Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...

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Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Nur für professionelle Investoren*

Nordea 1 – Global Climate and Environment Fund
ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR)

                                                                 Webinar Drescher & Cie:
                                                          Klimafonds: Effektiv oder nur heiße Luft?

 Seien Sie Teil der Lösung.

*die gemäß MiFID-Definition (Richtlinie 2014/65/EG) auf
eigene Rechnung anlegen
Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Heiße Luft oder Effektiv? Die Richtung muss stimmen!

              Klima- und Umweltlösungen ermöglichen eine nachhaltigere Zukunft

                                Quelle: Nordea Investment Management AB, Tricomix, EPEA Internationale Umweltforschung GmbH,


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Anlageprozess mit “Impact Investing”
                                                                                 Engagement &
      Proprietäres             Volle ESG             Diszipliniertes
      Universum                Integration           Risikomanagement

      Identifizierung von             Fundamentale                   Portfolio              Aktive
          Klima- und                    und ESG                      & Risiko-         Einflussnahme
    Umweltlösungsanbietern              Analyse                     management

                               Impact                                 Impact
                                durch                                  durch
                               Klima-                               Engagement
                                                                                     Impact via
                                                                                 Climate Solutions


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Umweltschutz und Wirtschaftlichkeit gehen Hand in Hand

            Amortisationszeiten für verschiedene Klimalösungen


                                            Klimalösungen sind wirtschaftlich sinnvoll!


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Klimalösungen am Wendepunkt – viele Chancen


                                                                                                  Intelligentes Bauen


                                                                                            Grüner Konsum

                                                                                   Solar und Wind

                                                                            Smart Farming



Quelle: Nordea Investment Management AB


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Das Anlageuniversum
•          Hausinternes Anlagespektrum von ~1.250 Firmen mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von insgesamt über 6 Bio. EUR

                       Alternative Energien                Ressourceneffizienz                          Umweltschutz

                     Portfolio         Universum         Portfolio             Universum        Portfolio                  Universum
                      ~5%*              ~10%*             ~55%*                 ~70%*           ~40%*                        ~20%*

                 Erneuerbare Energie                 Energieeffizienz                       Sauberes Wasser und saubere Luft

                 Solar                               Smarte Netze                           Grüner Konsum
                 Wind                                Öko-Mobilität                          Abfallwirtschaft
                 Energiespeicher                     Smarte Forstwirtschaft                 Umweltdienstleistungen
                                                     Intelligentes Bauen                    Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft
                                                     Fortgeschrittene Werkstoffe

                                                                                                     *Hinweis: Basierend auf Marktkapitalisierung
                                                                                                      Quelle: Nordea Investment Management AB


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Fundamentalanalyse - 5 Fokuspunkte

    Strategische Bewertung

    •   Geschäftsgrundlagen

    •   Finanzkennzahlen

    •   Unternehmenskultur

    • Bewertung - internes
    • Erwartungslücke - wo
       unterscheidet sich unsere


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Portfolio Management                                                                                                        Sharpe Ratio

                  Sharpe Ratio = Ertrag / Risiko

                                                                                             2012                           Portfolio

                                                                                                          Total portfolio                         Stock contribution
                            Barra ex. Ante volatility                                                          risk                                  to total risk
              Nordea Global Climate & Environment vs. MSCI World

                                                                                                       Portfoliorisiko ggü. MSCI World
            Einzeltitelbeitrag zum Portfoliorisiko

                                                                                                                                 Nordea 1 – Global Climate and Env.
                                                                                                                                 MSCI World

Quelle: Nordea Investment Management AB, Barra risk Daten per 30/12/2018


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...
Fokus auf globalen Klimalösungen
                                                                                              Australische Software für
    US Wasser-Infrastruktur

                                          Natürliche Zutaten                  Smarte Netze für Hawaii

Quelle: Nordea Investment Management AB


Nordea 1 - Global Climate and Environment Fund - ISIN: LU0348927095 (BI-EUR) - Die ...

