Willkommen zum 3. Sonntag nach Trinitatis
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Welcome to the 3rd Trinity Sunday Willkommen zum 3. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 20.6.2021 Jesus spricht: Jesus says: „Der Menschensohn ist “The Son of Man gekommen, zu suchen came to seek and to und selig zu machen, save what was lost.“ was verloren ist.“ Luke 19:10 (Lukas 19,10)
(LH 305) 1 Today your mercy calls us /to wash away our sin, however great our trespass, whatever we have been; however long from mercy / our hearts have turned away, the precious blood can wash us / and make us clean today. 2 Today your gate is open, and all who enter in will find a Father's welcome, and pardon for their sin; the past will be forgotten, a present joy be given, a future grace be promised, a glorious crown in heaven.
3 Today our Father calls us, his Holy Spirit waits, his blessed angels gather / around the heavenly gates; no question will be asked us / how often we have come; although we've often wandered, it is our Father's home. 4 O all-embracing mercy! O ever-open gate! What should we do without you / when sorrows are too great? When all things seem against us, to drive us to despair, we know one door is open, one ear will hear our prayer.
Psalm 103:1-13 Psalm 103,1-13: 1 Praise the LORD, O my soul; all 1 Lobe den HERRN, meine Seele, my inmost being, praise his holy und was in mir ist, seinen heiligen name. Namen! 2 Praise the LORD, O my soul, 2 Lobe den HERRN, meine Seele, and forget not all his benefits-- und vergiß nicht, was er dir Gutes getan hat: 3 who forgives all your sins and 3 der dir alle deine Sünde vergibt heals all your diseases, und heilet alle deine Gebrechen, 4 who redeems your life from the 4 der dein Leben vom Verderben pit and crowns you with love and erlöst, der dich krönet mit Gnade compassion, und Barmherzigkeit, 5 who satisfies your desires with 5 der deinen Mund fröhlich macht, good things so that your youth is und du wieder jung wirst wie ein renewed like the eagle's. Adler. 6 The LORD works righteous- 6 Der HERR schafft Gerechtig- ness and justice for all the keit und Recht allen, die Unrecht oppressed. leiden.
7 He made known his ways to Moses, 7 Er hat seine Wege Mose wissen his deeds to the people of Israel: lassen, die Kinder Israel sein Tun. 8 The LORD is compassionate and 8 Barmherzig und gnädig ist der gracious, slow to anger, abounding HERR, geduldig und von großer in love. Güte. 9 He will not always accuse, nor will 9 Er wird nicht für immer hadern he harbor his anger forever; noch ewig zornig bleiben. 10 he does not treat us as our sins 10 Er handelt nicht mit uns nach deserve or repay us according to unsern Sünden und vergilt uns our iniquities. nicht nach unsrer Missetat. 11 For as high as the heavens are 11 Denn so hoch der Himmel über above the earth, so great is his love der Erde ist, läßt er seine Gnade for those who fear him; 12 as far as the east is from the walten über denen, die ihn fürchten. west, so far has he removed our 12 So fern der Morgen ist vom transgressions from us. Abend, läßt er unsre 13 As a father has compassion on his Übertretungen von uns sein. children, so the LORD has 13 Wie sich ein Vater über Kinder compassion on those who fear him; erbarmt, so erbarmt sich der HERR über die, die ihn fürchten.
