Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte Ein fotografische Reise durch das leben der K8 während der Ausgangssperre im 1 Semester 2020
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Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte Ein fotografische Reise durch das leben der K8 während der Ausgangssperre im 1 Semester 2020
The phrase a picture is worth a thousand words means a picture may convey an idea more quickly and effectively than the written word. Writers of texts that describe concepts involving imagery or abstract thoughts need many words to get their points across. A photograph, artwork, drawing or graphics often demonstrates an idea with one look, which is much quicker than a text can explain things. A photograph or artwork can also be effective at depicting emotion, enabling the viewer to properly understand a story without a word being written or spoken. Readers of articles or books must put in a large quantity of work to understand a text compared to photos. Someone who simply views an image can learn the meaning of that image without a lot of explanation. The viewer may gain some information from an image, however, even photographs are open to interpretation. A photographer may crop the picture, leaving out an important. They may highlight a point of view that does not tell the whole story. The viewer may not understand the context of what the photographer thinks they are looking at, where a literary essay or some other written text may explain things more fully. This idea seems to have first been put forth around the turn of the 20th century by a newspaper editor Tess Flanders, discussing strategies in publishing, editing and news reporting. The term was popularized in the 1920s by Fred R. Barnard, who is credited with the origin of the proverb. He used the phrase a picture is worth a thousand words to discuss the use of drawn and photographic images to illustrate advertising. It was Barnard who ascribed the proverb to the Chinese, and later, the Japanese. He also used the term a picture is worth ten thousand words, though one thousand is the current number used in the expression. The phrase a picture is worth a thousand words is usually referring to a physical illustration, but it is occasionally used as a description in one’s writing. Aki
Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Wörter, weil ein Bild dir die Gefühle der Menschen zeigen kann und was man auf ihrem Gesicht sieht. Mit Wörtern kann man das nicht so leicht beschreiben, wie wenn man einfach ein Bild macht. Mit Wörtern müsste man sich erstmal überlegen, wie man das, was man auf dem Bild sieht, am besten beschreibt. Dann muss man das Ganze richtig formulieren, und dann, wenn man endlich, nach sehr viel Arbeit, das ganze niedergeschrieben hat, gibt es immer noch die Möglichkeit, dass jemand anders denkt, dass was man beschrieben hat, etwas anderes bedeutet oder es nicht versteht oder auch nicht weiß, was die Wörter, die man benutzt hat, bedeuten, oder sogar die Sprache nicht versteht. Mit Bildern hat man das Problem nicht, man malt, fotografiert oder zeichnet einfach was man den Leuten zeigen will, und dann können sich die Leute es sich selbst aussuchen, was es zu bedeuten hat. Jeder kann Bilder verstehen und sie interpretieren. Jeder Mensch guckt sich ständig Bilder an und jeder zieht fast die ganze Zeit Schlussfolgerungen aus was sie gesehen haben. Also wenn man mit Wörtern etwas beschreibt, nimmt man den Leuten die Fantasie, sich selbst auszusuchen, was die Sache bedeutet, und es ist sehr schwer, die richtigen Wörter zum Beschreiben zu finden. Deswegen sagt ein Bild mehr als tausend Wörter. Martin C
Photography is an art form that captures moments and preserves them. It allows you to explore perspectives you would never have been able to imagine and allows the artist to tell a story with their camera. Unlike painting or drawing, photography provides the ability to step into the world of the photographer, see places we might never get to see, and have unique experiences we would otherwise never have. Photos can be taken by anyone, but what makes them art is the thought and consideration put in to capturing the perfect scene. The filters, the focus, the light source, the positioning are all elements that determine the story you are presenting. A simple frame could be turned into a masterpiece with the right considerations. Each photo tells a different story, it could be a story of strife, hope, love, loss, or anything else the artist wants to say. Some photos taken during tragedies provide as a historical recount of what happened, and we can understand better how these events affected real people so we can grow and learn from these mistakes. The phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words’ represents the complexity of the story these artists are telling. Photos are unique storytellers because each viewer can perceive it differently, each photo speaking a different thousand words to everybody. Scout
I took these to show how COVID-19 affected our pets. Clearly my cat didn't have any idea. He continued to laze around and kill possums, he also received my love 24/7 + extra food. What more could a cat want? Antonia
I choose these photos because even though everything is ugly and sad at the moment, there is still beauty in the world, you just have to find it. I took these photos while I was going for walk with my mom and a family friend. These photos were taken with an I-Phone 6S. Jaidyn
„Der skate im Himmel“ von Marcelo Reis Dies ist mein Lieblingsbild und deshalb habe ich es gewählt, um meine ganze Reihe von Bilder darzustellen. Es war ungefähr fünf Uhr, als ich neben meiner Garage mit mein Skate lief und beschloss, ein Foto zu machen. Nachdem ich den richtigen Winkel gefunden und ein gutes Bild gemacht hatte, dachte ich zuerst, dass der skate schön und elegant mit dem Himmel darüber aussah.
