                                                                             c                                                                                  with your
        front of people.            for homework.                            plans for today.          m                         can’t be o                 .   homework?             p
        I have to read a                                                                                                         Our caravan is over            We have to get        einer nach dem
                                    You made a                                                             Yes, it is.
                                                                             Can you l                                           there. And where is                                  anderen
    6   d                           m                                        all the lakes on                                                                   o         at the      o         b
        together with Leo.          here: it’s 5, not 50.                    this map?                 f            s            y             ?                third stop.           o
        When you read,              Can you help me? I                       Does your teacher                                   The Millers have a             Is your car as big    außer, bis auf
        don’t forget to             can’t do this                            c
                                                                                                            1.5                  funny car like this,
    7   p                                                                    the names before                                    so this car must be            a          ours?      e
        in the right places.        o       m     o      .                   the lesson starts?        p                         t                  .
        The musical has a           The models wore                          Please m                  www.cornelsen.de New York is a large                     Our car is even       Jedenfalls, …;
                                    designer clothes in                            that you turn                        city, and i                                                   Aber egal, …

    8   lot of songs b              the f                                    off your mobile on                         buildings are really                    bigger t
        Queen.                      show.                                    the plane.                d                tall.                                   yours!                A                ,…

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                                                  Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
              Adjectives                 Context             Pictures         The fourth word                     The big show                  Yesterday                  English
        Our class is very                                                 (to) sing – singer               There’s a great                Last evening I was a    das diesjährige
        l                    .    What s                is                                                 c                         by   bit tired, so I         Musical
                                                                          (to) run –
    1   There are 40              the T-shirt? –                                                           our school music                                       t           y
        students!                 I think it’s L or XL.                   r                                group today.                   l         on my bed.    musical
        Five hours of             Next year I want to                     yesterday – the past             They are playing in            I was almost asleep     Ich werde ein Lied
        homework? That                                                                                     our village                    when my mobile          singen.
                                                                          today –
    2   sounds                    travel r                                                                                                                        I’          g
        a                     !   the world.                              the p                            t                     .        r            .                  sing a song.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Vocabulary Action Sheet

        Mike is very              There were lots of                      I – who?                         The village theatre            The sound of it         Du solltest aufhören.
        t                     .   kids – m                                                                 has a very big
                                                                          mine – w                    ?
    3   He’s almost two           o     t                                                                                                 w            me         You s
        metres, I think.          were girls.                                                              s                     .                again.          stop.
        That’s a                  Some answers were                       nobody – everybody               They are very good             It was Tom. “Sorry, I   sich fertig machen
                                  c            , but                                                       players – they’re all          said tomorrow, but I    für
                                                                          nothing –
    4   br                        most of them were                                                        very                           m              today!   (to) g
        idea! Let’s do it!        wrong.                                  e                                t                     .        We’re at the disco!”    r               f
        It’s warm and sunny,      I don’t like the                        half – halves                    I play the                                             ungefähr
        and the birds are
        singing: What a                                                   knife – k
    5                             winter! I w                                                              r                     r.       Is            my        a
        l               day!      it was summer!                                                                                          head and got up.
        His voice is very         There were                              big – bigger                     Do you play an                                         sogar
        c             – you       a                                       beautiful –                                                     Then I s
    6   can understand every      1000 people at the                                                       i                          ,   some money into my      e
        word.                     concert.                                                                 too?                           pocket and went out.
        I think Dave really       Everybody stopped                       long – the longest               It’s great when                I met Tom and Jane      bis jetzt; bis hierher
        likes Olivia, but         dancing –                               beautiful –                                                     and we all
    7   he’s too s                                                                    m                    people c                       q                       s       f
        to tell her.              e                  Leo.                                                  after a concert.               outside the disco.
        Well, of course. Olivia You look tired. You                       boring – bored                   Sometimes they                 We s                    Silbe
        is really                                                                                                                         there for almost 30

                                                                          scary – s                        even c                         minutes before we
    8   g                  ,    s               go to                                                                                                             s
        or even beautiful.      bed.                                                                       if they really liked it!       got in!
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.
                                                                                                        Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
                 In town                         Verbs                          Which way?                             The fourth word          Pictures               Context

        Maya is not at home.                                           Excuse me, can you                         (to) go out –
        She is                        H         y                      t                             m            (to) come home                           E                                 ,
    1   o               a             g        a cat?                  t              w              to the                                                which bus goes to the
        a         in Plymouth.        – No, I haven’t.                 museum?                                    before – a                p   o          station, please?
        I want to send this letter.   Can you help me with my          First, you have to                         day – night
        Where is the                  computer? – No, sorry. I                                                    (to) open –
    2   p                             don’t k       a                  t                  l               .                                                S          , I don’t know.
        o                   ?         computers.                                                                  (to) c                    c              I’m not from here.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Vocabulary Action Sheet

                                      You don’t have to read           Then walk                                  (to) die – dead                          I have to buy a new
                                      every word –
    3                                                                  s                         o            .   (to) break – b                           s             of pens.
        s                             just s               the text.                                                                        f
                                      This new film could                                                         1,000 – kilo                             Do they give you free
                                                                       Walk p                the
    4                                 m              the actor a       station and turn left                      1–g                                      p             bags for
        c                             star!                            again.                                                               s              your shopping?
                                      Master Wu has to                 It’s o             t                       left – right                             Do you know the story of
                                                                       c                          o               down there –                             Aladdin and
    5                                 f           another              Church Road and
        r                             kung fu master.                  Princess Street.                           u        h                f   p          his m                 lamp?
        You are not allowed to go                                      There is a post office                     long – the longest                       Have you got a dog?
        by car into a                 Let’s h              the
    6   p                             poster on your bedroom           o                                          far – the f                              – Yes, I              .
        z           .                 wall.                            the museum.                                                          t
        London is not a town. It’s    Use the colour red               How can we                                 good – bad                               I missed the bus.
        a big                                                                                                     regular –
    7                                 to h                             c               the river?                                                          T                             I
        c           .                 important words.                 Is there a ferry?                          i                         t              was late.
        Tourists often buy            You can also                     Yes, the ferry is down                     slow – slowly                            We aren’t home yet. We
                                      u                     a word                                                                                         still have to go a
                                                                       there, o

    8   s                       s.    to show that it is                                                          good – w
                                      important.                       t          r                   .                                                    bit f                     .

© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.
                                                                                   Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                  Shopping                   Pictures         Prepositions                               Verbs                       Definitions                     English
         Hurry up! The shops                            Everybody liked the trip                                            (to) speak in a very quiet     Ich sah nach links.
                                                        – thanks                            Don’t w        about            voice:
     1   c                     at 6 pm                                                      your daughter – she’s
         today.                          w                        the good weather.         OK.                             (to) w                         l            .