Quelle: Nordea Investment Management AB, Wertentwicklung vor Gebühren. Die dargestellte Wertentwicklung ist historisch; Wertentwicklungen in der Vergangenheit sind kein verläßlicher Richtwert für
zukünftige Erträge und Anleger erhalten möglicherweise nicht den vollen Anlagebetrag zurück. Der Wert der Anteile kann je nach Anlagepolitik des Teilfonds stark schwanken und wird nicht
gewährleistet, es kann zu einem teilweisen oder vollständigen Wertverlust kommen.

Eine solide, beständige Wertentwicklung (Performance BP-EUR)
                                                                                                                            Renditen im Kalenderjahr in %     Fonds

                                                                                                                            2014                             10.34%
                                                                                                                            2015                             11.44%

                                                                                                                            2016                             16.36%

                                                                                                                            2017                             15.38%
                                                                                                                            2018                             -13.33%

                                                                                                                            Seit Jahresbeginn                23.21%

                                                                                                                            Kumulierte Renditen in %          Fonds

                                                                                                                            Seit Jahresbeginn                23.21%
                                                                                                                            1 Monat                           5.39%
Quelle (falls nicht anders angegeben): Nordea Investment Funds S.A.
Betrachteter Zeitraum (falls nicht anders angegeben): 30.06.2014 - 28.06.2019.                                              3 Monate                          4.03%
Wertentw icklung errechnet von Nettoanteilsw ert zu Nettoanteilsw ert (nach Gebühren und in Luxemburg
                                                                                                                            6 Monate                         23.21%
auflaufenden Steuern) in der Währung der jew eiligen Anteilklasse, bei Wiederanlage der Erträge und reinvestierter
Dividenden, ohne Berücksichtigung des Ausgabeaufschlages oder der Rücknahmegebühr. Ausgabe- und                             1 Jahr                            9.49%
Rücknahmegebühren könnten die Wertentw icklung beeinträchtigen. Stand: 28.06.2019. Die dargestellte
Wertentw icklung ist historisch; Wertentw icklungen in der Vergangenheit sind kein verläßlicher                             3 Jahre                          49.24%
Richtw ert für zukünftige Erträge und Anleger erhalten m öglicherw eise nicht den vollen Anlagebetrag
zurück. Der Wert der Anteile kann je nach Anlagepolitik des Teilfonds stark schw anken und w ird                            5 Jahre                          61.42%
nicht gew ährleistet , es kann zu einem teilw eisen oder vollständigen Wertverlust kom m en.                                                     *
                                                                                                                            Seit Gründung                    85.80%
Sofern sich die w ährung der betreffenden Anteilklasse von der Währung des Landes, in dem der Anleger w ohnt,
unterscheidet, kann die dargestellte Wertentw icklung aufgrund von Wechselkursschw ankungen abw eichend sein.
                                                                                                                             * Auflegungsdatum: 13.03.2008


Unsere Anlagelösung im Überblick

•     Wir bieten eine einzigartige Anlagelösung, mit der man an
      einem starken Wachstumsmarkt partizipieren kann, an dem
      viele Klimalösungen auch wirtschaftlich sinnvoll sind.
•     Das Portfolio wird von einem bewährten und stabilen Team
      gemanagt, so dass Anleger von einem vom Research
      vernachlässigten und missverstandenen Anlagespektrum
      profitieren können.
•     Konstante und solide Performance: hat sich in 7 von 8
      Jahren besser als seine Mitbewerber entwickelt
•     Ein Investment, das attraktive Erträge bietet und zusätzlich
      zu einer nachhaltigeren Gesellschaft beiträgt.