Epistle 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Epistel: 1 Timotheus 1,12-17 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has Ich danke unserm Herrn Christus Jesus, der given me strength, that he considered me mich stark gemacht und für treu erachtet hat faithful, appointing me to his service. Even und in das Amt eingesetzt, mich, der ich though I was once a blasphemer and a früher ein Lästerer und ein Verfolger und persecutor and a violent man, I was shown ein Frevler war; aber mir ist Barmherzigkeit mercy because I acted in ignorance and widerfahren, denn ich habe es unwissend unbelief. The grace of our Lord was getan, im Unglauben. Es ist aber desto poured out on me abundantly, along with reicher geworden die Gnade unseres Herrn the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. samt dem Glauben und der Liebe, die in Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves Christus Jesus ist. Das ist gewißlich wahr full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the und ein Wort, des Glaubens wert, daß world to save sinners-- of whom I am the Christus Jesus in die Welt gekommen ist, worst. But for that very reason I was die Sünder selig zu machen, unter denen ich shown mercy so that in me, the worst of der erste bin. Aber darum ist mir sinners, Christ Jesus might display his Barmherzigkeit widerfahren, daß Christus Jesus an mir als erstem alle Geduld erweise, unlimited patience as an example for those zum Vorbild denen, die an ihn glauben who would believe on him and receive sollten zum ewigen Leben. Aber Gott, dem eternal life. Now to the King eternal, ewigen König, dem Unvergänglichen und immortal, invisible, the only God, be Unsichtbaren, der allein Gott ist, sei Ehre honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. und Preis in Ewigkeit! Amen.
LH 317/ EG 353 1 Jesus sinners will receive - words for all to hear and ponder, all who know their sin, and grieve, all who lose God's way, and wander. This alone sure hope can give: Jesus sinners will receive. 2 When the sheep have lost their way, their good shepherd goes to seek them; Jesus seeks out all who stray, faithfully to find and take them / in his arms that they may live - Jesus sinners will receive.
4. Kommet alle, kommet her, kommet, ihr betrübten Sünder! Jesus rufet euch, und er/ macht aus Sündern Gottes Kinder. Glaubet's doch und denket dran: Jesus nimmt die Sünder an. 5. Ich Betrübter komme hier/ und bekenne meine Sünden; laß, mein Heiland, mich bei dir/ Gnade zur Vergebung finden, daß dies Wort mich trösten kann: Jesus nimmt die Sünder an.
Gospel Luke 15:1-7: Evangelium Lukas 15, 1-7 Now the tax collectors and "sinners" Es nahten sich ihm aber allerlei Zöllner were all gathering around to hear him. und Sünder, um ihn zu hören. Und die But the Pharisees and the teachers of the Pharisäer und Schriftgelehrten murrten law muttered, "This man welcomes und sprachen: „Dieser nimmt die Sünder sinners and eats with them.“ Then Jesus an und ißt mit ihnen.“ Er sagte aber zu told them this parable: "Suppose one of ihnen dies Gleichnis und sprach: „Welcher you has a hundred sheep and loses one Mensch ist unter euch, der hundert Schafe hat und, wenn er eins von ihnen verliert, of them. Does he not leave the ninety- nicht die neunundneunzig in der Wüste nine in the open country and go after the läßt und geht dem verlorenen nach, bis er's lost sheep until he finds it? And when he findet? Und wenn er's gefunden hat, so finds it, he joyfully puts it on his legt er sich's auf die Schultern voller shoulders and goes home. Then he calls Freude. Und wenn er heimkommt, ruft er his friends and neighbors together and seine Freunde und Nachbarn und spricht says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my zu ihnen: Freut euch mit mir; denn ich lost sheep.‘ I tell you that in the same habe mein Schaf gefunden, das verloren way there will be more rejoicing in war. Ich sage euch: So wird auch Freude heaven over one sinner who repents than im Himmel sein über einen Sünder, der over ninety-nine righteous persons who Buße tut, mehr als über neunundneunzig do not need to repent. Gerechte, die der Buße nicht bedürfen.“
Creed: I believe in God, the Father Glaube: Ich glaube an Gott, den Almighty, maker of heaven and Vater, den Allmächtigen, den Schöpfer earth. And in Jesus Christ, his des Himmels und der Erde. only Son, our Lord: who was Und an Jesus Christus, seinen eingeborenen Sohn, unsern Herrn, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born empfangen durch den Heiligen Geist, of the virgin Mary, suffered under geboren von der Jungfrau Maria, Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, gelitten unter Pontius Pilatus, and buried: he descended into gekreuzigt, gestorben und begraben, hell, the third day he rose from the hinabgestiegen in das Reich des Todes, dead, he ascended into heaven, and am dritten Tage auferstanden von den is seated on the right hand of God, Toten, aufgefahren in den Himmel; er the Father Almighty, from where sitzt zur Rechten Gottes, des he shall come to judge the living allmächtigen Vaters; von dort wird er and the dead. kommen, zu richten die Lebenden und I believe in the Holy Spirit, the die Toten. Ich glaube an den Heiligen Geist, die holy Christian church, the commu- heilige christliche Kirche, Gemein- nion of saints, the forgiveness of schaft der Heiligen, Vergebung der sins, the resurrection of the body, Sünden, Auferstehung der Toten und and the life everlasting. Amen. das ewige Leben. Amen.
