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Richard Wagner Parsifal Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Netherlands Radio Choir & State Male Choir ‘Latvija’ Jaap van Zweden 1
Richard Wagner Parsifal Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Netherlands Radio Choir & State Male Choir ‘Latvija’ Jaap van Zweden
CD 1 63:22 CD 2 42:56 ACT I ACT I - continued [1] Vorspiel 12:24 [1] Vom Bade kehrt der König heim 2:04 [2] He! Ho! Waldhüter ihr 8:24 (Gurnemanz, Parsifal) (Gurnemanz, Erster und Zweiter Ritter, Erster und Zweiter Knappe, Kundry) [2] Verwandlungsmusik 3:45 [3] Recht so! - Habt Dank! - Ein wenig Rast 5:52 [3] Nun achte wohl und laß mich seh’n 7:09 (Amfortas, Zweiter Ritter, Gurnemanz) (Gurnemanz, Gralsritter, Jünglinge, Knaben) [4] Nicht Dank! - Haha! Was wird es helfen? 7:57 [4] Mein Sohn Amfortas, bist du am Amt? 11:01 (Kundry, Dritter und Vierter Knappe, Gurnemanz) (Titurel, Amfortas, Knaben, Jünglinge, Ritter) [5] O wunden-wundervoller heiliger Speer! 3:44 [5] Enthüllet den Gral! 7:39 (Gurnemanz, Erster, Zweiter und Dritter Knappe) (Titurel, Stimmen, Knaben) [6] Titurel, der fromme Held, der kannt’ihn wohl 10:54 [6] Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles 11:15 (Gurnemanz, Knappen) (Knaben, Jünglinge, Ritter, Gurnemanz, Altstimme, Stimmen) [7] Weh! Weh!... Wer ist der Frevler? 7:03 (Knappen, Ritter, Gurnemanz, Parsifal) [8] Nun sag! Nichts weißt du, was ich dich frage 7:01 (Gurnemanz, Parsifal, Kundry) 4 5
CD3 66:00 CD 4 73:46 ACT II ACT III [1] Vorspiel 1:59 [1] Vorspiel 5:10 [2] Die Zeit ist da. - Schon lockt mein Zauberschloß den Toren 3:40 [2] Von dorther kam das Stöhnen 7:55 (Klingsor) (Gurnemanz, Kundry) [3] Ach! - Ach! Tiefe Nacht! 10:40 [3] Heil dir, mein Gast! 6:34 (Kundry, Klingsor) (Gurnemanz) [4] Hier war das Tosen! Hier, hier! 4:05 [4] Heil mir, daß ich dich wiederfinde! 4:21 [5] Komm, komm, holder Knabe! 4:59 (Parsifal, Gurnemanz) (Blumenmädchen I. und II. Gruppe, Parsifal, Chor I und II) [5] O Herr! War es ein Fluch 7:07 [6] Parsifal! - Weile! 2:46 [6] Nicht so! - Die heil’ge Quelle selbst erquicke unsres Pilgers Bad 4:00 (Kundry, Parsifal, Blumenmädchen I. und II. Gruppe, Chor I und II) [7] Gesegnet sei, du Reiner, durch das Reine!... 5:00 [7] Dies alles hab’ich nun geträumt? 8:46 [8] Wie dünkt mich doch die Aue heut so schön! 2:45 [8] Wehe! Wehe! Was tat ich? Wo war ich? 4:24 [9] Du siehst, das ist nicht so 6:36 [9] Amfortas! - Die Wunde! - Die Wunde! 8:28 (Gurnemanz, Parsifal) (Parsifal, Kundry) [10] Mittag. - Die Stund’ ist da 4:16 [10] Grausamer! Fühlst du im Herzen nur and’rer Schmerzen 12:11 (Gurnemanz) (Kundry, Parsifal) [11] Geleiten wir im bergenden Schrein den Gral zum heiligen Amte 4:02 [11] Vergeh, unseliges Weib! 4:01 (Ritter) (Parsifal, Kundry, Klingsor) [12] Ja, Wehe! Wehe! Weh’über mich! 6:51 (Amfortas, Ritter) [13] Nur eine Waffe taugt 5:08 (Parsifal) [14] Höchsten heiles Wunder! 3:57 6 7
DVD 81 min. Soloists [1] ACT I: Vorspiel Amfortas: Falk Struckmann bass-baritone [2] Er naht, sie bringen ihn getragen Titurel: Ante Jerkunica bass [3] Zum Liebesmahle gerüstet Tag für Tag Gurnemanz: Robert Holl bass [4] Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles Parsifal: Klaus Florian Vogt tenor [5] ACT II: Parsifal! Weile! Klingsor: Krister St. Hill bariton [6] Gelobter Held, Entflieh dem Wahn Kundry: Katarina Dalayman soprano [7] ACT III: Dienen - dienen Erster Gralsritter: Brenden Gunnell tenor [8] O Gnade, höchstes Heil! Zweiter Gralsritter: Thilo Dahlmann bass-bariton [9] Wie dünkt mich doch die Aue heut’ so schon Erster Knappe: Julia Westendorp soprano [10] Enthüllet den Gral Zweiter Knappe: Cécile van de Sant mezzosopraan Dritter Knappe: Jeroen de Vaal tenor Vierter Knappe: Pascal Pittie tenor Eine Stimme von oben: Anna Stephany mezzosopraan Blumenmädchen I: Martina Rüping sopraan Victoria Joyce sopraan Anna Stephany mezzosopraan Blumenmädchen II: Silvia Vázquez sopraan Ute Ziemer sopraan Barbara Kozelj mezzosopraan 8 9
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra CHief conductor 2nd violin Erik Krosenbrink Annika Hope E-flat cLARINET TRuMPET Jaap van Zweden Casper Bleumers Robert Meulendijk Edward Mebius Diede Brantjes Hessel Buma Eveline Trap Petr Muratov Stephan Wienjus Hans van Loenen honorary conductor Andrea van Harmelen Ewa Wagner Eduard Zlatkin BAsS cLARINET Jacco Groenendijk Edo de Waart Jill Bernstein Maartje van Lent Marijn van Prooijen Sergio Hamerslag Hans Verheij Michiel Eekhof Roos Pollé 1st violin Yvonne Hamelink flute bassoon TROMBONE Joris van Rijn Annemarie van Helderen CELLO Barbara Deleu Johan Steinmann Herman Nass Semjon Meerson Esther Kövy Arturo Muruzabal Thies Roorda Freek Sluijs Pete Saunders Mitcho Dimitrov Ingrid van Leeuwen Anton Istomin Birgit Strahl Alexander Baev Dana Mihailescu Eveline Kraayenhof PICCOLO BASs TROMBONE Fred Gaasterland Renate van Riel Wim Hülsmann Maike Grobbenhaar double bassoon Brandt Attema Roswitha Devrient Alexander van den Tol Harm Bakker Desirée van Vliet Alberto Johnson Paul Hendriks Winnyfred Beldman OBOe TUBA Mariska Godwaldt Françoise van Varsseveld Mirjam Bosma Hans Wolters HORN Bernard Beniers Wouter den Hond Crit Coenegracht Yvonne Wolters Petra Botma Masha Iakovleva viola Anneke Janssen Robert Tempelaar Annelies van Nuffelen timpani Kerstin Kendler Francien Schatborn Ansfried Plat Toine Martens Paul Jussen Karina Korevaar Frank Brakkee Rebecca Smit english horn Fréderick Franssen Bas Voorter Anna Korpalska Huub Beckers Gerard van Andel Eric Borninkhof Pamela Kubik Arjan Wildschut double bass Peter Janosi percussion Pieter Vel Igor Bobylev Rien Wisse cLARINET Anneke Vreugdenhil Hans Zonderop Ruud Wagemakers Connie de Dreu Wilmar de Visser Frank van den Brink Ingwer Van Hoek Mark Haeldermans Peter Weimar Martina Forni Walter van Egeraat Nanette Bakker Henk de Vlieger 10 11
Netherlands Radio Choir HARP Chief conductor Annette de Rozario Harda van Wageningen BASs Ellen Versney Celso Antunes Jolanda Sengers Anke Zuithoff Gert-Jan Alders Kerstin Scholten Henda Strydom Pierrette de Zwaan Joep Bröcheler regular guest Liesbeth Vanderhallen Erks Jan Dekker BANDA: conductor Dorien Verheijden TENOR Peter Duyster Michael Gläser Yuko Yagishita Alan Belk Joep van Geffen conductor Sebastian Brouwer Geert van Hecke Peter Biloen SOPRANo ALTo Ross Buddie Kees van Hees Esther Beima Yvonne Benschop Kevin Doss Henk van Heijnsbergen TRuMPET Reina Boelens Femke de Boer Eyjólfur Eyjólfsson Palle Fuhr Jørgensen Hessel Buma Annelie Brinkhof Nicoline Bovens Boguslaw Fiksinski Itamar Lapid Rik Knarren Elma van den Dool Ans van Dam Peter-Paul Houtmortels Ludovic Provost Raymond Rook Daphne Druijf Elsbeth Gerritsen Marius Kwaks Hans Pootjes Loes Groot Antink Kazue Goto Falco van Loon Mitchell Sandler TROMBONE Anitra Jellema José Kamminga Aart Mateboer Menno van Slooten Timothy Dowling Michaela Karadjian Anneke Leenman Ioan Micu Lars Terray Joost Geevers Marianne van Laarhoven Els Liebregt Matthew Minter Luuk Tuinder Hugo van der Wedden Simone Manders Liesbeth van der Loop Geraint Roberts Hans de Vries Vera van Oortmerssen Marga Melerna Anthony Robins Jan van Zelm BASs TROMBONE Judith Petra Corrie Pronk Matthew Smith Cyril Scheepmaker Margo Post Anjolet Rotteveel Henk Vels PIANIST Linda Rands Janneke Schaareman John Vredeveldt Ben Martin Weijand percussion Nicoline van de Rest Ingrid van der Ven Steven de Vries Harry van Meurs Maja Roodveldt Lisinka de Vries Deniz Yilmaz 12 13