         I like this shop. The                          The water was                       You broke your leg? How         a person who goes to see       jn. nach dem Weg fragen
         s                                                                                  did that                        a place or another person:
                                                                                                                                                           (to) a               sb.
     2   a                     s are                            to Sam’s waist,
         always friendly.                g              and he couldn’t move.               h                          ?    v                              t        w
                                                                                                                                                                                           Vocabulary Action Sheet

         How much does this felt                        From the tower you get a            What does he look like?         a drink that you make          gleich nachdem;
         pen                                            great view                          Can you                         from fruit or vegetables:      kurz nachdem
     3                                                                                      d
         c             ? – It’s £1.99.   r                        the city.                 him to me?                      j                              j                a
         You gave me £5, so here’s                      Wait, I can describe the            Be careful with that knife      something that you talk,       als, während
         your                                           way                                                                 write or learn about:
     4                                                                                      – don’t c           yourself!                                  a
         c             , £3.01           s                        you.                                                      t
                                                        Do young people                     It got a bit cold when the      a first text or picture, but   genau in dem Moment;
                                                                                            sun                             it’s not yet finished:         gerade dann
     5                                                  worry                  their        d
         c        d                               h     future?                             behind a cloud.                 d                              j        t
         Let’s get some flowers                         Our teacher often speaks                                            you shout it when you          ein braver Junge
         from the flower                                                                                                    stop filming a scene:
     6                                                            a loud voice.             H             up! The film                                     ag                    boy
         s             at the market.    w                                                  starts in ten minutes!          C         !
         And we need a                                                                      Oh Tom, you’re really           a very big town:               der/die/das einzige …;
                                                        I live         the corner           nice! Let me                                                   die einzigen …
     7   p                of                            of Church Street and                                                c
         cornflakes.                     w              Castle Street.                      h            you!                                              t        o                  …
         Oh yes! And a                                  What happened                       Sam fell into the water.        the top part of a house:       verantwortlich
                                                                                            He couldn’t swim, so we

     8   t             of soup.                                 your jeans?                 had to                          r                              r
                                         l              They’re wet!                        r                 him!
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.
                                                                                      Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
         In the countryside       Animals         Context                   Verbs                   Definitions               Pictures     Past participles           English
         What plants does                   There was some          Does your father’s         the land outside                          (to) tell –          usw. (und so
         the farmer grow                    m             over      name                       towns and cities:                                              weiter)
     1   on this                            the fields, so you      b                                                                                         e      . (e
         f                    ?             couldn’t see much.      with a ‘D’?                c                                                              c           )
         Horses and cows                    That’s Tom in this                                 a group of lines in                       (to) make –          Gedicht
         like eating                        photo, but who’s        I don’t o                  a poem or song:
     2                                      that girl in the        this car – it’s my                                                                        p
         g                    .             b                   ?   brother’s.                 v
                                                                                                                                                                                    Vocabulary Action Sheet

         We stayed in a                     How often have          Don’t eat all the          soft and very wet                         (to) be –            da/dort drüben
         nice c                             you been to             cake – please              ground:
     3   in the English                     Dartmoor? –             l                                                                                         o
         countryside.                       Only o              .   some for Tom.              m                          b                                   t
         From the                           Do you want to eat      Read the text and          it weighs a lot:                          (to) come –          zweimal pro
         mountain you can                   with us? – No           m              u                                                                          Woche
     4   see all of the                     thanks, I have          keywords and               it’s h                                                         t
         v                    .             j        eaten.         phrases in it.                                                                            w
         In the winter, we                  Excuse me, has          When there is not          when something                            (to) do –            dort entlang;
         feed our cows                                              enough work,               does not take long:                                            in die Richtung
     5   h             from                 a                       people l                                                                                  t
         the fields.                        seen my keys?           their jobs.                q                                                              w
         A lot of ponies live               I have looked           I just can’t               when something                            (to) eat –           baden, ein Bad
         on the open                                                                           or someone is not                                              nehmen
                                            e                 ,     d
     6   m                                  but I can’t find my     what to buy for            there: (to) be                                                 (to) h
         in Devon.                          keys.                   Tom’s birthday.            m                                                                     b
         Farmers usually                    I have never seen       How long does it           you need it to                            (to) go –            Oje!
         put their hay in a                 a tor b                 t                  to      make chocolate:
     7                                      – it looks              walk to the                                                                               O      d          !
         b                    .             interesting!            station?                   c
         Don’t climb over                   You should wear a       I can’t walk any           a small way that                          (to) have –          Hast du schon …?
         the f                              r                – it   more – my feet             people can walk

     8   – maybe there’s a                  often starts to rain    h                   so     on:                                                            H          y

         dog behind it!                                             much!                      p                                                              …y          ?
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              Opposites         Adjectives          Pictures             Verbs                Past participles            Prepositions              Context                      English
         background –       Hmm, very good!                    Why did he                   (to) see –                 There is an           I have school             Ich würde sehr
                            This soup tastes                   p            you in                                     exercise              u               two       gern …
     1   f                                                     the street without                                      the bottom of the     o’clock, so we can        I’         l
                            d                   !              saying hello?                                           page.                 meet then.                t         …
         at the top –       We need a few                      Babies often                 (to) bring –               Have you ever         We couldn’t find          (irgend)etwas?
         at the             s             men                                                                          been                  our way back from
     2                      to help us with                    c         when                                                                the moor – what           a                   ?
         b                  this heavy box.                    they are hungry.                                                  London?     an a                  !
                                                                                                                                                                                               Vocabulary Action Sheet

         (to) win –         Ice cream tastes                   You have to                  (to) buy –                 I need a new pair     I have two sisters.       noch ein Foto;
         (to) l                                                t              a                                                              B           sisters       ein weiteres Foto
     3                      s                   .              horse before you                                                  socks.      are younger than          o         m
                                                               can ride it.                                                                  me.                       p
         (to) shake your    My friend is                       You shouldn’t                (to) hear –                Are you interested    It was a beautiful        meilenweit
         head –             h                                  w                                                                             castle 500 years
                                                                                                                                             ago, but now it’s
     4   (to) n             – he needs a                       around the moor                                                   football?
         your head          doctor!                            on your own.                                                                  only a r              .   m
         (to) disappear –   You saw me in                      That can’t be true!          (to) meet –                Hurry up! I can’t     It was a great            nicht mehr
                            town? That’s                       I don’t                                                 wait                  h              for        n              …a
     5   (to) a             i                                  b                                                                             me to have tea
                            – I was at home.                   you!                                                              ever!       with the Queen.           m
         everybody –        She’s a beautiful                  It’s too cold for            (to) run –                 Let’s help that old   I don’t really like       (Erd-)Boden
         not …              girl, with a very                  bananas to                                                                    meat. Can I have
     6                      p                                                                                          woman                 vegetables                g
         a                  face.                              g                 here.                                 the street.           i                     ?
         still –            You want to help                   We are going to              (to) take –                London is always      Maths is awful! – I       eines Tages
         not …              me with my bag?                    p                                                       full                  agree with you. I
                            That’s very                                                                                                      don’t like it
                                                               more trees in our
         a                  k           of you.                garden.                                                           tourists.   e                .        d
         clean –            She lives in a                     Let’s l                      (to) write –               We need to put a      It never gets warm        genau hinschauen
                            n          village                 a        the town                                       fence                 here –
                                                                                                                                                                       (to) l