Quelle - © 2019 Morningstar, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Stand: 06.02.2019, Morningstar-Kategorie EAA OE Sector Equity Ecology. Performance in EUR. Das Morningstar-Rating beruht auf der historischen Wertentwicklung eines Fonds –
basierend auf Ertrag und Risiko – so dass ähnliche Investments mit ihren jeweiligen Mitbewerbern verglichen werden können. Beobachtungszeitraum: 01.01.2009 – 31.12.2018. Wertentwicklung errechnet von Nettoanteilswert zu
Nettoanteilswert (nach Abzug von Gebühren und Luxemburger Steuern) bei Wiederanlage von Bruttoerträgen und Dividenden in der Basiswährung des jeweiligen Teilfonds ohne Berücksichtigung des Ausgabeaufschlags oder der
Rücknahmegebühr. Stand: 31.01.2018. Ausgabe- und Rücknahmegebühren könnten die Wertentwicklung beeinträchtigen. Die dargestellte Wertentwicklung ist historisch; Wertentwicklungen in der Vergangenheit sind kein
verläßlicher Richtwert für zukünftige Erträge und Anleger erhalten möglicherweise nicht den vollen Anlagebetrag zurück. Der Wert der Anteile kann je nach Anlagepolitik des Teilfonds stark schwanken und wird nicht
gewährleistet, es kann zu einem teilweisen oder vollständigen Wertverlust kommen. Sofern sich die Währung der betreffenden Anteilklasse von der Währung des Landes, in dem der Anleger wohnt, unterscheidet, kann die dargestellte
Wertentwicklung aufgrund von Wechselkursschwankungen abweichend sein.


Nur für professionelle Investoren*

Reasons for Investing

•    Participation in a strong growth
     segment of the market
•    Under-researched and
     misunderstood universe
•    Climate solutions at economic
     inflection point
•    Proven risk management
•    Stable investment team
•    11 years track record


Investment Team
 •   Climate & Environment Portfolio Management embedded in strong global research platform
 •   All Fundamental and ESG investment professionals to contribute to idea generation

                                    Thomas Sørensen                           Henning Padberg
        Portfolio Manager, 22 years with Nordea and 11 years                  Portfolio Manager, 11 years with Nordea and 10 years
                                          managing this fund                  managing this fund


Product Characteristics
• Investment universe:    Global equities with exposure to Climate & Environment
• Benchmark:              No benchmark
• Investment process:     Fundamental bottom up
• Number of stocks:       40-60
• Bias:                   GARP and mid-cap
• Style:                  Bottom up and cash flow driven


Positioning towards Climate Beneficiaries*

                                                                                                              Environment Protection

                                                               *based on analysis of exposure approximation of 156 GICS Sub-Industries

                                 Strong differentiation through focus on Climate Solutions
Source: Nordea Investment Management AB, Bloomberg, and MSCI. Date: 31.12.2018


Typical Portfolio Composition
•    40-60 global holdings, fully invested, high conviction
•    High exposure to mid-cap growth with bias towards Industrials & Technology sectors
•    Focus on Climate Solutions: no direct oil, coal and nuclear investments

          Nordea 1 – Global Climate and Environment Fund – Regional       Nordea 1 – Global Climate and Environment Fund – Market Capitalisation Exposure

Source: Nordea Investment Management AB as of 31/12/2018


Annualized performance over various periods

Source - © 2019 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved as of 06.06.2019. Performance in EUR. Period under consideration: 01.06.2014 – 31.05.2019. Performance calculated NAV to NAV (net of fees and Luxembourg taxes) gross income
reinvested, in the base currency of the respective sub-fund, excluding initial and exit charges. Initial and exit charges could affect the value of the performance. The performance represented is historical; past performance is not a
reliable indicator of future results and investors may not recover the full amount invested. The value of shares can greatly fluctuate as a result of the sub-fund’s investment policy and cannot be ensured. If the base currency
of the respective sub-fund differs from the currency of the country where the investor resides the represented performance might vary due to currency fluctuations. The Nordea 1- Global Climate and Environment Equity Fund does not have
an official benchmark. The indexes shown are for illustrative purpose only.