State Male Choir ‘Latvija’ CHiEF conductor BAsS Māris Sirmais Aivis Daiņa Eduards Fiskovičs TENOR Zigmārs Grasis ˛ Agnis Augustinovičs Ugis Matvejs ˛ ˛ Jānis Dižgalvis Ugis Meņgelis Andris Dubinskis Arturs Orlovskis Ēriks Ešenvalds Arnis Paurs Juris Jēkabsons Agris Puķe Aivars Krastiņš Ivars Rebhūns Haralds Lapiņš Ralfs Šmı̄dbergs Didzis Lielauss Olafs Tomenass ˛ Jurgis Liepnieks Bruno Opincāns Kalvis Ozoliņš Valdis Tomsons 14 15
Parsifal: ‘Das große Leid des Lebens’ renewal which holds mankind captive on temple in Bayreuth, where they could experi- reproductive drive. Wagner, with Schopen- this earth. ence how the revolutionary hero Siegfried hauer, arrives at a simple conclusion: ‘All life Philosopher Ernst Bloch once referred to swept away all old institutions of power, is suffering’. Mankind had only two ways in the ‘Bühnenweihfestspiel’ or consecrational Parsifal is about all of the above and much, including the gods, to achieve a more just which to get away from this ruthless egoism stage festival Parsifal as ‘a metaphysical much more. Wagner himself defined the society. But Siegfried failed. Not only in of the irrational: a complete abandonment adagio’. In these few words he summed up theme of his swan song as ‘Das große Leid Wagner’s own representation of things in the of the worldly life and a strict refusal of its the story line and the musical purport of des Lebens’, the great suffering of life. Ring, but also because the composer had temptations, as monks do, or else tempo- Wagner’s last opera – that is, if such a thing Everything he still wanted to say at the end gradually come to perceive that humankind rarily, by being overwhelmed by nature or is at all possible in his operas, because as of his life about life, love, sex, psychology, did not always want to be set free, not even observing a sublime work of art, in particu- a composer Wagner was never at a loss politics, society, nature, art, Christianity, if he patiently explained that it would be to lar the art of music. for words when it came to bandying about Buddhism, Judaism and anti-Semitism was everyone’s demonstrable advantage. Wagn- statements artistic and non-artistic about mixed together in a grail chalice (poisonous, er had seen with his own eyes that the utopia The problem of ‘love’ the world in general and the universe according to some) to form a ‘metaphysi- of the self-effacing love, by which Brünnhilde After the Ring Wagner had to resolve the in particular. Wagner’s musical theatre cal adagio’ of four hours of consecrational manages to bring the Ring to a happy end- ‘problem’ of love in a new work. That work revolves around fundamental questions musical drama. Consecrational in the literal ing of sorts, was based on an illusion. was Parsifal. The essential difference with of human existence. Tristan und Isolde is meaning of the word. Wagner’s own name all his prior works is the fact that there is about an all-consuming love, but also about for the genre, ‘Bühnenweihfestspiel’ means Arthur Schopenhauer pointed out to no love in Parsifal. All the characters live the implications of the longing for love and a consecrational stage festival. The plot Wagner the naked Darwinian struggle for in a loveless universe in which only the the death wish. The work is about defining of Parsifal refers implicitly and explicitly to existence, bare of any illusion of some form urge to reproduce – desire, lust – remains. an identity through love and the loss of that Christianity and religious rites. Indeed, it was of civilisation. Man was driven by a blind Although Wagner’s answer to this remains identity through that same love. Der Ring one of Wagner’s many ambitions to replace will, the will to live – also recognisable in to be seen for the time being, one thing des Nibelungen is about the incompatibility European Christianity by his own ritual art. the wish to reproduce – and the death wish. is important here. With Schopenhauer, of love and the pursuit of power; it is also All the rest was ‘representation’ or in other Wagner does not view the urge to repro- an in-depth exploration of the question He had made one such attempt in his Ring. words, a pretty but fairly useless illusion. duce as morally reprehensible. He situated of whether man has a free will, and it is The population of Europe could purchase According to Schopenhauer, love and feel- Siegfried, who suffered from the same fault about the eternal cycle of destruction and a pricey admission ticket to his own music ings of love are just one expression of the in the Ring, in an amoral universe, not an 16 17
immoral one – in a world where morals are Christian construct, but an in-built human Parsifal, the ‘pure fool’ What is more: in the very act of compassion, not violated, but where all moral is absent. shortcoming. Since man could not escape For Wagner, the enigmatic character of the Redeemer himself – Parsifal who has This is also the case in Parsifal, and it is part it, he used Parsifal to develop ‘amoral eth- Parsifal, the almost sexless young lad, taken over the role of Christ from Amfor- of the secret of Wagner’s huge success in ics’ of his own. He made off with the very embodies the solution to the earthly dilem- tas – will be redeemed as well. Indeed, the the nineteenth century. attributes of Christianity. ma. He is a ‘reine Tor’, a pure fool, naive final words of the work are: ‘Erlösung dem innocence personified, and in that sense Erlöser’; redemption of the redeemer. Apart from the musical fascination, there is Central to the work is the grail, the chalice a metaphysical and utopian symbol. But also a concretely human one. Victorian Eu- from which Christ and his disciples are now it is not love, as in the utopia of the Kundry’s double life rope was weighed down by a huge sense said to have drunk during the Last Supper Ring, but a utopia of ‘compassion’, where Into this tangle of metaphysical meanings of guilt about its physicality and sexuality. and in which the transubstantiation from Wagner refers to the Christian concept and physical symbolism Wagner incorporat- Catholicism and Protestantism left little wine to blood had taken place. In that of passion, which had been a theme of ed yet another important element. He took or no room for a perception of love and same chalice, according to an early Chris- his predecessor Bach. To Wagner, com- his mediaeval source of the Parzival epic, desire that was physically positive. Wagner tian legend, Joseph of Arimathea had passion means the recognition that life which was primarily the text of Wolfram knew exactly what enormous mental pres- caught the blood of the crucified Christ consists of suffering, and that the ultimate von Eschenbach written shortly after 1200, sure this caused. And so he tried to cast after he had been speared