     8   d                  – only ten minutes                 – maybe there’s a                                                     our     n      e
                            from here.                         nice shop.                                              garden.               in the summer.            c
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             Celebrations                   Clothes            Context                     Two-part verbs                     Definitions                Verbs                        English
         Carnival is a big                            Your birthday is a               You have to blow                a group of people       Can we use a candle           Bürgermeister/in
                                                      s          day, so                                               who sing together:
     1   f                   in                       you should celebrate                       all the                                       to l                          m
         some countries.                              it.                              candles on the cake.            c                       the fireworks?
         There is often a                             Some people give lots                                            a trip from one place   Our class wants               erst um drei,
                                                      of money to                      He dressed                      to another:                                           nicht vor drei
     2   p                    in                                                       as a monkey for                                         to r                          n        t
         town then.                                   c                     .          Carnival.                       j                       money for charity.            three
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Vocabulary Action Sheet

         And a lot of people                          We’ll have pizza                 Can you help                    a short form of a                                     wahrscheinlich
         wear silly                                   because the                      grandma to get                  word:                   Did you t
     3   c                       s                    t                   of the                     of the car,                               part in your school’s         p
         at Carnival.                                 party is ‘Italy’.                please?                         a                       theatre play?
                                                      A heart is usually                                               a free ride in a car:   I’ll never tell anybody       z. B. (zum Beispiel)
         N         Y                 a pair of                                                                                                 what you have told
     4   E         is on                              the s                of          Put         your coat.          l                       me.
         31st December.                               love.                            It’s cold outside.                                      I                         !
         That’s the day when                          Are you going to                                                 very bad weather with   Can you                       zumindest,
         we have                     a pair of        watch the kung fu                                                strong winds and                                      wenigstens
                                                                                       Please take
     5   f                   s at                     d                                your shoes before you           rain:                   t
         midnight.                                    at the festival?                 come in.                        s                       this text into English?       a        l
         Gavin is going to                            No, I’m going to take            The juggler passed              the air that goes in    Did anybody                   besser als je zuvor
                                                      part in the art                                                  and comes out of
         c                 his                                                                                         your nose or mouth:                                   b
     6                                                                                               a hat                                     t                 notes
         birthday on Saturday.                        w                     .          after the show.                 b                       in class today?               t            e
         There are fourteen                           There is a small                 Can you pick me                 what we throw away:                                   …, weißt du.
         c                   s                        parade at 10, but the                                                                    Can I o
     7   on Gavin’s birthday                          m              parade is                from school              r                       you a drink? There’s          …, y             s     .
         cake.                                        at 12.                           this afternoon?                                         cola, juice and water.

         Did you listen to the                        The food is delicious            One candle is not               a talk with someone:                                  Wettbewerb
         Lord Mayor’s                                                                  enough to light                                         Can a plane f

     8   s              ? He                          – really t                !                the whole             c                       to Australia without a        c

         spoke last night.           j                                                 room.
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         The juggler’s show           Past participles   Pictures          Verbs                  Sir Francis Drake          The fourth word          Context                  English
         The juggler’s              (to) begin –                    Didn’t Michael            Elizabeth I was            Germany –              Fish and chips is        Kann ich Sie kurz
         show was a big                                             i                         Q                          German                                          sprechen? Can I
     1   e               for                                        you to Jenny at the       of England from            India –                t                        h       aw
         all the children.                                          party?                    1558 to 1603.              I                      British food.            w       y       ?
         There were street          (to) catch –                    I would like to           She made Sir               students – teacher     It’s hard to say         aus etwas
         a                   s                                                                Francis Drake a                                   this phrase – it’s a     (gemacht) sein
                                                                                                                         actors –
     2   like jugglers and                                          p               our                                                         real t              -    (to) be m
         clowns.                                                    house white.              k                   .      di                     t                !       o        sth.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Vocabulary Action Sheet

         There was a large          (to) cut –                      Could you                 Sir Francis Drake          100 – a hundred        Do you know how          selbst wenn
         c                                                          r                         was a                                             to make scones?
                                                                                                                         1,000,000 –            – Yes, I can give
     3   around John, the                                           that, please? I           f                                                                          e          i
         juggler.                                                   didn’t hear you.          seaman.                    am                     you the r            .
         First he tried to          (to) feel –                     She left school and                                  lip – lips             Did you hear the         um etwas bitten
                                                                                              He d          ed           tooth –                t                   ?    (to) a
     4   j                                                          b                  a      England against                                   There’s a storm
         five torches.                                              famous actor.             Spain.                     t                      coming.                  f         sth.
         Later, Leo helped          (to) fight –                    I’ve dropped my           In 1588, 130               bike – (to) ride       You’re right, it is a    Refrain
         him with seven                                             pen. Could you            S                                                 storm. I’ve just
                                                                                                                         car –                  seen some
     5                                                              p          it             ships sailed to                                                            c
         gold r                s.                                   for me, please?           England.                   (to) d                 l               !
         The                        (to) forget –                   Oh dear, I have no        The ships tried to         (to) plan – plan       I had a p                starker Regen,
         a                                                          money. Could you                                                            face at Carnival.        heftiger Regen
                                                                                                                         (to) present –
     6   clapped, shouted                                           p             for         i                                                 I looked like a          h
         and whistled.                                              the drinks today?         England.                   p                  n   lion!                    r
         When the show              (to) get –                      Please don’t              But the English            (to) swim – water      You have to swim         ganze(r,s),
         was over, John                                                                       navy                                              – the water is too       gesamte(r,s)
                                                                                                                         (to) fly –
     7                                                              i              me         a                    ed
         b           ed.                                            when I’m talking.         the ships.                 a                      d               here.    w
         But two minutes            (to) give –                                               After a long fight,        milk – glass           There are 60             Eintrag,
         later, he gave an                                          Please p                  they                                                                       Eintragung
                                                                                                                         cornflakes –

     8                                                              some more water           d                    ed                           s                s in
         e                 .                                        into those glasses.       them.                      b                      a minute.                e
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                 Tintagel Castle            Parts of the body               Verbs                              Context                     Past participles               English
         Tintagel Castle is on a                                We have to                         This is Master Wu.                 (to) hold –             Fremdenführer/in,
         high                                                   h           i      the                                                                        Reiseleiter/in
     1   c                 in                                   answers to the quiz on             His r                       name
         Cornwall.                                              Monday.                            is Sam Bennett.                                            g
         In 1233, Henry III was                                 They want to                       I like your CD.                    (to) know –             jede(r,s) (einzelne)
                                                                                                   Can I make a
     2   k               of England.                            b              a new                                                                          e
                                                                road around the town.              c                    of it?
                                                                                                                                                                                            Vocabulary Action Sheet

         Henry’s brother,                                                                          This street is too                 (to) put –              Du musst es nicht tun.
                                                                Did you w
     3   P              Richard,                                d       what the teacher           n                    for the                               You n
         built the castle.                                      wrote on the board?                big bus.                                                   do it.
         You only needed                                        He didn’t hear me,                 Is there a                         (to) ring –             Du darfst es nicht tun.