EG 400: 1. Ich will dich lieben, meine Stärke, ich will dich lieben, meine Zier; ich will dich lieben mit dem Werke und immerwährender Begier. Ich will dich lieben, schönstes Licht, bis mir das Herze bricht. 2. Ich will dich lieben, o mein Leben, als meinen allerbesten Freund;ich will dich lieben und erheben, solange mich dein Glanz bescheint; ich will dich lieben, Gottes Lamm, als meinen Bräutigam. 7. Ich will dich lieben, meine Krone, ich will dich lieben, meinen Gott; ich will dich lieben ohne Lohne auch in der allergrößten Not; ich will dich lieben, schönstes Licht, bis mir das Herze bricht.
How God’s Forgiveness reaches us, and others through us? Wie erreicht Gottes Vergebung uns, und andere durch uns? Sermon: Luke 15:11- 32 Predigt: Lukas 15:11-32 . Martin Luther Wartburg, 1521: Translation of N.T. 500 years ago, Übersetzung des N.T. vor 500 Jahren.
Luke 15:11-32: The Return of the Prodigal Son; By Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) ; Painting by Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) in St Petersburg; The theme of this Sunday has to do with “lost and found”, or seeking and searching for someone who has gone missing. Jesus tells the story of his main mission, of his primary calling, as seeking to save those who are lost. He is like a shepherd who can leave 99 sheep in the safety of the sheep-pen for the time being, to search and find the one lost sheep. In this parable he actually speaks of three persons who have lost someone, and how they may find the missing person again. A Catholic priest, Henri Nouwen (1932-1996), taking a sabbatical from his work, travelled to the Hermitage in St Petersburg in Russia and for some months meditated on the original painting by the Dutch painter, Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) and wrote a book: “The Return of the Prodigal Son”. We each have and often use our different strengths and weaknesses in our relationship with others. It is as if Jesus in this story can look right through us and our deepest motives, vices, wishes and hopes.
The Return of the Prodigal Son; By Henri Nouwen; Painting by Rembrandt van Rijn in Petersburg; Die Umkehr des verlorenen Sohnes. Nach Henri Nouwen. Zeichnung von Rembrandt van Rijn in St. Petersburg;
Luke 15:11-20 Jesus said: There was a man Luke 15:11-20: Jesus sprach: ,Ein Mensch who had two sons. The younger one said to hatte zwei Söhne. Und der jüngere von ihnen his father, 'Father, give me my share of the sprach zu dem Vater: „Gib mir, Vater, das estate.' So he divided his property between Erbteil, das mir zusteht.“ Und er teilte Hab und them. Not long after that, the younger son Gut unter sie. Und nicht lange danach got together all he had, set off for a distant sammelte der jüngere Sohn alles zusammen country and there squandered his wealth in und zog in ein fernes Land; und dort brachte er sein Erbteil durch mit Prassen. Als er nun all wild living. After he had spent everything, das Seine verbraucht hatte, kam eine große there was a severe famine in that whole Hungersnot über jenes Land, und er fing an zu country, and he began to be in need. So he darben und ging hin und hängte sich an einen went and hired himself out to a citizen of that Bürger jenes Landes; der schickte ihn auf country, who sent him to his fields to feed seinen Acker, die Säue zu hüten. Und er pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the begehrte, seinen Bauch zu füllen mit den pods that the pigs were eating, but no one Schoten, die die Säue fraßen; und niemand gab gave him anything. When he came to his sie ihm. Da ging er in sich und sprach: „Wie senses, he said, 'How many of my father's viele Tagelöhner hat mein Vater, die Brot in hired men have food to spare, and here I am Fülle haben, und ich verderbe hier im Hunger! starving to death! I will set out and go back Ich will mich aufmachen und zu meinem Vater to my father and say to him: Father, I have gehen und zu ihm sagen: ‚Vater, ich habe sinned against heaven and against you. I am gesündigt gegen den Himmel und vor dir. Ich no longer worthy to be called your son; make bin hinfort nicht mehr wert, daß ich dein Sohn me like one of your hired men.‘ So he got up heiße; mache mich zu einem deiner and went to his father. Tagelöhner!‘“ Und er machte sich auf und kam zu seinem Vater.