in the side. The understanding of that world lies in feeling and bent it entirely to his own will. At the off the moral burden and to take sexuality Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit sympathy for that suffering. This is why heart of Wagner’s tale lies the link between out of the Christian system. As an artist, returns in Parsifal as father Titurel, son Parsifal is a pure fool who is enlightened Knight of the Grail Amfortas and the myste- he removed the sins of the world. Parsifal Amfortas, and Parsifal as the Holy Spirit. by compassion. Only with this compassion rious woman Kundry, who is of Arabic origin. is the result of that ambition. At the same Christ is named in the libretto several can we free ourselves from our egoistic The historic event behind the epic was time he tried to move mankind ‘delivered times, and the entire rite that takes place drives and do something truly constructive the conquest of Spain by the Moors in the from guilt’ in his own direction: ultimately, in the Grail Hall looks exactly like a holy for the world. The best way to arouse such eighth century, while the story itself takes his art would entirely replace Christian mass, including the Eucharist. At the end compassion and to become aware of it lies place around the year 1000. The Grail Hall morals in Europe. of the story Parsifal returns to the Grail in music that arouses compassion, which at Montsalvat is said to have been located Hall on Good Friday, the day when Christ is the music Wagner wrote for Parsifal. This in north-east Spain (near Barcelona), while But Wagner also realised that, in itself, the died on the cross. There he baptises is the ‘metaphysical adagio’ that will ulti- the rest of the country was in the hands of mental pressure of sex was not a repressive Kundry into Christianity. mately lead to redemption. the Moors. The Knights of the Grail fight the 18 19
Moors, but exactly on the border between of hysteria. When she kisses Parsifal, she suggests that, after moral deterioration almost all other structural elements. With the two regions is the hall of Klingsor, the creates in him the essential awareness. This resulting from drives, urges and seduction, Parsifal, Wagner, almost seventy years unfaithful monk-knight of the grail who means that Parsifal has gained theoretical redemption consists of celibacy, asceticism old, surprised his audience once more. tries to plunge the chaste knights of Grail knowledge about sexuality, and with this and resignation. Or have the male and the Recognisable melodies and even recognis- Hall into ruin with the help of a magic cas- awareness he immediately refuses her. female, Amfortas and Kundry, the wounded able Leitmotivs were largely incorporated tle, a magic garden and enchanted flower Kundry and Amfortas are mirrors for each phallic spear and the recipient grail chalice into a greater, entirely flowing sound that maidens – seductive Moorish women. His other, as the archetypal woman and man. It filled with blood – as in the mythical tradi- derived its structure from the ‘unendliche trump card is the Arabic woman Kundry, is Parsifal’s compassion with the lot of these tion surrounding the grail figures – finally Melodie’, the endless melody. Wagner who seduced Amfortas in the past. Am- two people that provides him with the nec- been reconciled? Is the idea of a renewed, developed this technique in Tristan; it fortas manages to flee with the help of essary insight into redemption, by which he regenerated world of the Grail perhaps consists of a cyclic repetition of the musical Gurnemanz, but loses his sacred spear to can resist Kundry’s attempts at seduction. primarily necessary because the community material with an ongoing, rising harmonic Klingsor, who uses it to seriously wound Because Parsifal can bring the spear back had become polluted with ‘impure’ blood? development. Layer upon layer of sound him in his side. The world of the grail is thus to Grail Hall, he can restore the balance to The impure blood came from the Arabic, flows and fades back and forth over and ‘without a spear’ and so it is out of balance. the monastic community. Kundry is also non-Aryan (and therefore perhaps Jewish) over again. Undoubtedly the acoustics of From that time on, the world of the monks- present at this ultimate redemption; she is Kundry. It was Kundry who in one of her the Festspielhaus played a big role in this knights of the grail goes into further decline. a woman since baptised, fully tamed and many incarnations insulted and ridiculed respect. Although the Ring was first per- Besides, Amfortas can only be healed by almost completely silent. Her powers have Christ on the cross. Who knows the answer? formed in 1876, it was composed without being touched by the spear he lost. been neutralised, and Parsifal’s redemption the acoustics of that hall. Wagner wrote means her death. Hypnotic vortex Parsifal with the mysterious sound qualities Kundry plays a mysterious role in all this. The music of Parsifal shocked Europe at of that theatre in his head. This overpower- She leads a double life. Now she is a femme The Knights of the Grail can now go on its premiere in 1882. By then people were ing sound mixture also gave him the name fatale, now she is a faithful servant of the with ... with what in fact? Their chaste, used to quite a bit from the Master from of ‘obscurantist’. Instead of presenting the Knights of the Grail. In the second act, womanless existence? Is this the rather Bayreuth. In his Tristan und Isolde, chromat- musical structures, everything – melody, when she tries to seduce Parsifal, we learn sexist message of the composer? Does ics and dissonance had already become harmony, pitch, orchestration, rhythm, how she is tragically weighed down by her the Grail community arrive in a supposedly main ingredients. In the Ring the technique tempo – is incorporated into the overall own desire. She exhibits pre-Freudian traits higher, asexual, state of being? Wagner of the developing Leitmotiv had replaced sound experience. 20 21