     4   three g               s to                             so I t         ed him              r                          why                             You m
         defend the castle gate.                                on the shoulder.                   you are late?                                              do it.
         The castle has an Upper                                If I have a problem, I can         The t                              (to) say –              Was ist los mit dir?
         and a Lower Mainland                                   always                             between Britain and
                                                                                                                                                              What’s w
     5                                                                                             France is about
         C                      .      n                        tu           to my parents.        50 kilometres long.                                        w             you?
         King Arthur and Prince                                 All the girls                      Let’s go out to get                (to) send –             während
         Richard were not from
     6   the same                                               s          ed loud when            some f                      air.                           w
         family.                       th                       they saw Justin Bieber.
                                                                Some people                        Our flat is on the                 (to) shake –            Hör auf! / Lass das!
         The l               says                               k              animals
     7   that King Arthur lived in                              and collect their heads as         third f                       of                           S               i         !
         Tintagel.                                              trophies.                          the building.
         A king often wears                                                                        I’ve written a                     (to) sing –             ein lautes Stöhnen
                                                                Justin g           ed

     8   ac                  on his                             because his stomach hurt           r             for our                                      a loud g
         head.                                                                                     school magazine.

                                                                so much.
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                                                                                                             What’s wrong                                                   German/
             The fourth word       Past participles       Pictures                Verbs                                                   Context
                                                                                                              with you?                                                      English
         under the river –      (to) sit –                             Why are you                      I think I need some        The sweets have                 liebe(r,s)
         tunnel                                                        fr                    ing?       fresh air – I have a       become really
     1   over the river –                                              Are you worried?                 very bad                   st                              d
         b                                                             Or angry?                        h                      .   in the sun.
         out of the room –      (to) speak –                           Tom is very shy. He              I’ve cut my finger –                                       Ich nehme einen Tee.
         (to) leave                                                    always g                         do you have a              Which r
     2   into the room –                                               r         when he                p                          are you going to play           I’           h
         (to) e                                                        wants to talk to a girl.         for me?                    in the film?                    a tea.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Vocabulary Action Sheet

         king – queen           (to) stand –                           Did your mum                     The thermometer            He knows how to                 Wie groß soll der Tee
         prince –                                                      g          angry                 says that you              teach – he has                  sein?
     3                                                                 when you came                    h           a              worked a        a               What s            tea
         p                                                             home late?                       t                      .   teacher before.                 w          you like?
         I was sad. – Now I’m   (to) stick –                           Later she                        I can only whisper         p, t and k are                  bei Oma
         happy again.                                                                                   because I have a
     4   I was i      . – Now                                          b               ill and          s                          c                      s.       a     G
         I’m well again.                                               died at the age of 52.           throat.
         countryside – quiet    (to) swim –                            A tall man in a funny            I got wet in the rain      a, e and i are                  Besetzung,
                                                                       costume                                                                                     Mitwirkende
         big city –                                                                                     – now I h
     5                                                                 e                   ed the                                  v                 s.            (Film oder Theater)
         n                                                             room.                            ac             .                                           c
         good – bad             (to) think –                           All the snow will                My cold is better now,     I don’t eat meat –              adoptiert, Adoptiv-
         friend –                                                                                       but I still have a         I’m a
     6                                                                 m              when                                                                         a
         e                                                             it gets warmer.                  c              .           v                           .
         dangerous – danger     (to) understand –                      People in France                 If you have a         Napoleon lost the                    schrecklich, furchtbar
                                                                       often                            toothache, you should
         true –
     7                                                                 k                when            go to the             b          of                        t
         t                                                             they meet.                       d               .     Waterloo.
         dog – (to) bark        (to) wear –                            He had to                        He hurt his leg very       If I have a problem, I          Gefahr
         snake –                                                       k           in front             badly so he had to go      can always ask my

     8                                                                 of the queen to                  to                         grandpa – he’s a                d
         (to) h                                       s                become a knight.                 h                  .       w                man.
1                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                         1.1

                                              REVISION             The simple past: positive and negative statements                                 pp. 10–11
                                              WIEDERHOLUNG Die einfache Form der Vergangenheit:
                                                           bejahte und verneinte Aussagesätze

                                              1 a) Complete the sentences from 1 (p. 10). Write               Vervollständige die Sätze aus 1 (S. 10). Schreib die
                                                 the infinitives of the verbs in the table on the             Infinitive der Verben in die Tabelle rechts.
                                                                                                                                   Infinitive (Grundform)

                                                 Sam phon      Justin’s home. Mrs Skinner                                 .        (to) phone         (to)

                                                 “We               a race and I             .”                                     (to)               (to)

                                                 “Oh, right. You                  your dad in America.”                            (to)

                                                 “We               camping and I                   a bear.”                        (to)               (to)

                                                 b) Three of the verbs in 1a) are regular. Draw               Drei der Verben in 1a) sind regelmäßig. Male ein grünes
                                                 a green box around their simple past endings.                Kästchen um ihre Simple past-Endungen.

                                                 The other four verbs in 1a) are irregular.                   Die anderen vier Verben in 1a) sind unregelmäßig.
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                                                 Mark them in yellow.                                         Markiere sie gelb.
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                              2 Look at the verbs in the box.                                 Sieh dir die Verben im Kasten an.
                                                 Write their simple past forms in the right group.            Schreib ihre Simple past-Formen in die richtige Gruppe.

                                                              arrive • buy • copy • hide • hurry • leave • move • plan • shop • smile • stop • try
                                                 arrive + -ed = arrived       plan + -ed = planned            copy + -ed = copied          buy – bought (irregular)

                                              3 Look at these two sentences. Which is the                     Sieh dir die beiden Sätze an. Was ist die richtige
                                                 correct rule for negative statements in the                  Regel für verneinte Aussagesätze im simple past –
                                                 simple past – a, b or c?                                     a, b oder c?

                                                 Sam didn’t talk to Mr Skinner, he talked to Mrs Skinner.
                                                 Justin didn’t go to New York in the summer holidays, he went to Boston.
                                                                                                      a didn’t + infinitive.
                                                   You make negative statements                       b didn’t + ed-form of the verb.
                                                   in the simple past with …
                                                                                                      c doesn’t + ed-form of the verb.

                                              4 Now look at Grammar File 1a and 1b on                         Schau dir jetzt Grammar File 1a und 1b auf S. 157 an.
                                                 p. 157.

                                                                   English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
1                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                        1.2

                                              REVISION           The simple past: questions                                                         pp. 10–12
                                              WIEDERHOLUNG Die einfache Form der Vergangenheit: Fragen

                                              1 Find the sentences in 1 (p. 10). Complete them.             Finde die Sätze in 1 (S. 10). Vervollständige sie.

                                                          you see the Empire State Building? – I wasn’t in New York, Sam. My dad lives in Boston.