I decided to put these images into my collection because it I thought they expressed my feelings of my situation better than my other images. The thing that first caught my eye was the darkness on one side and the light in the garage. I took these photos in the evening around 6 o'clock when I was walking. The photos were taken in my driveway. I was thinking about what to take photos of for my journal. I was trying to capture the loneliness that the pandemic creates. When I look at this image I think of the darkness and loneliness the pandemic creates and how it separates us. I didn’t notice that there was a light and a dark side to the picture . Tillman
Alisa Eines Tages gingen meine Eltern und ich an den Strand für einen Spaziergang, und ich habe meine Kamera mitgenommen. Als wir beim Strand angekommen sind, sah ich diese Bank und dachte mir sofort, dass es ein perfektes Foto für mein Covid 19 diary sein kann, weil wenn man in einigen Jahren dieses Foto anguckt, weiß man, dass während der Pandemik niemand sich einfach auf eine Bank setzen konnte, weil man immer Abstand von anderen Leuten halten musste.
This a photograph of the route that I ride my bike almost every day. I go through Pittwater which is in the picture. I came here later in the day which it why it’s getting dark. I like coming here because it is calming and quiet. I find this picture very calming. The water barley ripples because of the calming wind. Brian
I stare into the hustle and bustle of a shopping center and the artificial glow of the shops. The glass railing and the pillars hug the levels. Out there would be families with parents and children spending their hard- earned money on merchandise. The once crowded buildings and the once hustle and bustle replaced with emptiness because of the coronavirus. The once vibrant hodgepodge of shops and performers now an empty and desolate void with only artificial beams of light occupying the buildings. The area looked as if it had been uninhabited for millennia even though it was vibrant and filled with activity just weeks before. Aki
Ich habe dieses Bild als Darstellung meiner Zeit zuhause in Quarantäne ausgewählt, weil es bei mir oft so aussieht und weil wir, besonders mein Bruder, der oft früh mit seinen Aufgaben fertig ist, hier einen großen Teil des Tages verbringen. Man muss sich nämlich oft alleine beschäftigen, weil die anderen arbeiten oder gerade etwas anderes zu tun haben. Meine Familie beschäftigt sich oft mit LEGO, immer hier. Deswegen herrscht hier viel Unordnung und ich finde, das passt zu dieser Zeit, weil jetzt viele einfach nicht mehr aus ihren Zimmern gehen und meistens auch nicht hinter sich aufräumen. Ich habe dieses Bild morgens gemacht, weil dann noch alle etwas zu tun haben und es hier leer ist, zumindest von Personen, obwohl meistens hier mehrere Personen zu finden sind. Ich habe dieses Bild auch morgens gemacht, weil es dann zeigt, wie einsam Leute sind und dass sie nicht andere sehen oder dahingehen wo sie oft sind und deswegen sich selber beschäftigen, zum Beispiel, wie hier, mit LEGO. Das Ganze ist ein Paradox, weil ich es fotografiert habe, um Einsamkeit zu zeigen, obwohl es hier fast immer voll ist, weil die Leute einsam sind, denn normalerweise ist es hier nicht so voll, weil sich meine Familie mit anderen trifft. Martin
“I gazed out the window to find a beautiful pinkish red sunset. I chose these photos because I was drawn to the colours and they match really well. I am also really drawn to the sunset photo because the sunset made the trees look darker and more mysterious, so the trees stood out. When I took the photo it was around 6pm when the sun had started to set.” When I look back at the photo I am reminded of that night. The photo that I took with the flowers, I edited it to make it have a similar colour scheme so that it matched well and now there’s a really nice composition. When I look at these photos it makes me really calm and happy because they are nice, warm colours. Brianna
This is my favourite photo out of all the ones I took. I took this photo about five minutes before the sun set. I like this photo because it looks professional and clean. It also has light in the pool and house and not the other places, I think this makes it look good. Ethan