The Leitmotivs which were so meaningfully ever repeated minimal intervals, often half a century, until 1933, the Bühnenwei- audible in the Ring have a different form in make one think of minimal music, every- hfestspiel was invariably performed in the Parsifal, and even to a certain extent have thing, even the stately, recitative-like style Festspielhaus – with the decors from 1882 a different function. They have actually of singing, is incorporated into one slow and as directed by the Master himself. One become psychological Leitmotivs, sound and hypnotic vortex – Bloch’s adagio! The year after the first performance, Wagner symbols reflecting the state of mind of the vortex takes on a more dissonant accelera- died in Venice. Cosima Wagner made sure characters in a way that is much more dif- tion in the second act. Then in the third act that the work could only be performed in fuse and more mysterious. Of course there we hear clearly how the seeming diatonics Bayreuth. But this was difficult to assure in are recognisable motifs, such as the grail of the first act have been polluted by the a legal sense, and it could only apply for a motif, based on an old Protestant chorale chromatics of the second. This makes the maximum of thirty years for countries that (the Dresden Amen) which is also heard in second entry into Grail Hall a harmonically had signed the copyright treaty. Not eve- Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 5 (Reforma- ‘corrupted’ version of the first. It is precisely ryone waited until the rights were released tion). And there is a Last Supper motif, a these corrupted harmonies, where our an- in 1914. The Metropolitan Opera in New spear motif, a Good Friday motif, a Kundry cient tonal system seems to vanish into thin York performed a ‘robbed’ version in 1903, motif, a Parsifal motif, and so on. air, that caused the greatest unrest. It was but in 1902 the Society for the Promotion said that Wagner had ruined music for good, of Music had already given an integral Rather oversimplified, the first and the third that he had buried it. performance in the Netherlands, which acts, which take place in and around Grail was followed by the Wagner Association in Hall, are sometimes referred to as diatonic, And indeed, Parsifal and Tristan are fore- Amsterdam in 1905. This invoked the wrath while the second act, portraying the torn, bears of the complete dismantling of the of Cosima, who felt that this had defiled the conflicting world of Kundry and Klingsor, is tonal system after 1900. By the time of De- pure work of her deceased husband. But termed chromatic. This is partly correct, but bussy and Schönberg, there was very little she could not prevent Europe from coming here Wagner precisely shows himself to be left of the clear language of Bach, Mozart under the spell of this ‘metaphysical adagio’ a master in blending together everything and Beethoven. At the same time, Parsifal and being hypnotised forever. with everything else. The enormously long gained a conservative cult status. A genuine drawn out musical lines which, with their religious sect arose around the work. For Willem Bruls 22 23
On Montsalvat in Spain, on the border able to bring the spear back to the Knights full from sensual love. Only then would it be refuses to unveil the grail for the knights. He between the Christian north and the Moor- of the Grail. All of them on Montsalvat are possible to behold the unveiling of the Grail begs for compassion and deliverance from ish south, there is a Grail Hall. It was built by waiting for that young, innocent, naive youth, and to be nourished by its sacred powers. his suffering, but Titurel and the knights the chaste knight Titurel to accommodate but the strength of Amfortas declines day But when Amfortas succumbed to seduction, force him to show them the grail. Parsi- the grail, the sacred chalice from which by day. Grail Hall fell into ruin. fal watches this ceremony and is deeply Christ drank during the Last Supper, and moved by Amfortas’s suffering. When the the spear that wounded Christ on the cross. ACT I Exactly when Gurnemanz is saying that ceremony is over, Parsifal is sent away by a The very old Titurel passed his crown to his The old knight of the grail Gurnemanz calls a only a pure fool will be able to bring the disgruntled Gurnemanz. son Amfortas. Armed with the sacred spear, group of shield-bearers to morning prayer in spear back, there is a tumult in the grail Amfortas once tried to destroy the hall of the grail forest near Grail Hall. He knows that forest. Knights and shield-bearers bring ACT II the evil magician Klingsor, who wanted to King Amfortas is approaching to take the Parsifal to Gurnemanz because he has killed Klingsor sees Parsifal slowly approaching be admitted to the Order of the Grail, but refreshing morning waters, in the hope that a swan with his bow and arrow. After harsh his magic castle. With demonic magic, he when he was refused, castrated himself. In this will alleviate the pain from the incessant- reproaches from Gurnemanz, Parsifal feels calls Kundry to the castle and forces her revenge, he built his magic castle to bring ly bleeding wound in his side. The Oriental remorse for his act and he breaks his bow to receive the pure fool Parsifal with all the Knights of the Grail to ruin. He wanted woman Kundry, who leads a double life in half. Parsifal does not know who he is or her seductive tricks. For this, Klingsor first to steal the Holy Grail and break the power between Klingsor’s kingdom and the Grail where he comes from; he does not even conjures a magic garden with exception- of the knights. Amfortas fell into Klingsor’s community, arrives on horseback and has know his name is Parsifal. He did have a ally beautiful flower maidens. They want trap and was seduced by the lovely Kundry, brought a healing balm for Amfortas from mother, Herzeleide, whom he left to follow to play with Parsifal and to trap him in who served as the instrument of Klingsor’s Arabia. Then Gurnemanz sees that two lads knights riding through the forest. Kundry their nets, but the lad resists and wants to revenge. Klingsor gained control of the are plaguing Kundry and making reproaches. knows much more about him and when she leave. Then Kundry appears in an irresist- spear and wounded Amfortas. Although He calls them to order and tells them the tells him that Herzeleide has since died of ibly beautiful guise and she calls Parsifal by Amfortas managed to escape with the story of the Holy Grail and the Grail com- sorrow over his departure, Parsifal attacks name – and now Parsifal remembers that knight Gurnemanz, he later realised that his munity. King Titurel, the father of Amfortas, her, but is held back by Gurnemanz. his mother once called him by that name wound could only be healed by the spear it- gathered a group of knights around the holy as well. Kundry tells him at length about self. Without the spear, the Grail community grail and the sacred spear. The knights had Gurnemanz takes Parsifal to the meeting his origins, his youth and the death of his fell into decline. Only a pure fool would be to choose to lead chaste lives and abstain in of the knights in Grail Hall. There Amfortas mother. This makes him aware of his pain 24 25