                                                Thanks for the cool picture. Where             you             it? – In Weston-super-Mare.

                                                Later it was cloudy and cold. –                       you do then? – We went to the pier.

                                                Oh, right. You visited your dad in America.                         you                 back? – Two days ago.

                                              2 a) Which is the correct rule for questions in              Was ist die richtige Regel für Fragen im simple past –
                                                the simple past – a, b or c?                               a, b oder c?

                                                                                                           a did + subject + ed-form of the verb.
                                                  You make questions in the simple past
                                                                                                           b did + subject + infinitive.
                                                  with …
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                                                                                                           c do + subject + ed-form of the verb.
                                                b) Look at the dialogue and complete partner               Sieh dir den Dialog an und vervollständige Partner Bs
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                B’s questions.                                             Fragen.

                                                A: Sam went to Weston-super-Mare in the summer holidays.

                                                B: And Justin?            he           there too? – A: No, he didn’t. – B:                           Justin go?

                                                A: He went to America. – B: What                 he         there? – A: He visited his dad.

                                              3 Complete and compare.                                         Vervollständige und vergleiche.
                                                Use a green pen for the simple present and                    Verwende einen grünen Stift für das simple present
                                                a red pen for the simple past.                                und einen roten Stift für das simple past.

                                                SIMPLE PRESENT            Sam likes basketball. Which sport                   Justin do?              he play

                                                                          basketball too? And what about you? Which sport                      you like?

                                                SIMPLE PAST               Sam liked his holiday in Weston-super-Mare. Where                       Justin go?

                                                                                     he like his holiday too? And you? Where                    you go?

                                              4 Now look at Grammar File 1c and 1d on                      Schau dir jetzt Grammar File 1c und 1d auf S. 158 an.
                                                p. 158.

                                                                 English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
1                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                      1.3

                                              Subject and object questions                                                                            pp. 14, 17
                                              Subjekt- und Objektfragen

                                              1 a) Complete the sentences from 1 (p. 14).                   Vervollständige die Sätze aus 1 (S. 14).
                                                 Then complete the translations on the right.               Dann vervollständige die Übersetzungen rechts.

                                                 Who            you tell? Not me!                           W           hast du es erzählt?

                                                 Who                me about Grandpa’s party?               W           hat mir von Opas Party erzählt?

                                                 Who                  me? – Leo Cooper, her son.            W           kennt mich?

                                                 Who             Sam know? – Leo!                           W           kennt Sam?
                                                 b) Draw a red box around the forms of do.                  Male ein rotes Kästchen um die Formen von do.
                                                 Draw a blue box around the English and German              Male ein blaues Kästchen um die englischen und
                                                 question words. Then complete the rule.                    deutschen Fragewörter. Dann vervollständige die Regel.

                                                  Subject question:       who = German “wer”                      → question w                    a form of do
                                                  Object question:        who = German “wen” or “wem”             → question w            a form of do
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                                              2 Which translation is correct – a or b?                     Welche Übersetzung ist richtig – a oder b?

                                                                                                           a Wer liebt Silky?
                                                 Who loves Silky?        (answer: Abby)
                                                                                                           b Wen liebt Silky?

                                                                                                           a Wer liebt Abby?
                                                 Who does Abby love? (answer: Silky)
                                                                                                           b Wen liebt Abby?

                                              3 Look at the sentences on the right.                        Sieh dir die Sätze rechts an.
                                                 The underlined word is the answer.                        Das unterstrichene Wort ist die Antwort.
                                                 What was the question?                                    Was war die Frage?

                                                 Who                                                              ? – Lucy found a note on the table.

                                                 Who                                                              ? – Lucy called her mum.

                                                 Who                                                              ? – Lucy wanted to meet Sam.

                                                 Who                                                              ? – The Coopers moved into number 37.

                                              4 Now look at Grammar File 3 on                              Schau dir jetzt Grammar File 3 auf S. 160–161 an.
                                                 pp. 160–161.

                                                                 English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
2                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                             2.1

                                              The going to-future                                                                                             pp. 30–31
                                              Das Futur mit going to

                                              1 a) Look at 1 (p. 30) and complete these                            Sieh dir 1 (S. 30) an und vervollständige diese Sätze.

                                                 I’                     sing a Queen song at the audition today.

                                                 They’                to         a musical this year.

                                                 Which club          you                   join?

                                                 – I’    not                          a new club. I’                          stay with basketball.

                                                 And Justin                                  basketball too.

                                                        your mum                     be at home this afternoon?

                                                 b) Draw a red box round the negative sentence.                    Male ein rotes Kästchen um die verneinte Aussage.
                                                 Draw a blue box round the questions.                              Male ein blaues Kästchen um die Fragen.
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                 c) Now complete this table.                                       Vervollständige jetzt diese Tabelle.

                                                                +                                          –                                              ?
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                                                 I’m going to                         I’m not                                         Am     I                              ?
                                                 He’                                  He isn’t                                        Is                                    ?
                                                 She’                                 She                                                    she                            ?
                                                 It’                                  It                                                     it                             ?
                                                 We’                                  We                                                     we                             ?
                                                 They’                                They                                                   they                           ?

                                              2 a) One of these translations is wrong. Cross it                Eine dieser Übersetzungen ist falsch. Streiche sie durch.
                                                                                                               a    Ich werde am Strand Fußball spielen.
                                                 I’m going to play football on the beach.                      b    Ich habe vor, am Strand Fußball zu spielen.
                                                                                                               c    Ich bin dabei, zum Strand zu gehen, um Fußball
                                                                                                                    zu spielen.
                                                 b) You use the going to-future for … a, b or c?                   Man verwendet das Futur mit going to für … a, b oder
                                                 Mark the correct answer in yellow.                                c? Markiere die richtige Antwort gelb.

                                                 a hobbies                 b plans                 c   activities

                                              3 Now look at Grammar file 5 on                                  Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 5 auf S. 162–163 an.
                                                 pp. 162–163.

                                                                    English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
2                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                            2.2

                                              The comparison of adjectives (I)                                                                           pp. 32–34
                                              Die Steigerung der Adjektive (I)

                                              1 Find the sentences in 1 (p. 32) and complete                    Finde die Sätze in 1 (S. 32) und vervollständige sie.
                                                 them. Then complete the table on the right.                    Dann vervollständige die Tabelle rechts.
                                                                                                                                Komparativ          Superlativ

                                                 I think Loch Lomond is                      than Loch Ness.

                                                 Loch Lomond is the                       lake in Britain.         big                              (the)

                                                 Let’s look for               lakes on the map.

                                                 – So what is the                   lake?                                       larger              (the)

                                                 How                is the River Severn? – 354 kilometres.

                                                 – OK, so it’s                  than the Thames!                                                    (the) longest

                                                 All the other groups are                   than ours.
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                 – And Lucy wants to be the                      , of course.      fast                             (the)
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                              2 Write the adjectives in the right group.                        Schreib die Adjektive in die richtige Gruppe.