The conversion of the lost son Die Umkehr des verlorenen Sohnes
1. The Conversion of the lost Son; (Luke 15:11-20: ) “I am the younger son of my parents. I found life at home boring. I needed more excitement, I wanted more from life. I could no longer stand just to work for my father. So I asked him for my share of the inheritance. I know I would only receive this after he had died. He looked at me sad, but then let me go. When I was abroad I had a good life, with some high-risk investments, a new sports-car, parties with pretty-looking girls, many supporting friends. I became spend-thrifty, and started to squander my property. I soon forgot my upbringing, forgot my career, and became dependent on some life-enhancing drugs. Then the Corona epidemic came over our country and over the whole world, markets crashed, investments on the stock- market fell, I lost my work, my girl-friend, everything I had. I even no longer had the basic needs of food and shelter. Those who had been my so-called friends when I was rich, turned out to not know me anymore. I became dependent on others, submissive and helpless in the times of trials. I lost my high home-based self- esteem, and inborn pride and became a slave of my needs. I realised I had become a wreck of loose life, and I was in a nervous and depressed state. My highly appreciated work-standard changed. It was as if I was now down-graded to the lowest social level. (As in the painting) I had to have my hair cut because I had lice, I lost my dagger as a sign of self-preservation and self-defence. My clothes were torn. My sandals broke and I could only walk bare-foot in the cold.
I had to perform duties which only servants had to perform at home, of feeding pigs. However I remembered that the pigs at home were better fed and kept, than me looking for throw-away food in the city’s rubbish bins. I became inhibited and indifferent, subjective and hostile. Through my own temperament, decisions and surroundings and through the pandemic I had become a wreck. I am no longer the proud son of a wealthy and respected father What do I have left of my life? Nothing. I am a nobody. My own life is fundamentally and finally judged by the experiences and losses I have made. One light of hope begins glowing in the darkness, as a smouldering wick of a candle. I could return home to my parents, but only as a servant, so that I at least have the basic needs of shelter, food and clothing. The only way to become a free, composed, sympathetic, confident, tolerant and disciplined man is to start again. It would start by returning home and starting to rebuild the broken-off communication, the disturbed conversation again with my parents: “Father, Mother, I have taken wrong decisions, have concentrated on wrong ideals and priorities. I have discarded and forgotten our loving heavenly Father, as well as you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. I have no rights or privileges, no family standing. But I am willing to serve as one of your hired men.” This faint idea changes into a fixed decision, a conversion, a turn-around. A lost soul is seeking for renewal.