and his guilt. When Kundry comforts him by unveil the grail and to use it to nourish the carry out this act and even begs the knights means of love and gives him a lengthy kiss, knights. It is his way of trying to coerce his to take their swords and kill him. Then Parsifal becomes aware of the relationship death. In the meantime Gurnemanz, an old Parsifal arrives. With the spear he heals the between love, lust and the wound of Am- and grey hermit, has withdrawn into the grail wound of Amfortas and as the new king of fortas. Kundry feels that Parsifal is slipping forest, while everyone is still waiting for the the Knights of the Grail he unveils the grail. from her and she tells him about the curse ultimate redemption. At his hut in the forest, Kundry falls down dead. under which she herself labours. Still, she on the morning of Good Friday, he finds believes that only by seducing the young Kundry, stiff, in the bushes. She can hardly Willem Bruls man can she have her redemption, and so speak and wants only to serve. Then a black Translation: Carol Stennes/Muse Translations she continues to press. Because of the kiss knight with a spear appears. Gurnemanz and Kundry’s own tale of suffering, Parsifal orders the unknown knight to cast off his now fully understands that he must carry armour and weapons on this sacred day. out a mission of redemption, and he rejects When the black knight takes off his helmet, her resolutely. She curses him and calls in Gurnemanz recognises Parsifal, the fool the help of Klingsor, who tries to wound who once left Grail Hall and who, after many Parsifal with the sacred spear. But the spear years of wanderings, has now returned. remains suspended above Parsifal. Thus the power of Klingsor is broken, and Par- Kundry washes Parsifal’s feet, Gurnemanz sifal can bring the sacred weapon back to anoints him King of the Grail and Parsifal Grail Hall. baptises Kundry. Parsifal is moved by spring and the awakening of nature, which ACT III Gurnemanz describes as the magic of Good Grail Hall and its community have seen fur- Friday. He leads Parsifal and Kundry to Grail ther decline in the many years since Parsifal’s Hall to once again unveil the grail for the departure because Amfortas refuses to since dead Titurel. Amfortas still refuses to 26 27
Jaap van Zweden the world: the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, of Lohengrin with the Netherlands Radio Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden. He After his studies in Amsterdam and New York, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Netherlands began his long association with the Bayreuth Jaap van Zweden was named concertmaster Philharmonic Orchestra, Göteborg Sym- Radio Choir and vocal soloists in the Con- Festival in 1991, initially as assistant, but of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra at the phony Orchestra, the Sinfonieorchester des certgebouw. Afterwards he conducted very from 2000 as chorus master of the Bayreuth age of 19. Alongside this post, he built up an Westdeutschen Rundfunks, Orchestre Na- successful performances of Wagner’s Die Festival Chorus. Since 1998 he has also been impressive career as a solo violinist. He took tional de France, Münchner Philharmoniker, Meistersinger von Nürnberg and Parsifal chorus master of the Staatsoper Unter den his first steps as a conductor in 1995; a short Oslo Philharmonic and the Royal Concertge- with the same broadcasting ensembles in Linden. His work attracted particular atten- while later he debuted in Carnegie Hall and bouw Orchestra. His debut with The Cleve- Amsterdam. tion through Daniel Barenboim’s recording of toured many places in Europe as well as other land Orchestra was excellently received. He Tannhäuser, which received a Grammy Award parts of the world, including Japan and South is also engaged as guest conductor of the The recordings of Wagner’s Lohengrin not least as a result of Eberhard Friedrich’s America. In August 2005 Jaap van Zweden Atlanta Symphony, London Philharmonic and Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg have work with the Staatsoper Chorus. For its was appointed chief conductor of the two Orchestra, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, been followed in the 2010/2011 season by work on Schoenberg’s Moses und Aron, also classical orchestras of the Netherlands Tonhalle Orchester Zürich, Philadelphia Or- Wagner’s Parsifal. Jaap van Zweden and the conducted by Barenboim, the Staatsoper Broadcasting Music Centre in Hilversum: the chestra and Los Angeles Philharmonic. Netherlands Radio Philharmonic are record- Chorus was named Chorus of the Year in Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra ing Bruckner’s symphonies for the Octavia 2004. In addition to his operatic responsibili- and the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philhar- Alongside the symphonic repertoire, opera and Challenge Records International labels. ties, Eberhard Friedrich has also worked with monic. He and the Radio Philharmonic Or- has also played an important role in Van Symphonies 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9, since released, numerous other choirs on various projects. chestra recently met with a warm reception Zweden’s career. In the past season he con- have been very well received in the press. For many years he worked regularly with the to their concerts in the Singapore Sun Festi- ducted Fidelio by Beethoven and La Traviata International Bach Academy in Stuttgart, val. In the 2008-09 season Jaap van Zweden by Verdi, and in concertante form, Vanessa Eberhard Friedrich while also rehearsing the Youth Choir of accepted a position as Music Director with by Barber in the Concertgebouw with the Eberhard Friedrich was born in Darmstadt Baden-Württemberg. Other choirs with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and as chief Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra. and studied conducting with Helmuth which he has worked include those in Krakow, conductor of the deFilharmonie in Belgium. He made his opera debut with the Neder- Rilling in Frankfurt am Main, leading to his Tallinn and Vilnius, the Prague Philharmonic landse Opera and Puccini’s Madama But- first appointment as chorus master at the Choir and the Bavarian Radio Choir. In addi- As a guest conductor, Jaap van Zweden has terfly. For his Wagner debut he conducted Koblenz Town Theatre in 1986. Five years tion to his activities in Berlin and Bayreuth conducted prestigious orchestras around the widely lauded concertante performance later he moved to a similar post at the he worked with the Rundfunkchor Berlin, 28 29
with the RIAS Chamber Choir of the Dutch Rozhdestvensky and Valery Gergiev. The masterpiece La Transfiguration de Notre Jan van Vlijmen have been showered with Broadcast, and recently with the Choirs of orchestra performed the Dutch premieres of Seigneur Jésus Christ, conducted in the prizes and honourable mentions. For the the Westminster Choir College. works by composers such as Messiaen, Berio, Netherlands in June 2008 by Reinbert de BIS label, the orchestra has been working Boulez, Henze, Carter, Adams, Birtwistle, Leeuw, was repeated at the Festival Musica for several years on a Shostakovich series Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra Adès, Janácek, De Raaff, Ustvolskaya, Ver- in Strasbourg in September of that year and conducted by Mark Wigglesworth, and for Founded in 1945 by Albert van Raalte, the bey, De Raaff, Vriend and Rijnvos. was received with huge enthusiasm. In Oc- Octavia and Challenge Records Interna- Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra tober 2009 the orchestra and its chief con- tional it is recording Bruckner’s symphonies, was subsequently conducted by Paul van The orchestra serves the Dutch public broad- ductor Jaap van Zweden were welcomed at conducted by Jaap van Zweden. For former Kempen, Bernard Haitink, Jean Fournet, casting system and is a prominent performer the Sun Festival in