                                                                         angry • fat • friendly • late • nice • sad • scary • strange • wet

                                                            large – larger                             big – bigger                            easy – easier

                                              3 Look at these sentences. Complete the rules.                    Sieh dir diese Sätze an. Vervollständige die Regeln.

                                                 Lucy is as old as Maya.                                        Holly is older than Maya.

                                                    When you want to say that people or                            When you want to say that people or
                                                    things are the same, you use                                   things are different, you use
                                                         old/big/fast/…                                            older/bigger/faster/…

                                              4 Now look at Grammar file 6a and 6d on                           Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 6a und 6d auf S. 163–164
                                                 pp. 163–164.                                                   an.

                                                                     English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
2                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                             2.3

                                              The comparison of adjectives (II)                                                                           pp. 36–38
                                              Die Steigerung der Adjektive (II)

                                              1 a) Find the sentences in 1 (p. 36) and complete                  Finde die Sätze in 1 (S. 36) und vervollständige sie.

                                                 Lovely voice! – Yes, it’s even                                                the first girl’s!

                                                 This girl has the                               voice so far.

                                                 Not the best voice! – No, but it’s the                                        voice, I think.
                                                 b) Now complete the table.                                      Vervollständige jetzt die Tabelle.

                                                                        Komparativ                                Superlativ

                                                 beautiful                                                        (the)

                                                 interesting                                                      (the)

                                                                                   nervous                        (the)
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                              2 Look at the adjectives in the box and write them                 Sieh dir die Adjektive im Kasten an und schreib sie in die
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                 in the right group.                                             richtige Gruppe.

                                                boring • careful • cheap • dangerous • dark • exciting • expensive • funny • happy • important • mad • silly

                                                                            -er/-est                                                      more/most

                                                  cheap                                                            boring

                                              3 a) Compare:                                                      Vergleiche:

                                                 taller than me – größer als ich                                 not as old as her – nicht so alt wie sie
                                                 more excited than them – aufgeregter als sie                    not as clever as us – nicht so schlau wie wir
                                                 b) Now complete these sentences.                                Vervollständige jetzt diese Sätze.

                                                 My mother is not very tall. I’m taller than            .                       (größer als sie)

                                                 My brother is older than              , but I’m cleverer than            .     (älter als ich … schlauer als er)

                                              4 Now look at Grammar file 6 on                                    Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 6 auf S. 163–164 an.
                                                 pp. 163–164.

                                                                     English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
3                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                       3.1

                                              Relative clauses                                                                                      pp. 48–51

                                              1 a) Complete the sentences from 1 (pp. 48–49).                Vervollständige die Sätze aus 1 (S. 48–49).

                                                Lucy and Maya had to do some shopping, so they took a bus                      stopped in Royal Parade.

                                                “Footloose Shoes – for boys and girls               want to have fun.”

                                                It’s your grandma                likes chocolates, right?

                                                Well, there’s the little shop              makes its own chocolates.
                                                b) Look at these examples:                                   Sieh dir diese Beispiele an:

                                                There aren’t any shops which sell school things.             Yes, those plastic things that look like a triangle.
                                                Now go back to the sentences in 1a):                         Jetzt gehe zurück zu den Sätzen in 1a):
                                                Which words do the relative pronouns who,                    Auf welche Wörter beziehen sich die Relativpronomen
                                                which, that refer to? Underline them.                        who, which, that? Unterstreiche sie.

                                                c) Now complete the rule.                                    Nun vervollständige die Regel.
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                     You use         •            for people   •             for things •              for people and things
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                              2 “who”-words or “which”-words? Write the                     „who“-Wörter oder „which“-Wörter? Schreib die
                                                nouns from the box in the right group.                      Nomen aus dem Kasten in die richtige Gruppe.

                                                                         assistant • building • dancer • felt pens • holiday • neighbours •
                                                                                    person • plant • project • race • son • visitor

                                                “who”-words:      assistant,

                                                “which”-words: building,

                                              3 Complete the German relative clause. Then                   Vervollständige den deutschen Relativsatz. Dann
                                                mark the verbs in the English and the German                markiere die Verben im englischen und im deutschen
                                                relative clause in yellow. What is different?               Relativsatz gelb. Was ist der Unterschied?

                                                For boys and girls              who have lots of money.
                                                Für Jungen und Mädchen, die                                    .

                                              4 Now look at Grammar File 7 on p. 165.                       Schau dir jetzt Grammar File 7 auf S. 165 an.

                                                                  English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
3                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                       3.2

                                              Adverbs of manner                                                                                     pp. 54–55
                                              Adverbien der Art und Weise

                                              1 Look at 1 (p. 54) and complete these sentences.            Sieh dir 1 (S. 54) an und vervollständige diese Sätze.
                                                Then complete the table on the right.                      Dann vervollständige die Tabelle rechts.

                                                                                                                            Adjektiv             Adverb

                                                Sam shook his head slowly.                                                                       slowly

                                                He looked at Sam and Justin and laughed                    .

                                                You do that Spiderman trick very                  , Leo.

                                                Leo looked at his mother                .

                                                Leo danced                   up and down.                                   happy

                                                Mrs Cooper took her son                        by the arm.
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                              2 Look at the adjectives in the box and make adverbs.               Sieh dir die Adjektive im Kasten an und bilde
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                Then write the adjective / adverb-pairs in the right              Adverbien. Dann schreib die Adjektiv/Adverb-
                                                group.                                                            Paare in die richtige Gruppe.

                                                     angry • bad • comfortable • easy • excited • happy • noisy • quiet • sad • responsible • terrible

                                                           bad – badly                        angry – angrily                       comfortable – comfortably

                                              3 Adjective or adverb? Look at the following                 Adjektiv oder Adverb? Sieh dir die folgenden Sätze an.
                                                sentences. Underline the correct word. Cross               Unterstreiche das richtige Wort. Streiche das falsche
                                                out the wrong word.                                        Wort durch.

                                                “I’m so sad/sadly,” she said quiet/quietly.                Stella answered the e-mail quick/quickly.

                                                “Be quiet/quietly,” he shouted angry/angrily.              Here’s a quick/quickly answer to your e-mail.

                                              4 Now look at Grammar file 8 on                              Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 8 auf S. 166–167 an.
                                                pp. 166–167.