Idea Generation
 •   Pure focus on Climate & Environment                                Information Flow within Team
 •   Industry knowledge and value-chain analysis
     are essential
 •   Ideas are generated from a variety of sources:
       •   Internal and external research
       •   Company meetings
       •   Industry and financial conferences
       •   Academic research
       •   Structural trends, innovation budgets (e.g.
           company’s R&D) and regulation
 •   Experienced team of analysts capable of
     filtering the information and identifying the
     most attractive opportunities is key
                                                                                                   Source: Nordea Investment Management AB


Example: Environment Protection / Green Consumerism
 •    Global leader in natural ingredients, organic food and
      eco-friendly products (mainly natural flavours)
 •    Transition from synthetic towards natural products as
      consumers focus on clean label, “free from …”, plant-
      based, enhanced nutritional benefits etc.
 •    Kerry’s integrated taste and nutrition solutions enable
      its global food and beverage clients to develop more
      sustainable products                                                               “Green Consumer” retail categories see accelerating momentum

 •    Market underestimates growth driven by new product
      innovation to address “green” consumer demand

Source: Nordea Investment Management AB, BNP Exane,, Kerry


Bottom-up analysis
Kerry risk / reward                                                                             1. Business Fundamentals
                                                         Strategic case                            •   Leading provider of integrated solutions enabling
                                                                                                       authentic taste and clean label products
                                                                                                   •   Benefitting from local and regional players gaining
                                                                                                       share from consumer focus on authenticity

                                                                                                2. Financial Performance
                                                                                                   •   Strong track record for growth and returns
                                                                                                   •   Brilliant dealmaker with long record for value-enhancing
                                                                                                       bolt-on acquisitions

                                                                                                3. Corporate Culture
                                                                                                   •   Great management with visionary expansion in taste &
                                                        Valuation case                                 nutrition through R&D and customer focus

         Underestimating growth
                                                                                                   •   Sustainability and ESG core part of corporate strategy
                                                  WACC                            6.6%
                                                  Standard ROIC-WACC fade          67%
                                                  Max ROIC-WACC spread           25.2%          4. DCF €118
                                                  ROIC-WACC spread allowed         90%
                                         Market   ROIC-WACC spread in terminal   22.7%             •   Above market organic volume growth, ongoing margin
                                                                                                       expansion and M&A
                                                  Target price                      118
                                                  Market price                      106
                                                  Upside (%)                       12%          5. “Expectation gap”:
                                                                                                   •   Sustainable growth from Green Consumerism and
                                                                                                       excellent bolt-on acquisitions underestimated
22 •

How is ESG Information Integrated in our Analysis?

•    Investors need to analyse qualitative and quantitative ESG information on top of all other available information to
     make the best decision
•    Investment decisions cannot be made on ESG information only
•    We evaluate a company’s ESG profile within our strategic company analysis

              Example 1:                                 Example 2:                                 Example 3:
           C-rated Company                            Weaker ESG profile                        Excellent ESG profile

             Not Investable

                                               No or little excess return in the long term    Attractive long term excess return

                                                                                                         Source: Nordea Investment Management AB


Company example: Energy Efficiency

• Leading simulation software provider, enabling
  customers to predict how products will behave in the
  real world

• Unmatched position with integrated and customisable
  simulation platform, containing Fluid Dynamics,
  Structural Mechanics, Electromagnetics and Systems &

• High barriers to entry, strong business model with high
  operating margins and recurring revenues providing
  visibility and stability

• Simulation is driving higher energy efficiency in several                                                          Adding flow simulation to the design
  applications like aerospace, automotive, industrial                                                             improves efficiency by ~2% alone. With
                                                                                                                    pumps responsible for 10% of world’s
  applications or wind energy                                                                                         electricity consumption the savings
                                                                                                                                         potential is large
• We view Ansys as a long-term winner in a digitalising
  world where all industries demand smarter engineering       Aerodynamic optimisation   Lightweight composites          Engine emissions modelling
  solutions that can deliver fast innovations

                 Simulation makes
                 economic sense!