Singapore. In March 2010 releases of QuattroLive the orchestra re- Willem van Otterloo, Hans Vonk, Sergiu in series such as Saturday Matinee and the the orchestra undertook a successful tour to corded Mahler’s Das klagende Lied, The Comissiona and Edo de Waart. Since August Sunday Morning Concert in Amsterdam’s Great Britain, Germany and Austria. Music Makers by Edward Elgar, Memoria 2005, its chief conductor has been Jaap van Concertgebouw, and the Vredenburg Friday by Wolfgang Rihm and Wagner’s Lohengrin Zweden. As of August 2011, the American series in Utrecht. In the Dutch musical world, The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic has and Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg to- conductor James Gaffigan has signed on as the orchestra stands out for its adventurously built up an impressive discography. In the gether with the Netherlands Radio Choir. permanent guest conductor of the Nether- programmed symphonic concerts and has 1970s, it made a number of legendary LPs lands Radio Philharmonic, and he will stay on carved itself a striking profile with several for the Decca label with conductors such as Netherlands Radio Choir until the 2014-2015 season. As of the 2012- concertante performances of opera. Its pro- Leopold Stokowski and Antal Doráti. With The Netherlands Radio Choir was estab- 2013 season Markus Stenz will succeed Jaap grammes regularly include premieres in the Jean Fournet at the helm, a series of CDs lished in 1945, bringing together a number van Zweden as chief conductor. Netherlands and world premieres as well. with French repertoire was recorded for of vocal ensembles that had ties with the Denon. Recordings of divergent works have public broadcasting corporations before The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Or- On special occasions the Netherlands Radio been released on CD, such as the complete World War II. From the outset it manifested chestra has worked with a great many Philharmonic Orchestra leaves for abroad. Mahler symphonies conducted by Edo de itself as a highly versatile choral group with renowned guest conductors, among them The highly praised performance in the Waart, a unique Wagner box and the com- an extensive repertoire – from Renaissance Leopold Stokowski, Kirill Kondrashin, Antal Saterday Matinee in Amsterdam of Wagners plete orchestral works of Rachmaninoff. CDs and Baroque to contemporary music. The Doráti, Riccardo Muti, Kurt Masur, Mariss Lohengrin was repeated in February 2008 in with work by contemporary composers such choir quickly gained repute as one of Eu- Jansons, Michael Tilson Thomas, Gennady the Salle Pleyel in Paris. Olivier Messiaen’s as Jonathan Harvey, Klas Torstensson and rope’s largest professional choirs. 30 31
Its vocalists have worked in large groups Boulez, Birtwistle, Kagel, Reich, Wagemans, Orchestra and the Netherlands Radio State Male Choir ‘Latvija’ with conductors such as Jean Fournet, Ben- Adès and Adams. Chamber Philharmonic, and is regularly The Latvian National Choir, which in 2012 jamin Britten, Bernard Haitink, Eugen Jo- heard with other orchestras. In the 2010- will celebrate its 70th anniversary, is Latvia’s chum, Carlo Maria Giulini and more recently In the 2010-2011 season, the Saturday Mati- 2011 season, the choir and the Royal largest concert choir. Since 1997, Maris Sir- with names such as Edo de Waart, Valery nee series and other series on the Dutch Concertgebouw Orchestra, conducted by mais has been its artistic director and chief Gergiev, Jaap van Zweden, Zubin Mehta, public broadcasting system will include Mariss Jansons, performed Mahler’s Sym- conductor. The choir performs not only the Markus Stenz, Riccardo Chailly, Mariss Jan- works by Prokofiev (The Fiery Angel), Wagner phony of a Thousand, and with the Berliner great choral repertoire of the eighteenth, sons and Simon Rattle. For the performance (Parsifal), Honegger (King David), Berlioz (La Philharmoniker, conducted by Simon Rattle, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but of earlier repertoire, the choir has been damnation de Faust), Elgar (The dream of Mahler’s Third Symphony. also contemporary music; it may also be conducted by specialists such as Nikolaus Gerontius), Stravinsky (Symphony of Psalms) heard in Tom Tykwer’s film Perfume (2006). Harnoncourt, Frans Brüggen and Philippe and Poulenc’s Gloria. CD recordings are planned of Shosta- It has won the Great Music Award of Latvia Herreweghe. kovich’s Second Symphony and Third three times (1998, 2000, and 2002), and, in More recent repertoire can be heard in Symphony, together with the Netherlands 2003, it received the Ministerial Cabinet In the recent past, the choir’s chief con- concerts with James Gaffigan (Harvey’s Radio Philharmonic conducted by Mark Award and, in 2007, the Ministry of Culture ductors have been Kenneth Montgomery, Messages), with Markus Stenz (Te deum Wigglesworth. And with the Netherlands Award of the Republic of Latvia. In recent Robin Gritton, Martin Wright en Simon by Walter Braunfels), Celso Antunes (Inquié- Radio Chamber Philharmonic, in June 2011 years, the choir has performed with impor- Halsey. Since September 2008 this position tude du fini by Erkki-Sven Tüür), Jaap van the choir will record works composed and tant symphony orchestras from Singapore, has been held by the Brazilian conductor Zweden (Quid est deus by Wolfgang Rihm) conducted by James MacMillan for the Israel, Germany, France, Estonia, Moscow Celso Antunes. and Brad Lubman (works by MacMillan and broadcasting label QuattroLive. and St. Petersburg and smaller ensembles Terteryan). The choir will give a cappella such as the Absolute Ensemble and the Since the early 1980s, the Netherlands Radio renditions of works by Alfred Schnittke, The Netherlands Radio Choir was one of Mahler Chamber Orchestra. It has worked Choir has been a frequent guest in the Satur- Arvo Pärt and Serge Rachmaninoff, the joint founders of the Eric Ericson Master with such conductors as Mariss Jansons, day Matinee series of the Concertgebouw in conducted by Sigvards Klava. Class. This master class for young choral Neeme Järvi, Mstislav Rostropovich, Krist- Amsterdam. In these concerts the choir has conductors, which is held every two years, jan Järvi, Paavo Järvi, Valery Gergiev, Zubin regularly performed premieres and works The Netherlands Radio Choir often performs is part of the international choral biennial Mehta, Jeffrey Tate, Vladimir Fedoseyev, by contemporary composers such as Ligeti, with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic in Haarlem. Andris Nelsons and Tõnu Kaljuste. It has 32 33