I chose this photo because Barney is cute and because he looks happy in the photo, it reminds me to stay happy during these difficult times. When I took this photo the first thing that caught my eye was how the leaves were all over Barney and it looked cute. When I took this photo, I was at Manly Dam taking my Barney for a walk and it was around midday. When I took this photo, I just thought that it looked very funny because he had become a tree. When I took this, I was trying to capture the funny aspect of the photo and his cute smile. I was able to capture theses aspects because I took the photo from a certain angle that you could see the smile and the way that he looked like a tree. When I look at it now, I think that it is funny, and his smile makes me happy. When viewers look at this photo, I expect them to laugh at how he looks like a tree and smile by looking at him. I expected this image to look like this and it is exactly how I intended. What surprised me was the coincidence that the leaves at this time were everywhere. Fynn
I chose this photo to represent my work because I feel pretty lucky that I made it back to Australia before the border closure and now you see no planes anymore they have become a rarity. When I took this picture I was just waking up and looking out the window thinking about how there are almost no planes in the sky and so I took this picture to represent my thoughts. I have tweaked it a bit and I really think that it is a good fit and a photo that represents my theme and my mood. When I look at this picture I think that the world has become cleaner and quieter but what the viewer sees is up to them and I don't want to choose that. Hunter
In der ersten Woche der Osterferien konnten meine Schwester und ich die Hunde meiner Tante zuhause haben. Wir gingen mit ihnen 3 mal pro Tag laufen. Ich hatte ein wenig Angst eines Tages als ich um 8 am Morgen eines der Hunde mit mir führte, dass die Pandemicregeln bald strenger werden und dass die Hunde nicht mehr raus gehen können und wir auch nicht. Diese Routine könnte dann nicht mehr stattfinden und ich bemerkte, dass viele Routinen sich geändert oder ändern werden und wie anders die Welt wird. Ich ahnte nach dem Leben bevor COVID- 19. Ich haltete den Hund und schiess das Foto als er endlich mich ansah. Wenn ich jetzt das Foto sehe, denke ich an dieser Zeit, als man so unsicher war, was geschehen wird. Ich finde, dass wenn man das Foto sieht, sollte man daran erinnert werden, dass unsere Routinen ständig ändern und so fast nicht mehr Routinen sind. Ich habe dieses Bild ausgewählt, weil mit etwasem so gewohnheitlich kann man kaum vorstellen je, nicht diese Routine zu folgen. So kann man sehen wie zerblechlich unsere Routinen sind und wie sie sich ständig ändern. Mich erstaunt wie anders ich jetzt von diesem Foto denke, zu dieser Zeit dachte ich es einfach als so ein Nebengedanken aber jetzt scheint es eine so viel grössere Idee zu sein. Filipe
"I was on my way to reef beach walking through the forest path, it was around midday and the sun was at its peak when I came across the photo worthy path. I was drawn to this image because of the mystery and beauty of the walkway and forest, With the light shining through the gaps in the treetops it makes it look like you are walking into a bright light. When I look back at the image it seems like just another photo, but I am still drawn to it in an indescribable way." Avanyu
I chose this image, because I like it and think it's interesting. When I saw the rock, I immediately saw that small indent with the waves. I was walking along the rocks from Freshie to Manly that day and it was about midday. I didn't really think that much about the picture. It just stuck out at me from the rest. I wanted to show the wavy circular pattern and the different layers in the rock. I think looking at it from a front on view with no background makes it look good and almost alien like. You also don't get a perception of size, and this could be a really wide and deep hole. I'm not sure what I want other people to see, but everyone sees something different anyway. I think I would like it, if they appreciate the photo. The image turned out to be what I wanted and added some things that I didn't see immediately, like the depth perception. Henry
“Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.” - Sanchita Pandey “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” - Oprah Winfrey - Lena Merkert
This is what I do whenever I'm free The soccer ball caught my eye first I was in my bedroom when I took the picture I was on my knees when I took this photo I think I took this photo at midday I was trying to capture my favourite hobby I captured the shot by showing the items I use when I play soccer I think of soccer I'd like the viewer to see what I'm up to during this pandemic Lucas K
I chose this picture because it has a different color than reality you also see some exotic colors that you cant see everyday, also you can still see the patterns on the side of the fish. Marius