Impact Analysis- Ansys
                                           Problem                                                  Solutions                              Impact
      Resource Efficiency

                            Carbon pollution from flying in Europe                 Innovation through simulation to            Each 1% increase in fuel efficiency
                            rose by 26% in the last five years, more                 deliver more fuel efficient and          generates $2bn of savings across the
                                than any other transport mode.                     environmentally friendly aircrafts.      industry and reduces CO2 emissions by
                                                                                                                                        9 million tonnes.
                            Air traffic continues to grow above GDP                -15% in fuel burn due to propulsion
                             requiring more fuel efficient solutions.          -4.5% drag due to introduction of winglets   Thus, each 1% increase in efficiency is
                                                                                    -18% weight through cargo weight         equivalent to 2mio cars taken off the
                                                                                                reduction                               road for a year.

                                Energy Intensity

                                                                             Source: Ansys

                                                                             Source: Ansys

                                                                        Source: European Aviation Environmental Report


Company example: Advanced Materials

• Hexcel is one of the leading carbon fibers producers in
  the world; lightweight materials are essential to improve
  fuel efficiency in the transport sector, especially in

• Carbon fibers offer significant material advantages versus
  steel and aluminium in the manufacturing of aircrafts

• The new generation of commercial aircrafts use a high
  proportion of carbon fibers in the design

• Carbon fibers also making inroads into other industrial
  applications such as wind turbines and high-end cars

• Hexcel is uniquely positioned to capture future growth

            Carbon fibers make
             economic sense!

26                     Source: Nordea Investment Management AB

Impact Analysis- Hexcel
                                                        Problem                                           Solutions                                    Impact
                  Resource Efficiency

                                        Carbon pollution from flying in Europe rose    Lightweight composite solutions reducing      Thanks to lightweight materials (53%
                                        by 26% in the last five years, more than any    fuel consumption and associated carbon      composite) and new engines, the A350
                                                   other transport mode.                        emissions of the aircraft.         provide a 25% reduction in fuel burn and
                                                                                                                                    CO2 emissions compared to previous
                                                                                       A reduction in fuel consumption of about                    models.
                                         Air traffic continues to grow above GDP       0.75% results from each 1% reduction in
                                          requiring more fuel efficient solutions.                      weight.                     Each 1% of reduction in aircraft weight
                                                                                                                                    generates $1.5bn of savings across the
                                                                                                                                  industry and reduces CO2 emissions by 7
                                                                                                                                               million tonnes.

                                            Energy intensity                                          Composite solutions         1 million tonnes of CO2 is equivalent to

Source: Bachmann, J., Hidalgo, C. & Bricout, S. Sci. China Technol. Sci. (2017)        Source: JCFA                                 Source: Forbes, US Department of Energy

Nordea Asset Management at a Glance

 The largest asset manager in the Nordics, growing
 European presence and business
     ▪ The largest Nordic Retail fund provider, with a
        16% market share.
     ▪ Servicing > 475 Nordic & International
        Institutional clients
     ▪ Growing 3rd party fund distribution franchise
        servicing 300 international fund distributors

 Our production strategy is based on core products
 managed by internal independent investment boutiques
 supplemented by complementary offerings from carefully
 selected external managers on an exclusive basis.

 AuM of EUR 217bn as of Q1 2019

 ~770 FTE’s whereof ~200 Investment specialists


Leader in ESG, Integrated Across All Investment Processes

         Investment framework incorporates the Principles for                                  Responsible Investment Enhanced Products
                      Responsible Investing (RI)
                                                                                             Swedish Stars             Nordic Stars               Emerging Stars
                                                                                             (AuM € ~1bn)             (AuM € ~40m)                 (AuM € ~2bn)
              Active ownership, engagement, proxy voting
                                                                                              Global Stars         North American Stars           European Stars
                                                                                            (AuM € ~480m)            (AuM € ~340m)                  (AuM € ~50m)
              RI-enhanced products where investment evaluation                          Sustainable EQ Global     Gl. Sust. Enhanced EQ
              to buy/sell explicitly includes ESG factors                                   (AuM € ~70m)              (AuM € ~460m)