performed such recent works as The Sealed the Gran Teatro del Liceu in Barcelona in Simone Boccanegra) and Opéra de Lyon the Bavarian State Opera. He performed Angel by Rodion Shchedrin, Chapter Eight the Ring. When Simone Young joined the (Sourin in The Queen of Spades). In 2008, principally as a concert singer under con- by Alexander Knaifel, Deer’s Cry by Arvo Hamburg State Opera as chief conductor, he made his debut at the Salzburg Festival ductors such as Eugen Jochum, Karl Richter Pärt, Itaipu by Philipp Glass, and the Rus- Struckmann sang in Hindemith’s Mathis der as the 2nd Geharnischter in Die Zauberflöte, and Wolfgang Sawallisch. But for many sian Requiem by Lera Auerbach. Maler. A complete Ring cycle and Pfitzner’s and he returned the following year as Voix years, he has sung in opera productions at Palestrina followed. He recently performed mysterieuse in Rossini’s Moïse et Pharaon. the Vienna State Opera, Théâtre Royale Falk Struckmann Amfortas in Carnegie Hall in New York under Pierre Later, he was the guest of the Opera of de la Monnaie in Brussels, and since 1991 After making his debut at the Bayreuth Fes- Boulez. Struckmann bears the honorary title Bilbao (Truffaldin in Ariadne auf Naxos), the the Zurich Opera House, and elsewhere, tival as Kurwenal in 1993, the German bass- of Kammersänger at the Berlin and Vienna Berlin State Opera (Dottore Grenvil in La interpreting such roles as Sarastro in Die baritone Falk Struckmann has sung many State Operas. Traviata) and the Konzerthaus Wien (Brander Zauberflöte and Don Basilio in Il Barbiere di roles at the Berlin State Opera: in Der Flieg- in La Damnation de Faust). Last season, he Siviglia, under conductors including Clau- ende Holländer, Lohengrin, Die Meistersing- Ante Jerkunica Titurel interpreted the roles of the Gran Inquisitor dio Abbado, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, and er von Nürnberg, Der Ring des Nibelungen, The bass Ante Jerkunica was born in Croatia in Don Carlo and Fafner in Das Rheingold Franz Welser-Möst. At the Deutsche Oper Parsifal, Fidelio, Elektra, Salome and Wozzeck. and represented his country in the 2007 at the Cologne Opera. On the concert Berlin, conducted by Daniel Barenboim, he In the 1990s, he made his debut at La Scala BBC Cardiff Singer of the World Competi- stage, he has sung in Verdi’s Requiem and sang the role of Landgraf Hermann in Tan- as Siegfried under Riccardo Muti and at tion. After performing a number of roles at Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, and Dvoráks nhäuser, Hans Sachs in Die Meistersinger the Metropolitan Opera in New York as the National Opera of Zagreb and the Na- Requiem, among other works. This year, von Nürnberg and Daland in Der Fliegende Wozzeck under James Levine. He has often tional Theatre in Split, he joined the Deut- Jerkunica will sing the role of Tinturel at the Holländer. At the Vienna State Opera, un- performed at the Vienna State Opera. At sche Oper Berlin in August 2007, singing, Gran Teatro del Liceu in Barcelona. der Christian Thielemann, he sang King Bayreuth, Struckmann perormed in the Ring among other roles, Basilio in Il Barbiere di Marke in Tristan und Isolde. At the Bayreuth under Levine and Christian Thielemann and Siviglia, Bartolo in Le Nozze di Figaro, Faf- Robert Holl Gurnemanz Festival, he was acclaimed as Hans Sachs sang the role of Amfortas. At the Salzburg ner in Siegfried and Colline in La Bohème. Robert Holl was born in Rotterdam in 1947 in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. He first Festival, he sang in Tristan und Isolde and Guest appearances have brought him to the and won the 24th International Vocalists interpreted Gurnemanz in the new produc- Duke Bluebeard’s Castle. At Covent Garden Théâtre Royale de la Monnaie in Brussels, Competition in ’s-Hertogenbosch. He later tion of Wagner’s Parsifal conducted by in London he sang in Parsifal, at the Opéra where he sang Faust in Prokofiev’s The Fiery studied with Hans Hotter in Munich, where Pierre Boulez. Holl is also one of the most in Paris in Der Fliegende Holländer, and at Angel, the Hamburg State Opera (Pietro in from 1973 to 1975 he was a member of successful lieder interpreters of our time, 34 35
and has a preference for the German and Rheingold (Dresden); Paul in Korngold’s Die holm and sang the role of Donny in Michael these roles in Aix-en-Provence, at the Salz- Russian repertoire. In 1998, he was ap- Tote Stadt (Amsterdam); Florestan in Fidelio Tippett’s last opera, New Year, at the Hou- burg Easter Festival, and in concert with the pointed Professor für Lied und Oratorium at (Cologne and Los Angeles); and Siegmund ston Grand Opera, in Glyndebourne, and Hallé Orchestra in Manchester. The 2010-11 the Universität für Musik und Darstellende in Die Walküre. In 2006, he made his debut in concert for the BBC at the Royal Festival season is filled largely by Wagner. At the Kunst in Vienna. He is often invited to give at the Metropolitan Opera in New York as Hall in London. On CD, he has performed Opéra National de Paris, she will again sing master classes at Schubertiades in the Lohengrin, a role he repeated at La Scala the title role in Křenek’s Johnny Spielt Auf, Die Walküre and Götterdämmerung, as Netherlands and Austria. in Milan. After singing Andrey in Khovansh- and in the opening season of the new op- well as perform in the complete Ring at the Previous performances in the Matinee china in Munich, he made his debut at the era house in Gotebörg he sang in Der Flie- Hamburg State Opera. She will sing Isolde include Verdi’s Ernani (1972), Tchaikovsky’s Bayreuth Festival as Walter von Stolzing in gende Holländer. In Göteborg and at the at Semperopera in Dresden and Elektra Eugene Onegin (1973), Rachmaninov’s Die Meistersinger. He was engaged by the Swedish Royal Opera in Stockholm, he sang in Stockholm. Dalayman has previously Aleko and The Bells (1974), Tchaikovsky’s Vienna State Opera to sing Erik in Lohengrin the roles of Jochanan in Salome, Amonasro appeared as Marie in Wozzeck (Brussels, Iolanta (1975), Martin’s Der Sturm (2008), and Paul in Die Tote Stadt, in Amsterdam he in Aida, and Scarpia in Tosca, and in the Paris, New York and Maggio Musicale in and Wagner’s Die Meistersinger (2008). sang Kaiser in Die Frau Ohne Schatten, and spring he also sang in Scott Joplin’s opera Florence), Elisabeth in Tannhäuser (Munich), at the Berlin State Opera he performed as Treemonisha in the Théâtre du Châtelet in in Die Meistersinger (Stuttgart), Lisa in Klaus Florian Vogt Parsifal Stolzing. This year, he will sing in productions Paris. In Göteborg, he sang the role of An- The Queen of Spades (Chicago, New York, Klaus Florian Vogt studied the French horn of Die Tote Stadt (Madrid), Parsifal (Geneva), kerström in Gustavo III, and in the original San Francisco en Munich), Ariadne (Milan, and was the first French hornist of the Ham- Der Fliegende Holländer (Opéra Bastille), Die version of Verdi’s Un ballo in Maschera. He Brussels, Dresden and Munich), the Duch- burg Philharmonic when he began studying Meistersinger (Bayreuth), and in the role of sang the roles of Telramund in Lohengrin ess of Parma in Busoni’s Doktor Faustus singing. Since joining Dresden’s Semper- the Prince in Rusalka (Bavarian State Opera). in the Cologne Opera and Klingsor in the (New York en Salzburg Festival), Brangäne oper in 1998, the tenor has sung the roles Göteborg Opera. in New York, Kundry in Paris, Katarina in of Tamino in Die Zauberflöte, Hans in The Krister St.Hill Klingsor Shostakovich’s Lady Macbeth of the Mt- Bartered Bride, Matteo in Arabella, and the The repertoire of the Swedish-Trinidadian Katarina Dalayman Kundry sensk District en Sieglinde (Covent Garden, title role in Lohengrin. Working independ- baritone Krister St. Hill encompasses widely After making her debut as Brünnhilde Stockholm and the Metropolitan Opera). ently since 2003, he has sung the roles of divergent roles, from Der Fliegende Hol- in Die Walküre, Siegfried en Götterdäm- On the concert stage, she has performed Stolzing in Die Meistersinger and Erik in Der länder to Sportin‘ Life in Porgy and Bess. He merung at the Royal Swedish Opera in with such conductors as Riccardo Chailly, Fliegende Holländer (Hamburg); Loge in Das debuted as Escamillo in Carmen in Stock- Stockholm, Katerina Dalayman repeated Sir Colin Davis, James Levine, Wolfgang 36 37