These pictures show my everyday life during quarantine. I spent most of my time with my pets, in the garden and bushwalking with my family. I really like the dark atmosphere that compliments the vibrant colours and makes them stand out. Philippa
I chose this image because it's the nicest photo I have taken so far. When I took this picture it was around midday on a Saturday and I was playing basketball with some friends. I thought it would make a good picture to shoot the ball into the hoop, so I asked my friend to shoot while I took the photo, but he missed completely. I thought it looked good just like that and I wanted to keep training, so I left it how it is. I wasn’t really trying to capture any feeling I just thought it would be a good picture to take. I was surprised on how good it turned out. Nahuel
I have chosen these picture of COVID-19 because I thought they represented the global pandemic pretty well seeing that all the toilet paper shelves are empty and that every one is hoarding toilet paper. When I took the pictures I was so amazed about how many shelves where empty in the first place and I don't think I will see so many empty shelves in my life again. I was at Woolworths at around 12:00pm when I look the picture. Many houses are now stacked with stuff they don't even need. Thomas
This picture shows how important it was for me to be outside during these times. Nik W
Richard During these corona times, we were forced to live and see life through a different perspective. So I zoomed in on different objects in my house and garden, because I was trapped in it, to see the objects from a different perspective. After I did this, it was very hard to figure out what the object actually was. I always tried to take a picture of something that caught my eye, the thing usually being bright.
Photography is an art form that captures moments and preserves them. It allows you to explore perspectives you would never have been able to imagine and allows the artist to tell a story with their camera. Unlike painting or drawing, photography provides the ability to step into the world of the photographer, see places we might never get to see, and have unique experiences we would otherwise never have. These photos were taken at Warringah Mall and the tennis club near my house. The eerie darkness. Scout
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” Robin
“I am well because in the holidays my family adopted two new pets into our family and I have been waiting 13 years to get pets of my own.” Sofia A
“Feeling small” By Atina
“It is strange getting to know a new city during a pandemic, but we wanted to see Sydney, so we walked around the empty streets and buildings. This photo was taken in the Queen Victoria Building. I thought the glass dome was really beautiful.” Layaa
Während der Zeit von Covid-19, hatte ich viel Freizeit, die ich am meisten in meiner Garten gespendet hab. Ich hatte viel mehr Zeit mich meine Pflanzen genauer anzuschauen und zu sehen, wie schön sie wirklich sind. Hier sind ein Paar Fotos von meine Lieblingspflanzen. Hayley
During this nation-wide pandemic I think that if we all take photos and recorded moments of our day, we can create a picture that isn’t recorded or videoed for people who want to know what the corona virus was like for children in the future. Before I started this project, I thought photography was just a hobby or a form of work. Now I see it is more than that it is an art. I took this picture while I was at the beach. I took the picture because I enjoyed how simple, but interesting it appeared. The clouds in the sky look as if they were woven into an intricate pattern and the water is a rich dark blue colour. The sand has many different textures and shapes. The whole picture makes me feel that there really was no pandemic and life is just going on as it always has. I have edited this photo to appear desolate and abandoned. I have cut out the people to emphasise the emptiness, and tried to focus on the different patterns of the water, clouds and sand. Why I like this picture is that it, is simple and relaxed, and it was taken at a happy time, it also was a very beautiful beach. Darya