                                                                                        Global Gender Diversity    Climate & Environment
              ESG integration in traditional funds - Actively managed                       (AuM € ~10m)              (AuM € ~1.3 bn)
              products include ESG in assessing investments                                 European Stars           Swedish FI Stars          European HY Stars
                                                                                            (AuM € ~110m)            (AuM € ~200 m)              (AuM € ~60 m)

                                                                                            Emerging Stars              US ESG                       HY ESG
              Norms-based screening, exclusions                                             (AuM € ~40 m)            (AuM € ~110 m)               (AuM € ~30 m)

                                                                                             Equity Funds         Thematic Funds           Fixed Income Funds

     “The judging panel has followed Nordea’s trajectory for years, and is
     pleased to see the Asset Management team has expanded to become
     one of the largest, most diverse, and proactive teams in Europe.”
                                                                                                                            Source: Nordea Investment Management AB, Q1 2019


The sub-funds mentioned are part of Nordea 1, SICAV, an open-ended Luxembourg-based investment company (Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable), validly formed and existing in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg and with
European Council Directive 2009/65/EC of 13 July 2009. This document is advertising material and does not disclose all relevant information concerning the presented sub-funds. Any investment decision in the sub-funds should be made
on the basis of the current prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), which are available, along with the current annual and semi-annual reports, electronically in English and in the local language of the market where the
mentioned SICAV is authorised for distribution, without charge upon request from Nordea Investment Funds S.A., 562, rue de Neudorf, P.O. Box 782, L-2017 Luxembourg, from the local representatives or information agents, or from our
distributors. Investments in derivative and foreign exchange transactions may be subject to significant fluctuations which may affect the value of an investment. Investments in Emerging Markets involve a higher element of risk. The
value of shares can greatly fluctuate as a result of the sub-fund’s investment policy and cannot be ensured. Investments in equity and debt instruments issued by banks could bear the risk of being subject to the bail-in
mechanism (meaning that equity and debt instruments could be written down in order to ensure that most unsecured creditors of an institution bear appropriate losses) as foreseen in EU Directive 2014/59/EU. For further
details of investment risks associated with these sub-funds, please refer to the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID), available as described above. Nordea Investment Funds S.A. has decided to bear the cost for
research, i.e. such cost is covered by existing fee arrangements (Management-/Administration-Fee). Nordea Investment Funds S.A. only publishes product-related information and does not make any investment recommendations. Published
by Nordea Investment Funds S.A., 562, rue de Neudorf, P.O. Box 782, L-2017 Luxembourg, which is authorized by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier in Luxembourg. Further information can be obtained from your
financial advisor. He/she can advise you independently of Nordea Investment Funds S.A. Please note that all sub funds and share classes might not be available in your country of jurisdiction. Additional information for investors in
Switzerland: The Swiss Representative and Paying Agent is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 16, CH-8002 Zurich, Switzerland. Additional information for investors in Germany: The
Information Agent in Germany is Société Générale S.A. Frankfurt Branch, Neue Mainzer Straße 46-50, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. A hard copy of the above-mentioned fund documentation is also available from here. Additional
information for investors in Austria: The Information and Paying Agent in Austria is Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG, Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna, Austria. Additional information for investors in the Netherlands:
Nordea 1, SICAV is a Luxembourg Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) registered in the Netherlands in the register kept by the AFM, and as such is allowed to offer its shares in the Netherlands. The AFM