                                                                 English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
4                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                        4.1

                                              The present perfect: positive and negative statements                                                 pp. 68–71
                                              Das present perfect: bejahte und verneinte Aussagesätze

                                              1 a) Look at 1 (p. 68) and complete these                     Sieh dir 1 (S. 68) an und vervollständige diese Sätze.
                                                 sentences. Then complete the table on the right.           Dann vervollständige die Tabelle rechts.
                                                                                                                              Infinitive (Grundform)

                                                 I’ve              you the time that we arrive.                               (to) text

                                                 No, Mum        n’t phoned me. Why?                                           (to)

                                                 Yes, we’ve               the times of the bus back.                          (to)

                                                 I’ve just          some scones – they’re still warm.                         (to)

                                                 I                         anything today.                                    (to)

                                                 I                      breakfast yet.                                        (to)

                                                 I’     never         on a tractor before.                                    (to)
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                 b) The present perfect has two parts. Look at              Das present perfect hat zwei Teile. Sieh dir die Sätze in
                                                 the sentences in 1a) and draw a red box round              1a) an und male ein rotes Kästchen um den ersten Teil
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                 the first part (= a form of have) and a blue box           (= eine Form von have) und ein blaues Kästchen um
                                                 round the second part (= the past participle).             den zweiten Teil (= das Partizip Perfekt, die 3. Form des

                                              2 Complete the table. Be careful – four of the                Vervollständige die Tabelle. Sei vorsichtig – vier der
                                                 verbs are irregular. (Look at pp. 248–249 in your          Verben sind unregelmäßig. (Sieh dir S. 248–249 deines
                                                 English book.)                                             Englischbuches an.)
                                                 Infinitive     Simple past          Past participle Infinitive               Simple past          Past participle

                                                 (to) arrive                                              (to) see

                                                 (to) do                                                  (to) stop

                                                 (to) fall                                                (to) tell

                                                 (to) finish                                              (to) try

                                              3 Which is correct – a, b or c?                               Was ist richtig – a, b oder c?
                                                                                                            a Breakfast is over.
                                                                I’ve made breakfast.                        b Breakfast is ready.
                                                                                                            c Breakfast isn’t ready yet.

                                              4 Now look at Grammar file 9a–c on                            Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 9a–c auf S. 167–168 an.
                                                 pp. 167–168.

                                                                  English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
4                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                        4.2

                                              The present perfect: questions and short answers                                                       pp. 72–73
                                              Das present perfect: Fragen und Kurzantworten

                                              1 Complete the questions and short answers                      Vervollständige die Fragen und Kurzantworten aus 1
                                                from 1 (p. 72).                                               (S. 72).

                                                            you ever              sheep’s milk, Maya? – No, I                  .

                                                Maya,              you ever               to Tavistock Abbey? – No,                   .

                                                            you               our new lambs yet? – No,                     .

                                                             you                  any other shoes with you, Maya?

                                              2 a) Which is the correct rule for questions in                 Was ist die richtige Regel für Fragen im present
                                                the present perfect – a, b or c?                              perfect – a, b oder c?
                                                                                                              a have/has + subject + past participle.
                                                  You make questions in the
                                                                                                              b have/has + subject + infinitive.
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                  present perfect with …
                                                                                                              c had + subject + past participle.
                                                b) Look at the dialogue and complete the
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                                                                              Sieh dir den Dialog an und vervollständige die Fragen.

                                                          Lucy been to Tavistock Abbey before?                 – Yes, she has.

                                                And Maya?               she          to Tavistock Abbey? – No, she hasn’t.

                                                And Sam and Justin?                they            there ?     – I don’t know.

                                              3 Now complete these questions and answer                       Jetzt vervollständige diese Fragen und beantworte sie.

                                                (be)                   you ever been to England?               – Yes, I            . / No, I             .

                                                (do)                   you           your homework yet? –

                                                (make)                 you ever             a video film?      –

                                                (clean)                you                your room yet?       –

                                              4 Now look at Grammar File 9d–e on                              Schau dir jetzt Grammar File 9d–e auf S. 168–169 an.
                                                pp. 168–169.

                                                                    English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
4                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                           4.3

                                              Present perfect and simple past in contrast                                                               pp. 76, 78
                                              Present perfect und simple past im Vergleich

                                              1 a) Look at 1 (p. 76) and complete these                        Sieh dir 1 (S. 76) an und vervollständige diese Dialoge.

                                                                 you ever                that way before?

                                                      – Of course. I was there last summer. I                   right to the top of that hill.

                                                      I      never              wild goats before.

                                                      – Yes, you have. We                 some yesterday.

                                                      Look at those sheep over there. We                                        them yet.

                                                      – Yes, we have. We                      them an hour ago.
                                                b) Colour the boxes in front of the sentences.                 Male die Kästchen vor den Sätzen farbig aus. Verwende
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                Use a red pen for present perfect sentences                    einen roten Stift für Present perfect-Sätze und einen
                                                and a blue pen for simple past sentences.                      blauen Stift für Simple past-Sätze.

                                                c) In simple past sentences you often find time
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                                                                               In Simple past-Sätzen findet man oft Zeitangaben wie
                                                phrases like “last summer”. Draw a blue box                    „last summer“. Male ein blaues Kästchen um sie
                                                around them.                                                   herum.
                                                Then draw a red box around the words “ever”,                   Dann male ein rotes Kästchen um die Wörter „ever“,
                                                “never”, “yet” in your present perfect                         „never“, „yet“ in deinen Present perfect-Sätzen.

                                              2 Look at the words and phrases in the box and                   Sieh dir die Wörter und Ausdrücke im Kasten an und
                                                write them in the right group.                                 schreib sie in die richtige Gruppe.

                                                       already • always • an hour ago • before • ever • in 2012 • just • last summer • last year • never •
                                                                   not … yet • often • on 5th May, 2003 • when I was born • yesterday • yet

                                                often in present perfect sentences: already,

                                                often in simple past sentences:             an hour ago,

                                              3 Now look at Grammar File 10 on p. 169.                         Schau dir jetzt Grammar File 10 auf S. 169 an.

                                                                     English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
4                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                            4.4

                                              some and any and their compounds                                                                          pp. 76, 78
                                              some und any und ihre Zusammensetzungen

                                              1 a) Complete these sentences from 1 (p. 76).                     Vervollständige diese Sätze aus 1 (S. 76).

                                                The moor goes on for ever and I can’t see                 sheep.

                                                I’ve never seen wild goats before. – Yes, you have. We saw                        yesterday.

                                                Wait a minute. I can hear                      . It’s crying.

                                                I can’t hear                  , Lucy … just the rain.
                                                b) Complete these questions. (They’re all from                  Vervollständige diese Fragen. (Sie stammen alle aus
                                                unit 4.) Compare them with the sentences in 1a):                Unit 4.) Vergleiche sie mit den Sätzen in 1a):
                                                Are questions more like positive statements                     Sind Fragen mehr wie bejahte Aussagesätze (some,
                                                (some, something, …) or negative statements                     something, …) oder wie verneinte Aussagesätze (any,
                                                (any, anything, …)?                                             anything, …)?

                                                Have you brought            other shoes with you, Maya?
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                Can you see          thing, Lucy?
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                Does           body want to feed the rabbits with me?

                                              2 Which are the correct rules – a or b?                           Was sind die richtigen Regeln – a oder b?

                                                  You use some, somebody,                                       a in positive statements.
                                                  something …                                                   b in negative statements and questions.

                                                                                                                a in positive statements.
                                                  You use any, anybody, anything …
                                                                                                                b in negative statements and questions.

                                              3 Look at the German sentences. Then complete                     Sieh dir die deutschen Sätze an. Dann vervollständige
                                                the English translations. What mistake do                       die englischen Übersetzungen. Welchen Fehler machen
                                                German learners often make?                                     deutsche Lerner oft?