I chose this image because when I saw it I thought of how corona virus has effected the animals that used to be afraid of us and veer further away when they saw us. The thing that first caught my eye is how the birds looked down at me and how I looked up at them and how they stood at the edges of the roof as if they were protecting it. I was in a small neighbourhood that is usually very busy with people and cars but now looks as if it is abandoned. I was walking for exercise and fun and walking is something you can do if you are not sick. It was around 12 on a Sunday which should be the time people are going to the park or celebrations, At first, I was only looking around this place because I was walking and looking for pictures that had to do with entertainment but what I didn’t think was how the animals entertained themselves, especially now when they don’t have to be worried about owners of houses shooing them away. I tried to capture the feeling of a change in power, power over feelings of smaller creatures. I took a low shot from where I was to were the birds were. I felt exactly as I had felt when I saw it first. I don’t really know; I hope the viewer would understand why I took this picture and to see the difference in the angle of how we used to look down at them and they now look down at us. Nothing changed of how I wanted this image to look but at first it did surprise me how powerful these birds look staring down at me. Kerem
My favourite photo is probably the photo of my dog. This is my favourite photo because in the photo my dog is happy and playful, and it sort of reminds you that even in these times, you still need to be able to enjoy yourself. The first thing that caught my eye was how excited the dog was and that the dog had no idea about what was happening in the world and that she was just in her little playful bubble. The place I took this photo was at home and in the afternoon after online school had finished. When I took this photo, I was not really thinking, but when I look back at it there are so many things I realized. Mateo
This picture of a bonfire is my favourite picture from my series because it looks really hearty and very warming. It represents what I enjoy doing and how I distracted myself through these times. The big flame in the middle of the picture first caught my eye because it is really bright and strong and it looks really amazing. I was standing next to the fire warming myself with the fire when I took this picture. The time of day was in the evening just before the sun was going down. I was thinking about making sausages and damper and throwing more logs into the fire to keep it alive. I was trying to capture the feeling of warmth and security to help thorough these hard times right now. These feeling were captured because of the flame in the middle of the picture. I think about making another really nice bonfire and I think of the delicious food I make with my family on the bonfire. I want the viewer to look at the flame and think of the warmth it provides. I didn't expect the flame to look that nice on the picture but otherwise the picture turned out how I expected it to turn out. Anton
Reflektion Dies ist ein Bild meiner Schwester beim Surfen in sozialen Medien. Ich habe dieses Bild gewählt, um meine Arbeit zu repräsentieren, weil einige meiner Bilder auch diesem sehr ähnlich sind und dokumentieren, was die Menschen während der Krise tun. Als ich dieses Foto aufnahm, dachte ich zuerst an die Position, in der sie sich befand, und dann daran, was sie tat und warum. Natürlich hat sie sich soziale Medien angeschaut, aber warum hat sie das getan? Dann wurde mir klar, dass es darum ging, mit ihren Freunden und den Menschen, die sie kennt, in Verbindung zu bleiben und wieder Kontakt aufzunehmen, und das fand ich cool. Als ich dieses Foto machte, sah ich mit meiner Schwester fern. Es war am späten Nachmittag, als ich das Foto machte, und wir waren beide gerade aus der Schule gekommen. Ich versuchte, dieses Gefühl der Einsamkeit und Isolation einzufangen, das die Menschen gerade erleben, und zu zeigen, wie verschiedene Menschen dem Abhilfe schaffen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich es durch den Winkel, aus dem ich sie aufgenommen habe, so eingefangen habe, dass sie in irgendeiner Weise geschwächt aussieht, und auch durch die Art, wie ich ihr Gesicht eingefangen habe. Es ist verdunkelt, und ihr Ausdruck ist melancholisch, vielleicht ein bisschen traurig. AXEL
I took photographs of things that were already beautiful, then played with the effects on my phone, to add more light and cheer. I wanted to emphasise the beauty in the small things and bring some extra sparkle to everyday life. I think me photos show a sense of fun that was important to maintain during lockdown. Ella
These photos represent different angles. There are many angles to view to the corona virus theme. Julian
I like my Friday walks a lot. It feels like my freedom and my way out of all this trouble. This part of the day is the most beautiful for me. I like the colours. Kiran
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