20-24 But while he was still a long 20b-24: Als er aber noch weit entfernt way off, his father saw him and war, sah ihn sein Vater, und es was filled with compassion for jammerte ihn; er lief und fiel ihm um him; he ran to his son, threw his den Hals und küßte ihn. Der Sohn arms around him and kissed him. aber sprach zu ihm: „Vater, ich habe The son said to him, 'Father, I have gesündigt gegen den Himmel und vor sinned against heaven and against dir; ich bin hinfort nicht mehr wert, you. I am no longer worthy to be daß ich dein Sohn heiße.“ Aber der called your son.’ But the father Vater sprach zu seinen Knechten: „Bringt schnell das beste Gewand her said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring und zieht es ihm an und gebt ihm the best robe and put it on him. Put einen Ring an seine Hand und Schuhe a ring on his finger and sandals on an seine Füße und bringt das his feet. Bring the fattened calf and gemästete Kalb und schlachtet's; laßt kill it. Let's have a feast and uns essen und fröhlich sein! Denn celebrate. For this son of mine was dieser mein Sohn war tot und ist dead and is alive again; he was lost wieder lebendig geworden; er war and is found.' So they began to verloren und ist gefunden worden.“ celebrate. Und sie fingen an, fröhlich zu sein.
The Conversion of the Father’s love Die Umkehr der Liebe des Vaters
2. The Confirmation of the Father’s (lost) love; (Luke 15:20-24) “Nobody can fathom the hurt, despair and loss I feel and experience since my younger son has left us. (His mother is very faintly drawn behind me in the painting). I often asked myself: have I failed him? Have I been too soft and lenient, or too authoritative and strict with him? Was there more to his general accusations that he could not experience my love and compassion while he was still working with me? I truly miss him, even if he has decided to go his own way. Every day I look out for him with sore heart. For many months we have not heard of him anymore. I enquired and searched overseas, hired a detective firm to search what had become of my son – but without any results. // Then one day I saw a run-down figure slowly walking towards our house. And then I recognised him, my lost son coming along the winding dusty road. I recognised him immediately. I ran out to him and embraced him, although he was a total wreck and was smelling like a pig. I was filled with compassion when I kissed him. At last he had come back. With his bad behaviour, his faults and sins, he had caused me much hurt and worry, frustration and anger. But I have not only a strict and punishing fatherly side but also a caring motherly side. You can can see my two different hands on his back in the painting, a mother’s hand and a father’s hand. I laid both on the back of my lost son and thereby accepted him back. I had found him who was lost. I quickly organized a feast and gave him the symbols of power and renewed his position as a son of the house, a sibling to his elder brother, he was a free man again. As the painting shows my blind eyes, I have become blind to his past. Having him back was worth more than being right with good sight.
25-32 Meanwhile, the older son was in the 25-32 Aber der ältere Sohn war auf dem Feld. field. When he came near the house, he Und als er nahe zum Hause kam, hörte er heard music and dancing. So he called one Singen und Tanzen und rief zu sich einen der of the servants and asked him what was Knechte, und fragte, was das wäre. Der aber going on. 'Your brother has come,' he sagte ihm: „Dein Bruder ist gekommen, und replied, 'and your father has killed the dein Vater hat das gemästete Kalb ge- fattened calf because he has him back safe schlachtet, weil er ihn gesund wieder hat.“ Da and sound. ‘The older brother became wurde er zornig und wollte nicht hineingehen. angry and refused to go in. So his father Da ging sein Vater heraus und bat ihn. Er went out and pleaded with him. But he antwortete aber und sprach zu seinem Vater: answered his father, 'Look! All these years „Siehe, so viele Jahre diene ich dir und habe I've been slaving for you and never dein Gebot noch nie übertreten, und du hast disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave mir nie einen Bock gegeben, daß ich mit me even a young goat so I could celebrate meinen Freunden fröhlich gewesen wäre. Nun with my friends. But when this son of aber, da dieser dein Sohn gekom-men ist, der yours who has squandered your property dein Hab und Gut mit Huren ver-praßt hat, hast du ihm das gemästete Kalb ge- with prostitutes comes home, you kill the schlachtet.“ Er aber sprach zu ihm: „Mein fattened calf for him!‘ 'My son,' the father Sohn, du bist allezeit bei mir, und alles, was said, 'you are always with me, and mein ist, das ist dein. Du solltest aber fröhlich everything I have is yours. But we had to und guten Mutes sein; denn dieser dein Bru- celebrate and be glad, because this brother der war tot und ist wieder lebendig geworden, of yours was dead and is alive again; he er war verloren und ist wiedergefunden.“ was lost and is found.’