                                                Haben wir Kekse?           Do we have                 biscuits?

                                                Gibt es Orangensaft?       Is there               orange juice?

                                              4 Now look at Grammar File 11 on p. 170.                          Schau dir jetzt Grammar File 11 auf S. 170 an.

                                                                    English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
5                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                           5.1

                                              The will-future                                                                                             pp. 86–87
                                              Das Futur mit will

                                              1 a) Complete these sentences from 1 (p. 86).                    Vervollständige diese Sätze aus 1 (S. 86).

                                                I hope you’     all         at Lord Mayor’s Day next Saturday.

                                                You’               some tricks that I’ve never done before.

                                                OK. Maybe he’                 us something about his new tricks!

                                                What about Maya then? – She probably             n’t               without Lucy.

                                                Let’s go to the front – the view                       better there.

                                                Now, this              be easy.

                                                Come on, Sam! Hurry, or we’          miss the girls.

                                                When           the rehearsal           over?
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                b) Draw a red box round the negative                           Male ein rotes Kästchen um die verneinten Sätze.
                                                sentences. Draw a blue box round the question.                 Male ein blaues Kästchen um die Frage.
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                c) Now complete this table.                                    Vervollständige jetzt diese Tabelle.

                                                               +                                          –                                           ?
                                                I/You/He/She/It‘ll see                I/You/He/She/It                     see              I/you/he/she/it see …?

                                                We/You/They           see             We/You/They                         see              we/you/they see …?

                                                Long form:                            Long form:                                 What             she/they see …?
                                                I/You/He/She/It              see      I/You/He/She/It                     see

                                                We/You/They                 see       We/You/They                        see

                                              2 Be careful with will and want to!                              Sei vorsichtig mit will und want to!
                                                Which translation is correct – a or b?                         Welche Übersetzung ist richtig – a oder b?

                                                  I’m sure he will tell us something                          a Er will uns sicherlich etwas … erzählen.
                                                  about his new tricks.                                       b Er wird uns sicherlich etwas … erzählen.

                                                  I’m sure he wants to tell us something                      a Er will uns sicherlich etwas … erzählen.
                                                  about his new tricks.                                       b Er wird uns sicherlich etwas … erzählen.

                                              3 Now look at Grammar file 12 on p. 171.                         Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 12 auf S. 171 an.

                                                                   English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
5                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                          5.2

                                              Conditional sentences (type 1)                                                                            pp. 90–92
                                              Bedingungssätze (Typ 1)

                                              1 a) Complete these sentences from 1 (p. 90).                     Vervollständige diese Sätze aus 1 (S. 90).

                                                If I               hard, I’      be better than ever.

                                                If you             at 10:30, you’                 me in a really cool demonstration.

                                                You mean if Mukesh                    at two, you’                 free.

                                                If I                          Abby on Saturday, I                              her till the summer holidays.

                                                But it                        the same if you                   come.

                                                b) Underline the if-clauses with a red pen and                  Unterstreiche die if-Sätze mit einem roten Stift und die
                                                the main clauses with a blue pen.                               Hauptsätze mit einem blauen Stift.
                                                Then draw a red box round the verb forms in the                 Dann male ein rotes Kästchen um die Verbformen in den
                                                if-clauses and a blue box round the verb forms                  if-Sätzen und eine blaue Box um die Verbformen in den
                                                in the main clauses.                                            Hauptsätzen.
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                                c) Now complete the rule.                                       Vervollständige jetzt die Regel.
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                if-clause:             If I practise hard,                main clause: I’ll be better than ever.
                                                tense (Zeitform): s                       p                                   w

                                              2 Read these sentences. Underline the correct                     Lies die folgenden Sätze. Unterstreiche die richtigen
                                                verb forms and cross out the wrong verb forms.                  Verbformen und streiche die falschen Verbformen durch.

                                                If Lucy goes / will go to Sam’s demonstration, she is / will be late for the children’s parade.

                                                Justin: “If you like / will like, I film / will film it all.”

                                                Your English is / will be better if you do / will do this exercise.

                                              3 What will you do if …? – Complete these                         Was machst du, wenn …? – Vervollständige diese
                                                sentences. You can use the ideas in the box.                    Sätze. Du kannst die Ideen im Kästchen verwenden.

                                                                 be late for school • buy a new DVD • have a big ice cream • miss the bus

                                                If mum gives me some money, I’ll

                                                If I get up too late tomorrow, I’ll

                                              4 Now look at Grammar file 14 on                                  Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 14 auf S. 172–173 an.
                                                p. 172–173.

                                                                   English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
6                      Language Action Sheet                                                                                          6

                                              The past progressive                                                                               pp. 105–107
                                              Die Verlaufsform der Vergangenheit

                                              1 Look at 3 (p. 105) and complete these                       Sieh dir 3 (S. 105) an und vervollständige diese Sätze.

                                                 Lucy and Sam             sit           together. They                             the King Arthur play.

                                                 Leo and Justin were behind them, but they weren’t                     .

                                                 Leo                      sweets. Justin          n’t              anything.

                                                 While Sam and Lucy                           , Leo called from behind.

                                                 “We                            the lambs when we heard a funny sound.”

                                                 When he came back a few minutes later he                             a bit.
© 2014 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin.

                                              2 a) Which translation is best: a, b or c?                    Welche Übersetzung passt am besten: a, b oder c?
                                                                                                            a … Leo wollte gerade Süßigkeiten essen.
                                                                It was 4 pm. Leo was
                                                                                                            b … Leo hatte gerade Süßigkeiten gegessen.
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

                                                                eating sweets.
                                                                                                            c … Leo aß gerade Süßigkeiten.
                                                 b) You make the past progressive with … a, b               Man bildet das past progressive mit … a, b oder c?
                                                 or c? Mark the correct answer in yellow.                   Markiere die richtige Antwort gelb.
                                                 a being + verb                     b was/were + verb + ing                    c verb + ing

                                              3 a) What were they doing when …?                             Was taten sie gerade, als …?
                                                 Complete the sentences.                                    Vervollständige die Sätze.

                                                 (talk)   Luy                      to Sam when Leo tapped him on the shoulder.

                                                 (listen) Sam                         to Lucy’s story when suddenly there was a loud groan.

                                                 (work) Grandma and Lucy                                in the barn when they saw a snake.
                                                 b) Simple past or past progressive? Underline              Simple past oder past progressive? Unterstreiche die
                                                 the correct forms and cross out the wrong forms.           richtigen Formen und streiche die falschen Formen
                                                 Yesterday afternoon we played / were playing football when suddenly it started / was starting to rain.
                                                 We just had / were just having dinner when grandma called / was calling.
                                                 A big black dog attacked / was attacking me while I walked / was walking down the road.

                                              4 Now look at Grammar file 15 on                              Schau dir jetzt Grammar file 15 auf S. 173–174 an.
                                                 pp. 173–174.

                                                                  English G Access | 2 Vocabulary & Language Action Sheets
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