Sawallisch, Mark Elder and Myung-Whun Parsifal: „Das große Leid des Lebens“ oder nicht. Außerdem geht es in dem Werk Chung. Since December 2000, Dalayman um den immer wiederkehrenden Zyklus has been Hovsångere (Singer at the Swed- Der Philosoph Ernst Bloch nannte das von Zerstörung und Erneuerung, in dem die ish Court) for his Royal Highness the King Bühnenweihfestspiel Parsifal einst “ein Menschen auf dieser Erde gefangen sind. of Sweden. metaphysisches Adagio”, und mit dieser Be- schreibung brachte er Wagners letzte Oper Parsifal behandelt all diese Fragen und mehr. sowohl inhaltlich als auch musikalisch gese- Wagner selbst beschrieb das Thema seines hen mit zwei Worten auf den Punkt. Wenn Schwanengesangs als „Das große Leid des das bei Wagners Musikdramen überhaupt Lebens“. Alles, was er gegen Ende seines möglich ist, denn der Komponist hat sich ja Leben noch über das Leben, die Liebe, nie gescheut, seine Meinung über alles und Sexualität, Psychologie, Politik, Gesellschaft, jedes aus künstlerischer und nichtkünstle- Natur, Kunst, das Christentum, den Buddhis- rischer Sicht kundzutun. In Wagners Musik- mus, das Judentum und den Antisemitismus theater geht es um fundamentale Fragen sagen wollte, braute er in einem – wie man- der menschlichen Existenz. Tristan und che meinen giftigen – Gralsbecher zu einem Isolde handelt von einer alles verzehrenden turbulenten, vierstündigen sakralem Musik- Liebe und den Konsequenzen von Liebes- drama, zu einem „metaphysischem Adagio“ verlangen und Todestrieb. Das Werk setzt zusammen. Sakral im wortwörtlichen Sinne. sich darüber hinaus mit der Frage ausein- Wagners eigene Bezeichnung „Bühnenweih- ander, wie die eigene Persönlichkeit mittels festspiel“ bedeutet ein sowohl sakrales als der Liebe definiert werden kann oder wie auch festliches Theaterstück. Die Handlung der Verlust eben dieser Liebe zum Verlust von Parsifal verweist implizit und explizit auf der Identität führt. Der Ring des Nibelun- das Christentum und den kirchlichen Ritus. gen zeigt die Unvereinbarkeit von Liebe und Eine der vielen Ambitionen Wagners war es Machtstreben, erkundet aber gleichzeitig denn auch, das europäische Christentum mit auch, ob der Mensch einen freien Willen hat seiner eigenen rituellen Kunst zu ersetzen. 38 39
Der Ring war Wagners erster Versuch in diese blinden Willen und von instinktivem Über- gangen Werken ist die Tatsache, dass die und Lust zu. Wagner war sich sehr wohl Richtung. In Wagners persönlichem Mu- lebens-, Fortpflanzungs- und Todesdrang. Liebe in Parsifal nicht mehr vorkommt. Alle bewusst, was für einen enormen psychi- siktempel in Bayreuth konnten die Einwohner Alles andere war lediglich „Schein“, schöne, Figuren leben in einem Universum ohne schen Druck dies zur Folge hatte. Deshalb Europas nach dem Kauf einer nicht gerade aber relativ zwecklose Trugbilder. Liebe und Liebe, nur noch der Fortpflanzungstrieb, die versucht er, sich von der moralischen billigen Eintrittskarte erleben, wie der revolu- Liebesgefühle sind Schopenhauer zufolge Lust, ist übriggeblieben. Wir werden uns Bürde zu befreien und die Sexualität aus tionäre Held Siegfried alle alten Machtgefüge, dann auch lediglich Ausdrucksformen des später damit befassen, was Wagner diesem dem christlichen System herauszunehmen. inklusive der Götter, aus dem Weg fegte, um Fortpflanzungstriebs. Wagner kommt, in gegenüberstellt, aber es darf hier nicht Als Künstler vergibt er die Sünden, unter eine gerechtere Gesellschaft zu realisieren. Übereinstimmung mit Schopenhauer, zu unerwähnt bleiben, dass für Wagner, so denen die Welt stöhnt. Parsifal ist der Aber Siegfried scheiterte. Nicht nur weil der einer einfachen Schlussfolgerung: „Alles wie auch für Schopenhauer, der Fortpflan- Schlussstein dieser Ambitionen. Zugleich von Wagner konzipierte Handlungsverlauf Leben ist Leiden.“ Für den Menschen gibt zungstrieb keinesfalls moralisch anstößig ist. versucht er, die „von Sünden befreite“ das im Ring so verlangte, sondern auch aus es nur zwei Möglichkeiten, sich dem rück- Siegfried, der im Ring schon an demselben Menschheit in seine eigene Richtung zu der Erfahrung des Komponisten heraus, dass sichtslosen Egoismus des blinden Willens Übel litt, lebt in einer amoralischen, nicht in lotsen: seine Kunst soll letztendlich die sich die Menschheit nicht unbedingt befrei- zu entziehen: er kann sich ganz aus dem einer unmoralischen Welt – die Moral wird christliche Moral in Europa vollkommen en lassen will, selbst dann nicht, wenn man weltlichen Leben zurückziehen und sich nicht übertreten, sondern jegliche Moral ersetzen. geduldig erklärt, dass es für alle nachweisbar gänzlich dessen Verlockungen verweigern, fehlt. So auch in Parsifal, und das ist zumin- nur von Vorteil sein kann. Wagner war sich so wie Mönche das tun. Oder er kann sich dest teilweise das Geheimnis von Wagners Aber Wagner verstand auch, dass die von bewusst, dass die Utopie von der aufopfern- zumindest zeitweise durch das Erleben von großem Erfolg im 19. Jahrhundert. der Sexualität an sich ausgehende psycho- den Liebe, mit der Brünnhilde den Ring doch überwältigender Natur oder eines erhabe- logische Bürde nicht unbedingt die Folge noch zu einer Art Happy End bringt, lediglich nes Kunstwerks, vor allem der Musik, darü- Ganz abgesehen von der musikalischen eines konstruierten, christlichen Unterdrü- eine Schimäre war. ber erheben. Faszination gibt es auch eine inhaltliche. ckungsmechanismus war, sondern ein dem Europa im viktorianischen Zeitalter litt Menschen inhärentes Manko darstellte. In den Werken Arthur Schopenhauers Das „Problem der Liebe“ unter einem kolossalen Schuldbewusstsein Weil sich der Mensch hiervon nicht befreien begegnete Wagner schon dem nackten, Nach dem Ring musste Wagner das „Prob- gegenüber allem Körperlichen und Sexu- kann, entwickelt Wagner in Parsifal eine darwinistischen Kampf ums Überleben, lem der Liebe“ in einem neuen Werk versu- ellen. Sowohl der Katholizismus als auch ganz eigene „amoralische Ethik“. Und dann ohne die Illusion von jedweder Zivilisation. chen zu lösen. Dieses Werk ist Parsifal. Der der Protestantismus ließen kaum positive verwendet er – ausgerechnet – die christli- Hier wird der Mensch gelenkt von einem grundlegende Unterschied zu den vorange- Gefühle gegenüber physischer Liebe chen Attribute selbst. 40 41
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