The calling of the other lost son Die Umkehr des anderen verlorenen Sohnes
3. The Re-calling of the other lost son (Luke 15: 25-32): “I am a strong person. I obey my parents. My first concern is not what I want, but what is good for others. I am trustworthy and people can absolutely depend on my integrity. I am willing to stand up for what is right and I absolutely do not allow myself or anybody else to fault. I am standing as straight as the walking stick of Moses, and I stand as straight to hold the two tables with the Ten Commandments. God can use me and my gifts to serve others, and to the welfare of others. For me it is a disgrace to let yourself go. I have no time for the weak. And therefore I absolutely abhor what my father’s other son did, squander the goods of our father, live a loose life with fine women and prostitutes. He cannot be my brother as long as he leads such a life. I also cannot understand my father, he has become too soft, he just allows everything instead of standing up for what is right. He has become too compassionate and is dictated by his feelings of guilt. But then my Father came out to me when I was so disappointed and angry with him. He spoke to me that he accepted me as I am. He was not judgmental. And it suddenly fell like scales from my eyes. My Father showed me that my strong talents and gifts could also have a negative side. If I am too proper, too composed, too active, too dominant and self-disciplined then I actually have no antenna to understand my Father's love and grace anymore.
I do everything right, but am so strong that my talents, gifts and strengths suppress the other, my brother and my sister. Sometimes the little tree plant is trying to grow but does not get enough light and breathing space, because the large, strong tree is just too dominant and suppresses the talents of the other. I have to realize that my strengths are not only positive, as I use them to dominate in different relationships I am in. Often my strengths might hinder others in developing their gifts or their self-esteem. They might think that if I can do it so well, why should they even try, as they would never succeed in doing what I am able to do. I want to start and come back into the house and try also to find my brother again and thereby learn to respect and love my Father, and my Mother.” Amen
LH 329/Mel 330:1 By grace I'm saved, grace free and boundless: My heart, believe, and doubt it not./Why tremble we with terror groundless? Has Scripture e'er a falsehood taught? Then this word also true must be: By grace the crown is won for me. 4 By grace! this ground of our salvation, As long as God is true, endures: What saints have penned by inspiration, What God by His own Word assures, What all our faith must rest upon, Is grace, free grace, through His dear Son.
EKG 444 (Mel 330) 3 Aus Gnaden! Dieser Grund wird bleiben, solange Gott wahrhaftig heißt. Was alle Knechte Jesu schreiben, was Gott in seinem Wort anpreist, worauf all unser Glaube ruht, ist: Gnade durch des Lammes Blut. 5 Aus Gnaden bleibt dem zagen Herzen / das Herz des Vaters aufgetan, wenns unter größter Angst und Schmerzen /nichts sieht und nichts mehr hoffen kann. Wo nähm ich oftmals Stärkung her, wenn Gnade nicht mein Anker wär?
(sung) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. Amen
LH 411/ EG 351 1 If God is my defender, there's nothing I need fear. All enemies surrender/ since he is always near. If Christ, my head and master, befriends me from above, what power or disaster / can part me from his love? 2 This I believe - or rather, about this I will boast,/ that God is my dear Father, the friend who loves me most. Whatever may still happen, my Lord remains my guide; though storm and wave may threaten, he's always by my side.
3. Der Grund, da ich mich gründe, ist Christus und sein Blut; das machet, daß ich finde / das ewge, wahre Gut. An mir und meinem Leben / ist nichts auf dieser Erd; was Christus mir gegeben, das ist der Liebe wert. 13. Mein Herze geht in Sprüngen / und kann nicht traurig sein, ist voller Freud und Singen, sieht lauter Sonnenschein. Die Sonne, die mir lachet, ist mein Herr Jesus Christ; das, was mich singen machet, ist, was im Himmel ist.
„Der Menschensohn ist gekommen, zu suchen und selig zu machen, was verloren ist.“ “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
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