register can be consulted via Additional information for investors in France: With the authorisation of the AMF the shares of the sub-funds of Nordea 1, SICAV may be distributed in France. Centralising Correspondent
in France is CACEIS Bank, located at 1-3, place Valhubert, FR-75206 Paris cedex, France. Investors are advised to conduct thorough research before making any investment decision. Additional information for investors in
Belgium: The Financial Service Agent in Belgium is BNP Paribas Securities Services S.C.A., Brussels Branch, Rue de Loxum 25, BE-1000- Brussels, Belgium. A hard copy of the above-mentioned fund documentation is available upon
demand free of charge. Additional information for investors in Spain: Nordea 1, SICAV is duly registered in the CNMV official registry of foreign collective investment institutions (entry no. 340) as authorised to be marketed to the public in
Spain. The Depositary of the SICAV’s assets is, J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. In Spain, any investment must be made through the authorised distributors and on the basis of the information contained in the mandatory documentation
that must be received from the SICAV’s authorised distributor prior to any subscription. The Representative Agent is Allfunds Bank S.A.U., C/ de los Padres Dominicos, 7, ES- 28050 Madrid, Spain. A complete list of the authorised distributors
is available in the CNMV’s webpage ( Additional information for investors in Portugal: The Management Company of the SICAV, Nordea Investment Funds, S.A., and the Depositary of the SICAV’s assets, J.P. Morgan
Bank Luxembourg S.A., are validly formed and existing in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg and authorized by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier in Luxembourg. Our distributor in Portugal is BEST - Banco
Electrónico de Serviço Total, S.A., duly incorporated under the laws of Portugal and registered with the CMVM as a financial intermediary. Additional information for investors in Italy: Fund documentation as listed above is also available
in Italy from the distributors and on the website The updated list of distribution agents in Italy, grouped by homogenous category, is available from the distributors themselves or from the Paying Agents: State Street Bank
International GmbH – Succursale Italia, branches (located in the main towns of each region), BNP Paribas Securities Services - Succursale di Milano, Banca Sella Holding S.p.A, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A., Allfunds Bank S.A.U.
Succursale di Milano, Société Générale Securities Services S.p.A., CACEIS Bank S.A – Succursale Italia and on the website Any requests for additional information should be sent to the distributors. Before investing, please
read the prospectus and the KIID carefully. We recommend that you read the most recent annual financial statement in order to be better informed about the fund's investment policy. The prospectus and KIID for the sub-funds have
been published with Consob. Additional information for investors in the United Kingdom: The Facilities Agent is Financial Express Limited 3rd Floor, Hollywood House Chrisch Street East Woking, Surrey GU21 6HJ, United Kingdom.
Additional information for investors in Ireland: The Facilities Agent is Maples Fund Serviced (Ireland) Limited, a company incorporated in Ireland whose registered office is 5th Floor, 75 St Stephen´s Green, Dublin 2 (the “Representative”).
Additional information for investors in Sweden: The Paying Agent is Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige, Smålandsgatan 17, SE-105 71 Stockholm, Sweden. The Representative Agent is Nordea Funds Ltd, Swedish Branch, Mäster
Samuelsgatan 21, M541 SE-105 71 Stockholm, Sweden. Additional information for investors in Denmark: The Representative and Sub-Paying Agent is Nordea Danmark, filial af Nordea Bank Abp, Finland, Grønjordsvej 10, DK-2300
Copenhagen S, Denmark. A hard copy of the above-mentioned fund documentation is available here. Additional information for investors in Norway: The Paying Agent is Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge, Essendrops gate 7, Postboks
1166 Sentrum, NO-0107 Oslo, Norway. The Representative Agent is Nordea Funds Ltd., Norwegian Branch, Essendrops gate 7, Postboks 1166 Sentrum, NO-0107 Oslo, Norway. Additional information for investors in Finland: The
Paying Agent is Nordea Bank Abp, Satamaradankatu 5, FI-00020, Helsinki, Finland. The Representative Agent is Nordea Funds Ltd, Centralgatan/Keskuskatu 3a, FI-00020, Helsinki, Finland. Additional information for investors in Latvia:
The Representative Agent is Luminor Bank AS, Skanstes iela 12, Riga, LV-1013. Additional information for investors in Estonia: The Representative Agent in Estonia is Luminor Bank AS, Liivalaia 45, 10145 Tallinn. Additional
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